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For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to her own feelings in order to understand that pregnancy has finally arrived. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then understanding the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage can be quite difficult.

Conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. For this to happen, the egg must be fertilized by a sperm. During the period of ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus; if at this time it meets a sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall of the uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After which the egg begins to rapidly divide. So quickly that by approximately the 8th week of embryo development, the formation of vital organs occurs.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

In the early stages, it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can recognize the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are caused by changes that have begun in the body and a hormonal surge:

    Increased salivation, which can occur not only during meals, but also at any other time. Leg cramps, which most often occur at night during sleep. A metallic taste in the mouth may appear as early as the first week of pregnancy. Increased hair growth on the arms, legs, and abdomen. In addition, a light pigment line may appear down from the navel. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, constipation, bloating. A feeling of slight malaise, as with the onset of a cold. It is often accompanied by attacks of fatigue and weakness in the body. Emotional women experience frequent mood swings. Failure of sleep patterns, the appearance of insomnia or, on the contrary, drowsiness. Change in sexual desire. A woman in the early stages of pregnancy may lose sexual appetite or, conversely, want intimacy more often than usual. Heaviness in the lower abdomen, which is caused by blood flow to the internal genital organs. Specific tingling sensations in the area of ​​the uterus may be observed during the period of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the organ. Nagging pain in the lower back that resembles premenstrual pain. Headache that comes on suddenly and continues throughout the day. At the first signs of pregnancy, your breasts may also become very sensitive, especially to touch. In some cases, breast sensitivity, on the contrary, may decrease. A feeling of chills and heat, although there is no real increase in body temperature. Increased or loss of appetite. In the first case, a woman may want to eat the most unusual combinations products that I wouldn’t pay attention to if I wasn’t pregnant. Nausea can occur either for no apparent reason or as a reaction to any smell or taste. Often, along with nausea, heartburn and pain in the stomach may occur. Increased sensitivity to odors can manifest itself in the form of a dislike for aromas that a woman previously liked, as well as a desire to inhale previously unpleasant odors. A feeling of discomfort in a sitting position can manifest itself already in the first weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, allergies may begin to develop, even if the woman has not previously experienced any allergic reactions to anything.

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, and frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant do not always end in success. Sometimes, instead of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. This means that the fertilized egg has settled outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdominal cavity. Signs of pregnancy at an early stage with the development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus are as follows:

    Bloody discharge of uncharacteristic color - brown, brown. Acute pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies when changing body position. Weakness in the body, chills, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. Low blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting and general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgical intervention.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine an “interesting situation” by the early signs of pregnancy before your period is missed:

    Change in basal body temperature, it is measured in the rectum immediately after waking up in the morning. During menstruation, the basal temperature is 36.2-36.7 degrees; after the period ends, its value drops by about 2 divisions. During ovulation, basal temperature begins to rise again and by the end of the cycle can reach 37 degrees. If there is a noticeable increase to 37.1-37.3, then, most likely, pregnancy has occurred. Sometimes, early signs of pregnancy before a missed period may include increased breast size and darkening of the nipple areola. Breast tenderness may also indicate pregnancy. In addition, throughout the “interesting situation”, starting from the first weeks, colostrum may be released from the breast - yellowish or white discharge from the mammary gland, which are harbingers of the appearance of breast milk. Vaginal discharge can also be a sign of early pregnancy. During ovulation, the cervical canal of the cervix begins to produce a large number of mucus that promotes fertilization, while it has the consistency of raw egg white. If conception occurs during ovulation, mucus may continue to be released in the same amount, which indicates pregnancy. Delayed menstruation is the main sign of early pregnancy. The fact is that if conception does not occur, then the uterus begins to reject the endometrial layer in which the egg should have been fixed, after which it comes out in the form of menstruation. Therefore, if the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus, then menstruation does not come.

These early signs of pregnancy in the first week are not entirely accurate, so if they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or resort to other methods of determining an “interesting position.”

Toxicosis during pregnancy

To one of early signs pregnancy after a delay can be attributed to toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as a foreign body. Toxicosis most often occurs in women who have a tendency to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

    Regular nausea appears, which sometimes ends with vomiting. Dizziness. Feeling of general malaise. Disgust at the sight of food.

