Sailor Moon characters are all. Description of the characters of the animated series Sailor moon

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Premiere show March 7, 1992 Series 200 Manga "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" Author Naoko Takeuchi Publisher Kodansha Audience shoujo Published in Publication February 1992

March 1997

Tomov 18 Full-length animated films
  • Sailor Moon R: The Movie
  • Sailor Moon S: The Movie
  • Sailor Moon Supers: The Movie

Sailor Moon musicals (SeraMu): 25 shows were produced between 1993 and 2005

Series Video games

Quite a few video games featuring sailor warriors have been released, mostly in Japan.

Previous episode
  • Codename: Sailor V

The plots of the various works in the metaseries revolve around the reincarnated defenders of an ancient kingdom that once spanned the entire solar system. The main characters, called warriors in sailor suits (Japanese: セーラー戦士 Se:ra: Senshi? , Sailor Senshi), young girls who can transform into heroines named after the Moon (eng. Moon) and planets of the solar system (Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, etc.). The use of the word "Sailor" in their names is due to the style of their costumes, which are reminiscent of the popular female school uniform in Japan - sera fuku(sailor suit). The fantasy elements in the series are deeply symbolic and often based on mythology.


In the distant past, there was a kingdom on the Moon - the Silver Millennium. It coexisted peacefully with the Earth. Prince of Earth Endymion and Princess of the Moon Serenity fell in love, but the people gripped dark force, attacked the Silver Millennium. Using the power of the Illusory Silver Crystal, Queen Serenity managed to stop the invaders, but her kingdom was destroyed. All that Queen Serenity could do was to arrange for her daughter and her guardian warriors to be born again in the future in a time of peace and be able to live a happy and peaceful life there.

The main character of Sailor Moon is Usagi Tsukino. She was an ordinary schoolgirl until she met talking cat Moon. Luna helped Usagi awaken her powers and taught the girl to transform into Sailor Moon to fight the evil trying to take over the Earth. Her friends, other warriors in sailor suits, also joined her in the battles.

As the story progresses, the sailor warriors learn more about their enemies and the force that guides them. At the same time, the truth about their past lives and the future of the solar system is revealed.

The plot is divided into five main story arcs, each of which was presented in both the manga and anime. Their names: Dark Kingdom arc, Black Moon arc ( Sailor Moon R), Infinity/Mugen arc ( Sailor Moon S), arch "Dream" ( Sailor Moon Supers) and the "Stars" arc ( Sailor Stars). The anime additionally shows a small arc at the beginning of the second season and the first episodes of the fifth Sailor Stars complete the plot of the previous episodes.

"Sailor Moon - Moon in a Sailor Suit" (Sailor Moon; anime season 1)

In the first episode of the season, an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl Usagi (Bunny) Tsukino, on her way to school, saves a black cat with a crescent-shaped mark on her forehead from being bullied by children. Later, this cat comes to Usagi's home and tells her that she is not an ordinary schoolgirl, but a warrior - Sailor Moon - and that she must find other warriors and the Moon Princess to defeat their enemy - the Dark Kingdom. The fight against demons turned out to be not as simple as it seemed to Bunny at first glance, but in the very first episodes she has a defender - a stranger in a black cloak and mask, whose appearance is heralded by a red rose.

Usagi manages to find three more warriors in a sailor suit: Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, but at the same time, the Dark Kingdom also has new warriors: Jade, Zoisite and Kunzite (and before that, her main enemy was Jadeite). Jade, in the process of searching for a silver crystal, falls in love with Usagi's friend Naru and is even going to go over to the side of the sailor warriors, but he is killed by the demons of Zoisite.

Zoisite soon finds out that Mamoru is hiding behind the Tuxedo Mask mask and stabs him in the shoulder. To take the Rainbow Crystals from Tuxedo Mask, he lures him into a trap. Usagi, seeing that Mamoru is wounded, follows him, but also falls into Zoisite’s trap with him. Zoisite wanted to kill both of them, but Usagi reveals himself and turns into Sailor Moon. Then Zoisite attacks Sailor Moon, but Mamoru, turning into Toxedo Mask, covers her with himself. Usagi's tear awakens the Silver Crystal and with it memories of the past and everyone learns that the real Princess of the Moon Serenity is Usagi, and Mamoru is the Prince of the Earth Endymion. Before all these events, the fifth warrior in a sailor suit appears - Sailor Venus with true friend the cat Artemis.

Meanwhile, in the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl decides to resurrect King Metalia, for which she needs the Silver Crystal. She sends Kunzite after the wounded Tuxedo Mask and when he kidnaps him, she transforms Tuxedo Mask into Dark Endymion, giving him part of the energy of the King of Metalia and sends him to take the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon.

Usagi tries to get Mamoru to remember who he is. Endymion cannot take the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon, each time finding new excuses, then Kunzite takes matters into his own hands and, luring the sailor warriors to the North Pole, kills them one by one with the help of the demon sisters. In the end, Usagi is left alone, but her love for Mamoru and the desire that the death of her friends not be in vain helps her defeat Queen Beryl and destroy the Dark Kingdom.

All warriors are reborn, but they lose their memory and do not remember who they are and that they once knew each other...

“Sailor Moon is with us again” (Sailor Moon R; anime season 2)


This season includes two stories: about the Tree of the Spirit World and about Crystal Tokyo and the war with Nemesis.

Our world is again in danger and again requires the help of soldiers. But after the battle at the North Pole they do not remember anything and returned to ordinary life, they don’t even know that they once knew each other. Later they meet and remember their past lives. This happens just in time - a meteorite falls to Earth near Tokyo, and with it new enemies - Eil and Anna. The aliens have magical Tarot cards, with the help of which they free the Kardyan demons, as well as the Tree of the World of Spirits - an intelligent plant and the ancestor of their race, the last representatives of which Anna and Eil are. Under the guise of brother and sister, Sejuro and Natsumi Jingo, they infiltrate Usagi's school and begin to collect people's energy, without which the Aliens and the Tree themselves will die. Mamoru loses his memory, and now Usagi and Anna begin the fight for his love. Sejuro falls in love with Usagi, and Makoto with him. At the same time, a mysterious Knight comes to the aid of the sailor warriors Moonlight, very similar to Tuxedo Mask. The girls don't have enough strength against new enemies, and then they get new wands and attacks! As a result, the Aliens who believed in goodness, together with the sprout of the purified Tree, fly away in search of a new world, and Mamoru remembers his past and resumes his relationship with the odango-atama. However, the story is not over - Usagi suddenly gets a “sister” - a harmful girl named Chibiusa, very similar to her. As it turns out, she is the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru, who traveled back in time to find the Silver Crystal, lost in her time.

In the Crystal Tokyo of the future, the enemies - the Dark Moon Clan, once expelled from Earth to the ice planet Nemesis, a community of revolutionary aristocrats, are ready to destroy their world. King Endymion and Queen Neo-Serenity are unable to protect the planet without the Silver Crystal, and the guardian warriors will not be able to hold out for long to prevent the planet from falling completely.

