Purple and beige in clothes. Tips for choosing colors: what color goes with blue

The blue color and its shades immediately evoke memories of an ocean breeze, a quiet river surface or a calm sea. Combinations blue color in clothes they favorably highlight the dark skin of brunettes and emphasize the porcelain whiteness of the skin of blondes. All you need to do is choose your shade of blue and successfully combine it with other colors of the ensemble. What colors to combine with blue, sea green, baby blue and cyan - see and read on this page.

Sea wave color in clothes: successful combinations

Sea green is always a unique and eye-catching color. A combination that is suitable for those who wish to try on a unique shade of blue. Pairing aqua blue clothing with subtle multi-colored combinations creates a truly summer look.

1-5 - create an irresistible impression with medium brightness shades.

6-10 - brighter pastel shades, perfectly combined with gentle blue. This range looks great with the warm spring rays of the sun.

11-15 - shades of high brightness, against which the color of the ocean wave looks especially attractive. 11-13 - yellow-green colors will be an excellent choice for the spring and summer seasons. 14 - cherry pink shade will fill your look with a range of romantic feelings. 15 - bluish will give a feeling of completeness to the outfit. With white, yellow and orange shades it is better to additionally use.

16 is a trendy and refreshing beige. 17 - nice brown will add naturalness to you. 18 - a stable combination of soft yellow and blue. 19 - a combination with this shade of brown is suitable for those who find it difficult to choose anything specific from bright colors. 20 is a good dark brown that goes well with a light bottom. Choice for mature women.

What can you combine the color of sea green with to radically change your image? 21 and 22 - a bright blue top in combination with a bluish bottom will significantly rejuvenate and give a spectacular look. 23, 24, 25 - will add coolness to your appearance.

26 - refreshing white. 27-29 - variations of cool gray tones. 30 - a gray-brown shade will give your look even more variety; add bright decorations.

What color to combine baby blue with?

Baby Blue is a faint shade of blue. Gives the appearance both lightness and youthful negligence. Contrast on different pastel shades will be a decisive factor in creating a moderately provocative appearance.

1-5 are some of the most popular color combinations. Allows you to create a cute and innocent appearance.

6-10 - beautiful bright shades for active and young ladies, light and airy. 6 - can be the optimal solution for a dark pink top. 9,10 - bright range of blue shades, the best way combined with a lighter bottom.

The best solution for creating a neat appearance. 11, 12 - strict and neutral shades of brown. 13 - classic white, giving a pleasant feeling of lightness. 14, 15 - cool moderate-dark shades.

Look at the photo: the combination of blue in clothes is a good choice for an elegant sports uniform in the summer season:

Combination of cyan blue clothes

"Cyan" is a bright blue shade. Gives the skin a fresh and youthful appearance. How to combine this blue color in clothes to look elegant? Cyan goes well with light and light colors pastel shades, especially with soft fabrics.

1-5 - very pale pastel colors, creating a calm mood in appearance, giving a feeling of coolness. A good solution would be a combination with a pink top.

6-15 - brighter and more intense shades, for active ladies. A good choice for the spring season. Color scheme will give your appearance a calm mood thanks to a combination of medium-intensity shades. To create a favorable impression.

16-20 - a very well-combined yellowish-beige color scheme with refreshing natural shades. 16 - bright white up will suit any environment. 17 - Sweet beige will add a little softness to your appearance. 18-20 - darkish shades will allow mature women to feel comfortable on a hot summer day.

21 and 22 are bright and vibrant shades. An excellent choice for sporty girls. 23, 24, 25 - shades that also provide bright colour contrast. Look good in an urban setting.

26 - moderately bright and soft shades of brown that are worth paying attention to. 27 - simple and evoking feeling cool summer white tint. 28 - is a light gray cool blue shade. 29 - a combination of intelligent appearance and fashionable taste in clothing. 30 - a harmonious combination of dark top and light bottom for any occasion.

Blue color is gentle and unprejudiced. Unlike blue, which can be called one of the basic ones in any wardrobe, blue shades are more capricious and demanding of their neighbors.

Let's look at photos of the most successful combinations and find out which colors blue goes best with.

This shade harmonizes perfectly with white, especially against the background dark skin. This combination is suitable for girls with the “winter” appearance color type.

