Competitions for KVN in kindergarten. KVN for preparatory group children in kindergarten

Seredonina Inessa Vasilievna

Dear Colleagues!

I present to your attention a photo report

from the KVN event in kindergarten.

Explanatory note: The socio-psychological culture of the teacher presupposes that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for pedagogical communication. Using a variety of shapes methodological work helps to increase the theoretical preparedness of the teacher and develop his own pedagogical position on the main problems of upbringing, training and development of the child and interpersonal interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Good afternoon, dear KVN fans!

Today we have gathered in this hall to begin a wonderful and good tradition - a competition for cheerful and resourceful people in our kindergarten!

“Who said the competition is easy? Vanity of vanities and masquerade...Competition is the future of growth, technology, festive attire. The competition is a reflection of reality, an impulse of daring, a flight, a spark of igniting modality, a whirlpool of inspiration.”

The educators gathered in this hall today are extraordinary people: creative, spiritual, and surprisingly charming. And that is great!

“Not in words, but in the things of tradition, which matches tomorrow’s life, You need to be born an Educator, and only after that – Become!”

You give everything to your work,

You awaken a dream in children's souls!

Thank you for living!

For purity of your deeds and thoughts!

After all, every geologist and every botanist;

And even a scientist, among many books,

Could not appear without education,

And it’s the kindergarten they’re starting with!

On earth they say and they are not mistaken: “They don’t become educators, they are born!”

God has given him the highest gift for centuries - to bring a preschool child into the people!

The purpose of our event: increase creative activity teachers, to promote creative search, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff of MADOU. Our competition is held in order to expand professional contacts, identify talented, creatively working educators who, unlike natural stars, not only burn themselves, but also light up others with their energy, restlessness, and caring!

Our jury will judge: (methodologist, senior teacher, specialists)

The musical intro of KVN plays and music hall teams come in. The audience supports them with loud applause, chants, and posters. The teams take their places in the hall.

So, let's welcome our teams! We ask the captains to approach the host to draw lots and find out which team will perform first! (lots are drawn).

1 Competition – Greetings! Teams introduce themselves, express wishes to opponents, spectators, and the jury. The jury evaluates all competitions using a five-point system.

There are quite a few good and necessary professions and each requires its own skills and abilities. And the profession of a teacher is universal! The teacher can do everything! And now we will make sure of this!

2 competition. Warm up. It is necessary to come up with a quatrain. Each team is given 1-2 quatrains, where only last words. In 5 minutes you need to compose a poem and present it.

3 competition. Captains competition. Team captains must sing: by lot 1) biting their lower lip; 2) biting your upper lip.

4 we had a musical competition. Teachers are singing people! Even if a teacher doesn’t know how to sing, his soul still sings! At least a lullaby! What if you forgot the words of the lullaby? Words from another song will come to the rescue! 1 team sings a lullaby to the words of the song “Antoshka”; Team 2 to the words of the song “Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles.”

5th competition! Music from the program “What, Where, When” plays and a black box is brought onto the stage. Teams need, using leading questions find out what is there! The teams successfully completed the task.

Team 1 received a score sheet, and team 2 received a group report card.

6 competition. Homework. Prepare creative performance teams on the topic “Teacher’s Dream”.

7 skill competition. It is necessary to make a postcard from the proposed materials and present it.

8 competition. It is necessary to create a kindergarten menu. Creativity and originality are assessed.

Before the jury counted the points, the audience sang the song “Kindergarten” to support the participants. (to the tune “The blue carriage runs and sways”).


Only in the morning the dawn is busy

Calls me to work cheerfully,

We cheerfully get out of bed

So every day - from year to year!

Chorus: Good riddance, good riddance,

Long journey creeps

How many souls and years have been given to the garden!

To everyone, everyone

I believe it, I believe it,

There is no better garden than ours in the whole world!

Slowly the minutes float away into the distance

Kindergarten is usually full of things to do

Sometimes a little sadness comes over you

Because they've been waiting for a home for a long time!

Yes, friends, it’s a teacher’s job

An eternal road without end.

We all chose it deliberately.

We give our hearts to children!

While the jury is deliberating, I would like to give each participant a “teacher’s memo”

If you want life to smile at you, smile back (Spinoza)

A good teacher gives everything to his work – even what he doesn’t have.)

A good teacher is never sick, and if he is sick, he will never admit it.)

