Bradbury's story and thunder struck. Ray Bradbury - and the thunder struck

A Sound of Thunder


The advertisement on the wall blurred, as if it had been caught in a slippery film. warm water; Eckels felt his eyelids closing and covering his pupils for a split second, but even in the instant darkness the letters glowed:






Warm mucus pooled in Eckels' throat; he swallowed convulsively. The muscles around his mouth pulled his lips into a smile as he slowly raised his hand, in which dangled a check for ten thousand dollars, intended for the man behind the desk.

– Do you guarantee that I will return from the safari alive?

“We don’t guarantee anything,” the employee answered, “except dinosaurs.” - He turned around. - Here is Mr. Travis, he will be your guide to the Past. He will tell you where and when to shoot. If he says “don’t shoot,” it means don’t shoot. Do not follow his orders, upon return you will pay a fine - another ten thousand, in addition, expect trouble from the government.

At the far end of the huge office room, Eckels saw something bizarre and indefinite, writhing and humming, an interweaving of wires and steel casings, an iridescent bright halo - now orange, now silver, now blue. The roar was as if Time itself was burning on a mighty fire, as if all the years, all the dates in the chronicles, all the days had been dumped into one heap and set on fire.

One touch of the hand - and immediately this combustion will obediently reverse. Eckels remembered every word of the ad. From ashes and dust, from dust and cinders, like golden salamanders, old years, green years, roses will sweeten the air, White hair will turn black, wrinkles and folds will disappear, everything and everyone will turn back and become a seed, from death will rush to its source, the suns will rise in the west and plunge into the glow of the east, the moons will wane from the other end, everything and everyone will be like a chicken hiding in the egg, the rabbits diving into the magician's hat, everyone and everything experiences a new death, the death of the seed, the green death, a return to the time before conception. And this will be done with just one movement of the hand...

“Damn it,” Eckels breathed; glares of light from the Machine flashed on his thin face - Real Machine time! – He shook his head. - Just think about it. If the elections had ended differently yesterday, I might have come here today to flee. Thank God Keith won. The United States will have a good president.

“Exactly,” responded the man behind the desk. - We were lucky. If Deutscher had been elected, we would not have escaped the most brutal dictatorship. This guy is against everything in the world - against the world, against faith, against humanity, against reason. People called us and asked - jokingly, of course, but by the way... They say, if Deutscher is president, is it possible to move to 1492? But it’s not our business to organize escapes. We organize safari. One way or another, Kate is the president, and now you have one concern...

“...kill my dinosaur,” Eckels finished his sentence.

– Tyrannosaurus rex. Loud Lizard, the most disgusting monster in the history of the planet. Sign this. Whatever happens to you, we are not responsible. These dinosaurs have a voracious appetite.

Eckels flushed with indignation.

-Are you trying to scare me?

- To be honest, yes. We do not at all want to send into the past those who panic at the first shot. Six leaders and a dozen hunters died that year. We give you the opportunity to experience the most damned adventure that a real hunter can dream of. Journey back sixty million years and the greatest haul of all time! Here is your receipt. Tear it up.

Mr. Eckels looked at the check for a long time. His fingers were trembling.

“No fluff, no feather,” said the man behind the desk. - Mr. Travis, take care of the client.

Carrying guns in their hands, they walked silently across the room towards the Machine, towards the silvery metal and rumbling light.

First day, then night, again day, again night; then day - night, day - night, day. Week, month, year, decade! 2055 2019, 1999! 1957! Past! The car roared.

They put on oxygen helmets and checked their headphones.

Eckels rocked on the soft seat, pale, teeth clenched. He felt a convulsive trembling in his hands, looked down and saw how his fingers squeezed the new gun. There were four others in the car. Travis is the safari leader, his assistant Lesperance and two hunters - Billings and Kremer. They sat looking at each other, and the years flashed past like flashes of lightning.

– Can this gun kill a dinosaur? - Eckels' lips said.

“If you hit it right,” Travis answered through his headphones. – Some dinosaurs have two brains: one in the head, the other lower down the spine. We don't touch those. It's better not to abuse your lucky star. The first two bullets in the eyes, if you can, of course. Blinded, then hit the brain.

The car howled. Time was like a film in reverse. The suns flew backwards, followed by tens of millions of moons.

“Oh my God,” Eckels said. “All the hunters who have ever lived in the world would envy us today.” Here Africa itself will seem like Illinois to you.

The car slowed down, the howl was replaced by an even roar. The car stopped.

The sun stopped in the sky.

The darkness that surrounded the Machine dissipated, they were in ancient times, deep, deep antiquity, three hunters and two leaders, each with a gun on his knees - a blued blued barrel.

“Christ has not yet been born,” Travis said. “Moses had not yet gone to the mountain to talk with God. The pyramids lie in the ground, the stones for them have not yet been cut or stacked. Remember this. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler - none of them exist.

They nodded.

“Here,” Mr. Travis pointed with his finger, “here is the jungle sixty million two thousand fifty-five years before President Keith.”

He pointed to a metal path that went through a steaming swamp into green thickets, meandering between huge ferns and palm trees.

“And this,” he explained, “is the path laid here for hunters by the Company.” She floats six inches above the ground. It does not touch a single tree, not a single flower, not a single blade of grass. Made from anti-gravity metal. Its purpose is to isolate you from this world of the past so that you will not touch anything. Stay on the Path. Stay with her. I repeat: do not leave her. Under no circumstances! If you fall off it, you will be fined. And don't shoot anything without our permission.

- Why? – asked Eckels.

They sat among the ancient thickets. The wind carried the distant cries of birds, carried the smell of resin and the ancient salt sea, the smell of wet grass and blood-red flowers.

– We don’t want to change the Future. Here in the Past we uninvited guests. The government does not approve of our excursions. We have to pay considerable bribes so that we are not deprived of the concession. A time machine is a delicate matter. Without knowing it, we can kill some important animal, a bird, a beetle, crush a flower and destroy an important link in the development of a species.

“I don’t understand something,” Eckels said.

“Well, listen,” Travis continued. – Let’s say we accidentally killed a mouse here. This means that all future descendants of this mouse will no longer exist - right?

“There will be no descendants from descendants from all her descendants!” This means that by carelessly stepping foot, you destroy not one, and not a dozen, and not a thousand, but a million - a billion mice!

“Okay, they died,” Eckels agreed. - So what?

- What? “Travis snorted contemptuously. – What about the foxes, for which these mice were needed for food? If ten mice are not enough, one fox will die. Ten foxes less - the lion will die of hunger. One less lion means that all kinds of insects and vultures will die, and an innumerable number of life forms will perish. And here's the result: after fifty-nine million years, a caveman, one of the dozen that inhabit the whole world, driven by hunger, goes hunting for a boar or saber-toothed tiger. But you, my friend, having crushed one mouse, have thereby crushed all the tigers in these places. And the caveman dies of hunger. And this person, mind you, is not just one person, no! This is a whole future people. From his loins would come ten sons. A hundred would come from them, and so on, and a whole civilization would arise. Destroy one person and you will destroy an entire tribe, a people, historical era. It's like killing one of Adam's grandsons. Crush a mouse with your foot - it will be tantamount to an earthquake, which will distort the appearance of the entire earth and radically change our destinies. Death of one caveman- the death of a billion of his descendants, strangled in the womb. Perhaps Rome will not appear on its seven hills. Europe will forever remain a dense forest, only in Asia will lush life blossom. Step on the mouse and you will crush the pyramids. Step on a mouse and you'll leave a dent in Eternity the size of the Grand Canyon. There will be no Queen Elizabeth, Washington will not cross the Delaware. The United States will not appear at all. So be careful. Stay on the path. Never leave it!

“I understand,” Eckels said. “But then it turns out it’s dangerous to even touch the grass?”

- Absolutely right. It is impossible to predict what the death of a particular plant will lead to. The slightest deviation now will increase immeasurably in sixty million years. Of course, it is possible that our theory is wrong. Perhaps we are not able to influence Time. And even if they are able to do so, it is very insignificant. Let's say a dead mouse leads to a slight deviation in the world of insects, then to oppression of the species, even further to crop failure, depression, hunger, and finally to social changes. Or maybe the result will be completely unnoticeable - a light breath, a whisper, a hair, a speck of dust in the air, something that you won’t see right away. Who knows? Who will undertake to predict? We don't know - we're just guessing. And as long as we don’t know for sure that our forays into Time for history are thunder or a slight rustle, we need to be damn careful. This Machine, this Path, your clothes, you yourself, as you know, are all disinfected. And the purpose of these oxygen helmets is to prevent us from introducing our bacteria into the ancient air.

– But how do we know which animals to kill?

