Garden musical entertainment senior group. Material (senior group) on the topic: Musical entertainment in the senior group “Visiting Mishenka”

Winter Exhibition of Snowmen in kindergarten"These funny snowmen"

Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing by the skating rink with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend...
January 18 is World Snowman Day. The history of the creation of the first snowman, according to an old legend, takes us back to the distant year 1493. It was then that Michelangelo Buonarotti, a sculptor, poet and architect, sculpted the first snow figure. But the first written mention of a beautiful huge snowman is found in one of the books of the 18th century. The 19th century was marked by a “warming” in the relationship between man and snowmen. These winter beauties are becoming good heroes holiday tales, essential attributes New Year cards. And also forever settle in loving children's hearts.
The snowman has become a mandatory symbol of winter, holidays for children and New Year's holidays in adults. Snowmen in Rus' were revered as the spirits of winter. Snow is a gift from heaven, and the snowman is an angel who can convey the prayers and requests of people. People made a little snowman and quietly whispered their wishes to him.
The children and I also decided to make snowmen and whisper our wishes to him. To create snowmen, the children and I used various materials.
"Cheerful snowman" from paper
"Snowman" made of threads

"Funny snowman"from napkins

"Snowman" made of fabric

This is the parade of snowmen we have!

Event for children preschool age. Game-conversation for children "Where did the snowman come from." Presentation "Snowman - the history of the origin of the symbol of the NEW YEAR" (for senior preschool age); "Visiting the snowmen" (for younger preschool age). Photo report from the exhibition.



Ved: Hello guys! Can you solve riddles? Here's your first riddle:

Like the feathers of the Firebird,

Everything sparkles and sparkles,

Powdered the forest and meadow

Winter white. (Snowball).

Ved: - Guys, guess another riddle:

Vegetable garden

Hidden in the basement

Bright yellow in color,

And the braid is like a bouquet (Carrot)

Ved: - Well done! Let's solve the riddles further:

I'd like to walk around the yard -

I will collect all the specks,

But she can’t walk on her own,

Waiting for someone to help her (Broom)


One last mystery remains:

They go for water - they sing sonorous songs,

And they go back - tears are shed (Buckets)

Ved : Guys, you haven’t guessed yet who owns all these items: snowylump, broom, carrot, bucket…. I suggest with a riddle:

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached and in an instant

It turned out... (Snowman)


Do you know who was the first to make a snowman? When is the Snowman's birthday? What does the bucket on his head mean? Do you want to know? Make yourself comfortable, I’ll tell you everything and show you now.

Screening of the presentation “SNOWMAN: HISTORY OF OPERATION



Sculpts from the very morning, children imitate rolling lumps

Snowman baby,

Rolls snow globes

And, laughing, he connects.

Below is the largest lump, showing the size of the lump

Slightly smaller lump on it. “put” the middle lump on top

Even smaller - head, rise on toes, “put” a small lump

We barely reached it.

The eyes are like cones, the nose is like a carrot. put fists to eyes, nose

They put the hat on deftly. "put on your hat"

Bright scarf, “tied scarf”

A broom is in his hands. "took a broom"

And the kids are happy. clapped their hands

Ved: C Negoviks can be sculpted not only from snow. Your parents, moms and dads turned out to be so talented and... made so many interesting snowmen! When we put them all together, we got a whole country of snowmen. Would you like to visit this together? amazing country? But in this country there is a law that cannot be broken - you can look, but you cannot touch. Well, let's go to fairyland!

Children's songs about snowmen are played. Visit the exhibition.


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On a visit to the snow men Full name

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It’s not for nothing that the expression “mother winter” or “father frost” exists. And the month of January was sometimes even called that – “snowman”. For our people, the snowman is one of the favorites New Year's characters. In the glorious cartoons “The Postman Snowman” and “When the Christmas Trees Light Up,” the snowman acts as a faithful assistant to Santa Claus

Snowman - as a symbol of the New Year is depicted on greeting cards


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What's winter without a snowman?! Big and small, kind and funny, with carrots for a nose and an old bucket on their head, they are born as if by magic magic wand, lovingly molded, rolled by the palms of children and adults. This fun winter activity has been known to people for centuries. But not many people know what supernatural meaning the snowman had in the past...

