Description of the painting: the first spectators of Syromyatnikov. III. Work plan for an essay-reasoning

The description of the painting “The First Spectators” can be prefaced with a few lines about its author, Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova, who still lives in Moscow and is now 99 years old. The artist was born in 1914 in the city of Kharkov.

Glorious dynasty

A fine master of landscape and still life, she passed on her talent to her daughter and grandchildren, forming a wonderful artistic dynasty. Her daughter and son-in-law are honored
artists of Russia. Grandmother, daughter (Kira Yurievna Ryabinina, porcelain master) and granddaughter (artist Ekaterina Lukyanova) in different times Graduated from the Institute named after V.I. Surikov. A wonderful, talented family. The works of these artists are readily bought; the grandmother’s paintings are entirely in private domestic and foreign collections. Very little information about this remarkable artist can be gleaned from available sources, although a catalog of her works was compiled in the 70s. But from the paintings available for viewing - “View from the Sparrow Hills”, “Peonies” and “Indoor Flowers” ​​- one can judge the author’s talent. However, many people know the most famous one, because its reproduction is placed in a textbook for the 6th grade. It is offered for writing school essays. In this way, it is very reminiscent of Fyodor Reshetnikov’s painting about another deuce.

There is a painting in the room and paints, and a soft chair in the corner...

You can start describing the picture. Syromyatnikova wrote “The First Spectators” at the beginning creative path. Perhaps some artists of that period had a feeling of peace and joy, but many paintings depicting genre scenes and related to them are imbued with these feelings. The picture is familiar from childhood, but for some reason, when looking at it after a decent amount of time, I remembered the final frames of the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street.” The same open window, the same abundance of air, the same birch trees outside the window covered with young greenery, the same feeling that these guys still have a lot ahead of them... Let's continue the description of the picture. Syromyatnikova apparently painted “The First Spectators” in her dacha. Maybe in Peredelkino, or maybe in another area of ​​the Moscow region. The time displayed on the canvas is the beginning of summer.

Possible scenario

The boys are on vacation. Most likely, they walked to the river along a familiar route. It can be assumed that every day they saw an open window, and behind it, in the back of the room, an artist painting some kind of picture, turned towards them. Of course, they were curious about what interesting the master found in the landscape, which was familiar to them to the last leaf. And suddenly, one day, something changed outside the open window - the owner of the room was not there, but the canvas was turned to face them. It is natural to assume that, taking advantage of the moment, the guys came closer. boy younger in age, the capital's guest's room became interested, and his friend was shocked - they themselves were depicted in the picture. Of course, this is a free description of the picture. Syromyatnikov might not have dedicated “The First Spectators” local residents. But what's the plot mysterious picture echoes the painting by Ekaterina Vasilievna, undoubtedly. The same silence, abundance of fresh air, sun and greenery. In world painting, an open window is found quite often. Eat wonderful picture artist Andrew Wyeth's "Wind from the Sea." Wonderful canvas! But the window there is open to American reality. And here we have the Moscow region.

A canvas that brings joy

The picture is so good that it inspired the poet Igor Brumer to create subtle and lyric poem"Painting. Room. Boys." I would like to quote it in its entirety, but it won’t work in the article. But it’s not very often that poems are dedicated to artists’ paintings. Especially for artists about whom it is impossible to find anything except that the “Nude” cycle female figure"was completely sold out in Japan, where Soviet artists brought their canvases to the exhibition.

I would like to continue and continue the description of the picture. Syromyatnikov’s “First Spectators” was also dedicated to the artist’s work. Looking at the canvas, you see the master who has completed the work, wiping his hands with a rag and smiling at his painting. And then the neighboring boys go to the river. The artist immediately decides to check the reaction of the first spectators, unfolds the canvas and hides. Elegant, clear, ironic and joyful painting “The First Spectators”. Syromyatnikova did not depict seething passions on her canvases at all. It’s good that the painting is included in the school textbook, and children write essays based on it.