“They're marked with red paint,” Travis replied. – Today, before our departure, we sent Lesperance here on the Machine. He visited just at this time and followed some of the animals.

– Have you studied them?

“Exactly,” responded Lesperance. “I follow their entire lives and note which individuals live the longest. There are very few of them. How many times do they mate? Rarely... Life is short. Having found an animal facing death under a fallen tree or in an asphalt lake, I mark the hour, minute, second when it dies. Then I shoot a dye bullet. It leaves a red mark on the skin. When the expedition departs for the Past, I time everything so that we arrive two minutes before the animal dies anyway. So we kill only those individuals who have no future, who can no longer mate. See how careful we are?

“But if you were here this morning,” Eckels said excitedly, “you should have met us, our expedition!” How did it go? Successfully? Is everyone still alive?

Travis and Lesperance looked at each other.

“That would be a paradox,” said Lesperance. – Time does not allow such confusion for a person to meet himself. If such a danger arises. Time takes a step aside. It's like a plane falling into an air pocket. Did you notice how the car shook just before we stopped? It is we who passed ourselves on the way back to the Future. But we didn't see anything. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether our expedition was a success, whether we killed the beast, whether we - or rather, you, Mr. Eckels - returned alive.

Eckels smiled palely.

“Well, that’s it,” Travis snapped. - Get up!

It was time to get out of the Car.

The jungle was high, and the jungle was wide, and the jungle was forever the whole world. The air was filled with sounds, like music, as if sails were beating in the air - they were flying like gigantic bats from a nightmare, from delirium, flapping huge gray wings like a cave vault, pterodactyls. Eckels, standing on the narrow Path, took aim jokingly.

- Hey, come on! – Travis commanded. “Don’t even aim for fun, damn you!” Suddenly it shoots...

Eckels blushed.

– Where is our Tyrannosaurus rex?

Lesperance glanced at his watch.

- On the way. We will meet in exactly sixty seconds. And for God’s sake, don’t miss the red spot. Until we tell you not to shoot. And don't leave the Path. Don't go off the path!

They walked towards the morning breeze.

“Strange,” muttered Eckels. “We have sixty million years ahead of us.” The elections are over. Keith became president. Everyone celebrates the victory. And we are here, all these millions of years seem to have been blown away by the wind, they are gone. Everything that has bothered us throughout our lives is not yet in sight, not even in the project.

- Get ready! – Travis commanded. - The first shot is yours, Eckels. Billings is number two. Behind him is Kremer.

“I hunted tigers, wild boars, buffalos, elephants, but God knows this is a completely different matter,” said Eckels. “I’m shaking like a boy.”

“Quiet,” Travis said.

Everyone stopped.

Travis raised his hand.

“Ahead,” he whispered. - In the fog. He is there. Meet His Royal Majesty.

The vast jungle was full of chirping, rustling, muttering, and sighs.

Suddenly everything became silent, as if someone had closed the door.

Thunder Strike.

A Tyrannosaurus rex emerged from the darkness about a hundred yards ahead.

“Heavenly powers,” Eckels stammered.

It walked on huge, shiny, springy, softly treading legs.

It towered thirty feet above the forest - the great god of evil, pressing the watchmaker's fragile hands to the oily chest of the reptile. The legs are mighty pistons, a thousand pounds of white bone, woven with taut channels of muscle beneath shiny, wrinkled skin like the mail of a fearsome warrior. Each thigh is a ton of meat, ivory and chain mail. And from the huge heaving chest protruded two thin arms, hands with fingers that could pick up and examine a person like a toy. The writhing snake's neck easily raised the thousand-kilogram stone monolith of its head to the sky. The gaping mouth revealed a palisade of dagger teeth. The eyes rotated like ostrich eggs, expressing nothing but hunger. It closed its jaws in an ominous grin. It ran, and its hind legs crushed bushes and trees, and its claws ripped open damp earth, leaving marks six inches deep. It ran with a sliding ballet step, incredibly confident and easy for a ten-ton colossus. It cautiously stepped out into the sunlit clearing and felt the air with its beautiful scaly hands.

- God! – Eckels’ lips trembled. - Yes, if it stretches out, it can reach the moon.

- Shh! – Travis hissed angrily. “He hasn’t noticed us yet.”

- He cannot be killed. – Eckels said this calmly, as if he had brushed aside all objections in advance. He weighed the testimony of eyewitnesses and made a final decision. The gun in his hands was like a scarecrow. - Idiots, and what brought us here... This is impossible.

- Be silent! – Travis barked.

- Nightmare…

- All around! – Travis commanded. - Calmly return to the Car. Half of the amount will be returned to you.

“I didn’t expect it to be so huge,” Eckels said. – In a word, I miscalculated. No, I won't participate.

- It noticed us!

- There's a red spot on the chest!

The Loud Lizard straightened up. His armored flesh sparkled like a thousand green coins. The coins were covered in hot mucus. Small bugs swarmed in the mucus, and the whole body shimmered, as if waves were running through it, even when the monster stood motionless. It let out a dull breath. The smell of raw meat hung over the clearing.

“Help me leave,” Eckels said. – Everything was different before. I always knew that I would stay alive. There were reliable guides, successful safaris, no danger. This time I miscalculated. I can't do this. I confess. The nut is too tough for me.

“Don’t run,” said Lesperance. - Turn around. Hide in the Machine.

- Yes. “It seemed as if Eckels had turned to stone. He looked at his legs as if he was trying to force them to move. He groaned from powerlessness.

- Eckels!

He took a step or two, closing his eyes and dragging his feet.

- Not that side!

As soon as he moved, the monster rushed forward with a terrifying howl. It covered a hundred yards in four seconds. The guns shot up and fired a volley. A hurricane burst from the beast's mouth, dousing people with the smell of mucus and blood. The monster roared, its teeth glinting in the sun.

Without looking back, Eckels stepped blindly to the edge of the Path, stepped off it and, without realizing it, headed into the jungle; the gun dangled uselessly in his hands. His feet sank into the green moss, his legs pulled him away, he felt alone and distant from what was happening behind him.

The guns crackled again. The shots were drowned out by the thunderous roar of the lizard. The reptile's mighty tail jerked like the tip of a whip, and the trees exploded into clouds of leaves and branches. The monster reached down with its jeweler's hands - to stroke people, tear them in half, crush them like berries, and shove them into its mouth, into its roaring throat! Lumps of eyes found themselves near people. They saw their reflection. They opened fire on the metal eyelids and glowing black pupils.

Like a stone idol, like a mountain collapse, it collapsed. Tyrannosaurus rex.

Growling, he clung to trees and knocked them down. It caught and crushed the metal Path. People rushed back, retreating. Ten tons of cold meat crashed to the ground like a cliff. The guns fired another volley. The monster struck with its armored tail, snapped its snake jaws and fell silent. Blood flowed like a fountain from his throat. Somewhere inside, a waterskin of liquid burst, and a fetid stream overwhelmed the hunters. They stood motionless, doused with something shiny and red.

The thunder stopped.

Silence reigned in the jungle. After the collapse - green peace. After the nightmare - morning.

Billings and Cramer sat on the Path; they felt bad. Travis and Lesperance stood nearby, holding smoking guns and cursing.

Eckels, trembling, lay face down in the Time Machine. Somehow he got back onto the Path and made his way to the Machine.

Travis came up, looked at Eckels, took gauze out of the drawer and returned to those sitting on the Path.

- Dry yourself.

They wiped the blood off their helmets. And they also began to curse. The monster lay motionless. A mountain of meat, from the depths of which came gurgling and sighs - these were the cells dying, the organs stopped functioning, and the juices flowed through their passages for the last time, everything turned off, going out of order forever. It was as if you were standing next to a broken locomotive or a steam roller that had finished working for the day - all the valves were open or tightly clamped. The bones cracked: the weight of the muscles, uncontrollable by anything - dead weight - crushed the thin arms pressed to the ground. Fluttering, it assumed a resting position.

Suddenly there is a roar again. High above them a gigantic branch broke. With a roar, he fell on the lifeless monster, as if finally confirming his death.

- So. – Lesperance looked at his watch. - Minute to minute. This is the same bitch that should have killed him. “He turned to the two hunters. – Do you need a photo of the trophy?

– We cannot take the spoils into the Future. The carcass should lie here, in its place, so that insects, birds, and bacteria can feed on it. The balance must not be disturbed. Therefore, the prey is left behind. But we can take a photo of you next to it.

The hunters made an effort to think, but gave up, shaking their heads.

They obediently allowed themselves to be taken to the Car. Wearily sank into the seats. They looked back blankly at the defeated monster - the silent mound. Golden insects were already swarming on the cooling armor, and bizarre bird-lizards were sitting.

