What are the ancient names? Russian male names and their meanings (list in alphabetical order)

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. Some of them have been solved. But there are also some reasonable explanations that have not yet been found. Below is a list of ten unsolved mysteries of the world.

D. B. Cooper is the alias of an unknown assailant who, on November 24, 1971, hijacked a Boeing 727 with 42 passengers on board, flying from Portland to Seattle. After receiving a $200,000 ransom, he released the passengers, forced the pilots to take off, and bailed out. Despite an extensive FBI investigation, it was never possible to obtain any information about the whereabouts of the criminal, his real name and further fate. Of the ransom received, only $5,800 was found on the banks of a river in Washington state.
There are several theories regarding the circumstances of the crime and the further fate of D. B. Cooper. The FBI believes Cooper died after the jump, but no physical evidence was found to support this theory. The terrorist attack remains the only unresolved case of air piracy in American history aviation.

The Taman Shud case is an unsolved murder case of an unknown man found dead on December 1, 1948 at Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. There were no visible wounds on the deceased's body. In addition, the autopsy showed that he was completely healthy before his death. In the man's pockets they found a bus ticket, chewing gum, cigarettes, coins, matches and several other things. The biggest resonance was caused by a piece of paper found on him, torn from the copy very rare edition Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). The investigation has still not been able to establish either the identity of the deceased or accurately determine the method of his death.


One of the unsolved mysteries of the world is considered to be “Atlantis” - a legendary island, perhaps a civilization (an archipelago or even a continent) whose existence and location are uncertain. The Lost City became known thanks to the mentions and comments of ancient Greek historians Herodotus, Posidonius, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Proclus. According to the records of the philosopher Plato, Atlantis was located to the west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlantean Mountains, and was swallowed up by the sea in one day (probably by an earthquake or tsunami) around 9500 BC. e. However, most modern historians believe that Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth.

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered book written in the 15th century (1404–1438) by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The thickness of the book is 5 cm, it contains about 240 pages, measuring 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographers, including those recognized throughout the world, and none of them managed to decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a bunch of meaningless random symbols that have no meaning, but there are also those who believe that the manuscript is an encrypted message.

In sixth place in the ranking of unsolved mysteries of the world is the signal “Wow!” - a strong narrow-band space radio signal recorded by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977 while working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The anomaly lasted 72 seconds and did not occur again. There are many versions explaining the origin of the signal. The most interesting of these is the theory that the signal was sent from an alien starship that was moving.

"Taos Rumble"

The "Taos Rumble" is an unsolved anomalous sound phenomena coming from the desert near the city of Taos, New Mexico, USA. The sound is similar to heavy equipment moving along a highway, although there are no major roads in the area of ​​the town. It's interesting that they only hear him local residents and extremely rarely - visitors. Scientists who examined it were unable to find the source of the hum.
Similar phenomena have been known since the early 60s of the 20th century and have been observed almost all over the world, but most often it is heard in North America, Europe and Australia. Sometimes “noises” are accompanied by other sounds, hissing, whistling, etc. When listened to for a long time, they can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach and other unpleasant sensations.

The Loch Ness monster (Nessie) is a mysterious animal or group of animals supposedly living in the mysterious Scottish lake Loch Ness, the depth of which in some places reaches 250 meters. Numerous eyewitness accounts describe this mysterious creature as a 40-foot-long animal with four fins and a long neck with small tubercles, which appears from time to time on the surface of the lake. There are several theories explaining the nature of the supposed animal, one of them says that the Loch Ness monster is nothing more than a plesiosaur that has survived to this day. Today, scientists can neither confirm nor deny its existence.

Amelia Mary Earhart - American pilot, journalist and poet. The first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932. In 1937, while attempting to fly around the world, Amelia went missing in the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Despite an immediate search and rescue operation on which the US government spent approximately $4 million (the most expensive and extensive operation in the history of the US Navy), no trace of either the plane or the pilot was found. The search for the famous female pilot continues today, but the mystery of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, her navigator and the plane remains unsolved.

Jack the Ripper is the nickname of an unknown serial killer (or killers) active in the Whitechapel area of ​​London in the second half of 1888. His victims were prostitutes from poor neighborhoods, mostly middle-aged, whose throats were cut by the killer before opening the abdominal cavity. The removal of certain organs from the victims' bodies was explained by the assumption that the killer had some knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all the names, the exact number of victims, as well as the identity of Jack the Ripper still remain a mystery.

First place in the list of unsolved mysteries of the world is occupied by the Bermuda Triangle - a geographical area with an area of ​​4 thousand km. sq. in the Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the site of many (more than 100) unexplained disappearances of ships, yachts and aircraft. To explain the mysterious accidents, most put forward various hypotheses from unusual weather phenomena, magnetic anomalies, giant rogue waves, to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis. The most famous incident related to the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was never found.

Fortunately for treasure and adventure seekers, the world is full of mysterious stories, and there are still many blank spots on the map. Some of the incidents on our list are unexplained disappearances of people, some are mysterious finds of archaeologists. Consider us a list of ideas for those curious and interested in history.

