All KVN finalists are major league. “Cheerful and resourceful”: the most successful teams in the history of KVN

People always strive to escape from everyday worries and hassles. Various activities will help them with this, allowing them to relax both soul and body. To lift your spirits you can visit Entertainment Center, sauna, etc. But there is another option. You can turn on the TV certain time and watch a humorous TV show, such as KVN, “Stand-up” and much more.

Favorite show of many generations

The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is a humorous program, a game of several teams. They perform in front of the audience, competing in wit. Participants are asked various tricky questions, the answers to which should please both the audience and the jury.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of club this is, let's list some KVN teams, a list of their participants and the years when they gained popularity. Among them there are those that maintain their brand and continue to be interesting to fans for several decades.

Famous KVN teams, list of KVN players

There are several alliances of teams called leagues. The central leagues include: Higher, Premier, First, Slobozhanskaya, Ural, Northern, Ryazan, Volga region and others. Interregional ones include: Dnieper, Pacific, Astana, Caucasus, Polesie and so on.

In 1986, the KVN Major League appeared. Most often on television you can see games of teams that are included in it. The host of the KVN program is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. His son leads the Premier League. His name is Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov. Since 1987, more than 200 teams have participated in the Major League. And the Club of the cheerful and resourceful is not going to stop there.

List of KVN (Major League) teams

In the Major League different years The following teams participated:

  1. Moscow Engineering Construction Institute. They performed three times.
  2. Engineering and Construction Institute of Voronezh. The team played 3 games and advanced to the semi-finals.
  3. Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute. They delighted the audience and the jury with two performances.
  4. Chemical-Technological Institute of Moscow. We played 4 games. We made it to the finals).
  5. Team "Ural wipers" of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. This is one of the record holders. The team took part in 7 games and reached the final.
  6. Odessa State University "Odessa Gentlemen". We played 8 games and became champions.

In subsequent years, teams from Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ural universities, MGIMO, Medical Institute in the city of Ivanovo and Aviation in Kharkov. As well as other educational institutions.

Winners of Major League games

Novosibirsk (NSU) became champions in 1987-1988. In 1989 - Kharkovites, in 1995 - the "Squadron of Hussars" team.

The champion of 2001 was the team of the Belarusian state university. The year 2002 brought good luck to the famous “District City”. In 2003, “Burnt by the Sun” (Sochi) won. 2006 was a successful year for the team

Behind last decade became champions: “ Ordinary people"(MEU), "MaksimuM" (TSU), team "PriMa" (Kursk), Team of the Krasnodar Territory, "SOK" from Samara, "Triod and Diode" (Smolensk), "City of Pyatigorsk", "Soyuz" ( Tyumen), Team Kamyzyak region, " Asia MIX"(Bishkek).

Let's list the 2017 KVN teams.

The following reached the finals:

  1. "Radio Liberty" (Yaroslavl).
  2. "Sparta" (Astana).
  3. Team of the Great Moscow State Circus.
  4. Team “Buns named after Yaroslav Hasek” (Tver).

The following reached the semi-finals:

  1. Georgian team.
  2. "Player" (Tambov).
  3. “Benevolent Roman” (St. Petersburg).
  4. Team of the Kaliningrad region.
  5. "Russian Road" (Armavir).
  6. Team of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The list of KVN teams can be divided by country. For example: Russia has 154 teams. Ukraine has 37. Kazakhstan is represented by 6 teams. Belarus - 6, Georgia - 5, Armenia - 3, Azerbaijan - 2. Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan - one team each.

Russia became the champion 21 times, Ukraine - 5, Armenia -3, Belarus - 2.

The audience especially remembered: “Ural dumplings”, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, “New Armenians”, “Burnt by the Sun”, “ County town", "Only Girls in Jazz", RUDN University, "Makhachkala Tramps", "Four Tatars" and some others.

Some members of KVN teams (the list with photos can be seen below) have become very popular. They are invited to various TV shows. Everyone's favorite Sergei Svetlakov, the inimitable Mikhail Galustyan, the charming Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Brekotkin, Ararat Keshchyan and others. Cheeky humor and witty statements have become their calling card.

Jury members

All games are judged by people who are close to television and understand what it means to have a sharp mind, artistry and stage presence. Just saying a “smart” thing is not a victory. Participants must present themselves at their best at its best, get used to this or that role.

The jury evaluates the teams' performances and gives them marks.

