Application from the teacher to the certification commission. Application for certification for the first qualification category of a teacher

A good message template will help you find time to hone your content. Each document has important sections for data. To fill them out correctly, you need to understand the principle.

The easiest way to do this is by looking at the example given in this article. If you come across incorrect data or inaccuracies, please write to the authors about this in the form under the article. It is useful to remember that enforcement does not stand at one point and many applications quickly begin to become outdated. It is always necessary to check the relevance of the references to the law indicated in them.

It is likely that the laws have already lost their relevance.

Material on the topic: an example of writing a teacher’s application for 1 qualification category

To the certification commission

Ministry of Education and Science

Volgograd region


I would like to ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.

Currently I have qualification category II, its validity period is until December 3, 2012.

I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods (socio-game approaches, health-saving technologies).

The main focus of the work is the topic: “Plot-role-playing game as a means of developing socialization and early career guidance in children of senior preschool age.” To successfully achieve my goals, I widely use specialized programs: “Discover yourself” by E.V. Ryleeva, “I am a man” by S.A. Kozlova, “In the world of friends” by E.V. Kotova.

I organize work with children in this area through theater, play and speech activities. I organize educational activities in an entertaining and playful way, which promotes sustainable motivation and creative activity of children.

When working with children, I use a variety of methods and techniques to make direct educational activities informative, exciting, varied and interesting. An integral condition in the development of pupils is taking into account the needs and interests of each child.

A teacher’s application for certification is necessary to pass certification for the first category. You can familiarize yourself with an example of a teacher’s application for certification, or you can download a ready-made teacher’s application for certification in Microsoft Word format.

This is the application that I submitted for certification, which I ultimately passed successfully and received the first category. With minor modifications, this application can be used as a teacher’s application for the highest category.


I ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of teacher

Currently I have (do not have) the second qualification category for the position of teacher, its validity period is until October 30, 2012

I am familiar with the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions _________________

You can download the teacher’s application for certification (already completed) in MS Word format, into which you just need to insert your data. The download link will be available after payment.

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I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: mastery of modern educational technologies and methods, their application in practical professional activities

Teacher's application for certification

I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods: socio-game approaches; I widely use health-saving technologies (technologies for modeling the educational space (working in the mode of changing dynamic poses), correctional technologies (fairytale therapy, color therapy, laughter therapy, art therapy, etc.), physical education and health (breathing exercises, finger exercises, invigorating exercises, morning exercises , dynamic pauses, relaxation, etc.), medical and preventive (health monitoring, preventive measures, nutrition control, etc.), pedagogical technologies of an active sensory-developmental environment (the systemic set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological tools used for achieving pedagogical goals), valeological education of parents, technology for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child (creating emotional comfort for the child, ensuring the child’s positive psychological well-being in the process of communicating with peers); research activities (orientation, problematization, planning, etc.); “Preschooler’s Portfolio” technology (individual educational achievements); information and communication technologies (for testing, creating presentations); gaming technologies (intellectual, role-playing, business, entertainment, sports, outdoor games); I use the project method (joint activity of an adult and children on a specific practical problem); the method of mnemonics for teaching children coherent speech, the method of graphic modeling (joint activity of the teacher and children to build models, aimed at ensuring the successful acquisition by children of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them).

Due to the fact that a teacher’s application for certification is quite large and has complex formatting, it is very difficult to post it in full.

You can also download the teacher’s analytical report on the website.


To the certification commission

Penza region

on certification

teaching staff





from Vlasova Tamara Ivanovna,

teacher of the Municipal

budget preschool

educational institution


combined type No. 38

city ​​of Kuznetsk


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”. Currently I have the first qualification category. Its validity period is until December 25, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application:

I carry out my professional activities in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented from February 3, 2014, May 6, 2014), Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, SanPiN –13 dated May 15, 2013 and other regulatory documents.

