Jillian Michaels slim figure in 30 days level 1. Classes with Jillian Michaels

Training program: Three levels are designed for 30 days.

Duration of each level: 30 minutes

Necessary equipment for classes: mat, dumbbells, drinking water

Description of the complex “30 days shred” (“Slim body in 30 days”)

There are many good programs out there, but Get Lean in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels is not like most of them. A huge number of Jill's fans began their journey to a slim figure with this unique workout.

The “30 day shred” program (in fan circles just SHREDS) is designed for 30 days. 3 levels. Each level lasts 10 days, then a break for one day, and then the next level. The workout lasts approximately 30 minutes. But this is quite enough to feel all the pressure of Gillian and feel the strength throughout the body.

If you start training today, you won't want to stop. Therefore, your everyday life will turn into cheerful and joyful days. You won't notice how you'll become a couple of sizes smaller. Naturally, this applies to those of us with fat deposits, but even if you're on the skinny side, try Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred - this workout will give you a boost and help tone your muscles and strengthen your heart.

Inventory for this program:

Sports uniform (sport pants should be elastic, stretch easily and not restrict movement!);

Sneakers (Do not exercise barefoot!!! This can lead to foot and ankle injuries);

A pair of dumbbells (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use 0.5 liter plastic bottles filled with water).

How to make Shreds?

Shreds can be performed in the morning, or in the evening, a couple of hours after a light dinner. The technique of performing the exercises is very important, so we recommend that everyone who is planning to do this program review the entire complex. This way you can do the exercises you already know without any problems.

Turn on the video louder and go ahead to meet a slender, toned body!

Level 1 “Slim body in 30 days”

So, let us remind you once again that the duration of each lesson is approximately 30 minutes. The main part of the workout takes just over 20 minutes. The rest of the time is warm-up and stretching.

A truly uncompromising struggle for a slim body awaits you with Jill. In this complex, Gillian is helped by two girls: on the left is Natalie, she performs complex variations of exercises for advanced ones; and on the right is Anita - she performs variations of exercises for beginners.

In the first level of shreds, the complex consists of exercises such as squats, push-ups, lunges with weights, jumps, a killer set of abdominal exercises, and this is not all that the first level of the 30 day shred course will delight you with.

At the beginning you will think that this is not for you. That you can't. The next day you will feel sore muscles, but don't give up! With each new workout, your body will be filled with pleasant sensations. You will wake him up with daily training and you will be surprised how every day you can more and more easily perform this complex, which you thought was not easy for you.

Level 2 “Slim body in 30 days”

Everyone who has completed this level considers it the most difficult of the entire complex. And again you will feel like you are in a meat grinder.

All those vagabond push-ups, jumping jacks, deep lunges, and you'll learn the hard way that Jillian hates it when any of your muscles are left idle. You can't just bench press dumbbells or just squat. You must do both at the same time.

Jillian Michaels' second secret weapon is the plank exercise. You will become acquainted with it at the second level of shreds (both the static version and plank jumps). This seemingly simple exercise perfectly works the muscles of the shoulders, arms and especially the abs.

Among those who complete 30 days shred for the first time, very few people are able to enjoy the second level of the program. For most, it is difficult from the first to the tenth day. But if on your first day with Gillian you were not even sure that you could make it to the end of the training, now, despite all the difficulties, you have a stubborn confidence that you will go through this hell to the end. You can!

Level 3 (“Slim body in 30 days”)

One day of rest between levels and off we go! Like the previous levels, the third one is also frightening with its uncertainty. But the training is doing its job, your endurance by this moment has already increased by 200% compared to the original. And let the sweat flow in three streams, but your breathing no longer falters and the work of all muscles gives enormous pleasure.

Superman, plank push-ups, squat jumps, plank run, jumping jacks, side plank, dumbbell run and squats.

30 day shred. Results.

Forget about scales! At this stage, the weight may fluctuate and mislead you and thereby scare you away. Overworked muscles can swell from unusual stress, retaining water, so weight can increase. Measurements should only be made using a measuring tape. Before starting the program, take all the necessary measurements: chest volume, underbust volume, waist, abdomen, hips and legs. Write down your parameters and compare them after completing each level. You will see an amazing picture of how your hated centimeters melt before your eyes. The body will tighten and acquire relief.

