Read the Proverbs of Solomon online. The parable of King Solomon, collecting all the wisdom of the world! Read the parables of Solomon

The wisdom of centuries, relevant to this day... King Solomon, who lived 900 BC. e., forever went down in history as a legendary ruler and a man of deepest wisdom. This is the third Jewish king who led his state to its highest point of development.

He did not ask God for glory or wealth, but only for “wisdom and knowledge” to “govern this people... great.” And the Lord gave him a “reasonable heart.”

This parable is attributed to King Solomon, whether it’s true or not, who knows...

But, I think many will agree, no matter who these words belong to, they are endowed with a certain wisdom.

So, the parable itself:

When King Solomon descended from the mountain, after meeting the sunrise, those gathered at the foot said: “You are a source of inspiration for us.” Your words transform hearts. And your wisdom enlightens the mind. We long to listen to you. Tell us: who are we? He smiled and said: “You are the light of the world.” You are the stars. You are the temple of truth. The Universe is in each of you. Place your mind in your heart, ask your heart, listen through your love. Blessed are those who know the language of God.

- What is a sense of life?

- Life is a path, a goal and a reward. Life is a dance of Love. Your purpose is to blossom. TO BE is a great gift to the world. Your life is the history of the Universe. And therefore life is more beautiful than all theories. Treat life as a holiday, because life is valuable in itself. Life consists of the present. And the meaning of the present is to be in the present.

- Why do misfortunes haunt us?

-What you sow is what you reap. Unhappiness is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. And bitterness is the fruit of ignorance. By blaming, you lose strength, and by lusting, you dissipate happiness. Wake up, for a beggar is one who is not aware of himself. And those who have not found the Kingdom of God within are homeless. The one who wastes time becomes poor. Don't turn life into vegetation. Don't let the crowd destroy your soul. Let wealth not be your curse.

- How to overcome adversity?

- Don't judge yourself. For you are divine. Don't compare or separate. Give thanks for everything. Rejoice, for joy works wonders. Love yourself, for those who love themselves love everyone. Bless dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy and misfortune will bypass you. Pray, but don't bargain with God. And know that praise is the best prayer, and happiness is the best food for the soul.

- What is the path to happiness?

- Happy are those who love, happy are those who thank. Happy are the peaceful. Happy are those who find heaven within themselves. Happy are those who give with joy and happy are those who receive gifts with joy. Happy are the seekers. Happy are the awakened ones. Happy are those who listen to the voice of God. Happy are those who fulfill their destiny. Happy are those who know Unity. Happy are those who have tasted the taste of God-contemplation. Happy are those who are in harmony. Happy are those who have seen the beauty of the world. Happy are those who open themselves to the Sun. Happy flowing like rivers. Happy are those who are ready to accept happiness. Happy are the wise. Happy are those who realize themselves. Happy are those who love themselves. Happy are those who praise life. Happy are the creators. Happy are the free. Happy are those who forgive.

- What is the secret of abundance?

- Your life is the greatest treasure in God’s treasury. And God is the treasure of the human heart. The wealth within you is inexhaustible, and the abundance around you is limitless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. Therefore, the more you give, the more you receive. Happiness is at your doorstep. Open yourself to abundance. And turn everything into the gold of life. Blessed are those who find treasures within themselves.

- How to live in the light?

- Drink from every moment of life, for unlived life gives rise to sorrow. And know that what is inside is also outside. The darkness of the world comes from darkness in the heart. Happiness is the sunrise. Contemplation of God is dissolution in the light. Enlightenment is the radiance of a thousand suns. Blessed are those who thirst for light.

- How to find harmony?

- Live simply. Don't harm anyone. Don't be jealous. Let doubts purify, not bring powerlessness. Dedicate your life to beauty. Create for the sake of creativity, not for recognition. Treat your neighbors as revelations. Transform the past by forgetting it. Bring something new into the world. Fill your body with love. Become the energy of love, for love spiritualizes everything. Where there is love, there is God.

- How to achieve perfection in life?