According to the old legend, at the end of the 15th century, around 1493, Italian sculptor, architect, poet Michelangelo Buonarroti made a snow figure for the first time. According to historical research, the first written mention of a snowman is found in a book of the 18th century: it talks about “ beautiful snowman» of gigantic proportions. And the word “schneeman” itself, that is, “snowman”, originally appeared in the German language.

According to another Christian legend, snowmen are angels. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that the snowman is none other than an angel who can convey people’s requests to God. For this, a little snowman was sculpted from freshly fallen snow and their wish was quietly whispered to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figure melted, the wish would immediately be taken to heaven and soon come true.

In Europe, snowmen were always made next to houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and given branchy brooms. A carrot-shaped nose was attached to appease the spirits who sent harvests and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house. In Romania, there has long been a known custom of decorating a snowman with “beads” made from garlic heads. It was believed that this contributed to the health of the household.

In Rus', snowmen have been sculpted since ancient times and were revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. By the way, snow women and the Snow Maiden are our Russian heritage. Our ancestors believed that in winter natural phenomena(fogs, snows, blizzards) are commanded by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snow women.

It’s not for nothing that the expression “mother winter” or “father frost” exists. And the month of January was sometimes even called that – “snowman”. For our people, the snowman is one of the favorite New Year's characters. In glorious Soviet cartoons“Snowman-Postman”, “When the Christmas Trees Light Up” the snowman acts as a faithful assistant to Santa Claus

The tallest snowman in Europe The tallest snowman in the USA Today, in our world, the creation of snow figures remains not only a favorite pastime for children, but also a socially organized holiday. Records are being set all over the world for sculpting the tallest snowmen that flaunts on the slopes ski resort in Austria, in the city of Galtür: its height reached 16 meters 70 centimeters. And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow.

The “Snowman Parade” is being held in Moscow. For several years in a row, the annual “Snowman Parade” competition has been held in the estate of Father Frost in Kuzminsky Park in Moscow. Our snow figures may only be as tall as a person, but their number (several dozen) is very impressive! We are not lagging behind in this matter either!

January 18 International Snowman Day Such a great idea came to the mind of collector Cornelius Grötz from Germany. He began collecting snowman images as a young man and entered the Guinness Book of Records with his collection in 2008! It has more than three thousand exhibits! And all these are Snowmen! And this collector suggested celebrating Snowman Day. Cornelius thought this way: Firstly, in the middle of January in many countries there is snow. Secondly, the number 18 looks like a Snowman holding a broom. Thirdly, fortunately, on this day there was no international holiday! In addition, the Snowman can become a symbol for actions in defense of environment, after all, Snowmen are terribly afraid of warming. It will become warmer everywhere, the snow will disappear, and with it the Snowman. In Russia, Snowman Day is celebrated on February 28, so we are lucky: we have the opportunity to celebrate twice!!! This day is a good reason to get together with the whole family and have fun.

These are the extraordinary snowmen you can see in winter!

Riddles about the snowman The man is not simple: He appears in winter, And disappears in spring, Because he melts quickly. He appeared in the yard in cold December. Clumsy and funny, standing by the skating rink with a broom. Our friend got used to the winter wind... We made a snowball, put a hat on it, attached a nose and in an instant it turned out... What an absurd person made his way into the twenty-first century. Carrot nose, broom in hand, Afraid of the sun and heat. Carrot nose, broom in hand, Afraid of snow and heat.



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Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Musical leisure in senior group

"Journey on a Musical Train"



Antropova N.A.

Arzamas 2017

Children's age 5-6 years

Type of lesson- musical leisure

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, audio recordings of playing musical instruments, chairs

Didactic games used: “Top”, “Cockerel, hen, chick”, “Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)”, “Loud-quiet”, “Guess what I’m playing”

Target:development musical abilities and deepening children's understanding of the means musical expressiveness



    Bring joy to children

    Develop children's imagination and creativity

    Foster a love of music and develop an aesthetic sense

    Give children an idea of ​​timbre diversity and its meaning in music.

    Development of children's musical and auditory abilities, a comprehensive understanding of different heights musical sounds and their interaction.

    Developing in children the ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in clapping, slapping, stamping, on a musical instrument and through movements.

    Expanding children's musical and sound understanding and enriching their musical experience.

