When is Music Day in Russia? World Music Day

International Music Day established on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment International Day music is Dmitri Shostakovich. The holiday is celebrated annually all over the world by large concert programs, with best artists And artistic groups. On this day, compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard.

International Music Day – October 1

Music(from the Greek musike, literally “the art of the muses”) - a type of art in which the means of embodiment artistic images serve in a certain way organized musical sounds.

Music directly affects a person’s perception and fills him with emotions. Music has enormous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers tried to express the state of their soul through it. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by their descendants. Music does not age; it will live as long as a person exists.

Humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. Preserved in the caves of Africa cave drawings long-vanished tribes. The drawings depict people with musical instruments. We will never hear that music again, but once upon a time it brightened up people's lives, made them happy or sad. Music has enormous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers tried to express the state of their soul through it. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by their descendants. Music does not age; it will live as long as a person exists.

In Russia International Music Day has been celebrated since 1996, when it was the 90th anniversary of the birth of one of the great composers of the 20th century - Dmitry Shostakovich, who was one of the initiators of the establishment of the holiday.

For centuries and millennia, music has been an inseparable part creative self-expression people, their cultural tradition, religious rite and everyday existence.

The beginning of the third millennium shows that music has not lost its importance, but on the contrary, the need for it is increasing. Modern ideas about music are formed in a multicultural space, expanding our knowledge about various cultural environments, layers, traditions, where music is necessarily present. Opportunities for wide intercultural exchange are used. Thanks to the Internet, music has become more accessible than ever. Today you can find almost everything musical compositions, which were written and played by humanity throughout its history.

The means of recording and playing music make it more accessible, new multimedia capabilities allow you to listen and watch musicians' performances on more advanced media.

International Music Day in many countries various musical eventscreative meetings with composers, performers, musicologists; exhibitions of musical instruments and works of art related to music.

Throughout its history, humanity has been closely connected with music. No matter what happened: wars, disasters, famine and disease, people did not stop creating music.

In 1975, at the request of UNESCO, an official World Music Day was established. One of the main inspirers of the new holiday was the famous Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich. Every year, for almost 40 years, on International Music Day, holiday concerts, in which the most famous musicians of our time will consider it an honor to take part in them.

All music lovers have a great opportunity to enjoy the best classical works ever created by man. In our minds, music is a relatively new phenomenon. Legendary composers immediately come to mind: Beethoven, Bach, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky and many other creators who lived not so long ago. However, the phenomenon itself - music - has been known to mankind since ancient times. Proof of this - oldest drawings in African caves, which depict people along with musical instruments unknown to us. Alas, we will never be able to hear the music of the ancients. All that remains is to use your imagination and voice these rock paintings as you wish.

Another unique find was discovered in China, at the very beginning of our century. Not just a find, but a real treasury, in the form of an ancient cache of musical instruments, dating back more than two thousand years. It is absolutely certain that music will never lose its relevance and will accompany humanity as long as it lives.

When is World (International) Music Day (what date)?

The official date for celebrating International Music Day was first announced by UNESCO. To this day, this wonderful creative holiday, Music Day, is celebrated on October 1.

According to the new direction of prenatal education, the perception of the world by a small creature begins with sounds. Very first impressions human embryo receives through the thickness of the amniotic sac, picking up the slightest vibrations and sound vibrations.

If you dig deep into the centuries, when people could not yet speak, music already existed in the form of sounds: soothing hums, terrifying roars, and so on. It is part of life on earth. We are surrounded great amount sounds and melodies, most of which are not caught by our ears or are perceived during certain periods of development (children's sensitivity to ultrasound).

An international professional holiday is dedicated to this type of art.

When is it carried out?

International Music Day is celebrated annually on October 1 around the world. The event was approved by the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council of UNESCO) in 1973, and official celebrations began in 1975.

