Kurt Cobain quotes in English. Kurt Cobain - quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases

Working women do not always afford a gym membership or even purchase a home gym. There is neither time nor energy for all this, they complain. Find just half an hour a day. At the right approach this is quite enough for qualitative change health and figure. Here are three steps to get in shape.

Step 1. Cardio

Cardio doesn't always mean spending hours on the treadmill. Can be achieved great success in losing weight and training your heart in just 30 minutes a day! High-intensity interval training is a form of stop-and-go training that burns a lot of calories in a short period of time. Moreover, calorie burning continues after exercise! Try this approach. And if you don’t have time to go to a fitness club to take stop-and-go training lessons, then do the classes at home. You will need a simple one and a stopwatch.

First you need to warm up your muscles. This can be as simple as walking or running for 2 minutes. If you want to warm up with a jump rope, then jump into at a slow pace 2 minutes.

Let's start training.

1. 20 seconds – intense jumping rope. As quickly as possible for you.

2. 10 seconds – Stop. Take a breather and relax.

4. Four minutes of training are over. After this, take a 1-minute break.

5. Now repeat the training points, starting from the first, until the 30-minute lesson has passed.

6. After half an hour of jumping, spend a couple more minutes walking at a moderate pace.

Step 2: Use your body

And these exercises are for those who do not have the opportunity to attend classes in the gym. Use what you have. This is your body. Here is a set of exercises that will help you become slim in just 30 minutes a day. You will need a towel.

1. Warm up. Run in place, raising your knees high to your chest, 30 minutes. Then walk for 30 minutes, raising your heels back as high as possible, towards your buttocks. Alternate these types of walking for 3 minutes.

2. Lie on your stomach. Lift your weight using only your toes and forearms. The back is straight, the thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for 30-45 seconds.

3. Stand with your back to the wall. Place your feet half a meter apart. Walk down the wall, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor while sitting. Hold for 20-40 seconds.

4. Place one foot on a towel. Step back and lunge with your front leg, bending your knee no more than 90 degrees. Tighten your butt muscles and try to return to a standing position by sliding your other leg along the floor with a towel. Repeat for each leg 12 times.

5. Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms above your head, legs straight. Raise your arms and legs off the floor. Hold for 2 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.

6. Push-ups. Beginners can do push-ups on their knees. Repeat 12 times.

7. Bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees, slightly away from your buttocks. Tighten your hips and reach up toward the ceiling, resting on your heels. Keep your thighs tense for 2 seconds and squeeze your buttocks. Repeat 12-15 times.

Once you have completed the entire complex, rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat the complex 2-3 times. It will take just 30 minutes.

Step 3: Eat and Cleanse!

Now that you have mastered simple exercises and were able to devote 30 minutes a day to physical activity, it's time to go further and reconsider your daily diet. - This is just part of the weight loss program. You need to use everything that affects your figure. Moreover, even the most disciplined person cannot always hope for regular training.

And the rules of nutrition remain simple: you need to eat as few empty calories as possible and as much healthy clean food as possible. Include whole grains, grilled chicken, fish, lean beef, vegetables and fruits in your diet. We replace all drinks only with water! This diet will deceive your appetite and reduce the abundance of fatty foods.

So, it’s up to you to get in good shape without leaving home. Exercise with a jump rope or do our set of exercises for 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week. Think more about and strive for it. These are easy and accessible steps to slimness. Within a month you will feel that you have become more resilient, anxiety and stress have disappeared, and doctors will confirm that the cardiovascular system started working better.

"Can't be! There is absolutely nothing left until the most important event, and I am not ready yet: my figure is not the same, my hair and nails are in a deplorable state! What should I do?" This often happens to women when there is little time left before a vacation, a friend’s wedding, or the New Year, for example, 30 days. Agree, a little. To get yourself in order, you need to do so much. I once had this problem. 30 days, that is 4 weeks, 720 hours, 43200 seconds and a lot of ways to renew yourself. If you think about it, not so little if you approach the matter wisely. Let's get started!

There is no need to even discuss that for a woman this is a force majeure situation. Limited amount of time great amount tasks, the mission indeed seems impossible. In order to cope with success, I made a plan for myself, from which I should under no circumstances deviate.

How I quickly toned up my figure with these exercises

There is no need to say much about how important they are for our body. physical exercise. Sports activities strengthen the body, add energy, and give a boost. positive emotions, diversify our lives and, most importantly, are an excellent prevention of many diseases.

I have many friends who study in gym, one even works as a trainer in a fitness club. I decided to talk to this girl and find out the secret: how quickly, namely in 30 days, without visiting the gym. What she told me turned out to be a great discovery for me and changed all my ideas about physical exercise. A friend told me about amazing person, fitness trainer, author of books about healthy eating, video lessons with training for various purposes and intensity - Jillian Michaels. And she gave me advice to take a 30-day weight loss video course.

I'll tell you briefly about this course. The complex is designed specifically for people who do not exercise on a regular basis, but want to lose weight and tone their body. The course lasts 30 days and includes 3 ten-day levels. There is a day break between levels. Each workout lasts approximately 30 minutes. Before the first lesson, I thought that this was just another nonsense that would not help transform the body so quickly. But I was mistaken, because the first results became noticeable after two weeks of intensive training. Jillian Michaels' video tutorials can be found on the Internet and you can practice them for your own pleasure.

Restored my hair in 30 days – it couldn’t be easier!

Few people can boast of naturally luxuriant hair, smoothness and shine. All this can be achieved with a little effort and simple procedures.

After another trip to the hairdresser, I decided to take care of my hair responsibly, because I have 30 days to transform it.

Let's begin. I love cosmetics and essential oils. And there is nothing better for hair than almond oil and nettle oil. Making masks from them is simple, and the effect will be gorgeous.

How I prepare hair masks

I pour the oil into a container (they can be mixed together) and put it in the microwave to warm it up a little. I apply warm oil to the roots and massage into the skin. Then I distribute the oil evenly over the entire length of my hair, put on a shower cap and wrap my head in a towel. I do this mask 2-3 times a week and leave it on for at least 2 hours, sometimes I leave it on overnight. Then, as usual, I wash my hair with shampoo. Many people think that oil is difficult to wash off, but this is not true. There is no hint of an oil film left on the hair. Oils give curls softness, shine and strength.

Scalp scrub is another favorite hair care product of mine.

For the scrub, I use ground sea salt (the main condition is naturalness, without dyes or fragrances) and kefir. Apply the mixture to moistened skin and massage in for 3 minutes. But you don’t need to get carried away with scrubbing, because to effectively strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth, 1 procedure every 2 weeks is enough.

Personally tested recipes for skin care for hands and feet

Our hands and feet also need care. Often there is no time or opportunity to go to the salon to see a specialist. In this case, home manicure and pedicure procedures come to the rescue.

The skin of the hands is most susceptible negative impact external factors - cleaning, cooking, washing, frost, wind and much more. To do household chores, I recommend buying surgical gloves at the pharmacy; they are durable and perfectly protect the skin from harmful elements. As for beauty treatments, stores sell a bunch of ready-made scrubs, masks, exfoliants, serums and the like.

But I love using homemade cosmetics, and therefore I want to recommend a number of home spa treatments.

  1. Scrub. Dry skin is unpleasant to the touch. To make it soft and remove dead cells, I use table salt and almond oil. Using a cotton swab, I rub this mixture into the skin of my hands. After exfoliation, you should use a moisturizer. It is enough to do a scrub once a week.
  2. Mask. The simplest but most effective procedure. Take any moisturizing hand cream, mix it with almond or apricot oil, apply to the skin and put on manicure gloves (sold in cosmetic stores) overnight. It is better to do this mask every day, it will ensure hydration and softness of the skin.
  3. Hand bath. An affordable and effective remedy. I mix with warm water 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of almond oil and hold the hands for 10 minutes. This will help soften and smooth out rough skin.

