The old man sat meekly and sadly. The pages of an open book run and run...

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Handcuffs in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Handcuffs in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Handcuffs in a dream?

Seeing Handcuffs in a dream means - Handcuffs - danger, deprivation of freedom. Seeing yourself in handcuffs means trouble, someone else means rising above him, strengthening your authority, freeing yourself from handcuffs - avoiding a trap; in the next interpreter you can read what you dream about Handcuffs in a different interpretation.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream of Handcuffs according to the dream book:

Such a dream speaks of your ambiguous attitude towards sex. You don't know what you'll like, so you constantly try something new, but you can't decide whether it suits you or not. If you dreamed that you were making love in handcuffs with unknown woman(by a man), this means that you are bored with the usual sex and are looking for something unusual. To do this, you look for another partner who prefers unconventional sex. However, you don't always enjoy it. Handcuffing your partner means that you are not paying attention to him. Your partner, apparently, experiences a lack of freedom, since in sex the initiative often comes from you. If you saw yourself in handcuffs, and the dream is not related to intimate life, this means that you will face severe humiliation, for which your partner will be to blame. He will probably insult you either accidentally or intentionally.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream of Handcuffs:

I dreamed that handcuffs meant arrest.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Seeing handcuffs on someone in a dream means buying a new bracelet, this is what the dream book says about this dream; for details, if you dream about Handcuffs, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Handcuffs in a dream?

If you see yourself in handcuffs, get ready: the machinations of your enemies will greatly annoy you. A dream in which you saw others in handcuffs means: you will subordinate to your will the people who previously oppressed you and achieve higher social status. Looking at handcuffs is a sign of illness or danger. If you managed to break or tear the handcuffs, you will be able to avoid those troubles into which your enemies wanted to plunge you

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of Handcuffs according to the dream book?

If you saw Handcuffs in a dream - In a dream you found yourself in handcuffs - ill-wishers will bother you. If you saw someone else in handcuffs, rise above your surroundings. In general, handcuffs dream of danger and illness. This dream could also mean that individuals trying to thicken a hostile atmosphere around you. I dreamed that in a dream you were freed from shackles, then in real life happily avoid some trap. If you dreamed that you saw yourself in handcuffs, then soon you will experience severe humiliation. Perhaps yours close person will somehow offend, insult or humiliate you.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Handcuffs?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were shackled, you will soon learn what makes life worth living. Ask your parents to tell you their favorite fairy tale as a child or reread your first book.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that someone was walking around in handcuffs, someone wants to limit your freedom. To prevent anything from happening, put on left hand silver, and on the right - gold bracelets.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Handcuffs?

  • If in a dream you find yourself in handcuffs, your ill-wishers will bother you. If you saw someone else in handcuffs, rise above your surroundings.
  • In general, handcuffs dream of danger and illness. This dream may also mean that certain people are trying to thicken a hostile atmosphere around you.
  • If in a dream you freed yourself from shackles, then in real life you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Handcuffs

  • Your hands are tied! There is something you really want to do.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why do you dream about Handcuffs?

  • This bad dream, warning you that if you do not cope with your addictions, you may succumb to temptation and even commit a crime that will bring you great suffering. you have a bad future if you don't take care of your soul. wake up! you shouldn't stoop so low.
  • For lovers who see someone handcuffing them in a dream, the dream foreshadows an unhappy marriage.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Handcuffs

  • If you see yourself in handcuffs, get ready: the machinations of your enemies will greatly annoy you. A dream in which you saw others in handcuffs means: you will subordinate to your will the people who previously oppressed you and achieve a higher social status. Looking at handcuffs is a sign of illness or danger. If you managed to break or tear the handcuffs, you will be able to avoid those troubles into which your enemies wanted to plunge you.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See Handcuffs in a dream

  • Finding yourself in handcuffs in a dream means that your ill-wishers will bother you. Seeing others in handcuffs means that you will weaken their influence and rise above your environment.
  • Seeing handcuffs portends illness and danger. This may also mean that unsympathetic and unfriendly people will thicken an atmosphere of hostility around you.
  • In a dream, freeing yourself from shackles promises you that you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Handcuffs?