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, the woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. If the toxicosis is too strong, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help, otherwise there may be a risk of miscarriage. Normally, with moderate manifestations of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman’s body gets used to the fetus inside.

When does the belly start to grow?

After realizing the fact of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur in her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what it feels like during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy as early as 5-10 weeks. These also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts note that at such a short stage of pregnancy, the belly can begin to increase not only from rapid growth fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. Around the same period, a woman needs to update her wardrobe in order to accommodate her growing belly.

The growth rate is very important, since from it the doctor can determine possible pathologies - polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, delayed fetal development and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the level of hCG in the body - this is a hormone that is secreted by the placenta during gestation. An hCG test can be taken 10 days after conception; it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, taking an hCG test makes it possible to track the intrauterine development of the child until the moment when the date allows for an ultrasound scan. This analysis It is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to get the most reliable results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    On the day before the test, you must do without significant physical work or sports. Blood testing must be done on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal. If you are taking hormonal medications, you should discuss the test with your healthcare provider and let them know, as some medications may affect the test results.

A small amount of the hormone secreted by the placenta is found in the urine; pharmacy pregnancy tests work on this principle.

Determining pregnancy using ultrasound

Having noticed the first signs of pregnancy, after a week of delay, you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, you should remember that the embryo measures about 4 mm, so it is quite difficult to examine it. To do this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

When examined using an ultrasound diagnostic device, a gynecologist notes the following changes in a woman’s organs:

    The uterus is an elastic organ, which softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy; in addition, after some time, its growth is noticeable. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, and its density also changes.

The ultrasound diagnostic method is the most informative for determining pregnancy, as it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the condition of the internal genital organs or fetal development.

Uses of iodine

Many women are interested in how to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test. This can be done using ordinary iodine, which is found in any home medicine cabinet. There are two ways to help determine pregnancy:

    It is necessary to moisten a paper napkin in morning urine, and then drop a little iodine on it. If the stain becomes purple shade, then we can say with confidence that pregnancy has occurred. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. Then you need to drop a little iodine into the liquid. If the drop quickly dissolves in the urine, the test result is most likely negative. If you are pregnant, the drop will remain on the surface of the urine for some time.

Although this method does not provide a 100% guarantee precise definition pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda test

Signs and sensations during your first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations" interesting condition", a woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. This can be done with ordinary kitchen soda.

To do this, you need to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. Then you need to put a teaspoon of soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to hiss and foam, it means the woman is not pregnant. If the soda settles as sediment to the bottom of the container, then we're talking about about successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, but women who have tried it confirm its effectiveness in most cases.

Grandmother's methods

How was pregnancy previously determined without tests? There are many folk methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven over centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. The most common methods for determining pregnancy at home are:

    You need to take a clean bowl and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water becomes Pink colour. Then you need to add a little of the first urine to the water. If it dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if a precipitate appears in the form of flakes, then most likely the woman is preparing to become a mother. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a 1:1 ratio. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred; if the liquid becomes cloudy and a sediment appears, then pregnancy has occurred. When using this method, you should remember that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is reduced to a minimum; it is advisable to use homemade grape wine. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, a precipitate will appear in the form of flakes. However, this method should be used with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, large amounts of protein in the urine may coagulate and be mistaken for sediment. They used to say that during pregnancy a woman might dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific justification, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy they can actually dream about fresh fish. You need to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. In this case, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy. Dandelion leaves need to be filled with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lose their color and become covered with blisters, then we are talking about successful conception. A small amount of urine should be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then when mixed you should get a blue liquid. You can also use chlorine bleach instead of toothpaste, the results will be similar. Fortune telling onions. To do this, you need to plant two onions in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which one does not. Whichever one grows faster to a size of 4 cm, the result is positive.

It is worth remembering that traditional methods for determining pregnancy do not give 100% results, therefore, to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That is why future mom is interested in what the first signs of pregnancy are in the early stages, in order to determine the “interesting situation” as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean that a woman will feel them all herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on an intuitive level or is not even aware of conception until her menstruation is delayed.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman must contact an antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the development of the fetus and the progress of pregnancy.

