What is most important in defining community? Society as a sociocultural system

Society is an integral sociocultural system consisting of a huge number of subsystems. One of them is social community. Any community implies a collection of people who have something the same (for example, interests, tasks or goals). People united in any community usually have similar ideas about life and perform similar social roles in society.

So, we can say that a social community is a collection of human individuals united by similar living conditions, having the same interests, values ​​and realizing their own. The grounds for uniting people can be: their close interaction with each other, common activities, awareness of similar interests, their own culture, formed on the basis of similar ideas about the goals of a given community, moral concepts etc., the presence of a self-government system.

A number of sociologists believe that social communities and groups in most cases do not arise spontaneously. One concept of their emergence was proposed by the American D. Homans, who believed that people, interacting with each other, try to achieve a certain good. The more significant a given benefit is, the more effort a person makes to get closer to other people for whom this benefit is also significant. Speaking in simple language, according to American sociologist, people unite in groups, form communities and communities only to achieve specific purpose.

One social community may differ from another in the purpose of its formation, the form, and similar associations of people differ in the following characteristics:

By duration of existence: from several minutes (audience concert hall, rally) up to entire centuries (a single nation);

According to the composition of the people included in them: from two people to several thousand (members of a certain party);

According to the density of connections between the main representatives: from closely (office employees) to very amorphous, practically non-interacting formations (football fans).

Sociologists distinguish such a concept as a mass social community, distinctive features which are:

Instability of existence;

The heterogeneity of the people included in it, the impossibility of establishing their exact number;

Functioning on the basis of a particular activity and the impossibility of existing outside of it.

As an example of a mass social community, we can cite fans of a certain pop star, fans sports club, members of various associations. A tribe of indigenous people of New Guinea, a single nation, a race, a crowd of protesters near the administration of an enterprise are also massive social communities.

A special place among other associations is occupied by ethnos - a set of people living for a long period of time in a certain territory, having a stable own culture, distinguished by self-awareness, that is, aware of the difference between their association and other similar ones. is formed, as a rule, on the basis of a common territory for living, creating all the necessary conditions for people to interact with each other. Further, when such a social community as an ethnos has already been formed, this attribute becomes secondary or even loses its significance. People who consider themselves to belong may live in different corners Earth and, at the same time, remember and honor the traditions of their ethnic group, celebrate the holidays established by it and adhere to the rules of behavior determined by it.

Socialization of a person is impossible without his interaction with other representatives of the human race. Each of us, to one degree or another, belongs not to one, but to several social communities. A person outside of society ceases to feel like a human being and becomes an outcast.


3. A community of people that develops in the process of forming a community of their territory

theory, economic ties, language, cultural characteristics and character (Nation)

5. The path of experimental study of phenomena, during which a transition is made from individual facts to general provisions(The science).

6. Income associated with entrepreneurial activity(Profit)

8. A thought that affirms or denies something about an object, process, phenomenon (Narrow

10. A single representative of the human race (Individual).

11. A security that gives its owner the right to receive a portion of the company's profits

va (Promotion).


1. Voluntary unification of independent countries to achieve specific goals, in which the united countries, fully maintaining sovereignty and significant independence

dependency (Confederation)

2. A special means that serves as a universal equivalent in the exchange of goods and services (Money).

4. Adaptation of a person to the world around him (Adaptation).

7.The science of the most general patterns development of nature, society, knowledge (Phi-


8. A social group that has rights and obligations enshrined in custom or law and inherited (Estate).

9. A person who is outside his social group (Marginal).

Assessment for work

(To be completed by the jury)

Jury members:

5.5. 10th grade (1 hour 20 min.)

1. Select all correct answers. Write them down in the table. 1.1.What type of social control does not exist?

a) Formal and informal b) Ego and superego control c) Internal and external d) Affective

1.2. Marginality is

a) The state of an individual in which he belongs to two or more groups, but does not fully share the norms and values ​​of any of them b) The desire to conform to the norms and values ​​of the group c) Complete or partial violation of the norms and values ​​of the group

d) Tension that arises in an individual in case of non-compliance with the expectations of the group.