An essay on the painting “The First Spectators” is a version of an Essay on a painting, a reproduction of which is included in a Russian language textbook. However, the author of the essay managed to appreciate both the originality of the plot and the unusualness of the concept. The description of the “picture within a painting” is what we get acquainted with when reading the Essay on the painting “The First Spectators” by E. Syromyatnikova.

Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova – wonderful artist. She was born on November 14, 1814 in the city of Kharkov. Ekaterina Vasilievna studied at the Moscow Institute named after V.I. Surikov.

Her works were so beautiful that they very quickly ended up in private collections. Before me is a picture of this wonderful artist“First Spectators”, which in this moment is in Tretyakov Gallery. It depicts curious boys who were the first to appreciate the creator’s talent. The picture shows a spacious, bright room.

The curtains flutter in the light breeze. A vase of fresh daisies is placed on the floor. Opposite her, on a stool, there is a palette with many colors. And right on the palette lie the artist’s long brushes. Nearby, on an easel in a stretcher, is a canvas with a painting, invisible to us.

Not far from the painting lies a sketchbook, which proves that this artist is a professional. Directly opposite the painting there is an antique chair, especially for the artist, so that he can comfortably look around his creation. I really want to get there and look at this wonderful picture hidden from my eyes. It feels like there is something unusual there, something fascinating.

It's spring outside the huge window. White-trunked birches are visible. The grass is very young, emerald green. And in the distance the dark forest turns black.

The first and casual viewers and connoisseurs unknown painting It turned out to be two boys just passing by. Senior blond boy in a blue and white T-shirt can't take his eyes off wonderful picture, and the other, younger one, in a red T-shirt, doesn’t look at the picture at all, he’s more interested in the decoration of the room. The painting “The First Spectators” shows us the artist’s everyday life. I really liked this unusual creation E. V. Syromyatnikova.

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Essay on the painting “The First Spectators” by Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova

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Students are asked to write an essay on the painting “The First Spectators” during Russian language lessons. Let's try to give a few necessary recommendations for doing this job well.

A word about the artist

Before writing an essay on the painting “The First Spectators,” it is necessary to talk about the author of this painting. Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova comes from Ukraine, the city of Kharkov. Besides the fact that she is very talented artist, our author received professional education in Fine Arts.

In addition to the painting “The First Spectators”, she wrote very famous painting"View from the Sparrow Hills."

The audience liked her works so much that almost all of them were sent to private collections for storage.

E. V. Syromyatnikova was known not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Preparing for an essay

When we start working on a painting, we need to complete several simple actions. First we need to make a plan according to which we will write the essay. Examples of these may vary. But the most important thing is to be consistent and stay on topic. The plot of the canvas, its main images can be described, and the necessary conclusions can be drawn after the work has been done.

Be sure to check your essay for semantic connections between paragraphs. Don’t forget about literacy, because while working on the content, you can make a mistake unnoticed.

The plot of the picture

The painting (by Syromyatnikov) “The First Spectators,” on which we are to write an essay, combines features of various genres. There is a landscape, an image of a person, and an interior.

Beautiful summer weather brings Nice memories. Bright greenery and young birch trees attract the eye to it.

Unfortunately, the history of the creation of the painting is not known for certain. But there is information that in 1929, when the canvas was painted, the artist was vacationing in the village of Ligachevo, located in the Moscow region. Apparently, then inspiration struck her, and she gave us this wonderful picture.

Two boys were walking down the street. Suddenly they noticed that in one of the country houses a window was wide open. Curious guys approached the house and what they saw pleasantly surprised them. It turned out that in front of them was the workshop of some artist. Children look at everything around them with the greatest interest. They are very curious to look at an unusual room.

The artist himself is not in the picture. He was probably gone for a while on some business. Since people of art are quite unique, our master may have left the house, forgetting to close the window.