15. Devil (or mouse) tracks in Devon

The "Great Devon Mystery of 1855" puzzled the inhabitants of South Devon: after a night of heavy snowfall, hoof-like tracks appeared in the snow, which stretched non-stop for a distance of up to 100-150 miles. The people thought and decided - for sure, the devil. Many theories have been put forward to explain the incident. Incredibly, the tracks were actually found at a distance of more than a hundred miles, but no one could walk such a distance in deep snow in 24 hours without stopping!
Researcher Mike Dash summarized all the primary and secondary sources he found in the article "Traces of the Devil: Materials for the Study of the Great Devon Mystery of 1855", first published in 1994. He, without denying the reality of the fact as such, came to the conclusion that there was not and could not be any one “source” of the origin of the traces: some of them were almost certainly a hoax, while some were left by quite ordinary four-legged animals - for example, donkeys or horses, and some - mice. The trail left in the snow after a mouse jumps looks like a cloven hoof due to the movement of the mouse during the jump. Dash claims that the "mouse factor" theory appeared in The Illustrated London News as early as March 1855. But a certain Geoffrey Househall suggested that he left traces balloon, mistakenly released from Devonport, by means of links at the ends of her mooring ropes.

14. The Mary Celeste ship

The infamous "ghost ship" Mary Celeste has puzzled scientists for more than a century. The ship was discovered by another cargo ship in 1872. The cargo of 1,701 barrels of alcohol was intact, and six months' food supply was untouched. All papers, with the exception of the ship's log, disappeared. Last entry in ship's log dated November 24, with the coordinates of the Mary Celeste: 36°57"N and 27°20"W. d. According to the inscription on the slate board in the wardroom, at 8 o'clock in the morning the next day the brigantine would be 6 miles south-southwest of the island of Santa Maria (one of the Azores islands). The entire crew disappeared. But on the ship, in addition to the captain and a crew of 7 people, there was the captain’s wife and his two-year-old daughter. But the ship was abandoned by the crew: not a single person, alive or dead, was on board.
The windows of the aft superstructure, where the captain's cabin was located, are covered with tarpaulin and boarded up. The sextant and chronometer were not found (implying the evacuation of the team), and the watch ran out of power. The compass is destroyed, presumably in an unsuccessful attempt to remove it hastily. In the captain's cabin, a jewelry box and stacks of money remained untouched. Toys were scattered on the floor of the cabin, the captain's wife's sewing machine stood with unfinished sewing. The sailors did not take their pipes with them - they were folded in the proper place in the cockpit.
The mysterious disappearance of the ship's crew 400 miles from Gibraltar remains a mystery. The fate of all crew members and passengers is unknown. Various versions have been put forward: pirate attack, impact Bermuda Triangle, intervention by aliens from outer space. The ship's cargo and valuables remained intact, which would seem to rule out the possibility of a pirate attack. Perhaps the crew abandoned the ship due to a fire? But there were no signs of an explosion or any charred parts of the vessel. By the way, there is interesting theory: In a 1965 episode of Doctor Who, the ship's crew are abducted by Daleks. Which good explanation, no worse than anyone else!

13. Where did Jimmy Hoffa go?

James Riddley "Jimmy" Hoffa was an American labor leader who suddenly disappeared in 1975 under mysterious circumstances. His disappearance gave rise to many rumors. One of them, persistently circulated in the media, claims that he was buried under the infamous ten-yard line on the field of Giants Stadium.
In 1964, Hoffa was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Over the next three years, Hoffa tried unsuccessfully to have his sentence overturned, but in 1967 he began serving his sentence. On December 23, 1971, Hoffa was released from prison after US President Richard Nixon pardoned him. The main condition was that Hoffa should not engage in trade union activities for 10 years. Hoffa disappeared on July 30, 1975, last seen in the parking lot of a restaurant in suburban Detroit. In 1982, Hoffa was officially declared dead.
After this, many sources repeatedly testified to his whereabouts. Hitman Kuklinski - known as Iceman - claims to have killed Hoffa and dumped his body in a landfill. More recent evidence, from 2015, comes from former mobster Philip Moscato, who claims Hoffa was shot and buried near the Pulaski Skyway building in New Jersey. But no one knows for sure.

12. Cleopatra's Tomb

It is widely believed that Egyptian queen was buried with her lover Mark Antony after their deaths in 30 BC. The location of their tomb has been a mystery to archaeologists for more than 2,000 years. Excavations were carried out in a temple near Alexandria, where there are a number of graves dating back to the reign of Cleopatra, but the grave of lovers was not among them.
There have been suggestions that the tomb was not built as a magnificent mausoleum, due to the circumstances surrounding Cleopatra's death (it is still debated whether Cleopatra was killed or committed suicide). In 2008, the discovery of an alabaster bust of Queen Cleopatra led to the belief that archaeologists had found the tomb Egyptian pharaoh and her lover, the Roman Mark Antony. Zahi Hawass, head of the Department of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt, reported in the press that the legendary couple was probably buried under the temple of one of the necropolises, dating back to the 3rd century. BC, in the area of ​​Taposiris Magna, in modern Abusir.

11. Copper scroll

Copper scroll is one of the Qumran manuscripts 980 AD, which is made on a different material from the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls. While other scrolls are written on parchment or papyrus, this scroll is written on metal (an alloy of copper with about 1% tin). Unlike other scrolls, the Copper Scroll is not literary work, and a list of places where treasures are supposedly hidden, various items from gold and silver. The manuscript was created by the Essenes in 50-100 AD and was found in cave No. 3 of Qumran on March 20, 1953. The Copper Scroll is kept in the Jordan Archaeological Museum in Amman. According to the list, the treasures hidden in the vicinity of Jerusalem and Western Palestine amounted to a colossal amount - about four thousand centners of gold and silver (gold - 1280 talents, gold and silver (without differentiation) - 3282 talents, gold bars - 65, jugs with silver - 608, gold and silver vessels - 619), and due to corrosion of copper scrolls, information about some treasures could not be deciphered.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered by archaeologists in the 1950s, are a veritable map of treasures that have yet to be found. And whether these treasures are real is still a mystery.

