There is nothing eternal under the sun. Nothing lasts forever under the sun - Romanova Galina

If we consider this expression in this form, then the age of this phraseological unit is not very long. But if we judge the meaning that this idiom carries and its different variations on different languages, then history takes us to a time that dates back centuries BC.

The first analogue of this phrase can be traced in the so-called Book of Ecclesiastes, which is, as it were, one of components Bible. It is not known for certain who Ecclesiastes was, but this book is also called the Book of the Preacher or the Book of Solomon. That is, it is assumed that the name Ecclesiastes refers to King Solomon. In the first verse of this book, the author, by Solomon's assumption, calls himself Ecclesiastes, which in Latin means a person “who calls an assembly.” There are a lot of statements in this book that over time have turned into phraseological units and set expressions. The expression “nothing lasts forever under the moon” in the book of Ecclesiastes looks like this:

What has been is what will be; and what has been done will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

As we can see, it is quite similar, but the words are slightly different.

So in English language This phraseological unit also exists, but it sounds somewhat different. Nothing new under the sun. This translates to “there is nothing new under the sun.”

On Latin this idiom goes like this: Nil novi sub luna. Here we can hear a mention of the moon, that is, an option closer to the one to which we are accustomed. There is nothing new under the sun – that’s how it translates.

In Russian, these lines can be found for the first time in a poem by the great Russian poet Karamzin.

"There is nothing new under the sun:
What is, has been, will forever be.
And before, blood flowed like a river,
And before a man cried,
And before he was a victim of fate,
Hopes, weaknesses, vices."

At the same time, the title of the work sounds like this - “Experienced Solomon's wisdom, or Selected Thoughts from Ecclesiastes." Karamzin immediately makes it clear where he borrowed these lines from. The poem was written in 1797.

After Karamzin, we can find these lines in many classics of Russian literature. This

  • Pushkin,
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin,
  • Leskov.

And even in Lenin’s work “European Capital and Autocracy”, one can read this thoughtful phraseological unit in exactly the form to which we are accustomed: “nothing lasts forever under the sun.”

Expression value

The meaning of the idiom is deeply philosophical. One might object, how can nothing last forever when, for example, famous Egyptian pyramids cost so much time.

Yes, if we take it as a point of reference human life, then in comparison the pyramids are indeed eternal. But if you take the life of the planet or solar system then how long the pyramids stood is simply
one moment.

Fate has long ago turned its beautiful face away from Ali. It all started two years ago, when her husband was imprisoned for a brutal murder. Alya cannot forgive him not so much for the crime itself as for the betrayal. She is lonely and angry. And then her boss and friend Ivan suffered a heart attack, and troubles began at the company she temporarily headed. Deliveries of products to customers are disrupted. Maybe it's a matter of competitors? Alya invites the boss of their company to her place. But dinner did not take place. Alya found his body on the grounds of her mansion. The cops suspect her, and the brother of the murdered man vowed revenge on her. But this is only a bitter prelude to the troubles that befall Alya...



Chapter 1

Can you hear me?

Y-yes... Hello,” she shook off the momentary numbness and repeated again:

Hello. Where are you from?

“Everything is from the same place,” her husband laughed and, just in case, asked:

You seem out of your mind, did something happen?

She decided to ignore the last question. If we go down now to listing all of her recent failures, then the conversation will turn out to be too long and unpleasant.

No... Everything is fine... At least for now...

Well... Ivan is still sick?

Yes, he is sick...

Alya frantically rummaged through the storerooms of her memory in search of the words she needed now, but for some reason they were not found. Well, there weren’t any - that’s all! Anger - yes! This is please! This is as much as you like! Just ask, you will immediately receive everything in full...

As if sensing her tension, Denis himself came to her aid, moving out dangerous topic into the neutral zone of pointless chatter:

How is the weather there? Spring is coming.

It's probably warm...

Yes, the kidneys are swollen,” Alya limply supported him, squeezing the phone with all her might so as not to throw it into place. - How are you there?

As usual, Al... - The husband hesitated a little and timidly asked:

Can't you come?

It's starting! She fumbled for a pack of cigarettes on the table, lit it and took a drag so hard that her vision went dark. This is not the first time he has pestered her with this request, and she is tired of explaining to him how difficult it is for her to do this. And it wasn't even that she was in currently cannot leave the company, whose business was getting worse and worse every day. And it’s not that Ivan was chained to a hospital bed and wanted, you see, to see her every day next to him with a full report on current affairs. And the fact is that she did not want to see her husband. I didn’t want to - that’s all!

Don’t be silent,” threatening notes appeared in Denis’s tone. - Answer! Will you come or not?

No,” she answered, trying to speak evenly, behind a thick veil of smoke, as if he could see her now. - We have already discussed this. How can?

And I want to see you! Can you understand this?! Why are you so callous?!

And they have already been through this! Now there will be mutual reproaches. Then she'll freak out.

He will hang up in frustration, and at night he will cry from melancholy and loneliness.

No... You need to try to withstand this verbal sparring at least once. Let him finally understand that he must also take her feelings into account.

Alya! Can you hear me?!

Yes, here I am, here. Do not worry. Better tell me - did you receive my parcel?

Yes thank you. - Denis sighed with relief. - And I was already thinking... Sorry... I understand - there are a lot of problems... By the way, what are you doing now?

“I’m masturbating,” she said sarcastically, unable to restrain herself. - Talking to you turns me on so much that I can’t stop.

Appreciate it your feeling“humor,” he chuckled darkly. - If the tension is so great, I could come and relax.

