Reading book for children aged 5-6 years. A large reader for the older group of kindergarten

The anthology is intended for reading to children 5-6 years old in kindergarten and at home. The book includes the best domestic and foreign works: folk songs and nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales and stories.

The reader is compiled taking into account the requirements of the programs preschool education and Federal State Educational Standards.

The book is addressed to methodologists and kindergarten teachers, parents.

The font is black and white without illustrations.

  • From the compilers
  • Russian folklore
    • Russian folk songs and nursery rhymes
      • Ladybug
      • Rooks-kirichi
      • Rain, rain, have fun!
      • Like on thin ice
      • Like grandma's goat
      • Swallow, swallow
      • Nikolenka the gander
      • Knock on the oak tree
      • Early in the morning
      • You, frost, frost, frost
      • You're a little birdie
      • I'm already touching the pegs
    • Russian folk tales
      • Boring tales (Russian folk tales adapted by A. Afanasyev)
      • Braggart Hare (Russian folk tale arranged by O. Kapitsa)
      • Winged, shaggy and buttery (Russian folk tale adapted by I. Karnaukhova)
      • The Fox and the Jug (arranged by O. Kapitsa)
      • Nikita Kozhemyaka
      • By pike command(arranged by A. Afanasyev)
      • Rhymes (retelling by B. Shergin)
      • Sivka-burka (arranged by A. Tolstoy)
      • Finist - clear falcon(arranged by A. Platonov)
      • Khavroshechka (Arrangement by A. Tolstoy)
      • The Frog Princess (Arrangement by A. Tolstoy)
  • Folklore of the peoples of the world
    • Songs and nursery rhymes of the peoples of the world
      • Vesnyanka (Ukrainian song. Translation by G. Litvak)
      • They washed the buckwheat, they crushed the buckwheat (Lithuanian song. Arranged by Y. Grigoriev)
      • Cranes (Tajik song. Translation by N. Grebnev)
      • What time is it now? ( French song. Arranged by N. Gernet and Z. Gippius)
      • Bon voyage (Dutch song. Translation by I. Tokmakova)
    • Tales of the peoples of the world
      • Yellow stork ( Chinese fairy tale. Translation by F. Yarilin)
      • Goldilocks (Czech fairy tale. Translation by K. Paustovsky)
      • Cuckoo ( Nenets fairy tale. Arranged by K. Shavrov)
      • About a mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger (Indian fairy tale. Translation by N. Hodza)
      • Three golden hairs of Grandfather the Omniscient (Czech fairy tale. Translation by N. Arosieva)
      • Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek (Tales of the peoples of West Africa. Translation by O. Kustova)
      • Wonderful treasure (Moldavian fairy tale. Arranged by M. Bulatov)
  • Works of poets and writers of Russia
    • Poems by Russian poets
      • Akim Ya.L. Greedy
      • Barto A.L. Rope. Swan geese. There are such boys. We didn't notice the beetle.
      • Belousov I.A. Spring guest
      • Bunin I.A. First snow
      • Vladimirov Yu.D. Weirdos
      • Gorodetsky S.M. Kitty
      • Yesenin S.A. The fields are compressed, the groves are bare... Bird cherry
      • Zakhoder B.V. Nice meeting
      • Isakovsky M.V. Go beyond the seas and oceans
      • Levin V.A. Stupid horse. Box
      • Moritz Yu.P. House with a pipe
      • Nikitin I.S. Meeting winter
      • Orlov V.N. Tell me, little river
      • Pleshcheev A.N. My kindergarten
      • Pushkin A.S. Winter evening. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye...
      • Sef R.S. Endless poems. Advice
      • Surikov I.Z. Childhood
      • Tolstoy A.K. Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling
      • Tyutchev F.I. There is in the initial autumn
      • Fet A.A. The cat sings, eyes narrowed
      • Tsvetaeva M.I. At the crib
      • Black S. Wolf
      • Yasnov M.D. Peaceful rhyme
    • Stories by Russian writers
      • Almazov B.A. Gorbushka
      • Gaidar A.P. Chuk and Gek
      • Dmitrieva V.I. Baby and Bug
      • Dragunsky V.Yu. Childhood friend. From top to bottom, diagonally!
      • Zhitkov B.S. White house. How I caught little men
      • Moskvina M.L. Baby
      • Panteleev L. Letter "You"
      • Paustovsky K.G. Thief cat
      • Snegirev G.Ya. To sea. Brave little penguin. Penguin Beach.
      • Tolstoy L.N. Bone. Lion and dog. Bounce.
    • Literary tales
      • Alexandrova T.I. Brownie Kuzka (chapters from a fairy tale)
      • Bazhov P.P. Silver hoof
      • Bianki V.V. Owl
      • Volkov A.M. Wizard Emerald City(chapters from the book)
      • Zakhoder B.V. Gray Star
      • Kataev V.P. Seven-flowered flower
      • Mityaev A.V. A Tale of Three Pirates.
      • Petrushevskaya L.S. There are only tears from you
      • Pushkin A.S. The Tale of Tsar Saltan.
      • Sapgir G.V. How they sold a frog. Fables in faces.
      • Teleshov N.D. Krupenichka
  • Works of poets and writers different countries
    • Poems by poets from different countries
      • Brzechwa J. On the Horizon Islands (Translation from Polish by B. Zakhoder)
      • Vieru G. Mother's Day (Translation from Moldavian by Y. Akim)
      • Karem M. Peaceful counting rhyme (Translation from French by V. Berestov)
      • Smith W. About the flying cow (Translation from English by B. Zakhoder)
      • Tuvim Yu. Letter to all children on one very important matter (Translation from Polish by S. Mikhalkov)
      • Ciardi D. About the one who has three eyes (Translation from English by R. Sefa)
    • Literary tales
      • Andersen G. Flint. Ole-Lukoje. Shepherdess and Chimney Sweep. Swineherd. Nightingale. Persistent tin soldier(Translation from Danish by A. Hansen)
      • Kipling D. The Tale of the Baby Elephant (Chapters from the Book. Translation from English)
      • Preusler O. Little Baba Yaga (chapters from the book. Translation from German by Yu. Korniets)
      • Rodari D.R. The Magic Drum (Translation from Italian by I. Konstantinova).