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that you have a very difficult attitude towards sex. You want something unusual, but you don’t know what exactly. You are constantly experimenting, but you just can’t find exactly what you like.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself making love with by a stranger(for women) and a woman (for men) in handcuffs, then your dream suggests that you lack the “zest” in sex and you are trying to find it with another partner, perhaps using non-traditional types sex that doesn't always suit you.
  • If in your dream your partner was handcuffed, then you should treat him more carefully and carefully. Apparently, in real life he lacks freedom, especially in sex, where you are clearly the dominant party.
  • If in a dream the situation had nothing to do with sex, but you saw yourself in handcuffs, then soon you will experience severe humiliation, this could be either an insult or a conscious insult received from your partner.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Handcuffs

  • If in a dream you see that your hands are handcuffed, then in reality the machinations of your enemies will greatly irritate you. Seeing others in handcuffs means that in reality you will subjugate people who previously oppressed you to your will and achieve a higher social status. Looking at handcuffs means illness or impending danger. If you managed to break or tear the handcuffs, then you can avoid the troubles that your enemies wanted to plunge you into.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: the Yellow Emperor's dream book, the Russian dream book, the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), Freud's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), dream book of symbols (symbolic), Islamic dream book Ibn Sirin, dream book of happy omens, psychotherapeutic dream book, Aesop's dream book, Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book, Italian dream book Meneghetti, dream book of lovers, dream book of Cleopatra, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, culinary dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, Tarot symbols dream book, women's dream book, Solomon's dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, Slavic dream book, and others.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Miller's Dream Book

Finding yourself in handcuffs in a dream means that your ill-wishers will bother you.

Seeing others in handcuffs means that you will weaken their influence and rise above your environment.

Seeing handcuffs portends illness and danger. This may also mean that unsympathetic and unfriendly people will thicken an atmosphere of hostility around you.

In a dream, freeing yourself from shackles promises you that you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Freud's Dream Book

The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that you have a very difficult attitude towards sex. You want something unusual, but you don’t know what exactly. You are constantly experimenting, but you just can’t find exactly what you like.

If in a dream you saw yourself making love with an unfamiliar man (for women) and a woman (for men) in handcuffs - your dream suggests that you lack the “zest” in sex and you are trying to find it with another partner, perhaps , using unconventional types of sex that are not always suitable for you.

If in your dream your partner was handcuffed, you should treat him more carefully and carefully. Apparently, in real life he lacks freedom, especially in sex, where you are clearly the dominant party.

If in a dream the situation had nothing to do with sex, but you saw yourself in handcuffs, you will soon experience severe humiliation, this could be either an insult or a conscious insult received from your partner.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Family dream book

If in a dream you find yourself in handcuffs, your ill-wishers will bother you.

If you saw someone else in handcuffs, rise above your surroundings.

In general, handcuffs dream of danger and illness - this dream can also mean that certain people are trying to thicken a hostile atmosphere around you.

If in a dream you freed yourself from shackles, in real life you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Handcuffs in a dream symbolize powerlessness and the inability to cope with the situation.

Seeing handcuffs in a dream is a warning about possible obstacles that could interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Being handcuffed is a sign that you seem to have overestimated your capabilities in some matter or have not taken into account certain circumstances that will prevent you from carrying out your plans. It is also possible that in reality you are dealing with the wrong people, which is why your plans are being slowed down.

Freedom from handcuffs in a dream - portends unexpected decision a problem that seems insoluble.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Put on - to start a family; removed - to divorce.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Spring dream book

Handcuffs - for marriage.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Summer dream book

Seeing handcuffs in a dream means arrest.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Autumn dream book

Seeing handcuffs on someone in a dream means buying a new bracelet.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of handcuffs is a sign of danger and deprivation of freedom, dependence on the opinions and will of other people. Finding yourself in handcuffs in a dream portends difficulties in business or bad marriage. If they are removed from you, you will begin to look at your relationships with colleagues and friends differently.

To see someone being handcuffed during an arrest - in reality you will witness a scene of drunken debauchery. If you put a criminal in handcuffs yourself, you will make enemies with your decisive actions.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you see handcuffs on your hands, your ill-wishers will bother you.

If you managed to free yourself from the shackles, you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

If someone else is handcuffed, you will be able to weaken someone else’s influence on yourself and rise above your environment.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are handcuffed, you will be irritated and worried about the machinations of your enemies.

Seeing others in handcuffs means that in reality you will subordinate to your will the people who previously oppressed you and rise above your environment.

Looking at handcuffs in a dream means illness or impending danger.

Just seeing handcuffs means that formidable enemies will surround you at the moment when you are most vulnerable.

Breaking it is a sign that you will avoid the difficult fate to which your enemies doomed you.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Eastern dream book

If you see yourself in handcuffs, get ready: the machinations of your enemies will greatly annoy you.