1.3. A visual-sensory image of objects and phenomena, received through the senses, but retained in consciousness without their direct influence,


a) feeling

b) perception

c) presentation

d) imagination

1.4.The following statements are typical only for a presidential republic

a) in a presidential republic there is the clearest separation of powers b) the president has a suspensive veto c) the president is the head of the executive branch

d) the president is elected by popular vote

1.5. What ideology denied the principle of separation of powers?

a) liberal

b) communist

c) neoliberal

d) Christian-democratic

1.6.The tenth candy does not give as much pleasure as the first. That's an example:

a) general utility

b) the law of diminishing returns

c) shortage

d) opportunity cost

1.7. Interchangeable goods:

a) have the same price b) complement each other in sales

c) compete with each other in the market d) stimulate each other’s sales

1.8.Which body oversees the implementation of laws in the Russian Federation?

b) prosecutor's office

c) Federation Council

d) investigation department

2. What unites the concepts that form each of the presented series? Give

short answer.

1. The ability to work, the ability to reflect objective reality in images,

possibility of cultural heritage.

2. Satisfying the most important needs of society, the presence of stable forms of organization of people, the presence of a complex of statuses, traditions, rituals, norms and values


3. Territory, sovereignty, public power, the right to make laws, levy taxes

lairs, symbolism.


1. differences between humans and animals, 2. social institutions, 3. signs of the state

3. Insert into the text, instead of gaps, the corresponding words and combinations of words from

list given in the table. Enter in the text the serial numbers of the selected

you words and combinations. Please note: the list of words and combinations of words contains more

than gaps in the text!

The first source of religious and philosophical wisdom and thought was the so-called

1_______________, in which manifestations of mythological consciousness are strong.

More understandable and at the same time philosophical is another group of texts that appeared later - 2 _____________________ (this word itself denotes the process of teaching wisdom

speech of his students). It was in these texts that the idea was first expressed

3____________ - transmigration of the souls of living beings after their death. According to the law

4____________, one who performed good actions, lived in accordance with moral standards -

mi, will be born in the future as a representative of one of the highest 5 _______ society.

In other words, everyone gets what they deserve. To be worthy better life in the future, a person must good deeds and with a righteous life to atone for your karmic debt from previous existences. The most reliable path is life

Another way to free the soul is a set of practical exercises,

self-control, strict discipline, namely the 7_________________ system. This goal is

pov training - achieving a state that helps release


1. Vedic

5. Reincar-

skaya lite-


8. Confucian-

Answer: 1 3 5 2 6 4 7 11

4.Using all the terms below, complete the chart.

Social consciousness, individual consciousness, consciousness, morality, religion, law

consciousness, levels of consciousness, ordinary consciousness, theoretical consciousness, components,



public consciousness

individual consciousness



legal consciousness


ordinary consciousness

5. Solve a legal problem

5.1. Minor Andrey turned 15 years old. He and his friends decided to celebrate his birthday. The guys purchased and drank strong alcoholic drinks in the park. As a result of severe alcohol intoxication, Andrei and his friends began to pester citizens in the park,

accompanying his actions with obscene language. They smashed several lampshades into backgrounds -

ryakhs installed in the park. These actions were noticed by police and public safety officers and stopped the actions of juvenile offenders. One of the employees

Nikikov promised the entire group long terms of arrest to the fullest extent of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How should the actions of minors be classified? What punishment will they receive?

if Andrey was 15 years old at the time of the crime, and his friends were one year older? Is the police officer right?








5.2. Turner Ermakov was reprimanded for defects in his work. In addition, it is partially

awarded prizes. Considering that there cannot be two punishments for one act, Ermakov appealed to the Labor Dispute Commission with a request to cancel the order to deprive him of the bonus.





5.1. The actions of minors should be qualified as an administrative law.

destruction. Andrey cannot bear criminal liability, since it comes in the Russian Federation with

16 years in general cases. In especially severe cases it occurs earlier. Since the behavior of the young men is in the nature of administrative violations, sanctions will be applied to them according to the Administrative Code. The police officer is wrong.

5.2.According to Labor Code of the Russian Federation for committing a disciplinary offense, that is, non-

performance or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions:

1) remark;

2) reprimand;

3) dismissal for appropriate reasons.

Moreover, for each disciplinary offense only one disciplinary offense can be applied.

plinary recovery. Disciplinary action may be appealed by the employee to the state

state labor inspectorate and (or) bodies for the consideration of individual labor disputes.

6. Solve a logic problem.

At the economic summit, the heads of three states met - A, B and C. One of them was a legally elected president, the second was a hereditary monarch, and the third was a military dictator.

torus When they were asked who was who, the answers were as follows:

A: “B is a monarch, and C is a dictator” B: “A is a legally elected president” C: “Am I or A a dictator”

As it turned out later, only the one who was the monarch told the truth. Define

those who are. Justify your answer.