A sudden noise made the hunters freeze: Eckels was sitting on the floor of the Machine, trembling.

“Forgive me,” he said.

- Get up! – Travis barked.

Eckels stood up.

“Get on the Path,” Travis commanded. He raised his gun. – You will not return with the Machine. You will stay here!

Lesperance grabbed Travis's hand.

- Wait...

- Don’t bother! “Travis shook off his hand. “We all almost died because of this bastard.” But that’s not even the main thing. No, damn it, look at his shoes! Look! He jumped off the Path. Do you understand what this threatens us with? Only God knows what kind of fine they will slap on us! Tens of thousands of dollars! We guarantee that no one will leave the Trail. He came down. Damn idiot! I have to report to the government. And we may be deprived of the concession for these safaris. And what consequences will there be for Time, for History?!

“Calm down, he got a little dirt on his soles, that’s all.”

– How can we know? – Travis shouted. – We don’t know anything! It's all a complete mystery! Step by step, Eckels!

Eckels reached into his pocket.

- I'll pay whatever you want. One hundred thousand dollars! Travis glanced at the checkbook and spat.

- Go! The monster lies near the Path. Put your hands up to the elbows in his mouth. Then you can return to us.

- This is unfair!

“The beast is dead, you poor bastard.” Bullets! Bullets should not remain here in the Past. They can affect development. Here's a knife for you. Cut them out!

The jungle again awakened to life and was filled with ancient rustles and bird voices. Eckels turned slowly and fixed his gaze on the prehistoric carrion, a block of nightmares and horrors. Finally, like a sleepwalker, he wandered along the Path.

Five minutes later, he returned to the Machine, trembling all over, his hands red with blood up to the elbows.

He extended both palms forward. Steel bullets glittered on them. Then he fell. He lay where he had fallen, motionless.

“You shouldn’t have forced him to do this,” said Lesperance.

- In vain! It's too early to judge this. – Travis pushed the motionless body. - He won’t die. He will no longer be drawn to such prey. Now,” he made a limp gesture with his hand, “turn it on.” We're heading home.

1492. 1776. 1812

They washed their faces and hands. They took off their shirts and trousers, crusted with blood, and put on everything clean. Eckels came to his senses, but sat in silence. Travis stared at him for a good ten minutes.

“Don’t look at me,” Eckels blurted out. - I did not do anything.

- Who knows.

“I just jumped off the Path and smeared my shoes with clay. What do you want from me? So that I beg you on my knees?

- This is not excluded. I'm warning you, Eckels, it may still happen that I will kill you. The gun is loaded.

- I am not guilty. I did not do anything.

1999. 2000. 2055.

The car stopped.

“Come out,” Travis commanded.

The room was the same as before. Although no, not exactly the same. The same man was sitting at the same desk. No, not exactly the same person, and the office is not the same.

Travis glanced quickly around the room.

- Everything is fine? - he muttered.

- Certainly. Have a safe return!

But Travis remained wary. It seemed that he was checking every atom of the air, meticulously examining the light of the sun falling from the high window.

- Okay, Eckels, come out. And never come into my sight again.

Eckels seemed petrified.

- Well? – Travis hurried him. -What did you see there?

Eckels slowly inhaled the air - something had happened to the air, some kind of chemical change, so insignificant, imperceptible that only weak voice subconscious told Eckels about the change. And the colors - white, gray, blue, orange, on the walls, furniture, in the sky outside the window - they... they... yes: what happened to them? And then there’s this feeling. Goosebumps ran across my skin. My hands were twitching. With all the pores of his body he sensed something strange, alien. It was as if somewhere someone had blown a whistle that only dogs could hear. And his body silently responded. Outside the window, behind the walls of this room, behind the back of a person (who was the wrong person) at the partition (which was the wrong partition) - the whole world streets and people. But how can we determine from here what kind of world this is now, what kind of people? He literally felt them moving there, behind the walls, like chess pieces drawn by a dry wind...

But what immediately caught his eye was the ad on the wall, the ad that he had already read today when he first entered here.

There was something wrong with him.






Eckels felt himself sink into his chair. He began to frantically scrape the mud on his shoes. His trembling hand picked up a sticky lump.

- No, it can not be! Because of such smallness... No!

On the lump there was a spot shimmering with green, gold and black - a butterfly, very beautiful... dead.

- Because of such a small thing! Because of a butterfly! - Eckels shouted.

She fell to the floor - graceful little creature, capable of disturbing the balance, small dominoes fell... big dominoes... huge dominoes connected by a chain of innumerable years that make up Time. Eckels' thoughts were confused. There's no way she could change anything. Dead butterfly - and such consequences? Impossible!

His face grew cold and with disobedient lips he said:

– Who... who won the elections yesterday?

The man behind the desk chuckled.

-Are you kidding? As if you don't know! Deutscher, of course! Who else? Isn't that the weakling Kate? Now in power iron Man! - The employee was taken aback. -What's wrong with you?

Eckels groaned. He fell to his knees. Trembling fingers reached out to the golden butterfly.

“Is it really impossible,” he prayed to the whole world, to himself, to the employee, to the Machine, “to return her there, to revive her?” Can't we start all over again? May be…

He lay motionless. He lay with his eyes closed, trembling, and waited. He could clearly hear Travis's heavy breathing and heard Travis raise the gun and pull the trigger.

The advertisement on the wall blurred, as if it had been covered in a film of sliding warm water; Eckels felt his eyelids closing and covering his pupils for a split second, but even in the instant darkness the letters glowed:






Warm mucus pooled in Eckels' throat; he swallowed convulsively. The muscles around his mouth pulled his lips into a smile as he slowly raised his hand, in which dangled a check for ten thousand dollars, intended for the man behind the desk.

Do you guarantee that I will return from the safari alive?

“We don’t guarantee anything,” the employee replied, “except dinosaurs.” - He turned around. - Here is Mr. Travis, he will be your guide to the Past. He will tell you where and when to shoot. If he says “don’t shoot,” it means don’t shoot. Do not follow his orders, upon return you will pay a fine - another ten thousand, in addition, expect trouble from the government.

At the far end of the huge office room, Eckels saw something bizarre and indefinite, writhing and humming, an interweaving of wires and steel casings, an iridescent bright halo - now orange, now silver, now blue. The roar was as if Time itself was burning on a mighty fire, as if all the years, all the dates in the chronicles, all the days had been dumped into one heap and set on fire.

One touch of the hand - and immediately this combustion will obediently reverse. Eckels remembered every word of the ad. From ashes and ashes, from dust and ash, they will rise like golden salamanders, old years, green years, roses will sweeten the air, gray hair will turn black, wrinkles and folds will disappear, everything and everyone will turn back and become a seed, from death it will rush to its source , the suns will rise in the west and sink into the glow of the east, the moons will wane from the other end, everyone and everything will be like a chicken hiding in an egg, rabbits diving into a magician's hat, everyone and everything will know a new death, the death of the seed, the green death, the return in the time preceding conception. And this will be done with just one movement of the hand...

Damn it,” Eckels breathed; glares of light from the Machine flashed on his thin face - a Real Time Machine! - He shook his head. - Just think about it. If the elections had ended differently yesterday, I might have come here today to flee. Thank God Keith won. The United States will have a good president.

That’s it,” said the man behind the desk. - We were lucky. If Deutscher had been elected, we would not have escaped the most brutal dictatorship. This guy is against everything in the world, against the world, against faith, against humanity, against reason. People called us and inquired - jokingly, of course, but by the way... They say, if Deutscher is president, is it possible to move to 1492? But it’s not our business to organize escapes. We organize safari. Anyway, Kate is the president, and now you have one concern...

Kill my dinosaur,” Eckels finished his sentence.

Tyrannosaurus rex. Loud Lizard, the most disgusting monster in the history of the planet. Sign this. Whatever happens to you, we are not responsible. These dinosaurs have a voracious appetite.

Eckels flushed with indignation.

Are you trying to scare me?

To be honest, yes. We do not at all want to send into the past those who panic at the first shot. Six leaders and a dozen hunters died that year. We give you the opportunity to experience the most damned adventure that a real hunter can dream of. Journey back sixty million years and the greatest haul of all time! Here is your receipt. Tear it up.

Mr. Eckels looked at the check for a long time. His fingers were trembling.

“No fluff, no feather,” said the man behind the desk. Mr. Travis, take care of the client.

Carrying guns in their hands, they walked silently across the room towards the Machine, towards the silvery metal and rumbling light.

First day, then night, again day, again night; then day - night, day - night, day. Week, month, year, decade! 2055 2019, 1999! 1957! Past! The car roared.

They put on oxygen helmets and checked their headphones.