A good teacher knows that there is no point in blaming the administration if everything is crooked for everyone.

A good teacher always jokes - until he learns!

The jury sets points, sums up the results, awards the winners!

Fun event for children preschool age. The purpose of which is to create a unified educational space; fostering goodwill, the ability to work in a team, creating a positive emotional mood children and teachers.



Progress of the event.

Slide No. 1

The music sounds “We are starting KVN...”

Hello guys! Today we will spend cheerful KVN.

What does KVN mean?

KVN is a Club - a game of Cheerful and Resourceful guys. And today we will play this game with the older group.

We will split into 2 teams. The team with the most correct answers will win.

Let `s start?

1 Team “Why”

And our motto is “A mind is good - two are better”

2 Team - “Znayki”

and our motto is “Knowledge is power”.

Slide No. 2

  1. Competition "Warm-up". We answer one by one and quickly.
  1. Today is Wednesday, in 2 days it will be…..?
  2. How many days are there in a week?
  3. What is the name of your group teacher?
  4. How many angles does a circle have?
  5. How many stars are there in the sky during the day?
  6. What is the name of the republic in which we live?
  7. What time of year is it now?
  8. What are the colors on the Russian flag?
  9. How many horns do two cows have?
  10. What time of day is reserved for breakfast?

Slide No. 3

  1. Contest

"Friends are Animals"

Guys, tell me, who do we call our smaller friends?

And the first task of this competition: recognize an animal or bird by its sound?

Second task “Settled in the tenants”

Slide No. 4

  1. Competition "Physical Education and Sports"
  1. Ball relay (carry the ball between your legs)
  2. Relay race “Carry in a spoon” (carry a ball into the basket with your left hand)
  3. Relay "Worm"

Slide No. 5

  1. Riddle competition:
  1. Little paws,

Scratchy paws. CAT Slide number 6

  1. Clucking, clucking,

Convenes children

He gathers everyone under his wing. CHICKEN Slide No. 7

  1. Not a rider, but with spurs,

It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes you up. ROOSTER Slide No. 8

  1. In a fur coat in summer

And in winter the stripped FOREST Slide No. 9

  1. Gold coins fall from a branch. LEAVES Slide No. 10
  2. Before we ate it,

Everyone had time to cry. ONION Slide No. 11

  1. Polka dot hat, collar with a thin stem.

This mushroom is beautiful to look at, but dangerous and poisonous. FLY AKOMOR Slide No. 12

  1. He was small in stature and galloped away from me. BALL Slide No. 13
  2. Water flows from the hot well through the nose. KETTLE Slide No. 14
  3. I am agile, light-winged, with a forked tail like a pitchfork.

If I'm flying low, it means rain is somewhere nearby. MARTIN Slide No. 15

Slide No. 16

  1. Competition "Games with fans"

Task No. 1 “Riddles”

  1. We waited for mom with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who were these

Small children? "THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN YOUNG GOATS" Slide No. 17

  1. This little girl

She slept in a white lily.

Its an evil toad at night

She took it to her swamp. "Thumbelina" Slide No. 18

  1. I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed. "LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD" Slide No. 19

We'll build ourselves a house

We will live gloriously in it!

We are not afraid of the wolf

The three of us are strong! "Three piglets" Slide No. 20

  1. But one day a root vegetable

Everyone was pulling and there was a hail of sweat.

The mouse is small, but still it is

Helped me pull out the vegetable. "TURNIP" Slide No. 21

  1. The ball rolled through the forest,

Escaping from the animals

The cheater outwitted

I taught the arrogant one a lesson. "KOLOBOK" Slide number 22

Task No. 2 Game “Say a Word”

  1. The boy is polite and developed, he says when we meet... (Hello).
  2. We were very tired during the day, let's tell everyone... (Good night).
  3. The old tree stump turns green when it hears... (Good afternoon).
  4. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (Excuse me, please).
  5. You met a friend at lunch and told him... (Hello).
  6. If we have a meeting in the evening, we’ll tell him... (Good evening).
  7. If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely

And she sneezes again five times, we’ll tell her... (Be healthy).

  1. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).
  2. In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye).

Slide No. 23

  1. Music competition

Guess the song by melody.

(For each correct answer, teams receive one chip)

Slide No. 24

  1. Artist competition

1 task to pay attention to

“What did the artist mix up?” Slide No. 25

Which team will find more differences in the picture?