Live in harmony! Be yourself!

Unfortunately, all data about the sage Solomon was preserved only in biblical sources. Therefore, some believe that this figure did not exist historically. However, it does not matter whether Solomon actually existed or not: the important thing is that the parables attributed to King Solomon are truly wise and useful.

The Proverbs of Solomon are edifying stories that he supposedly left for subsequent generations with advice on how to live correctly. The Book of Solomon's Proverbs teaches you to listen to your inner voice before acting rashly and later regretting what you did.

Parable of Solomon's Ring

The legend tells about a terrible famine in the country ruled by Solomon and how the king, wanting to help his people, sold the royal treasures. But everything was in vain, and then Solomon turned to the priest for advice. The priest handed the king a ring, a symbol of power, and ordered him to simply hold it in his hand in moments of anxiety.

When the ruler came home, and another wave of despair overtook him again, he saw an inscription on the ring that read: “Everything will pass.” And everything passed, wisdom triumphed.

But one day, when King Solomon’s beloved wife died, he again turned to the ring. Seeing the inscription on the ring, the king became angry and wanted to throw the jewelry into the fire, but suddenly he saw another inscription below that: “This too shall pass.”

A few years later, on his deathbed, the king ordered the ring to be brought to him, but the previous inscriptions did not console him, then he looked more closely and discovered the inscription on the edge: “Nothing passes.”

Parable about a real mother

One day, two women turned to Solomon for advice so that he could judge whose child was left to live. Allegedly, it turned out that one of them accidentally crushed a newborn baby in her sleep, and then, having discovered this, she replaced the dead one with a living one of her neighbor.

Arguments and swearing did not lead to any agreement between the two desperate women. Then the king offered them the only possible way out - to cut the living baby in half and give each half. The real mother of the child fell at the feet of the king and asked not to chop the child, but to give it to another woman, so that her child would remain alive. The second contender was only happy with this situation; her baby was dead.

So Solomon revealed the truth and gave the child into the hands of the true mother.

A parable about moral choice

One day a man came to King Solomon for advice, asking what he should do if, before every vital decision, he was overcome by doubts about what would be the right thing to do. He suffered from insomnia and anxiety due to the constant fear of doing wrong.

Then Solomon turned to him with the following question: what would he do if he saw a drowning child? He immediately replied that, without hesitation, he would rush into the river after him. And then Solomon asked whether this man would have acted differently if this event had happened yesterday or tomorrow. And the man answered that no - both in the past and in the future he would have saved a drowning child.

The king explained to him that he must act situationally, the main thing is that his actions do not run counter to a person’s morality and conscience. Thus, our whole life is built not on choice, but on the components of our soul. The internal state also determines a person’s external actions in the world.


In the video below, you can listen to other parables of the wise King Solomon.

Solomon is the third Jewish king who ruled the united Jewish state during unknown times. The opinions of historians about the era to which it should be attributed and the nature of the processes occurring in those times differ. Traditionally, he is assigned the role of a herald of wisdom, who did not ask God for anything secular for himself, but desired knowledge and the ability to use it, which he somehow gave to Solomon, the son of David. He is also traditionally considered the author of a number of philosophical and theological works - the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs and the Book of Proverbs.

The personality of the king is overgrown with many legends, each of which represents only an example of folklore of a particular era. For example, “Solomon’s decision” is simply a synonym for a wise decision, and the expression “King Solomon’s mines” is associated with legends and even methods of information influence during the Crusades. The knights were led to believe that King Solomon's treasure was hidden somewhere in Palestine in order to force them to take part in dubious military campaigns.

By the nature of their presentation, parables are divided into synonymous, antithetical and parabolic. And in style they are poetic works of art that arose in ancient times. The essence of the material presented is a list of completely banal imperatives, which only occasionally remind readers or listeners that spiritual values ​​are still more significant than material well-being.