Now let's talk about the legs. Scrub your feet well with sea salt and pumice, lubricate them with rich cream at night and put on socks. Nowadays special socks for pedicure are very popular. Inside there is a composition with the addition of lactic acid, which exfoliates dead cells, making the skin of the feet soft and smooth.

A good cosmetologist is not lying around; a professional in his field is not easy to find. I was lucky in this, although I am not a frequent guest with him. And all because the specialist explained to me how to care for my skin in order to avoid serious problems.

My cosmetologist's advice:

  1. - the key to healthy skin. To do this, you can use gel, foam, mousse, the main thing is to choose a product for your skin type. I cleanse it 2 times a day - morning and evening.
  2. After cleansing, you should tone the skin with toner. I came to the conclusion that I should use better means no alcohol content. The skin does not dry out and therefore does not produce excessive sebum.
  3. Hydration. All skin needs hydration, even oily skin. For this I use the cream morning and evening.

I have combination skin and often break out. My cosmetologist advised me to try a miracle remedy, zinc ointment. Sold in any pharmacy, it costs a penny, and the results of use are amazing. It dries out pimples, heals wounds after them, and has a calming effect.

I also have tea tree oil in my arsenal. I apply it directly to an inflamed pimple, it dries it out perfectly.

A honey mask is another remedy recommended by the cosmetologist. Honey is a natural product used for cosmetic purposes. Apply honey to the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave for 20 minutes. Before washing off the mask, I begin to rub in honey with massage movements; it exfoliates better and more gently than any scrub. It is enough to use this mask once a week.

A month is not a long time to get your figure in order. However, it is precisely at this time that the lovely beauties remember that New Year is just around the corner and you urgently need to lose weight in order to fit into favorite dress and on new year party be dazzling. But is it possible to achieve this for so much? short term?

Indeed, in 30 days fundamental change It’s impossible to achieve a figure, but losing 5–7 kilograms and correcting your figure is quite possible. True, to achieve this, you will have to, as they say, “beat” on all fronts, moving to dietary food and starting to exercise. But first things first.

Physical activity for weight loss for the New Year holidays

Aerobic training

To get in shape in a month and amaze everyone slim figure First of all, you need to tune in to aerobic training (cardio training), at least three times a week. Running would be ideal in this regard, but only if your weight is not too heavy and your joints and spine do not hurt from running. Running on icy roads is not the best the best option, and therefore for exercise it is better to purchase a subscription to a fitness club. Any gym will do, even economy class, where there is a cardio zone with a treadmill and a good old exercise bike. And if there is a swimming pool near your house, swimming will be a good alternative to jogging and cycling.

Cardio training – perfect way get rid of extra pounds in a short time. If you are not lazy and accompany physical exercise proper nutrition, literally in a month you can lose from 5 to 10 kilograms! Moreover, if you have not played sports before, the weight will come off especially quickly. True, for this it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • It is better to conduct training in the evening;
  • consult with the instructor about best exercises for your figure and problem areas;
  • each workout should last at least 45 minutes;
  • it is important to train by heart rate, as if by yourself effective way load control.

Not many people know about such a thing as the “fat burning zone,” that is, the state of the body in which the most intensive breakdown of adipose tissue occurs. For this it is important to long time keep your heart rate within certain limits. Calculating these limits is quite simple; you just need to subtract your own age from the reference value of 220, and then multiply the result by factors of 0.6 and 0.8. The results obtained will be the lower and upper limits of the “fat burning zone”.

For example, a girl aged 25 years old should have a pulse within the following limits when working on exercise machines: 220-25=195; 195*0.6=117; 195*0.8=156. The heart rate level is from 117 to 156 and will be ideal for activities aimed at getting rid of excess weight.

By the way, if there is no suitable fitness club nearby, and running is contraindicated for you, you can replace aerobic training with brisk walking. True, in this case you will have to study for at least an hour and a half.

With all this, you will not be able to correctly shape your figure with cardio training alone. In addition to aerobic training, don't neglect exercise at home. The most effective of them are:

1. Push-ups

This is wonderful strength exercise strengthens pectoral muscles and trains the triceps, which means it will allow you to get in order top part bodies. It is better for men to perform the exercise in the classic “lying position”, and women can perform push-ups on their knees.