I know modern theories and methods of raising preschool children, and I have a creative approach to their application in practice. I consider the main goal of my work to be the development of a comprehensive and harmonious personality of the child.

I work according to the Basic Educational Program of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of a Combined Kindergarten

No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

I base my teaching activities on the principle of creating a favorable psychological climate, respectful attitude towards the child, his feelings and needs. I organize the lives of children so that every day is connected with the joy of learning about the world around them, I form the foundations of the basic culture of the individual.

I consider speech development to be one of the important areas of my activity.

preschoolers, so I work in depth on the topic “Development of children’s speech through folklore.” To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I use information and communication technologies in educational activities with children: I have developed a card index of games and exercises: verbal, didactic, finger, moving, plot-based; cards for opposites, mnemonic tables; carried out a selection of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, sayings, poems by topic. I made lapbooks: “Water”, “Vegetables and fruits, healthy products”, “Traffic lights”, “Visiting a fairy tale”. This allows you to activate cognitive interest and create motivation for cognitive activity. Developed a program for the folklore circle “Ladushki”. The purpose of the circle: to introduce children to Russian folk culture through various types of activities and to develop the musical abilities of each child. The creation of joint projects: “Miracle Spoon”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale” with parents and employees of preschool educational institutions provides great assistance in work.

When implementing this direction in the process of carrying out innovative forms of work with children, I use: moments of joy, friendly gatherings, entertainment, evening meetings with parents. I build a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. I create the most favorable conditions in the “Talented Fingers” center, equipped with traditional and non-traditional aids to create the interest of each child, such as: “Colored paths”, “Mosaic”, “Laces”, “Figures on magnets”. I expanded the PRS with various types of theatre: spoon, glove, finger, flannelgraph, magnets.

I maintain a group page on the kindergarten website, I have a personal website for the teacher, where I cover child-parent educational events, teaching materials, and publish consultations and recommendations for parents on various pedagogical issues. ( [email protected]; ; (http://site/vlasova170260/ ).

I carry out my work in close cooperation with the parents of the students. Organized and conducted joint educational events for children and adults: “Folklore gatherings”, an exhibition of family photographs “My Birthday”, entertainment “Travel to a Forest Teremok”. Developed consultations for parents: “Safety of preschoolers”, “Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”, “Finger gymnastics”, “Theater as a means of development and education of children of early preschool age”, “How to develop the speech of children?”, “Toys for timely development” .

Non-traditional forms of communication with parents allowed us to achieve positive results and improved the pedagogical culture of parents, contributed to changing their views on raising a child in a family environment and increased the activity of parents by 25%.

My students are participants and diploma winners of various competitions and festivals: All-Russian competitions “Ogonyok”, “Umnata”, “Pedazvitie”.

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills, actively participate in the work of the pedagogical council of the kindergarten, and participate in city methodological associations and seminars:

2013 – participant of a seminar on labor education for preschool educational institutions managers. “Use of new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the labor education of children.”

2014 - master class at a general parent meeting “How to create an emotional mood in a child?”

2015 - participant in the webinar “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten.”

2015 – member of the creative group of the kindergarten for the development of the Basic educational program of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the combined type kindergarten No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

2016 master class at the city seminar “Speech development of a preschool child” on the topic “Use of a laptop in the work of a teacher”

2016 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

2017 business game at the teachers’ council “Modern educator. What is he like?

2017 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

I implement regional projects “PROreading”, “Healthy preschooler”, “For preschoolers about their native land”, took part in the campaigns: “Let’s start together”, “Sursky region - without drugs!”.

Participated in All-Russian and regional competitions: “Ogonyok”, “Talents of Russia”, “Emerald City”, “Educator. Ru”, “Umnata”, “Pedazrazvitie”, “Voprosita”, “Art on a Plate” took honorary prizes.

Teachers working in preschool educational institutions need to confirm their qualifications once every five years. To do this, they submit an application for certification to the local certification commission. The assigned category is valid for five years. After their expiration, the teacher should go through this procedure again. To write the application correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the sample. You can download it for free at the end of the article.