The interpretation of the title of the painting must also be included in our essay. Examples may vary. We will assume that the painting is called “The First Spectators” because the boys were the earliest witnesses to the creation of a canvas by an unknown artist.

What do we see in the background?

In front of us is a spacious and very pleasant room. In the background we see. It seems that the artist’s house is located at a distance from the others, somewhere in a forest clearing. In the distance you can see trees and their lush green crowns. Near the house, the mesmerizing White-trunked beauties have hung their fluffy branches and are basking under sun rays.

The grass in the clearing is still very young. It is so bright that it looks like a soft velvet carpet. In the distance we see a path leading, probably, to another house.

Central plan

The entire canvas can be divided into two parts: the room itself and the street landscape.

The essay on the painting “The First Spectators” will continue with a description of the central plan.

The atmosphere in the workshop was very unusual, which attracted the attention of the boys.

The curtain does not cover the window. It flutters smoothly, which indicates that there may be a weak summer breeze blowing outside.

To the right of the window there is a luxurious armchair. While resting on it, the artist is probably thinking about his creative ideas. It is made in an old style, the sun rays fall on the seat.

One of the boys looks at this unusual piece of furniture with interest. On the left, under the window, there are already painted paintings. They are turned with the front side to the wall, as required by the drying rules.

The floor is wooden, not covered with anything, but nevertheless clean and well-groomed.

Or maybe E. V. Syromyatnikova herself lived or visited in this house?!


A pretty bouquet of daisies flaunts right before our eyes. It can be assumed that it was the author who captured it in the picture. Unfortunately, we do not know what is depicted on this canvas. And how I would like to see what the eldest of the guys was so interested in! He is so mesmerized by the canvas that his cheeks even glow with pleasure.

On the left we see an easel and a sketchbook. This suggests that the artist is a master of his craft. In his work he used four brushes and perhaps green and white colors, because they were the ones that remained on his palette. This confirms our version that the artist may have depicted daisies on the canvas.

It seems that, having finished the work, the master, sitting in his unusual chair, appreciated his own creation.

It is noteworthy that on this canvas we see unusual situation. The artist depicted one picture within another.

Unfortunately, the audience does not know what creation surprised the children so much, but what is certain is that the canvas was made of very high quality. So much so that it attracts the attention of strangers.

Color spectrum

The picture leaves a very pleasant impression because it is very realistic. This is achieved through the artist’s use of well-chosen colors and shades. This information must be included in the essay on the film “The First Spectators.”

The depiction of nature is very attractive. That's how I remember carefree childhood, summer holidays, clear sunny days. Probably, it was during this period that the boys went for a walk, forgetting about school for a while.

The guys' clothes are quite bright and summery. The eldest of them has a gray T-shirt with blue trim. The younger one is wearing a red blouse. Such “live” colors make the boys stand out from the general background of the picture.

The daisies were a bright “spot” in the room. These are fresh summer flowers will appeal to each of us. This is a symbol of carelessness, relaxation and even romance. Probably, this bouquet is located on the cabinet and pleases the eye of its owner. It can be assumed that it was given to the master by one of the fans of his work.

The palette of colors also stands out in the decor of the room. This is still a working workshop, so the artist does not put away his working tools.

In general, the whole picture is expressively bright and at the same time light. Everything around is flooded with sunlight, and you can feel the warmth of the summer sun.


After this detailed description You can finish our essay on the canvas, which was written by E. Syromyatnikova. “The First Spectators” amazes the viewer with its skill and at the same time simplicity. Don't forget to draw conclusions regarding your impression of the picture. It will probably remain pleasant. It’s impossible not to love these little brats who sneak peeks into someone else’s house!

If anyone wants to see the original of this painting, it is easy to find in the famous museum in Russia - the Tretyakov Gallery.

Having seen the creation with your own eyes, perhaps you will become even more inspired by this painting.