You can often see such famous figures as Leonid Yakubovich, Igor Vernik, Valdis Pelsh, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and others as judges.

The list of KVN teams is updated annually. I would like to hope that the new participants will delight the audience interesting jokes and sketches, just like the old ones. The program Club of Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most favorite programs not only of the adult generation, but also of children.

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. President of the International KVN Union and creative association"AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

The KVN post office has ceased operations. You can use the temporary KVN Mail Archive to extract from your mailbox valuable information for you. The KVN Post Archive will cease operations on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for being with KVN Mail all this time.


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, KVN members continue to read and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is just as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. President of the International KVN Union and the creative association "AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

The KVN post office has ceased operations. You can use the temporary KVN Mail Archive to extract valuable information from your mailbox. The KVN Post Archive will cease operations on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for being with KVN Mail all this time.


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is that KVN members continue to read this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is just as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


One of the most successful television products domestic television– the game “KVN” – November 8th celebrated its 55th anniversary. The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by the president of the international KVN club Alexander Maslyakov, and the date was chosen because it was on November 8, 1961 that the first game of the club of cheerful and resourceful people was broadcast.

Among the first presenters were VGIK students Elem Klimov, Alexander Belyavsky, and aspiring film actresses Natalya Zashchipina and Natalya Fateeva. Over time, a permanent duet of presenters emerged - Albert Axelrod and Svetlana Zhiltsova. Since 1964, the permanent host of KVN has been Alexander Maslyakov.

Over the years, the program survived closure due to Soviet censorship on television. Many of the jokes of the students who participated in the games of the “Merry and Resourceful Club” did not please the party leadership. However, in 1986, KVN experienced a “reboot”. This date is considered the beginning of the current format popular game. On the occasion of the club's anniversary, we decided to recall the most famous and successful teams the last thirty years.

"Odessa gentlemen"

The first champion of the KVN Major League of the new format. It is rightfully considered one of the club's most successful teams. She has two championship titles to her name. The second was won in 1990. They are considered one of the smartest and most stylish teams, which in their jokes combined subtle intellectual Odessa humor with topical issues of the time. One of the main attributes of the guys from Odessa State University was a white scarf. In addition, Odessa residents were the first of many cheerful and resourceful people to continue their activities on television, founding the “Gentleman Show” program.

"Novosibirsk State University"

The team from Novosibirsk State University won the Major League three times in 1988, 1991 and 1993. It seems that such a result is unlikely to ever be repeated by one of the club’s teams. The Siberians won almost every tournament in which they participated. Their jokes really went down with the people. It is NSU that owns the iconic phrase: “Party, let me steer,” which largely characterized the process of “perestroika” in the country.

During its existence, the composition of the NSU team changed several times. It was attended by Tatyana Lazareva, Alexander Pushnoy, Andrey Bocharov, Konstantin Naumochkin, Mikhail Zuev. In addition, it was on the KVN stage that four-year-old Pelageya made her first appearance on screen. Note that some members of the team later also tried their hand at television project"OSP Studio"

"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt"

The pride of Altai KVN. The history of the team began in 1996, when the Kaleidoscope show theater from Barnaul and the Lux miniature theater from Tomsk merged. It took a long time to choose the name, crossing off options from the list one by one.

The debut performance of the team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” took place in 1996, when the Siberians won the local League. However, already in 1998, KVN players made their debut in the Major League and became champions on the first try. Then at the KVN music festival in Jurmala the team won “KiViNa in gold”. "Children" won all the significant awards in KVN: Summer Cup, Champions Cup, Friendship Cup, Ukrainian President's Cup, and also became KVN-Siberia champions three times. More than half of the participants famous team- people from Barnaul. The project “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” is still alive today: team members perform various concerts around the country.

"Makhachkala tramps"

One of the most titled teams in the history of KVN. The team has actively participated in festivals since its creation. In 1995 they were awarded highest award music festival in Jurmala and were awarded the "Golden KiViN". A year later they repeated their success. In 1996, Makhachkala residents became champions of the Major League. In just seven years, the team won everything they could in KVN. They have three full-length humorous films to their credit.

"New Armenians"

The “New Armenians” team was formed in 1994. The basis of the created team was the KVN players of the first Armenian KVN League in 1993. The team was first called “Relatives from Yerevan”. In the 1996 Major League season, the team only reached the semifinals, where they lost to the Makhachkala Tramps. In 1997, “New Armenians” were able to enter the season again and, having taken first place in all games, reached the finals, where they shared the title of champion with the team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”. In addition, “New Armenians” twice became the owners of “KiViN in Light”. After their collapse, many team members actively continued television career. Best of luck achieved by Garik Martirosyan and Artashes Sargsyan, who recently received a prominent position on the Match TV channel.