In some places Agur and King Lemuel are indicated as authors. Agur's sayings are placed in the 30th chapter Parable of King Solomon, and Lemuel - in the 31st. King Lemuel is given instructions by his mother. She warns him against the unrighteous behavior of a member of the elite. In particular, he recommends to beware of debauchery and drunkenness. It is clear from the text that in her instructions, Lemuel’s mother suggests giving alcohol to the poor and suffering people so that they can forget about their sorrows. But she strongly recommends sobriety to the king and princes.

A new problem of authorship arose at the beginning of the 20th century. European Egyptologists have established that some biblical parables included in Solomon's collection repeat almost word for word the teachings of Amenemope, which have come down to us in their entirety. Fragments of Proverbs 22:17 – 24:22 are supposedly completely identical to the Egyptian text. Currently, most historians and Egyptologists agree with this. However, there are also objections. Egyptian pharaoh from the XXI dynasty Amenemope, who allegedly reigned in 993–978 BC. e., could have been talking about approximately the same thing as the ancient Jewish king, but later, seeing the similarity of meaning, Egyptologist translators repeated the text in parables, unwittingly putting it into the mouth of the Egyptian pharaoh. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out that both texts include fragments of some earlier source, currently unknown.

In any case, it is necessary to understand that this is not a separate work, but fragments and a compilation of some other works. Without a doubt, Canaan of Solomon's time was in close contact with Egypt, and one of the wives of the Jewish king was an Egyptian, as indicated in the Bible itself. However, Solomon did not stop there. His wives were representatives of a variety of peoples and ethnic groups, including those with whom Jews were not supposed to enter into marriage. From a spiritual point of view, the king clearly sought wisdom quite broadly and did not adhere to the views on religion that were traditional for the Jews. For his wives, as well as due to religious tolerance and tolerance, the king built temples for Chemosh and Molech in Jerusalem, and also served the goddess Astarte. This is clearly indicated by the Bible text from Kings 11:1-12. He also explains the reason for the death of the state after the death of Solomon.

In essence, it is not so important which culture was dominant at that moment. In any case, like the teachings of Amenemope, they are primarily of social significance. This is advice not to plot evil for someone who lives nearby and is not afraid of anything, not to chat, not to embrace violent people and not to believe every word, but to carefully watch your paths. All this, no doubt, is useful, but people most often act in exactly the opposite way.

In the book following Proverbs, which is also included in the biblical collection of Solomon's books, the author changes dramatically. Now he emanates fatalism and sorrow from the fact that man always rules over man unjustly, giving rise to violence, rejecting kindness and decency. Corrupt courts and scoundrels in power are no longer castigated, but are shown as a given. The righteous are doomed to suffering, and wisdom is only languor of the spirit. Such a truthful and compassionate Solomon, a preacher who pushes the reader to allow the idea of ​​renouncing everything worldly to arise in the mind on its own, is much closer and more useful for the thoughtful modern reader.

It is characteristic that the most recent postscript of this book belongs not to the author, but to the ancient editor. He noted that one must fear God and His commandments. The author-preacher said absolutely nothing of the kind, but only admitted the obvious:

“In much wisdom there is much sorrow;
And whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow.”

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

Located in the exhibition halls of the Himalayan House apart-hotel, as well as on the second floor of the Cultural Center of India. It includes over 100 exhibits, this is the greatest collection of busts of sages of all times and peoples, who left the world the most valuable heritage - knowledge, pointed out and demonstrated by their own example the paths of spiritual development. Studying the works, scientific discoveries, philosophical treatises of these teachers, we come to understand that the basic system of values ​​is based on a single foundation: the unity of religions, the unity of peoples and the unity of man and nature. Near each bust at the exhibition there is an information plaque with a short story about the Teacher’s main services to humanity, indicating significant dates and a list of his works. The exhibition is always open for independent study.

When King Solomon descended from the mountain, after meeting the sunrise, those gathered at the foot said: “You are a source of inspiration for us.” Your words transform hearts. And your wisdom enlightens the mind. We long to listen to you. Tell us: who are we? He smiled and said: “You are the light of the world.” You are the stars. You are the temple of truth. The Universe is in each of you. Place your mind in your heart, ask your heart, listen through your love. Blessed are those who know the language of God.

- What is a sense of life?

Life is a journey, a goal and a reward. Life is a dance of Love. Your purpose is to blossom. TO BE is a great gift to the world. Your life is the history of the Universe. And therefore life is more beautiful than all theories. Treat life as a holiday, because life is valuable in itself. Life consists of the present. And the meaning of the present is to be in the present.

- Why do misfortunes haunt us?

What you sow is what you reap. Unhappiness is your choice. Poverty is a human creation. And bitterness is the fruit of ignorance. By blaming, you lose strength, and by lusting, you dissipate happiness. Wake up, for a beggar is one who is not aware of himself. And those who have not found the Kingdom of God within are homeless. The one who wastes time becomes poor. Don't turn life into vegetation. Don't let the crowd destroy your soul. Let wealth not be your curse.

- How to overcome adversity?

Don't judge yourself. For you are divine. Don't compare or separate. Give thanks for everything. Rejoice, for joy works wonders. Love yourself, for those who love themselves love everyone. Bless dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy and misfortune will bypass you. Pray, but don't bargain with God. And know that praise is the best prayer, and happiness is the best food for the soul.

- What is the path to happiness?

Happy are the LOVERS, happy are the ones who thank. Happy are the peaceful. Happy are those who find heaven within themselves. Happy are those who give with joy and happy are those who receive gifts with joy. Happy are the seekers. Happy are the awakened ones. Happy are those who listen to the voice of God. Happy are those who fulfill their destiny. Happy are those who know Unity. Happy are those who have tasted the taste of God-contemplation. Happy are those who are in harmony. Happy are those who have seen the beauty of the world. Happy are those who open themselves to the Sun. Happy flowing like rivers. Happy are those who are ready to accept happiness. Happy are the wise. Happy are those who realize themselves. Happy are those who love themselves. Happy are those who praise life. Happy are the creators. Happy are the free. Happy are those who forgive.

- What is the secret of abundance?

Your life is the greatest treasure in God's treasury. And God is the treasure of the human heart. The wealth within you is inexhaustible, and the abundance around you is limitless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. Therefore, the more you give, the more you receive. Happiness is at your doorstep. Open yourself to abundance. And turn everything into the gold of life. Blessed are those who find treasures within themselves.

- How to live in the light?

Drink from every moment of life, for unlived life gives rise to sorrow. And know that what is inside is also outside. The darkness of the world comes from darkness in the heart. Happiness is the sunrise. Contemplation of God is dissolution in the light. Enlightenment is the radiance of a thousand suns. Blessed are those who thirst for light.

- How to find harmony?

Live simply. Don't harm anyone. Don't be jealous. Let doubts purify, not bring powerlessness. Dedicate your life to beauty. Create for the sake of creativity, not for recognition. Treat your neighbors as revelations. Transform the past by forgetting it. Bring something new into the world. Fill your body with love. Become the energy of love, for love spiritualizes everything. Where there is love, there is God.

- How to achieve perfection in life?

Live in harmony! Be yourself!

God's regulations concerning everyday life are set forth in the Law of Moses in the form of commandments. The interpretation of these commandments as applied to specific cases among the people of Israel was the lot of the sages and is reflected in P.S.


1) euro The title of the book is Mishley (plural from mashal), which means “parables”, “comparisons”, “similation”, “metaphorical speech”, i.e. a visual representation of life rules through comparisons and examples from everyday reality. This name in itself indicates that parables contain many sayings, each of which expresses a specific thought and, being independent in meaning, does not need comparison and connection with previous or subsequent maxims. However, in the Book of Proverbs there are also separate fragments that set out the ideological foundations of the Bible. teachings and consisting of interconnected verses (eg, chapters 8 and 9:1-6); cr. Moreover, the same thought can be expressed in several verses (3:5,6, etc.). The question of the source of Proverbs refers to the origin of both individual sayings and the entire book, their entire collection;