2. Squats

Bodyweight squats are a great exercise for those who need to strengthen their glutes and the front and back of their thighs. When performing this element, start with 2 sets of 20 times and gradually increase the load.

3. Crunches

Another basic exercise which will put your abdominal muscles in order and allow you to return beautiful waist. Crunches can be straight, but greater fat burning can be achieved by performing oblique crunches, which means pumping not only the rectus abdominis, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

This difficult, but very effective exercise should definitely be in your arsenal if you intend to lose maximum kilograms in a short time. The plank is a universal exercise, because by stretching out and holding your body on your elbows for 3-5 minutes, you will pump up not only your abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of your back, arms and legs.

5. Raising arms to the sides

Having small dumbbells on hand, be sure to use them in your gymnastics. The ideal element for tidying up your arms and shoulders is to raise your arms to the sides with weights. Take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg in your hands and evenly lift them until they are parallel to the floor, and then lower them down. Start with two sets of 8 lifts and gradually increase the number of lifts.

Do these physical exercises three times a week, alternating them with aerobic training in the fitness club, and in just a month you will notice excellent weight loss results. True, for this it is important to choose a suitable diet, because proper nutrition is the second important component of losing weight.

Nervous system, sleep and rest

To succeed in achieving your goal, you need adequate sleep and rest. Lack of sleep leads to obesity, and lack of rest leads to chronic fatigue syndrome, which in turn leads to overeating, and all the efforts spent on achieving harmony will go down the drain. Sleep should be sufficient for 7-8 hours, but not excessive; longer sleep does not contribute to rest and also leads to weight gain. Don't forget to maintain room humidity (the air should not be dry) and moderate temperature (18-20 degrees).

It is unlikely that you will be able to go on vacation, but light walks (alone or in a pleasant company) in the fresh air in the evenings and weekends will give you a feeling of relaxation, balance and calm, and will improve the process of falling asleep.

Water contrast treatments in the morning will tone the body and prepare you for the working day, and a warm and relaxing shower in the evening will relieve fatigue, even out your mood and prepare you for bed. Water procedures together with dietary restrictions, they will cleanse the skin, it will take on a healthier and more rested appearance.

You should take care of your mood and peace of mind, do not succumb to stress, despondency and decadent moods, do not be sad and do not yearn, positive emotions will help you overcome a difficult period of dietary restrictions. On the contrary, you should get carried away by some interesting thing, bringing benefit and joy, distracting from food and heavy thoughts about one’s own imperfection. This could be decorating an apartment for the New Year, developing a New Year's Eve scenario, drawing up a program of events for the days winter holidays, making your own gifts for loved ones, etc.

Diet food for weight loss for the New Year

To approach the New Year holidays in great shape, think about proper nutrition at least a month before the appointed date. To make it easier for you to adhere to dietary restrictions, take note of our nutrition tips for each of the 4 weeks.

Meals four weeks before the new year

If you decide to lose excess weight before the New Year holidays, start with the foods that you should exclude from your diet. First of all, these are fatty meats, smoked foods and fried foods. Meat products (sausages, sausages, ham, etc.) should be completely excluded from the diet; these products contain a lot of salt, spices and animal fats. All kinds of sweets, flour products, mayonnaise and ketchup, baked goods, corn and potatoes should also be banned. The same applies to sweet soda and alcoholic drinks, with the exception of a glass of dry red wine.

It is necessary to exclude hot spices from the diet, they whet the appetite, and reduce salt intake, it retains water in the body.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, it is advisable to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean, still water; water is necessary for metabolism and removal of waste products from the body. If you have kidney disease, you should consult your doctor about the amount of fluid you drink. For such diseases, it is better not to drink liquid at night, but to drink the main amount of water before 17-18 hours.