All preschool teachers must undergo mandatory certification. As a result, they receive confirmation of suitability for the position held. Upon completion of the 5-year validity period of the qualification, the examination is carried out again.

Some groups of preschool educational institutions employees are exempt from this obligation. Among them:

  • pregnant employees;
  • women on maternity leave or childcare leave;
  • beginning teachers whose experience has not reached two years;
  • employees who went on sick leave for 4 months or more.

However, if an employee still wants to undergo certification, he has the right to submit an application under general conditions.

The difference between voluntary certification

If you want to receive the first or highest category, a preschool teacher should undergo voluntary certification. You can only improve your qualifications by one order of magnitude. Thus, a teacher without a category can receive the first one based on the results of the examination. To be appointed to the highest category, he will need to submit an application again, but not earlier than after two years.

Important! You must undergo certification every five years, regardless of length of service.

If, based on the results of the examination, the teacher has not confirmed his professional level, his qualifications are reduced. After this, the employer has the right (but not the obligation) to terminate the working relationship. To restore their level, a teacher can take retraining courses and then re-certify.

If the highest level has been lost, the teacher must first restore the first category. After two years, he can be examined again for a top-level appointment.

When a category has been assigned based on the results of the examination, the decision is considered to come into force on that same day. The corresponding entry is made in the teacher’s work book. At the same time, he can count on an increase in wages.

Package of documents for the commission

Papers for verification are submitted to the commission of the local education authority. The date and place of the appointed examination are determined within a month. The teacher is notified of the commission's decision by mail.

You will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Application for teacher certification.
  2. A copy of the certification sheet received as a result of the previous inspection.
  3. A copy of the diploma of receipt of pedagogical education.
  4. Characteristics and cover letter from the employer.
  5. When changing your last name - a copy of the supporting document.

The time for passing the voluntary certification is determined by the teacher himself. He needs to evaluate his study plan and choose the appropriate period to apply. It is important to provide information on completed competitions and other professional events. It is necessary to show a diverse picture of the teacher’s pedagogical activity.

During the examination, testing is carried out and exams are taken. All these measurements are aimed at establishing the compliance of the professional level of a preschool teacher with the requirements for the first or higher level.

What does a sample application look like?

To correctly draw up an application for certification for the first category of teacher, you need to consider examples. As a rule, the forms are sent to the certification commission of the educational authority in a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The addressee's details are indicated in the upper right corner of the page.

  1. Request for teacher certification for the selected category.
  2. Information about current qualifications with expiration dates.
  3. Reasons for assigning a category. When listing them, the senior educator is guided by the requirements for the selected qualification.
  4. List of professional events in which the preschool teacher took part.
  5. Information about the applicant. Here they indicate information about education, general teaching experience, and work experience in a specific preschool educational institution. If you have diplomas, completed advanced training courses and other distinctions, they must also be reflected in the text of the application.
  6. Inspection form. Possible both in the presence of a teacher and in absentia.
  7. Date and signature.

Nuances of passing certification

The employer sends the teacher for certification. In cases where one person works in several preschool institutions, each employer sends him to undergo an examination. If a teacher holds several positions in one institution at once, he can be tested for compliance with each of them.

Attention! The total duration of certification from the date of setting the date for the commission meeting should not exceed 2 months.

When a decision is made based on the results of the examination, it is recorded in the certification sheet. Subsequently, these data are reflected in the teacher’s personal file.

Registered with the certification commission

№ 1 Ministry of General and

MADO No. 58 of vocational education

"_____"_________2016 Sverdlovsk region

Krivova Natalya Sergeevna,


Municipal Autonomous

Preschool educational

Institutions kindergarten No. 58

General developmental type

With priority implementation

Artistic activities

Aesthetic development of children. Kushva city


I ask you to certify me in the 2016 academic year for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.