Realizing that the crystal is the key to victory, the Nemesians also travel through time, wanting to take possession of the crystal back in the past. To protect the world from the encroachments of new enemies, Sailor Moon's real mother from the past, Queen Selenity, gives her new power. The first to begin the hunt for Chibiusa are the four pursuing sisters: Petzeit, Kalaverait, Bertright and Kermetseit, and their leader commands them armed forces Nemesis - Red Ruby (Crimson Rubius). In addition to searching for Chibiusa, the sisters are busy deploying Dark Wedges to destroy the energy center of Crystal Tokyo. One after another, the persecuting sisters go over to the side of good and become ordinary people, and Red Ruby kidnaps Chibiusa and the sailor warriors into his UFO, but they escape from his ship using sailor teleportation. Another member of the Dark Moon Clan appears on a flying saucer engulfed in fire - Green Emerald (Green Esmerud), who leaves her colleague to die in terrible agony, and she takes his place. Emerald continues to install Dark Wedges, she, in turn, obeys the two princes of Nemesis - Diamond and Sapphire, with the first she is secretly in love. Diamond remains indifferent to her feelings; in his heart lives love for the new Queen Serenity, who happily fell asleep through his own fault while protecting Crystal Tokyo. When the warriors travel to the future to save the city, Diamond notices Sailor Moon's striking resemblance to the future queen and kidnaps her. Sailor Moon does not respond to his fiery feelings and runs away from the light hand of his beloved Mamoru. Realizing that for Diamond she is only a member of the team, Emerald decides to take a desperate step - ask for help from the insidious and mysterious Sage, who acts as a local oracle. He turns her into a terrible snake. Emerald attacks the warriors, but they defeat her. In anguish after defeat, she dies. This fate befalls the unfortunate Sapphire, who learns about the Sage’s plans to destroy the Earth and tries to stop him. By chance, the Sage discovers the true truth about Chibiusa's power. Playing on her feelings, he lures her to him and turns her into the Dark Lady. At the same time, from a small child she turns into a young girl. The warriors try to bring her back, but fail. With her help, the Sage opens the Dark Gates, which must destroy the Earth. Meanwhile, Diamond makes another attempt to win Sailor Moon's love. It turns out tragically for him. Defending her, he dies. Sailor Moon and Mamoru manage to return Chibiusa. Feeling guilty for what happened in the past (she was the direct culprit for the disappearance of the silver crystal), Chibiusa helps Sailor Moon deal with the Sage and protect the world.

"Sailor Moon - Super Warrior" (Sailor Moon S; anime season 3)


The girls have new enemies - the professor and the witches who serve him, who collect pure hearts to revive the messiah of darkness, who should become the little girl Hotaru Tomu, Chibiusa's girlfriend. Chibiusa returned to the past, where she became Chibi Sailor Moon. In addition to her, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, who are only busy searching for hearts and the messiah, also began to help the girls. Sailor Pluto also appears and by combining their talismans, the Holy Grail Cup appears, which transforms Usagi into Super Sailor Moon. But even before this, another new rod of Usagi appears, which was born from her and Mamoru’s love. Essentially, Super Sailor Moon's attack is an upgraded "love rod". During battles with demons, Hotaru also awakens a strange, uncontrollable power. At first the warriors do not notice this, then they worry, then they forbid the little lady to be friends with Hotaru. But Chibiusa disobeys them, and her pure heart is fed to Hotaru, who turns into the Messiah of Darkness. Usagi tries to heal Hotaru, but instead the Holy Grail summons the Evil Pharaoh and disappears. But the Father’s Love (the evil professor) returns Hotaru’s memory, and moreover, they turn her into Light Sailor Saturn, the last warrior of the System. Usagi and Saturn go to battle and win - however, Hotaru has become very small, and she is taken in by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

"Sailor Moon" (Sailor Moon SuperS; anime season 4)


Chibiusa has a dream where she communicates with a strange winged snow-white horse, which introduces itself as Pegasus. And to Earth undercover solar eclipse The Dark Moon Circus arrives under the command of Zirconia, who sends her servants in search of Pegasus, whose defense Usa and all the warriors rise to. Even though the enemies are strong, Pegasus gives Usagi new strength - however, she can only transform and attack together with Chibiusa. But, as it turns out, it is not the Amazon Trio (the main servants of Zirconia) and not even Zirconia herself who are the girls’ main enemies - their main enemy ruler Nehelenia, who cherishes the dream of being forever young. On top of everything else, Pegasus turns out to be not just an educated horse, but Helios, the guardian of the magical forest of Illusion. In order to fulfill her dream, Nehelenia steals her dream from Chibiusa and even throws her into the abyss. But Helios, and then Usagi, save the Little Lady. As a result, Nehelenia retired, the circus disappeared, and Super Sailor Moon and Super Chibi Moon received a new addition to their "princess" transformation - wings.

“Sailor Moon Sailor Stars” (Season 5 of the anime)


At the beginning of the season, it turns out that the previous enemies did not die completely and it is necessary to finish what they started. Soon, three warriors arrive on the planet - Sailor warriors from another system. They are looking for their princess, who ran away with them home world, captured by Galaxy, searching for star seeds and choosing the Earth and its defenders as a new target. Nehelenia is defeated, but there remains Zirconia and her new henchmen - four circus girls, each of whom looks like one of the planetary warriors. The girls defeat the Circus to the end and Nehelenia too. Pegasus flies away, the Amazonian Quartet goes into own life. But the adventures don't end there. The newly grown Hotaru, or rather Sailor Saturn, gathers all the warriors of the system for a ritual, where they throw off their forces and Usagi becomes “Eternal Sailor Moon”, receiving a completely new costume (three-layer skirt, new boots, a new sailor suit and snow-white paired wings on her back) and new rod. Mamoru is going to study in America, Usagi accompanies him to the airport, where he proposes marriage to her, to which she agrees. The plane takes off into the sky, but Mamoru does not reach its destination...Star Galaxy appears for the first time and tries to take the star seed of the Earth's guardian from Mamoru...He does not know who she is and what she is capable of, so he rushes into battle, but she is ahead of him and takes the star seed . Dying, Mamoru tells the triumphant Galaxy that he is not alone on this planet and that the sailor wars will put her in her place... At the same time, new heroes appear - three sailor warriors from another System (Sailor Star Warrior, Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Creator ), who are hiding in three guys from Usagi's school, as well as the little new Warrior Chibi-Chibi. But with new friends, new enemies appear - Sailor Galaxia, which takes away their star seeds from the sailor warriors, as well as her faithful servants. The girls do not have enough strength to fight against their enemies, but Chibi-Chibi, and then all the warriors, once again improve Usagi’s transformation. With these powers, Usagi defeats four servants of Galaxia, and subsequently transforms Galaxia herself into good

Full-length movies

After the great success of Sailor Moon around the world, Toei Animation decided to create feature films based on it. Feature-length additions were made for the second, third and fourth seasons. Their names "Sailor Moon R Movie", "Sailor Moon S Movie" And "Sailor Moon SuperS Movie". Alternative names are also used to denote them: "Dangerous Flowers", "Ice Princess Kaguya" And "Black Hole of Dreams" respectively, but they are not actually official. Graphically, all three full-length films differ from the series due to the use of computer graphics in their creation. The full-length film was not released for the fifth season, the authors motivated this by the fact that they did not want to spoil the impressions of the last episode of the anime.