Eckels rocked on the soft seat - pale, teeth clenched. He felt a convulsive trembling in his hands, looked down and saw how his fingers squeezed the new gun. There were four others in the car. Travis is the safari leader, his assistant Lesperance and two hunters - Billings and Kremer. They sat looking at each other, and the years flashed past like flashes of lightning.

Can this gun kill a dinosaur? - Eckels' lips said.

“If you hit it right,” Travis replied through his headphones. - Some dinosaurs have two brains: one in the head, the other lower down the spine. We don't touch those. It's better not to abuse your lucky star. The first two bullets in the eyes, if you can, of course. Blinded, then hit the brain.

The car howled. Time was like a film in reverse. The suns flew backwards, followed by tens of millions of moons.

“Oh my God,” Eckels said. - All the hunters who have ever lived in the world would envy us today. Here Africa itself will seem like Illinois to you.

The car slowed down, the howl was replaced by an even roar. The car stopped.

The sun stopped in the sky.

The darkness that surrounded the Machine dissipated, they were in ancient times, deep, deep antiquity, three hunters and two leaders, each with a gun on his knees - a blued blued barrel.

Christ has not yet been born,” Travis said. -Moses had not yet gone to the mountain to talk with God. The pyramids lie in the ground, the stones for them have not yet been cut or stacked. Remember this. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler - none of them.

They nodded.

Here,” Mr. Travis pointed with his finger, “here is the jungle sixty million two thousand fifty-five years before President Keith.”

He pointed to a metal path that went through a steaming swamp into green thickets, meandering between huge ferns and palm trees.

And this,” he explained, “is the trail laid here for hunters by the Company.” She floats six inches above the ground. It does not touch a single tree, not a single flower, not a single blade of grass. Made from anti-gravity metal. Its purpose is to isolate you from this world of the past so that you will not touch anything. Stay on the Path. Stay with her. I repeat: do not leave her. Under no circumstances! If you fall off it, you'll be fined. And don't shoot anything without our permission.

It is this interpretation of the story that Wikipedia disseminates among millions of Internet users:
"Eckels, an amateur hunter, goes on a safari to the Mesozoic era for a lot of money along with several other hunters. However, the hunt for dinosaurs is subject to strict conditions: you can only kill an animal that is about to die anyway (for example, killed by a broken tree), and when returning, it is necessary to destroy all traces of their presence (including removing bullets from the animal’s body) so as not to make changes to the future. People are on an anti-gravity path so as not to accidentally touch even a blade of grass, since this can bring unpredictable shocks to safari leader Travis warns:

Crush a mouse with your foot - it will be tantamount to an earthquake, which will distort the appearance of the entire Earth and radically change our destinies. The death of one caveman is the death of a billion of his descendants, strangled in the womb. Perhaps Rome will not appear on its seven hills. Europe will forever remain a dense forest, only in Asia will lush life blossom. Step on the mouse and you will crush the pyramids. Step on a mouse and you will leave a dent in Eternity the size of the Grand Canyon. There will be no Queen Elizabeth, Washington will not cross the Delaware. The United States will not appear at all. So be careful. Stay on the path. Never leave it!

While hunting, Eckels, seeing a Tyrannosaurus, panics and leaves the path. After returning to their time, the hunters suddenly discover that their world has changed: the spelling of the language is different, and a dictator is in power instead of a liberal president. The cause of this disaster is immediately clarified: Eckels, leaving the path, accidentally crushed a butterfly. Travis raises his gun. The fuse clicks. The last phrase repeats the title of the story: “...And thunder struck.”

The story is often cited in works on chaos theory because it illustrates the so-called butterfly effect. However, this term appeared later and is not associated with the butterfly crushed by Eckels, the term stuck after its publication in the 60s scientific work Edward Lorenz entitled "Predictability: Can the flapping of a butterfly's wings in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas?"

Did Ray Bradbury really devote his story to expounding and popularizing the principle of mechanistic determinism?

Not at all. This "science fiction" story is actually a political-philosophical parable. The Tyrannosaurus that Eckels was afraid of is a symbol of tyranny. It is not the killing of the butterfly, but the fear of tyranny that allows dictators to come to power. Fear " little man"(Eckels) helped the fascist Deutscher become President of America. Only in this sense does Travis's murder of Eckels look motivated.

This means that already in the early 50s Bradbury saw the threat of fascism in the United States.

This parable meaning of the story, seemingly lying on the surface, either eludes its interpreters due to their political immaturity, or is deliberately ignored by them.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 11 named after. T.I.Alexandrova, Yoshkar-Ola"

Research project

on the topic: “The Butterfly Effect” in the story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

Yoshkar-Ola 2015

2. Biography of the science fiction writer Ray Douglas Bradbury ………………….….6 3. The plot of the story by R. Bradbury “And Thunder Rolled”……………………….………….11

4. The theme and idea of ​​Ray Bradbury’s story “And a Sound of Thunder”…………...………...13

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...16

6. References………………………………………………………..18

7. Applications…………………………………………………………………………………..19



The world is a system of interconnected, interdependent, interdependent phenomena, and this interconnection and interdependence have not only spatial, but also temporal coordinates. The current problems of humanity - historical reasons, i.e. We are all responsible to the future for our every action.

Target: analyze the story by R. Bradbury “And the Thunder Rolled” and identify the main problems raised by the author.

Acquaintance with the story of R. Bradbury “And Thunder Rolled”,


Genre science fiction makes it possible to show the current state of affairs in the world, using the scenery of a fictional future, and thus protects people from repeating and worsening the mistakes of the past.

Object of study : works of science fiction writer R. Bradbury.

Subject of study: R. Bradbury's story “And Thunder Sounded.”

Research methods:

Search information from different sources(special literature, Internet resources);

Poll of classmates.

Look around, raise your eyes:

How beautiful this world is, how beautiful the earth!
Our world, our land is truly beautiful, but we all now understand that it may happen that all this greatness and all this beauty will disappear. And you and I will be to blame for this. After all, it is we who are responsible to the future, to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. How often do we now hear that the environment is changing, and not in better side. We catch fish when spawning is in progress, we kill those animals that are listed in the Red Book, we throw garbage at our feet, which can decompose in the ground after decades, or even never.

The famous American science fiction writer Ray Douglas Bradbury, with his work “A Sound of Thunder,” makes you think about all this. This story is a warning! The work is written in the science fiction genre.

Fantastic comes from the Greek concept “phantastike” (the art of imagining).

IN modern understanding fantasy can be defined as one of the types of literature that is capable of creating magical, wonderful picture world, opposing existing reality and concepts familiar to all of us.

It is known that science fiction can be divided into different directions: fantasy and science fiction, hard science fiction, space fiction, combat and humor, love and social, mysticism and horror.

Perhaps these genres, or subtypes of science fiction as they are also called, are by far the most famous in their circles.

As you can see, science fiction is such a versatile genre that anyone can choose what suits them in spirit, by nature, and will give them the opportunity to plunge into the magical, unusual, terrible, tragic, high-tech world of the future and inexplicable for us - ordinary people.

Science fiction is literature based on some assumption in the field of science: the emergence of a new invention, the discovery of new laws of nature, sometimes even the construction of new models of society.

In a narrow sense, science fiction is a work about technology and scientific discoveries, their exciting possibilities, their positive or negative impact, the paradoxes that can arise. SF in this narrow sense awakens the scientific imagination, makes us think about the future and the possibilities of science. In a more general sense, SF is fantasy without the fabulous and mystical, in which fantastic events and phenomena have not a supernatural, but a scientific explanation.

Science fiction has won its place in fiction as a full-fledged genre, and many good works created in this genre.

The works of J. Verne, G. Wells, R. Bradbury, A. Belyaev, I. Efremov, A. and B. Strugatsky, G. Gore... - is it a dream novel or a warning novel, a utopia or a simple technical foresight -all of them represent scientific or social hypotheses in one form or another. They are “fantastic” because they talk about something that does not yet exist, and their “scientific” nature is manifested in the fact that these hypotheses are constructed scientifically, that is, built on the basis logical conclusions from modern phenomena and therefore probable. Of course, each writer has his own prerequisites for this understanding of the world, which distinguishes both writers and movements.

But it must be emphasized here that just as science fiction is part of fiction, the conversation in connection with these hypotheses should be about man, about the problems that concern him, that is, the focus of science fiction writers should be Man. Hypotheses about purely scientific and technical problems can only be included in scientific, popular science or scientific fiction literature. As for the artistic side of the work, the tasks of the authors of science fiction novels are the same as those of the authors of non-fiction works - artistic persuasiveness and brightness of images, appropriate compositional form, well-developed language, etc.

