Kristen Stewart interview in Russian. Kristen Stewart is not afraid of experiments in her personal life and is ready to date men

26 year old American star cinema Kristen Stewart, who became famous for her role as Bella in the Twilight films, is now a very sought-after actress. In addition, she quite often appears in the studios of various television shows and magazines in order to say a few words about herself. And, despite the fact that Stewart has a lot of different films in her filmography, in all the interviews she gives, the conversation turns to that very “Twilight”.

Kristen doesn't regret working in the Twilight Saga

After the project with vampires, werewolves and Bella came to an end, Stewart admitted that filming was quite difficult for her, and not in part acting, and in terms of emotional background on the set. As it turned out a little later, the culprit was a love relationship with colleague Robert Pattinson, because it’s very difficult to call it smooth. However, in an interview with The London Sunday Times, Stewart recalls his work in Twilight:

“My first and true love relationship began on the set of the saga and was with Pattinson. Now I remember how strange it was for me. Then I dreamed of only one thing: that the press, the paparazzi and all the curious would leave me and Rob alone. I wanted to enjoy my love alone. But then I realized that this was impossible. This novel concerned not only us, but also many more people. For many, we have become some kind of idols of certain love relationship. Now I can talk about it calmly and can confidently say that I do not regret my affair with Pattinson, although starting work in the last part of the saga was torture for me. Then everything returned to normal. But over time, the media turned a lot of things inside out. It was possible to fight this, but I didn’t do it. I just left."

Afterwards, Stewart spoke candidly about how she feels about Twilight:

“I used to say that the saga was a nightmare, but now I understand that no matter what it was, I was not the person I am now. A lot of things happen in our lives and all of this leaves a certain imprint on us. “Twilight” did its job, or rather, not even they, but the events after them. They made my life difficult, and that is what pushed me to greater endeavors. I am an extreme person by nature, and any event that causes an adrenaline rush has a positive impact on my life.”

Kristen Stewart gave an interview to the Italian magazine Grazia. We present to your attention the translation of the article.

It's so strange to meet Kristen Stewart in New York. We both live in LA, and today we are at the Crosby Hotel near the World shopping center. The reason is that she is currently promoting two of her new films: science fiction Woody Allen's Equal and Challenging Comedy Savor.

At 26 years old, she is one of the most highly paid actresses in the world. After many films, she begins a new adventure now as a director. And she craves novelty.

One of these innovations is located right on her arm and it says: “One more time with feeling.” a common phrase that every director usually says to his actors, and we can actually translate it as: "Let's do this scene again, but now with more feeling."

In fact, Kristen says it's a lifestyle: "If it doesn't work out the first time, you can always try again and put your soul into it."

And even the fact that during our meeting I cannot ask anything about her personal life and relationship with Alicia Cargile, with whom she got together after breaking up with French singer Soko, today Kristen still wants to talk about feelings.
Especially since they're at the center of both of her new films: in Equals, she plays Nia, a girl who lives in a futuristic society where any kind of emotion is prohibited. But she falls in love with Silas, a guy played by Nicholas Hoult.

In High Life, she's Vonnie the secretary who dresses in Chanel and Jesse Eisenberg falls in love with her.

- In their latest films you had to deal with different types love: platonic love, teenage love, passionate love, love between two friends and with unrequited love. Which one is the most addictive?

Kristen: You can't say one is better than the other.
You can't define love, but you can't live without it. I behave differently with everyone: I have one relationship with my friend, and a completely different one with my family. And even now I act differently because you are interviewing me. There are many ways to love yourself and love others.

- In Equals you play a girl who lives in a society where people who love risk their lives.

K: Yes, and this is definitely not my type of world at all.

Conversely, in Woody Allen's High Life, your character Vonnie is forced to choose between an older but successful man, played by Steve Carrell, and a young guy with no money, played by Jesse Eisenberg. Who would you choose?

K.: The film was shot in the style of the 30s. At that time, a woman's priority was to find someone who could take care of her. Women's independence was not even a thought then. Watching the film you will see a girl having so much fun with a guy played by Steve Carrell. But she also discovers a quiet life, more personal with that guy without money.

