What is the name of the sailor collar? What do the stripes on the vest and guy mean? Infographics

I saw a lot of different military people in illustrations and books. The soldiers in naval clothing seem the most beautiful to me. The clothing of military sailors is very different from other soldier uniforms. Not all military personnel wear a vest. Only sailors have a beautiful blue collar with snow-white stripes and a short black coat. On their heads, military sailors do not wear a cap, like others, but a white cap with black ribbons. I became very interested in why the sailor’s clothes are different from the clothes of other soldiers and why the sailors need ribbons on their caps.


I made a few assumptions:

    Sailor's clothing in order to be different from other soldiers.

    The sailor's clothing matches the color of the sails, sky and sea. Serves for beauty.

    Sailor's clothing is needed for comfort on ship's service.

Features of the marine uniform

To answer my questions, my mother and I read several books and found a lot of information on the Internet.

From different sources I learned that military clothing is called a uniform. It is correct to say not “sailor’s clothing”, but “sailor’s uniform”.

Everyone has seen the vest, but few people know that the vest got its name from the word “body.” This shirt or “vest” is worn on the body. The striped color of the vest has long story. From the very beginning, sailors wore white shirts, without any stripes. It was difficult for the captains of sailing ships to see the sailors on the masts and yards when they climbed there in order to remove or set the sails. After they decided to line the shirt and applied blue stripes, the sailors could be seen very well against the background of the sky and sails, even when they worked at the highest altitude of 40 - 45 meters! Also, a sailor who has fallen overboard can be easily distinguished on the surface of the sea.

The Russian vest, at first, had different widths of stripes - the blue stripes were four times narrower than the white ones. 100 years ago, in 1912, the width of all stripes became the same - a quarter of an inch, i.e. approximately 1 centimeter.

An integral part of the sailor uniform is a blue collar with three white stripes. This kind of collar is called a guy, and the stripes are called piping. It turns out that the guy itself is not for beauty. In cold windy weather, a square fabric collar is tucked under the peakless cap and protects sailors from colds. But the edgings look very beautiful. For a long time Only oarsmen wore stripes on their collars. In 1882, a collar with the aesthetically pleasing three stripes was common throughout the navy.

In the cold season, sailors wear a pea coat. It looks like a cropped coat. The peacoat always has two rows of buttons - double-breasted, with a wide turn-down collar and lapels that, when raised, will cover the neck and cheeks from the wind.

The most beautiful part of the uniform, it seems to me, is the cap with ribbons. I learned that the custom of sailors wearing a ribbon on their sailor caps originates from fishermen Mediterranean Sea, who in the old days, setting sail on their old boats, usually received from mothers, wives, and loved ones ribbons with embroidered words of prayer. The sailors believed that prayers would protect them from all disasters at sea. Later, the name of the fleet in which the sailors served was written on the tape: “Pacific Fleet”, “Black Sea Fleet”, etc. However, tapes are used not only to know where the sailor is serving. The ribbons are securely attached to the cap and, in order not to lose it during a storm or battle, the ribbons are tied around the neck or tightly squeezed in the mouth.


  1. The sailor's uniform is different from army uniform other troops.
  2. The sailor's uniform is very beautiful, matching the color of the sails, sky and sea. In the old days it served for beauty.
  3. The modern sailor's uniform is convenient for service on a ship.

All my assumptions turned out to be correct.


While studying the naval uniform with my mother, I realized that it has great importance in the life of every sailor. Adults and children love this costume so much that people use some of the details of the nautical uniform in their clothes.

I learned that sailors have dress and work uniforms, but naval officers have a different uniform from sailors. Perhaps next time I'll explore these differences.


  1. Children's Encyclopedia (Soviet) [ Electronic resource] / Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia. - Access mode: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/
  2. Zhitkov B. S. Sea stories. M.: 2004.
  3. Morozova V. B. Marine glory of Russia. Central Naval Museum. White City.: 2003.
  4. http://dony.ru/book

Appendix: Presentation.

Novitskaya Vera, 5 years old, pupil senior group MBDOU "Child Development Center - Karagai kindergarten No. 3", Karagai village, Karagai district, Perm region. Head: Elena Vladimirovna Anyanova, higher education teacher qualification category, MBDOU "Child Development Center - Karagay Kindergarten No. 3", Karagay village, Karagay district, Perm Territory. Teaching experience 17 years.

Currently, flannel uniform shirts, which are used to ensure the modern fleet, of blue color, and summer cotton uniforms - white(with a blue guy edged with three white stripes).

The uniform collar is part of the ceremonial uniform of enlisted personnel of the Navy and is worn with a flannel or uniform.

How did guy appear?

The decoration of the naval suit shirt is a large blue collar with three white stripes along the edge. The history of its origin is very interesting. In the old days, sailors were required to wear powdered wigs and oiled horsehair braids. The braids stained the robe, and the sailors were punished for it, so they came up with the idea of ​​hanging a piece of leather under the braid. Braids are no longer worn in the Navy, and the leather flap has turned into a blue collar, reminding us of the old days.

There is another version: the hood with which sailors protected themselves from splashes was transformed into a sailor’s collar.

