KVN on the theme kindergarten script. KVN in kindergarten between teachers

Anna Akhmerova

Greetings to everyone visiting my blog! Today my post is about interesting event that happened to our team - preparation and performance at the KVN game. During the month of preparation, our garden staff rallied even more, so many positive emotions We received a charge of cheerfulness and positivity from the performance and in the preparation process. I was the team captain and the author of the ideas.

The game took place as part of the Annual Festival of Amateur Art "Roshchinsky Patterns" in the local Palace of Culture, 5 teams took part: a kindergarten, a national team from the village, and 3 teams from other villages where the workshops of the Roshchinsky state farm are located.

So, we are starting KVN.

"Business card"

“Trainees” (as I called them) come on stage and perform a remake of “Good Girls.” I am the author of the text and I will be glad if this version of the perky song is useful to someone.

1) Nice girls

They work in a kindergarten.

Smart and cheerful

It's simply pleasing to the eye!

As soon as we start the song

Support us!

2) We are surrounded by children -

And we won't grow old.

And from children's smiles

Let everything around shine.

The main thing for us is wealth

Entrusted by fate

This is of course a child -

Our very best friend!

3) Like a teacher bee

Until very late at night.

Twenty-five children each

Well, in the evening - family.

After all, every year in the village

More and more children

Come to our kindergarten

Soooo! Just a moment!

What kind of meeting is this here?

Maybe on the agenda

Discussing me!


Yes, what are you doing?

We're arguing here

How to approach a child!

In the new modern century

Find a common language with him!


We are advanced people

We also have an approach to them!


We'll be happy to see

Show me the master class!

Young teachers and assistant teachers come out and read the rap sheet. Once upon a time, on Preschool Worker's Day, I found on the Internet one version of Rap for preschoolers. I left some of that text. And everything else is my creativity:


Advanced ideas

Give a strong start

Federal will help

State standard!

Now I know too

Preschool news.

There are seven educational

We bring integration

In each of our projects.

We are not afraid of new things

Respect for the new one! (in unison)

The names change

But the point remains.

You are kind and open

Be a teacher!

You and I are preschoolers,

Miracle teachers,

Happy childhood forever

Roads cross.

We will forever be young -

And that's a plus! (in unison)

Gives us a sea of ​​joy

Every little one.

Our children are participating

In various competitions

And they always show

The result is decent!

There are awards in the Republic

And even across Russia!

Have fun

Sports holidays,

Because teachers

Our creative ones!

Children skiing in winter

They ride with joy

AND all year round in a swimming pool

Enjoy splashing around!

And matinees for children -

Like a social ball!

When you come to us, you will believe

What a fairy tale.

Girls and boys

They will sing to you from the heart

And they will show you the dance

Unprecedented beauty!

Chorus (in chorus):



On this day we

Forgetting about worries,

Let's tell the whole world

About our work.

Straight from the stage

Here and now

Our preschool REP

Sounds good to you!

We give it to the child

The world at your fingertips

Learning life

Understand a little bit.

In drawings and paints

Look for beauty

choose words,

Don't be shy yourself.

We teach you to laugh

To be sad, to be surprised,

Play in the theater

As an artist, don't be shy.

Every teacher -

National artist!

Singer, musician,

Artist, linguist.

And all your secrets

The baby will open for us

You won't get bored with them,

Yes, you won't be sad with them.

And so that in your life

Suddenly it didn't happen

In the garden you forget everything

And you give them warmth.

Chorus (in chorus)



Two children from the older group are coming out (I pre-recorded them in the studio)

The teacher can do everything

Like a superhero!

Of course it's not easy

You have to, sometimes.

But to all questions

Finds answers

We love them very much

We even give you candy!


Our doors are open

Always and for everyone

If you have something to show,

Why hide success?

And we don't stop

And we are developing,

Be the best in everything

And he helps us

Music supervisor.

He's an inventor

And our inspiration!

In questions about methodology

Senior teacher,

Clear plan

Development creator.

And at the head

Our star stands -

Creative person -

Manager! (in unison)


Each of us

I'm sincerely glad

What visits


Chorus (in chorus):



All of us (there are 20 of us) say in unison:

Our team:


(this is said by our carpenter, the only man in the team)

(we add in unison):


(one of the teachers blows a whistle - and we run off, backstage.