Who's celebrating

International Music Day 2019 brings together everyone who wants to join the great and eternal art: professional musicians, artists, teachers, student vocalists and ordinary people with their direct participation.

history of the holiday

One of those to whom modernity owes the existence of this international date is a citizen of the USSR, Russian composer, pianist and famous public figure D.D. Shostakovich. Famous musician last century and Doctor of Art History in the late 40s. became a political exile, was deprived of the title of professor at the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories and dismissed from there. His “vacation” lasted more than 10 years, but already in 1955 Shostakovich’s career was restored, and a new creative upsurge began. The musical legacy he left behind is performed in various countries. Like many world classic masterpieces, it has received a new direction in modern popular rock treatment.

Probably any medieval festival or carnival, like palace balls, can be confidently attributed to the prerequisites for the emergence of the holiday, if not to the event itself.

Music therapy has long been used by people to prevent and treat many diseases, relieve stress and as a cure for fatigue. And many modern mothers-to-be attend courses musical training for childbirth and upcoming motherhood. According to scientists, this significantly reduces the risk possible complications during childbirth and promotes early development kids.

It is gratifying that with all the diversity of genres, trends and trends, there is no displacement or substitution of concepts. Skeptics' frightening prediction that Electonic music will “pull back” and kill real art, refuting the popularity of festivals and concerts with “live sound”.

Music is a kind of language that is understandable to all people, regardless of the country of their birth and the people to which they belong. Of all the arts, music is the most powerful in its impact on the audience.


Origins proper musical art hiding in the haze of centuries. And the holiday of all musicians on the planet is relatively young. Not all admirers of this art know that UNESCO has an organization called the International Music Council (IMC), which meets annually in its assemblies. At one of them, the 15th in a row, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, a resolution was adopted to hold the International Day of Music.

However, this decision found concrete implementation only after the Assembly received a letter in November 1974 with specific proposals on the types of activities to be carried out from the Chairman of the Council, Yegidi Menuhin, and his deputy, Boris Yarustovsky. The first celebration of Music Day in the world took place in October 1975. In Russia, the celebration of this date took place for the first time in 1996 on the initiative of the legendary and world-famous composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich. Since then, this holiday has become an annual event in our country.


List of events held in Russian Federation when celebrating International Music Day is very extensive and extremely diverse. Conducted:

  1. Creative audience meetings with famous musicians country, famous composers and songwriters, vocalists and music critics.
  2. Master classes best musicians Russia.
  3. Thematic concerts, competitions for individual performers and entire orchestras.
  4. Exhibitions of musical instruments from various eras.

The holiday is definitely reflected in the media. On television, the repertoire includes films on the topic, reports on events held on International Music Day, talks about the history of the holiday itself and the history of music in general. In every musical group Congratulations are made, gifts or bonuses are presented, and, of course, such a holiday is not complete without a festively laid table.

Music - greatest invention humanity, which has accompanied society since its inception. Music reflects traditions and customs different nations, and they are easy to share: the language of the melody is simple and understandable to everyone. It is not surprising that such a unique cultural phenomenon There is a holiday - International Music Day, which is celebrated every year on October 1.

1. When did the holiday appear?

Despite the fact that music is millions of years old, the holiday appeared relatively recently. In 1973, it was established by the International Music Council of UNESCO, and two years later the first symphony concerts in his honor.

Since 1975, International Music Day – official holiday people of art: composers, musicians, philharmonic workers, musicologists.

2. Music Day in Russia

In Russia they started talking about Music Day only in 1996. This year, the brilliant Russian composer, scientist and public figure Dmitry Shostakovich would have turned 90 years old.

In 1973, he addressed the United Nations with open letter, in which he asked to establish a festival of music and thereby recognize its role in uniting peoples and exchanging cultural experiences.

Shostakovich became one of the creators of the holiday, “ godfather» Music Day.

3. Main events on Music Day in Russia

On International Music Day, Moscow and St. Petersburg host cultural events: meetings with musicians, exhibitions and performances.

St. Petersburg traditionally hosts a concert by the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and the Conservatory Chamber Orchestra.