Introductory part

An image of a train appears on the interactive board, and the sound of a steam locomotive sounds in the background.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? What is he doing? (Engine)

Educator: This train is not simple, it is musical and on it we can go to musical journey with various interesting stops. Do you want to take a ride on this train?

Educator: Then take your seats, It's time for us to go.

(Children sit on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train to become fast, let’s sing a song about it:

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first station is "Pesennaya". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will spin it and the arrow will show us who we will sing the song about.

The didactic game "Top" is being played

Progress of the game: The driver or the children take turns spinning the top with the arrow. On the circle of which are pictures of familiar songs. At which picture the top stops, the children sing a song about it.

Educator: How much good songs we know, and it’s time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second station is "Igrovaya". What do you think we will do with it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, we will play the game "Loud and Quiet", which is very similar to the game "Hot and Cold".

Progress of the game: First, we need to choose an object that we will hide and the driver. We blindfold the driver and send him out the door so that he does not see what we are doing. At this time, the children in the group hide the selected object so that it is not visible at first glance. Then the driver is called. Instead of the words “Hot and cold,” children will sing a song to tell the driver the place where the object is hidden. If the driver is far from him, the children sing quietly, if he comes close, they sing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be a driver? (If children are shy, you can choose a driver using a little counting rhyme.

A musical and didactic game "Loud and Quiet" is being held

Educator: You are very good at using a song to suggest where an object is hidden and to look for it. It's time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the third station. Stop.

Our third station is "Notnaya". Look, our friends meet us there - Cockerel, hen and chick. Do you want to play with them?

The didactic game "Cockerel, hen, chicken" is being played.

Educator: Well done. It's time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station is "Instrumental". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

The game "Guess the Instrument" is being played.

Progress of the game: The teacher turns on the audio recordings one by one musical instruments, and the children guess and imitate playing this instrument. One of the children shows a picture of a tool from didactic game"Musical instruments".

Educator: Guys, what is the name of playing several musical instruments?(Ensemble) Do you want to play in an ensemble?

Held simulation game"Ensemble"

Progress of the game: Children choose a musical instrument and memorize it. The teacher plays an audio recording of several musical instruments playing. When the child hears his instrument, he begins to imitate playing the instrument. As soon as his game ends, he stops “playing”.

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and it’s time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: Now we have reached the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station is "Dance". What do you think we will do with it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite the girls to a fun dance.

The dance song “Get in a circle quickly, dance with me, my friend...” The children dance.

Final part

Educator: Our journey on the musical train has come to an end. Did you like it? What do you remember most? What other stations would you like to visit?

Educator: Next time we will definitely go on a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, but for now it’s time for us to say goodbye to him. Goodbye train!!!

Leisure theme: "VISITING A FAIRY TALE"


1) Bring joy to children

2) Develop children’s imagination and imagination

3)Give an idea about fairy tale, fairy tale characters in music

4) Foster a love of music, develop an aesthetic sense

Musical material:

1) “Trap” Russian folk melody arranged by L. Sidelnikov

2) “Squirrel” music by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

3) “Circular gallop” Hungarian folk melody arranged by N. Metlov

4) "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come" music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

5) "Echo" music by E. Tilicheeva

6) "March" music by E. Tilicheeva

7) "Polonaise" (audio recording)

8) "Exercise" French folk melody

During leisure time we used:

2) TSO (audio recording)

3) squirrel toy

4) Fairy tale costume

5) illustrations

7) handkerchiefs for playing

8)sweet prizes


1) “Musical and motor exercises in kindergarten” (Raevskaya E.P., Rudneva S.D., Soboleva G.N.)

2) "Music and movement" (S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina)

3) "Musical masterpieces" (O.P. Radynova)


Presenter: Hello, guys! Today I received a letter that you and I are invited to visit a fairy tale! The path there will be difficult, not easy, but you and I are adults and we will overcome everything!

From the kindergarten we will march happily with you

And with strict, friendly steps we will reach the fairy tale!

Guys, stand up straight, backs straight, knees raised high, toes pointed.

MARCH sounds music by E. Tilicheeva

Well done, guys! We’ve reached the magical forest, but we can’t just get through it! Maybe we’ll sing our song “Echo” and someone will respond! We stand up straight and open our mouths wide.