A uniform collar is also called a collar.

Literary version

...Stood dark night... Our young cabin boy, after his rescue on the water, could not sleep. Jumping out onto the deck, he saw the boatswain smoking his pipe in the stern.

- Well, young man, can’t sleep? It’s been a long time since there was a command “All clear”?; The boatswain looked at him questioningly.

- No, I can’t sleep!; answered the cabin boy.

- I would like to thank you for saving me!; the cabin boy blurted out warmly and gratefully. You pulled me out of this sea!

- I didn’t pull you out of the sea, but from the other world!; answered the old sailor.

By the way, why are you not dressed in uniform? Where is your guy?

Hanging his head, our cabin boy found himself:

- I washed it this very minute!

After a while, he came running back, carrying his dick in his arms.

- Well, that’s commendable! Do you know what this is?; asked the boatswain.

- I just heard that this is a collar... But still, what is this, comrade boatswain?

He chuckled contentedly and invited the cabin boy into his cabin.

- Well, sit back and listen!

Young turned all out loud.

Here's what the boatswain said:

There are several stories and legends about the appearance of 3 stripes on sailors’ legs, or as you put it – collars.

At first, in the distant past, on ships, these were indeed collars that were used to protect the backs of rowers from the scorching rays of the Sun and splashes.

The collar also, much later, first appeared as a lining under the hair, protecting the uniform from “powder” falling off the wig, in foreign navies.

After the abolition of wigs, a square cloth collar was used for insulation - in cold windy weather it was tucked under the visor and replaced the cap.

Another legend tells that these three stripes appeared with the appearance of three squadrons under Peter I. It was in honor of these squadrons that three stripes appeared on the guy.

Also, there was a story about three victories of our Fleet, in honor of the three stripes on modern jacks - at Gangut in 1714, Chesma in 1770 and Sinop in 1853.

That is, these victories really took place, but they relate to stripes as a method of patriotic education.

However, guy is, first of all, a FLAG, my friend!

From the Dutch, “guys” is a naval flag, as well as the flag of coastal fortresses. It is raised daily at the bow (on the flagpole on the bowsprit) of ships of the 1st and 2nd ranks, exclusively during anchorage, along with the stern flag, usually from 8 a.m. to sunset.”

- But, comrade boatswain, why hang a flag, or jack, on the bowsprit? the cabin boy was perplexed.

Historical version

The collar was first introduced in the Russian Navy in 1843.

The origin of the collar is very interesting story. In those days, sailors wore wigs and oiled horsehair braids. Braids stained clothes, and sailors were punished for it, so they came up with the idea of ​​​​wearing a leather flap under the braid. Braids have not been worn in the navy for a long time, and the leather flap has turned into a blue collar. There is another version: to protect against sea spray and wind, sailors wore a hood, which later transformed into a collar.

The uniform collar is made of cotton fabric dark blue, with three white stripes along the edges. Blue lining. At the ends of the collar there is one loop, in the middle of the neckline there is a button for fastening the collar to the uniform and working naval jacket.

Starting with Peter I

Peter I had three squadrons in his fleet. The first squadron had one white stripe on its collars. The second has two stripes, and the third, who is especially close to Peter, has three stripes. Thus, the three stripes began to mean that the naval guard was especially close to Peter. At the same time, the first squadron wore white flannel uniform shirts, the second squadron had blue shirts, and the third - red.

First the guard

In 1881, three white stripes were introduced on the collars for sailors of the Guards Fleet Crew. And the next year, 1882, this collar was extended to the entire fleet.

The stripes on it signified organizational affiliation. Russian Baltic Fleet at that time it was divided into three divisions. At the same time, the sailors of the first division wore one white stripe on the collar, sailors of the second division - respectively, two stripes, and sailors of the third - three.

Fleet victories have nothing to do with it

It is widely believed that they were introduced in memory of three victories of the Russian fleet:

  • at Gangut in 1714;
  • Chesmy in 1770;
  • Sinope in 1853.

But it turns out that this is nothing more than a beautiful and highly patriotic legend.

There is no doubt that the number of stripes has nothing to do with the victories of the Russian navy. It’s just that when choosing a design, the purely aesthetic side of the matter prevailed: the collar with three stripes turned out to be the most beautiful and has a simple, finished shape. In the summer, sailors in our navy wear a white linen uniform shirt with the same attractive blue collar, edged with three white stripes. The same three stripes are on the blue cuffs of these shirts.

A little about the ribbons on visor caps

The first ribbons in the Russian Navy appeared on oilskin hats of sailors in 1857 and no later than 1872 on caps. Until then, only slotted letters and numbers were placed on the bands of sailors’ caps, which were painted over or lined with yellow cloth. The exact size and shape of the letters on the ribbons, as well as the ribbons themselves, were approved for the entire rank and file of the Russian fleet on August 19, 1874. In the Soviet Navy, the font on Red Navy ribbons was approved in 1923.

A special ribbon on the caps of Soviet sailors is the ribbon of the Guards ships, approved together with the Guards badge in 1943. The ribbon of the Guards ships has the color of the Order of Glory ribbon of alternating stripes of orange and black.