2) acc. title, P.S. go back to King Solomon or, at a minimum, are attributed to one who gained special fame for his wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-31; 2 Chronicles 1:7-12). acc. 1 Kings 4:32, Solomon composed 1005 songs and 3000 parables, so the Bible only tells us a part of them. All the more likely it can be assumed that only those parables are included whose authorship was not in doubt;

3) the time when the parables were collected and the book compiled is unknown. Like the Book of Ecclesiastes (cf. Eccl. 12:8-10), it does not appear to have been entirely composed by Solomon himself. The first 24 chapters already existed by the time of Hezekiah, who ordered that the second collection of Solomon's proverbs be added to them (Proverbs 25:1). The appendix to the book may contain the speeches of two ancient Middle Easterners. kings see Agur (Proverbs 30) and see Lemuel (Proverbs 31); however, according to Jude. traditions, the names “Agur” and “Lemuel” were the nicknames of King Solomon himself;

4) individual sayings are not subject to a single form and in each individual case their size, shape and rhythm depend on the thought expressed. In a long passage (Proverbs 10:1 - 22:16) we find the advantage. antithetical sayings, consisting of two parts, but, in addition to them, there are also comparisons (Proverbs 10:26). Kr. In addition, the reader is offered comparisons (Proverbs 6:27-29) and riddles (Proverbs 30:4). Relatively lengthy statements are found in Proverbs 30:10-33. Thus, this book presents all types of wisdom poetry;

5) belonging to P.S. to the canon in ancient times was never questioned. In the NT she is quoted as St. Scripture (Rom 12:20; 1 Pet 4:18; 2 Pet 2:22).



Sections of the book by P.S. follow in random order - it is difficult to establish any internal between them. relationship (although such attempts have been made by both Jewish and Christian researchers). It is also impossible, based on the content, to clearly divide P.S. into sections. Only the designation remains fixed. The text is divided according to external features. Thus, we can highlight the first meeting of P.S. (Proverbs 1-24), the second collection of P.S., compiled under Hezekiah (Proverbs 25-29), as well as the parables of Agur and Lemuel (Proverbs 30-31). Three headings divide the first collection into three further sections: Proverbs 1:1 - 9:18; 10:1 - 22:16; 22:17 - 24:34. But such a division is not determined by the content of the parables. Thus, the same subject is spoken of in different places, for example. about the temptation to be captivated by someone else's wife (Prov 2:16ff; 5:1-23; 6:24 - 7:27; 9:13-18). The parables collected by Hezekiah repeat almost verbatim the thoughts expressed in the first collection (Proverbs 25:24=21:9; 26:22=18:8; 27:11=23:15; 27:13=20:16). This shows that in those days the compilers did not attach much importance to the order of individual sayings; at the same time, this does not exclude the possibility that all the sayings belong to Solomon, who probably put the same thoughts in different forms or expressed them repeatedly in different contexts. Kr. Moreover, we can talk about different meetings, which were subsequently united;