So! You did it! You did it! Your figure has already changed noticeably and these changes are noticeable not only to you. Now you can be proud of yourself. I think you can't be stopped now. Has training become a lifestyle for you now? Then Gillian has many more different workouts to suit every taste. Make your choice and don't stop!

Full training video "30 day shred» Jillian Michaels

P.S. So that you can celebrate your success, we have prepared a training calendar for you. Celebrate your achievements in it and go all the way to a slim and toned body!

Jillian Michaels is a certified personal trainer who holds a black belt in martial arts and is considered by many to be an expert in all aspects of diet and fitness. The mother of two children became famous due to her author's weight loss system, in which she strives to take a constructive approach to health and self-sacrifice. Jillian Michaels' Slim Fit in 30 Days Program(Jillian Michaels “30 Day Shred”) is a weight loss routine that focuses on three factors - a fitness regimen, a personalized daily fitness plan based on specific goals, and a plan.

The fitness system consists of 3 levels of difficulty and consists of special exercises that distinguish Jill’s technique. The Jillian Michaels Diet is based on consuming foods that are appropriate for your body type and eating style to achieve the best results. The system includes hundreds of recipes. Thousands of people around the world have been inspired by Jillian Michaels' system to lose weight and keep it off. Many of them have achieved great success using her methodology, and her system is actively sold in America for considerable money. Regarding food, Jill does not stick to just one method, i.e. low in fat, etc., but believes that each person needs their own nutrition plan that suits their specific diet.

Jillian Michaels' "The 30 Day Shred" weight loss system promises results within a month, completing three levels in 30 days in a row. Exercise is the best way to healthy weight loss. The levels consist of an intensive program, before starting which you should consult with your doctor.

Before starting classes, you need to measure your weight in order to correctly assess the result:

  • measure your arms, waist, legs, buttocks and hips;
  • measure the thickest parts of the body - the volume of the biceps, the circumference of the legs, etc.;
  • measure ;
  • measure your waist around your navel and around your hip bones to measure it;
  • to measure your buttocks, place the tape measure on the back of your buttocks and bring it together at the front;
  • Write down in a notepad or date of measurement for each body part.

After preparation, start passing the levels. Important: “Sleep is the cornerstone of weight management because of the effect it has on the hormones that control weight loss, as well as how you store fat and how you maintain muscle. The better your hormonal balance, the better your weight loss,” explains Jillian Michaels, who typically aims for 8 hours of sleep a night.

System Description

Jillian Michaels' "Get Fit in 30 Days" video is great for people with and for those who are already in good shape. Even advanced athletes who train 5-6 days a week say these three levels are difficult. With that in mind, if you think you can just skip level 1 and go to level 2, you'll be surprised. Level 2 is very difficult. So when Jill says start at Level 1, listen to her because she's seen how difficult these classes are, even for those "in shape."

Jill's The 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout that will leave you literally restless at any level. So if you want to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels, be patient and follow the system.

Please note: In Jillian's original "Slim Fit in 30 Days" workout videos, which can be found publicly available on Youtube, there are her "girls", two women, working out behind her. One shows a lower intensity version or a modified move, the other shows a more advanced move while Jill does the basics.

Jillian Michaels' signature style is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes and 1 minute of strength training. The 1 minute ab portion is your rest time. These are intense classes with a frantic rhythm.

Level 1 (Video)

Completing levels is ideal for those who are busy and limited in time. Each exercise is only 24 minutes per day. You will simultaneously work with several muscle groups and do. Working large and small muscle groups at the same time, such as the lower leg and shoulder, is a great way to burn more calories and thereby reduce your exercise time.

You can watch Jillian Michaels’ video “Slim figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian, and if you wish, you can do a lighter version of the classes, but then you will have to increase the time to even out the result.