You never told me who you would choose

K: I don't feel comfortable choosing who I play instead of my characters. Personally, I love hanging out with Jesse Eisenberg, so I'll end up with him

-Have you ever suffered because of love?

K: Did you suffer? I was devastated!

-And how did you deal with it?
K: I continued to live, making choices, without looking back.
First you suffer, then you realize that every minute of suffering will make you stronger and more conscious.
I wouldn’t change anything about that pain: I’d rather suffer than remain insensitive. And we must remind ourselves that we are the reason for our happiness, and that we were created to fall in love. Hell, I could write one of these books to help the brokenhearted.

-Last week you appeared on the Talk Show and played twister with host Jimmy Fallon. You showed your competitive side. Have you always been like this?

K: I was the only girl In my family. My life has always been like this: “I can do this too, and I can do this too.” I don't want to really go to extremes in every situation, but if I'm playing, I want to win, and I'm not afraid to say that at all. But people usually like you better if you just lose.

- You world celebrity, style icon and one of the highest paid actresses. What would you do if you could enjoy anonymity?

K: I would walk alone, or I would just go to the mall or to a place full of people, not because I love malls, but because I would finally be able to see people’s faces without the fear of being recognized. Sometimes I think that I became an actress only because of my curiosity about people's lives.

- You started acting at a young age, you were 9 when you played Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room. What were you curious about then?

K: Well, at first I was only thinking about how to get a job, come to the set and play a few lines from the script. But after I discovered what a passion I have for cinema and how much art there is in creating every scene!

- We met with you in 2007 for your film “In wild conditions". Back then you were still a young, shy, closed girl. Now you are a focused and confident woman. What else can we expect from you?

K: Film. my film. Last year I've worked on five different films, and now I have the chance to realize a short film that I wrote myself in 3 weeks. I'm so happy. I have wanted to create something of my own since I was a child. and now I have a chance to do it!

- and what will the film be about?

K: The title is "Come Swim", but I will talk about it when it's ready. Starring one of my friends named Josh. He's not an actor himself, but he's phenomenal. You'll see for yourself.

-Have you asked your friend and teacher Jodie Foster for advice?

K: When I told her about the film, the first thing she told me was: “The first thing you have to learn is that you don’t have to learn anything. You’re ready.” She gave me courage.

- What scares you?

K: When I was a child, I was often tormented by anxiety, and I did not know what the cause was. Growing up, I realized that it is normal to have moments of insecurity.

- Thanks to the Twilight Saga, where you were in love with a vampire played by your ex-boyfriend Robert Pattinson, you became an icon for teenagers. Are you still enjoying these perks?

K: Well, yes, no one would have given me money for my short film if I had not played Bella.

Woody Allen's film was filmed in Los Angeles- the city where you live. Do you feel at home in Hollywood?

K: I live in Eastern region. It's an alternative area and less touristy like Brooklyn is for New York. In the film, cinematographer Vittorio Storaro showed Hollywood in a golden glow, and this is truly where I would like to live in California - sunny and positive.

- Well, the highlight of the film is of course the Chanel dresses you wear throughout the film. Did you manage to keep at least one of them for yourself after filming?

K: Not this time. Usually I keep at least one outfit from filming for myself, because at the end of filming I always get the feeling that no one should wear the dresses of the characters that I played. This time everything was different, these dresses were pure art, and they were really expensive.

If I could open your closet, what would I find inside? Dresses you wear on the red carpet?

K: One or two, yes. Especially those Met Gala dresses. But basically all dresses are given for a while. And in my wardrobe you would find a lot of T-shirts and Snickers.

- That's all, nothing more?

K: Yes, but they are all very unique.

translation of prunes

Designer sunglasses, a new shade of blonde, a ponytail, Kristen Stewart would have been unrecognizable if not for the pair of burly bodyguards who escorted her to the Nikki Beach restaurant in front of the Carlton Hotel in Cannes. It was perfect place and the perfect time to appear in the image of an ideal film star.

