Interview with Kenny Goss. The death of George Michael: will, heroin addiction and other details

Biology lesson in 5th grade

Slide 1 Topic: “Single-celled algae”

Subject results:

– form the ability to distinguish algae from other studied ones plants(according to the table);

To develop the ability to determine the habitat;

form the ability to explain the structural features and vital functions of algae;

form ability to understand the meaning of biological terms:thallus, algae .

Meta-subject and personal results:

Cognitive UUD

1. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena, identify the causes and consequences of simple phenomena.

2. Develop the ability to build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Communicative UUD

    Form the ability to independently organize educational interaction when working in a group (pair).

Regulatory UUD

    Form the ability to independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine a goal educational activities(formulation of the lesson question).

    Form the ability to work according to a plan, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes independently.

    Form the ability to improve independently developed assessment criteria in dialogue with the teacher.

Equipment: tables, text and pictures of the textbook, flashcards, microscope, microscopic specimens of the green alga Spirogyra. routing lesson, textbook “V.V. Pasechnik "Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants M.: ed. Bustard, gray "Vertical" Federal State Educational Standard 2014. - 141 p. ". table.

Lesson terms and concepts: chlamydomonas, spirogyra, thallus plants,

Type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge;

Target: organizing student activities to study the structural features of unicellular algae, their adaptability to the environment and their role in nature and human life.


Introduce students to algae as representatives of ancient plants;

Build knowledge about their habitat;

Reveal the structural features of the body;

Show the structure of unicellular algae using the example of Chlamydomonas;

Introduce the diversity of unicellular and multicellular algae;

Show the importance of algae in nature and human life;

Continue to develop the ability to use a microscope;

Continue developing the ability to work with a textbook;

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time

2. Explanation of new material. Laboratory work.

3. Consolidation

4. Homework

Equipment: flashcards, microscope, microslides of green algae spirogyra.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment (5 min).

Updating the problem:

introduction teachers: Good afternoon everyone! Hello! GUYS, look out the window and smile at the world around us, look at each other, smile and wish yourself health and turn and smile at our guests.

Now what's your mood? We begin to work with this mood. We have very serious work ahead of us, and I wish everyone success so that by the end of the lesson no one’s mood will deteriorate. Successful work happens only to attentive people.

Slide 2 Sergey: I have an aquarium like this at home and my fish in the aquarium ate all the algae - both Vallisneria and pondweed.

Slide 3 Slide Biologist: You're wrong, Vallisneria and pondweed are flowering plants. But not everything that grows in water is algae.

1. How do Sergei’s views differ from mine? ( You are talking about plants, and Sergei is talking about algae)

And I asked this question not by chance, because the topic of our lesson will really be related to algae. Try to guess what we will be talking about in class, and if it is a biology lesson.( About the structure, adaptability of Chlamadomonas to its habitat, etc.)

Do you have any other ideas about the topic of the lesson?

Slide 4 . TO By the way, - Look at the presented slides,

What is the name of algae? ( green algae chlamydomonas, spirogyra)

How many cells does Chlamydomonas have? (one )

Do all algae consist of one cell like Chlamydomonas? (No )

How are the algae presented on the slides different?

So, what two groups of “Algae” can be identified based on this slide?

Seaweed Slide 5

Unicellular Multicellular

(Chlamydomonas) (Spirogyra)

(Among algae there are unicellular and multicellular forms.) Therefore, today we will discuss only single-celled algae in class. Let's open our notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson. What will it be called?

Slide 6(Single-celled algae)

Guys, today we are working in groups. (1,2,3,4,5 groups)

Now confer in pairs (groups) and propose a plan for studying the topic. It can be in the form of questions, phrases, sentences, not too cumbersome.

Whose group is ready, give a sign.

1. Definition of algae.

2. Algae habitat

3. The structure of algae.

4. Method of feeding algae.

5. The importance of algae in nature and human life

Slide 7 Plan

We came up with a 5-point plan.

You have proven that you are attentive, so remember that the plan is the result that you should get by the end of the lesson, that is, you need to learn to reveal each point of the plan you propose.

Thank you for your ideas and suggestions, and I have a whole basket of ideas for you. Take out the note with the idea and read it out loud. If the idea is accepted, we leave it in the basket, and at the end of the lesson we will discuss whether this idea was implemented.

Today we are learning to highlight the most main information

Today we are learning to write smart cheat sheets

Today we are learning to express our thoughts beautifully.

Today we are learning to catch the teacher's hints

Today we learn to listen to each other

Today we learn to prove convincingly.