Jill's 30-day challenge "Get Slim in 30 Days" includes 3 progressively more difficult levels. You do 1 lesson a day, starting from level 1. It is proposed to spend 10 days on each level, although everything can be individual and the trainer does not set strict limits.

Level 2 (Video)

Level 2 is for a second 10-day period. After you complete your first 10 days, you will appreciate the difference in effort and can ease up on the rhythm, as well as eliminate some exercises and combine others, as each level is quite challenging in its own way.

Level 3 (Video)

Having completed level 2, you move on to the last 10 days with level 3. If you speak English and watch Jill in the original, you need to know that level 3 of her exercises is not publicly available. And in order to purchase this course you need to pay for it.

Another great thing about Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge is that you work out every day for a month. This rhythm creates the habit of doing physical exercise. Remember that once you complete all the levels, you won't have to lose this habit, it will stay with you.

How realistic is it to “lose up to 10 kg in 30 days”?

It really depends on your diet and where you're starting from. If you're starting from scratch and can't remember the last time you worked out, 10kg in 30 days is realistic if you follow along. If you've been working out for a while but without a proper diet, it's realistic to lose 5kg. If you are following a diet and already working out, depending on the degree of progress, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kg, but this will be a sustainable result, in which all your fat will turn into sculpted muscles. Since muscle weighs much more than fat, the scale won't tell you much of what you see in the mirror.

Important information: You've probably heard that working your abs takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. This means that exercise without a diet will be ineffective. The goal of the exercises is to increase strength and improve cardiovascular health over a 30-day period. Many have commented that they noticed progress from fitness in just 5 days.

Ultimately, no matter where you start on your journey, remember that your end goal is to lose volume, not pounds. Therefore, before starting, carefully measure all places to be sure of progress - waist, hips and legs.

Diet in 3 stages

Jillian Michaels' weight loss goal is to eliminate "anti-nutrients" (artificial fats and chemical additives) and eat only organic and natural foods.

During the first stage, you will eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • hydrogenated fats;
  • peeled grains;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • preservatives and dyes.

Jillian Michaels suggests cutting back on starchy vegetables such as potatoes, tropical dried and canned fruits, soy, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, canned goods and caffeine at this stage.

In step two, you'll learn about Jillian Michaels' 10 Nutrients:

  • legumes – peas and beans;
  • allions such as onions and leeks;
  • berries;
  • meat and eggs;
  • colored fruits and vegetables;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage;
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • organic low-fat dairy and whole grains.

The final phase improves the timing, quantities and combinations of foods to translate into burning the most fat. This balance includes eating every 4 hours, never skipping breakfast, eating your fill and not eating after 9pm. If you are used to eating ready-made or semi-finished products, then you need to give up your habits. The Jillian Michaels diet focuses on consuming only natural, unprocessed foods.

Today, almost everyone can afford to go to the gym, but where do you get the motivation to go? How can you force yourself to leave your comfortable home and go to a place where you will have to devote several hours to grueling physical labor? But without sports you cannot achieve a good figure.

The “Lose Weight in 30 Days” program by Jillian Michaels encourages you to achieve accomplishments. Feedback from fans has been positive and the results have been surprisingly good. Let's try to delve into the topic and find out the rationality of following the program.

Who is Gillian?

Early photos show a chubby, curly-haired girl with a shy smile, wearing a closed turtleneck and baggy trousers. Since childhood, she struggled with excess weight, because with a fairly short height - 158 cm - Gillian weighed almost 80 kg. The girl independently went through all the stages of losing weight and developed her own system, thanks to which she is known today as the most popular American fitness expert. Gillian is now 41 years old and looks great. She regularly improves her knowledge of fitness, shares her achievements with an entire army of her fans, and attends special-themed TV shows.

Her own passion turned into work, and Gillian’s training recordings are sold in millions of copies around the world. Jill has a younger brother and sister, but she herself does not dare to have a child. It's all due to a difficult childhood and difficult memories. But perhaps there are other reasons, because Gillian is an open bisexual, which she speaks about freely and sincerely. Today, Michaels' heart is occupied by a girl named Heidi Rose. It came to an engagement.