Competition "Homework"

on the theme "Open Day"

Team captain (i.e. me): It's no secret that Open Day in preschool institution associated with visiting parents. But unfortunately, in reality everything happens completely differently. Our frequent and not always welcome guests come from all sorts of authorities:



Prosecutor's office,

Sanitary and epidemiological station,



Employees of the above departments simply need to identify violations, even where they do not exist. The requirements of each of them are sometimes directly opposite to each other. But we are all human, we understand everything and try to satisfy every requirement of higher organizations. This is what comes of it. One day of life kindergarten.

On the threshold is a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The manager comes up and greets:

Hello, we have been waiting for you, we have been waiting for you!


SAN. Where is your kitchen?


Cook (nervous, fidgeting with his robe)

SAN. Soooo, aluminum buckets...It's a mess! When food waste comes into contact with an aluminum alloy, it reacts, during which harmful and dangerous fumes are released.

MANAGER We'll fix everything! (smiling at the commission)

(Angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

The shaking cook changes the bucket.

MANAGER Let's join the group, please! (pass)

SAN. It is quite cool in your group, and the floors are cold. Concrete, and immediately lenoleum on concrete. Your children probably get sick often! With such and such cold floor coverings?

VOSP. No, what are you talking about, it’s warm, it’s warm here! We just opened the windows to ventilate, about two weeks ago... We’re still afraid to close them... The old ones are about to fall apart... And on the floor we have warm Persian carpets, the children sit on the carpets all day long... (During the teacher’s speech, the Head twists his head, clutches his heart, and tries to stop the teacher’s revelations). And the carpet... so we... shook it out into the street. So he’s already...and he’s back (spreads the carpet).

SAN. Okay, but keep an eye on the temperature!

MANAGER Everything will be done in at its best! (shows fist to teacher)

Next came the fireman.

The manager rushes about, not having time to escort the representative of the sanitary and epidemiological station backstage, when he runs in the other direction to the fireman. The fireman is a man, so the manager flirts with him and takes him by the arm. But the fireman is adamant)

MANAGER Hello, we were just waiting for you!

POL. Please take me to the kitchen.

MANAGER Please! Would you like some soup? (coquettishly)

POL. I don't eat at work. (looks around)

POL. Plastic buckets... Violation! Fire hazard!

MANAGER We'll replace it, we'll fix it!

MANAGER Put away! (angrily)

The shaking cook changes the buckets back.

POL. Okay, we'll forgive you the first time.

MANAGER Let's join the group, please! (they pass, the fireman looks around)

POL. Bah! Carpet.

VOSP. Oh, you noticed too! Yes( smiles, boasts), new, beautiful, warm!

(The manager, behind the fireman, twists it at his temple)

POL. This is all wonderful, of course, BUT! Fire hazard!

MANAGER We were just about to remove it. Oh, don't tell me, it's dangerous. Dangerous...And the dust collector is terrible. ( angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

The teacher rolls up the carpet and cleans it up.

Closer to lunch, the Prosecutor appears.

The manager rushes about, not having time to escort the fireman backstage, and meets the prosecutor on the other side of the stage.

ETC. Hello, please show me to the bedroom.

MANAGER Let's go, please.

ETC. Lists please!

VOSP. Here you are. All 42 children as one (joyfully)!

ETC. (perplexed) Forty two? (counts beds), where do they all sleep? Why, kids these days are skinny and skinny, two to one bed just fits everything!

The prosecutor looks at the teacher with wide eyes and shrugs.(The head says “badly”, clutching his heart, sits down on the bed, then jumps up and covers the teacher’s mouth with his hand)

MANAGER Don’t listen to her, she has a high temperature, fever... she’s delirious! (Pushes the teacher out, saying):

It's time for her to go on sick leave, for long-term sick leave, (turns to the teacher, through gritted teeth):with subsequent dismissal... (pushes the teacher backstage)

MANAGER Sveta! Where are the lists for inspectors? (The playwright runs in and gives other lists.)

MANAGER Here, everything is as it should be, 20 children - 21 (counts beds, slows down intonation) bed (shakes his fist in the direction where the lists were brought from).

ETC. Q.E.D! (He makes notes with pleasure in his notebook)

MANAGER We'll fix everything! (angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

Playback 1 and Rec. 2 take the bed away.