Products that are allowed to be consumed during this period include: buckwheat, peas, as well as rice porridge (brown rice), bran bread, lean fish, various vegetables, fruits, berries and even dark chocolate in small quantities. Don't forget about the healthy fats found in sea ​​fish, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. During a diet, such products must be present in your diet. To successfully lose weight, food portions need to be reduced, but you should not starve yourself, as this increases the risk of abandoning the diet, or after New Year's holidays dial overweight.

Sample menu for the 4th week before the new year

1st breakfast:

  • porridge with millet and pumpkin (mix 200 g of pumpkin pulp with 1 tablespoon of millet, bring to a boil, add salt and cook until tender over low heat for thirty minutes);
  • self-prepared sandwich (½ tomato, 30 g cheese, 1/2 sheet of pita bread);
  • a cup of coffee without sugar.

2nd breakfast:

  • delicious smoothie (combine 100 g of blueberries with 100 g of yogurt, and adding 2 tablespoons of 5% cottage cheese, beat in a blender).


  • vegetable puree soup ( White cabbage, broccoli, carrots and onions), the whole serving is 100 g;
  • boiled chicken without skin (100 g);
  • vegetable salad 100 g.

Afternoon snack:

  • 3 walnuts, as well as 3 prunes.


  • stewed cabbage with onions and carrots (no more than 200 g);
  • steamed fish (100 g).

Meals three weeks before the new year

During this period, minimize or completely avoid salty foods and all kinds of pickles, because such food retains fluid in the body, which will become an obstacle to losing weight. In addition, include in your menu foods that have a fat-burning effect, namely: Jerusalem artichoke, ginger, fermented milk products, sprouted grains, and a drink with lemon juice.

Of the foods allowed for consumption, pay attention to those that contain vitamin B1, namely hazelnuts, oats, wheat germ and brewer's yeast. This vitamin promotes digestion, but more importantly, has a diuretic effect, supports the work nervous system and an even mood background. At the same time, you must ensure sufficient consumption of clean still water (at least 1.5 liters per day). Pay attention to multivitamin complexes, because some vitamins help reduce appetite, control blood sugar levels and even promote fat burning.

Sample menu for the 3rd week before the new year

1st breakfast:

  • pancakes made from wheat grains (pancakes - wheat is ground in a blender and added egg and a pinch of salt; sauce for pancakes - 100 g of yogurt mixed with the same amount of cottage cheese and whipped in a blender);
  • ginger tea.

2nd breakfast:

  • grated carrots and apple (150 g).


  • pea soup with meatballs (you can use lean pork for meatballs) – 100 g portion;
  • steamed fish (100 g);
  • salad with beets and prunes (100 g).

Afternoon snack:

  • boiled game (100 g);
  • ½ fresh pepper (cut into rings) and 1 lettuce leaf;
  • 3 chopped tomatoes with olive oil.


  • cabbage rolls stuffed with mushrooms and vegetables (2 pcs).

Meals two weeks before the new year

When there are only a couple of weeks left until the new year, you can already evaluate the first results of your labors. But don't stop! On the contrary, include more vegetables and herbs (cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, celery) in your diet, both fresh and boiled. Let berries and freshly squeezed juices appear more often in your diet. And don’t forget to occasionally indulge yourself in meat dishes with lean poultry, and instead of sweets, eat sweet fruits and eat honey, but not more than 3 tsp. honey with tea.

During this period, it is important to maintain the chosen diet and not return to the menu those products that you previously excluded from it. Otherwise you will take a step back.

Sample menu for the 2nd week before the new year

1st breakfast:

  • oatmeal-apple porridge (half grated apple mixed with 3 tbsp. boiled oatmeal);
  • cucumber salad with fresh herbs (100 g);
  • 1 boiled chicken egg.

2nd breakfast:

  • 3 rye bread;
  • ginger tea with 1 tsp. honey


  • pumpkin puree soup with carrots (100 g);
  • boiled turkey without skin (100 g);
  • salad of cucumber, radish and parsley (100 g).

Afternoon snack:

  • lazy cabbage rolls (200 g).


  • cottage cheese with fresh or defrosted berries (150 g).