"Belarusian State University"

The last great team to become two-time Major League champions. The team appeared at the KiViN-1998 festival. At the end of the festival, the team gets into the First League, where it becomes the champion. After this, the team receives registration at a higher rank. In the first season, the team reaches the semi-finals, where it loses to the St. Petersburg team. However, Alexander Maslyakov, with his decision, brought the team to the finals, where they defeated the St. Petersburg team, “New Armenians,” becoming champions. The team from Belarus repeated this success two years later, beating decisive game"Burnt by the Sun" In the same 2001, the team became the owner of the “Big KiViN in Zolotoy” at the Jurmala music festival.

"Ural dumplings"

They broke into the KVN Major League in 1995. For the first time, the team included participants from student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Their distinctive feature became cheerful tangerine shirts. Long years They were moving towards their victory in KVN, but they managed to do it only in the fifth season. It was as part of “Pelmeni” that Sergei Svetlakov became famous. "Ural dumplings" have become one of the most popular KVN teams. Since 2009, almost unchanged, they have been producing their own comedy show on the STS channel.

"Burnt by the Sun"

The KVN team, which many call the best in history. Initially, the team was led by Ruslan Khachmamuk, but in 2002 he left and was replaced by Mikhail Galustyan. In 2000 and 2001, "Burnt by the Sun" became silver medalists season, in 2003 - champions, and also took the KVN Summer Cup three times. It is rightfully considered the last titled team in the history of the game. We invite you to watch one of the brightest performances of this cheerful southern group.

"County town"

This team was formed in 1999 as a result of the merger of two others - MGPI from Magnitogorsk and "Countrymen" from Chelyabinsk. In 1999, the Uyezdny Gorod team became the winner of the First KVN League, the final of which took place in Kazan. In 2000, the team entered the KVN Major League. But only two years later they deservedly received the title of champion of the KVN Major League. And in the same year, at the festival in Jurmala, “County City” won the small KiViN. It was sidereal year for the team. For three seasons, the Uyezdny Gorod team participated in the KVN Major League. The team is currently actively touring.


The most successful KVN team recent years. Champions of the Major League 2014. "Union" is a singing team. Characteristic feature is the performance of small fragments of remade songs, called “carapules” in the professional environment. Because of its style, the Soyuz team has never been left without prizes at the Voting KiViN festival over the past five years.

For some reason I wanted to throw out on “paper” various interesting knowledge and facts that had accumulated in my head during my passion for KVN (and this is exactly from about 2000 to the present day). To be honest, I don’t know who this series of posts is intended for - fans of the game like me know everything, but those who don’t care about KVN will not be interested. So these posts are intended for a very narrow audience - those who are interested in KVN and watch it, but do not crawl around thematic sites and forums. In general, to be even more honest, I’m just working out a contract with higher powers, which rewarded me with irrepressible graphomania and laziness. Separately, I would like to note that I will try to write this post without consulting sources, using solely my memory.

So, what is so interesting that I know about KVN, limited only to the 21st century and the Major League, so as not to go into details that are definitely not interesting to anyone.

The geography of the Major League championship is quite extensive. In the 21st century, teams from Yekaterinburg, Minsk, Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Moscow, Sukhumi, Tomsk, Kursk, Krasnodar Territory, Samara and Smolensk became champions. At the same time, Moscow has three championship teams(and in a row - in 2005 " Megapolis", in 2006 " RUDN University team"and in 2007" Ordinary people"), and Pyatigorsk - two (in 2004 " Pyatigorsk team"and in 2013" City of Pyatigorsk").

Parade of Champions:

In the 21st century, there is only one team that was able to win the Major League in its first year in it. It was a command" Megapolis"from Moscow. Natalya Andreevna, Denis and the company burst into HSE, being the champions of the Premiere, conquered it with their humor and immediately left KVN. They, along with " Nartami from Abkhazia" are the only double champions of the Club.