Becoming a professional

The girl gained popularity after the reality show “The One Who Loses the Most.” The heroes of the program were overweight people who were desperate to get themselves in order and in decent physical shape.

A team of trainers and nutritionists gathered to help them. The winner, of course, is the most successful and purposeful. Gillian became one of the show's trainers and quickly found a common language with the participants. This is understandable, because Michaels at one time bore the stigma of “the fattest and most unfortunate girl in the class.” Her path to slimness was long. At the age of five, the girl experienced a mental disorder, which was later complicated by the separation of her parents. An inferiority complex developed, which the girl began to “seize.”

A mother came to the rescue and decided to keep her daughter busy with sports. At the age of 14, the girl was enrolled in the karate section. At the same time, Gillian's worldview was changing. She understood and accepted herself. Until her achievements became publicized, she had to work in a bar at the same time. The girl had a dream - her own fitness club.

The beginning of a long journey to excellence

The dream year was 2012, when Michaels opened her own club and got a job on the show. They believed her because she knows the value of her word and knows how to support her in difficult times; she can regain her lost motivation. Gillian started producing workout videos and wrote books about healthy eating and metabolism. Jillian Michaels' program is also widely known. Reviews from girls allow us to call it a panacea for quick and effective weight loss. In America, the program has gained incredible popularity. Gillian does not advocate using diets and grueling workouts. She encourages you to change your attitude towards life. Michaels tells his followers upfront that fast results are not possible without hard work. You can't dream of going back to eating indiscriminately and lying on the couch. If you decide to lose weight, you should change yourself completely. Along with old habits, the removed kilograms return.

Jillian Michaels's month-long course "Slim Figure" receives rave reviews, since the results do not disappear, but remain for a long time. Kilograms and centimeters go away, your health improves, shortness of breath disappears and your muscles become stronger. All this can be achieved in a month, but you will have to work every day. The consolation is that the work is quite possible, but only one’s own laziness prevents one from completing it.

Principle of operation

At the heart of everything is the work of the human body. Jill understands how the body functions and does not give hope for a miracle. Getting the figure of your dreams is not so easy, which is why training and a healthy, balanced diet come into play. Fitness goes to Jillian Michaels. Reviews of her work confirm the observation that Jill does not have one favorite type of training. Roughly speaking, she is an omnivore. With equal diligence and skill, she practices yoga and callanetics, and demonstrates elements of kickbogging and Pilates. Most often, her programs combine cardio exercises with strength training. Michaels gives advice to beginners and recommends preparing the body for stress in advance. 30 minutes a day of exercising with dumbbells is enough to notice the first changes. If previously there was no physical activity at all, then the volume will gradually begin to decrease and the weight will decrease. Ten days of preparation will allow you to take further steps. You might even be ready to take on the Lose Weight in 30 Days challenge. Jillian Michaels receives positive reviews for a reason. She guarantees the result and is responsible for it. If you follow all the recommendations, you will really lose pounds and feel better. So, let's get to work.

First stage

Jill divides her program into three large intervals. Each stage takes 10 days. This is the optimal period to accustom your muscles to the load, develop muscle memory and prepare your body for new challenges. The first step seems especially difficult, although Jill has thought it through as best she can. You need to exercise every day, 30 minutes a day, and the time of day when you study does not matter. The lesson is divided into 3 sets of 8 minutes each, which includes a set of cardio, strength and abdominal exercises. Jill does not allow you to relax, rest or shirk. It seems that even from the TV screen she is following every step.

She knows all possible pitfalls and warns them in time. Like a real woman, she recommends spending time on your appearance and sports equipment during class. She reminds you to change clothes, grab a mat, dumbbells and a bottle of water. It is important to have everything at hand. It is more convenient to do push-ups with gloves, and several pairs of dumbbells will allow you to progress from session to session. The cycles go in a circle, but the exercises change, so you won’t be able to get used to it. During the first stage, you get used to the need to warm up and cool down. And only then the body itself begins to strive to increase the load, taking Jillian Michaels’ “30 days” program.