Meals for the week before the new year

There is one week left until the new year, which means it's time to try on a dress! However, you should under no circumstances deviate from your diet these days. Stick to the same diet as the previous week, but be sure to do one fasting day. The main principles of such an unloading bottom should be: mono nutrition, drinking two liters clean water and mandatory bowel cleansing in the evening. Moreover, depending on your preferences, you can eat kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables or fruits on this day. In addition, it is better to devote this day to relaxation and your own health, visit a beauty salon, sauna or bathhouse. The main thing to remember is that the fasting day should take place no later than 3-4 days before the new year, since a sharp transition from the fasting day to the holidays can be fraught with a sharp weight gain.

If there is such a possibility and there are no contraindications, then fasting days can be started immediately, from the first week. Along with losing weight for the new year, you will help cleanse your body, improve the condition of your skin, and the process of losing excess weight will go faster.

How to avoid gaining weight while celebrating the New Year

Now you know how to prepare for the new year by losing those extra pounds. However, it is important not only to achieve results, but also not to lose them in a series of holidays. Let's give a few valuable advice for those who want to celebrate the holidays cheerfully without gaining weight.

1. Throughout December 31, eat exclusively in small portions, 5-6 times a day, then New Year's Eve you won't eat too much.
2. Before the feast, drink a glass of clean water. As a result, your stomach will be a little full and this will relieve you of hunger.
3. Before festive feast take a couple of tablets of a drug that improves digestion (for example, Mezim).
4. During festive events try to spend less time eating, take part in competitions more often, dance, sing songs and have fun.
5. After a hearty feast (if you couldn’t restrain yourself from eating), go for a walk around fresh air, do not go to bed with a full stomach.
6. Don’t get carried away with alcohol; drinks themselves are very high in calories, but also whet your appetite.

As you can see, in just a month, every person is quite capable of improving their appearance and even save it on next year. It is quite possible that this correct initiative will find its continuation in the coming year and will become Starting point to a happy and slim life! Happy New Year to you!

The long-awaited summer will come much faster than we expect, and if you have not yet begun to get yourself and your body in proper shape for the beach season, then you should not waste time, but it’s time to pull yourself together and finally take care of yourself and your figure.

Today we’ll talk about ways you can quickly get yourself in shape for summer, so that you not only feel free to appear on the beach in an open swimsuit, but also captivate others with your beautiful shape.

In order to lose a little extra pounds and tighten the muscles on the body with just the right nutrition, unfortunately, you must include physical exercise. Today we will look at the simplest and effective exercises that you can do at home or on the street without spending money on the gym.

Exercises with fitball

Exercises with this ball are easy to perform and require only diligence and consistency from you. With a fitball you can exercise almost all types of muscles, toning them, and the activities will be varied, interesting and enjoyable.


Running is probably the most accessible of all types of activity for anyone who wants to get in shape. The most effective time to run is in the morning, then you can burn much more more calories and get the best result.

Jump rope

Jumping rope exercises are very effective; if you spend 15 intense minutes a day jumping, you will notice the first results within a week.

Squats and lunges

These simple exercises very effective in the buttocks and thighs area. By doing 3 sets of 20-30 times of each of these exercises, in just a month you will see how your butt is rounded and tightened, as well as your well-being will improve and your self-confidence will rise.


Forget about fast food, mayonnaise, fried and fatty foods. Try to salt your food less, and ideally avoid salt completely. Do not add sugar to tea and coffee. Eat as many vegetables as possible. Try to eat porridge from different cereals for breakfast. Include eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat in your diet, raw vegetables, cereals, some nuts.

Dried fruits and fruits can replace sweets for you, just don’t overdo it here either, eat just a little, because these products are also very high in calories, try to eat them in the first half of the day. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Do not allow yourself to feel hungry, because if you deceive your stomach by not eating on time, you will not only not lose weight, but also turn on the so-called “emergency mode” when your body begins to store food, storing it for later in the sides, hips and stomach.

So, in order to lose weight, oddly enough, you need to eat often, but just a little bit!

I hope today’s tips will help you achieve the desired result for the beach season)) Dare and don’t give up!