The song "Echo" is performed, music by E. Tilicheeva

No, alas! No one heard us! Oh, but I remembered, a fairy tale wrote something in a letter about this forest.

"Come on, guys, together, guess three riddles

And then magical forest A world of wonders will open to you!"

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.(answer: Hedgehog)

Who's on the tree, who's on the tree?

Keeps counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?(answer: Cuckoo)

Presenter: Well done, guys!

Who's from high dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light?(answer: Squirrel)

A squirrel appears (doll toy)

Belka: You guessed it, you guessed it! You solved all the riddles!

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

A fairy tale sent me to bring you

So that you don't get lost, I came for you.

Presenter: Oh, guys, we’re really lucky! Now we’ll definitely get there!

Squirrel: I galloped forward. Don’t lag behind, quickly catch up!

Squirrel hiding behind the screen

Presenter: Come on, guys, to catch up with her, we’ll gallop. We stood in a circle, hands on our belts.

Performed Circular gallop Hungarian folk melody Arranged by N. Metlov

Presenter: Now we have reached the Fairy Tale Palace! Guys, we need to thank the squirrel for her help. Let’s play for her musical instruments, us and there is a suitable work! What is it called? And maybe someone will even remember who wrote it?

Children: “Squirrel”, written by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov.

Presenter: Well done! We took the instruments in our hands and stood in two groups.

Performed "Belka" by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") game at DMI

Squirrel: Thank you, guys! But it’s time for me to run. Bye-bye! (Squirrel waves his hand and disappears)

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful the palace is, let's knock! (knock, a fairy tale is coming out)

Fairytale: Hello, guys! Here we are

Sit down, relax, solve the riddles!

Accordion in hands

On top of the head is a cap,

And next to him it’s important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Portrait with friends

It turned out excellent

On it is Cheburashka,

And next to him...(Crocodile Gena)

Fairy tale: That's right, you guessed well!

The young man's arrow landed in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride? I want to get married!

And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.

The bride's name is....(Princess Frog)

Fairy tale: What a great fellow you are! You guess everything! Maybe you also know how to dance? There’s a ball in my palace right now! Do you know how to dance a polonaise?

Children: Yes! We can!

Fairy tale: Well, show me!

Presenter: Guys, stand in pairs and show Skazka how you can dance.

dance "Polonaise" is performed(audio recording)

Fairy tale: Oh, the guys are good

Dance with all your heart! Sit on the chairs. (Children sit down)

Guys, do you know many fairy tales?

Fairy tale: Which ones?

Children: Frog Princess, Geese-swans, Little Humpbacked Horse.....

Fairy tale: What good guys! Did you meet a squirrel on the way to me?

Fairy tale: Who guessed what fairy tale it is from? Maybe someone will remember the name?

Children: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Fairy tale: That's right, well done guys!

There are a lot, a lot of fairy tales in this world of magic! Have you noticed, guys?

Fairy tale: Guys, maybe you know some song about magic, about fairy tales?

Children: We know!

Presenter: Guys, let’s sing our song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come.” Everyone stand up in a row. (Children stand up in a row around the hall)

The song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come” is performed, music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

Fairy tale: Thank you guys for such a wonderful performance! You tried, you took the time to play. And I just have magic handkerchiefs! Who should I give the handkerchiefs to? (the fairy tale selects the participants) And now everyone stood in a circle, holding hands.

Game "Trap" processing by L. Sidelnikov

Fairy tale: I really liked you guys!

You can't stay in this castle for a very long time!

Moms, dads and friends are waiting for you at home.

I will now turn you into swans, we will fly to the music and you

and you’ll find yourself in kindergarten faster! And never, guys, forget the Fairy Tale, it will come in handy in your life! Raaaz, twoaa, three! Goodbye, guys!

Exercise sounds (collection of music and movement, exercise No. 12)

Presenter: Here you are, guys, at home! Did you like our trip?

Presenter: Guys, so that you never forget it. The fairy tale left you small treats! (I’m giving away delicious prizes)

Lvova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Introducing children to Russian folk culture- an important part of education. How did our ancestors live? What holidays did they have? What was important to them in life? - children learn the answers to these questions while playing. By spending holidays in Russian traditions, we - at least partially - can restore the connection of times, teach children to love and appreciate their roots. By playing, children learn about the world, and it is in our power to teach children to play, to play the games that our ancestors played from time immemorial. Our task is to preserve traditions, to introduce children to the holidays and customs of the Russian people, so that our children do not grow up “Ivans who do not remember their kinship.”