"Sailor Moon R Movie"

Feature film "Sailor Moon R Movie" was made based on the second season of the series Sailor Moon. It tells the story of a mysterious alien from a distant planet named Fiore. When Fiore was a little boy, he lost his parents and in the Fiore hospital he met Mamoru, who found himself in exactly the same situation. Fiore and Mamoru became friends, but one day Fiore announced that it was time for him to fly to his planet. In parting, Mamoru gave Fiora a red rose, and they said goodbye on long years. In the present day, Fiore returns to Earth and kidnaps Mamoru, now an adult. Usagi is desperate. Together with their friends, they go to the flower planet in search of the kidnapped Mamoru. Where Fiore almost kills Sailor Moon, but she survives. Subsequently, the warriors had to save the planet from a meteorite falling on it. Usagi dies, but Mamoru is able to save her thanks to Fiore's flowers.

"Sailor Moon S Movie"

Feature film "Sailor Moon S Movie" was made based on the third season of the series Sailor Moon. Christmas, snow everywhere, Usagi and her friends are anxiously awaiting Christmas. But suddenly the talking cat Luna goes missing. Artemis begins to worry and persuades the girls to find her. Meanwhile, Luna finds shelter with a very handsome astronaut, with whom she falls in love. But since Luna is a cat, she can never be with him. Meanwhile, the planet is attacked by the mysterious Ice Queen, who dreams of freezing the Earth and adding it to her collection. Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako decide to confront her and stop her from turning our planet into an icy desert.

"Sailor Moon SuperS Movie"

Latest feature film "Sailor Moon SuperS Movie" was made based on the fourth season of the series Sailor Moon. Just like the season itself full-length cartoon dedicated to Chibiusa. One day she meets a cute elf named Peruru and naturally falls in love with him. But there is one problem - Peruru is forced to obey an evil queen who kidnaps little children through hypnosis.

Special Issues

"Sailor Moon R Special"

“Make-Up! Sailor Senshi" was shown in cinemas in a package with the feature film Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R Movie

"Sailor Moon SuperS Special"

"Sailor Moon SuperS Special" is a special for the fourth season of the series, which aired between episodes 33 and 34. The length of the special issue is 45 minutes and it includes three short stories. The first novel follows Usagi's life throughout the first three seasons and includes flashbacks to previous episodes series, which tells about the struggle of the sailor warriors against the Dark Kingdom, the Dark Moon Dynasty and the Apostles of Death. The second novel tells what happened to Haruka and Michiru during the fourth season, when they were absent for all the episodes of that season. In this novella, Haruka and Michiru encounter a strange ventriloquist and his talking doll, who are clearly planning some dark plot. The third novel is an adaptation of one of the special comics of the manga and tells us how a strange new student Ririka comes to Chibiusa’s class, who turns out to be a real vampire. The special issue, unlike the movies, turned out to be very successful and the action in it develops quite dynamically. But visually, the special falls significantly short of the series.

"Ami-chan no Hatsukoi"

This special issue can be literally translated as "Ami's First Love" and as you may have guessed, the main character in it is Ami Mitsuno. This short short episode is about Ami's mysterious rival who beats her in all her exams. But the annoying thing is that this student is hiding under the pseudonym Mercurius. Who is this guy? mysterious person? While Ami tries to figure this out, her school is attacked by a demon again... Missing from this special is the cat Luna, who takes on the role of voice-over narrator. This special is only 15 minutes long and was released as a bonus on the VHS edition of the fourth season. Later, when the company began re-releasing the season on DVD, the special was also added.


The manga first appeared in 1992, after its predecessor manga " Codename Sailor V" became very popular. The TV Asahi company wanted to film this manga, but proposed making the heroine not just one girl, but a whole team with different characters, in order to make more money on related products (toys, stationery). Then Naoko came up with the idea for the series “Beauty - Warrior Sailor Moon”. The mangaka has always been interested in astronomy and mythology, which is why she gave her new heroines such names and powers. - "...At first SM was a little in its own world, the world of my imagination. But now it has become a worldwide work, under the supervision of many people from all continents writing to me “I love SM” and I know that this is true and I will not say more" I don’t believe it “I am very, very happy that I can share this joy. I'm so glad I drew SM...”

The manga, like the series, tells the story of the struggle of magical girls against abstract evil. However, unlike the anime, the manga is more logical, and the girls are more consistent with the status of defenders of everything and everyone - they can fly, and a directed nuclear strike will only make them grin. There is violence in the manga, it is shown briefly, but it is not completely removed. It explains what a silver crystal is, why it is needed, and other plot things that remain a “closed secret” in the animated series. Translated into Russian by fans.

In 2003-2004, a re-release of the manga was released to coincide with the live-action series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (12 tankōbon volumes). In the new edition, some shortcomings in the drawing were corrected, a changed logo was introduced, changes were made in the structure of some acts, corrections were made in the texts, etc. The special issues were published in two separate volumes (Short Stories).


The Sailor Moon anime was produced by TV Asahi, Toei Agency and Toei Animation. The show began just a month after the publication of the first issue of the manga. The anime consists of 200 episodes, shown from March 1992 to February 1997 on TV Asahi, making Sailor Moon one of the longest running anime in the maho-shoujo genre. The anime sparked an incredibly successful merchandising campaign with over 5,000 titles, fueled by worldwide demand and translation into many other languages. Since then, Sailor Moon has become one of the most famous anime in the world.

The anime series consists of five separate, completed stories of around 40 episodes each, usually referred to as seasons. Each season roughly corresponds to one of the five main story arcs of the manga: they share the main story line and most of the characters appear in both works. There are also five animated specials and three feature-length films: Sailor Moon R: The Movie, Sailor Moon S: The Movie, and Sailor Moon Supers: The Movie.

The series used hand-drawn animation techniques. The series was originally directed by Junichi Sato, then by Kunihiro Ikuhara, and then by Takuya Igarashi. Character designs were done by Kazuko Tadano, Ikuko Ito and Katsumi Tamegai

The series was released in Japan on DVD in 12 "volumes", each of which had sold more than 300,000 copies by the end of 1995.


Usagi Tsukino (Japanese: 月野 うさぎ Tsukino Usagi ?)

The main character of the works. The translation for seasons 1-3 of the anime is Bunny Tsukino. She was an ordinary schoolgirl. After meeting the talking cat Luna, she gains the opportunity to transform into the warrior Sailor Moon. She uses her powers to protect those she cares about.
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi, Kae Araki

Mamoru Chiba (Japanese: 地場衛 Chiba Mamoru? , Protecting this place)

Mamoru is a college student. When he was little, he was in a car accident. His parents then died, and Mamoru himself forgot who he was. Has some ability to foresee the future. Sometimes uses the image of Tuxedo Mask to help warriors. In the original anime and manga, he is called Tuxedo Kamen.
In the second season (second half), he finds out that he will become Usagi's husband. They and the warriors travel to the future, to Silver Tokyo, where they learn that they have a daughter, Little Bani (Chibiusa). Voiced by: Toru Furuya.

Ami Mizuno (Japanese: 水野亜美 Mizuno Ami ?)

Another common way to pronounce the surname is Mitsuno. Usagi's quiet and intelligent classmate. There are rumors that it is equal to 300, . She can transform into a warrior named Sailor Mercury who uses the power of water. She dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up.
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa

Rei Hino (Japanese: 火野レイ Hino Ray?) Minako Aino (Japanese: 愛野美奈子 Aino Minako ?)