ETC. Soooo...How are things going with the sizes... (takes out a tape measure, begins to measure the remaining bed lengthwise and crosswise, looks into the notebook):

According to SANPIN standards, the distance from the wall to the bed should not be less than 15 centimeters.

MANAGER Let's add!

ETC (surprised) How? Will you tear down the wall?

MANAGER Let's tear it down!

ETC. And still. Based on regulatory documents, the headboard of your bed is ONE AND A HALF) centimeters larger than the required dimensions!

MANAGER Let's saw it off! (turns around and calls the carpenter) Rafkat!

Rafkat runs in, saws off the headboard, and runs away.

ETC. Promptly! (surprised and delighted)

A fireman appears from the other side of the stage:

Cough, cough! (coughs). The manager runs from the prosecutor, who has gone backstage to see the fireman.

POL. Please show us your basements!

MANAGER (flirtatiously, slowly) You know the most interesting place in the garden - this is a basement, let's go through, please! (go towards the backstage, look behind the scenes)

POL. Well, basically everything is clean, not cluttered. Just there in the corner (peers). Bed! Disorder! Fire hazard!

MANAGER Let's remove it now! (angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

2 teachers run out and carry the bed back, from one backstage to another.

The music comes out from behind the scenes. hands (that is, me).

MANAGER And here we have a music hall, a matinee is going on, do you want to stay?

Please No thanks. (Leaves)

MANAGER Anna Sergeyevna! Is the phognogram ready?

MUZ. RUK. Yes, everything is ready! What is a phonogram? under your breath)

Here we show a skit taken from KVN-1992, team Ekaterinburg " County town", called "Seryozha-Well done!" There is a video of this skit on the Internet. The musician sings the melody of the dance "Apple" and speaks to the children along the way (adults in disguise): don’t pick your nose, turn around, get back into place, everything is enough, etc. And the cool and funny dressed “children” make faces on stage)

The next competition is the "Captains Competition". Team captains read prepared jokes. After each lap, one captain, in the opinion of the jury, was eliminated. Here is my selection of jokes:

The traffic police got it. Today I sat on the toilet and almost used toilet paper to strap myself in.

Daddy! May I kiss you!

No money left! Mom has already kissed me!

The old woman slows down the taxi and gets in with the goat. Stunned taxi driver: - Grandma, what are you doing! With a goat in a taxi!! - What, my dear, you can’t strike! I heard the other day that you carry chicks too.

Darling, do we have anything for tea?

There are cookies, there are donuts.

Eat your own tampons.

Two women are coming from the hayfield. A guy on a motorcycle flies by. Headless. One: - They're filming a movie, huh? Second: - You should shift the braid to the other shoulder.

Two guys enter the store, already drunk. They approach the beer and take a long time to choose. Then they come up to the seller and say: “Two Velkopopovets Goats.” She: “I see, and what next?”

Millillay, I haven't drank in a sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! -

Say, “in the depths of the tundra, otters in spats poke cedar kernels into buckets.”

The husband shouts to his wife: “Wife, do you know where our old saw is?” Mother-in-law’s voice: “It’s none of your business where I drank!” And in general, I'm not old.

A cool, advanced girl from the city comes to visit her granny in the village.

Well, granny, where can you go here at night?


"Musical competition"

Rafkat Abiy runs in with a stepladder, sits down on a chair in the corner, and the assistant runs after him. teacher with a mop

Rafkat! Raise your legs!

The teacher runs out: Uncle Rafkat, the light bulbs need to be replaced, they are burned out!

Rafkat: Okay, I'll replace it after lunch.

Next teacher: Rafkat abii, we urgently need to nail down the shelf!

Rafkat: I'll kill you! If I don't forget. And like this every day. You are 40! And I am alone. They won't let you rest. (falls asleep) And our dance is his dream-fantasy)

The girls and I prepared an original one East Dance on gymnastic balls. Every day we rehearsed for an hour in music hall, sacrificing my lunch break.) It’s a pity I still couldn’t cope with loading the video. Therefore, here is a photo for your attention.

(A team of children - “Resourceful” and a team of parents - “Jolly” are playing.)