Eight years have passed since Twilight. And from the moment it started actor career(this was the role of a girl in line at the school fountain) - seventeen. Some high-profile novels, including actor Robert Pattinson, director Rupert Sanders and singer SoKo (by the way, the heroine of another Marie Claire interview). And now a peaceful life in relaxed Los Angeles and an offer to marry his partner. Have we lost rebel Kristen Stewart forever?..

Kristen Stewart in 2002 (the year the film “Panic Room” was released)

Kristen Stewart, 2007 (a year before the premiere of the first Twilight)

M.C.: Kristen, do you go to the movies when you're at home?

Kristen Stewart: I live in Los Feliz, which is a pretty quiet area of ​​Los Angeles. There are a couple of cinemas near the house.

And when, I wonder, did you last time watched a movie at the cinema?

I went to see The Jungle Book.

When King Louis appears in the frame, it's just like Apocalypse Now...

Well, you know, there are things that every director does. I bet Jon Favreau would now be like, “Yeah, I ripped that off from Apocalypse Now.”

Woody Allen told me the same thing: that he only steals from the best.

Because it's inspiring! This is where beauty lies. This is how movies are made: you've seen it somewhere before.

Kristen at the 2016 MET Gala, May 2, 2016

Kristen, you have tons of fans. Have you tried to get closer to one of your idols, just like your fans are hoping to meet you?

I cannot identify with fans for one simple reason: I never even wanted to be near those whom I idolized. I just keep their image inside me. And I don’t want anything to influence this image. I myself, I admit, grew up under the influence of the rock band Rilo Kiley and its lead singer Jenny Lewis. One can only guess why. I was very little and went crazy about her. A couple of years ago I attended their concert. And my friends started telling me that I should go backstage and say something like, “Hey, I’ve been listening to your band for a long time.” Come on, they said, Jenny is cool, she'll understand. I was categorically against it, but in the end the guys literally pushed me into the dressing room.

But why did you resist?!

I myself cannot answer this question. But everything worked out, I overcame myself, contacted Lewis, and we even released a video with her participation.

What kind of music video?

"Just One of the Guys", where she also acted as a director. Also participated there Ann Hataway and Brie Larson.

Did this somehow affect the perception of the idol?

I still adore Jenny, but to be honest, I see her a little differently now. I still like her music, but she herself has become an earthly person for me. Sometimes you don't feel like it.

Kristen Stewart at Sundance, January 19, 2017

Can you name the most unusual place on globe, where did your fans recognize you? With the same Woody Allen, with whom you starred in the film “High Life” last year, this happened in Poland.

Mine is in Botswana. This was really sudden!

Wow! Have you been there on vacation?

Yes, it was full-fledged, real beach holiday with doing nothing, where the studio sent me. I had no idea there were so many Twilight fans in Botswana.

Since we remembered Woody, what can you say about working with him?

It's like listening to a song by a band that you know, but you don't know that song specifically. You already have something similar in your head and you think you know the sequel. You are always able to distinguish a song from a familiar band from others. It's the same with Allen's films. They immediately stand out. At first this worried me, I asked myself if I could fit into them.

But overall did you like it?

Yes, I was very pleased. And with him I didn’t even have to go beyond my comfort zone or change my usual behavior. So we can say that when filming began, I completely let the process take its course. Wait! At first, I thought I would have to repeat every line of the script until it was perfect. Woody doesn't force actors to rehearse, but I felt like I had to prepare. This is not my strongest side, and somehow the preparation didn’t work out. But fortunately, when we started filming, everything worked out naturally.

How did it happen that you were invited to this role?

I think Woody saw something in me that I didn't know about. And this best feeling in the world. That's why I like acting. The ideal relationship that an actor can have with a director is when the latter reveals something about you that you didn’t know about yourself. I auditioned for this role. I had to prove my ability to play a feminine, flirtatious lady.

Still from the film "High Life"

After a ghost movie like Personal Shopper, do you believe in the existence of an afterlife?

Without any religious background, I want to say that I am an agnostic in such things. I am very sensitive to all kinds of energy. And I believe that sometimes I am driven by some inexplicable power, so I cannot be fully responsible for my actions. It makes me feel like we are not alone. Personal Shopper is a ghost story, but all the supernatural stuff makes you think about something important. Ask yourself: am I faking? Is this reality really real? Isn't the world we live in funny?