Initially, she fought alone as Sailor V, but then joined the rest of the warriors. Minako has a companion - the cat Artemis. She transforms into Sailor Venus, Warrior of Love. He is the leader of Sailor Moon's inner guard quartet. Minako dreams of becoming famous singer and an idol, so he attends every audition he can.
Voiced by: Rika Fukami

Chibiusa (Japanese: ちびうさ Tibius? , Baby)

The daughter of Mamoru and Usagi, she first traveled back in time from the 30th century to find help and save her parents, later returning to train with Sailor Moon and become a warrior. She can transform into Sailor Chibi Moon. Chibi Usa dreams of growing up and becoming a lady like her mother.
Voiced by: Kae Araki

Michiru Kaio (Japanese: 海王みちる Kaio: Michiru? , Sea Queen Michiru) Hotaru Tomo (Japanese: 土萠 ほたる Tomoe Hotaru ?)

When Hotaru was little, one day she was in the laboratory of her father, a geneticist, when an explosion occurred. Everyone died except Dr. Tomo. When he saw that Hotaru was dead, he gave his body to the demon Hermatoid in exchange for Hotaru’s life, but a demon, the Messiah of Darkness, also possessed her body.
Hotaru gets sick often. Before meeting Chibiusa, she had no friends at all. Hotaru dreams of becoming a doctor. Her main ability- heal wounds. Transforms into Sailor Saturn, the warrior of destruction.
Voiced by: Yuko Minaguchi

Since the release of the Sailor Moon anime, its characters have literally captured the minds of girls in Japan, and a little later throughout the world. There are several reasons for this popularity, but the main one is that the heroines are very diverse and “lifelike.” Each girl can find among them the one who is most like her.

Briefly about the plot

Seven ordinary schoolgirls live in Tokyo with their own worries, problems and joys. However, they have one secret that unites these seemingly different teenagers. All of them, when the Earth is threatened by demons from other planets, are able to turn into “warriors in sailor suits” and fight the villains. One of them, Usagi (Bunny) Tsukino, the main heroine of the Sailor Moon anime, becomes the leader of the team. She learned about her abilities when she met the magical cat Luna, who told her about her purpose.

In the first of five seasons, brave warriors encounter a group of demons calling themselves the “Dark Kingdom.” Taking energy from people, the demons gradually gain strength, and only Usagi and her friends are able to stop them. To do this, they need to find magical rainbow crystals. If you collect all these crystals, you can gain enormous power, and therefore you cannot allow them to fall into the hands of demons.

However, it turns out that there is a third party in the hunt for the Crystals - a mysterious masked warrior named Toxedo Mask. As is usual in most “girl” anime, Sailor Moon herself falls in love with Toxedo. This character, however, is trying to find the crystals not for the sake of helping the warriors, but for his own purposes.

Although in the end " Lunar team“The warrior girls manage to defeat these demons; in each of the next four seasons, the Earth is threatened by enemies from other planets, so Sailor Moon, her friends and Toxedo Mask will have to stand guard over good justice more than once.


Perhaps those who have never watched anime will wonder: what is he like, a typical Sailor Moon character? What's this? It is very difficult to give such a definition, because all the main characters are very different in character, habits and appearance. However, one thing is for sure: the heroes of this anime are the most ordinary Tokyo schoolgirls with supernatural powers.

Main characters

There are five main heroines that lead the plot in Sailor Moon. All of them are schoolgirls with different characters and different backgrounds, united by the mission to save the Earth from its enemies (“We bring goodness and justice” is their motto). Each of the warriors in sailor suits is protected by his own heavenly body- Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus. This partly determines their character and fighting abilities.

Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)

The name of this bright and childishly naive fourteen-year-old girl translates as “Moon Hare.” She even looks like a bunny, especially due to the fact that she braids her hair in 2 characteristic ponytails that resemble bunny ears.

Cheerful and carefree Usagi (who is called Bunny in the first seasons of the anime) does not like to study, although she is not at all stupid and passes exams without problems when preparing for them. But usually you don’t want to prepare at all; it’s much more interesting to go to a karaoke club with your girlfriend, bake another tasty treat, or Once again quarrel with a mischievous boy named Mamoru.

So Bunny would have lived a very ordinary life if one day she had not met a cute (at first glance) talking cat Luna. The cat told Usagi that she is one of the “warriors in sailor suits” who are called upon to protect Serenity, the princess of the Moon Kingdom, and in every possible way to interfere with the evil demons in the implementation of their villainous plans, in a word - to bring retribution in the world. And how can you manage not to drop out of school? ? The task is not easy, but Usagi will definitely cope.

In addition to the main character, there are characters in Sailor Moon, without whose help she would not be able to cope with the problems that arise.

Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)

The second most important character after Sailor Moon is Sailor Mars, aka Rei Hino. Her name means “Fiery Soul,” which fully corresponds to both the patron planet and the character of this girl. Long before Rey knew she belonged to the “sailor warriors,” she had supernatural ability to predictions using fire. Her classmates were wary of her and even blamed her for all the strange things happening around her.

Stubborn and hot-tempered, brave and independent, Rei did not immediately agree to join the Sailor Moon team, but was still forced to do so in order to confront the looming threat.

Rei greatly disapproves of Usagi's frivolous behavior, which causes constant friction between them. But there is also positive side: thanks to her practicality and prudence, Rei often cools the ardor of her overly amorous girlfriends.

(Sailor Mercury)

Usagi's classmate Ami, whose name means "Water Rain", is another of the sailor warriors. Responsibility, obsession with learning and some isolation - that's all about her. In the class, the girl was considered a cram and did not want to be friends, so she is wary of others.

Having learned that Ami was also a warrior in a sailor suit, Usagi tried to make friends with her, but she did not succeed immediately. Like Rei, Ami did not want to accept her fate, but the reason was completely different. If Ami spends time fighting evil forces, then how can she also have time to study? And it is necessary to study, and certainly with excellent marks, because Ami in the future is going to devote herself to medicine, like her parents. Perhaps, if she lived in our world, this character would hardly be able to answer the question “what is Sailor Moon,” because this girl has absolutely no time for such nonsense as anime.

And yet, what can happen cannot be avoided, and therefore Ami also had to fight to protect herself and her friends.

Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter)

In a team of warriors in sailor suits, Makoto (her name means “Truth” in Japanese) seems to be the eldest not only in age, but also in character and life experience.

Having lost her parents at an early age, the future Sailor Jupiter was forced to learn to fend for herself. Perhaps that’s why she developed a fighting spirit and is truly afraid of Usagi new girlfriend and her ability to use fighting techniques, but at the same time, like other main characters in Sailor Moon, respects her as an older sister. Despite her boyish behavior, Makoto loves to cook and generally do housework; she can happily go shopping with her friends, so this heroine is actually not as clear-cut as it might seem at first glance.

Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)

The famous pop singer, the idol of Tokyo schoolgirls, including Usagi and Ami, a beauty and a stealer of hearts - all this can be said about Minako. But she also has a second, hidden side to life: when a threat to goodness and justice arises, Minako turns into the mysterious warrior Sailor V (only later, having joined Usagi’s team, she began to be called Sailor Venus).

The beautiful, blond, long-haired Sailor V looks very similar to Princess Serenity, whom the warriors in sailor suits are called upon to protect. She uses this feature to distract enemies from a real princess- Usagi.

Besides her appearance, Minako has another similarity with Usagi - both were helped to awaken their magical powers cats. Minako has a white cat, Artemis, with whom she has a very warm relationship.

Minor characters

What anime for girls can do without “Prince Charming”? That is why, in addition to the main heroines, there is another character who plays a leading role in the Sailor Moon metaseries, although he appears occasionally - Toxedo Mask.