Leading. We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, dear fans and guests! Today we have gathered for a celebration of resourcefulness and intelligence, competition and mutual assistance - KVN. What is KVN? That's right, this is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Today two teams will meet - “Merry” and “Resourceful”.

So, let's begin (represents the commands):
Team "Merry". Captain...
Team "Resourceful". Captain...
I ask the team members to shake hands and take their places (music sounds).
Each team has a support group in the hall (points to the audience). Checking the readiness of support groups (spectators clap their hands). If any team finds it difficult to complete a task, the support group can help and earn a point for their team.

The competition will be judged by a jury. You are invited to the judge's table (lists the names of the jury members).
Let's start warming up (four players are called from each team). I ask the warm-up participants to stand in pairs (one from each team). At first dance moves The players of the “Resourceful” team perform to the music, and the representatives of the “Merry” team, as in a mirror, must repeat all the movements after them. Then the warm-up participants change roles. (After the warm-up, as well as after each subsequent task, the jury announces the results.)

Leading . And now each team must show its ingenuity.

Tasks for the "Resourceful" team:

1) How many horns do two cows have? (Four.)
2) How many ends does the stick have?
3) Here are the mushrooms on the meadow
They are wearing yellow caps.
Two mushrooms, three mushrooms.
How many will be together? (Five.)
4) Vasya divided the chocolate into several parts. He ate one part himself, gave two to his mom and dad, offered one part to his sister, and he had one part left. How many hours did Vasya divide the chocolate into? (On 5.)
5) What a table among the birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds with grain and bread. (Feeder.)

Tasks for the "Merry" team:

1) How many ears do three mice have? (Six.)
2) Three brothers have one sister, how many children are there in the family? (Four.)
3) Five crows sat on the roof,
Two more arrived to them.
Answer quickly and boldly:
How many of them arrived? (Seven.)
4) If you eat one bagel, there will be one hole left. If you eat one pretzel, there will be two holes left, but smaller ones. There are 10 bagels and 10 pretzels on a saucer. How many bagels and pretzels must be eaten so that the holes are left equally? (All bagels and five pretzels.)
5) Who, twirling his mustache,
Have you given us orders?
“You can eat! It's time to go for a walk!
Wash your face! And to bed!" (Watch.)

Leading. In the next competition - "Live Numbers"- 10 people per team participate. Each player takes one card with a number written on it. Task: All players walk around the hall to the music. At the signal “Stand in order!” both teams must line up in sequence from 1 to 10. The team that does this faster and without mistakes wins.

Leading. Captains competition "Don't get your feet wet". (Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 are laid out on the floor at a short distance from one another.) Imagine that you find yourself in a forest, in front of you is a swamp. You can only pass through it over bumps, and you must step on them strictly in the order of the numbers. The captain of the "Resourceful" team will start with the number 1, and the captain of the "Merry" team will start with the number 10. The winner is the one who makes no mistakes and is the first to cross the swamp.
Leading. Checking homework commands: you had to remember as many rhymes as possible. Each count is a point earned. All players and support groups participate. ( The jury counts the number of points and names the winner.)

Leading. And now I propose to choose one artist from the team. They will receive a piece of paper with geometric shapes drawn on it.
Exercise: turn every geometric figure into something interesting, unusual. (Each sheet of paper shows a triangle, rectangle, circle, oval.)
Leading. Our KVN has come to an end. Whoever is ahead, we can say with sovereignty that friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness have won today.

The jury sums up the results of the game.

The winners are awarded Grand Prize- pie. Then comes the awarding of incentive prizes:
1) the most active player of each team;
2) audience award;
3) the most active member of the support group.

Natalya Gukova
KVN in preparatory group kindergarten

Integrated lesson “KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten”


Continue to teach children constructive thinking: build vehicles from wooden blocks using their imagination.

Reinforce the concept of “sets”, “united sets”.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Develop independence and ability to understand learning task and do it yourself.


Emblems for each team

3 green hoops, 3 pink hoops, 3 sets volumetric bodies different shapes and the colors are the same for each team

3 rackets, 21 cubes. 4 dice for team 1 with the letters mloy, for team 2 – kshaa, for team 3 – lsia.

Color signs, 9 plates, red circle, green triangle, blue square, jump ropes (blue, green, red, yellow - for each team.

Pictures of a car, plane, ship; building kit for each team.