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Book with puzzles Playing theater Playing and learning Toy library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs Toy library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs Interactive fairy tale Art for children How our ancestors lived Pictures from the life of wild animals Katya and Bim What I want to become Books for the little ones Books with cutting out Books with riddles and surprises Books with stickers for the little ones Books with windows Books with finger puppets Books with sounds Accordion books Animal books Design books Ladder books Little books Little books Hug books Panorama books. Three-dimensional pictures Rattle books Snail books Circles Who's which Kupashki Forest school Favorite fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky Favorite fairy tales of kids Favorite fairy tales with cubes Favorite fairy tales with stickers Little dreamers Little engineer Malyshariki with stickers Malyshariki. Water coloring pages Malyshariki. Magic coloring pages of Malyshariki. Complete the picture of Malyshariki. Well early development 0+ Little kids. Early development course 1+ Malyshariki. Early development course 2+ Malyshariki. Early development course 3+ Malyshariki. Malyshariki labyrinths. Jump and jump through the pages of Malysharika. Drawing Malyshariki. Using our fingers to draw Littleshariki. Collect Malyshariki's chain. Supermemory Mom and kids Mathematics in kindergarten Cars Montessori method. Development through play Cuties-charms (books with stickers) Cuties-charms (books-toys) Mimi-bears. Books about mom, dad and me The world in pictures The world of living nature The world of art The world of nature My brilliant books My voluminous atlases My first water coloring books My first books My first dictionary My first phone Musical Little Kids Find and show. Book with magnifying glass Sticker. Color it Locker stickers Smiley stickers Folk art- children Tabletop theater I'm starting to say Tumblers New Year's books New Year's books with cutting and stickers New Year coloring book with riddles Regulatory and legal library of preschool educational institution Do-it-yourself postcards Where does everything come from Pull back and look Hide-and-seek puzzles Baby's first coloring pages Baby's first words Recess at the School of the Seven Dwarfs Pixel stickers Posters Posters (English) Plasticine pictures Preparing for school Let's play in cities Spin the wheel Incentive stickers Bouncers Touch and stroke Safety rules Practical encyclopedia for a preschool worker Beautiful princess Discovery program Professions Professions (books on cardboard with die-cuts) Hide and seek with Little Babies Buttons and bows Fluffy animals Educational books with stickers Educational stickers for kids Multi-colored zoo Coloring books (baby balls) Coloring pages with glitter outline Coloring pages with stickers Coloring books with stickers for kids Accordion coloring books Color with water. Addition riddles Color Russia. Book with stickers Color by numbers Color by water Tell the children about Stories from pictures Children about animals Draw with your fingers Draw by cells Draw by dots Draw with felt-tip pens Kids draw Fairy tales with circles Fairy tales with windows Fairy tales with emotions Accordion fairy tales Words in pictures Collect a picture Collect a chain Cooperation of preschool educational institutions and family Hide me! Tactile books Push-pull Fascinating story for young children Exciting tasks Guess who.. Amazing world animals Smart bunny Smart bunny (books on cardboard) Smart baby Learning to read Learning to read in warehouses Football Reading books for children in kindergarten and at home Artistic creativity and construction I read syllables I read myself Wonderful stickers Wonderful stickers Masterpieces of children's classics School of the Seven Dwarfs from 1 to 2 years School of the Seven Dwarfs from 2 to 3 years School of the Seven Dwarfs from 3 to 4 years School of the Seven Dwarfs from 4 to 5 years School of the Seven Dwarfs from 5 to 6 years old School of the Seven Dwarfs from 6 to 7 years old School of the Seven Dwarfs from birth to 1 year Cheat sheets for parents Environmental education in kindergarten Your baby can do it I can do it myself I draw I draw with water I want to draw a fairy tale