10. Atlantis is not a legend?

Many popular books and films give us a glimpse into the supposed world of Atlantis, but is there any real fact among fiction? In the dialogues of the ancient thinker Plato there is a grain that speaks of the reality of the legendary island. The legend of Atlantis has lived for more than two thousand years. But only a few decades ago, people, despairing of finding traces of a once prosperous state, classified Plato’s works as utopias. Nowadays, some historians and archaeologists have recognized that Plato's dialogues do contain some real facts.
Atlantis is a mythical island-state. Evidence of the location of Atlantis is uncertain. According to Plato, Atlantis was a huge island that lay in the ocean behind the Pillars of Hercules, that is, beyond Gibraltar. During a strong earthquake, accompanied by a flood, the island was swallowed up by the sea in one day along with its inhabitants - the Atlanteans. Plato gives the time of the catastrophe as "9000 years ago", that is, about 9500 BC. e.
47 years after Plato’s death, Krantor, a resident of Athens, went to Egypt to make sure whether the sources of the information used by the philosopher were really there. And he found, according to him, in the temple of Neith hieroglyphs with text about the events described. Scientists and archaeologists different countries And different eras continue to search for lost Atlantis.

9. Hanging Gardens of Babylon: history and legend

To earn the title "Wonder of the World", you need to be something extraordinary. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as described by ancient sources (circa 450 BC), state that the gardens formed a magnificent and amazing ensemble, over 300 feet high and 56 miles in length. Modern archaeological excavations of an ancient city in Iraq have found no evidence of a garden matching this description. Either it never actually existed, or this impressive structure was destroyed by earthquakes or wars.
One of the seven wonders of the world ancient world- Hanging Gardens - according to legend, were located in Babylon. Their creation in ancient times was associated with a certain Queen Semiramis. Currently, it is believed that the construction of this miracle of technical thought was carried out by the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II.
The modern history of the gardens of Babylon is associated with the name of the German archaeologist Robert Koldewey. While excavating ancient Babylon since 1899, one day he found a strange structure, not typical for the area. So, for example, the vaults had a different shape, were lined with stone instead of ordinary brick, there were underground structures, and most importantly, it was found interesting system water supply from three mines. So you can forget all skepticism - the gardens existed!

8. Mysterious Moth

Sounds almost like a prequel to fantastic story: On a dark November night in 1966, four American teenagers from West Virginia saw a certain scary bird - a flying creature of an eerie appearance, a winged beast, which, according to them, had glowing red eyes and large wings.
The local sheriff held a press conference the next day and the monster was nicknamed "the moth." In John Keel's book, which describes strange incidents in the Ohio Valley, there is a theory that the appearance of the moth may have been a sign of the bridge collapse in 1967, which killed 46 people (including the guys who witnessed the moth!) Just creepy! And no scientific explanation.

7. Caves in China

Panxian Dadong Caves South China- an incredible sight in themselves, but what was found inside them puzzled scientists. In the late 1990s, remains of prehistoric rhinoceroses and giant stegedons were found in the caves, but this is completely impossible since the caves are more than 5,000 feet above sea level.
The idea that creatures of their height and size (and which tend to graze alone) could live and survive in these caves is baffling. Paleontology experts have suggested that the carnivores may have been killed and their bodies dragged into the cave. Other evidence points to human intervention, as some bones found show signs of burns and damage, presumably from primitive tools made of stone.

6. The Mystery of the Screaming Mummy

In 1886, Gaston Maspero, head of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, uncovered the shrouds of mummies discovered in a hidden cache near the Valley of the Kings. Hidden from the world for centuries, there were the remains of Egyptian pharaohs. However, this body, buried with them, was very different - the mummy lay in a simple, undecorated sarcophagus, on which the name of the deceased was not written, and his face was forever distorted by a scream. The mummy was in excellent condition, but at the moment of death this man was clearly in terrible pain. It was puzzling that, being buried side by side with members of a noble family, this mummy was in a simple sarcophagus, had no name and was wrapped in sheep's skin. Sheep in Egypt were considered unclean animals, and the absence of a name doomed the dead to eternal damnation.
The time has come for modern forensic analysis tools: using computed tomography, x-ray radiation, techniques for reconstructing the details of a person’s face, researchers have come to a solution.
During the reign of Ramses III, courtiers carried out a series of hidden assassination attempts on the pharaoh. They openly attacked him, but were captured by the guards. The rebels were brought to trial. Some of the conspirators were deprived of their noses, and the leaders of the conspiracy were executed. The pharaoh's wife and her eldest son, the main participants in the conspiracy, were allowed to commit suicide so as not to bring shame to noble persons. They took poison. The "Screaming Mummy" belongs to the eldest son of Pharaoh Ramses III. The ropes that tied his hands and feet compressed his flesh so much at the moment of his monstrously painful death that traces of them remained even on his bones. But mysteries remain - sheepskin and lack of a name. But, as scientists hope, they will ultimately be solved over time.

5. Eternal flame antiquity - unquenchable lamps

In the writings of ancient authors one can find references to lamps that burned for centuries. In the records of Lucian, Plutarch and St. Augustine they claim to have seen them with their own eyes. Such fire was known in Indochina, where it burned in temple buildings and at burial sites. In 1652, the Jesuit scientist Athanasius Kircher debunked many of the miracles of ancient eras. About the unquenchable lamp, Kircher reports that the pagans made wicks from asbestos, and oil was supplied to the lamps through tubes.
Nowadays, many experts believe that unquenchable lamps were electric lamps. On the territory of Ancient Babylon, the simplest galvanic elements were discovered, and in Egypt, on the walls of the temple of the goddess Hathor, bas-reliefs of huge flasks resembling ordinary incandescent lamps were discovered.
Lamps with undying light were also discovered in European countries. The chronicles of medieval Britain indicate that near Bristol, in an open tomb, there was a burning lamp. Local residents said that it had been burning there since time immemorial, and they spoke as if it were a common occurrence. In the 18th century similar lamps were found in Germany. For example, in the crypt of an adept of the Rosicrucian order, there was an ingenious device - a mechanical knight holding a heavy spear in his hand, which, when the tomb was opened, fell on this lamp, it broke, and its contents instantly evaporated.
Similar lamps were discovered by archaeologists in Indian and Chinese temples, as well as in North and South America. Strangely, not one of these lamps reached scientists in the so-called “working condition”. And small fragments cannot help in solving this mystery.

4. First encounter with flying saucers

Many science fiction authors and screenwriters can thank Kenneth Arnold, as he was the first person to witness a mysterious object flying across the sky - and whose subsequent report sparked interest in the worldwide UFO craze. Arnold's case sparked UFO popularity in the United States: over the next two months, nearly 850 people from all over the country claimed to have seen "flying saucers" in the sky.
In 1947, over the Cascade Mountains (Washington State), American businessman Arnold, who was engaged in the sale and installation of fire-fighting equipment, saw flying objects. He did not provide confirmation or evidence, these stories exist as urban legend, however, many believe. Arnold became famous, and many newspapers paid attention to him. In one of his interviews, Arnold said that the discs “flyed like a saucer floating on water” - and then the East Oregonian newspaper coined the name “flying saucer”. Everything is described in detail in the book “The coming of the saucers” by Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer (1952).

3. Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant, or the Ark of Revelation according to the Bible, is the greatest shrine of the Jewish people: it is a portable box in which the stone Tablets of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments were kept, as well as a vessel with manna and Aaron’s staff. The Ark, according to the Torah, was a symbol of the union of God with the people of Israel and served as evidence of the presence of God in their midst. According to the Bible, at the time of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, the Ark was located in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle of Meeting (camp temple), then - in the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple. And this shrine disappeared without a trace
According to one of the versions given in the Talmud, King Josiah ordered the Ark to be hidden in a hiding place under the so-called cornerstone of the universe in the Holy of Holies or under the floor of the Wood Chamber of the Temple.
According to another version, the Ark was taken to Babylon, where its traces are lost. According to the Second Book of Maccabees, the prophet Jeremiah (Jirmiyahu), at the command of God, hid the Ark in a cave on Mount Nebo.
Ancient scholars theorized that the ark was either taken to Babylon or hidden long before the city was sacked. Centuries of history have proclaimed the true location of the Ark: it is claimed that it is kept in Ethiopia, while others say that the shrine was hidden by divine intervention and will not reveal itself until the messiah arrives. Yes, science won't help here.

2. Is Jack the Ripper a woman?

This guy caused a stir in Whitechapel and surrounding areas of London in the second half of 1888.
More than a hundred years after five brutal murders women experts were desperately trying to determine what this elusive killer was. The case of Jack the Ripper still inspires many authors of various works of cinema and literature, but no real evidence was obtained, and the mysterious serial killer remained incognito.
The nickname "Jack the Ripper" was first mentioned in a letter sent to the Central News Agency, the author of which claimed responsibility for the murders. Many experts consider the letter to be a falsification, created by journalists to stir up public interest in history.
During the investigation of the Ripper case, the police, newspapers, and representatives of other organizations received thousands of letters related in one way or another to the Ripper case. From the point of view of the investigation, much more interesting were the letters, which, as they claimed, were written by the killer himself. DNA tests carried out on the surviving letters may provide results that shed light on the circumstances of the case. Australian professor of molecular biology Ian Findlay, examining the remains of DNA, came to the conclusion that the author of the letter was most likely a woman. It is noteworthy that at the end of the 19th century, a certain Mary Piercy, who was hanged for the murder of her lover’s wife in 1890, was mentioned among the candidates for the role of the Ripper.

1. Shroud from Turin

Debate over the appearance and exact age of the shroud has been going on for many centuries. Some Christians believe that this is the material that Jesus' body was wrapped in. Others believe it is a painting, and some believe it is a photograph. Because various shapes analysis - including radiocarbon dating and spectroscopy - have determined the time of the appearance of the shroud to be somewhere between 300 BC. and 1390 AD, even experts cannot decide whether the shroud is a medieval fake or a genuine artifact. Where does the face of Christ come from on the so-called Shroud of Turin: it is believed that it was imprinted on the fabric after burial and captured the miracle of the resurrection from the dead. And they appear with enviable regularity" sensational discoveries": recently, one scientist proved that Christ was removed from the crucifixion while still alive, while he does not question the authenticity of the shroud. There is also huge field for research and search!