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to her own feelings in order to understand that pregnancy has finally arrived. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then understanding the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage can be quite difficult.

Conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. In order for this happened, the egg must be fertilized by a sperm. During the period of ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus; if at this time it meets a sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After which the egg begins to rapidly divide. So quickly that by approximately the 8th week of embryo development, the formation of vital organs occurs.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

In the early stages, it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can recognize the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are caused by changes that have begun in the body and a hormonal surge:

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, and frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant do not always end in success. Sometimes, instead of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. This means that the fertilized egg has settled outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdominal cavity. Signs of pregnancy at an early stage with the development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus are as follows:

  1. Bloody discharge of uncharacteristic color - brown, brown.
  2. Acute pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies when changing body position.
  3. Weakness in the body, chills, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.
  4. Low blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting and general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgical intervention.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine an “interesting situation” by the early signs of pregnancy before your period is missed:

These early signs of pregnancy in the first week are not entirely accurate, so if they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or resort to other methods of determining an “interesting position.”

Toxicosis during pregnancy

One of the early signs of pregnancy after a delay includes toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as a foreign body. Toxicosis most often occurs in women who have a tendency to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, the woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. If the toxicosis is too strong, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help, otherwise there may be a risk of miscarriage. Normally, with moderate manifestations of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman’s body gets used to the fetus inside.

When does the belly start to grow?

After realizing the fact of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur in her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what it feels like during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy as early as 5-10 weeks. These also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts note that at such a short stage of pregnancy, the belly can begin to increase not only from the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. Around the same time, a woman needs to update wardrobe to accommodate your growing belly.

The growth rate is very important, since from it the doctor can determine possible pathologies - polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, delayed fetal development and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the level of hCG in the body - this is a hormone that is secreted by the placenta during gestation. An hCG test can be taken 10 days after conception; it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, taking an hCG test makes it possible to track the intrauterine development of the child until the moment when the date allows for an ultrasound scan. This test is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to get the most reliable results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. On the day before the test, you must do without significant physical work or sports.
  2. Blood testing must be done on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal.
  3. If you are taking hormonal medications, you should discuss the test with your healthcare provider and let them know, as some medications may affect the test results.

A small amount of the hormone secreted by the placenta is found in the urine; pharmacy pregnancy tests work on this principle.

Determining pregnancy using ultrasound

Noticing the first signs pregnancy, after a week of delay you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, you should remember that the embryo measures about 4 mm, so it is quite difficult to examine it. To do this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

When examined using an ultrasound diagnostic device, a gynecologist notes the following changes in a woman’s organs:

  1. The uterus is an elastic organ, which softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy; in addition, after some time, its growth is noticeable.
  2. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, and its density also changes.

The ultrasound diagnostic method is the most informative for determining pregnancy, as it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the condition of the internal genital organs or fetal development.

Uses of iodine

Many women are interested in how to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test. This can be done using ordinary iodine, which is found in any home medicine cabinet. There are two ways to help determine pregnancy:

  1. It is necessary to moisten a paper napkin in morning urine, and then drop a little iodine on it. If the spot turns purple, then we can confidently say that pregnancy has occurred.
  2. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. Then you need to drop a little iodine into the liquid. If the drop quickly dissolves in the urine, the test result is most likely negative. If you are pregnant, the drop will remain on the surface of the urine for some time.

Despite the fact that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of accurately determining pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda test

Signs and sensations during your first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations of an “interesting condition,” a woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. This can be done using ordinary baking soda.

To do this, you need to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. Then you need to put a teaspoon of soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to hiss and foam, it means the woman is not pregnant. If the soda settles as sediment to the bottom of the container, then we are talking about successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, but women who have tried it confirm its effectiveness in most cases.