The mysterious assistant of the sailor warriors, wearing a mask, always accompanies his appearance with a scarlet rose. Of course, Sailor Moon falls in love with this handsome man, not suspecting for the time being that he and the always bullying high school student Mamoru Jiba (“Defender of the Earth” in Japanese) are one and the same person.

The incarnation of Prince Endymion is destined to be with Sailor Moon (Princess Serenity). In the Moon Kingdom in the future, they had a daughter, Chibiusa. When the kingdom is again in danger, the baby goes back in time and literally falls on Usagi’s head. This is how the character Sailor Chibi Moon first appears. From the anime we learn what happened in the future and why such a little girl decided to become a warrior like Sailor Moon.

There are characters in the Sailor Moon anime who are not so significant, but are also warriors in sailor suits. " Sweet couple" - Neptune and Uranus (Michiru Kayo and Haruka Teno), for example, almost never separate. They are both girls, but Hotaru (aka Sailor Uranus) looks and acts like a guy in real life. Michiru seems to be the complete opposite of her friend. She is gentle and feminine, enjoys playing the violin and draws well. Towards the end of the anime, they practically became adoptive parents for another warrior - Sailor Saturn (Hotaru Tomo). This girl differs from the others not only in her soreness and physical weakness, but also in the origin of her gift. Due to an accident in childhood, Hotaru became a dark warrior of destruction, and it was possible to return her to the light side only by turning her back into a baby and raising her again.

Setsuna Meio appeared in the story at the moment when Sailor Moon and Chibiusa traveled through time. Pluto guards the Gate of Time from uninvited guests, and during her service she became very lonely and unsociable, although she is quite friendly towards the other warriors.


The characters appearing in the Sailor Moon anime, as in any fairy tale, are divided into positive and negative. Each season presents its own group of alien demons, who certainly need to capture the souls of people, power, the Earth and generally eliminate Princess Serenity from the world.

At the very beginning, a group of villains appears, calling themselves the Dark Kingdom. They are looking for seven rainbow crystals, which, when collected together, will turn into one powerful one that can help them seize power. Well, along the way, the leader of this bandit group, Queen Beryl, together with her assistants, takes the souls of people in order to bring their mistress Metalia back to life.

In the second season, when the warriors in sailor suits lost their memory and began to live ordinary teenage lives, the Children of the Dark Forest, Eil and Anna, flew to Earth. Believing that human energy was needed to revive their tree, they took the souls of people and did not even suspect the Tree’s real need for love.

After the happy rescue of two lovers, in the second half of the season, the sailor warriors had to fight with yet another demoness, the Pursuer Sisters, who were hunting for little Chibiusa.

In the third season, the masked warriors had to fight Professor Tomo, the father of Sailor Saturn, and his Apostles of Death. And after Hotaru joined the Sailor Moon team, earthlings were attacked by the Dead Moon Circus, whose demons fed on people's dreams. And finally, the final enemies of the warriors in sailor suits were Sailor Galaxia and other star warriors like themselves.

And in addition...

In addition to five seasons of anime, three full-length films were also released on television: Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS, the game series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon and many musicals. Manga fans can also read the original source, from which the anime was made, and in 2014, even a re-release that was closer to the manga. In general, in Japan, and throughout the world, this anime has become one of the most popular. Almost all the characters presented in Sailor Moon have inspired numerous cosplayers. Photos of them were presented in the article.

Real name: Usagi Tsukino (Bunny Tsukino)
Warrior name: Sailor Moon
Other names: Princess Serenity/Neo Queen Serenity
Age: 14 years (season 3 - 15, season 5 - 16 years)
Height: 150 cm
Birthday: June 30
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Family: father - Tsukino Kenji (magazine editor), mother - Tsukino Ikuko (housewife), brother - Tsukino Shingo (5th grade)
Hobbies: eating, shopping, playing video games, reading manga, sleeping
Least favorite activity: studying, doing housework
Favorite subject: Housekeeping
Least favorite subject: mathematics, English
Favorite colors: white, pink
Favorite food: fast food, ice cream, cakes
Least favorite food: carrots
Disadvantages: hot temper, lack of restraint
Virtues: sincerity, faith in love
Afraid of: ghosts, dentists
Life motto: The more children sleep, the faster they grow
Dream: To become a good wife
Dreams of visiting: Versailles
Appearance: Usagi has blue eyes and long blonde hair, which she wears in the form of two ponytails on the sides with buns at the top. In Japan, this hairstyle is called "Odango" and this is the nickname given to her by Mamoru and Haruka. Usagi's daily outfit consists of a school uniform that is incredibly light blue, almost white with a blue tint. The uniform is decorated with blue sailor collar with two white hairs. Usagi ties a large red bow on the front of her blouse, to which she attaches a magical medallion. Sailor Moon's (Usagi) school uniform consists of a white blouse with blue cuffs (and white stripes on them) and a blue pleated skirt with a bow on the back. In summer, she wears a white top with short puffy sleeves. White knee socks and black shoes complete Usagi's casual outfit. Another noticeable characteristic of Usagi is her height. Usagi is officially the shortest among all the sailor warriors.
Character: Usagi is distinguished from others not only by her height, but also by her completely unbalanced character. Usagi is quick-tempered and incredibly emotional. She is a real crybaby, by the way, sometimes she quite successfully manipulates people with the help of tears. At the very beginning of the anime, Usagi looks more like a scared girl than a great sailor warrior or the queen of the silver millennium. Over time, Usagi matures, but one problem remains - difficulty making decisions. She almost never takes independent actions...until a strong motivation appears such as a threat to the lives of her friends or the kidnapping of her lover. Usagi is quite unfocused and lazy, just to take into account her attitude towards studying... but she is the main character for a reason. A very important feature that distinguishes her is faith, faith in friends, faith in people, faith in love, goodness and justice. Usagi is quite open and makes friends easily, unlike other sailor warriors. It is thanks to Usagi that the sailor warriors become closer and understand that together they are much stronger than alone.
Features: Sailor Moon was introduced to audiences (and manga readers) in different reincarnations. In fact, her life is stretched between the era of the Silver Millennium and the 30th century. For this reason, we know several forms of Usagi:
Usagi Tsukino
Sailor Moon - a fighter for goodness and justice in the name of the Moon
Princess Serenity - daughter of Queen Serenity
Neo Queen Serenity - Queen of Crystal Tokyo of the 30th century
Super Sailor Moon - Sailor Moon with the power of the Grail
Eternal Sailor Moon is the strongest version of Sailor Moon.
Moreover, Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon and Eternal Sailor Moon are essentially transformations when other forms are reincarnations of Usagi.
Transformations: To perform an attack, Usagi must first transform, to do this she uses magic brooches. The first such item was a brooch given by the cat Luna. Other Sailor Moon warriors use wands to transform.
Moon Prism Power, Make Up! - Lunar prism, give me strength!
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up! - Crystal power of the Moon, transform me!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up! - Cosmic power of the Moon, transform me!
Crisis, Make Up! - Holy Grail, give me strength!
Moon Crisis, Make Up! - Lunar prisms, give us strength! Transformation with Chibiusa.
Moon Eternal, Make Up! (temp) - Eternal Moon, help!
Moon Eternal, Make Up! - Eternal moon, give me strength!
Sailor Moon also had a magic pen - a wand with which she could change her appearance and turn into other people.
Disquise Power! - Power of the Moon, turn me into...
Sailor Moon Attacks:
Moon Tiara Action - Moon Tiara Action!
Moon Tiara Stardust - Moon tiara, scatter star dust!
Sonic Cry - Acoustic Scream
Moon Healing Escalation - The healing power of the moon, help!
Moon Princess Halation - Healing power of the moon, help me!
Sailor Body Attack - Moving on to contact combat
Moon Spyral Heart Attack - Magic Moon Rod, help!
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache - Magic Moon Rod, help me!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation - Magic lunar kaleidoscope, go into battle!
Starlight Honeymoon Terapy Kiss - Honey kiss of the bride!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss - Kiss the silver moon!
Sailor Moon is especially active in the first season in using the tiara, which she throws as a weapon. Also, the tiara attack can be combined with the attacks of Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury. The Moon Rod is capable of healing people who have been turned into demons. One of Sailor Moon's most powerful weapons is the silver crystal. This weapon is capable of destroying enemies, healing and using the power of other sailor warriors. Usagi received her crystal power thanks to the Crystal Star. The Magic Moon Rod is a gift from her mother, which came in handy when Usagi couldn’t reincarnate and save her friends. Usagi received cosmic power thanks to a small Cosmic Heart. The Spiral Moon Rod was born out of the love of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
Uchagi received the reincarnation of Super Sailor Moon thanks to a powerful artifact - the Grail, capable of destroying the entire world. Another item for transforming into Super Sailor Moon is a small Lunar Crisis, a gift from Pegasus.
Usagi transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon with the help of a brooch called the Eternal Moon Agreement.
And another distinctive feature of Sailor Moon that we have not written about is that she does not kill the enemy, but tries to lure him to the light side. She has a lot of understanding, striving for harmony and happiness. Her heart is loving and patient, she adores life, the youth of her friends, and this is what captivates the audience. She always has her head in the clouds, but does everything to make her dreams come true.
Interesting fact - Usagi's name (Bunny) means rabbit, she herself loves rabbits, but hates carrots.
Usagi is also the only one to appear in all 200 episodes of the anime.
Thanks for your help in writing this article.