Each of these mysterious stories could be called a detective story. But in detective stories, as you know, all the secrets are revealed by the last page. And in these stories, the solution is still far away, although humanity has been puzzling over some of them for decades. Perhaps we are not destined to find answers for them at all? Or will the veil of secrecy ever be lifted? And what do you think?

43 missing Mexican students

In 2014, 43 students from the College of Education from Ayotzinapa went to demonstrate in Iguala, where the mayor's wife was scheduled to speak to residents. The corrupt mayor ordered the police to rid him of this problem. On his orders, the police detained the students, and as a result of the harsh detention, two students and three bystanders died. The remaining students, as we found out, were handed over to the local crime syndicate Guerreros Unidos. The next day, the body of one of the students was found on the street with the skin torn off his face. Later, the remains of two more students were found. Relatives and friends of the students organized mass demonstrations, provoking a full-scale political crisis in the country. The corrupt mayor, his friends and the chief of police tried to escape, but were detained a few weeks later. The provincial governor resigned, and several dozen police officers and officials were arrested. And only one thing remains a mystery - the fate of almost four dozen students is still unknown.

Oak Island Money Pit

Off the coast of Nova Scotia, on Canadian territory, there is a small island - Oak Island, or Oak Island. There is the famous "money pit". According to legend, local residents found it back in 1795. This is a very deep and complex mine, in which, according to legend, countless treasures are hidden. Many have tried to get into it - but the design is treacherous, and after the treasure hunter has dug to a certain depth, the mine begins to be intensively filled with water. They say that brave souls found at a depth of 40 meters a stone tablet with the scrawled inscription: “Two million pounds are buried 15 meters deeper.” More than one generation has tried to get the promised treasure out of the hole. Even the future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during his student years at Harvard, came to Oak Island with a group of friends to try his luck. But the treasure is not given to anyone. And is he there?..

Who was Benjamin Kyle?

In 2004, an unknown man woke up outside a Burger King in Georgia. He had no clothes on, there were no documents with him, but the worst thing was that he didn’t remember anything about himself. That is, absolutely nothing! The police conducted a thorough investigation, but were unable to find any traces: neither missing people with such characteristics, nor relatives who could identify him from a photo. He was soon given the name Benjamin Kyle, under which he continues to live to this day. Without documents or certificates of any education, he could not find a job, but one local businessman, having learned about him from a television program, out of pity, gave him a job as a dishwasher. He still works there now. The efforts of doctors to awaken his memory, and the police to find his previous traces, did not yield results.

Shore of Severed Legs

"Severed Legs Coast" is the name given to a beach on the Pacific Northwest coast British Columbia. It received this terrible name because local residents several times found severed human legs here, shod in sneakers or sneakers. From 2007 to the present, 17 of them have been found, with the majority being right-wing. There are several theories explaining why legs wash up on this shore - natural disasters, the work of a serial killer... some even claim that the mafia is destroying the bodies of its victims on this remote beach. But none of these theories looks convincing, and no one knows where the truth is.

"Dancing Death" 1518

One day in the summer of 1518 in Strasbourg, a woman suddenly began dancing in the middle of the street. She danced wildly until she fell from exhaustion. The strangest thing is that gradually others joined her. A week later, 34 people were dancing in the city, and a month later - 400. Many dancers died from overwork and heart attacks. The doctors did not know what to think, and the churchmen also could not exorcise the demons possessing the dancers. In the end, it was decided to leave the dancers alone. The fever gradually subsided, but no one ever knew what caused it. They talked about some special type of epilepsy, about poisoning, and even about a secret, pre-coordinated religious ceremony. But scientists of that time did not find an exact answer.

Signal from aliens

On August 15, 1977, Jerry Eman, who was monitoring signals from space at the volunteer Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, picked up a signal at a random radio frequency, clearly coming from deep space, from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. This signal was much stronger than the cosmic noise that Eman was used to hearing on the air. It lasted only 72 seconds and consisted of a completely definite, in the eye of the observer, completely random list of letters and numbers, which, however, was accurately reproduced several times in a row. Eman disciplinedly recorded the sequence and reported it to his colleagues in the search for aliens. However, further listening to this frequency did not yield anything, as did any attempts to catch at least some signal from the constellation Sagittarius. What it was - a prank by completely earthly jokers or an attempt by an extraterrestrial civilization to contact us - no one still knows.

Unknown from Somerton Beach

Here's another perfect murder, the mystery of which has still not been solved. On December 1, 1948, in Australia, on Somerton Beach in southern Adelaide, the body of an unknown man was discovered. There were no documents with him, only a note with two words: “Taman Shud” was found in one of his pockets. It was a line from Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat, meaning "the end." The cause of death of the unknown man could not be determined. The forensic investigator believed that it was a case of poisoning, but could not prove it. Others believed it was a suicide, but this claim was also unsubstantiated. The mysterious case has alarmed not only Australia, but the whole world. They tried to establish the identity of the unknown person in almost all countries of Europe and America, but the efforts of the police were in vain, and the history of Taman Shud remained shrouded in secrecy.