We conducted a survey among 8th grade students. The number of people who took part in the survey was 20 people. The results are shown in Appendix 1 in diagrams 1-3.

Based on the survey results from the first diagram, we can conclude that students read literature of different genres. The most preferred genres are fiction, classics and popular science literature. Out of 20 respondents, 6 people pay great attention educational literature.

From Diagram 2 it can be seen that students are familiar with the works of Ray Bradbury from books and films. The most famous novels are “A Sound of Thunder” (6 people), “Fahrenheit 451” (4 people), “The Martian Chronicles” - (3 people). 6 respondents had never heard of the science fiction writer Bradbury.

The third diagram shows that the majority of students (15 people) are familiar with the concept of the “butterfly effect” - the consequence of actions committed in the past.
Biographyscience fiction writer Ray Douglas Bradbury.

During his Ray's life Bradbury wrote more than eight hundred different literary works, including several novels and stories, hundreds of short stories, dozens of plays, a number of articles, notes and poems. His stories formed the basis of several film adaptations, theatrical productions and musical compositions.

Bradbury is traditionally considered a classic of science fiction, although much of his work belongs to the genre of fantasy, fairy tales or parables.

Bradbury's plays were well received by the public, but his poems were not popular great success. Ray Bradbury's main achievement is that he managed to awaken readers' interest in the genres of fantasy and science fiction.

Bradbury first showed himself in literature at the age of twelve, when he wrote a sequel to “The Great Warrior of Mars” by E. Burroughs. The writer, in one of his interviews, said that due to poverty he could not afford to buy a book, and then he decided to figure out what could happen next. Bradbury acknowledged the influence of Burroughs on his work in particular; Bradbury's Martian Chronicles would not have been written if he had not read Burroughs.

Edgar Rice Burroughs born September 1, 1875 in Chicago. He graduated from Michigan military academy, served in the cavalry, unsuccessfully tried to go into business.

In total, Burroughs wrote 11 novels of the “Martian” cycle, 26 novels about Tarzan, 7 novels about Pellucidar located inside the hollow Earth (one of them is part of the Tarzan series), 4 novels about Carson Napier and his adventures on Venus and many other books, among of which there are westerns, historical novels about the Stone Age, the Middle Ages and others.

Edgar Rice Burroughs had a tremendous influence on popular literature in general and adventure fiction in particular. Much of the science fiction of the 20s and 30s was written in direct imitation of Burroughs' books. Many authors have said that he had a significant influence on their work - for example, Ray Bradbury and Philip José Farmer, and successors include such writers as John Norman and Otis Cline.

By twenty years old Ray I firmly decided to become a writer. His first publication was the poem “In Memory of Will Rogers,” which was published in a Waukegan newspaper in 1936. In his other early works, Bradbury imitated Poe's prose style until Henry Kuttner, to whom he showed his work, advised him to reconsider his approach to creativity.

In 1937, Bradbury joined the Los Angeles Science Fiction League. It united many young writers in America. Bradbury's stories began to be published in magazines that published a lot of low-quality fantasy prose.

At that time, Ray Bradbury worked a lot, gradually accumulating literary excellence and shaping your own style. In 1939-1940 he published the magazine Futuria Fantasy, in which he first began to think about the future and its dangers. In just two years, four issues of this magazine were published. By 1942, Bradbury finally stopped selling newspapers and switched entirely to literary income, creating up to 52 stories a year.

Ray Bradbury continued to write stories, the best of which were soon published in the first collection, called "Dark Carnival". However, they were received by the public with little interest. Three years later, a collection of “Martian” stories appeared, forming the novel “The Martian Chronicles,” which became Bradbury’s first truly successful literary work. The writer later admitted that he considered “Chronicles” his best book.

"The Martian Chronicles" - sci-finovelRay Bradbury, which brought the author wide fame. The contents of the book are something between a collection short stories and episodicshort stories, including previously published in literary magazines in the second half40s stories. The Martian Chronicles reflects the main issues of concern American society at first1950s: threat nuclear war, longing for a simpler life, reactions againstracism And censorship. Bradbury liked the genre of science fiction precisely because of its ability to show the present state of affairs in the world, using the scenery of a fictional future, and thus protect people from repeating and worsening the mistakes of the past.

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury has become a classic of the science fiction genre. They have inspired many writers to develop Martian themes in literature and culture in general. The novel has been filmed many times. In 1980, two film versions of The Martian Chronicles were released - the American mini-series of the same name and the Soviet Feature Film called "The Eighth Day of Creation". Subsequently, individual short stories and stories of the Chronicles (for example, “Earthlings”, “The Martian”, “Silent Cities” and others) found screen embodiment.

Bradbury gained worldwide fame after publishing the novel Fahrenheit 451 in 1953. In the novel, Bradbury showed a society in which any books are subject to burning. In 1966, director François Truffaut filmed the novel, releasing feature film"451 degrees Fahrenheit".
The book Fahrenheit 451 describes a future society whose principle is Mass culture and primitive consumer thinking. Literature and thought-provoking books are prohibited and subject to burning, and their possession is punishable by law. The main character of the novel is a fireman who destroys these books. He loves his profession and is confident that he acts for the benefit of all humanity, but this firm and irresistible faith cracks after communicating with a young girl and his own reflections. Disappointment in modern ideals society, forces him to do rash things: Guy Montag hides some of the books in his home, as a result of which he becomes an outcast from society.

A real hunt begins for the hero: the police are trying to detain the rebel, but he manages to escape from the city and joins a group of marginalized igzos who were once writers, critics, scientists, and teachers. Together with them, he tries to at least partially restore cultural heritage past years, memorizing the texts of books, but at the same time a war begins between states and the current political system completely disintegrates. Now it depends only on Montag and his comrades whether the former cultural society can be revived.

“Dandelion Wine” is a story by Ray Bradbury, first published in 1957.

An interesting idea is expressed by the writer in the work “Dandelion Wine”: “Time hypnotizes people. At nine
years old, it seems to a person that he has always been nine and always like that
and it will be nine. At thirty, he is sure that he has remained all his life
on this beautiful edge of maturity. And when he gets a blowjob
seventy - he is always and forever seventy. A man lives in
the present, be it the young present or the old present; But
he will never see or know otherwise.”

“Dandelion Wine” is a work that stands out among literary creativity Ray Bradbury's personal experiences of the writer. It is a largely autobiographical book set in the summer of 1928 in the fictional town of Green Town, Illinois. The prototype of the town is hometown Bradbury - Waukegan in the same US state.

The plot centers on the Spalding brothers: Douglas (12 years old) and Tom (10 years old). The story consists of stories that happened in the small town of Green Town over three summer months with brothers, their relatives, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances.

Ray Bradbury told a completely different, wonderful story.
a story where children are already adults, and old people are still children.

This story is about childhood, as evidenced by its main character, Douglas Spaulding. We see many events from the work through his eyes. And the time when these events take place is carefree summer - one of the most eloquent symbols of childhood, which is associated with vacations, freedom, adventures and new discoveries. Isn’t it a discovery to realize that tennis shoes are something more than just shoes, they are an incentive not to stand still, to move forward, to act. Needless to say, the understanding that in life something is repeated, and something happens for the first time - discoveries and “revelations” - are those insights, drops of the truth of life that slip into our consciousness from time to time. Perhaps this is what growing up is all about. And you must admit, it’s not so easy to take for granted that dad and grandpa don’t know everything in the world. From this statement the whole children's world begins to reel... X Although, in Bradbury's story, childhood is not at all main topic and an idea.

The meaning of the work "Dandelion Wine" is to search for the meaning of life, in search of happiness. History helps you learn to feel the little things, the unnoticed details that create that very warmth of life and sincere kindness.

IN Interwoven into the main plot are many small stories, sketches, snippets of life and memory that add grace, life and coherence to the book.

And one has only to remove these passages from the narrative, and the book will partially lose its charm, failing to reveal individual destinies.

Bradbury wrote eleven novels, the most popular of which were early works: The Martian Chronicles (1950), Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Dandelion Wine (1957). The writer also created 21 plays and 28 scripts for films.

Most of all the writer created literary works in the short story genre. Now about 400 of his stories are known, many of them were published in collections, the number of which is also significant - forty-seven editions. True, some collections were compilations, often containing previously published stories and only one or two new ones. Some famous works: “There Will Be Gentle Rain” (1950), “Tomorrow the End of the World” (1951), “And Thunder Rolled” (1952), “All Summer in One Day” (1954) and others. Several stories served as the basis for larger works, such as the story "The Fireman", which foreshadowed the novel Fahrenheit 451. Some stories form cycles based on themes or characters, wandering from one work to another.