Answer: A dictator, B president, C monarch

7. Indian proverb says: One day Akbar drew a straight line and, turning to the ministers, said: “How can I make this line shorter without touching it?” Birbal was considered the wisest man in the state. He came up and...

What do you think Birbal did? What did he want to show with this action?

Justify your answer.






Answer: He drew another straight line next to this line, but longer, so

We belittled the dignity of the first.

Approximate justification: perhaps he wanted to show the relativity of our concepts - the assessment of things (their length, significance, dignity, size) depends on our perception and our expectations.

Other answers are acceptable provided they are properly and originally justified.

8. Solve the crossword puzzle.


1. Social behavior deviating from what is socially acceptable in society (deviation)

2. A group that has power or influence over other groups (Elite).

4. Uncritical acceptance by the individual of the existing order of things, adaptation to it (Conformism).

7. Correspondence of our knowledge or what is said to what actually exists (Truth). 9. A moral principle that prescribes compassion and mercy towards other people,

selfless service to them and readiness for self-denial in the name of their good (Altruism). 11. A closed, isolated social group with a strictly defined occupation,

a unique lifestyle, customs, traditions, norms (Caste).

13. A political minority opposing the political majority, the pro-course

pursued policies, goals and methods of implementation state power(Opposition).


3. One of the forms of contradictions, characterized by an acute irreconcilable struggle between enemies

blowing forces, tendencies (Antagonism).

5. Any type of activity that generates profit or cash income (Business).

6. A way of activity and thinking that ensures that the individual goes beyond the boundaries of traditional

ational, habitual, given existence (Creativity).

8. Tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior, agreement to accept them even if they contradict the worldview of the observer himself


10. The section of economic theory that studies the functioning of the economy as a whole,

economic system as a single whole, a set of economic phenomena (Mc-


12. The process during which groups of people are hierarchically arranged according to some scale of inequality (Stratification).

Assessment for work

(To be completed by the jury)

Jury members:

5.6. 11th grade (1 hour 20 min.)

1. Select all correct answers. Write them down in the table.

1.1. Indicate the reasons that determine the specificity of social cognition, its

difference from natural science knowledge.

a) In social cognition, experimental possibilities are limited.

b) Social cognition deals with constantly changing events and phenomena and is therefore aimed at discovering relative truths c) Social cognition cannot be absolutely impartial due to

scientists have an interested attitude towards the object of research d) In social cognition the subject and object of cognition are combined

1.2. The criterion of truth according to sensationalists is:

b) practice

d) sensation

e) agreement of scientists

a) the level of division of labor in society b) the level of development of science

c) the degree of individual freedom and the system for ensuring and protecting human rights d) the level of development of the productive forces

1.4.The main stratification variables in modern society it could be considered

a) marital status

b) access to political power

c) income level

d) belonging to a religion

e) nationality

1.5. A totalitarian regime is characterized

a) Complete control of all spheres of society

b) Censorship of the media

c) The presence of opposition

d) Territorial expansion

1.6. The federal structure of the state presupposes

a) the presence of two levels of government b) the relative legal independence of administrative units

c) government of the state only from the center, which delegates powers to subjects and controls their full sovereignty d) administrative units, which delegate to the central authority authorized by them

I only deal with questions of a cultural nature

The concept of a social community of people allows us to consider the stages in the development of the human community as a socio-natural whole, while the features of institutionalization may or may not be considered. The types of social communities of people include: clan, tribe, nationality, nation, non-national inter-national communities.

A clan as a social community of people is determined by the presence of structured family ties. This form of community corresponds to the ancient, original development of human communities. A tribe as a social community is characterized by the fact that it consists of several clans. Within the tribe, the genetic purity of new generations is ensured. A tribe, compared to a clan, is a more progressive form of community, which is characterized by a unified organization of life and the presence of a leadership structure. The existence of tribes is characterized not only by the presence of blood-tribal ties and management structure, but also by a way of life. This method or way of life characterizes specific forms of development of nature by a given community. In this regard, it is necessary to note the existing “specialization” of tribes (livestock breeding, agricultural, fishing, etc.).

Nationality is the next form of social communities of people. Compared to a tribe, in a nationality there is a noticeable step towards strengthening the social-organizational characteristics of the life of the human community, in comparison with the emphasis on the consanguineous aspect (in the tribe). The nationality is characterized by the following characteristics: language, unity natural characteristics (ethnic characteristics), manifested in all representatives of a given nationality; cultural features (including ways of life and their reflection in spiritual life), territory of residence.