Syromyatnikova - First spectators for 6th grade

Most famous work The artist is considered to have a painting called “The First Spectator”. It was written by the master at the beginning of the dawn of her career. Ekaterina Vasilievna had a dacha outside the city. A small wooden house served her to write new masterpieces. It was there that she took a break from the bustle of the city and enjoyed nature.

And so the canvas depicts a large, spacious, bright room. In the foreground is a painting. She is turned away from the viewer. The picture is very big size, somewhere in human height. And next to her, on a small wooden stool, lies an easel with paints. They haven't been touched yet. Perhaps the artist has just begun preparations for painting. There are also brushes of different thicknesses nearby.

On the left side of the picture there is a large iron bucket. It contains a large number of field daisies. I assume they were collected to paint a still life. Further, near the window, there is a massive wooden chair covered with soft fabric. The curved legs and armrests of the chair give it grandeur. There is a colorful curtain on its back. The wind probably blew it away.

But the most important characters in the canvas are two boys who great interest looking through a huge window. Presumably the boys were walking somewhere, and, passing by the artist’s house, they saw that the window was open. They became interested in seeing how such talented people work.

There is surprise and delight in their eyes. One of the boys is wearing a blue T-shirt. His hair light brown. He looks at the canvas with interest. The second guy is shorter. Dressed in a red T-shirt. He looks around the room with delight. But his attention was attracted by an unusual, beautiful chair by the window.

It's hot summer weather outside. Not far from the house you can see a birch grove. The boys were very lucky, because they were the first viewers of the canvas depicted by the artist.

Option 2

Painting by E.V. Syromyatnikova’s “First Spectators” is flooded sunlight. There are elements of several genres at once: a portrait of two curious boys, a wonderful landscape outside the window, everyday genre- room furnishings. They all harmonize with each other.

It is easy to guess that this painting depicts the artist’s room. An easel is visible in the left corner of the canvas, and paints lie on a chair next to it. The artist probably draws inspiration from living nature. Next to the master’s workplace there is a vase with a bouquet of snow-white daisies, and outside the window there is a beautiful birch grove behind which begins a forest shrouded in haze.

The window is wide open on this hot summer day, the curtains barely flutter with a fresh breath of wind. The boys who were passing under the window looked into it. The boy in a light T-shirt was interested in what was written with a brush on the canvas, and his friend had already admired the painting and was looking with curiosity at the furnishings of the room, his gaze turned to the chair.

The entire room is flooded with sunlight. Apparently, the one who lives here likes to sit in the evenings on a beautiful and comfortable chair by the window and look at birch grove nearby. Under the window sill, against the wall, several canvases are visible. Maybe the artist has not yet had time to turn them into works of art, or maybe something is already depicted there.

The artist mainly uses bright, warm colors: green, yellow, brown - this brings back memories of a hot summer. Thanks to this, the picture attracts attention and comes to life. It seems that sonorous boyish voices are about to be heard.

Looking at the picture of E.V. Syromyatnikova’s “First Spectators”, the mood is lifted. Everything here is permeated with sunlight, warmth and kindness: the room, the clearing outside the window, the birch grove, the forest in the distance, and the faces of those very first spectators.

Essay describing the painting by Syromyatnikova First viewers

Unusual painting“The First Spectators” by Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova was made in a mixed genre. The painting contains a colorful still life, classic landscape and a characteristic portrait. Each element is of interest and gives rise to thought. The composition of the painting is built on four planes: nature, children, a fragment of a room and a still life in the foreground. This staircase structure creates an expressive perspective, uniting all the details into a common line.

The painting tells the story of curious boys who sneak a peek into the artist’s studio. The room left by the master greets the children with a new work of art. Next to the easel is a working palette and a set of brushes, which are neatly folded and await the author’s return. Near the painter's working tools, he joyfully reaches out to sunlight bouquet of daisies And on the opposite side of the room creative atmosphere attracts boys. Behind the guys are the familiar Russian birch trees in a bright green meadow. The artist left minor details of the setting in the shadows. The sun generously bestows nature outside the window and casts an expressive ray on the island of nature in the room.