So do you believe in ghosts yourself?

Don't know. I think if I say I believe in something like that, it won't be a clear answer.

You portray fear very convincingly and contagiously for the viewer who watches you torn between your fear and affection for your twin brother, typing and receiving text messages on your phone. How do you do it?

I just imagine that if I actually received these text messages, I would be very scared. Joke. It's difficult to explain such things, because I don't want to specifically influence the viewer. Manipulate him and make him feel something. That's why I was extremely surprised that the movie turned out to be so scary. When I first read the script, I thought it was a surreal, dreamy film, like a drug addict's fantasy. But at the same time, it’s a very existential movie – I don’t want to seem pompous.

Still from the movie "Personal Shopper"

Did those scenes in Personal Shopper where you needed to show sexuality scare you?

No, they didn't scare me. I will do anything in cinema and cherish the experience. This is a movie about finding yourself. I'm serious. This is a film about a huge personal crisis, and I relied on it. I wanted to be the most headless, day-to-day, stripped-down version of myself.

Can fans recognize your true personality by role? What percentage of Kristen Stewart is in your characters?

The most incredible thing about being an actress is not serving as a package and delivery vehicle for the director’s vision. Allow yourself to be shocked by the idea and then implement it. The only way to do this is to be completely naked and reveal yourself. I don't like roles where I imitate someone. I'm not a character actress. My favorite job is when someone tells me: “You know, I noticed that you have this trait. That’s what I want to emphasize in the heroine.” And you think: what? Do I have it in me? Hmm, indeed, that's me too.

Still from the movie "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"

After resounding success With Twilight, was it difficult to take the next step in your career? How many scripts have you rejected on your way to fame?

I’ll be honest, I don’t put that much effort and time into every film. The Twilight saga started out as just another movie in which I starred. Then the script began to grow in size, five episodes were released. But to my career The film didn't make much of an impact. One film does not lead to the next. I choose myself.

Was it difficult to continue filming Twilight knowing you couldn't turn down the next episode?

I had no obligation to participate in subsequent parts. But we all agreed because we liked the way the shooting of the first film went. Working on Twilight quickly became contagious.

Still from the film "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2"

Does the hostile reaction of the audience bother you?

When someone does stupid things or shouts insults, it doesn't bother me at all.

Ideal working conditions?

When I can be spontaneous and impulsive.

Recently everyone watched your directorial debut - the short film “Let's Go Swimming”. Is it true that you yourself were looking for money for it?

Yes, I negotiated financing personally. I wanted to do this for a long time, and now my dreams have become a reality.

Which 1930s-era Hollywood character have you dreamed of meeting?

With Katharine Hepburn.

Kristen at the Women In Hollywood Awards, October 24, 2016

Text: Fabian Waintal / The Interview People

Photo: Getty Images, film stills

0 2 August 2017, 19:40

The 27-year-old appeared on the September cover of the British version of Harper's Bazaar magazine. In an interview with the glossy publication, the actress talked about her personal life, admitted her feelings for her former partners and told how she perceives criticism from others.

The celebrity said that she is calm about the fact that her personal life is being discussed. In her opinion, you need to do exactly what you want at a certain stage of life. And she does not deny the fact that she is ready to start building again serious relationship with the opposite sex.

Yes, quite, definitely... You know, some people just think differently. They love eating grilled cheese, so they will eat it for the rest of their lives. I want to try everything. If I have already tried this cheese once, then after that I will have the question: “What’s next?”

- Kristen vaguely hinted at her relationship with model Stella Maxwell.

Kristen, with all this, did not deny the fact that everyone she met meant a lot to her. According to her in my own words, she loved each of her partners with all passion and tenderness:

I was deeply in love with everyone I met. Did you think I was faking? I was always overwhelmed by this duality in relationships... But I never denied it or even tried to fight... I just didn’t like becoming a laughing stock for someone...

Journalists also could not ignore the question regarding the celebrity's facial expression. Some netizens believe that Kristen looks, to put it mildly, bitchy and at the same time as detached as possible from everything that is happening.