It is impossible to trace the main ideological content of P.S. by following the text - for this it is necessary to compare the sayings scattered throughout the book concerning the same subject. Since the book imparts to the reader the basics of wisdom, the first question to be asked is the substance of that wisdom. Its source is in God, who created the world (Proverbs 3:19) and ordered it (v. 20). Therefore, wisdom can only be a gift from God (Proverbs 2:6), who guides a person in ways pleasing to Him (4:14). Wisdom is not omniscience, but only that which promotes righteous living (4:11). The wise man obeys the decrees of God and walks in His paths. Therefore he is blessed in all he does (Proverbs 13:1-10). Since wisdom always abides in God, comes from Him and leads to Him, it cannot help anyone in opposing God (Proverbs 21:1ff.30). At the same time, wisdom is not a natural property of a person; it must be acquired (Proverbs 3:13) and learned (Proverbs 24:14; 30:3); wisdom should even be “purchased,” for it is worth it (Proverbs 17:16; 23:23). Wisdom must be sought from people of understanding (Proverbs 10:13; 14:33), from the righteous (Proverbs 10:31), who themselves live according to wisdom, and from the humble (Proverbs 11:2). Knowledge of God's appointed purpose and the limits of one's own. opportunities makes a person modest and humble. To perceive wisdom, a definition is necessary. readiness (Proverbs 2:2; 5:1), with which you should accept useful advice (Proverbs 13:10). He who wants to hear wisdom only out of curiosity, and then does as he pleases, remains closed to wisdom; it cannot penetrate the heart of such a person (Proverbs 2:10). A blasphemer (in the Synod. Transl. - “dissolute”), by virtue of his very essence, will never achieve wisdom, even if he really strives for it (Proverbs 14:6). From this it follows that wisdom is completely incomprehensible to fools (Proverbs 24:7). Therefore wisdom should not be imparted to a fool (Proverbs 23:9). He who trusts in himself is a fool (Proverbs 28:26): obeying his changeable desires, he will never follow the straight path of the Lord. The Queen of Sheba came to Solomon to learn wisdom, but Jesus' listeners did not want to accept His wisdom, although He is greater than Solomon (Matthew 12:42). God's wisdom speaks through the mouth of Jesus (Luke 11:49). After listening to the parables, Jesus' opponents wonder where He got such wisdom from (Matthew 13:54). But the apostles know that Christ is wisdom (1 Cor 1:30) and that the word of wisdom is given by the Spirit (1 Cor 12:8). The foundation of all righteous wisdom is the fear of the Lord. He is the beginning of knowledge, int. the core in life, while education and instruction are only external support (Proverbs 1:7). He who diligently seeks wisdom learns the fear of the Lord, which alone is capable of giving wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:5,6). The fear of the Lord gives confidence in life, being its source and contributing to its prolongation (Prov 10:27; 14:26ff; 19:23) for he keeps from evil (Prov 3:7; 8:13; 14:2; 16:6). Anyone in trouble due to lack of fear of God will cry out to God in vain; God will not answer such a person (Proverbs 1:24-31). Therefore, we should daily and continually remain in the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 23:17). Based on this, one should understand the individual instructions regarding all areas of life. The sayings also concern relations between the sexes, they aptly depict how a woman’s promiscuity manifests itself in uncleanness (Proverbs 11:22) and in the desire for power (Prov 19:13; 21:9; 27:15). Such a decline in morals stands out against the background of the good behavior and hard work of those wives, to whom honor and praise are given again and again (Prov 11:16; 12:4; 14:1; 19:14). The book also indicates the standards of behavior for a man: he must remain faithful to the wife of his youth (Proverbs 5:18), he should not look at other women (Prov 2:16; 6:26; 23:33). The image of a man imagining that he has achieved victory while being led like an ox to the slaughter is also eloquent (Proverbs 7:6-23). And in all other areas of life P.S. strive to guide a person to wisdom. Here the causes of poverty, which arises through the fault of man himself, are revealed (Proverbs 10:4; 20:13), and its consequences are indicated (Proverbs 10:15). But also to the rich P.S. remind him of his duty (Proverbs 14:31; 22:22). True wealth does not lie in accumulated treasures (Proverbs 13:7; 19:1,22). Wisdom teaches righteous prayer and temperate living (Proverbs 30:7-9). It is God's decree that there are rich and poor (Proverbs 22:2; 29:13). Of the others, often mentioned in P.S. problems, we can highlight the problems of crime, moral problems - acquisitiveness, envy, greed (Prov 1:19; 15:27; 17:8; 23:6-8; 28:8,22), lie (Prov 6:17; 8:13; 12:19-22; 13:5; 21:6; 29:12), laziness (Prov 6:6-11; 10:4, 26; 12:11,24,27; 13:4; 21:25; 24:30ff; 26:14). Proverbs not only castigate morals. ulcers, but also praise virtues, e.g. charity (mercy) (Prov 3:9ff; 11:17,24ff; 14:21,31; 21:3) and much more.

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