Good day, visitors to the AnimeWorld website.

Have you watched "Sailor Moon"? Did you catch that ancient first anime adaptation in the good old nineties? Or did you meet her relatively recently thanks to the remake? Not that important. If you love Sailor Moon, this satya is definitely for you!

58 surprising (or not so surprising) facts about Sailor Moon that will definitely interest you.

1. It’s scary to imagine how many changes happened to the series after it came to America. These changes affected not only names, plot elements and inscriptions in Japanese. Some “scenes of violence” were completely cut out (yes, from the point of view of censorship there are plenty of them), but many frames were also redrawn... Actually, those are those presented below.

Yes. Because there’s no point in confusing children’s fragile minds with the lines of a woman’s body, yeah.

2. In almost all countries, the original title of the series “Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon” (“Beautiful Warrior / Beautiful Warrior Sailor Moon”) was cut down to the laconic “Sailor Moon”. Brevity is the soul of wit.

3. Actually, the series itself is just an adaptation of a manga written by Naoko Takeuchi. This was published in the shoujo manga magazine “Nakayoshi” from 1991 to 1997.

4. The first edition of the manga consisted of 18 volumes. However, then, from the second edition, there were 12 of them. The first anime adaptation contains 200 episodes and three full-length films, the second anime adaptation contains 26 episodes. Also based on this work, several dramas, musicals and dozens of video games have been made, not to mention figurines, cards, dakimakura and other stuff for fans.

5. It so happened that dear gentlemen, the Americans could not stop at just re-drawing the original series. In 1995, there was an attempt to make a remake of Sailor Moon. In your own style. It was supposed to be half-live action, half-Western animation. But after 17 minutes of presenting the idea and previewing the episode, everything was quickly folded and hidden deeper until no one saw.

Well, you understand.

6. In 1993, the Sailor Moon manga received a special Kodansha Manga Award in the shoujo (girls) category.

7. Sailor Chibi-Moon, along with Sailor Moon, uses the special attack Moon Gorgeous Meditation only in "Sailor Moon Super S The Movie - Black Dream Hole".

8. The enemies from the third season (the so-called “Apostles of Death”) are from Tau Ceti. Tau Ceti (τ Cet, τ Ceti) is a real sun-like star located in the constellation Cetus. Located at a distance of almost 12 light years from the Solar System, it is one of the closest stars to us.

9. There are quite a few differences between anime and manga. One of them concerned Michiru Kayo (Sailor Neptune). In the anime, this young lady draws wonderfully, her paintings are even in the museum, however, in the manga, painting is not included in the list of her hobbies. But collecting cosmetics is included.

10. Ikuhara Kunihiko directed many episodes of Sailor Moon, as well as Sailor Moon R Movie: Promise of the Rose. Ikuhara is also the director of this famous work like “Young Revolutionary Utena” (which he and his team, in fact, left to direct after the third season of SM) and lesser known ones – “ Mawaru Penguindrum" And " Yuri Kuma Arashi».

11. In the anime, Sailor Stars are women who... how should I say... changed their gender to disguise themselves on Earth. Therefore in Everyday life they are biologically male, but when transformed they become female again. In the manga, such mysterious manipulations of chromosomes are not observed, there they are just women dressing up as men. The explanation for such a masquerade is quite simple: they needed popularity to be heard and seen, but on Earth no one would take seriously women singing about their love for the Princess. However, in both the manga and anime adaptations, one of the Stars, Seiya, has a romantic interest in Usagi.

12. The author of the manga, Naoko Takeuchi, did not welcome this anime gender change, but clearly stated that only female representatives can be Sailor Senshi. Therefore, there is no Sailor Earth in any version of the work. Tuxedo Kamen (Tuxedo Mask), a man, is the guardian of the Earth Sailor Crystal. But Naoko never explained how he got to him in the first place.

13. Sailor Mars' name, Rei, was written in katakana in the original manga, a syllabary that the Japanese use to write foreign names.

14.V ancient mythology Pluto is the god of Death, and Saturn is the god of Time. For some unknown reasons, in SM they exchanged roles: Sailor Pluto received abilities associated with Time, and Sailor Saturn - with Death and destruction.

15. In the manga, Ami (Sailor Mercury) called Albert Einstein her ideal man. So that.

16. The name “Bunny Tsukino”, with which the main character of the series came to Russian-speaking countries, was taken from the American adaptation. The original Japanese name is Usagi Tsukino, which can literally be translated as “Moon Rabbit”. Similar name associated with Japanese folklore. The idea of ​​a rabbit living on the moon arose due to a pareidolic visual illusion - dark spots on the surface of the Moon were perceived as the figure of a hare or rabbit.

The Japanese believe that it is very similar to a rabbit making mochi (Japanese rice cakes).

17. Apparently, Usagi big fan her name - she has a lot of things with rabbits.

But that’s not a problem - the thing she doesn’t like most about food is carrots. This was mentioned several times in the work.

18. In the manga, the main Sailor Warriors have castles. Mercury has Mariner, Mars has Phobos Deimos, Venus has Magellan, Jupiter has Io, Uranus has Miranda, Neptune has Triton, Pluto has Charon and Saturn has Titan. The names of the castles are also of an astrological nature - they are satellites of the corresponding planets, and only those of Mercury and Venus are spacecraft.

In the anime adaptation, the names Phobos and Deimos were borne by the crows living in Rei's temple.