A bright blue blouse with a snow-white skirt, trousers or is a wonderful summer outfit that can be used as a casual or even formal outfit by adding silver jewelry.

A blue jumper or jacket will look great with white jeans, and be sure to pair it with a blue down jacket white hat and a voluminous white scarf.

Bright blue looks good with shades of yellow - lemon, canary, sand. Exquisite combinations for summer, but you can also wear a blue raincoat with yellow rubber boots in autumn.

Dark blue – cloudy sky

These are the associations that come to mind when looking at this shade. A bright green color looks best with dark blue; this is the most natural combination that does not hurt the eyes and looks harmonious in any design.

Mix blue jeans with a green sweater, a blue shirt with green shorts, and a blue tank top with a green or tulip top.

You can dilute dark blue with white, but the shade should be snow-white. Cream, ivory and similar colors against blue will look dirty.

Light blue – tenderness itself

This color can come in different intensities, but it is the most versatile shade. White harmonizes wonderfully with light blue, creating a pleasant airy image.

Wear a soft blue blouse with a black business suit - blue will soften the severity of black. But you shouldn’t combine blue with gray; both colors will lose in such a tandem.

Try a pale blue shirtdress with a brown leather belt and brown ankle boots for a chic outfit. As you can see, soft blue goes well with brown.

Orange looks good with sky blue; this combination is suitable for red-haired girls. Orange, brown, red next to blue will seem brighter and at the same time more tender.

With a pale blue dress, feel free to wear golden accessories and jewelry; at an evening event you will look like a princess, but this option is more suitable for young fashionistas.

Of course, it is worth mentioning blue, complete with pink, delicate and romantic image, which can be diluted with white or beige. These colors look great together in a country style.

You can wear blue and red, but in in this case one color should be the main color, and the other should be a complement. If using a color block technique, add yellow or green.

Gray-blue is not boring at all

If there is too much of this shade in the look, then it will really bring up boring thoughts. Dilute this color with contrasting spots of rich shades.

Gray-blue business suit Can be worn with a black blouse or fuchsia top. Gray-blue looks elegant in tandem with lemon, it can be gray-blue jeans and a lemon T-shirt or belt.

Blue color is a must-have for fashionistas with a summer color type of appearance; it also looks great on winter girls. A spring woman should look for a combination with pink, and an autumn girl should look for a combination with brown.

If you follow these rules and know what colors shades of blue go with, you will always look decent, no one will accuse you of lack of taste or say that your clothes do not suit you.

In contact with

We have been taught since childhood that blue is the dominant color. men's wardrobe. Perhaps it’s time to dispel this myth, because it’s probably impossible to find a girl whose closet doesn’t have a single thing in this tone. At the same time, we do not focus on classic version color, because there are so many variations of it. This is why it is so important to understand what color blue goes with, what you should pay attention to when combining this shade when creating your own image.

Psychology of color

Blue is a color that has an incredibly multifaceted nature, a lot of shades that are opposite both in brightness and in the mood that they can give. However, what many of them have in common is that they symbolize powerful creative energy and rich creative potential.

Close your eyes and imagine the color blue... How did you feel? Surely this is lightness, relaxation and dreaminess. Indeed, these are exactly the emotions and experiences that this wonderful shade of blue evokes. It is believed that people who prefer the classical celestial are incredibly dreamy and romantic natures with highly developed intuition.

The other side of the coin can be seen in the excess of all possible shades of this color, which contribute to the emergence stress conditions, irritability and even aggression. That’s why a sense of proportion and knowing what color to combine blue with is so important.

Combination principles

Surely many have heard about color wheel, which divides all existing colors and their shades into subgroups. Thanks to this division and study of the harmony of the colors being combined, you can get an idea of ​​the most successful combinations. The most common are considered to be three principles that have not escaped combinations with blue: monochrome, analogy and complementarity. By using them, you will certainly not make a mistake in combinations.

The first principle involves the combination of things in one ensemble different shades one color. Even if not diluted with anything, they will have a stunning effect. By choosing the principle of analogy, you can combine similar colors; blue is closest to turquoise and blue. Segments of a circle that are opposite each other are called complementary. Such combinations are very effective due to their contrast and the effect of reinforcing each other. What color harmonizes with blue according to this principle? In this case it will be a brown color scheme.