Medals, certificates


Children go out under cheerful music and stand near their seats.

Ved: Hello, dear parents and dear children! Today we gathered in the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

Jokes, laughter, question, answer

The whole world knows that game

Children: KVN.

Educator: Well, it's time for us to start,

We want to wish you

To laugh and joke

Children: in KVN.

Educator: So that there is no sadness

So that you answer everything

So that the jury is satisfied

Children: in KVN.

Reb 1: Hello, friends.

Today is a special, unusual day for us.

We have prepared a fun and interesting KVN.

Reb 2: And so that everyone likes this KVN,

You need to show solid knowledge,

Be cheerful and resourceful.

Ved: As in every game in KVN we have a jury, allow me to introduce it...

Three teams take part in our game.

Team introduction, motto

Ved: It’s no secret that any KVN begins with a warm-up. And so we begin the warm-up. Each team will be asked a question in turn. You need to think carefully and answer it as quickly as possible, and most importantly correctly.


1How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

2 How many tails do four cats have?

3How many noses do three elephants have?

1How many nuts are there in an empty glass?

2Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

3If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush... (below the tree

1If the ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil... (shorter than a ruler)

2If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread... (thinner than the rope)

3If sister older than brother, then brother... (younger than sister)

Ved: The teams completed the task. We ask the jury to sum up the results.

Presenter: Our next task: combining sets. You need to determine whether the sets are combined or not. The girls play first. :

In a pink hoop - all yellow figures. What figures did you put in? Why?

In the green circle are all figures that do not have corners. What figures were placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why? What do they have in common?

Now the boys are playing:

In a pink hoop - all the cubes. What figures did you put in? Why?

In the green hoop - all the balls. What figures were placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why?

We ask the jury to evaluate our teams.

Our next task will be the relay race. Each team has a bowl of cubes in front of them. You need to put the cube on the racket and move it beyond the marked line without dropping it.

One, two, three, pick up the racket!

We ask the jury to evaluate not only the speed, but also the accuracy with which the cubes were moved.

If the teams look carefully, they will see that something is drawn on some of the cubes. (letters) What letters?

You need to make 1 word from these letters.

What words did you get?

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

Presenter: The next competition is reading diagrams by elimination and drawing up geometric shapes. And the captains will begin. The captains need to guess what color the figure is hidden under the third plate. Teams need to choose a rope of the desired color as quickly as possible and, holding the rope with their hands, make a figure that the captain can figure out. Total 3 colors (blue, green, red). The captain of team “1” reads the diagram first. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a red circle under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children make a red circle.

The captain of team “2” reads the diagram. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a green triangle under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children do the green triangle without letting go of the rope.

The captain of team “3” reads the diagram. What color is this? And here? Why? There is a blue square under the plate. What color will you take the jump rope? Children do the blue square without letting go of the jump rope.

We ask the jury to sum up the competition and announce the interim results.

In the next competition you need to name a number of objects or living creatures in one word.

1 Grasshopper, fly, dragonfly, Chafer(insects)

2Sparrow, pigeon, waxwing, magpie... (winter birds)

3 Nightingale, oriole, cuckoo, swallow... (migratory birds)

1 Spruce, pine, birch, willow... (trees)

2 Rose, tulip, aster, gladiolus... (garden, flowers)

3 “Cherry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, watermelon” (berries)

1 “House, barn, hut, skyscraper” (building).

2 “Brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, dad” (relatives).

3 “Pencil, notebook, paper, pen, sketchbook” (stationery).

1 “Train, bicycle, plane, car, ship” (transport).

2 “Igor, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill” (male names).

3 “Table, bed, wardrobe, chair, armchair” (furniture).

We ask the jury to sum up the results of the competition.

The next competition is called “Numbers in a Row”

Each team member has a number from 1 to 7. While the music is playing, you dance, as soon as the music has died down, you need to line up with your team in order from 1 to 7 as quickly as possible.

The second time during the dance, the children change numbers and then line up from 7 to 1.

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

And in the next game we invite not only team members, but also spectators to take part

Listen to little stories. If you hear the syllable or word “three,” then clap your hands once.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside (slam).

We saw small fish

And not just one, but THREE (clap).

Recently there was a train at the station,

I had to wait THREE (clap) hours.