I'm not an introvert by nature. I'm just not used to playing to an audience all the time. How else should I look, according to people? What kind of behavior do they expect from famous people? Men can't call you a bitch anymore. She can call you anything, but not that... I simply won’t have anything to answer to that... I just don’t find anything equivalent to this that I can say in response...

— Stewart shared her thoughts.

Recall that Kristen Stewart is in a relationship with Stella Maxwell. They have been dating since December last year. In mid-June, they were photographed by paparazzi in Paris.

By the way, just the other day there were fresh shots with the participation of lovers. True, they were published by a DJ who played at the wedding of a same-sex couple. It was at this festive ceremony that Kristen and Stella “broke in”. The guests of the event warmly greeted the stars and allowed them to spend time with them.

Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell


She is modest and generally a “good girl.” In her brown eyes there is purity and light. And an all-consuming love that you can’t cope with... However, all this is Bella Swan from the “Twilight Saga”. And Kristen Stewart, who played her, is completely, completely different...

Text: Yana Schwartz

What kind? Oh, no one will answer this question for a long time, including Chris herself. There are several reasons. Firstly, a girl at 20 is still a “flower”, what a “berry” she will be will become clear in five years. Secondly, Stewart is already secretive. No revelations to journalists. If he agrees to an interview, he gets off with general phrases. In response to sharp questions, he only flashes his green eyes and briefly chops: “No comment.” Yes, yes, and her eyes are not the same color as Bella Swan! Together with Robert Pattinson, who played the main male role in Twilight, she had to put on contact lenses before filming to become brown-eyed. This is how meticulously the novel by Stephenie Meyer was filmed! Since the author wrote that the young vampire and his beloved have brown eyes, that means no “Stuart” green or “Pattinson” blue!.. Perhaps this is how you need to approach things if you want to succeed. With Twilight, in any case, everything turned out great. And worldwide. It was earned by both the film itself (the fourth film, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn,” is already in full production) and the actors who played in it, primarily, of course, Kristen and Robert.

Here again these two are side by side...

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let’s just say that in the last three years, Kristen’s antics have literally made her fans’ heads spin! The actress commits actions that are difficult to explain (she doesn’t even explain!) and which completely break her bright image that was formed earlier. But at the same time, for some reason, a new one does not emerge. The swell is solid, not a girl! You read publications about Stewart - and the first thought: she drinks blood, a fidgety, from several good guys at once, maybe out of youthful frivolity, or maybe out of a completely mature calculation - it turns out to be some kind of PR! But then doubts come: maybe he doesn’t drink at all, and the villainous reporters are slandering the poor girl?.. In general, this Stewart is a dark horse. The “flower” is either charming and harmless, or carnivorous, and what will happen next, we repeat, hardly anyone knows. Except for mom and dad...

Family scandal

John Stewart always thought his wife Jules had an overactive imagination. But she put up with it because it benefited her work - her wife wrote scripts entertainment programs and series for the FOX TV channel. John also produced and staged various shows there. In general, their family was rightfully called creative. And the children - three sons: Cameron and two adopted ones, Taylor and Dan, and daughter Kristen - showed obvious humanitarian abilities. It was too early to think about the future of the Stuarts Jr., but John hoped to guide them in the right direction with his father’s wise hand. I saw the boys as lawyers or doctors. Not TV people! It's enough that he and Jules are boiling in this hellish cauldron. And his daughter?.. He naively believed that the secretive and proud Kristen would definitely choose some serious profession. In ten or twelve years. And here it is for you! Yes, the girl always loved to go with him and Jules to the studio - she would sit in the corner while her parents were working, staring. In general, like all children. Did he think that his daughter was already hatching an insidious plan - to become an actress? Filming, scenery, costumes, spotlights - this is what poisoned her fragile soul. However, what a scandal this eight-year-old “artist” threw at him and Jules...