A dream in which you saw others in handcuffs means: you will subordinate to your will the people who previously oppressed you and achieve a higher social status.

Looking at handcuffs is a sign of illness or danger.

If you managed to break or tear the handcuffs, you will be able to avoid those troubles into which your enemies wanted to plunge you.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

danger, imprisonment.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Handcuffs mean in a dream - You see handcuffs in a dream - the dream portends you an illness; There may also be troubles due to people you don’t like.

You dream of yourself in handcuffs - you will be upset by the machinations of unkind people; you should remember that the appearance of decency is not decency; don’t believe the words, believe the deeds. It’s as if you were able to free yourself from handcuffs - the dream says that you are dependent on some people; you will be able to get your way around sharp corners.

You see other people in handcuffs in a dream - with your skillful, thoughtful actions you will weaken the influence of your enemies and competitors on you; While the latter remain inactive, you will step far forward in your business.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Handcuffs, shackles - fate's hardships, suffering, constraint by circumstances.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Handcuffs - Clouds are gathering above you. Enemies do not sleep. Imagine handcuffs made of paper. They break with little effort. Rip your paper handcuffs.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Psychoanalytic dream book

You dreamed of Handcuffs, what is this for. 1. Seeing yourself in handcuffs in a dream means that we are being limited by something in life, and, as a rule, this restriction comes from an authority figure. 2. If we chain someone, then we try to bind this person to ourselves. Or maybe we want to act as too much of an owner. 3. Handcuffs are a connecting symbol, so from a spiritual point of view it is assumed that something is preventing us, perhaps even our own doubts and fears.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of Handcuffs - Finding handcuffs on your hands means melancholy and despondency.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Handcuffs (shackles) in a dream - If in a dream you see handcuffs on your hands, your ill-wishers will bother you. If you managed to free yourself from the shackles, you will happily avoid some kind of trap. If someone else is handcuffed, you will be able to weaken the influence of others on yourself and rise above your environment.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Magic dream book

What do Handcuffs mean in a dream - a showdown with the authorities, if they are put on - imprisonment. Breaking or freeing yourself from handcuffs means slipping out of a trap. Seeing others in handcuffs means getting rid of the oppression of other people.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Handcuffs - restrictions; ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were shackled, you will soon learn what is worth living for. Ask your parents to tell you their favorite fairy tale as a child or reread your first book.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that someone was walking around in handcuffs, someone wants to limit your freedom. To prevent this from happening, put a silver bracelet on your left hand and a gold bracelet on your right.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

Dream book of relationships

Handcuffs - such a dream speaks of your ambiguous attitude towards sex. You don't know what you'll like, so you constantly try something new, but you can't decide whether it suits you or not.

If you dream that you are making love in handcuffs with an unfamiliar woman (man), this means that you are bored with the usual sex and are looking for something unusual. To do this, you look for another partner who prefers unconventional sex. However, you don't always enjoy it.

Handcuffing your partner means that you are inattentive to him. Your partner, apparently, experiences a lack of freedom, since in sex the initiative often comes from you.

If you saw yourself in handcuffs, and the dream is not related to intimate life, this means that you will face severe humiliation, for which your partner will be to blame. He will probably insult you either accidentally or intentionally.

Why do you dream of handcuffs?

An old English dream book

Handcuffs are a bad dream, warning you that if you do not cope with your addictions, you may succumb to temptation and even commit a crime that will bring you great suffering. You have a bad future if you don't take care of your soul. Wake up! You shouldn't stoop so low.

If you dream that you are in handcuffs, then you will be irritated and worried about the machinations of your enemies. Seeing others in handcuffs means that in reality you will subordinate to your will the people who previously oppressed you and rise above your environment. Looking at handcuffs in a dream means illness or impending danger. Just seeing handcuffs means that formidable enemies will surround you at the moment when you are most vulnerable. Breaking the handcuffs is a sign that you will avoid the difficult fate to which your enemies have doomed you.

Intimate dream book Handcuffs

The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that you have a very difficult attitude towards sex. You want something unusual, but you don’t know what exactly. You are constantly experimenting, but you just can’t find exactly what you like. If in a dream you saw yourself making love with an unfamiliar man (for women) and a woman (for men) in handcuffs, then your dream suggests that you lack zest in sex and are trying to find it with another partner, perhaps , using unconventional types of sex that are not always suitable for you. If in your dream your partner was handcuffed, then you should treat him more carefully and carefully. Apparently, in real life he lacks freedom, especially in sex, where you are clearly the dominant party. If in a dream the situation had nothing to do with sex, but you saw yourself in handcuffs, then soon you will experience severe humiliation, this could be either an insult or a conscious insult received from your partner.