Feedback about the second stage

The system only changes in difficulty level, but there are still three laps in a half-hour lesson. Jill calls herself a beast and lives up to this nickname, because she only increases the pace. In her video training, she has two assistants showing exercise options for pros and beginners. Muscle pain is present from the first day, but the second ten days are easier to bear. The exercises are more cardio-based, and therefore the muscles hurt, but the feeling of fatigue is less. Surprisingly, it is the second stage that is considered the most difficult in the program. Sweat flows in a stream, and Jill only encourages. She knows she has prepared your body for stage two and given you the skills you need to handle the pressure. If it’s really difficult, then you can take a day break between stages.

Final stage

The third stage is both easier and more difficult. It’s easier - because there is very little left until the end, it already seems that it’s possible to complete the program, but it’s more difficult - because the load becomes inhuman. By the end of the workout, your legs are buzzing and your eyes are covered in sweat. Many “jump” at this very moment, despairing of reaching the final. But by the end of the training, the coach praises his followers, appealing to their pride and determination. It's very motivating. The results by the third stage are already obvious, but when measuring them it is better to trust a centimeter tape rather than a scale, since no one has yet canceled edema.

The program with Jill is a worthy alternative to the fitness center, and at a lower cost.


After the third stage, we measure the parameters and listen to Gillian’s positive words. She praises and talks about the correctness of all sensations, encourages you to relax and think about your condition. How should you show yourself in this training? Is there a connection between training and life? Yes, I have. Progress in training affects the person! Independent exercise is a breakthrough, the ability to take the path of the individual, not the crowd. The option “choose yourself and follow your star” has appeared. Jill, like no one, knows the importance of an individual's journey.

Diet for the program

The trainer monitors the diet of his followers and advises them to eat well, but in accordance with three basic rules: exclude fast food, sugar and pure fat from the menu; limit yourself to meat and dairy dishes, as well as canned food and marinades. The diet will have to be based on lean meat, seafood, cereals, herbs and vegetables. Before creating a menu, Jillian Michaels herself makes a series of calculations. Reviews from girls agree that this is a fairly easy task, since the body gives the necessary hints. Do you gain excess weight easily? You probably have a fast metabolism. Especially if you are losing weight just as quickly. The diet requires more protein. If you have a slow metabolism, you need more slow carbohydrates. Next, we calculate the daily expenditure of energy, for which special calculators can help. The more parameters you need to specify, the more accurate the result. 400 kcal are subtracted from the result to get the daily caloric intake, which is enough to cover all the body’s expenses. The remainder is taken from fat reserves, which ensures weight loss.

Specific offer

There is a special Jillian Michaels diet. Reviews about it are left by girls who subsequently built their own nutrition system on such a basis. The diet is designed for 5 days. It turns out that the weekend will become a time of rest if you start the diet on Monday.

On the first day we make a protein breakfast. Boil 2 chicken eggs and complement them with whole grain toast with a slice of smoked salmon.

Lunch will be light. It consists of a salad with chicken, mango and avocado.

The afternoon snack will be a complete snack and will give you strength, so it should be rich in vitamins and microelements. An orange (or any other citrus) with a handful of almonds will accomplish this task.

And dinner can be made piquant and original with homemade pizza made from wholemeal flour with tomatoes, red onions, olives and feta cheese. Jill does not restrict drinks in any way, but advises replacing sugar with natural analogues, such as honey or dried fruits.

On the second day we have breakfast with oatmeal with fruits and nuts. For lunch we prepare chickpea porridge, the slightly bland taste of which can be diluted with a drop of soy sauce, lightly salted cucumber or a few pieces of meat. It is better to make the afternoon snack fruity, as on the first day. A banana and apple smoothie is ideal. We make dinner protein. For example, let's prepare chicken sauté.

Every day of Jill's diet is good due to the fact that the diet is thoughtful and varied. There are no restrictions on carbohydrates or proteins. The amount of fat received is balanced. So, on the third day, breakfast consists of low-fat cottage cheese with fruits and berries. For lunch we enjoy veal steak with canned corn. For an afternoon snack - some variety: a slice of mozzarella and a ripe pear. For dinner there is still chicken, baked and marinated in honey and lemon juice.