Some researchers suggest that in the Russian fleet black- Orange color St. George's ribbon repeats the former dynastic colors of the Russian monarchy. This is fundamentally wrong. The old heraldic colors of the Russian monarchy are gold with black or yellow with black. There is a definite indication of the approval of the black-orange stripes of the St. George ribbon in 1769, where it is said that the colors are purely “military”: orange is the color of flame and black is the color of cannon and rifle powder smoke.


- But, comrade boatswain, why hang a flag, or jack, on the bowsprit? the cabin boy was perplexed.

- And then, my friend, that this flag designated the ship’s home port!; answered the boatswain.


GUYS, a flag raised to the noses. military units of ships of the first two ranks, when they are at anchor, along with the stern. flag i.e. from 8 p.m. before sunset. (Shapes and drawings
G. diff. powers, see colorful flag tables in descriptions

Jack- m.

1. A flag hoisted on the bow of military ships of the first two ranks during anchorage.

2. A large blue collar on a uniform sailor’s outer cloth or linen shirt (in the speech of sailors).

Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000…Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Overall material rating: 5


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On August 19, Russia celebrates the birthday of the Russian vest. It was on this day in 1874, on the initiative of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov Emperor Alexander II signed a decree on the introduction new form, by whom the vest (a special “underwear” shirt) was introduced as part of the mandatory uniform of the Russian sailor.

Mine professional holiday workers of the sea and river fleet annually on the first Sunday of July.

How the vest used to look, what the stripes are like and what their color means, see the infographics from AiF.ru.

History of the vest

The vest appeared during the heyday of the sailing fleet in Brittany (France), presumably in the 17th century.

The vests had a boat neckline and three-quarter sleeves and were white with dark blue stripes. In Europe at that time, striped clothes were worn by social outcasts and professional executioners. But for Breton sailors, according to one version, a vest was considered lucky clothing for sea voyages.

In Russia, the tradition of wearing vests began to take shape, according to some sources, in 1862, according to others, in 1866. Instead of narrow jackets with uncomfortable stand-up collars, Russian sailors began to wear comfortable flannel Dutch shirts with a cutout on the chest. Under the shirt, an undershirt was worn - a vest.

At first, vests were issued only to participants of long-distance hikes and were a source of special pride. As one of the reports of that time says: “lower ranks... mainly wore them on Sundays and holidays during shore leave... and in all cases when it was necessary to be smartly dressed...". The vest was finally established as part of the uniform by an order signed on August 19, 1874 Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. This day can be considered the birthday of the Russian vest.

The vest has a great advantage over other underwear shirts. Fitting the body tightly, it does not interfere with free movement during work, retains heat well, is convenient to wash, and dries quickly in the wind.

This type of light sea clothing has not lost its importance today, although sailors now rarely have to climb the shrouds. Over time, the vest came into use in other branches of the military, although in few places it is an official part of the uniform. However, this item of clothing is also used in ground forces, and even in the police.

Why is the vest striped and what does the color of the stripes mean?

The blue and white transverse stripes of the vests corresponded to the colors of the Russian naval St. Andrew's flag. In addition, sailors dressed in such shirts were clearly visible from the deck against the background of the sky, sea and sails.

The tradition of making stripes multi-colored was strengthened in the 19th century - the color determined whether a sailor belonged to a particular flotilla. After the collapse of the USSR, the colors of the vest stripes were “distributed” among the various branches of the military.

What does the color of the stripes on the vest mean:

  • black: submarine forces and Marines;
  • cornflower blue: presidential regiment and FSB special forces;
  • light green: border troops;
  • light blue: Airborne Forces;
  • maroon: Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • orange: Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What is guy?

In the navy, a guy is called a collar that is tied over the uniform. The real meaning of the word "guys" (from the Dutch geus - "flag") is a naval flag. The flag is raised daily on the bow of ships of the 1st and 2nd ranks during anchorage from 8 a.m. to sunset.

The history of the appearance of the guy is quite prosaic. In the Middle Ages in Europe, men wore long hair or wigs, sailors braided their hair in ponytails and braids. To protect against lice, hair was smeared with tar. To prevent tar from staining their clothes, the sailors covered their shoulders and back with a protective leather collar, which could be easily wiped clean from dirt.

Over time, the leather collar was replaced with a fabric one. Long hairstyles are a thing of the past, but the tradition of wearing a collar remains. In addition, after the abolition of wigs, a square cloth collar was used for insulation - in cold windy weather it was tucked under clothes.

Why are there three stripes on the butt?

There are several versions origin of three stripes on the butt. According to one of them, three stripes symbolize three major victories Russian fleet:

  • at Gangut in 1714;
  • at Chesma in 1770;
  • at Sinop in 1853.

It should be noted that sailors from other countries also have stripes on their butts, the origin of which is explained in a similar way. Most likely, this repetition occurred as a result of borrowing the form and legend. It is not known for certain who first invented stripes.

According to another legend, the founder of the Russian fleet Peter I there were three squadrons. The first squadron had one white stripe on its collars. The second has two stripes, and the third, especially close to Peter, has three stripes. Thus, the three stripes began to mean that the naval guard was especially close to Peter.