But during this time I managed

I’ll get a haircut (clap) and sleep.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look (clap! At the start, don’t cheat (clap).

Wait for command 1,2,3 (clap).

And our last task is called “Construction of transport”. Guys, what kind of transport do you know? What is it for? So now we will build transport. Now the captains will look at what kind of transport you need to build.

1. Ship

3. Airplane

Your task is to build this transport so that the opposing team can guess what type of transport it is. What did you get? What type of transport (water, land, air) does your building belong to? Why?

The jury sums up the results.

Host: Well, our competition has come to an end. Guys, what do you think was the most difficult? What did you handle with ease?

Team awards

Publications on the topic:

Spring has come to us” (integrated lesson in the second junior group of kindergarten). Irina Alyokhina “Spring has come to us” (integrated.

"A gift from Masha and Misha." Integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of a kindergarten“Gift from Masha and Misha” (integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of kindergarten)

“Journey to the senior group” (integrated lesson in middle group kindergarten).

“Journey to the land of knowledge” (integrated lesson in senior group kindergarten) Author: Alekhina Irina Valerievna, teacher of the first.

Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: Intellectual KVN for children 5-6 years old

1. Teach children to find solutions to problems based on preliminary thinking about the solution.
2. Fixing the score within 10.
3. Formation logical thinking children.
4. Development of children's competitive qualities.

Children enter the hall to the music; the hall is decorated accordingly. Spectators are sitting in the hall (parents, children from the preparatory group)

Presenter:- Today we will arrange an intellectual competition. Are the teams ready?

Children: - Yes!

Presenter:- We have two teams of children, there are spectators and there is a jury that will monitor the progress of the competition and evaluate your results.

Presenter:- Teams, greet each other and our spectators.

Team "Smart Guys".
“We are smart kids, kids are playful,
We love to play KVN and, of course, win.”

Our motto: “One mind is good, but many are better.”

Team "Knowledge".
“We are knowledgeable guys, knowledgeable ones are not arrogant,
We play different games, we win in KVN.”

Our motto: "Knowledge is power."

Presenter:- Let's start our intellectual competition. Teams will receive points for each task.

Exercise 1. "Warm-up for the mind"
The facilitator asks the children the following tasks. The answer is given to the team whose flag is raised the fastest. (1 correct answer = 1 point)
1) Liquid, not water, white, not snow.
2) What grows upside down.
3) Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail?

(Ball of thread)
4) Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there?
5) Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there?
(Three: grandmother, mother and daughter)
6) There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three children so that one apple remains in the basket?
(Give one along with the basket)
7) One man has four sons and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have?
(Five people)
8) There were sweets on the table. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter each took one piece of candy. How many candies were on the table?
9) When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 7 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?
(7 kg)
10) In the running competition, Yura, Grisha and Tolya took top places. What place did each of them take if Grisha took neither second nor third place, and Tolya did not take third?
(Grisha - 1, Tolya - 2, Yura - 3)

Task 2. "Logical pair"
The children are given the task of looking at the pictures and continuing the series. (1 correctly completed task = 5 points)
Task for 1 team:

Tasks for team 2:

Task 3. "Let's pick up the sea piece by piece"
Children are given a task; whose team completes the picture faster receives 5 points; if the second team completes the task later, receives 3 points if it does not complete the task, 0 points. You need to assemble the picture by stripes, putting the numbers in order.

Interim scoring is carried out.
Presenter: - Well done, guys! And now we will rest a little.
The music is turned on and the exercises will be performed to the music.
While the votes are being counted, viewers are invited to guess deception riddles.

Everything is dressed in white snow -
So it's coming...

At night every window
Poor lighting...

Friend of animals and friend of children
Good Doctor...

Crows awake
Dear, kind...

Tall, long-legged,
He's not too lazy to fly -
On a thatched roof

Task 4. "Eulerian Circles"»
The team with the fewest points chooses the difficulty of the task.
1 difficulty level – 5 points
Difficulty level 2 - 7 points
You need to choose the correct answer.
Level 1:

Level 2:

Task 5. "Captains"

Team captains participate in the competition. You need to find 10 differences between two pictures. Each team receives as many points as the differences found. (1 difference = 1 point)
1 team:

Team 2:

- Guys, our time is over. mathematical KVN. Now the final results will be summed up, so the jury gives the floor.
All children are awarded “Intellectuals” medals

Abstract joint activities in the older group.