2 task


Two easels with paper. At the signal from the leader, the first in the group take a pencil and draw the beginning of the picture; at the signal, they pass the pencil to the next one. The task is for all competitors to draw a given picture faster than their opponents.

Slide No. 26

  1. The final

- Our fun KVN has come to an end. The best part remains - awarding the winners!

The jury announces the results of the competition and names the winners. Team awards.


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KVN for teachers on the topic "Pedagogical duet"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenevna musical director GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I present to your attention the material creative competition teachers, conducted in the style of KVN - "Pedagogical Duet"
Target: development creativity and love for the profession
- formation of personal communication abilities;
- consolidating the knowledge of game participants about the features of communication with a child.


Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you in this cozy room. Good afternoon, dear KVN fans. What is KVN? K - club, V - lovers pedagogical activity, and N - hoping that over time, and not without our participation, the world will become better and kinder, and adults and children will perfectly master the language of mutual understanding. And for this to come true, we must now, without delaying until later, learn to communicate, test our thoughts and guesses.
KVN became an honorary person,
But interest in him has not been reduced -
Allows you to finish your work
Forget about educational process.
We want you to be in this room now
Your faces shone like the sun,
So that smiles become wide,
Like a newly built avenue.
Today, duo teams will “cross arms” in this hall. And as the KVN charter says, these weapons will be knowledge, humor, resourcefulness and good manners.
No one knows how this battle will end, but we are full of hope that victory will go to the strongest of the strong. According to Russian custom, it is customary to greet each other and introduce yourself.
Presentation of duets (each duet introduces itself).

Presenter: Right in front of you is a panel of judges who also believes: “Let the strongest win!”

So, KVN begins!
Teams, no fluff - no feather!

Now we will reflect on the problems of interaction, on ways and means of creating a joyful and cheerful mood in children during communication with adults, solving pedagogical situations.

Within three minutes, teachers pull out a ticket with the described situation and answer how to solve the proposed problem.

Presenter: And now I suggest you stretch your legs and practice according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
Relay race “Social and communicative development(standing with their backs to each other, teachers avoid obstacles)

Attraction for development fine motor skills“Thread the lace and tie it in a duet” (two teachers, holding hands, thread the lace and tie it with the other free hand)

Relay race “How we feel each other”(the first teacher is blindfolded and must pass obstacles with the help of verbal description second)

Music game By artistic and aesthetic development "Pick up musical instrument, corresponding to the sound of music" (teachers should play a musical instrument to music that matches the sound of the musical fragment)
Presenter: In this world tiny and shaky,
While the sun will shine for us,
The woman will remain a mystery
That no one can figure out.
A pleasant holiday only for women,
Which makes us all happy!
The eighth of March will provide
A sea of ​​smiles, happiness, laughter!
And today I invite you to create a duet card that you would like to receive for the holiday.

teachers perform in 10 minutes creative task

Game “Cognitive and speech development”(teachers throw the ball to each other and call lexical topics, but not necessarily only those that are recorded in the kindergarten program)

Game “Why I love my profession”(teachers pass each other a flower accompanied by music; when the music stops, the teacher must answer the question “Why do I love my profession”)
Presenter: And in conclusion, I invite you to sing the final song on this sincere note.
1. Only in the morning does dawn study,
Calls me to work cheerfully,
We cheerfully rise from bed,
So every day from year to year.
Good riddance, good riddance
The long way is creeping,
How many souls and years have been given to the garden!
To everyone, everyone
He became like family, -
There is no better kindergarten in the whole world.
2. Yes, friends, the job of a teacher is
An eternal road without end.
We all chose it deliberately,
We give our hearts to children.

Goals: introduce preschoolers to national culture and traditions of the Russian people; during the game, consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about objects of folk and applied art.

Tasks: call positive emotions; develop creative potential personalities; develop speech activity and memory.

Children are pre-divided into two teams: a girls team - “Pretty Girls” and a boys team - “Good Fellows”. Teams must have equal amount participants. The rest of the children will be spectators - fans.


When I came to the hall, don’t frown!

Be cheerful until the end!

You are not a spectator, you are not a guest,

And our program is the highlight!

Don't be shy, smile

Obey all laws!

Today, at a meeting of the club of cheerful and resourceful people, two teams are competing: the “RED GIRLS” team - let’s welcome them! - and the “GOOD WELL DONE” team! They, too, are looking forward to your stormy but short-lived applause.

