Characteristics of Tatyana from the story of Eugene Onegin. Contrast between Tatiana and Olga

Tatyana Larina is an image that captures all the best ideas about a woman in Russia.
Quiet, sad, silent, dim, alien. This is how Tatyana appears at the beginning of the novel. The absolute opposite of his sister Olga. Olga is a cheerful, frivolous girl. No wonder Pushkin, describing her flaxen curls and Blue eyes, said that similar portrait you will find in any novel. Olga is a cheerful, slightly spoiled, typical young lady of her age.

Tatyana is not like that. The common fun of girls of her age is alien to her. She is very unsociable and overly timid. Favorite pastime: listening to grandma's horror stories, watch the moon rise in the sky or read. Books were her passion. Only these books were French novels that excited her girlish heart. Completely alien to her environment, Tatyana was waiting for something different. In books she found things that were not in her reality.

Perhaps this is why Tatyana fell in love with Evgeniy Onegin, not even Onegin himself, but the image that she invented for herself. After all, he was completely different from those whom she was used to meeting in her environment. With his coldness towards others, aloofness, and intelligence, Onegin attracted her attention and involuntarily became the object of her hopeless love.

The letter she wrote in a fit of feeling and despair is a masterpiece of literary art, fully reflecting everything that Tatyana lived with and that filled her soul so much. It’s all here: shame, recognition, fear of being rejected, understanding the difference between them, and a wild imagination. Onegin was for her a long-awaited prince, a savior, the meaning of life.

But the reality is simpler and harsher. Of course, Onegin was touched by Tatyana’s confessions. But he did not feel ready to take responsibility for someone else's fate. He declares this to Tatyana, also teaching her a life lesson.

The lesson did not go without a trace. With an incredible effort of will, having coped with mental pain, Tatyana learned to live according to the rules of the “high society”. But that doesn't mean it's beautiful pure girl she turned into a typical lady. No! She managed not to lose her spiritual purity, but life forced her to hide her true feelings deep inside. Now she is the general's wife. And she will never disgrace her honor and her husband’s, even for the sake of love for Onegin “But I was given to another. And I will be faithful to him forever!”

Yes, after so much time, Tatyana continued to love Evgeniy, but now she will not accept his feelings. And this is not so much resentment or mistrust, but rather moral principles and honesty towards the current spouse.

The image of Tatiana, the sweet, beloved heroine of the great Pushkin, will not lose its significance in society as long as honesty, sincerity, duty, and loyalty are held in high esteem.

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Where the whole novel is simply permeated with the theme of love. This topic is close to everyone, which is why the work is read with ease and pleasure. Pushkin’s work introduces such heroes as Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina. It is their love story that is shown to readers and we are happy to follow these difficult relationships. But today let's talk not about the love of heroes, but let's give brief description this wonderful girl main character, whom the author called Tatyana.

Tatyana Larina - dear, kind girl from the province, which, although it grew up on a fairly spacious estate, was not arrogant and did not have a sense of complacency. Tatyana is very attached to the nanny, the same woman who told different stories and fairy tales.

To give full description Tatyana, let's turn to the quotes used in the novel. They will reveal to us the image of the girl who was in love with Onegin.

Tatyana Larina characterization of the hero with quotes

So, Tanya is a little wild, more often sad and silent than cheerful. She tries to be away from the company of people, is withdrawn and prefers to be alone. Tatyana likes to be outdoors in the forest, where she likes to talk with trees, like with friends. If we continue to talk about Larina and characterize her image, then it is worth saying that Tatyana is a girl with a truly Russian nature. She has a Russian soul, she loves the Russian winter, although at the same time, like many representatives noble class, Tatiana speaks little Russian, but speaks French well. She believes in fortune telling and legends, she is worried about omens.

As a child, the girl does not play with dolls and games like other children, but she is well-read, educated and smart. At the same time, she really likes to read romance novels, where the heroes comprehend fiery love. This is just such a hero from her novel that Tatyana saw in Onegin. The girl falls in love with Evgeniy and even decides to write a letter. But here we do not see frivolity in the act; on the contrary, we see the simplicity of her soul and the courage of the girl.