Well, now that the topic, plan and objectives of the lesson have been determined, we work according to the plan.

    Define the term algae.

(Give examples) Why is this difficult to do?

Slide 8. P I offer help: Select from the list the right words and make a definition. (We work in groups)

Living, unicellular, organisms, or, in aquatic environments, multicellular

(Single-celled or multicellular organisms living in an aquatic environment)Slide 9 The word "algae" literally means only that they are plants that live in water, but not all plants in water bodies can be removed. scientific point Although we call algae, plants such as reeds, reeds, cattails, water lilies, egg capsules, small green plates of duckweed, etc., are seed (or flowering) plants.

What kingdoms of living nature do you know? Slide10

What kingdom can algae belong to? (To the plant kingdom)

So we have to prove that algae belong to the plant kingdom?

    Consider the habitat

Where can unicellular algae live?

Slide 11. Almost all algae live in water. A few are on stones, wood, sand, bark. Algae inhabit seas, rivers and lakes only at those depths where sunlight penetrates.

Let's write in notebooks: Habitat: in water, in damp places, on rocks and wood.

What's the next item on the plan?


Let's remember what main organelles it consists of plant cell? Let's turn to the poster. (shell, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts)

Slide 12. A Can you find them in Chlamydomonas? What other organelles are there? Take my hint. Who can help us with this? Well, of course the textbook. Let's turn to the textbook for help, open page 94, first paragraph. (Read)

Who can tell us? So what other organelles does Chlamydomonas have?

Slide13 Chlamydomonas (from Greek “the simplest organism covered with a membrane”). Chlamydomonas has an oval shape and two flagella, thanks to which it moves in water. The outside is covered with a transparent shell, under which there are cytoplasm, a nucleus, a cup-shaped chloroplast and a red “eye”, with the help of which Chlamydomonas distinguishes the light it needs for photosynthesis. The “eye” perceives light - and Chlamydomonas moves towards the illuminated place. It has pulsating vacuoles that remove excess water from the cell.

Slide14 Performance laboratory work:

Laboratory work “My biological research. Studying

structure of algae":

Procedure for performing laboratory work:

1. Consider appearance seaweed.

2. Draw and label the names of its organ bodies: (nucleus, cell wall, cytoplasm, vacuoles, chromatophore).

Let's consolidate the learned material. I call it an organoid. If this organoid is found both in the plant and in algae, you squat with your arms extended forward; if the organoid is found only in algae, you put your hands on your belt and tilt your torso to the left and right.

Slide 15. physical education minute.

Shell, red sensory eye, nucleus, two flagella, cytoplasm, pulsating vacuoles, chloroplast. Enough. Sit down

We continue to work.


Why is Chlamydomonas colored? green color. What does this mean.( there is a chromatophore. chloroplasts) What does this word mean (carrying light). What is contained in the chromatophore ( chlorophyll - a substance that captures light rays)

What role do you think chlorophyll plays in the nutrition of Chlamydomonas? In a word, how are nutrients formed in Chlamydomonas?

Algae consume dissolved minerals, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and light energy. However, in the dark, many algae begin to feed on ready-made organic substances dissolved in water.

Slide16 Autotrophic - the creation of organic nutrients through the process of photosynthesis.

Heterotrophic – absorption of ready-made nutrient solutions.

You already understand on what basis algae are divided into 2 groups depending on the method of nutrition.

Try to make a diagram in your notebook (according to the way you eat)


Now can we say which kingdom algae belong to? Let's compare them to plants. What do plants and algae have in common? Can we call plants autotrophs?

What organs do plants have? What about algae?

Slide The body of multicellular algae does not have true roots, stems and leaves and is called a thallus.

Slide18 Algae - thallus plants"

Since we found out that there are 4 Kingdoms in nature: ( plants, fungi, bacteria, animals), then algae belong to which kingdom? (plants). In turn, plants are divided into 2 subgroups: lower, higher.

Let's make a small cheat sheet in a notebook in the form of a diagram:

Slide 19

Do you think algae affects the environment? We can name the positive and negative effects of algae on the environment. Popov Vova prepared a message about the role of algae in nature and human life.

The lesson is coming to an end. Today we worked with a large amount of material. Let's try to summarize - what of what you studied remained reliably and for a long time in your memory (suitcase), what material requires further comprehension (meat grinder), and what flew by (Fan)

Let's check your knowledge in your suitcases.