And the following happened. In the school performance for Christmas, the daughter was given a small role - either a sorcerer or an angel. She mentioned it casually over dinner a couple of weeks ago. When the performance took place, alas, he and his wife were busy at the studio and could not come. But among the audience were their boys, and they did not express any particular enthusiasm for their sister’s stage debut. And suddenly this sweaty fat man, a casting agent, suddenly appeared at their house and said: “Your daughter is a talent! She definitely needs to register with our acting agency. I guarantee there will be roles!” It turns out that he was at the performance, and Kristen's performance amazed him. What could a father answer, whose plans did not include having an artist daughter? - “Thank you, but we refuse.” Before he had time to utter these words, Chris flew into the room, like a little fury (it turns out, she was eavesdropping, the scoundrel, on an adult conversation), and immediately - tears, screaming! And not even a request - a demand: “Take me to the agency!” I calmed down only when he promised to think about it. To think - but not to agree... And when the passions subsided, the agent left and all the children, including the crying Kristen, fell asleep, Jules started her song about the “magic of numbers.” You see, she had a presentiment that the coming year 1999 would become a turning point in the fate of their daughter. Like, nine is the most important number for her, born on April 9, 1990. In general, my wife’s imagination ran wild, she almost world fame began to prophesy to the child! And he, John Stewart, realized: he would have to give in...

Strange graduation

But Chris had a sad secret that she hid from her parents. Only the brothers knew that their little sister was being bullied by her classmates. “They had such entertainment - to come up to me and say: ugh, how disgusting you are! - the actress told reporters many years later. “I didn’t understand why they did this, and I suffered.” The boys (all three of them a little older than Chris) wanted to soap the necks of the main offenders, but their sister forbade them to do so. Out of pride - they say, I can handle it myself. However, the bullying continued, and Chris hated school fiercely. Therefore, the brothers suspected that she became an artist in order to skip classes under the pretext of auditions, auditions, and filming. They were partly right, because as soon as the girl was offered her first full-fledged role in the melodrama “Safety of Things,” she began to convince her parents that now the most reasonable thing was to transfer her to home schooling. And she convinced me. That is, already at the age of 11, Chris left the hated educational institution. This happened in 2001. And in 2009, right on the set of the third part of the “Twilight Saga,” she finally received a high school diploma. “I know it's a little late, but I just graduated with honors! - the actress said in an interview. - That day I was filming the graduation scene in Eclipse and I said film crew: “Hey, guys, I’m actually graduating from school, and I won’t have another graduation! Can you take a photo as a souvenir - for me, not for Bella?” And it turned out like this: the extra actor shakes my hand and hands me a certificate. And I, as expected, am in a robe and cap.”

...However, we digress. Directors seriously paid attention to Chris in 2002, after the release of the film Panic Room. She got into it, one might say, by accident. Originally the role of Sarah, daughter main character, was intended for another girl actress. But after many upheavals, during which the lead actress Nicole Kidman was replaced by Jodie Foster, Stewart was also on the list. She was chosen by the twice Oscar-winning Foster herself, who was amazed by their external resemblance. And after the premiere, critics also noted how similar Chris’s performance was to Jodi’s performance in her youth. It was a very flattering comparison. And Chris still names Foster among his few idols...

After Panic Room, Stewart began acting every year, often in several films at the same time. Some roles and films were more successful, others less so. Among the latter was the psychological teenage drama “Speak.” She never came out wide screen, was only shown on television, although it received positive reviews. In this film, Chris played a very difficult role - the girl Melinda, who stopped communicating with people after being raped. Deal with adversity and return to normal life helps her in the plot true friend David. This guy was played by the handsome, dark-haired, burly Michael Angarano.

In bed with a vampire

She is 13 years old, he is 16. The most classic scenario for first love! It happened to Michael - that's for sure. He always flew to filming as if on wings. How faithful knight, dragged Chris’s bag behind her, was thrilled when she dozed on his shoulder during breaks. And when the film was shot, he moved from his native New York to Los Angeles, closer to Stewart. I even started surfing when I found out that it was the favorite sport of my green-eyed girlfriend. She seemed to really enjoy all these displays of affection. Yes, and Michael too.