Author: Elena Petrovna Solodilova, teacher of the non-profit educational institution “Mariol School” in the city of Voronezh.

Description: I bring to your attention a summary of joint activities in the senior group of KVN “Experts of Fairy Tales”. The game not only reinforces children’s knowledge about Russians folk tales, but also fosters a love of reading literature. The material may be of interest to preschool teachers.

Target: Consolidating children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales
Activate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;
Strengthen the ability to recognize a fairy tale by a replica, as well as recognize a hero by the description of a portrait;
Create conditions for creative self-expression(story of a monologue from a fairy tale, depict a character from a fairy tale schematically);
Develop the ability to form words following the steps sound analysis;
Develop team spirit and the ability to act in concert;
Contribute to the formation emotional attitude to literary works.
Foster a love of reading fiction.
Material: 5 cards with the image of a kolobok and 5 cards with the image of a turnip, a red card with the letter “M”, yellow color with the letter “C”, 2 cards with the name of the fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, 2 cards with encrypted words (teremok, Snow Maiden), 10 diplomas with the inscription “To the best expert in Russian folk tales”, 2 sheets of paper, illustrations from fairy tales, attribute for drawing lots, postman Pechkin’s costume.
Preliminary work:
1. Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic “Russian folk tales”;
2. Reading fairy tales, Russian folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world;
3. Conversation with children about Russian folk tales, proverbs, sayings (about work);
4. Making the album “My Favorite Fairy Tales”;
5. Didactic games: “Whose names are these”, “Whose nickname is this”, etc.
6. Making a book “Fairy Tale in Pictures” (for children junior group- For a present)
7. Making bookmarks for books.
Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.

Educator: Children, today we will visit a fairy tale. Listening to a fairy tale, we find ourselves in Magic world, where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil. There are 2 teams participating in our KVN. The teams chose captains. Captains, come to the table and, with the help of magical kinder surprises, determine whose team will be called “Turnip” and whose team “Kolobok”
1 competition “Guess the fairy tale”
Educator: There are many heroes of fairy tales, it’s impossible to count them all. Guys, guess who I'm talking about?
1. Everyone knows in Rus',
Waiting for mother with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who are these little children (Seven Little Goats)
2. What kind of guest came to the house?
To three forest bears?
I ate and drank there
I slept in three beds,
And the owners returned
I barely lost my legs. (Three Bears)
3. Escaped from the dirty ones
Cups, spoons and pans.
She is looking for them, calling them
And on the road she sheds tears (Fedorino's grief)
4. I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
But the fox still got it in his teeth (Kolobok)
5. Misha is walking through the forest,
The box on the back carries -
Pies for grandma and grandpa
Granddaughter Masha baked
Uncooperative Misha
I circled my finger. (Masha and the Bear)
6.I went to visit my grandmother
Brought the pies to her
The gray wolf didn't follow,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)
7. The apple tree helped us,
The stove helped us
Good help
Blue River.
Everyone helped us
Everyone sheltered us
To mother and father
We got home.
Who took my brother away?
Name the book. (“Geese - Swans”)
8. Fox - my sister was very cunning.
I drove the cowardly bunny out of the hut
The rooster only managed to stand up for the hare,
He took a sharp scythe and managed to drive away the fox. (Fox and hare)
9.And I did laundry for my stepmother
And sorted out the peas
At night by candlelight.
And I slept by the stove
As good as the sun
Who is this? (Cinderella.)
10. The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Tail small crochet
Instead of shoes, hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Nif-nif, Naf-naf, and nuf-nuf)
11. This one fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)
12. Lives in Prostakvashino
All the farming is done there
I don't know the exact address
But the surname is naval (Matroskin)

2nd competition “Name the fairy tale by its first letter.”
Educator:Team captains come out and choose a card of any color. You need to remember the name of the fairy tale, starting with the letter you chose. Team “Turnip” name a fairy tale that begins with the letter “M”, and team “Kolobok” name a fairy tale that begins with the letter “S”.
Children: “Masha and the Bear”, “Snow Maiden”.