Bradbury's prose was translated into Russian by: V. T. Babenko, Nora Gal, D. A. Zhukov, B. G. Klyueva, M. A. Pchelintsev, R. E. Oblonskaya and E. S. Petrova.

The cinematography generally played important role in the life of a writer: he created many scripts for films.

Ray Bradbury is often called the "master of science fiction", one of the best science fiction writers and the founder of many traditions of the genre. However, he himself did not consider himself a science fiction writer and did not limit himself to narrow boundaries - only a part of his works were written in the science fiction genre.

Throughout his life, Bradbury demonstrated an interest in science and spoke about weaknesses humanity, which can lead it to self-destruction. With his lively, evocative stories written in a fresh, poetic style, Bradbury managed to popularize the science fiction genre, making possible its unique revival.

The plot of the story by R. Bradbury “And Thunder Sounded”.

The work “And Thunder Sounded” is a famous popular science fantastic story, was first published on June 28, 1952.

The heroes of the story - Eckels, Mr. Travis, his assistant Lesperance and two hunters - Billings and Kremer - go back in time in an invented Time Machine in order to kill a huge lizard, a disgusting monster, and never leave the path.

The story begins with an advertisement that Eckels sees: “... We organize a safari in any year of the past.” Curiosity overcomes fear, and Eckels agrees to the conditions that are announced to him by the employee behind the desk: obey only Mr. Travis in everything, if he says to shoot, you must certainly follow the order.

The hero of the story sees at the end of the room a Time Machine glowing with multi-colored lights, which can transport you to any time. But the goal of the heroes is precisely the prehistoric past, where there was no Adam, no Moses, no Napoleon, no Hitler. Presidential elections had just taken place in America, ending in Keith's victory. If the iron dictator Deutscher came to power, things would be very bad for the people.

The beginning of the journey. And here the heroes are in the Time Machine. They rush through centuries, decades, years, months, and finally find themselves in the ancient jungle sixty million two thousand fifty-five years ago. Travis shows a metal path specially laid out for hunters by the Company so that people from the future will not touch a single insect or blade of grass. Violation of the ban is fraught with punishment. Travis explains why this is so serious: if you kill just a mouse, for example, you could wipe out all future generations of mice. Foxes, for which mice are food, may also disappear. Under no circumstances should any important link in the development of a species be destroyed. When Eckels asked how they knew which animals to kill, Travis explained that Lesperance, who had arrived in the Time Machine shortly before them, had tracked some of the animals and marked the ones he needed with red paint. In addition, he said that everything - the Machine, the Path, the clothes, and the participants themselves - were completely disinfected so as not to introduce dangerous bacteria into the ancient world.

Finally, the Lizard himself appeared. It was such a terrible sight that Eckels was seriously frightened: the great god of evil, who walked on huge, shiny, softly walking legs. The gaping mouth revealed dagger teeth, eyes the size of ostrich eggs expressed nothing but hunger. Hands protruded from the huge chest - two thin hands capable of exploring a person like a toy. Not surprisingly, Eckels flatly refused to kill him. He just immediately realized that he couldn’t do it, and told Travis about his decision. He ordered to immediately hide in the Time Machine. But suddenly the lizard rushed forward. Eckels ran without looking back and without realizing it, he left the path and fell into the jungle.

The monster was bravely killed by other safari participants. But Treves's attitude towards Eckels deteriorated sharply. “Go to the Path,” he commanded. “You will stay here.” Only the persuasion of Lesperance and the request of Eckels himself were able to influence Treves’ decision. He nevertheless agreed to take the losing safari participant back, but on the condition that he remove the bullets from Foot and Mouth Disease's body and bring them back. There should be no bullets left in the body of the foot and mouth disease, because this may affect development. Eckels complied with the order.

And now the safari participants returned home again. On the Time Machine. The first thing that caught Eckels’s eye was the distorted letters on the ad in the present: “We organize a sofari for any year of the past. You choose what you want...” What is this? Why? Eckels began to clean off the mud on his shoes and suddenly noticed a beautiful dead butterfly. It was just an insect, but it influenced the course of history. Eckels left the path - and this led to irreversible consequences. The links in the History of Time have been broken. Later it turned out that it was not Keiner, but Deutsch who won the election. And all because of a butterfly. Alas, nothing could be returned. Eckels lay motionless, awaiting the execution of a just sentence. And the thunder of a shot rang out.

The theme and idea of ​​Ray Bradbury's story "A Sound of Thunder."

In Ray Bradbury's story "A Sound of Thunder," the characters from the year 2055 are transported by time machine to the age of the dinosaurs. One of the conditions for visiting the past is the categorical requirement not to change anything in it, not to touch anything.

One of the heroes of the story commits an innocent, at first glance, act: while hunting for a dinosaur, he left the path made of anti-gravity metal, which isolates travelers from the world of the past, and stepped on a butterfly... Upon returning home, to the original time point travel, people discover their world is completely different, not similar to the one they left behind when they went back in time.

The main idea of ​​this work is not related to the possibility of time travel, but to the formulation of pressing problems modern humanity. The world is a system of interconnected, interdependent, interdependent phenomena and realities, and this interconnection and interdependence have not only spatial, but also temporal coordinates. The current problems of humanity have historical causes.

Yes, it's short, but masterfully tailored, fascinating story, some vivid descriptions, intense dialogues and scenes.

This story also gave the world the concept of the “butterfly effect.”

The “butterfly effect” is the consequences of actions committed in the past. And this idea can be clearly seen in the story of the famous science fiction writer.

It would seem like just a butterfly. Why such a cruel reprisal? But, according to the author, the story contains the deepest meaning.

What is the connection fantasy stories Ray Bradbury with modern life? Are his thoughts so fantastic or do they contain a wise grain of warning to humanity? Let's look at the facts.

IN Siberia and on AlaskaThere are known cases of finding the corpses of mammoths preserved due to their presence in the thickness of permafrost. Mammoths ( lat.Mammuthus) - extinct genus mammals from the family elephant, who lived in Quaternary period. They reached a height of 5.5 meters and a body weight of 10-12 tons. Thus, mammoths were twice as heavy as the largest modern land mammals -African elephants.

The main types of mammoths did not exceed modern ones in sizeelephants, but at the same time a North American subspeciesMammuthus emperorreached a height of 5 meters and a mass of 12 tons, and dwarf speciesMammuthus exilis And Mammuthus lamarmoraedid not exceed 2 meters in height and weighed up to 900 kg. Mammoths had a more massive body, shorter legs, long hair and long curved tusks; the latter could serve the mammoth for obtaining food in winter time from under the snow. Mammoth molars with numerous thin dentin-enamel plates were well adapted for chewing coarse plant food.

Mammoths appeared inPlioceneand lived 2 million - 9000 years ago inEurope, Asia, Africa And North America. Numerous mammoth bones found in sitesancient manstone age; Drawings and sculptures of mammoths made by prehistoric man were also discovered.

Most mammoths went extinct about 10 thousand years ago during the last cold snap.Vistula Ice Age V Younger Dryas, simultaneously with the extinction of 34 genera of large animals (Great Holocene Extinction). On this moment There are two main hypotheses for the extinction of mammoths: according to the first, significant, or even decisive role the hunters played in thisUpper Paleolithic, and another, which explains the extinction largely by natural causes (as a result of rapid climate change about 10-12 thousand years ago and the disappearance of the food supply for mammoths).

Among scientists there immediately arises interest Ask: we have unique genetic material, we have cloning techniques. What if we restore the mammoth population on earth?

Let's turn to R. Bradbury with a question: is it worth cloning a mammoth these days? It's so interesting! But is it safe? A great science fiction writer would probably warn us about the unpredictability (or, conversely, predictability) of this process.

Let's imagine for a moment that the experiment was a success. What follows? It is known that hundreds of billions of years ago, when the planet was almost uninhabited. Stop! It was never uninhabited. Countless types of microorganisms brought to our planet from the Galaxy developed and multiplied. Over the millennia they have certainly mutated. Among those that cause epidemics in our time, there are many whose history of existence goes back millions of years. What can we say about such unusual finds as a baby mammoth frozen in thick ice? Which microorganisms unknown to us are preserved on its skin, wool, tusks...?

How should one answer the question: “Is it worth cloning an extinct animal species?” Those who support this unique project should weigh the pros and cons; there are many more of the latter. It's not even about the links in the broken food chain.

Here we again need to remember the warnings of science fiction writer Ray Bradbury and the so-called “butterfly effect”. Does a person have the right to interfere with the evolution of all life on earth on the basis of his curiosity?

Even the “harmless” cloning of Dolly the sheep has not been fully studied in its consequences.

Human thought is endless, imagination is limitless. This is probably why man imagines himself to be the king of nature. And that is why nature, which is not fully understood and studied, brings global disasters down on humanity.