Like we said, she's a sweet girl. The author does not give her the image of a beauty, in which her sister Olga is shown to us. Nevertheless, Tatyana, with her sincerity, kindness of soul, and her qualities, is much more interesting than her sister. But Evgeny was immediately unable to appreciate Tatyana, wounding her with his refusal.

Time passes. Now we see Tatyana not as a timid girl, but married woman who no longer believes in fairy tales, knows how to behave in society, she behaves majestically and inaccessibly. This is where Tatyana falls in love, but Tatyana herself, despite the love for Onegin still living in her, remains faithful to her husband. This speaks of her nobility and honesty towards her family.

The image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. has conceptual significance. Pushkin. Firstly, because the poet in his work created the unique, unique character of the Russian woman. And secondly, this image embodied an important principle of Alexander Sergeevich - the principle realistic art. In one of his articles, Pushkin explains and analyzes the reasons for the emergence of “literary monsters” with the appearance and development romantic literature which replaced classicism. Let's take a closer look at the image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin's main idea

The poet agrees that the image is not a moral teaching, but an ideal - The general trend contemporary literature is correct in its essence. But, according to Alexander Sergeevich, neither the past idea of ​​human nature as a kind of “cute pomposity”, nor today’s image of vice triumphant in the hearts are essentially deep-seated. Pushkin, thus, affirms new ideals in his work (stanzas 13 and 14 of the third chapter): according to the author’s plan, it is built primarily on love conflict the novel should reflect the most stable and characteristic signs of the way of life that was followed by several generations of the noble family in Russia.

Pushkin's heroes therefore speak in a natural language, their experiences are not monotonous and schematic, but multifaceted and natural. Describing the feelings of the characters in the novel, Alexander Sergeevich tests the veracity of the descriptions with life itself, relying on his own impressions and observations.

Contrast between Tatiana and Olga

Taking into account this concept of Alexander Sergeevich, it becomes clear how and why the image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is compared with the character of another heroine, Olga, when the reader gets acquainted with the first. Olga is cheerful, obedient, modest, sweet and simple-minded. Her eyes are blue, like the sky, her curls are flaxen, her figure is light, yet she does not stand out in any way from a number of similar provincial young ladies in the novel “Eugene Onegin.” The image of Tatyana Larina is built on contrast. This girl is not as attractive in appearance as her sister, and the heroine’s hobbies and behavior only emphasize her originality and difference from the others. Pushkin writes that in her family she seemed like a strange girl, she was silent, sad, wild, timid, like a doe.

Name Tatyana

Alexander Sergeevich gives a note in which he indicates that names such as Thekla, Fedora, Filat, Agrafon and others are used among us only among common people. Then, in author's digression, Pushkin develops this idea. He writes that the name Tatyana will sanctify the “tender pages” of this novel for the first time. It merged harmoniously with characteristic features the girl’s appearance, her character traits, manners and habits.

The character of the main character

Village world, books, nature, scary stories that are dark winter nights the nanny said - all these simple, sweet hobbies gradually form the image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin”. Pushkin notes what was most dear to the girl: she loved to meet the “sunrise of dawn” on the balcony, to watch the dance of stars disappear on the “pale horizon.”

Books played a big role in shaping the feelings and views of Tatyana Larina. Novels replaced everything else for her, providing her with the opportunity to find her dreams, her “secret heat.” Passion for books, acquaintance with other, fantastic worlds that were filled with all kinds of colors of life, was not just entertainment for our heroine. Tatyana Larina, whose image we are considering, wanted to find in them what she could not find in real world. Perhaps that is why she suffered a fatal mistake, the first failure in her life - her love for Eugene Onegin.

Perceiving her as disgusting poetic soul alien environment, Tatyana Larina, whose image stands out among all others in the work, created her own illusory world where love, beauty, goodness, justice ruled. To complete the picture, only one thing was missing - a unique, only hero. Therefore, Onegin, shrouded in mystery, thoughtful, seemed to the girl the embodiment of her secret girlish dreams.