Confederate Treasures

This legend still haunts American treasure hunters - and not only them. According to legend, when the northerners were already close to victory in the Civil War, the treasurer of the Confederate government, George Trenholm, in desperation, decided to deprive the victors of their rightful spoils - the treasury of the southerners. Confederate President Jefferson Davis personally took on this mission. He and his guards left Richmond with a huge cargo of gold, silver and jewelry. No one knows where they went, but when the northerners took Davis prisoner, he had no jewelry with him, and 4 tons of Mexican gold dollars also disappeared without a trace. Davis never revealed the secret of the gold. Some believe that he distributed it to the planters of the South so that they could bury it until better times, others believe that it is buried somewhere in the vicinity of Danville, Virginia. Some people think he got his paw on him secret society"Knights of the Golden Circle", secretly preparing revenge in the Civil War. Some even say that the treasure is hidden at the bottom of the lake. Dozens of treasure hunters are still looking for him, but none of them can get to the bottom of either the money or the truth.

Voynich manuscript

The mysterious book, known as the Voynich manuscript, is named after the Polish-born American bookseller Wilfred Voynich, who bought it from an unknown person in 1912. In 1915, having taken a closer look at the find, he told the whole world about it - and since then many have not known peace. According to scientists, the manuscript was written in the 15th-16th centuries. central Europe. The book contains a lot of text, written in neat handwriting, and hundreds of drawings depicting plants, most of which are unknown to modern science. The signs of the zodiac and medicinal herbs are also drawn here, accompanied by text, apparently, of recipes for their use. However, the contents of the text are just speculations of scientists who have not been able to understand it. The reason is simple: the book is written in a language still unknown on Earth, which is also practically indecipherable. Who wrote the Voynich manuscript and why, we may not know even in centuries.

Karst wells of Yamal

In July 2014, an inexplicable explosion was heard in Yamal, as a result of which a huge well appeared in the ground, the width and height of which reached 40 meters! Yamal is not the most populated place on the planet, so no one was injured from the explosion and the appearance of a sinkhole. However, such a strange and potentially dangerous phenomenon required an explanation, and she went to Yamal scientific expedition. It included everyone who could be useful for studying strange phenomenon, - from geographers to experienced mountain climbers. However, upon arrival, they were unable to understand the reasons and nature of what had happened. Moreover, while the expedition was working, two more similar failures appeared in Yamal in exactly the same way! Until now, scientists have been able to put forward only one version - about periodic explosions natural gas coming to the surface from underground. However, experts consider it unconvincing. The Yamal failures remain a mystery.

Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered by treasure hunters on a sunken ancient Greek ship at the beginning of the twentieth century, this device, which at first seemed like just another artifact, turned out to be, no less, the first analog computer in history! A complex system of bronze disks, made with precision and accuracy unimaginable in those distant times, made it possible to calculate the position of stars and luminaries in the sky, time in accordance with different calendars and dates Olympic Games. According to the results of the analyses, the device was made at the turn of the millennium - about a century before the birth of Christ, 1600 years before the discoveries of Galileo and 1700 before the birth of Isaac Newton. This device was ahead of its time by a thousand seconds. extra years and still amazes scientists.

Sea people

Bronze Age, which lasted approximately from the XXXV to the X century BC, was the heyday of several European and Middle Eastern civilizations - Greek, Cretan, Cananese. People developed metallurgy, created impressive architectural monuments, tools became more complex. It seemed that humanity was moving by leaps and bounds towards prosperity. But everything collapsed within a few years. The civilized peoples of Europe and Asia were attacked by a horde of “people of the sea” - barbarians on countless ships. They burned and destroyed cities and villages, burned food, killed and took people into slavery. After their invasion, ruins remained everywhere. Civilization was thrown back at least a thousand years ago. In the once powerful and educated countries Writing disappeared, many secrets of construction and working with metals were lost. The most mysterious thing is that after the invasion, the “sea people” disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. Scientists are still wondering who and where this people came from and what their future fate was. But there is no clear answer to this question yet.

Murder of the Black Dahlia

Books were written and films were made about this legendary murder, but it was never solved. On January 15, 1947, 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short was found brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Her naked body was subjected to cruel abuse: it was practically cut in half and bore traces of many injuries. At the same time, the body was washed clean and completely devoid of blood. This story was widely circulated by journalists, giving Short the nickname “black dahlia.” Despite an active search, the police were unable to find the killer. The Black Dahlia case is considered one of the oldest unsolved murders in Los Angeles.

Motor ship "Ourang Medan"

In early 1948, the Dutch ship Ourang Medan sent an SOS signal while in the Strait of Mallaka off the coast of Sumatra and Malaysia. According to eyewitnesses, the radio message said that the captain and the entire crew were dead, and it ended with the chilling words: “And I am dying.” The captain of the Silver Star, having heard the distress signal, went in search of the Ourang Medan. Having discovered the ship in the Strait of Malacca, sailors from the Silver Star boarded it and saw that it was indeed full of corpses, and the cause of death was not visible on the bodies. Soon the rescuers noticed suspicious smoke coming from the hold and, just in case, chose to return to their ship. And they did the right thing, because soon the Ourang Medan spontaneously exploded and sank. Of course, because of this, the possibility of an investigation became zero. Why the crew died and the ship exploded is still a mystery.

Baghdad battery

Until recently, it was believed that humanity had mastered the production and use of electric current only in late XVIII century. However, an artifact found by archaeologists in the region of ancient Mesopotamia in 1936 casts doubt on this conclusion. The device consists of a clay pot in which the battery itself is hidden: an iron core wrapped in copper, which is believed to have been filled with some kind of acid, after which it began to generate electricity. For many years, archaeologists debated whether the devices were actually related to the generation of electricity. In the end, they collected the same primitive products - and managed to generate electric current with their help! So, did they really know how to install electric lighting in ancient Mesopotamia? Because the written sources from that era has not been preserved, this mystery will now probably forever excite scientists.