Based on the results of our research, we can conclude:

During research project our hypothesis was confirmed. We can say with complete confidence that The genre of science fiction makes it possible to show the current state of affairs in the world, using the scenery of a fictional future, and thus protects people from repeating and aggravating the mistakes of the past.

The paradox seems to be the most bright line modern science fiction. Hypotheses that overturn the usual physical concepts, unexpected forecasts of the future, sharp collision fiction with reality... This seems to have never happened before. But perhaps the most striking paradox is science fiction itself. Today, few people question its great influence on the reader. It seems that criticism has finally recognized it. The share of science fiction in reading circles is growing. Science fiction literature by nature the best way adapted for training exploratory imagination

R. Bradbury's story “And Thunder Rolled” is science fiction. Several directions in science help to reveal the plot:

HISTORY (“Christ has not yet been born,” says Travis, the pyramids, Caesar, Alexander 1, Napoleon, Hitler are mentioned).

PALEONTOLOGY - the science of extinct animals and plants.

PHYSICS (antigravity - opposite to gravity towards the Earth). While the antigravitator has not yet been created, it is fiction, science fiction. And we are unlikely to be able to overcome gravity.

BIOLOGY - system of sciences, the objects of study of which areliving thingsand their interaction withenvironment.

ECOLOGY is the science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment.

Bradbury's fantastic experiments teach the reader personal responsibility to the future, to history. But not only. More importantly, they teach us to be amazed at the world we live in and to dream about the future.

The story fights against murder, destruction - for the sake of life on earth, for the sake of the normal development of civilization. It forces people to think about the consequences of their actions and consciously approach the solution of certain issues. The work of R. Bradbury educates our mind, our consciousness, shapes our attitude towards the world around us.

As a result of this fantastic experiment, the reader must learn two lessons - obvious and hidden.

The explicit lesson is about what not to do. Bradbury warns readers about the danger that threatens all people: “People ask me to predict the future, but all I want to do is prevent it.” Amateur hunter Eckels, returning millions of years ago to hunt dinosaurs, unwittingly crushed one small butterfly. And what? This insignificant incident was enough to cause sad consequences for human life. society XXI century. Bradbury offers the reader a frightening equation: if the death of one butterfly can affect the future so much, then how will bad deeds affect it? modern man- destruction of entire species of animals, deforestation, air pollution and much, much more!

The hidden lesson talks about what a person should and should not be like in the face of the future. You have to be like professional hunter Travis - not only careful, but also brave. You can't be a coward like the amateur hunter Eckels. Exactly at human cowardice Bradbury sees a threat to the future. The reader is faced with another equation: this is how the momentary cowardice of one person affected the course of history - think, what will happen if you are a coward?


1. R. Bradbury “And Thunder Rolled” 100 stories, Eksmo, 2010. – P.1168

2. A. F. Rogalev. Man in esoteric reality. – Gomel: Bark, 2013. – P. 64.

3. Internet resources:,

Annex 1
Diagram 1
Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Appendix 2

Ray Douglas Bradbury

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Illustration for the novel by R. Bradbury “And a Sound of Thunder”

Illustration for the novel by R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451”.

Illustration for the novel by R. Bradbury “The Martian Chronicles”.

Illustration for R. Bradbury's story “Dandelion Wine”

Extracted from permafrostbaby mammoth Dima.

Mammoth skeleton.
Evaluation paper

Pupils of 8 “B” class: Maria Maskova, Marina Yakimova, Olga Kushkova

Research topic: “The Butterfly Effect” in the story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

Points (0-3) (issued by the commission)


Exceeds requirements(3)


Needs improvement(1)

Does not meet requirements(0)

1. Requirements for introduction have been met

2. A complete study has been carried out

3. Practical result presented

4. The conclusions of the study are correctly formulated

5.The work demonstrates collaboration.

6.The work is well presented

7.Public presentation of the research was conducted

Table The final grade is given on the following scale:

The final number of points is _____________, which corresponds to the grade______


A Sound of Thunder
Ray Bradbury

Bradbury Ray

A Sound of Thunder

Ray Bradbury

A Sound of Thunder

The advertisement on the wall blurred, as if it had been covered in a film of sliding warm water; Eckels felt his eyelids closing and covering his pupils for a split second, but even in the instant darkness the letters glowed:






Warm mucus pooled in Eckels' throat; he swallowed convulsively. The muscles around his mouth pulled his lips into a smile as he slowly raised his hand, in which dangled a check for ten thousand dollars, intended for the man behind the desk.

Do you guarantee that I will return from the safari alive?

“We don’t guarantee anything,” the employee replied, “except dinosaurs.” - He turned around. - Here is Mr. Travis, he will be your guide to the Past. He will tell you where and when to shoot. If he says “don’t shoot,” it means don’t shoot. Do not follow his orders, upon return you will pay a fine - another ten thousand, in addition, expect trouble from the government.

At the far end of the huge office room, Eckels saw something bizarre and indefinite, writhing and humming, an interweaving of wires and steel casings, an iridescent bright halo - now orange, now silver, now blue. The roar was as if Time itself was burning on a mighty fire, as if all the years, all the dates in the chronicles, all the days had been dumped into one heap and set on fire.

One touch of the hand - and immediately this combustion will obediently reverse. Eckels remembered every word of the ad. From ashes and ashes, from dust and ash, they will rise like golden salamanders, old years, green years, roses will sweeten the air, gray hair will turn black, wrinkles and folds will disappear, everything and everyone will turn back and become a seed, from death it will rush to its source , the suns will rise in the west and sink into the glow of the east, the moons will wane from the other end, everyone and everything will be like a chicken hiding in an egg, rabbits diving into a magician's hat, everyone and everything will know a new death, the death of the seed, the green death, the return in the time preceding conception. And this will be done with just one movement of the hand...

Damn it,” Eckels breathed; glares of light from the Machine flashed on his thin face - a Real Time Machine! - He shook his head. - Just think about it. If the elections had ended differently yesterday, I might have come here today to flee. Thank God Keith won. The United States will have a good president.

That’s it,” said the man behind the desk. - We were lucky. If Deutscher had been elected, we would not have escaped the most brutal dictatorship. This guy is against everything in the world, against the world, against faith, against humanity, against reason. People called us and inquired - jokingly, of course, but by the way... They say, if Deutscher is president, is it possible to move to 1492? But it’s not our business to organize escapes. We organize safari. Anyway, Kate is the president, and now you have one concern...

Kill my dinosaur,” Eckels finished his sentence.

Tyrannosaurus rex. Loud Lizard, the most disgusting monster in the history of the planet. Sign this. Whatever happens to you, we are not responsible. These dinosaurs have a voracious appetite.

Eckels flushed with indignation.

Are you trying to scare me?

To be honest, yes. We do not at all want to send into the past those who panic at the first shot. Six leaders and a dozen hunters died that year. We give you the opportunity to experience the most damned adventure that a real hunter can dream of. Journey back sixty million years and the greatest haul of all time! Here is your receipt. Tear it up.

Mr. Eckels looked at the check for a long time. His fingers were trembling.

“No fluff, no feather,” said the man behind the desk. Mr. Travis, take care of the client.

Carrying guns in their hands, they walked silently across the room towards the Machine, towards the silvery metal and rumbling light.

First day, then night, again day, again night; then day - night, day - night, day. Week, month, year, decade! 2055 2019, 1999! 1957! Past! The car roared.

They put on oxygen helmets and checked their headphones.

Eckels rocked on the soft seat - pale, teeth clenched. He felt a convulsive trembling in his hands, looked down and saw how his fingers squeezed the new gun. There were four others in the car. Travis is the safari leader, his assistant Lesperance and two hunters - Billings and Kremer. They sat looking at each other, and the years flashed past like flashes of lightning.

Can this gun kill a dinosaur? - Eckels' lips said.

“If you hit it right,” Travis replied through his headphones. - Some dinosaurs have two brains: one in the head, the other lower down the spine. We don't touch those. It's better not to abuse your lucky star. The first two bullets in the eyes, if you can, of course. Blinded, then hit the brain.

The car howled. Time was like a film in reverse. The suns flew backwards, followed by tens of millions of moons.

“Oh my God,” Eckels said. - All the hunters who have ever lived in the world would envy us today. Here Africa itself will seem like Illinois to you.

The car slowed down, the howl was replaced by an even roar. The car stopped.

The sun stopped in the sky.

The darkness that surrounded the Machine dissipated, they were in ancient times, deep, deep antiquity, three hunters and two leaders, each with a gun on his knees - a blued blued barrel.

Christ has not yet been born,” Travis said. -Moses had not yet gone to the mountain to talk with God. The pyramids lie in the ground, the stones for them have not yet been cut or stacked. Remember this. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler - none of them.