Tatiana's letter

Tatyana's letter, a touching and sweet declaration of love, reflects the entire complex range of feelings that gripped her restless, immaculate soul. Hence such a sharp, contrasting opposition: Onegin is “unsociable”, he is bored in the village, and the members of Tatyana’s family, although “simply happy” to have a guest, do not shine in any way. This is where the excessive praise of the chosen one comes from, conveyed, among other things, through the girl’s description of the indelible impression that she received at the first meeting with the hero: she always knew him, but fate did not give the lovers a chance to meet in this world.

And then came this wonderful moment of recognition, meeting. “I recognized it instantly,” writes Tatiana. For her, whom no one around her understands, and this brings suffering to the girl, Eugene is a deliverer, a savior, a handsome prince who will revive her and disenchant Tatiana’s unfortunate heart. It would seem that dreams have come true, but reality sometimes turns out to be so cruel and deceptive that it is impossible even to imagine.

Evgeniy's answer

The girl’s tender confession touches Onegin, but he is not yet ready to bear responsibility for other people’s feelings, fate, and hope. His advice is simple in everyday life, reflecting life experience accumulated by him in society. He urges the girl to learn to control herself, since inexperience leads to trouble and not everyone will understand her the way Eugene understood.

New Tatiana

This is just the beginning of the most interesting thing that the novel “Eugene Onegin” tells us about. Tatiana's image is significantly transformed. The girl turns out to be a capable student. She learned to “control herself” by overcoming mental pain. In the careless and stately, indifferent princess it is now difficult to recognize that former girl - in love, timid, simple and poor.

Have Tatyana's life principles changed?

Is it fair to assume that if significant changes have occurred in Tatyana’s character, then life principles have the heroines also changed significantly? If we interpret Tatyana’s behavior in this way, then in this we will follow Eugene Onegin, who was inflamed with passion for this unapproachable goddess. Tatyana accepted the rules of this game that was alien to her, but her sincerity did not disappear, moral purity, inquisitive mind, directness, understanding of duty and justice, the ability to courageously, with dignity, meet and overcome difficulties that arise along the way.

The girl responds to Onegin’s confession that she loves him, but is given to another, and will be faithful to him forever. This simple words, but how much resentment, bitterness, heartache, suffering! The image of Tatyana in the novel is vital and convincing. He evokes admiration and sincere sympathy.

Tatyana's depth, height, and spirituality allowed Belinsky to call her a “genius.” Pushkin himself admired this image, created so skillfully. In Tatyana Larina, he embodied the ideal of a Russian woman.

We have considered this difficult and interesting image. Tatiana Onegina was not in the novel, and could not have been, according to Pushkin. The heroes' attitudes to life were too different.

We bring to your attention a brief description of Tatyana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin", on which Alexander Pushkin worked for about eight years from 1823-1831.

The image of Tatyana Larina is very interesting, and it is clear that Pushkin worked a lot on her, as well as on the rest of the main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin paints the image of Tatyana Larina very clearly to the reader - Tatyana Larina is a simple provincial girl, she is “wild, sad and silent.” Tatyana is thoughtful and lonely, and it is interesting that the environment does not have a strong influence on her, because she is not proud of her connections, her parents’ belonging to the nobility, or the guests who visit their house.

The characteristics of Tatyana Larina are formed by completely different circumstances and events of her life. For example, Tatyana loves nature, she is romantic and is inspired by the novels of Rousseau and Richardson.

Characteristics of Tatyana Larina during the appearance of Evgeny Onegin

Drawing the image of Tatyana Larina, Pushkin does not resort to irony, and in this regard, the character of Tatyana is the only and exceptional one, since from her appearance on the pages of the novel to the very end, the reader sees only the love and respect of the poet.

You can remember these lines from Pushkin: “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”

Tatyana is Olga's sister, with whom Lensky was in love. In contrast to my sister early childhood She was silent and loved solitude; she was not attracted by the amusements of her sister and friends, or her parental love.