The fourth day remains delicious, but this time you are allowed to try baked potatoes with chicken or turkey sausage. For lunch - a lavash or pita roll with carrots, tomatoes, spinach, red onion and mozzarella. We have an afternoon snack with a hard-boiled egg and a green, juicy apple. Dinner - again variety: baked red fish with yogurt sauce.


The last day of the diet - you can pamper yourself and make a sweet breakfast, consisting of half a banana, two soft waffles and a spoon of honey. For lunch there will be assorted vegetables baked on the grill. We have a protein bar in the afternoon, and for dinner we prepare a burrito with red beans and chicken. During a diet according to the system, you can really lose excess weight. Jillian Michaels receives reviews for her effectiveness, and she strongly recommends combining proper and nutritious nutrition with systematic physical activity. In particular, the trainer offers a program of the same name called “Losing the excess.” This is a strength training consisting of two levels, each lasting approximately 50 minutes and characterized by a combination of elements of kickboxing, yoga, jiu-jitsu and strength exercises. Jill suggests different levels of difficulty and advises stocking up on dumbbells of various weights.

Muscular evolution

Jill offers not only training, but also a program for true muscle reconstruction. Try Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution program. Reviews from girls agree that the name fully justifies itself. This is not just a set of workouts, but a real system designed for one and a half months. There is no need to visit the gym, you don’t need to buy expensive exercise equipment, everything needs to be done at home. Additional equipment you will need is an expander and a set of dumbbells of different weights. In fact, the complex is divided into three stages, each half an hour long. Four of the five workouts are metabolic type, and the fifth is typical cardio exercise. One stage lasts a month, provided that classes occur at least five times a week. The beginning is suitable for any level of training, which is what makes Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution program significantly different from others. Reviews from girls note the fact that at the first stage of training, the foundations for metabolic transformations in the body are laid.

Jill has three simple tips for staying in shape, which she often uses in her workouts. Girls who study Jillian Michaels' Flat Belly program leave mixed reviews, since the workout itself is very difficult and even in the initial stages includes many difficult moments. They note their observations in weight loss diaries, and this is Jill’s first important advice. The diary is convenient for describing training plans, writing down recipes and a list of what you ate.

The second tip is to regularly measure your own parameters. Photos in swimsuits are very motivating, since from this angle all the flaws in the figure and the achievements of training are visible. The training program is designed for 6 weeks, so only the most persistent will survive.

Fans of Jillian Michaels' "Buttocks" program will have approximately the same energy costs. There are reviews about this training with a note of negativity, since at first there is noticeable pain in the muscles. Most often, the buttocks are ignored and not trained, but with Jill this point is not relevant. During the lesson, Jill advises sharing your impressions to motivate yourself and your listeners. This makes it easier to stay within the regime and chosen strategy. The program has three levels of 45 minutes each with increasing difficulty. Motivation is waning and you want to go back to carelessly eating donuts? Then listen to Jillian Michaels' post-workout words. Reviews, photos of Jill herself and her colorful biography are clear evidence of the effectiveness of the program. Would you like to see a similar picture in the mirror? The choice is yours, and Jill will help!

But since it is very easy to get lost among its many programs, for your convenience we have compiled a summary table with a brief description of all programs of the American trainer.

Description of Jillian Michaels Workout Chart

The table is small, but very informative. From it you can easily determine which Jillian Michaels program will be optimal for you. The table contains the following columns:

1. “Year of issue.” The workouts are sorted by the year the program was released. There is also a note in this column if the workouts are presented in Russian.

2. “Training name” . Follow the links to read a detailed description of the workouts, their pros and cons, as well as what to pay attention to when performing them ( links will open in a new window).

3. “Description of the program.” A brief description of the programs, but for a detailed overview we recommend following the links to the full description.

4. “Execution time.” This column indicates how long the workout lasts. Also about some programs (if provided) the exact number of days calculated to complete the Jillian Michaels course is written.