Currently I have the first qualification category, its validity period is until January 31, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

I know and use modern technologies in direct educational activities, in special situations, and individual work with children: information and communication, gaming, I use research activities, experimentation, the project method, Internet resources, which contributes to the organization of the educational process and helps in planning pedagogical activities.

In accordance with the previous recommendations of experts, for the inter-certification period I chose the topic: “Didactic games as a means of developing the personality of preschoolers” for the purpose of cognitive development and comprehensive education of the personality of preschoolers.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formulated:

1. Study of modern approaches to the problems of personality development of preschool children.

2.Creation of conditions conducive to the implementation of the comprehensive education of the personality of preschool children and their cognitive potential.

3. Increasing the effectiveness of the use of didactic games for children to achieve targets in the educational field “Cognitive Development”, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

During the inter-certification period I studied the literature: Avanesova V.N. “Didactic game as a form of organizing education in kindergarten”, Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. “Educational games for preschool children”, A.K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten”, and also used Internet resources.

She systematized the work and developed a project on the topic “Didactic games as a means of developing preschoolers.” She created a card index of didactic games for the development of cognitive and research activities: “Match by color”, “The postman brought a postcard”, “Pyramids” and others.

Development and implementation of additional education programs: “Dexterous Palms”, “Quilling”, “Pyramid”allowed children to discover and develop technical skills, aesthetic perception, and the development of fine motor skills.

Updated the developmental subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. She designed a variety of play centers based on children’s interests: music, environmental, theater, art and experimentation centers, allowing the child to be active and realize himself.

She intensified work on interaction with the families of students through surveys, joint events, competitions, and parent meetings. Provided advisory support to parents on the topics: “Game and personality development of a preschooler”, “Features of conducting didactic games”, “Formation in preschoolers of ideas about situations dangerous to humans and the environment and ways of behavior in them”, etc. Made booklets for parents on safety, according to traffic rules, according to the Federal State Educational Standard. In the system, she conducted open classes for parents using modern technologies.

Under my leadership, children actively participated in city events: in exhibitions of drawings “Winter's Tale”, “A World without Fire”; in the festival-marathon of children's patriotic songs “Music of Feat”; in a children's creativity competition dedicated to the 365th anniversary of the Russian Fire Department; in the emblem competition of the city festival of children's creativity "Celebration of Childhood"; competition “Great rights of small citizens”; in the exhibition of arts and crafts “Create, invent, try”; in the children's folk art festival “On the Zavalinka”; at the festival of theater groups “All fairy tales come to us.” They took part in the All-Russian children's drawing competition “Vitamins for Health” and were awarded diplomas, thanks and certificates.

According to the results of monitoring the cognitive development of children, there is a positive trend: In 2012 – 2013. low level - 20%, medium level - 50%, high level - 30%. In 2015 - 2016 low level - 0%, average level - 7.7%, high level - 92.3%.

In order to generalize the experience in this area, she took part in the city methodological association “Integration of the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions as part of the implementation of FGT” with the topic “Theatrical games”.

In order to improve her professional qualities, she took part in pedagogical councils, seminars, master classes, competitions: “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”, “Best parents’ corner”, “Best plot”, “Best safety corner”.

I provide the following information about myself:

I have secondary vocational education. In 2013, she graduated from Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical College No. 2 and was awarded the qualification “Teacher of preschool children with additional training in the field of family education” in the specialty “Preschool Education”.

The total teaching experience is 15 years. I have been working in this institution for 15 years.

I have a Certificate of Honor from the KGO Educational Institution dated 2015.

In 2014, she completed advanced training courses under the program

“Designing the activities of a preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.”

I am a member of the trade union organization of the preschool educational institution.

I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the Certification Commission without my presence.

“_____”_______________2016 Signature_________________

To the certification commission

Ministry of General and

vocational education

Sverdlovsk region

from Bushueva Olga Vladimirovna

teacher of MKDOU

"Kindergarten No. 2 "Sun"

address: 623640 Talitsa, Zavodskaya st., 2


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of teacher.