You can hardly find a better place to relax than prison dungeons! - she interrupted her husband. - And the sounds of the “cuckoo” outside the lattice window should excite me like nothing else. I will definitely consider your offer, dear. Necessarily!

Okay... - Denis muttered doomedly. - We talked... Take care of yourself... I'll call...

He hung up, bringing even more confusion into her soul than before. She just managed to find a semblance peace of mind after his week-long silence, and then the call came again. After all, she explained everything to him before the trial. Explained everything! She made it clear that there would be no forgiveness. And what did she hear in response?

Just try it with someone here! - Denis then hissed, narrowing his eyes angrily and jerking his shaved head. - I'll kill you right away! I'll get you out of the zone, bitch!..

In the section on the question whose words do not last forever under the sun?
given by the author Regina is tender the best answer is Sonnet 11. Shakespeare.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon. But life
Immortal with the relay of generations.
If you value this gift, my friend,
Leave your mark by throwing away the poison of doubt.
Let beauty be a life-giving stream
In a successor, like a Phoenix, will be reborn,
And mediocrity will pass you by.
And so that evil would not be allowed to happen.
Otherwise humanity will end
and he will live only six decades.
Praise be to nature, you are her crown,
You are responsible for the preservation of the family.
May the seal of wisdom never dry up,
What did you manage to pass on to your descendants!
Source: This is a phrase from Solomon from the Book of Ecclesiastes (Solomon's name), included in the Bible.
Anastasia Yamshchikova
Oops - previous comment to the previous speaker, and I apologize to you

Answer from European[newbie]
And I don't know who said:
- Nothing lasts forever under the moon...
But he was right, I won’t hide it, -
Well, let Shakespeare! I guessed?...

Answer from in bulk[guru]
Gita translated by Smirnov

Answer from Adapted[guru]
The expression is popular, but here is the biblical one:
Man's days are like grass; like the flower of the field, so it blooms.
The wind passes over him, and he is no more, and his place no longer recognizes him.
But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who fear Him,
and His righteousness is upon the sons of sons, who keep His covenant and remember His commandments to do them.
The Lord has set His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.
(Ps. 103:15-19)

Nothing is eternal under the Moon. But life
Immortal with the relay of generations.
If you value this gift, my friend,
Leave your mark by throwing away the poison of doubt.

Let beauty be a life-giving stream
In a successor, like a Phoenix, will be reborn,
And mediocrity will pass you by.
And so that evil would not be allowed to happen.
Otherwise humanity will end
and he will live only six decades.
Praise be to nature, you are her crown,
You are responsible for the preservation of the family.
May the seal of wisdom never dry up,
What did you manage to pass on to your descendants!

William our Shakespeare's sonnet tells us about the futility of empty human aspirations and the importance of mature, wise deeds.

The whole intrigue of my new thriller BREAKING will revolve around the French presidential elections. Sergei Serebrov received information about the possible elimination of competitors of Rothschild’s protege Valencier. The head of the security service of the Supervisory company, Honore Bouchard, is going to gently or roughly remove two candidates from the election race: Russian sympathizers Francois Pouillon and Marine Leclerc. Then chair No. 1 will be occupied by Manuel Valencier without question. Serebrov receives the task of stopping Bouchard's plans. The director of the Scepter PMC is obliged to protect pro-Russian candidates from assassination attempts and generally expose the dirty political game of the global financial backstage. The PMC operation received the code name “Breakthrough”, since our special services really don’t know anything. Does Bouchard really have a killer at his disposal or not? How will his team work? Perhaps Honore will limit himself to just an ordinary war of incriminating evidence. Our intelligence officers will have to answer the entire range of these questions. How will the fearless operatives of the Sova group do this? Will they be able to get away with it again? And most importantly - alive???!!!

Boulevard Clichy, Paris.
Operative Olivier Giroud and a couple of detectives drove slowly in a Mitsubishi minivan to Montparnasse. A map of Paris was displayed on the screen of one of the monitors. On the gray-green diagram, a contrasting red light moved jerkily. The spot would freeze for a while, then set off again.
“Guys, I’ll go eat a steak,” Olivier gave instructions to his subordinates at the door. – When the mark stops, ring. We'll jump. Should I bring you a hamburger?
“Yeah, I’ll have filet-o-fish,” said Manet.
- I'll have a cheeseburger. Should I give you money? - asked Orestes.
- Then you get sick. The main thing is not to lag too far behind the object. About a five minute drive.
- Okay, boss.
Olivier jumped out of the Mitsubishi and jogged to the bistro.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Zaraynov left the office building with his new secretary Patricia. The seductive girl always wore a black miniskirt and a yellow leather jacket. A white blouse with a low neckline hardly hid the elastic balls of her breasts. On another day, Volodya would have gone to a restaurant with her, and in the evening he would have taken the available slut to his bachelor nest. However, today he had no time for entertainment. A couple of opposite-sex colleagues from the Neftemashinvest company got into a Volvo sedan and drove around the metropolis during the day.
“Pat, hold my cell phone,” Volodya confidently drove the Swedish foreign car. - Remember the task. I'll drop you off somewhere. You will walk around the boutiques for at least an hour.
Vladimir handed the bright dyed blonde a cell phone and several ten euro bills:
- This is for your expenses. Do you understand everything?
- Ok, boss! You would always send me on a shopping trip. I really like this kind of work! - Patricia, who had already slept with the boss, pressed her bust into the director’s shoulder in a friendly manner and bit his earlobe.

Detectives of Victor Buividas. Today, all novels of the spy series “Owl” are posted on the liters market.
Spy thriller No. 4 PROBIVKA:
A play for a spy:
Triple trap:
Angle of death: