How to paint deep-set eyes. Sunken eyes. Makeup for sunken eyes. Performing makeup step by step

Any makeup is designed to make a woman more attractive due to the fact that thanks to it, some flaws in her appearance are hidden and her advantages are emphasized.

Many owners of deep-set eyes are sincerely upset, considering this a big drawback. This is fundamentally wrong. There is an opinion that the shape of the described type of eyes is determined naturally and therefore is one of the most simple options for applying makeup. If you approach this problem creatively, then the “unfavorable” position of the eyes can easily be turned into an undoubted advantage.

Which eyes are considered deep set?

Very characteristic feature sunken eyes is that the eyelid is usually slightly darker than the rest of the skin on the face. That's why the first step to creating will be to apply your makeup foundation all over your face, but also on your eyelids so that the tone is unified, and final result will be much more beautiful.

It is very likely that if you have this eye shape, dark circles are also more noticeable and you will find it difficult to get rid of them. To hide them, nothing is better than applying a concealer that is shade lighter than your skin. Use it according to the article's articles and you will see them completely disappear.

Makeup tips for deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes are a fairly common appearance feature. Women who consider this trait a terrible flaw and envy the impeccable appearance of the stars do not even suspect that many of them also have deep-set eyes. It’s just that skillful makeup reliably hides it from the uninitiated.

The most important step to compose sunken eyes and enhance and lift them is a good application of shadow. First of all, you should choose light or neutral colors such as nudes, beiges, pinks, etc. And with a little bit of brightness to give a point of light. You only need to clean the entire moving eyelid, just below the brow arch and near the tear area to illuminate appearance. Then use a shade that is slightly darker and apply it just to the crease of your eye, this will give you a deeper look and your eyelid will be lifted slightly.

The main task of a makeup artist performing makeup for a person whose eyes are deep-set is to visually smooth out this difference in depth, widen the eyes, give them expressiveness and openness to the look, raise the eyebrows, adjusting their shape if necessary. The main requirement for applying makeup in such a situation is to use light shadows so that the eyes do not “sink” even deeper. And shadows with mother-of-pearl will help make them more expressive.

Outlined by black and dark are not good allies for sunken eyes as they darken them further. We advise you to avoid them or use eyelashes instead in other more light colors, such as brown, green or grey. Great option to enhance the appearance and almost imperceptibly cause or tighten. Do you know what this is? It's about about demarcating the top water line as you see in the image, filling in the gaps located between the tabs. Use a waterproof eyeliner for a longer lasting effect.

Which eyes are considered deep set?

Deep-set eyes are those when, if you look at the face in profile, part of the eyelid can be seen at the outer corner of the eye, and it narrows towards the inner corner.

Such eyes are located deep in the eye sockets and appear as if they are pressed into the eye sockets, causing upper eyelid looks short and small. At the same time, the strongly developed eyebrow arch seems to hang over the eyes and the eyelids are not visible.

In addition, it is not recommended to outline the lower water line with a black pencil, which also hardens the facial features. On the contrary, in makeup for sunken eyes, the pencil from the white eye takes central place, which can be applied to inner surface eyes to achieve a much more open and lighter look.

Deep-set eyes with a contoured upper eyelid

Mascara is the ideal cosmetic for enhancing the appearance and visibly correcting the shape of sunken eyes. It is preferable that you do not overdo it with their application and do not place a light layer on the upper lashes, always carrying the applicator from its root to the outer side. Before if you want them to look too curved and dazzling.

How to properly paint deep-set eyes

  • Everyone's appearance is unique, and after learning the tricks of makeup, girls with deep-set eyes can look no less impressive than those with beautiful, large eyes and a standard eye placement.
  • Use only light shadows. Cosmetics are best pastel shades. This increases the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the look becomes more open.
  • Shadows for deep-set eyes can be pearlescent. A girl with this type of eyes can add glitter.

With all these tricks to shape your sunken eyes, you will see more favored eyes and above all, with a much larger, brighter and more attractive appearance. Here's how you can see even more tips to learn, don't miss them!

Eyes are an important and fundamental part of our face because they are responsible for showing our emotions, so finding a way to enhance the appearance should be one of the main steps Everyday life, without taking into account the path that they are Therefore, do not be afraid and do not dare to look sensational and learn with simple steps.

What to avoid in makeup for deep-set eyes

  • Dark blue and black shades in makeup for deep-set eyes are contraindicated. It doesn’t matter whether you use eyeliner or pencil – gray and brown shades look softer and more delicate.
  • Owners of deep-set eyes should beware of purple or purple eyeshadow when wearing makeup. Pink colour– the look will seem tired and painful.
  • Do not line the lower eyelid with dark eyeliner and over-color the lower eyelashes.
  • Do not darken the movable fold of the upper eyelid.

Shadow application technique

So, we have already found out that the main shade of the shadows should be light (it is advisable to select the color in accordance with your color type). Before you start directly applying shadows, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin well to avoid uneven distribution of shadows. Apply moisturizer and foundation to your eyelids, blend well and sprinkle with powder (later this small preparatory stage will visually increase the volume of eyelashes).

Makeup for blue deep-set eyes

Sunken eyes are characterized by the fact that the fixed part of the eyelids is slightly more protruding than the rest of the eye, giving it a sinking appearance. This type of eye usually looks sad even if you are very happy, but with makeup you can disguise this effect, making the appearance more open and beautiful. As many of us already know, makeup with dark colors is noticeably better and gives depth, while light colors expand and illuminate.

Tricks make up sunken eyes very easily

Cleanse your face well and apply foundation. . Flooded eyelids usually have more dark shade than the rest of the skin, which creates some shadows that make them look even smaller. If you want to avoid this and even your skin tone by applying foundation to the entire face area and don't forget about the eyelids and you don't need to use a concealer as the same foundation can help you solve the problem and get the desired effect.

Now you can apply the base tone, the application area of ​​which extends to the upper and lower eyelids, the area under the eyebrows and the part of the bridge of the nose closest to the corner of the eye. Next, on the moving eyelid, starting from its middle to the outer corner of the eye, you should apply a shade slightly darker than the base one, carefully blending the border between the two types of shadows, the base one and the darker one. And the finishing touch is to apply the shadows of the darkest shade in the chosen color scheme. This shade can also be used to highlight the corner of the eye by drawing a thin line along the eyelashes.

Make up the entire eye socket and of course more than the entire part that has sunk to create a voluminous effect, that is, apply from the base of the eyelashes to the bone where the eyebrow is located, thus achieving a very ordinary look, avoid completely applying the shadow behind the eyebrows.

Apply to the outer corner of the eye, blending lightly into the lash lines at the top and bottom, without going beyond the iris with this color, which is the colored part of the eye. This is more than anything in which you know how to combine colors, how you prefer them best and how you like them best.


Remember that even perfectly applied shadows will not give the expected effect if the eyebrows are unkempt and are not formed into a clear and correct line that suits your face type. Not everyone can determine the correct eyebrow shape on their own, so it is better to entrust this important task to a professional, and then simply maintain their shape.

You should use the same crisp shadow that you used at the bottom of the eye where your eyelashes are. With this you achieve a brighter look. Use gray or brown colors to outline only top part eye, if you think you need more, you can draw a line on the outside of the eye or part of the lash line halfway, this will give us the effect of lengthening and opening up the eye a lot more. Use an eyebrow brush with the idea of ​​giving them shape and eliminating excess dust in them, and if your eyebrows are very clear or very sparse, you can draw them in yourself using a shadow of the same color of your eyebrows or an eyebrow pencil without leaving it too strong. for the effect of perfect eyebrows.

You need to select an eyebrow pencil based on their natural color; as a rule, these are hard pencils of brown, black and gray shades. First, you need to draw your eyebrows along the contour with a pencil, emphasizing their shape, and then carefully comb them with a special eyebrow brush.

Eyeliner and mascara

Despite the fact that dark colors are not recommended for deep-set eyes, and eyeliner is usually black, there is no need to abandon them. Just avoid shades that are too dark or too bright. The eyeliner itself needs to be applied very thin line clearly along the line of eyelash growth.

You should try to keep your eyebrows not so angular because if they are, the eyelids will look bigger and of course the most sunken eye and this is exactly what we avoid and hide. Eyelashes are always necessary to have a vibrant look, so you should curl them whenever you wear makeup for any occasion. You can use curlers or a type of mascara that gives you volume in them. Here if you can use dark color, so look for a dark mascara brand that is your preference and this is the best of all.

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes for daylight hours (possible options can be viewed in the video), it is advisable to apply eyeliner under the shadows - this gives the look a softness and naturalness. You can apply eyeliner over shadows, but in this way only paint the outer corner of the eye, drawing small arrows. Applying eyeliner requires strict adherence to the above rules, otherwise, by visually adjusting the shape of the eyes, you can achieve the completely opposite effect - an overhanging eyelid.

Makeup rules for deep-set eyes

Lash masks will allow you to reveal much more of your appearance, so it is recommended to apply more at the ends to leave it looser in the center. Don't try to cover your eyes with dark eyeliner as they will shrink them and make you look like a raccoon. Hold dark makeup very far from the inner corners of the eye so that it is much more open. Avoid pencil eyeliner, especially in the lower lash line, because that's where the skin is thinner. Don't forget that before going to bed you should remove all your makeup very well, try using eye makeup remover or if necessary or you just don't have makeup remover, you can use petroleum jelly or baby oil, rinse to avoid clogging pores and do not follow using a particularly cosmetic lotion to remove makeup, but if you do, avoid using it around the eyes because you may irritate them or cause some damage to them.

You also need to approach the choice of mascara responsibly, because the final result of corrective makeup depends no less on it. It is better if it is a thick mascara designed to give extra volume to the eyelashes. Makeup artists advise curling your eyelashes first and only then applying mascara to them - thanks to this little trick, the eyelashes will rise a little, which will visually enlarge your eyes. In this case, you can completely ignore the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and apply mascara only to the eyelashes on the upper eyelid - thanks to this trick, the look will seem more open.

Perhaps genetic inheritance, rapid weight loss or illness have sunk your eyes, hiding your eyes on your accounts. Whatever the reason, makeup can help us save our look from its depth. We'll show you how to do it! And the solutions are also varied. A look that is too deep makes you look older than years and gives you a sad, unwanted look, hidden by eyes in the pools. There are very simple makeup tricks that provoke the opposite optical effect: to enhance your appearance, rejuvenating it and filling it with life.

Finishing touches

Of course, you know that any makeup is not just about applying eye shadow - don’t forget about blush and lipstick. By the way, makeup artists advise girls with deep-set eyes to choose a bright lipstick. rich color. Like these ones simple rules will help you hide your shortcomings and even turn them into advantages. But do not forget that it is not only cosmetics that make a person beautiful - smile more often and the admiring glances of others are guaranteed to you.

Do you wear prescription glasses with fairly thick crystals and dark frames? This contributes to the collapse of the eyes. Relax when you can at home for a while without them, try to lift your spirits with contact lenses or choose another type of thinner mount or air.

Experiment with eyeshadow: Choose sheer and pearly shades that you should use on both eyelids, preferably in powder. Avoid applying it where it is usually recommended for everyone, in the arch of the eyebrow, which will overshadow the eyes more. Choose the touch of the illuminator to the aperture.

Every day a girl wants to look perfect, let alone the holidays. Sometimes flaws in appearance can be upsetting, but for a real girl, the main task is the ability to correctly focus on the advantages and hide the flaws with the help of cunning techniques. For example, deep-set eyes can be painted so that the eye color stands out, long eyelashes, and the location of the eyes will not stand out. Makeup for deep-set eyes is selected based on the color of the eyes, their shape and the distance at which they are from each other.

Beware of eyeliner. Do not apply it inside the eyes because it will shrink them unless the mine is white, which will have the opposite effect. To make your eye look bigger, you can draw a line of black eyeliner from the inside of your upper eyelid outwards, making it thicker as you move outwards. Of course, the line should never be too thick.

You will enhance the appearance if, in addition, you bring a small touch of light with a point of pure shadow on the tear. Sunken eyes are usually accompanied by short, sparse eyelashes. If you use a lot of mask, you can force them to bunch together and create a flattering black patch. Opt for a lightweight mask applied primarily to the roots to leave the ends just slightly drawn out and oriented outward to enhance the look.