Preliminary work with children:

  1. Introducing children to the customs and traditions of winter gatherings.
  2. Learning ditties, carols, dance,

The hall is decorated in style village hut- rugs, napkins, etc.

There are chairs around the perimeter of the hall.

The hostess greets the guests.

Outside the door you can hear noise, laughter, the sounds of rattles, tambourines and other noise instruments.

Mistress. Who's that there? Surely the carolers have arrived?

Children come in - mummers

Hello, kind hosts!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!

To be healthy
May they live for many years!

We'll walk through the whole village,
Let's sing Christmas carol!

Mistress In the old days there was such a ritual in Rus'. It was called...

That's it (in unison). Kolyada!

Mistress. From Christmas to Epiphany, mummers walked around the yards with a goat...

Goat (knocks his hoof). Me-e-e!

Mistress of the Bear...

Bear (shakes his head). Rrrr!

Mistress of the Star, the Nativity Scene and the Moon. They sang, asked for gifts, congratulated the owners, and wished them health.

Guest 1. (with mischief).

Happy holiday, gentlemen!
Should we shout carols?

Mistress. Shout!

Sing a carol

I sow, I sow, I sow,
Happy New Year,
With cattle, with belly,
With wheat, with sheep,
Hey little boss,
Open the chest
Take out the penny
We're in trouble
Fun for you!

Mistress. Come in, good people, be welcome guests!

Children sit on chairs.

Guests gathered to us from all the volosts. Well, a good start, as they say, is half the battle. I have prepared some fun things for you to suit every taste. To whom a joke, to whom the truth, to whom a Russian dance!

Children sing ditties:

I know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.

Let me dance,
Allow me to stomp.
Is it really in this house?
Will the floorboards burst?

The cutie has Russian braids
curled below the belt,
How for these Russian braids
My friend and I fought!

Eh, stomp your foot
Stomp right,
The guys love me anyway
Even if it’s small!

My little darling
A little more felt boots
Puts on felt boots -
How the bubble will inflate!

Like Katya's birthday
They brought a can of jam.
So you and I are full -
Stomachs hurt

I have four shawls
Fifth downy,
I'm not the only one fighting -
The whole family is fun!

We sang ditties for you -
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you
Let us clap!

Dance "Will I Go"

Mistress. They sang and danced - and you can relax!

I'll tell you riddles - you guess!

Without hand draws,
Bites without teeth. (Freezing.)

It flowed, it flowed,
And lay under the glass. (River under ice.)

Lukerya scattered
Silver feathers.
Spun, swept,
The street became white. (Blizzard.)

The tablecloth is white
I dressed the whole world. (Snow.)

Senka and Sanka are being taken
Sonya on a sled.
Sleigh sideways
Senka off his feet
Sanka in the forehead,

Everything is in a snowdrift!
Call them all by name? (Senka, Sanka, Sonya.)

White flies are flying
They don't drink or eat. (Snowflakes.)

Not a diamond, but glowing. (Ice.)

Mistress. Now it's time to play! “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!”

Game "Ring, ring, go out onto the porch"

Game description:

The driver puts the ring in his palms folded in a boat and “distributes” the ring to the participants in his palms folded in the same way, trying to leave the ring to one of the players as discreetly as possible. After the driver has walked around everyone, he steps back and shouts: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The player who has the ring runs out, and his neighbors try to detain him. If it was not possible to detain him, he becomes the driver; if he succeeded, the driver remains the same.

"Weigh, weave, cabbage"
Hang, hang, cabbage,
Weave, weave, white,
How can I keep the cabbage from curling up?
Do not break with a white pitchfork.

Game description:

Children join hands, the leader starts a circle, going inside like a snail, and by the end of the game you get a dense “lump” of cabbage. When there is nowhere to move, the hands are released and the lump “crumbles”.

Well, dear guests, it’s time to know, it’s time for the hostess to rest.

Guest 1. Thank you, host and hostess!

Guest 2. It’s good in your house. Your hearts are welcoming.

Guest 3. Thanks to this house, let's go to another.