Who is it suitable for?

Any variations of blue are ideal for the “winter” color type, especially its cold shades, which will only emphasize the whiteness and aristocracy of the skin, and the brightness of the hair, creating an incredibly impressive and rich look. Therefore, “winter” women can safely give preference to “blue” looks.

The heavenly shade will look no less organic on olive skin, which is why women of the “summer” color type love to use it so much. At the same time, hair color will have little effect on the harmony of the image, so both blondes and brunettes can safely purchase things in this range. But blue things in the wardrobe of red-haired ladies are considered a rather controversial issue, since it is believed that such a contrast will unbalance the image.

The most successful combinations

It is believed that the achromatic range goes well with absolutely any color. Indeed, it is quite difficult to dispute this statement. However, in the case of blue, each combination radically changes the character of the outfit. For example, white and sky blue will create an incredibly light and weightless ensemble, regardless of the proportions in which they are combined. But with black, you should be much more careful, clearly defining the dominant shade: either the outfit will have the main black, complemented only by details, and this is typical for evening or business looks, or blue with light splashes of black accessories, suitable for everyday and casual outfits. Gray with its shades is best option From what color to combine with gray-blue, however, you should not limit yourself to it. Such combinations are typical for casual style.

Among chromatic tones, the most successful are considered to be combinations of blue with yellow, green, which we can often observe in nature, as well as with contrasting red, which perfectly emphasizes all the tenderness and depth of blue.

Tatiana Kulinich

Blue is the color of hope, spring and innocence. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “ blue dream”, which denotes something ideal and very desirable. Blue color can be used in almost any style, so it has a place in the image of every woman. It is often used by interior designers to create the effect of spaciousness and freshness. How does blue combine with other colors? How to choose one for him perfect couple based on your goals and color type?

Blue and black

This duet combines severity and tenderness, restraint and youthful coquetry, if you choose the right shade of blue. This outfit can be worn to the office or to a party. IN business style Muted versions of blue, which make the image more serious, such as niagara or gray, would look more appropriate. These colors look most harmonious on girls of cold color types - Winter and Summer. But black is not suitable for the Summer type; it is better to wear it only away from the face. For festive clothes, it is better to choose more saturated variations of blue, such as sky blue and sapphire. If you like rich versions of this color, it is better to dilute the duo with a third, lighter shade.

Blue and white

A light, delicate, “breathable” combination that is reminiscent of sea beaches and snowy peaks. Perfect for women of the Winter color type, with pale skin and dark hair. Another cold type, Summer, can also use this range, but here it is better to dilute it with a third, more saturated shade. If you have blonde hair and skin, using two light shades can turn your look into a dull gray blur. This duet looks most harmonious in a summer wardrobe. It is refreshing, looks romantic and soft, at the same time as if it keeps a certain distance between the person wearing it and the rest of the world.

Blue and red

A bright, attention-grabbing combination built on contrasts. Blue is a cool shade associated with innocence and spirituality, while red is the warm color of passion and aggression. This combination looks holistic with the right shades and emphasizes the creativity and nobility of the person wearing it. To look stylish in such a duet, follow the rule of color temperature harmony. You should use raspberry with classic cold blue; scarlet can be combined with a warmer shade of sky blue. Blue looks better as a background, and red as individual strokes, details of the image.

Blue and orange

The combination of these complementary colors looks a little rebellious, but at the same time there is a certain nobility in it. Orange color invigorates and gives energy, while blue seems to soften it and direct it in the right direction. Because of its associations with summer and the sea, the combination is often used in beach fashion. But this duet will find its place in the wardrobe of many women, especially those who like boho or ethnic style. Suitable for any color type (except Summer), if you choose the right shades. Cool types should focus on blue and choose dusty, dim versions of orange. Warm - on the contrary, use rich, bright orange and sky blue.

Blue and yellow

Bright, warm combination which brings joy and fun. Evokes associations with summer, sea, happy childhood, because both of these colors are considered a symbol of childhood innocence. A person in this combination looks youthful and perky, which attracts attention. In its bright variations, this combination is suitable for festive occasions. In an everyday wardrobe, it is better to use contrast in saturation: that is, make one color brighter, and the other muted, as if “dusty.” For Summer, choose muted chartreuse with cool blue.