I suggest you run this test:

    The organelle that reacts to light in Chlamydomonas is: a) chromatophore, b) flagellum, c) ocellus, d) nucleus.

    Photosynthesis in algae occurs in a) the chromatophore, b) the light-sensitive eye, c) the leaf.

    Algae absorb water and minerals: a) rhizoids, b) leaves, c) roots, d) the whole body.

    Algae feed: a) creating organic matter from inorganic, b) consuming ready-made organic substances, c) creating inorganic substances from organic.

Check the correct answers on the screen), rate:

0 errors - 5, 1 error - 4, 2 errors - 3, 3 errors - 2.

1.-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c, 5-a.


for those who received a “3” paragraph, answer questions about it;

for those who received "4" paragraph without questions;

For those who received a “5”, come up with a riddle.

Now let's get back to the basket of ideas, -

Which of them were you able to implement in the lesson?

Which ones will we leave for the next lesson? It was difficult? Interesting? Mood?

Which of the acquired knowledge and skills will be useful to you in life today?

Thank you all for your work, lesson is over, goodbye.

Homework: text on p. 94-96.

The famous singer George Michael has disgraced himself again: the paparazzi caught him in the company of a new man, despite the fact that the famous gay Briton has been living with a regular boyfriend for 14 years.

The media showed George Michael kissing and hugging a mysterious bald and younger man on a yacht at sea in the Pittwater area of ​​Australia, near Sydney.

So it seems like one of the most famous gays in showbiz had a great time in an intimate setting on the sunny coast, not caring at all about how his long-suffering partner Kenny Goss was feeling on the occasion.

After hot kisses in the sea (we couldn’t see what was happening underwater), the couple returned to the deck of a luxury yacht and began drinking beer, hugging each other, most likely after that they had sex, but no one was able to see this.

George Michael, who is already 46 years old, did not forget to carefully apply sunscreen the entire tattooed body of his new friend, who in turn began smoking a suspiciously rolled cigarette.

No doubt George Michael's longtime friend Kenny Goss, who was not on the yacht, is unlikely to be pleased with the expansion of their boundaries open relationship.

Despite the fact that they have been together for 14 years, Kenny has more than once caught his famous partner in the passionate embrace of other men. It turns out that fame spoils gays too!

George, who openly admitted that he smokes marijuana from time to time, apparently decided to relax in Australia, where his tour ended three weeks ago, but doing it himself was boring and not interesting.

Famous singer rented the yacht MV Enigma, an hour on which costs about $600, and set sail with his new and next lover.

Seeing the local sights together wasn't enough for the pair of men, and they ended up in each other's passionate embrace.

At the same time, George's long 14-year romance constantly attracts close attention.

In 2008, press reports suggested that art dealer Kenny Goss had secretly dumped the Wham! star after the singer was arrested in a public toilet at a Hampstead Heath club in London on drug charges.

But since then, the couple has appeared together in public more than once and insisted that they are not against their open and free relationship.

George Michael (real name Yorgos Kyriakos Panayiotou) is a legend. British music. His compositions “Last Christmas”, “Freedom”, “Careless Whisper” and “One More Try” are popular and loved in all corners of the planet. Music career George Michael was for a long time is associated with the group “Wham!”, but subsequently the artist successfully proved that he is a self-sufficient person and can be popular as a solo artist.

The story of how little Yorgos Panayiotou, the son of an emigrant from Cyprus, became a legendary British singer is in our biographical review.

George Michael's childhood and youth

The future idol of British youth was born in north London. His father was an emigrant from Cyprus, and his mother was a native of the British Isles. As the singer himself recalled, the main insult of his childhood was the constant absence of his parents. Giorgos Panayiotou was youngest child in the family, and therefore his upbringing rested entirely with his two older sisters.

It is quite noteworthy that as a child, Yorgos was a very meek and shy child. Due to vision problems, he wore huge glasses, and therefore was constantly subjected to attacks from classmates. In addition, at the insistence of his parents, he had to take lessons classic game on the violin, which also did not add to his popularity among his peers.

As for music, things weren’t going smoothly for Yorgas in this field either. Being left-handed from birth, the guy had great difficulty mastering the intricacies of playing the violin. Only the records of Elton John and Queen. To some extent, it was they who predetermined the musician’s future style.

A kind of turning point in Yorgas’ life was the appearance in his class of another person from a family of emigrants, Andrew Ridgeley. It was communication with him that made the future singer reconsider his attitude towards life and himself. Panayiotou swapped his glasses for contact lenses, went on a strict diet, started playing sports, and within six months he turned into the impressive dark-haired guy that millions of people recognized and loved him as.