They make our brain melt with bewilderment. Now you have the opportunity to find out modern unsolved mysteries of humanity. They appeared to the world relatively recently, compared to your mother’s age. We read:

1. This is my plane. On November 24, 1971, a Boeing 727 was hijacked. The guy who did it was named D.B. Cooper and he demanded $200 thousand in ransom and a double set of parachutes. This guy was so good at his scam that he remains undetected to this day. Here is an identikit of D.B. Cooper:

Some time later, law enforcement agencies received a letter, allegedly from D.B. himself. Cooper. However, many believe that it is fake. We read:

It is unknown whether it is fake or not, but the fact remains that the guy got what he wanted and disappeared in an unknown direction.

2. Sounds of space. In 1977, Jerry R. Ehman was in Ohio and heard alien conversations while working on his project using the Big Ear radio telescope. Well, at least it didn't sound like any sound we were used to. And no one else has ever heard this sound. The signal came from somewhere in the region of the constellation Sagittarius, and it is not clear to this day what it really was.

It is very difficult to understand anything from this “scheme”. Maybe, just maybe, one of the aliens forgot to turn off the notorious T9.

3. Deadly zodiac. Seven men and seven women were victims of brutal murders in Northern California in the late 1960s. To this day, this strange case remains open. All that the criminologists got as a clue were the mysterious signs and terrifying writings that the killer left behind. This creepy incident was adapted into big screen in the movie "Zodiac 2007".

4. The skull is mature. In 1943, four boys discovered a human skull inside a tree. Sounds like a script for , doesn't it?! It was proven 100% that this actually happened, and that the skull actually inexplicably ended up inside the tree. This mystery remains unresolved to this day.

5. Voynich manuscript. We won’t hide it, we have already described it in detail, we just decided to remind you about it, as well as the fact that it is still unknown what kind of writing these are and why they are needed at all.

6. Scary video on YouTube. The entertainment portal site likes to describe all sorts of nightmarish things and... Now we will show you a video that will make your blood run cold. WHAT happened to her hands at the 2nd minute? Do you think this is a setup and don’t feel afraid?! Then let me add that this girl, named Elisa Lam, was found a few days later in a water tank. The causes of death have not yet been established.

7. Under the nose of the CIA. Right next to the CIA headquarters, there is a sculpture covered with symbols. Cryptanalysts have been racking their brains for decades to unravel the riddle of the 869 symbols, but they are never an inch closer to solving it.

The reason why this sculpture(?) is located near such a significant building also remains unclear. However, it is possible that this is just a meaningless piece of stone on which signs are chaotically engraved. Well, you know, it's like going on a date with a nuclear physics textbook in your hands - cool, but pointless.

8. Treasure Island. Many of us have dreamed of finding treasure island. Rumor has it that this is very possible even today. For example, Oak Island on the southern coast of Nova Scotia, there are rumors that it contains a treasure of great value that is located deep underground. All efforts were in vain, because the deeper they dug, the faster the hole filled with water. People really believe it, there was even a History Channel episode dedicated to this mystery.

9. A murder case straight out of a Camus novel. A man was found dead on a beach in Adelaide, Australia. His legs were lying crosswise, there was a cigarette behind his ear, and in his pocket a bus ticket and a mysterious note. No one has yet found out who this guy was, and the note still keeps lovers of mysteries and secrets from sleeping properly:

10. Death of a little girl. It was once a pretty big story. We are talking about the death of JonBenet Ramsey, a 6-year-old beauty pageant participant. The case is still shrouded in mystery. The investigation revealed that the girl had been hit in the head and strangled, possibly having been sexually assaulted. But the killer has not been found to this day.

...or maybe it’s just that the parents were very upset after an unsuccessful performance?!

14. Elizavetkina is missing. In the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I tried to conquer some lands of the New World. But the colonists disappeared without a trace. The investigations led nowhere, not even the remains were found.

15. One-legged mysticism. In 1855, strange marks were discovered in the snow in a place called South Devon, England. They were shaped like hooves, 10 centimeters wide and 15 to 20 centimeters long. These traces could not belong to any of the known ones. It could be a one-legged horse or a prankster.

These unsolved mysteries humanity is still covered in a mystical fog of the unknown. Most likely, most of them are falsified, that is, created artificially. There was no way the skull could have ended up in the tree, and the colonists could have simply run away with government grub. However, maybe the tree was the object of a witches' coven and the skull got there with the help of magic, and the colonists were stolen by aliens. That's why they are secrets, to give us intrigue. Have a nice day!

Our huge world, thoroughly permeated with various secrets and riddles. There is not a person on Earth who has not at some time encountered or heard about such things for which scientific minds have no explanation. Below is a list of 10 intriguing and mysterious phenomena.

Corrugated Spheres

IN South Africa, chessmen, over the past few years, have found mysterious spheres made of metal. Their origin remains unknown today; the size of the spheres is about 2.5 cm in diameter.

On some of the specimens, three smooth, parallel depressions were found. These spheres can be divided into two types: 1st type consists of bluish hard metal with white spots; The 2nd type of spheres are spheres that are curved and filled with a spongy white substance. These spheres were found inside a rock, which scientists estimate to be about 2.8 billion years old. Who and why they were created remains a mystery.