Currently I have the first qualification category, its validity period is until April 24, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

In my teaching activities I am guided by the following regulatory and legal documents of preschool education:

Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended on February 3, 2014), (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on May 6, 2014);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education”;

The Charter of the MKDOU General developmental kindergarten No. 2 “Sun” with priority implementation of the physical direction of development of pupils.

I carry out the pedagogical process in accordance with the main general educational program developed and implemented at the preschool educational institution, based on the main general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Modern requirements imposed by the state on the quality of educational work in kindergarten imply that the teacher must be a creative person who has a good command of the necessary educational technologies and uses them in working with preschoolers. And therefore, as a teacher who keeps up with the times, I use modern educational technologies in my work: health-saving; project activities; portfolio of a preschooler and teacher; gaming; TRIZ; information and communication, etc.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the teaching and educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most pressing problems in modern preschool pedagogy. Using a computer, interactive whiteboard, multimedia and other technical means for the purpose of educating and developing a child’s creative abilities, shaping his personality, and enriching the intellectual sphere.

Today, interactive games are especially popular among teachers. On the pages of Internet sites, many ready-made interactive games and tasks have already been created that can be used in your work with children. It is only necessary to note that there is not much material on FEMP for preschoolers; they mainly have material for elementary school.

In this regard, during the inter-certification period from 2012 to 2015, I chose the topic: “Interactive games and tasks as a means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.”

The purpose of my work is: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age through the introduction of interactive games and tasks.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

    To study the features of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age;

    To develop and confirm the effectiveness of interactive games and tasks on FEMP for children of senior preschool age;

    To create conditions for FEMP in children of senior preschool age through integrative games and tasks.

The effectiveness of the work done on FEMP in children of senior preschool age can be judged by the following results in the educational field “Cognitive development”, namely “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts”.

The monitoring results showed positive dynamics.

And we can draw the following conclusion: the interactive games and tasks I created on FEMP for preschool children contribute to the development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interest of preschool children, which is one of the most important issues in the upbringing and development of a preschool child. The success of his studies at school and the success of his development in general depends on how developed a child’s cognitive interest and cognitive abilities are.

She presented her work experience to colleagues at pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations and published it on the Internet on the websites: “Multilesson”, “Maam”.

I provide the following information about myself:

higher education (2013, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Organization Management”, qualification: manager)

teaching experience (specialty) 7 years,

in this position for 7 years; in this institution for 6 years.

I have the following certificates and gratitude:

Certificate of honor from the head of the Education Department of the Talitsky urban district for participation in the professional competition “Educator of the Year 2013” ​​(1st place);

Numerous certificates from the establishment of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 2 “Sun” for active participation in the life of the kindergarten;

Diploma for participation in the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” held by the all-Russian online publication Dashkolnik. RF;

I have my own website and a certificate for creating my own personal website on the Multilesson portal.

My students also have different certificates and diplomas:

Diploma for participation in the regional competition “Miss Baby – 2014”;

Certificate for 3rd place in the XXXII All-Russian mass ski race “Ski Track of Russia - 2014;

Certificate for 2nd place in the XXXIII All-Russian mass ski race “Ski Track of Russia - 2015;

Certificate for 5th place in mass athletics competitions All-Russian Running Day “Cross of Nations - 2014”.

At school, my students also receive numerous certificates for participating in regional and all-Russian competitions.

Information about advanced training:

2015, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education SO "Institute for Educational Development" under the advanced training program "Design of educational activities in the context of the introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard of preschool education" using distance educational technologies", 40 hours.

2016, GBPOU SO "Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College" under the advanced training program "Subject-pedagogical ICT - teacher competence in the context of the introduction of a professional teacher standard: working with an interactive whiteboard", 24 hours.

I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the certification commission without my presence.

I am not a member of a trade union organization.

"__"___________20__ Signature____________