It has long been known to everyone in the world

The art of Russian masters.

They contain the beauty of their native nature

And the ancient wisdom of centuries.

The theme of today's game is “We remember antiquity, we honor antiquity.” Now we will see how much we remember her and how much we honor her. And your knowledge and skills will be assessed by a respected jury (the jury reads out).

Let's start the warm-up with the Russians you know well. folk proverbs. But call one by one famous proverbs- it would be too simple and uninteresting. We decided to confuse you a little. You need to choose the correct answer from the three offered. Raise your hand, answer quickly, and now we’ll ask the jury - assign points! For each correct answer, the team receives 1 chip. At the end of the game, we will count all the chips the teams received and determine the winner.

So, the “Proverb Test” competition.

You can't even pull a fish out of...


From under the ice;

If you have patience, there will be...

Lots of money;

Good weather.

Living without anything is heaven...



Do not see.

A bird is recognized by its flight, but a person...

In the teeth;

By hairstyle;

On business.

A craftsman and a craftsman both for himself and for others...

Something will be thrown;

Brings joy;

Creates trouble.

The sun colors the earth, and man -

Pretty haircut;

New dress.

Well done! The Russian people have always been hardworking, which is why they have written a lot of proverbs about work. Since ancient times, Russian people loved their way of life art products decorate. What Russian folk crafts do you know?

A “Homework” competition is being held.

Teams take turns talking about ancient folk crafts.


1st child of the Red Maidens team.

Russia was famous for its miracle masters.

Wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale,

They created beauty with paints and brushes,

The young were taught their art.

E. Churilova

2nd child.

What is Dymkovo famous for?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

What grayness is gray.

There's something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew,

There is something of joy in her,

Thundering like bass!

3rd child.

They loved songs and dances there,

And fairy tales were born in the village.

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

4th child. Clay is one of the most common natural materials. A very long time ago it was used to make various items everyday life.

5th child. The first Vyatka brightly colored figurine is a whistle. It was made in honor of the Pandemonium holiday. On this day, city residents commemorated their ancestors in the morning, and in the afternoon they walked the streets and whistled small whistles to scare away evil spirits.

Leading. What kind of toys were Dymkovo craftsmen famous for?

Children's answer. Young lady water-carrier, turkey, horse, lamb-whistle, deer - golden antlers, etc.

Leading. And why Dymkovo toy Always white?

Children's answer. Because it is painted with white gouache diluted in milk.

Leading. What elements of painting did Vyatka craftsmen use to decorate their toys?

Children's answer. Circles, dots.


1st child of the team“Good fellows.” Gzhel products are easy to distinguish from others - they are made of white clay and painted with bluish-blue patterns.

2nd child. Famous Gzhel masters made various pottery: mugs, plates, jugs, flower pots. These products were very popular throughout Rus'.

3rd child. The craftsmen made not only dishes, but also figurines fairy-tale heroes, and toys: horses, roosters, cats, dogs.

4th child.

Gzhel painting on white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea,

The blue of cornflowers, ringing bells,

Bluebirds on thin branches.

5th child.

Blue deep lakes, white snow

Gzhel was given by Mother Earth.

Colors intertwine in a delicate pattern,

And magic comes to us from fairy tales.

E. Churilova


1st child"Red Maidens" team. Even in ancient times, people loved to decorate their lives with wood carvings. Russian wood carvings decorated the doors of the hut, window frames, and various furniture.

2nd child. Everyday objects were also decorated with carvings: spoons, cups, rockers and other objects.


1st child of the “Good fellows” team. In the old days, craftsmen not only loved to carve wood, but also beautifully painted wood products. The most famous in Rus' was considered Khokhloma painting. They painted dishes: dishes, plates, spoons, glasses, salt shakers. As well as boxes, trays and furniture.

2nd child.

Khokhloma painting -

In the green grass.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

The most wonderful of all miracles

Khokhloma colors!

P. Sinyavsky

3rd child.

Khokhloma painting, like witchcraft,

She asks for a fairy-tale song herself.

And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences,

Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles!

Leading. Guys, do you know why this painting is called Khokhloma?

Children's answer. Because this style of painting was born in the Russian village of Khokhloma.

Leading. What colors do craftsmen use to paint their products?

Children's answer. Red, yellow, green, black, gold and silver.

Leading. What exactly is customary to draw on dishes and other products?