A nation as a social community of people is characterized the following signs: common language, culture, territory, unity of ethnic features, as well as community economic life. Considering that the presence of an economic process is associated with the manifestation of capitalization of social relations, the symbol of which is large-scale machine production. The community of economic life is established in relation to one or another ethnic group, as taking place only when for of a given people The main feature characterizing the organization of his life is the establishment of connections with nature and with other communities through the creation of his own technologies that use the capabilities of machines. We are talking about the transition from natural forms of management on earth to forms of creating an artificial environment that mediates the relationship of the human community to nature. This mediation essentially changes the characteristics of the community itself, in particular, it leads to a weakening of the status of the blood-natural, muscular power of people as the leading one. It is during this period that a connection between people arises and becomes increasingly stronger, due to non-consanguineous characteristics. Although these characteristics remain, they cease to play a decisive, significant role in the human community.

It is a nation that is characterized by a community of economic life, therefore, the community of people in its development directly leads to the emergence of new communities - international ones, in which people go beyond the boundaries of connections defined with an emphasis on natural and social aspects.

The emergence of international communities occurs when the community of economic life covers a number of regions in which different peoples are present. Within international communities (the American people, Soviet people) the problem arises of preserving the cultural identity of the incoming peoples and their languages.

Within the framework of the global economic process, there is a gradual unraveling of the peculiarities of the cultural life of different peoples, including their languages. In this regard, the task is to achieve a conscious orientation towards preserving cultural achievements of all peoples. This task is essentially the task of opposing the actual human technologization social life, within the framework of which the person himself turns into a cog in an impersonal process that does not have proper cultural definitions.

Theory serving technologization public life, which substantiates its positivity or at least neutrality in relation to the process of destruction of culture, is the theory of cosmopolitanism. main idea this theory is that a person should not look for cultural context own existence that, being in the flow of technological manipulations, called the modern way of existence of human civilization, a person must abstract from the absence of the first and the presence of the second and in his existence find a replacement for the lost content in the social technological movement. In other words, a cosmopolitan is one who, regardless of location and social context of existence, feels equally good and is not a defender of any existing or lost cultural worlds.

The point is that the position of a cosmopolitan characterizes the individual’s rooted-external relations to any cultural content. A cosmopolitan is characterized by a predominance of non-cultural definitions of existence and a complete focus on civilizational definitions. It is this position, which expresses and substantiates cosmopolitanism, that is carefully veiled, since only in the subtext is a connection between the purely civilizational position of the individual and the interests of the dominant social groups revealed. In categorical terms, the position of cosmopolitanism could be expressed in the form of a loss of the connection between the universal and the particular. Real option is that the universal does not exist outside the particular. The universal planetary idea, which cosmopolitanism adopts, is absolutized as a result of cosmopolitans’ assertion of the insignificance, insignificance for a person of one or another feature of a territorially defined area on the planet. It is in this that the separation of the substantial basis of participation in the universal material world is expressed, which is always expressed in the presence of a person’s homeland, that is, a place on the planet, loving which, a person loves the entire planet. Cosmopolitanism characterizes a person as a citizen of the World. This expresses the presence of a manipulative-correlative status. Here the relationship of the individual with the sphere of alienated-normative regulating characteristics of existence is established. The universal, manifesting itself, receives its content and meaningfulness through the general and the particular. In relation to this sphere, a person acts as a unit that must. relating to it, obeying its standards. It is subordination that is central to the definition of the concept of citizen. This definition does not specifically emphasize cultural opportunities person.

The idea of ​​world citizenship arises on the basis of deepening capitalist transformations of social relations. This idea is intended, firstly, to justify the rejection of the significance and intrinsic value of a person’s cultural position, replacing it with the ability to adapt to the “technologization” of social life. Secondly, the idea of ​​world citizenship is aimed at destroying the national in relation to countries that are more technologically developed. In this sense, manipulation with the phenomenon of the national arises: the national is opposed to the world. The need to maintain the specificity of the national is denied on the basis of the affirmation of the need to subordinate it to the world. However, this manipulation with the concept of the national is based on an abstract understanding of the concept of the world. When the world is considered a-national, it appears to really not exist. This line of thinking is common. In this case, an ideological procedure takes place, as a result of which the world is cleared of the national array. After such purification, the concept of the world includes an indication of the presence of a certain array (number) of participants, units of the economic financial process that covers everyone, and also the concept of the world includes an indication of the involvement of these units in the general technological, financial process that covers everyone. Thus, we are talking about abstract image the process of civilizational movement taking place everywhere, in which the individual is, to one degree or another, an accomplice and expresses the image of a cosmopolitan - a citizen of the world. Since this process has its own norms and regulations in relation to which a given individual determines his place, including we're talking about about a place that is not fixed at any point globe. This is explained by the fact that the world process, as such, should be determined not so much by the results that characterize it, but by the facts of the continuation of the movement that has begun. We are talking about an economic process that covers the whole world. For him, the various national characteristics public life. Therefore, the real status of the national is leveled, giving way to the actual economic status. Under the flag of cosmopolitanism, various, not only national, but also political, religious, ideological and other problems are being solved.