The “Night of Music” in Moscow is especially popular: the Bolshoi performs at various venues for guests Symphony Orchestra named after Tchaikovsky and jazz band Oleg Lundstrem. In the Roman Catholic cathedral sounds organ music. And all this is completely free!

4. The emergence of music and musical instruments - what do scientists say?

Music accompanies human society from the moment of its inception.

In the African desert, archaeologists have discovered rock paintings of ancient tribes. They depict people with outlandish devices in their hands. Presumably these were the first musical instruments. We will never know what sounds they made - and, probably, this music was far from modern. But it was already part of the life of our ancestors.

5. The world's oldest museum with musical instruments

A recent discovery in China showed that the inhabitants had a special attitude towards music and everything connected with it.

In 2000, one of the oldest museums in the world was found - the Han Dynasty Museum. In it, researchers found unique instruments(more than 150 copies in total) in excellent condition. These are pipes and flutes different forms and sizes, bells and lithophones (stone plates).

6. When music appeared - an excursion into history

According to scientists, music appeared at the same time as speech. At first primitive people, performing teamwork, made certain repetitive sounds to set a rhythm and coordinate their actions.

Later they began to add melodic sounds to dances - again, to maintain rhythm.

The sounds of music are pleasant to the human ear, are easily perceived, unite and infect with a single mood, so music has not just taken root in primitive society, but also became driving force its development.

7. Origin of the word “Music”

“Music” is a derivative of the word “muse”.

IN ancient greek mythology muses - daughters of Zeus, goddess of arts and sciences. For example, Terpsichore is the goddess of dance, and Euterpe is the goddess of poetry. They glorified their arts with songs, dances and playing the divine harp.

The origin of the word is obvious: music is what is associated with the muses.

8. The meaning of music for humans

Music has a beneficial effect on human health and psyche. The measured, calm melody evokes positive emotions and relieves depression, rhythmic - improves mood and performance.

Pythagoras also believed that sound waves resonate with vibrations internal organs and treat them. Modern medicine notes facts positive influence music for the work of the heart.

Music lessons develop intelligence and memory in children, increase the pain threshold and prevent hearing loss with age in adults.

9. Such different musical styles...

Style matters!

  • About influence classical music Many people know about the human psyche: it calms the nerves and even treats chronic diseases.
  • Rock and rap oppress nervous system, can lead to depression, provoke aggression, and anxiety.
  • But few people know that country music- seemingly so easy and positive - can have a negative impact on a person. In the United States, country music fans are more likely than others to commit suicide, divorce their spouses, and have conflicts with others. There is no clear explanation for this phenomenon.

10. Music is not only a spiritual concept, but also a material one

Music changes the structure of water. The famous experiment of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto showed that under the influence of melodies of different directions, water crystallizes in different ways.

Water “reacts” best to classics: after freezing, under a microscope you can see graceful snowflakes of regular shape with six rays. And here hard Rock Not in the best possible way affects the crystallization process: snowflakes turn out shapeless, torn, and different in size. The scientist explains this phenomenon by a special frequency sound wave, inherent in melodic music (the “Hado” energy), which resonates with the water molecule and gives it the correct shape.

11. Health-improving music of bells

The sounds of a bell can kill pathogenic bacteria and heal the body. In Rus' bell ringing used to treat joint diseases, remove the evil eye and damage.

IN medieval Europe During a plague epidemic, bells were rung and the epidemic subsided.

Modern research confirms that bell ringing has a negative effect on pathogens dangerous diseases, their activity in the body decreases by 40%.

12. Language of music

Exists special language music - “Sol-re-sol”. Its basis is seven notes, they are syllables in words. Language created French Jean François Sudre, who spent more than 40 years developing the rules and dictionary.

As a result, the artificial language turned out to be very complex and inconvenient. In 1868, works were published in the new language, but they soon forgot about it.

13. The longest song in the world lasts a thousand years!

The most long song under the name “Longplayer” will sound for exactly a thousand years! It is performed on special bells - Tibetan bowls. The music is controlled by a computer programmed for a very long time.