5. “Number of levels.” This column indicates how many difficulty levels a particular program offers. As a rule, Jillian Michaels creates a course with a progressive level of difficulty: from easier to advanced.

As you understand, complexity is a rather arbitrary indicator, which very often depends on individual perception.

Table of all Jillian Michaels workouts

Thanks to this table, you will not only be able to get acquainted with all the workouts of Jillian Michaels, but you will also be aware of everyone videos of new products from this trainer. New Jillian programs are released at least twice a year, so you can always supplement your fitness plan with new classes. The programs are sorted by year from older videos to newer ones. Jillian Michaels' latest workouts, by the way, came out quite recently.

By the way, the table is very convenient. You can sort the information by the value of each column using the arrows in the header row.

YearNameBrief description of programsDurationQuantity
Aerobic strength training25 minutes
(30 days)
3 levelsLow
Circuit strength training with dumbbells55 minutesLevel 1Average
Circuit intense cardio workout55 minutesLevel 1High
Aerobic strength training with kettlebells30 minutes2 levelsLow
Abdominal workouts30 minutes
(45 days)
2 levelsAverage
Power yoga for weight loss30 minutes2 levelsAverage
2011 Workouts for hips and buttocks40 minutes3 levelsAverage
2011 Mixed load training45 minutes2 levelsLow
2011 Aerobic strength training30 minutes
(30 days)
4 levelsLow
2012 30 minutes
(90 days)
6 levelsAverage
2012 Abdominal and corset workouts30 minutes3 levelsAverage
2012 3 kickboxing based workouts20 minutesLevel 1Low
2013 Power yoga for weight loss30 minutes2 levelsHigh
2013 Full body workout with dumbbells45 minutes2 levelsHigh
2014 Workouts for beginners30 minutes3 levelsLow
2014 2 workouts: cardio and strength training35 minutesLevel 1High
2015 3 strength workouts: top, bottom, stomach.30 minutesLevel 1High
2015 Strength and cardio training according to the calendar30 minutes
(60 days)
4 levelsHigh
2016 Workouts for arms, shoulders, back and chest30 minutes3 levelsAverage
2016 5 short workouts of 10 minutes each10 minutesLevel 1High
2016 3 postpartum workouts: top, bottom, belly.27 minutesLevel 1Low
2017 3 strength workouts: full body, lower, abdominal.30 minutesLevel 1Average

Program description

Strength training is a three-level system, each stage of which is designed for 10 days. At each level, the body receives a load for all muscle groups. But adaptation to the load is not observed, since the exercises change.

First level

So, level 1 of fitness loads will make the body feel absolutely all the muscles. If you are not used to it, exercise may cause muscle pain, but these sensations will be light and pleasant. Pain symbolizes the first steps on the path to beauty and harmony.

How the first level of the “30 days in pursuit of slimness with Jillian Michaels” program is performed is clearly shown in the video. It is very easy to understand the coach, since the broadcast takes place in Russian.

Second level

By the end of the 10th day, level 1 loads will become commonplace for you, but you can’t relax. The thing is that at level 2 of her unique program, Jill demonstrates the features of new classes. All exercises become noticeably more complicated, and the main load now falls on the chest and arms. At level 1, these parts of the body were practically resting.

Third level

The beginning of level 3 brings from Jillian Michaels the simplicity of the actions performed. Compared to the previous stages, the third step does not seem too difficult. Its completion is designed to consolidate the achieved results.

Diet Jillian

The Michaels nutrition system is based on strict calorie counting. The fitness trainer suggests systematically reducing the amount of calories consumed so that their deficiency provokes the body to lose excess body weight.

Whatever one may say, half the success of losing weight in 30 days depends on nutrition. You cannot completely give up food, since active training requires a maximum of healthy calories. Review your diet and eliminate fats, sweets, fast foods, and flour.

  • Greens (especially leeks).
  • Legumes.
  • Fresh berries.
  • Protein in the form of dietary meat and eggs.
  • Not sweet fruits.
  • Vegetables (here you should give preference to cabbage and broccoli).
  • Nuts, but in moderation.
  • Whole grain cereals and bread.
  • Low-fat dairy products.