Children's answer. A plant pattern is always used here - ears of corn, berries, currants, leaves and flowers.

Leading. Yes, we can talk about Russian folk crafts for a very long time. This includes Gorodets painting, Zhostovo trays, Vologda lace, famous Russian nesting dolls, Filimonov whistle toys. The products of Russian craftsmen have always been famous throughout the world. After all, they are made by the hands of masters who put all their love, creativity and skill into them.

We are proud of antiquity

She became like family to us.

Always makes someone happy

Our great-grandfathers' work.

Let's continue our competition in knowledge of antique household items. Now you will name them one by one. And the jury will note which team can name the most objects.

Competition “Do we remember the old days?”

Children take turns naming objects of ancient Russian life.

Tub, spinning wheel, dokha (fur coat), zhupan (antique short caftan), wire rods (felt boots), onuchi (foot wraps), casing, valance (lace fabric on the bed), chest, splinter, susek (box made of thick boards), rocker, tub (wooden bucket), vat, tyn, wattle fence, loaf, tuesok, ruble, sickle, basket, box, washstand, mortar, trough, samovar, bast shoes, etc.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading. People in Rus' have always loved laughter and fun. Loved to work, you can have fun! After intense workdays, the Russian people organized joyful holidays. And what would a holiday be without a lively dance?!

The following competition is not new -

We have a dancing competition!

You play, my accordion,


We'll see you now,

How they danced in Rus'!

Competition "Dance"

All team members are accompanied by a Russian soundtrack folk song“Lady” is danced dashingly, using familiar dance movements. The jury evaluates the coherence of the players, the variety of dance movements, and their expressiveness.


Now please return your attention!

Let's continue our competition.

Tales in faces

They sit in the tower-lights,

Nuts are cracking

Yes, they create ridicule.

Want to know which ones? And here they are!

Teams take turns reading fables in their faces.

- Mashka, Mashka, it’s time to visit.

- What should we go on?

- On the matting.

- It’s no good on matting.

- And you’re on the basket.

“Suddenly I’ll fall down the path.”

- Tie yourself with a strap.

- No, I’d better go on foot!

- Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- How big is the hole?

- One gate left!

- Masha, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

- Yes, I caught a bear!

- So bring him here!

- Yes, he’s not coming.

- Well, then go yourself.

- But he won’t let me in!

- Son, go get some water.

- My belly hurts.

- Son, go eat some porridge!

-Where is my big spoon?


Now the battle of tongue twisters

Let us begin

Let the captains speak quickly

I ask the rest to be silent!

Competition “You Can’t Talk All the Tongue Twisters”

Team captains compete.

Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

The ship was carrying caramel and the ship ran aground.

Our Masha was given semolina porridge.

Senya is carrying hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.


We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Russian ancient fairy tale.

How can we manage without Russian folk tales today? In the old days they loved fairy tales. Now the teams have to guess fabulous riddles.

Competition "Fairytale Riddles"

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?

Then answer quickly

The title of this book is... (“Masha and the Bear”).

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty one,

Talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (“Kolobok”).

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows. ("Three Bears")

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Good help

Blue River.

Everyone helped us

Everyone sheltered us

To mother and father

We got home. ("Swan geese ")

An arrow fell straight into the swamp.

And in this swamp the princess lived. ("Princess Frog")

How cunning is the fox?

These are simply miracles!

Outwitted the guy

She stole the fish from the cart.

Deceived the wolf

Also very clever! ("The Fox and the Wolf")

The beautiful maiden is sad -

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun,

She's shedding tears, poor thing! ("Snow Maiden")

The frog has found a home for itself:

The mouse was kind.

In that house, after all,

It became crowded with residents. ("Teremok")

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets carry the water themselves. ("By magic")

Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

P. Naydenova

Leading. The next competition is a ditty one! The distinguished jury will evaluate this competition not only by musical abilities, but also in terms of the cohesion of the players, fun and enthusiasm.

Competition of ditties.

Both teams stand up and sing, alternating, one ditty at a time.


Let's stand, girls, side by side

Let's sing ditties!

Well done.

Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave the girls behind!


We are fighting girls

We don't sit idle.

We compose ditties,

We follow fashion!

Well done.

Let's start having fun

We start singing songs.

Shut your ears

So as not to fall off the chairs!


I dressed up today

In a sundress with a frill.

Enjoy it all, guys!

On my frills!

Well done.

I combed my head

I even tied a tie.