3 competition "Find out the fairy tale from the picture."
Educator:Children, look how beautiful and elegant the books are. In each of them live the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. A fairy tale is an amazing, magical world in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations occur. And you said that you love fairy tales. Then I suggest you recognize a familiar fairy tale from the picture on the cover.”/children guess the name of familiar fairy tales.
4th competition “Fairy-tale phrases”.
Educator: There is a beginning of a phrase from a fairy tale, but there is no end. Help me finish this sentence.
In some kingdom....in some state.
By pike command...according to my desire.
Soon the fairy tale will tell... but it won’t be done soon
And I was there, drinking honey and beer... it was running down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
They began to live and live. and make good money.
Grandfather beat and didn’t break... the woman beat, beat
Lived once…
Koschei the Deathless
Elena the beautiful
Vasilisa...the Wise

Educator:Now let’s take a little rest and play the game “Kolobok.” We will play in an unusual way, first we will pronounce the words in a rough voice, and then in a thin one.
(Children pronounce words and perform movements in accordance with the words).
Physical exercise "Kolobok"
The grandmother kneaded neither a bun nor pancakes. (Hands clasped together, circular movements left and right).
Took it out of the oven (Squats).
Not a pie, not a roll (Turns the body left - right, arms to the sides).
As I placed it on the table, (Lean forward and extend your arms)
He left his grandparents. (Jumping).
Who runs without legs? (Clapping hands).
This is a yellow Kolobok! (walking in place)

5 Captains Competition
1. In which fairy tale did the girl break the furniture? " Three Bears"
2. In what fairy tale does one hero kick another hero out of the house and begin to live there? "Zayushkina's hut"
3. In which fairy tale, the hero lured a cockerel out of the house by cunning, and then carried it away dark forests? "Cat, Rooster and Fox"
4. In what fairy tale did the hero eat all the porridge, but the other remained hungry? "The Fox and the Crane"
5. In which fairy tale did one hero break an entire house? "Teremok"
6. In what fairy tale did the heroes blind themselves to an icy granddaughter? "Snow Maiden"
7. In which fairy tale did the baked goods run away? "Kolobok"

Educator: Guys, who can tell me what a bakery product is?
Children: These are those products that are baked from flour.
Educator: Amazing. What bakery products do you know?
Children: Bread, bun, loaf, bagel, bagel.
8. In what fairy tale did the birds carry away the boy? "Swan geese"
9. Which hero was played at the pies? (Bear) "Masha and the Bear"
10. In what fairy tale did a mutant vegetable grow up? "Turnip"

Educator: How do you understand the word mutant?
Children: This is something different from others or not like everyone else.
6th competition “Draw a hero schematically.”
A child from the team is selected by lot to depict a schematic character from his fairy tale.
7th competition “Tell a monologue”
Educator:Team captains will come out and choose any card on which the name of the fairy tale is written and together with the team they will decide who will recite a monologue from the fairy tale. First, remember what a monologue is?
Children: A monologue is when one person speaks.
Educator: How do you understand the word dialogue?
Children: Dialogue is when two people talk.
Educator: I'm glad you remember the meaning of these words. Go out and choose a card.
Imagine the image of a particular fairy tale hero and convey his character using voice intonation.
Children: Fairy tale “Three Bears” and “Zayushkina’s Hut”.

8th competition “Find out a fairy tale or a fairy-tale hero.”
There is a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters. (says hello)

Pechkin: I brought you telegrams. Would you like me to read them to you? (yes) (postman Pechkin reads, children recognize the heroes of fairy tales.)
1. Dear guests, help! Kill the villain spider! (Tsokatukha fly)
2. Everything ended well, only the tail remained in the hole. (Wolf)
3. Very upset, I accidentally broke the golden egg. (Mouse)
4. Save us, we were eaten Gray wolf. (Kids)
5. Help me find glass slipper. (Cinderella).
6. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I’ll be with you soon. (Kolobok).
7. Calm is only calm. I ate another jar of jam. (Carlson)
8. Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie. (Mashenka).

Pechkin:And now, on the contrary, I will name the heroes of the fairy tale, and you name it.
1. King, three sons, arrow, swamp. /Princess Frog/
2. Father, stepmother, three daughters, slipper, fairy. /Cinderella/
3. A very little girl, a cockchafer, a mouse, a swallow/Thumbelina/.
4. Evil stepmother, daughter and stepdaughter, Santa Claus. /Morozko/