The problem of globalization as a problem of economic superiority of the developed and an attempt to forcefully join this level is economically insufficient developed countries is currently a powerful trend in the world process, which ignores national traditions, and forces us to intensively develop the national economy.

Historical communities of people - these are large, stable associations that reveal common features life, material and spiritual culture, language, etc.

Genus. Its basis is consanguinity. Economic relations appear here in the shell of family ties. This also includes a tribe as an association of several clans. The first I.F.O. people is a genus - organization primitive society, based on consanguinity, collective ownership of the means of production, common elements primitive culture, language, traditions, etc. The need for a stable team of people capable of coordinated actions and continuous management of the economy was generated by the need to develop productive forces and maintain the existence of the clan. The primitive method of production was best suited to the clan organization of people. At this stage of development of society, a production collective could be formed only on the basis of natural kinship and the clan, unlike the primitive herd, became such a stable collective.

Wider shape ethnic community, characteristic of the primitive communal system, is tribe, which, as a rule, consisted of several genera. Tribes were also based on tribal relations, consanguineous ties of people. A person's belonging to a tribe made him a co-owner of common property and ensured participation in public life. Therefore, the tribe had the same characteristics as the clan. Each tribe had given name, territory, community of economic life, language, customs, morals, religious rites. It should be noted that tribal relations were widespread not only during the development of the primitive communal system. Many of the features inherent in such relationships have been preserved in one form or another in the modern era among many peoples of Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Historical process the development of productive forces and production relations led to the destruction of tribal relations. The decomposition of the primitive and the emergence of class society contributed to the emergence of a new historical community of nationalities. Nationality as a community of people is formed with the emergence of private property relations. The development of private property, exchange, and trade destroyed former tribal ties and gave rise to a new division of labor and class stratification. The blood-related principle of uniting people gave way to territorial principle. The nationality consists of tribes close in origin and language. It is known, for example, that the German people were formed from various Germanic tribes, the Polish from Slavic ones, etc.

Nationality. Occurs in slave and feudal societies. The economic basis for the formation of a nationality is private labor and private property. A nationality is formed as a result of the merger of different tribes, their loss of economic, territorial, linguistic independence and the formation on their basis of a common material and spiritual culture, a single territory, language, and later a state. A nationality as a historically established community of people is characterized by such features as common territory , economic ties, common language and culture, etc. Having emerged in a slave-owning and feudal society, nationalities are preserved and even formed up to the present day.

But the history of society develops further, the development of material production leads to the fact that commodity production comes to replace the natural economy, economic fragmentation is eliminated, and economic and cultural ties between nationalities are strengthened. All this contributed to the fact that during the development of capitalist relations, a new historical community of people, a nation, emerged for which, along with other characteristics (common territory, language, customs, traditions, etc.), the main thing is a common economic space, a developed economy and culture. Nations are formed from many or several nationalities. Thus, it is well known that the Russian nation was formed from several Slavic nationalities. The same can be said about many nations inhabiting various continents of the globe.

Nation - This is a historical community of people that has a common territory, language, culture and, most importantly, a common economy. Such historical communities people, as nationalities and nations, play a major role in the life of society when they gain self-awareness and unite in the name of a specific goal. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that although the national liberation movement is one of the powerful factors of social progress, it not only does not push the class struggle into the background, but often acts in alliance with it. Nations are formed from people of different tribes and nationalities as a result of the socialization of production and the creation of a single market. A nation is characterized by a common economic life, territory, language, mental makeup, manifested in national character and culture. Its inherent economic community has a deeper and more universal character due to the dominance of capitalist commodity production with its inherent division and cooperation of labor and commodity-money relations. The nation is a product of the bourgeois era.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of nation and nationality. Nationality is identified with ethnos, ethnic origin.

Ethnos- a set of people who have genetically determined and more or less pronounced common typical characteristics external signs, common culture, tongue, ethnic identity, the general territory that this ethnic group perceives it as his country.