But a friendly fine day cannot distract young viewers from exploring an interesting artist's studio. Youngest child became interested in something unimportant that remained behind the scenes. And the older boy looks at the picture enthusiastically. An unprepared viewer cannot take his eyes off the artist’s work. What's drawn there? It is possible that the image of simple daisies or familiar birches, which are so boring to the eye that we do not notice their beauty. And a talented painter can not only see, but also show extraordinary harmony in familiar to the eye things. The artist’s interesting idea invites the observer to look at the picture within the picture, to see another viewer, invites the viewer to guess a riddle or imagine a whole story about what plot could attract an ordinary boy.

Not every adult, much less a child, is able to feel the power of art. But real talent always able to captivate his magical power more than one generation of first and regular viewers. The open window in the painting is like an unspoken invitation to enter the world of painting for everyone who can touch it. creative life or pass by.

Ekaterina Vasilievna Syromyatnikova famous artist in the vastness of the USSR. Born in 1914, in famous city Kharkov, Ukraine). More from youth, the girl’s parents, began to actively engage in her art education. They saw her potential for painting. Education received at the Moscow Institute named after Vasily Surikov. What struck me most was the fact from Syromyatnikova’s biography. It turns out that Ekaterina Vasilievna instilled a great love for art in her daughter and beloved granddaughter. She also did not ignore her son-in-law. Under sensitive leadership Ekaterina Vasilievna, her whole family was involved in art. And so the famous dynasty of artists appeared. Already by the 70s of the last century, the artist had her own catalog of works.

Russian Soviet artist Syromyatnikova Ekaterina Vasilievna born in Kharkov 1914.

The action of her painting "First Spectators" takes place in the village, at the artist’s summer dacha, where it is convenient for him to work and relax fresh air, away from the bustle and crowded conditions of the city. On foreground the writer's room is depicted, in which no one is present. The window faces a picturesque birch grove, and in front of the grove there is a clearing with bright green grass that makes you want to run barefoot on the grass.

In the middle of the room there is a large, taller than human painting. Its front side is facing the window, so we don’t see what’s written on it.

The window is wide open, outside the window is a sunny summer day with a light breeze that has thrown the curtain over the back of the chair. Because of the wide open windows it seems that the room is on outdoors and merges with nature.

The chair on the left side of the picture is large and beautiful, with curved legs and armrests, upholstered in colorful material. The room is clean, apparently one of the locals comes and cleans the artist’s house every day.

Next to the painting, on the wooden floor, there is a huge bouquet of freshly picked field daisies, which the artist apparently intended to depict in the painting.

There is an easel with paints on a stool next to the painting, and it is completely clean, the paints have not yet been mixed.

The artist prepared the paints, stretched the canvas onto a stretcher and secured it on the easel, and maybe managed to make some sketches, but then something distracted him and he left the room. And at this time, two village children passed by the windows and were overcome with curiosity to see how real artists work.

They probably heard from their parents a long time ago about the visiting artist. And now the opportunity to do this has arisen. The window sill is located low and it is easy for the children to look into the room and see how the artist works and his painting. These are the main characters of the film “The First Spectators”. This is correct, because no one else has seen this picture except them, they are the first viewers.

On the left, a taller and older boy examines the painting, and on the right, a smaller boy looks around the artist’s room with curiosity. We even somehow envy these boys, they already see what is drawn in the picture, but we don’t even know, we can only guess.

Maybe this is a landscape that opens to the artist outside the window or a still life of field daisies, a bouquet of which the artist left in the room.

The older boy is dressed in a light T-shirt with a blue collar, surprise and delight at the painted picture are painted on his face.

The younger boy is wearing a red shirt, his attention was more drawn to the beautiful antique chair.