Grandmother's methods

How was pregnancy previously determined without tests? There are many folk methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven over centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. The most common methods for determining pregnancy at home are:

  1. You need to take a clean bowl and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink. Then you need to add a little of the first urine to the water. If it dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if a precipitate appears in the form of flakes, then most likely the woman is preparing to become a mother.
  2. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a 1:1 ratio. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred; if the liquid becomes cloudy and a sediment appears, then pregnancy has occurred. When using this method, you should remember that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is reduced to a minimum; it is advisable to use homemade grape wine.
  3. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, a precipitate will appear in the form of flakes. However, this method should be used with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, large amounts of protein in the urine may coagulate and be mistaken for sediment.
  4. They used to say that during pregnancy a woman might dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific basis, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy they can actually dream about fresh fish.
  5. You need to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. In this case, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy.
  6. Dandelion leaves need to be filled with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lose their color and become covered with blisters, then we are talking about successful conception.
  7. A small amount of urine should be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then when mixed you should get a blue liquid. You can also use chlorine bleach instead of toothpaste, the results will be similar.
  8. Fortune telling on onions. To do this, you need to plant two onions in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which one does not. Whichever one grows faster to a size of 4 cm, the result is positive.

It is worth remembering that traditional methods for determining pregnancy do not give 100% results, therefore, to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services of medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That is why the expectant mother is interested in what the first signs of pregnancy are in the early stages. stages in order to determine the “interesting situation” as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean that a woman will feel them all herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on an intuitive level or is not even aware of conception until her menstruation is delayed.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman must contact an antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the development of the fetus and the progress of pregnancy.

One of the most important and joyful events in the life of young families is the birth of a child. Whether pregnancy is planned or not, almost every woman tries to find out whether it has occurred earlier. For those who desire this pregnancy, timely information about conception will be a reason to be more attentive to your health and nutrition. For those who are not happy with this news, they will be able to think about abortion, because in the very early stages this procedure is made easier. In any case, the sooner you find out what is happening in your body, the better.

Eat small category women whose intuition is so well developed that they feel changes almost immediately after conception. For the majority of women, this information remains unknown for some time. But there are signs by which it is possible to detect pregnancy as early as possible.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - analysis for the amount of hCG

The best and most reliable way. The level of this hormone increases sharply on days 6–10 after conception. Also, monitoring the growth of hCG may indicate a normal pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - delayed menstruation

One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy. However, you need to pay attention to your health, because a delay may be due to gynecological diseases, climate change, or a consequence of stress.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - pregnancy test

One of the simplest and most accessible methods for early diagnosis of pregnancy. Nowadays there is a wide variety of pregnancy tests:

  • inkjet tests;
  • test strips;
  • test cassettes;
  • electronic tests.

Almost all tests are recommended to be done no earlier than the first day of missed menstruation. The higher the sensitivity of the test, the higher its reliability. There are ultra-sensitive tests in pharmacies that can detect pregnancy 7–10 days from the moment of conception. The action of these tests is based on the reaction of the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman, which grows every day.
This method cannot be called the most reliable, since tests can show a false result if the instructions for their use are not strictly followed. Therefore, it is better to do several tests to ensure the correct result.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - increased breast sensitivity

After pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body, this primarily concerns the breasts. It becomes more sensitive, swells, and pain increases. But you need to keep in mind that similar symptoms can occur before menstruation.

Darkening of the nipples is a sign of pregnancy

This symptom cannot be classified as very early, since this process occurs no earlier than two weeks after conception.

Frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, the uterus begins to enlarge and put pressure on the bladder, which provokes frequent trips to the toilet.

Early toxicosis - a way to determine pregnancy

It is also a signal of restructuring in the body. It is quite rare before 5 weeks.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - slight spotting

They are also called implantation discharge. Not everyone may have it 6–10 days after conception. They are a consequence of the attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages - changes in well-being

A woman may feel weak and get tired quickly. Aching pain appears in the lower abdomen. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that these symptoms may also indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy, so it is better to consult a doctor.

Basal temperature measurement

They are measured in the anus in the morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time, with a mercury thermometer. If the temperature stays at 37 degrees or higher for several days, this may indicate pregnancy.

The more signs of pregnancy you find, the more likely it is to occur. Be attentive to your health, consult a doctor as soon as possible, as many of these signs may indicate problems in the body. And if the doctor does confirm pregnancy, he will give advice and, if necessary, prescribe vitamin complexes. After all, pregnancy is an important process; take full responsibility for your health and the health of your unborn child, who is completely dependent on you.