There are different concepts in understanding a nation:

· Semyonov: civil concept of the nation. A nation is a collection of people living in a country.

· Tishkov: instrumental concept. Nation is a concept that was invented by politicians to decide their political problems. The nation is a means for the political mobilization of the population.

A nation is a historically stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, culture and mental makeup.

Previously, nation and nationality coincided, but with the development of economic relations and migration, these concepts separated. Main feature nations - a community of economic structure.

3 periods in the formation of nations.

1. The era of the formation of capitalism. At this time, the nationality turns into a nation.

2. The spread of capitalism from developed countries. This is due to colonial policy, when colonies were deprived of the opportunity to form their own nation.

3. Collapse of the colonial system. Former colonies gained independence, this completed the formation of nations.

2 trends in the development of nations under capitalism:

· the formation of nations, the awakening of national life

· strengthening ties between states breaks down national borders and makes them transparent. There is such a thing as globalization.

In the social structure of society, an important role also belongs to family, as one of the small social groups of people. The family is a small social group, the members of which are connected by marriage or kinship relations, a common life and mutual moral responsibility, defined by legal norms. The social necessity of the family is determined by the needs of society. Being a necessary component social structure of any society and performing various social functions, the family plays important role V social development, performing whole line important social functions.

The family, as a specific community, is formed under the influence of many factors. Here, first of all, natural factors influence: the satisfaction of needs for procreation. The family as a social community is greatly influenced by the material and production life of society, the state of the economy, and development opportunities material sphere families. No less important in this regard are the opportunities to satisfy spiritual needs, the manifestation of feelings mutual love, respect, care between family members.

Family like social institution arose with the formation of society. At the first stages of its development, relations between men and women, older and younger generations were regulated by tribal and clan customs. With the emergence of morality, religion, and then the state, the regulation of sexual life acquired a moral and legal character. This allowed for even greater social control over marriage. With the development of society, certain changes occurred in marriage and family relations.

Family life and its social functions are multifaceted. They are related to intimate life spouses, procreation, raising children. All this is based on compliance with certain moral and legal norms: love, respect, duty, fidelity, etc.

The family is such a foundation of society and such a microenvironment, the climate of which promotes or hinders the development of a person’s moral and physical strength, his formation as a social being. It is in the family that those moral principles that contribute to personal development.

The family provides the most big influence on the child's personality. In the sphere of influence of the family, the child’s intellect and emotions, his views and tastes, skills and habits are simultaneously affected. Family education has an almost comprehensive nature, because it is not limited to suggestion, but includes all forms of influence on the developing personality: through communication and direct observation, work and personal example those around you. In other words, the development of a child is organically integrated into the life of the family. Educational function families cannot be overestimated.

Society is vitally interested in a strong, spiritually and morally healthy family. It requires attention and assistance from the state in performing social functions, raising children, and improving material, housing and living conditions.

So, a community is a collection of individuals who are united by similar interests, values, and living conditions. In addition, these individuals within the community are aware of their social identity. Some sociologists believe that communities do not appear by chance. American scientist D. Homans believes that people within a community strive to achieve a certain good. And what? higher value has this benefit - so more strength a person makes efforts to interact with other people. It turns out that communities are formed only to achieve a common goal.

Types and structure of communities

Classification of communities is usually carried out according to various criteria. This may be a temporary sign, i.e. the lifetime of a community can take several minutes (for example, the audience of a rally), or maybe several centuries (here we are talking about entire nations). Based on the quantitative basis, community is graded from two people (for example, a stage team) to several thousand (members of the same party). Another sign is the density of connections between representatives of a community: it can be a closely knit team (such as a team of employees in a single office) or an amorphous entity in which people hardly interact with each other (football fans).

There is also the concept of a mass social community. Such a community is unstable and heterogeneous in composition, and it is impossible to accurately determine the number of people included in it. A mass social community functions on the basis of some kind of activity - the existence of the community does not exist. To such social entities include rock star fans and sports fans. A single nation or race is also considered mass community. This also includes the crowd of protesters.

A special place is occupied by the unification of people in communities according to ethnicity. People of the same ethnicity have a common territory of residence, a solid history, their own culture and their own identity, which sets members of the ethnic community somewhat apart from other nations and nationalities, forcing them to realize their differences from them. At the beginning of the formation of an ethnic community, the fundamental feature is living in a common territory. In the future, this sign ceases to be the main one. For example, people who consider themselves Russian live all over the world and at the same time do not forget the traditions of their ethnic group.