19. Even in the original Japanese voice acting, the Sailor Warriors' attacks sound (at least try to) in English, not Japanese. This is because many Japanese people think that foreign words sound very cool.

20. And again to censorship. In the American dub, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune suddenly became cousins. Naturally, all hints of their relationship were cut out. Now it’s no secret to anyone that in the Japanese original it’s a couple of lovers. Without any blood relationship!

21. The relationship between Uranus and Neptune is not only of concern to English-speaking countries. In the Russian dubbing, they also mocked Uranus as best they could. Just look at her male voice in the fifth season of the anime.

22. American censorship also did not ignore another homosexual couple - Kunzite and Zoisite (Kunsite and Zoisite). A few corrected events, corrected dialogues, “correct” dubbing - and with a slight movement of the hand, Zoisit turns into a lovely woman.

Come on, no one even suspected anything.

23. Well, according to tradition, our “native” censorship. Just one phrase. Where in the original, when dying, Zoisite said: “Kunsaito-sama, I loved you,” they added just a little: “...I loved you AS A FATHER.” That's it. Just everything.

24. Continuation of the sensitive topic of gender and orientation. Fisheye from the Amazon Trio is also biologically male. Yes. Seriously. For particularly desperate opponents of this fact (who are not convinced even by the words of Naoko Takeuchi), there is always an excellent screenshot:

Even in such a harsh thing as SM they would not show a completely naked female body.

25. Initially, each of the warriors was supposed to have an original sailor fuku design. But something went wrong.

26. And to continue the theme: in one of the preliminary concept art, Sailor Moon has pink hair. But this is so, in case someone wants to explain for themselves the nightmare of the geneticists of the Moon Kingdom in the person of the suddenly pink-haired daughter of a brunette and a blonde.

27. Naoko Takeuchi's original idea was silver color Usagi's hair after transforming into Sailor Moon. But this idea was embodied only in Princess Serenity.

28. Ordinary Japanese schoolgirls Haruka and Michiru each have a helicopter at their disposal. Haruka's helicopter is called Tenomaru, and Michiru's helicopter is called Kayomaru.

29. Sailor Mercury's mother is a doctor, and her father is an artist.

30. The oldest member of the Sailor Warriors team is Sailor Pluto. As old as time.

31. Sailor Neptune is the only warrior who awakened without outside help.

32. Naoko Takeuchi “created” the Sailor Moon family from her own. I mean, I gave them the names of my relatives. She also named several other characters after her acquaintances and friends.

33. In 1997 Disney studio I wanted to buy the rights to SM. Naoko Takeuchi refused. Because... well, they already have Mickey Mouse!

34. Sailor Ceres, Sailor Pallas, Sailor Juno and Sailor Vesta are the four Sailor Warriors who took their names from the asteroid belt in the Solar System.

35. Total Sailor Warriors 12: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibi-Moon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Pallas, Sailor Juno and Sailor Vesta, Sailor Star Warrior, Sailor Star Creator, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Kakyuu, Sailor Chibi-Chibi/Cosmos and Sailor Galaxia. Only seven of them are planets. We all know what happened to Pluto :(

36. Naoko Takeuchi has received many requests from Hollywood for permission to use SM adaptations in her works. But Takeuchi-san is relentless.

37. The release of the remake of SM (“Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal”) was planned for the summer of 2013, then it was shifted towards winter 2013, then it was shifted again, and again, and again... And the anime was released only in July 2014.

38. Fun fact– if in the first anime adaptation floppy disks were used as electronic storage media (does anyone even know what that is?..), but in “Sailor Moon Crystal” these are DVDs. It's the same in new versions of the manga.

39. Haruka (Sailor Uranus), in addition to a helicopter, is the proud owner of a Ferrari 512M. Because it's Naoko Takeuchi's favorite car.

40. Naoko Takeuchi graduated from Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy with a bachelor's degree in chemistry. That's why her characters have names precious stones, minerals and various elements of the well-known table.

41. Sailor Mars is presumably left-handed because she holds her “bow” like a left-hander when attacking.

42. In Japan, Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) occupied the first places in character ratings and did not leave them for a long time. Not just like that.

43. In the Polish translation of the SM manga, there was a certain period of time when the name Sailor Saturn was mistakenly translated as "Sailor Satan". Of course, because of the Japanese spelling (which sounds like "Sir Satan"), but... Whoops. This explains a lot.

44. The most helpless character in the work is Toxedo Kamen. Even in the original manga, he was... ahem, transferred to the dark side three times - in three different story arcs, three different characters.

Look, man, give Sailor Moon a little break.

45. Sailor Pluto’s favorite food is eggplant. I don’t know why this fact is here, but there’s another one at once: Sailor Uranus’s favorite food is salad. And my least favorite is natto.

46. ​​Initially, the Sailor Stars' hairstyles did not include long tails. Naoko Takeuchi asked to add them a little later. It looked too sad.

47. The talismans belonging to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are based on the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan (the so-called “Regalia of the Japanese Emperors”). These are the bronze mirror of Yata no Kagami, pendants made of precious stones (jasper) Yasakani no Magatama and the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi. They symbolize wisdom, prosperity and courage respectively.

48. Seiya Kou's profile (Sailor Star Warrior) presents her as someone who gives the impression of being somewhere between Haruka and Mamoru: strong, selfish, tough, crazy, extraordinary, restless and extremely pessimistic.

49. Sailor Neptune doesn’t have a school subject that she does worse than the others. She's just perfect. However, her favorite subject is music. She dreams of becoming a violinist.

50. In the French dub, Artemis was mistakenly made to be a cat when he first appeared.

51. And in the Portuguese dub, Artemis and Luna simply swung their hems.

52. Happy Valley Sailor Moon - this is the name of a hybrid flower from the orchid family, bred by Shigeru Makoto Kono. This is called a “fan”!

53. Sailor Jupiter was originally supposed to be named Mamoru. But it suited Tuxedo Kamen better.

54. Tuxedo Kamena slippers. Doesn't burn at all.

55. The store that Naru's mother owns is called Osa-P. This is the nickname of editor Naoko Takeuchi.

56. The prototype of the ruins of the Moon Kingdom are the ruins in Syria.

57. In episode 174, Ami prints out a letter on English language, and she is asked to translate it. She says it's from the Columbia University Library website, an article about space exploration. But if you look closely, you can see that the lyrics to “Danger zone” by Kenny Loggins are written there.

Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take you
Right into the Danger Zone…

58. In the original Japanese anime, when talking about herself, Haruka uses the male pronoun "boku", which women prefer not to use. So this is another reason why the main characters had some problems with her gender identity.

A blond teenage girl who entered the fight against the forces of evil became one of most popular characters manga. With the help of magical paraphernalia and faith in goodness, the brave heroine saved many people and overcame her own fears. However, there were also sad moments in Sailor Moon’s life. Who said supergirls don't cry?

History of creation

Sailor Moore and a team of noble warriors have been guarding the Earth since 1993. Naoko Takeuchi, author legendary character, since childhood I dreamed of creating my own comic book.

The first attempt to create unusual character became the manga Codename: Sailor V, published in 1991. The resulting plot, despite the interest of readers, did not satisfy the author.

The second attempt, the Sailor Moon manga, pleased both the creator and fans of Takeuchi’s work. This time, Naoko put more personality into the characters in the comic. For example, Sailor Moon's relatives received the names of the author's real relatives. The nicknames of most of the characters are borrowed from astronomy, which the girl was interested in in her youth.