The Dropa Stones

In 1938, an archaeological expedition led by Dr. Shi Pu Tei to the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains, in China, made an amazing discovery, an amazing discovery in caves that were most likely once inhabited by ancient people. Hundreds of stone discs were discovered on the floor of the cave.

After measuring them, their diameter was about 23 cm, each circle had circles cut out in the center, and the stones were engraved with spiral grooves, in appearance they resembled a phonograph stone record, only 10 thousand - 12 thousand years old. The spiral grooves, in fact, turned out to be not simple cuts, but they consisted of tiny hieroglyphs that tell incredible story O spaceships from a distant world who crash-landed in the mountains. The ships were controlled by people who called themselves Dropa, the remains of which were found in the cave.

The Ica Stones

In the early 1930s, Dr. Javier Cabrera discovered hundreds of amazing stone burials in ancient Inca tombs. Cabrera, collected more than 1,100 unique stones, the age of which, according to scientists, is from 500 to 1,500 years, in our time they are known as the IKI Stones.
The stones have engravings, many of them with sexually explicit images (which was common in the culture), and some stones have images that show techniques such as open heart surgery or brain transplants.

But the most amazing images on the stones were those that clearly depicted various dinosaurs - brontosaurs, triceratops, stegosaurs and pterosaurs.

Critics and skeptics believe that the IKI Stones are a hoax, but their authenticity has neither been refuted nor proven.

Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica

When, in 1930, workers cleared space for banana plantations by cutting down the dense jungle of Costa Rica, they discovered strange objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were perfectly spherical. Their size varies greatly, ranging from small ones, the size of a Tennis ball, to 250cm in diameter and weighing up to 16 tons.

Most likely, these balls were created by man, but the question remains by whom exactly they were made and why, especially since it is very difficult to achieve such precision of a spherical shape with such rough material, and for ancient people with their primitive tools, it was practically impossible .

The Antikythera Mechanism

In 1900, not far from the small island of Antikythera, near its shore, a amazing find, the divers who lifted her from the sunken ship. Divers recovered from the wreck site, a large number of marble and bronze statues, which most likely were the cargo of the ship. Among the finds was a strange mechanism composed of large number gears and wheels. The texts on it indicate that this device was invented in 80. BC e.. Many scientists have suggested that most likely it was a simple astronomical instrument, the Astrolabe.

After studying the mechanism, it turned out that it was a much more complex device that contained complex system differential transmission mechanism. A device of such complexity was first invented only in 1575! It is still unknown who designed this amazing instrument 2,000 years ago and how and for what reason, this technology was lost.

Fossils that shouldn't exist

Fossils, as we know from school, are found in rocks that were formed many thousands of years ago. But there are some fossils that simply don't fit the geological and historical standards. For example, a fossilized human handprint was found in limestone that was 110 million years old. Also, in the Canadian Arctic, a fossil was found with a human finger, the age of which dates back to 100 - 110 million years ago. The fossil, which resembles a human footprint, was found in Utah shale deposits and is estimated to be between 300 million and 600 million years old.

As one might expect, scientists aware of this find refuse to take it seriously, although in this particular case there is a surprising and unusual detail that makes it very difficult to write off this find as a whim of nature or a fake. The front part of the sandal, under the weight that once fell on it many millions of years ago, was crushed by a small trilobite - a mollusk that became extinct 280 million years ago. The dent he left is clearly visible.

Metal objects

65 million years ago, there were no people on Earth yet, let alone those who could work with metal. So how can science explain metal pipes dug from 65 million-year-old chalk in France? In 1885, during the development of a coal field, a metal cube was found, which most likely was created by an intelligent person. In 1912, employees at a power plant split a piece of coal from which an iron pot fell! A Nail was also found embedded in a sandstone block from the Mesozoic Era. There are a huge number of such, but they are all kept silent so as not to run counter to the current one, accepted theory origin of man.

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark is considered the greatest of all hidden treasures, and its discovery will confirm the undeniable truths that the Old Testament is an irrefutable fact. His squeak remains the target of any modern archaeologist and adventurer. Its purpose was to serve as a container for the Ten Commandments on stone tablets sent by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to the book of Exodus, the Ark was made of shittim wood and covered with gold inside and out. The ark is crowned with two cherubim, also made of gold. It is believed that the ark has supernatural powers, for example, death will overtake a person who tries to destroy him. There are several speculations about the place where the Ark is buried, and to find it, you have to be a brave or even reckless person!

Angel hair

Angel hair is a rare phenomenon that has so far defied explanation. They consist of silk threads that rain down on the ground, but when they touch it, they disappear before your eyes. This is a worldwide phenomenon that occurs regularly in North America, New Zealand, Australia and Western Europe. There is no evidence as to what causes this phenomenon, or even what angel hair is made of. It is believed to have come from Spiders or silk-spinning insects, and it is also believed that they were left behind by UFOs, as they often appeared during UFO sightings.

Piri Reis Map

The Piri Reis Map is the most famous map in the modern world, created in the 16th century in Ottoman Turkey by cartographer Admiral Piri Reis. The map shows parts of the western coasts of Europe and North Africa with almost absolute accuracy, and the coast of Brazil is also easily identifiable. Various Atlantic islands including the Azores and Canary Islands depicted as the mythical island of Antillia. The map is notable for the fact that it describes the southern continent, although at that time people did not yet know about the existence of another continent, Antarctica.