The guy began to visit the Stewarts' house, walked her favorite dogs with Chris - collie Oz and mongrels Jack and Lily, admired her beloved cats - Jella and Max (although he never really respected cats), helped Chris improve in playing the guitar, went with her to clubs and shopping. In those years, even reporters did not dare to attribute closer relationships to teenagers, they only noted: “Stewart and Angarano are having an affair!” The paparazzi don't seem to have captured any of their kisses. But photos were published: Michael is carrying Kristen on the back of his neck, and they are both having a lot of fun. Indeed, a classic teenage novel in which the guy is sincerely in love, and the girl is bathed in this love.

Several years have passed. Both he and she continued to actively act in film, however, in different paintings. And when the opportunity arose, we met again. The fans were touched: what a constancy of feelings. Actually, Chris’s invitation to main role in Twilight there was no promise of change in her relationship with Michael. However, everything immediately took a strange turn.

Stewart was the first person cast by director Catherine Hardwicke for the role. She didn’t even have any special rivals. The same cannot be said about Robert Pattinson. Before him, Hardwick looked through 500 applicants to embody the image of the vampire Edward Cullen. It is not known whether the director forced Chris to act out with each of these young men. love scene, to understand whether I hit the mark with my choice, but with Robert it turned out that way. The Briton had just arrived from England when he ended up... in Catherine Hardwicke's bed. It was in the house and on her bed that the auditions took place: a scene of passion between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Katherine was pleased and approved Robert for the role. She later admitted: “I told Robert: don’t even think about having an affair with her! Chris isn't eighteen yet. They'll put you in prison! And the filming of the first part of the “vampiriad” was done without passion and muzzles.

An offer of marriage

But then something strange began to happen. The same Catherine Hardwicke told reporters that Chris herself admitted to her: they say that she has a “relationship” with Pattinson, and it began while working on the second part of the saga. Why would the director lie? But in all the rest, I must say, quite in rare cases, when the newspapermen managed to press Stewart with the question: “Is it true that you and Robert are having an affair?”, the girl invariably answered: “We are connected only by friendship.” And Pattinson echoes her. Meanwhile, they are constantly seen together. A certain Diane Nutley, supposedly Robert's aunt, trumpeted to the whole world that her nephew and Chris secretly flew to Paris - there Robert introduced the bride to his parents. So why was it necessary to reveal the secret? And a certain Gordon Rael, who called himself a friend of the couple, told the newspapers: “The guys are already looking for a house in which they intend to live together. Chris wants it to be spacious and beautiful.” And another friend of Pattinson, who wished to remain anonymous, said that Robert, tired of Chris tossing between him and Michael, demanded that the girl finally make a choice. There are no comments from the “main characters” themselves. At the same time, they are found either kissing at a concert of the Kings of Leon group, or having dinner by candlelight at Cecconi's restaurant... By the way, this meal took place after the MTV Movie Awards ceremony, at which Stewart and Pattinson won in the categories “ Best Actor", "Best Actress" and... " Best kiss"! How can one not decide that there is no smoke without fire?

So poor Michael came to this conclusion. So I rushed to film set the third part of "Twilight" to Vancouver and proposed to Chris. She refused. Or rather, she asked me to wait - they say, I decided to get married only after 25 years. This is how one of Angarano’s friends commented on this story: “Michael agreed. He loves Kristen so much that he would do anything for her. And she doesn’t believe that there is anything between her and Robert. It would be too mean." However, a few months later, reports appeared in the press about the breakup of their relationship. Michael was the initiator. Apparently, the guy was desperate to understand the feelings of his beloved Chris. Or learned something that others don’t know.

Meanwhile, the girl energetically gives reasons for new gossip. For some reason, she began to smoke a pipe and appear in public in such a manner that the words “alcohol” and “marijuana” began to appear next to her name in tabloid articles. And then she appeared on the pages of newspapers at the moment of a hot kiss with... Dakota Fanning, a friend and colleague in the “vampiriad”. It was then that the journalists remembered Kristen all her admiration for Jodie Foster and her overall resemblance to her. She, as you know, does not hide her lesbian preferences.

Today, the fog around Kristen Stewart's bright image is not dissipating, but on the contrary, it is only becoming thicker. Just recently there were reports that she left Robert and is now dating him best friend, British actor Tom Sturridge. Maybe she finally fell in love for real? Or, having chosen the path of acting as a very little girl, she prefers only to play in life?..