A month after the launch of the manga, the Toei studio proposed launching an anime based on the comics about the warrior. The cartoon was followed by musicals, a live-action TV show and computer games. The popularity of the franchise dedicated to warriors in sailor suits doesn't seem to be waning.


Usagi Tsukino (in some translations - Bunny Tsukino) is an ordinary 14-year-old schoolgirl. The girl lives in Tokyo with her parents and younger brother. Every day the heroine goes to school, helps her mother with housework and dreams of someday marrying a prince.

However, studying, helping around the house and even dreams do not save the heroine from regular whining and laziness. The girl does not like to make decisions on her own and often hides from reality in her own room. Usagi's life changes in an instant.

Reluctantly walking to school, the girl finds the neighbor's children torturing a cat. The cruelty outrages the heroine, so the boys get a scolding, and the beautiful animal with the moon in its forehead flees. That same evening, a familiar cat climbs into Usagi’s room and reveals the truth to the girl.

In fact, the schoolgirl is a reincarnated warrior named Sailor Moon, whose duties include protecting the Earth from the forces of evil. Many centuries ago, there was a civilization on the Moon - the Silver Millennium. Civilians did not lay claim to the Earth, so the two races lived quietly side by side. Princess Serenity of the Moon fell in love with the Prince of Earth. Nothing interfered with the happiness and rule of the young.

But one day the Dark Kingdom attacked the Moon and destroyed the peaceful people. Only a few warriors and the princess managed to escape. The heroines were reborn into new people of a different era. Now Sailor Moon’s task is to find Serenity and her friends in arms. New abilities should help in the search and protect Usagi from danger.

The girl is helped to transform into Sailor Moon by a brooch given by Luna, a cat who became the heroine’s mentor. In addition to transformation, the accessory helps the schoolgirl find other defenders of the Earth. The warrior's first weapon was a diadem. The decoration emits light that neutralizes demons. An equally important role in Sailor Moon’s equipment is played by the moon rod, which is capable of coping with any manifestation of evil.

Sailor Moon's first battles as a superheroine were disastrous. The girl was afraid of any danger and tried not to engage in combat, preferring to run away. But with each new test the heroine became more confident and decisive. An unpleasant characteristic that Usagi was given at the beginning life path, gave way to the title - the beautiful warrior Sailor Moon.

In addition to her calling and abilities, Usagi finds a lover. A handsome stranger in a mask appears at the most dangerous moments of the battle and helps Sailor Moon defeat the enemy. The only thing the heroine has left after meeting a brave man named Tuxedo Mask is a blooming rose.

In the fight against the revived Dark Kingdom, Sailor Moon will reveal another secret - the girl is not at all a simple warrior. Usagi is the new incarnation of Princess Luna Serenity. Moreover, Tuxedo Mask, who saved the heroine from trouble so many times, is the reborn prince of the Earth, from whom the girl was separated dark forces. The lovers would reunite again in the twentieth century.

But the relationship between young people is not cloudless. Demons all over the planet dream of destroying heroes. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask have to overcome many obstacles: the prince will become the embodiment of the forces of evil, the princess will lose her family during battles, the relationship of young people will survive a love triangle.

Prince Diamond, unrequitedly in love with Sailor Moon, kidnapped the girl using hypnosis. True, the magical tricks did not work and only angered the warrior. Besides ex-girlfriend The prince, mad with jealousy, tried to kill the heroine. Only Tuxedo Mask was able to stop Emerald (in the kingdom of Prince Diamond, the inhabitants had jewel names).

Friends and enemies

Sailor warriors in sailor suits help Sailor Moon fight evil. All the characters are simple teenage girls with their own problems and worries. But, transforming into defenders of the Earth, the heroines forget about their own needs.

One of the first to join Sailor Moon was Sailor Mercury (Ami Mizuno). Shy girl has high intelligence, but her isolation does not allow her to show her talents. Mercury studies in the same class as Sailor Moon and often helps the main character with her homework. The girl draws strength and abilities from water.

Sailor Mars (Ray Hino) joined the team second. IN free time the girl serves in the temple and trains tame crows. The beautiful heroine often quarrels with Sailor Moon, because she believes that Usagi behaves too childishly. Sailor Mars receives energy and strength thanks to the element of fire.

The strongest warrior on the team, besides Sailor Moon, is Sailor Jupiter (Makoto Kino). The girl helps Usagi cope with the attacking bandits and becomes the third warrior in a sailor suit. Jupiter knows self-defense techniques and has lived alone from a young age - the girl’s parents died in a car accident. Sailor Jupiter controls plants and manipulates electricity.

Sailor Venus (Minako Aino) is the first of the team to realize that she has unusual skills, but the last to join the team. The girl remembers events from past life, and therefore takes the duties of a warrior much more seriously.

The main characters constantly face dark forces. Moreover, the enemies of the beautiful warriors are pursuing different goals. Queen Nehelenia, for example, wanted to take possession of the golden crystal. To do this, the villainess captured Helios, the keeper of the treasure. However, Sailor Moon prevented the queen from carrying out her plan.

The demoness Metaria caused a lot of trouble for the warriors of the Moon. The kingdom ruled by Serenity was destroyed on the orders of the villain. And later, Sailor Moon’s enemy will turn the girl’s lover into the embodiment of evil.

After defeating the ruler of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl took the throne. ex right hand Queen Metaria will join forces with her mistress to erase the warriors from her path.

Sometimes Sailor Moon manages to redirect evil representatives to the good side. Galaxia is a warrior fighting Chaos in the Galaxy. To defeat the enemy, the girl absorbed the villain's power. But Chaos, once inside the warrior, influenced the mind of Galaxia. Only Sailor Moon managed to prevent the disaster and save the girl from death.

Film adaptations

Multi-episode anime, dedicated to adventure Usagi Tsukino, released in 1992. The cartoon is designed for girls from 12 to 18 years old. Sailor Moon consists of 200 episodes, divided into 5 full stories. The voice of the main character was given by two Japanese actresses - Kae Araki and Kotono Mitsuishi.

The popularity of the character became the reason to release full-length cartoons:

  • "Sailor Beauty Sailor Moon: Dangerous Flowers" (1993)
  • "Beauty Warrior Sailor Moon Es: Snow Princess Kaguya" (1994)
  • "Beauty Warrior Sailor Moon Super Es: Black Hole of Dreams" (1995)

Japanese adaptation of "Sailor Moon"

In 2003, the story of superheroines appeared on the screens again, this time in the format of a television series. The plot of “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” duplicates the first season of the famous anime. The film was released exclusively for Japanese audiences. The role of Sailor Moon was played by Miya Sawai.

  1. Anime about a beautiful warrior is so popular in Japan that fans independently filmed a sequel to the animated series. The sixth season, entitled “Sailor Moon: Sacrifice,” was released by the little-known company Kaosu Studios.
  2. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask have a child. The girl was named Baby. The grown-up daughter of the heroes will travel back in time so that warriors in sailor suits will help the future princess cope with the villain named the Dark Lady.

  1. The team of warriors in sailor suits is constantly growing. Sailor Uranus (Haruka Tenno) and Sailor Star Warrior (Seiya Ko) will join the ranks of the Earth’s protectors. Both Harika and Seiya openly admit that they are attracted to boys and girls. This is one of the first coming outs in anime.