Along with the new look came new hobbies. Yorgas and Andrew began to skip classes frequently, spending days on end in the intricacies of the London Underground. Here, at British underground stations, they gave impromptu concerts for random passers-by. Andrew played guitar and Yorgas sang. During this period, their repertoire consisted mainly of compositions by Elton John, David Bowie, and the group The Beatles, but soon several of the duo’s own compositions were added to them.

George Michael's songs are popular all over the world

George Michael's Professional Career: WHAM!

At the age of 16, two guys made a own group which received title The Executive. The guys performed at school concerts and gave small performances in London clubs. Despite the success, the team very quickly broke up, but Yorgas and Andrew continued to collaborate.

Soon the duo's repertoire accumulated several worthwhile compositions. Having sent demo versions of their songs to the management of the young label Innervision Records, the guys were able to enlist their support and sign a very lucrative contract. So on musical Olympus Europe appeared a new group WHAM!, which, just a few months after the official release of the first single, occupied the top lines of the British and American charts. During this period, Yorgas (Georgios) took the pseudonym George Michael, which became his native name for all subsequent years.

Hits “Enjoy What You Do”, “ Bad Boys", "Club Tropicana" instantly made the young team popular on both sides of the ocean. From 1982 to 1986, the team basked in the glory. Their albums sold millions of copies, and the geography tours extended from the USA to China. The impressive Cypriot and the romantic Egyptian (whom Andrew was by origin) became real idols for hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world.

Wham! – Freedom (Live 1984)

George Michael's solo career

Despite the fact that WHAM! was, according to many music critics, the most commercial successful project 80s, in 1986 the group ceased to exist. Each of the participants took up solo work, however, only George Michael, the author of most of the band's songs, achieved the popularity of Wham! and surpassed her.

The debut single “Careless Whisper” took the singer to the top of the national charts and earned him the title “ Best author of the year". His first one was no less successful. solo album Faith, who brought him Grammy statuette and several other prestigious awards. The disc became diamond in the USA and Canada, and platinum in the UK and Australia.

George Michael - Careless Whisper

This was followed by new albums: “Listen Without Prejudice”, “Older”, “Songs” From The Last Century”, “Patience”, which were also very successful and brought him new awards. By 2015, total sales of the singer's albums exceeded 100 million copies. The accomplished artist gave a start to life to other talented young performers, acting as a producer for the record label Aegean Records.

Personal life of George Michael

In the singer’s personal life, everything was not as cloudless as in the musical field. In the mid-nineties, he was feverish from the shocks he had suffered due to the death of his mother, as well as several close friends. 1998 was a particularly tragic year for George Michael. Then, due to frequent attacks from the tabloid press, he had to give a public interview, during which the singer admitted his homosexuality. According to the performer, he was equally attracted to both sexes and was not ashamed of his connection with the gay community.

Such statements became the basis for real persecution of the performer, which was carried out by some British and American tabloids. The hype around his name subsided only after George Michael briefly left the stage.

Forced him to reconsider his attitude towards the performer's orientation long relationship with sports coach Kenny Gossom. Fighting off attacks from the paparazzi, the two men were together for 15 years, proving that same-sex love is not inferior to traditional love in the sincerity of feelings.

Alas, in 2009, George Michael and Kenny Goss broke up. The reason, the media claimed, was the singer’s addiction to hashish.

In 2011, George began dating Lebanese hair stylist Faddi Fawaz. In 2012, the singer canceled a world tour due to illness in order to be with him in difficult times.

Many people believe that homosexual And family happiness- incompatible concepts. But there are many happy LGBT couples in the world who have lived together for decades and raised children together.

Among the most famous same-sex families there are both influential politicians and Hollywood stars, famous couturiers, singers and businessmen. We present to your attention the 12 most famous couples who are not shy and do not hide their same-sex relationships.

1. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berger

It all started at the end of 1957, when Laurent and Berger first met at the funeral ceremony of Christian Dior, in 1958 they met for the second time - from then on their romantic and Long story. When Laurent was fired from Dior, he created own house fashion Yves Saint Laurent, whose head was appointed by Berger.

Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berger were together for 18 long years

After living together for 18 years, the couple divorced in 1976, but they remained friends and business partners for the rest of their lives. In June 2008, couturier Yves Saint Laurent died at his home in Paris. Berger is now actively involved in charitable foundations.