Theoretically, we can assume that Pyatigorsk team I was able to achieve the same thing in 2003 - win the HSE on my first try. However, “thanks to” the programmer’s mistake and the club’s incorrect policy, the championship that year was won single-handedly.” Burnt out by the sun" from Sochi. It’s worth dwelling on this case in more detail, it’s very interesting. It was the final of 2003. There were seven judges, and the average score was calculated to the nearest tenth. It’s a no brainer that with 7 judges, the score was inevitably rounded up after each competition, since when dividing an integer by 7, hundredths and even thousandths almost inevitably arise. The final ended with a score of 20.1 for Sochi versus 20.0 for Pyatigorsk. However, loyal fans immediately noticed a glitch in the system - if you simply added up the numbers on the signs, the score was equal. That is, in fact, both the teams were supposed to become champions. However, Pyatigorsk was so strong that the scandal generally resolved itself. Everyone was simply 100 percent sure that they would get their way in 2004, and the fans would be able to see many more performances of their favorite team. So it came out.

The first winners of the 21st century had the longest climb to victory - " Ural dumplings "They've been going towards this for 6 years.

The only champion team not to miss its next season is " Ordinary people"from Moscow. To put it mildly, they were very surprised that they managed to win the Major League in 2007, beating the seemingly invincible Pyramid from Vladikavkaz at the finish line. They wanted to play more, so they decided to give up the unspoken rule about skipping the season and entered the battle and in 2008. We reached the quarterfinals and were eliminated.

There has also been a funny trend that some teams first lose two finals in a row, then miss a year, then come back and become champions. See for yourself: " Burnt out by the sun", Sochi: finals in 2000 and 2001, pass in 2002, championship in 2003. Further: " RUDN University team": finals in 2003 and 2004, missing out in 2005, championship in 2006. Further, " Prima"from Kursk: finals in 2006 and 2007, missing out in 2008, championship in 2009. Continue," Triode and Diode"from Smolensk: finals in 2009 and 2010, missing out in 2011 and championship in 2012. If you try to continue this chain, then the champion of 2015 should become a two-time finalist in 2012 and 2013, while missing out on the current season. But such a team, unfortunately , No.

There is a separate layer of teams that were never able to become champions, while being absolutely iconic and adored by thousands of fans. On thematic sites there is even such a thing as the “Club of Great Non-Champions”, although everyone decides for themselves who to include there. Most often such lists include " Team St. Petersburg", "Emergency" from Minsk, " Moon"from Chelyabinsk, " Pyramid"from Vladikavkaz, " Kazakhs", "Fedor Dvinyatin"and with a stretch" Sportivnaya station", Moscow. Regarding last year's finalists - " Parapaparam" And " Dnieper" and including them in this virtual club Fans' opinions are very divided. So it's more likely no than yes.

The most heated battles about "non-championship" arose over " Moon" And " Pyramids", the rest, in the opinion of the majority, lost their finals fairly. So, the final of 2006. After four competitions " Moon"wins against RUDN University one tenth of a point. Basically it all comes down to who has the best homework. It turns out RUDN University, shows (according to most) a fairly average competition. The hearts of fans from Chelyabinsk are burning with hope. It comes out" MOON", the competition shows that it is at least no worse. The teams line up on stage, the jury gives scores and wins with a fairly impressive margin RUDN University. Several points are indicative: first, Guzman was the only one who delivered Moon score for this competition is higher, and in his speech he furiously hinted that he considered victory RUDN University unfair. Second point - captain RUDN University Sangadzhi Tarbaev notes in an interview that “they went on stage to receive silver.” Third - MOON at the invitation of Maslyakov in 2007, he became the first non-championship participant in the “Summer Champions Cup” in Sochi. Losing again RUDN University, this time deservedly so. My personal opinion - MOON condemned. You can decide for yourself, here are those two homework assignments.

WITH " Pyramid"it turned out even more fun. Final - 2007. Absolute equality between them and " Ordinary people"before the last competition. Show two homeworks of approximately equal strength. Announcement of grades: " To ordinary people"Everyone gives sixes, except Guzman. He gives 5. Vladikavkaz residents smell the smell of an imminent victory. Ratings Pyramid: All members of the jury give sixes... except for Guzman. Yuliy Solomonovich puts Pyramid 4!! If he had given at least five, there would have been two champions. But no, he decides differently. Vladikavkaz captain David, going for silver, cannot hide the aggression in the look he throws at the honored member of the jury. Ordinary people- champions, and they themselves are shocked. Pyramid, by the way, then, unlike MOON was able to win the Summer Cup, albeit in conjunction with " Nartami from Abkhazia".

To be continued...