Miller's Dream Book Handcuffs

Finding yourself in handcuffs in a dream means that your ill-wishers will bother you. Seeing others in handcuffs means that you will weaken their influence and rise above your environment. Seeing handcuffs portends illness and danger. This may also mean that unsympathetic and unfriendly people will thicken an atmosphere of hostility around you. In a dream, freeing yourself from shackles promises you that you will happily avoid some kind of trap.

How in real world, and in the realm of night visions, handcuffs symbolize helplessness, impotence and even danger. Therefore, when you see such a sign in your dream, think about what exactly you should pay attention to in the near future.

By looking into a dream book, in which handcuffs often act as a double symbol, you can get a very reliable forecast for the coming period. However, to do this you will have to remember all the nuances of the plot.

Many dream books, in their desire to explain the handcuffs seen in night pictures, rush to tie them to marriage. For example, in Ivanov’s dream interpreter, this symbol is considered as an indisputable sign of an imminent engagement, wedding or wedding. If a person is in chains, but tries to remove them, the plot can be interpreted differently and mean that in the real world the person is burdened by his relationship.

Well, the dream book of the famous Dr. Freud considers the same symbol from the point of view of a person’s sexual needs or secret desires. That is, being shackled in a dream, the waking person does not mind being in the same position. However, according to the psychoanalyst, the realization of what is desired is hindered by the dreamer’s complexes and excessive closeness.

A similar interpretation in this dream book there is also for dreams in which the sleeper himself put shackles on someone. In this case, the sign emerging from the world of night dreams will be considered a reflection of the alter ego of the sleeping person. Constantly in search of exotic sensations and unearthly pleasure, he is forced to hide behind a mask of modesty and ambition.

At the same time, Mr. Miller in his interpreter interprets the dream in which the dreamer was handcuffed as meaning a person’s anxiety. It is quite possible that the cause of emotional experiences are enemies in the dreamer’s immediate environment.

But to free oneself from such shackles means to avoid a trap or danger in reality. If you happen to see that metal “bracelets” are on others, you will soon be able to break free from the pressure of events and receive praise from others.

Caution - danger

If you see handcuffs in the plot of your dream, they can serve as a warning to you. Seeing shackles on your wrists means you risk falling into a trap prepared by ill-wishers. To prevent this from happening, in the next few days try to be extremely careful and less open with people you don’t know well.

The dreamed symbol has other interpretations. To determine your interpretation of such a dream, remember how handcuffs appeared in it:

  • Brutal metal shackles are a symbol of absent enthusiasm. But in order to finish what he started, the sleeper will need to find new motivation.
  • Pink fluffy accessories for sexual play are a sign indicating the need to add variety to your intimate life. Monotony and lack of “zest” can cause cooling between partners.
  • Toy shackles are a harbinger of troubles that the sleeper can easily and quickly cope with.

They will tell you what to expect soon if you dreamed of handcuffs and the actions performed with them in a dream:

  • If you saw unclosed shackles, it means you will avoid dangers and sudden troubles.
  • Lost metal accessories - in the near future circumstances will require the use of all your reserves.
  • If you lost your “bracelets” and couldn’t free yourself, temporary troubles will soon overtake you.
  • Did you break the chain of handcuffs with which you were shackled in your sleep? Such a plot can promise the sleeper a surge of new strength that will inspire him to exploits.
  • Buying accessories in a store means mentally preparing for the impending confrontation. It is likely that the sleeper will face a clash with rivals or competitors who are encroaching on his rights or freedom.
  • To steal “bracelets” in a dream picture is to use the enemy’s tactics in the real world and thus defeat him.

For a woman, a dream in which she was tied up and metal shackles were put on her wrists may be a harbinger of meeting an influential and oppressive man. When communicating with him, she must be very careful not to be under his complete control. For a man, seeing handcuffs in a dream means worrying in reality due to unreasonable jealousy.

Please note that almost all interpretations of dreams about shackles are related to the real experiences of a person and his condition. Therefore, when clarifying why handcuffs are dreamed of, you can take the circumstances of the dreamer’s real life as a starting point. Perhaps then you will be able to make the most accurate prediction possible. Author: Elena Suvorova