Yves took all my strength, my whole life, but I wanted it myself. Today I continue to think of him fondly, despite the fact that he had a lot of shortcomings. However, who doesn't have them?
– recalls Pierre Berger.

2. Elton John and David Furnish

Legendary English musician in 1993 he met film director and producer David Furnish. The couple has long sought the legalization of same-sex marriage in the UK. In December 2005 they got married.

Note that their wedding is considered one of the most expensive in history - the couple spent more than 1.5 million dollars.

Elton John and David Furnish have been together for over 20 years

3. Xavier Bettel and Gautier Destin

In May 2015, the 42-year-old Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel entered into a same-sex marriage. who married 36-year-old Belgian architect Gautier Destiny.

The politician then even skipped the Riga Eastern Partnership summit, because he was on his honeymoon.

Gautier Destins and Xavier Bettel

4. Cynthia Nikton and Christine Marinoni

Star of the series "Sex in big city" and her partner Christine Marinoni met at a protest of parents outraged by public school budget cuts.

They were then arrested - that’s how they met. The couple got married in 2012, and the family is raising a 6-year-old son, Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni.

Christine Marinoni and Cynthia Nikton are raising a six-year-old son

5. George Michael and Kenny Goss

The famous singer was married to her husband Anselmo Feleppa, who died in 1993. Since 1996, Michael's new chosen one was former cheerleader coach Kenny Goss. It is unknown where exactly the men met: according to one version, in a spa salon, according to another, in one of the Los Angeles boutiques.

George Michael and Kenny Goss lived in a civil marriage for 14 years

Kenny Goss and George Michael lived in a civil marriage for 14 years; in 2010, the couple separated due to the fact that George regarded the relationship as open. At the end of 2016, Michael died of a drug overdose.

6. Ellen DeGenneres and Portia de Rossi

Popular American TV presenter Ellen DeGenneres and her fiancee, actress Portia de Rossi, got married in 2008 after the ban on same-sex marriage was lifted in California. Let's add that Helen gave Rossi a three-carat pink diamond ring as an engagement gift.

They live in exclusive Beverly Hills, they have no children, but they have three dogs and four cats, both women are vegans. The couple has been together for 9 years.

Ellen DeGenneres and Portia de Rossi have been together for 9 years

7. Kristen Stewart and Alisha Cargile

'Twilight' star after split from Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart began dating film producer Alicia Cargile in 2013.

According to media reports, in August 2016, Kristen Stewart proposed to her girlfriend.

I had never discussed my relationships publicly before, but that changed when I started dating girls: by talking about it, I was expressing something socially significant. I still want mine private life remained private, but I don't want it to look like I have something to hide,
– the actress admitted in an interview with one of the famous glossies .

Kristen Stewart proposed to Alisha Cargile

8. Zemfira and Renata Litvinova

Zemfira Ramazanova and Renata Litvinova met in 2004 while recording the soundtrack to the film “Goddess”. They began close cooperation, Litvinova shot videos for Zemfira for the songs “Blues”, “Airplane”, “We Are Breaking” and others.

The couple has been living together for a long time, and, according to media rumors, in 2009 they registered their marriage in Sweden, since same-sex marriage is illegal in Russia.

Zemfira and Renata Litvinova have not yet officially announced their relationship

9. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

In 1982, while working in one of the Milan ateliers, two Italians created the most successful couturier duo in the fashion world, and in 1994 the couple now creates the global brand D&G. The couple dreamed of having their own children for a long time, but later they separated, leaving only business in common.

Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce remained good friends

Now Stefano Gabbana is dating Alessandro, and Domenico lives alone.

We're still together because we have history behind us. true love. Now I have a different relationship, but Domenico is the most important person in my life. We remained friends and business partners,
– recalls Stefano.

10. Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison

For almost 20 years, actress Jodie Foster lived with producer Sydney Bernard, they raised two children. But in 2008 the couple divorced. In 2014, the actress began a relationship with photographer Alexandra Hedison.

Jodie Foster is happy with Alexandra Hedison

11. Cara Delevingne and Annie Clark

24-year-old top model Cara Delevingne met with famous actress Michelle Rodriguez. The couple separated, and Kara is now in a relationship with American singer Annie Clark, better known by her pseudonym St. Vincent.

Cara Delevingne is dating singer Annie Clark

12. Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak

Z The star of the famous series "The Big Bang Theory", who played Sheldon Cooper, recently celebrated his wedding with 44-year-old graphic designer Todd Spivak.

Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak celebrated their wedding

Todd Spivak and Jim Parsons had a wedding