To choose the best one for yourself matching makeup, you need to decide on its task, for example, evening makeup will differ from daytime makeup, since darker or brighter colors are used for a special occasion. When choosing a palette of shadows, you need to take into account the shape of the eyes: for example, almost all colors that can be combined with each other are suitable for almond-shaped ones, and dark colors (shades of brown, purple) are suitable for round eyes.

Do you have sunken eyes and want to hide your appearance? You can achieve this with some beauty tricks specific to this eye type. If you have this type of eyes, you have already decided that you wish, what you can do is to visibly improve your appearance, help you widen and brighten your eyes, do you agree? Take a look at the following makeup tricks and get the most out of them.

Makeup Tips for Sunken Eyes

Are you bored asking yourself how to form sunken eyes with dark circles? Calm down! One of the most characteristic features sunken eyes is that the skin of the upper eyelids is often darker than the rest of the skin on the face. For this reason, the first makeup step for sunken eyes is to apply a foundation that unifies your skin tone.

Of course, some girls can choose makeup, or rather its palette, based on the color of their clothes. So, for a black dress, gray or black colors are suitable, and for a blue outfit, shades of blue (cold tones) can be used.

In order to properly focus on your strengths, you need to decide on your skin, hair and eye color. For deep-set eyes, you need to use dark colors if the girl has dark hair color. Smokey eye makeup is well suited for brown-haired girls. You also need to pay attention to the color of the lips, since they are well suited for dark-haired girls. bright shades lipstick. As for blush, makeup artists do not recommend using them for girls with deep-set eyes.

Each type of makeup for deep eyes is performed step by step, and the technique is always the same, only the colors change.

First, you need to apply a base to your eyelids to extend the durability of your makeup and even out your skin. Special gels are sold that act as a base for shadows. Next, you need to choose light shadows, after applying which your eyes will visually enlarge. In each case, this color will be individual, for example, natural pink or brown. Each shadow is applied with a brush and distributed over the entire eyelid, starting from the base to the end of the eyelid.

Since for a special eye makeup that has a deep location, three shades of shadows are selected, then after the enhancing color of the shadows, the next shade is applied, darker than the first. In this case, the clear transition line needs to be shaded with a brush.

Dark shadows of the chosen shade are applied at the end and placed under the eyebrow. Using a brush, you need to make a line of shadows from the middle to the inner corner and shade them so that there is no clear line. The same must be done on the eyelid under the eyes, only one shade of shadow is used.

You should only use eyeliner or pencil for deep-set eyes. gray or brown, black is not recommended. Using the chosen pencil, you need to draw a line on the moving eyelid, but you need to highlight the outer line of eyelash growth, and try to make the pencil line as thin as possible.

As for the lower eyelid, the pencil is applied to it from the outer corner to the middle. For evening makeup The pencil is applied over the shadows, and for daytime - under them, so that the eyes have a natural look. Girls with deep-set eyes should not use liquid eyeliner.

Next, using powder, you need to add volume to the eyelashes; to do this, the powder is applied directly to the eyelashes, and then black mascara is applied. And at the end, you need to apply a pencil to your eyebrows and use a curling iron to curl your eyelashes to make them appear fuller. Makeup can be considered ready, all that remains is to apply lipstick of the chosen color.

Depending on the color of the eyes are selected different color shadows, so girls with deep eyes it is necessary to combine the palette carefully. For example, brown shades of shadows are suitable for green eyes; it can be rich copper, dark beige combined with cool green.

For brown eyes, you can use shades of gray in combination with black, while the black shadows should highlight the outer corner of the eye. Also suitable beige colors, silver and purple.

For blue eyes The technique for selecting colors is slightly different, since the eyes themselves are bright. For makeup, blue shadows, brown and dark ones can be used to highlight the outer corner. As for the eyebrows, their color will depend on the color of the hair: brunettes can use a dark brown pencil, and blondes can use a gray and light brown pencil.

It is quite obvious that with the help of video tutorials, every girl will be able to do makeup at home, and the photos will help determine the perfect palette flowers for your eyes.

Video on the topic of the article