And, it seems, all the girls

I charmed everyone around!


I am a master of dancing,

Knock your heels.

The legs dance on their own -

I'll show you the class now!

Well done.

Singing songs is crooked,

I would go to visit Masha,

I don’t know where he lives!


We respect antiquity

We preserve the antiquity.

We dance better than the fellows,

Let's sing louder than the fellows!

Well done.

Eh, girls, you girls,

You argue in vain:

We're still ahead

You won't overtake us!

Leading. Of course, you are eager to find out which team won today? And we will find out now. Dear jury, please summarize the results of all competitions.

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded.


The competition is over

The meeting ended

The hour of parting has come.

We're all a little tired

But they kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

(A team of children - “Resourceful” and a team of parents - “Jolly” are playing.)

Leading. We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, dear fans and guests! Today we have gathered for a celebration of resourcefulness and intelligence, competition and mutual assistance - KVN. What is KVN? That's right, this is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Today two teams will meet - “Merry” and “Resourceful”.

So, let's begin (represents the commands):
Team "Merry". Captain...
Team "Resourceful". Captain...
I ask the team members to shake hands and take their places (music sounds).
Each team has a support group in the hall (points to the audience). Checking the readiness of support groups (spectators clap their hands). If any team finds it difficult to complete a task, the support group can help and earn a point for their team.

The competition will be judged by a jury. You are invited to the judge's table (lists the names of the jury members).
Let's start warming up (four players are called from each team). I ask the warm-up participants to stand in pairs (one from each team). At first dance moves The players of the “Resourceful” team perform to the music, and the representatives of the “Merry” team, as in a mirror, must repeat all the movements after them. Then the warm-up participants change roles. (After the warm-up, as well as after each subsequent task, the jury announces the results.)

Leading . And now each team must show its ingenuity.

Tasks for the "Resourceful" team:

1) How many horns do two cows have? (Four.)
2) How many ends does the stick have?
3) Here are the mushrooms on the meadow
They are wearing yellow caps.
Two mushrooms, three mushrooms.
How many will be together? (Five.)
4) Vasya divided the chocolate into several parts. He ate one part himself, gave two to his mom and dad, offered one part to his sister, and he had one part left. How many hours did Vasya divide the chocolate into? (At 5.)
5) What a table among the birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds with grain and bread. (Feeder.)

Tasks for the "Merry" team:

1) How many ears do three mice have? (Six.)
2) Three brothers have one sister, how many children are there in the family? (Four.)
3) Five crows sat on the roof,
Two more arrived to them.
Answer quickly and boldly:
How many of them arrived? (Seven.)
4) If you eat one bagel, there will be one hole left. If you eat one pretzel, there will be two holes left, but smaller ones. There are 10 bagels and 10 pretzels on a saucer. How many bagels and pretzels must be eaten so that the holes are left equally? (All bagels and five pretzels.)
5) Who, twirling his mustache,
Have you given us orders?
“You can eat! It's time to go for a walk!
Wash your face! And to bed!" (Watch.)

Leading. In the next competition - "Live Numbers"- 10 people per team participate. Each player takes one card with a number written on it. Task: All players walk around the hall to the music. At the signal “Stand in order!” both teams must line up in sequence from 1 to 10. The team that does this faster and without mistakes wins.

Leading. Captains competition "Don't get your feet wet". (Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 are laid out on the floor at a short distance from one another.) Imagine that you find yourself in a forest, in front of you is a swamp. You can only pass through it over bumps, and you must step on them strictly in the order of the numbers. The captain of the "Resourceful" team will start with the number 1, and the captain of the "Merry" team will start with the number 10. The winner is the one who makes no mistakes and is the first to cross the swamp.
Leading. Checking homework commands: you had to remember as many rhymes as possible. Each count is a point earned. All players and support groups participate. ( The jury counts the number of points and names the winner.)

Leading. And now I propose to choose one artist from the team. They will receive a piece of paper with geometric shapes drawn on it.
Exercise: turn every geometric figure into something interesting, unusual. (Each sheet of paper shows a triangle, rectangle, circle, oval.)
Leading. Our KVN has come to an end. Whoever is ahead, we can say with sovereignty that friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness have won today.

The jury sums up the results of the game.

The winners are awarded Grand Prize- pie. Then comes the awarding of incentive prizes:
1) the most active player of each team;
2) audience award;
3) the most active member of the support group.