They nodded.

Here,” Mr. Travis pointed with his finger, “here is the jungle sixty million two thousand fifty-five years before President Keith.”

He pointed to a metal path that went through a steaming swamp into green thickets, meandering between huge ferns and palm trees.

And this,” he explained, “is the trail laid here for hunters by the Company.” She floats six inches above the ground. It does not touch a single tree, not a single flower, not a single blade of grass. Made from anti-gravity metal. Its purpose is to isolate you from this world of the past so that you will not touch anything. Stay on the Path. Stay with her. I repeat: do not leave her. Under no circumstances! If you fall off it, you'll be fined. And don't shoot anything without our permission.

Why? - asked Eckels.

They sat among the ancient thickets. The wind carried the distant cries of birds, carried the smell of resin and the ancient salt sea, the smell of wet grass and blood-red flowers.

We don't want to change the Future. Here in the Past we are uninvited guests. The government does not approve of our excursions. We have to pay considerable bribes so that we are not deprived of the concession. A time machine is a delicate matter. Without knowing it, we can kill some important animal, a bird, a beetle, crush a flower and destroy an important link in the development of a species.

“I don’t understand something,” Eckels said.

Well, listen,” Travis continued. - Let's say we accidentally killed a mouse here. This means that all future descendants of this mouse will no longer exist - right?

There will be no descendants from descendants from all her descendants! This means that by carelessly stepping foot, you destroy not one, and not a dozen, and not a thousand, but a million - a billion mice!

“Okay, they’re dead,” Eckels agreed. - So what?

What? - Travis snorted contemptuously. - What about the foxes, for which these mice were needed for food? If ten mice are not enough, one fox will die. Ten foxes are less than a lion will die of hunger. One less lion means that all kinds of insects and vultures will die, and an innumerable number of life forms will perish. And here's the result: after fifty-nine million years, a caveman, one of the dozen that inhabit the whole world, driven by hunger, goes hunting for a wild boar or a saber-toothed tiger. But you, my friend, having crushed one mouse, have thereby crushed all the tigers in these places. And the caveman dies of hunger. And this person, mind you, is not just one person, no! This is a whole future people. From his loins would come ten sons. A hundred would come from them, and so on, and a whole civilization would arise. Destroy one person and you will destroy an entire tribe, a people, a historical era. It's like killing one of Adam's grandsons. Crush a mouse with your foot - it will be tantamount to an earthquake, which will distort the appearance of the entire earth and radically change our destinies. The death of one caveman is the death of a billion of his descendants, strangled in the womb. Perhaps Rome will not appear on its seven hills. Europe will forever remain a dense forest, only in Asia will lush life blossom. Step on the mouse and you will crush the pyramids. Step on a mouse and you'll leave a dent in Eternity the size of the Grand Canyon. There will be no Queen Elizabeth, Washington will not cross the Delaware. The United States will not appear at all. So be careful. Stay on the path. Never leave it!

I understand,” Eckels said. - But then, it turns out it’s dangerous to even touch the grass?

Absolutely right. It is impossible to predict what the death of a particular plant will lead to. The slightest deviation now will increase immeasurably in sixty million years. Of course, it is possible that our theory is wrong. Perhaps we are not able to influence Time. And even if they are able to do so, it is very insignificant. Let's say a dead mouse leads to a slight deviation in the world of insects, then - to oppression of the species, even further - to crop failure, depression, hunger, and finally, to social changes. Or maybe the result will be completely unnoticeable - a light breath, a whisper, a hair, a speck of dust in the air, something that you won’t see right away. Who knows? Who will undertake to predict? We don't know - we're just guessing. And as long as we don’t know for sure that our forays into Time for history are thunder or a slight rustle, we must be damn careful. This Machine, this Path, your clothes, you yourself, as you know, are all disinfected. And the purpose of these oxygen helmets is to prevent us from introducing our bacteria into the ancient air.

But how do we know which animals to kill?

They're marked with red paint,” Travis replied. Today, before our departure, we sent Lesperance here on the Machine. He visited just at this time and followed some of the animals.

Have you studied them?

That’s it,” responded Lesperance. “I follow their entire lives and note which individuals live the longest. There are very few of them. How many times do they mate? Rarely... Life is short. Having found an animal facing death under a fallen tree or in an asphalt lake, I mark the hour, minute, second when it dies. Then I shoot a dye bullet. It leaves a red mark on the skin. When the expedition departs for the Past, I time everything so that we arrive two minutes before the animal dies anyway. So we kill only those individuals who have no future, who can no longer mate. See how careful we are?

But if you were here this morning,” Eckels spoke excitedly, “you should have met us, our expedition!” How did it go? Successfully? Is everyone still alive?

Travis and Lesperance looked at each other.

It would be a paradox,” Lesperance said. - Time does not allow such confusion for a person to meet himself. If such a danger arises. Time takes a step aside. It's like a plane falling into an air pocket. Did you notice how the car shook just before we stopped? It is we who passed ourselves on the way back to the Future. But we didn't see anything. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether our expedition was a success, whether we killed the beast, whether we returned - or rather, you, Mr. Eckels, returned alive.

Eckels smiled palely.

Well, that’s it,” Travis snapped. - Get up!

It was time to get out of the Car.

The jungle was high, and the jungle was wide, and the jungle was forever the whole world. The air was filled with sounds, like music, as if sails were beating in the air - they were flying, like gigantic bats from a nightmare, from delirium, flapping huge gray wings like a cave vault, pterodactyls. Eckels, standing on the narrow Path, took aim jokingly.

Hey, come on! - Travis commanded. - Don’t even aim for fun, damn you! Suddenly it shoots...

Eckels blushed.

Where is our Tyrannosaurus rex?

Lesperance glanced at his watch.

On the way. We will meet in exactly sixty seconds. And for God's sake, don't miss the red spot. Until we tell you not to shoot. And don't leave the Path. Don't go off the path!

They walked towards the morning breeze.

“Strange,” muttered Eckels. - We have sixty million years ahead of us. The elections are over. Keith became president. Everyone celebrates the victory. And we are here, all these millions of years seem to have been blown away by the wind, they are gone. Everything that has bothered us throughout our lives is not yet in sight, not even in the project.

Get ready! - Travis commanded. - The first shot is yours, Eckels. Billings is number two. Behind him is Kremer.

“I hunted tigers, wild boars, buffalos, elephants, but God knows, this is a completely different matter,” said Eckels. - I'm shaking like a boy.

Quiet,” Travis said.

Everyone stopped.

Travis raised his hand.

Ahead,” he whispered. - In the fog. He is there. Meet His Royal Majesty.

The vast jungle was full of chirping, rustling, muttering, and sighs.

Suddenly everything became silent, as if someone had closed the door.

Thunder Strike.

A Tyrannosaurus rex emerged from the darkness about a hundred yards ahead.

“Heavenly powers,” Eckels stammered.

It walked on huge, shiny, springy, softly treading legs.

It towered thirty feet above the forest - the great god of evil, pressing the watchmaker's fragile hands to the oily chest of the reptile. The legs are mighty pistons, a thousand pounds of white bone, woven with taut channels of muscle beneath shiny, wrinkled skin like the mail of a fearsome warrior. Each thigh is a ton of meat, ivory and chainmail steel. And from the huge heaving chest protruded two thin arms, hands with fingers that could pick up and examine a person like a toy. The writhing snake's neck easily raised the thousand-kilogram stone monolith of its head to the sky. The gaping mouth revealed a palisade of dagger teeth. The eyes rolled like ostrich eggs, expressing nothing but hunger. It closed its jaws in an ominous grin. It ran, and its hind legs crushed bushes and trees, and its claws ripped open the damp earth, leaving tracks six inches deep. It ran with a sliding ballet step, incredibly confident and easy for a ten-ton colossus. It cautiously stepped out into the sunlit clearing and felt the air with its beautiful scaly hands.

God! - Eckels lips trembled. - Yes, if it stretches out, it can reach the moon.

Shh! - Travis hissed angrily. - He hasn't noticed us yet.

He cannot be killed. - Eckels said this calmly, as if he had brushed aside all objections in advance. He weighed the testimony of eyewitnesses and made a final decision. The gun in his hands was like a scarecrow. - Idiots, and what brought us here... This is impossible.

Be silent! - Travis barked.


Circle! - Travis commanded. - Calmly return to the Car. Half of the amount will be returned to you.

I didn’t expect it to be this big,” Eckels said. - In a word, I miscalculated. No, I won't participate.

It noticed us!

There's a red spot on the chest!

The Loud Lizard straightened up. His armor
/>End of introductory fragment
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