Blue and green

These two colors are located next to each other on the color wheel, so they can be called related. This combination is calming, emphasizing lightness and femininity. But at the same time, due to the coldness of blue, it looks quite restrained, which means it can even be worn to the office or to business negotiations. Inspires confidence, but at the same time encourages others to maintain some distance. Looks great on women of a cool color type, especially if you choose a restrained, cool shade of green. In this combination, it is worth maintaining a contrast in lightness or choosing a darker third color.

Light blue and blue

Another related combination of shades. An irreplaceable duet in the wardrobe of cold color types of Summer and especially Winter. This combination looks noble, calm and quite strict. But due to the fact that blue is a lightened version of blue, that is, they are almost identical shades, it is better to choose a third color for a more holistic look. This can be one of the neutral shades, which is perfect for business or casual style. Or contrasting bright color(for example, adding red to blue) when you want to stand out from the crowd.

Blue and purple

Both of these colors in our perception are associated with spirituality, mystery, something mystical and otherworldly. This combination is perfect for introverts, creative people. The classic blue color looks good with cool variations of purple, such as the color of amethyst. More warm shades blue - for example, azure, look good with rich, warm purple, for example, eggplant or plum. The first option is ideal for Winter and Summer, the second – for Autumn and Spring.

Blue and brown

Solid and calm combination of colors. Brown grounds and emphasizes the status of the wearer. Blue is intuitively conducive to communication, speaks of high intelligence and the friendliness of the person wearing it. This combination can create an interesting contrast in saturation or lightness. Warm color types It’s better to bet on warm brown (brick, cinnamon color), and blue ones individual parts. Cold color types will be irresistible in a duet of rich blue and taupe, or cold, dark brown and cornflower blue.

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The main secret of ideal and stylish look - correct selection color range set. Speaking of blue, we can say with confidence that this pure and positive shade can become the basis of an ensemble. This is a color that relaxes nervous system and has a positive effect on others, the color of the endless sea and bright sky; all this is fascinating and calming. Blue color can create the illusion of coolness, which is very important in the summer heat.

The blue family includes two types of shades: whitened shades of blue color without adding other colors either light shades blue with a slight shift towards green. When the green tint in blue becomes too pronounced, we can see a transition to cyan, and then to cyan. turquoise colors. Although the line here is so small that the vast majority of people will classify all these shades as varieties of blue.

Let's look at how blue interacts with various appearance colors.

Pure blue, obtained by whitening the blue color, is perfect for all cold colors of appearance, especially winter types. For women with a summer type of appearance, optimal choice it will be blue mixed with gray, all dusty shades. But clearly warm types should choose shades of blue with a slight deviation towards green. Such shades can be called warm and are recommended for Spring and Autumn color types.

Let's look at the most interesting combinations.

Blue and white are an integral part of the whole. The set is light and calm, creating the impression of tranquility, minimal contrast and completeness of the image.

Different tonal shades of blue and dark blue combined with black. Black and adds a spark of sophistication and purity to the ensemble.

Blue and beige. It looks very impressive and not flashy, moderately calm and balanced. No flashy details, but the printed top adds an element of playfulness to the look.

Blue and orange. A very fresh and sunny solution. White top and blue jeans - classic combination, but when the bag is present orange color, this is a completely different level. Stylish and not boring.

Blue and black are classics of the genre. It looks very impressive and elegant, suitable for evening and festive looks. It is advisable not to add other colors, as the image will lose its charm and style.

Monochrome solution. It is better if the shades differ significantly from each other, for example, light blue and deep blue.

Turquoise and blue. This is a related color combination. Saturated turquoise dress with a bag of a light, delicate blue color it will look much better than an option in one tone.

Pink, blue and white. A combination of tenderness, romance, airiness. For romantic people with a positive mood. The image is light and soft.

The combination of yellow and blue is like the sky and the sun. Positivity, joy and fun. This set will set the owner of the outfit in a joyful mood any day.

Unusual harmony of blue and green. This is very beautiful combination associated with blue skies and green grass. A little cool and green at the same time. Beautiful and unforgettable.

As you can see, you can create different color combinations with the color blue, while getting great stylish ensembles and positive emotions.