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor with the freshness of her ruddy color would she attract the eyes.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She seemed like a stranger in her own family.

She did not know how to caress herself towards her father or her mother;

The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often sat alone all day silently by the window.

Tatyana loved the night more than the day, she loved to contemplate the dawn alone. As an inevitable consequence of the absence of real life, she plunged into virtual life - she early began to read novels by Rousseau and Richardson about tender feelings Fortunately, the parents, simple and unobtrusive people, did not see any harm in this, especially since Tatyana’s mother herself enjoyed reading the same novels.

Onegin’s visit found her in this state. A. S. Pushkin perfectly emphasizes the pattern of Tatyana’s passion. Psychophysiologically, she was ripe for love, and “was waiting for... someone,” languishing in bliss and melancholy. Rural customs were simple - one visit from Onegin was enough for rumors to spread about his matchmaking with Tatyana. The young girl was excited by such rumors, and she became fascinated by a man whom she had seen only once and who had hardly said a single word to her during the visit.

In the far-fetchedness and artificiality of her experiences, Tatyana can be compared with Lensky, only Lensky was an extrovert, that is, a man of action, and Tatyana was an introvert, experiencing everything within herself and not splashing out her inner world out. A. S. Pushkin describes with amazing accuracy the experiences of a girl in love:

The melancholy of love drives Tatiana away,

And she goes to the garden to be sad,

And suddenly the eyes become motionless,

The chest is raised, the cheeks are covered with instant flames,

The breath froze in my mouth,

And there is noise in the ears, and a sparkle in the eyes...

However, the feelings that found a clue in the outside world overwhelmed Tatyana with such force that she could not keep them to herself. They lived their life own life. Onegin stubbornly did not appear. I needed food to continue the intense experiences. According to the rules of that time, going to Onegin herself was unthinkable; all that remained was to write a letter, which, in general, was also reprehensible, but what could have been kept secret. And Tatyana writes to Onegin her famous letter. True, he writes, according to the poet, on French(I didn’t know Russian well).

It turned out that in the soul of a young, completely uneducated girl, there lives an amazing nobility and strict purity of thoughts. Her solitude saved her from superficial judgments and vain thoughts; she surrenders completely to a new feeling and offers her love with unheard-of courage.

Onegin’s answer weighed her down and discouraged her, but not enough to stop thinking about him:

Love's insane sufferings Have not ceased to excite the Young soul, greedy sorrows;

No, poor Tatyana is burning with more joyless passion...

As long as Onegin is a mystery to her, she belongs to her blind feeling. But the thirst to understand, and therefore to know the object of one’s love, will rapidly develop it. Another amazing discovery by A.S. Pushkin is Tatyana’s dream, in which a bear chases her and brings her to the house where Evgeny dominates all kinds of evil spirits. It has long been known in psychology that such dreams are psychological initiation, that is, the complete development of the feminine principle in a girl, after which she is ready to instinctively perform actions related to procreation. This is a kind of connection to a previously closed database that psychologically turns a girl into a woman. As an exceptionally sensitive nature, not obscured external images, Tatyana has a presentiment of Lensky's death, and Onegin's connection with evil spirits symbolizes the trials of her maturing soul.

When Onegin left, she accidentally came across his house and began to come there often, trying to comprehend the inner world of a man whom she did not understand at all. Accustomed to working with books, she soon understood his soul, and she went to Moscow, already quite freed from blind passion.

She was still not interested in society, all sorts of gossip, shuffling and meaningful glances were alien to her, but, accustomed to obedience, she went with her mother to dinners and balls and eventually attracted the attention of one general. She didn’t care who she was married to, because the failure of her first love, despite her integrity of character, crossed out the possibility of a new hobby for her.

She did not submit to the light because she had never been dependent on it in her feelings. On the contrary, her deepest inner nobility made her a lady in the highest sense of the word, and everyone involuntarily felt it. Her aloofness and at the same time impeccable performance of the role of a polite housewife attracted people to her and stopped her. His spiritual purity and with her directness she eclipsed all the beauties of St. Petersburg, because spiritual beauty always shines brighter.