"Great anthology For senior group kindergarten "Intended for reading to children 5-6 years old. Best works, included in the anthology, were selected taking into account the age needs of the child. Songs, riddles, proverbs, classical and modern poetry, folk and original fairy tales, stories continue to acquaint the child with the beauty and imagery of his native speech, teach him kindness, empathy, justice and courage, enrich his knowledge about the world around him. The anthology contains works by classics of Russian children's literature - S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, V. Suteev, E. Uspensky and many other talented authors. The book uses illustrations from the best Russian artists. The introduction and methodological questions in the anthology were written by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Moscow Pedagogical University state university NOT. Vasyukova. Parents and Leaders children's reading learn about the peculiarities of perception literary works...

Read completely

"A large anthology for the senior group of kindergarten" is intended for reading to children 5-6 years old. The best works included in the anthology were selected taking into account the age needs of the child. Songs, riddles, proverbs, classical and modern poetry, folk and original fairy tales, stories continue to acquaint the child with the beauty and imagery of his native speech, teach him kindness, empathy, justice and courage, and enrich his knowledge about the world around him. The anthology contains works by classics of Russian children's literature - S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, V. Suteev, E. Uspensky and many other talented authors. The book uses illustrations from the best Russian artists. The introduction and methodological questions in the anthology were written by N.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow Pedagogical State University. Vasyukova. Parents and children's reading leaders will learn about the peculiarities of the perception of literary works by children 5-6 years old, and will also receive important tips on reading books together. Questions to the works will allow you to check how the child understood and assimilated the works read, and will also help you talk with him on various topics.
For preschool age.


"A great reader for middle group kindergarten" is intended for reading to children 4-5 years old. All works included in the anthology are selected taking into account the age needs of the child. Folklore, classical and modern poetry, folk and original fairy tales, stories continue to acquaint the child with his native speech, teach him goodness and justice, expand his knowledge about the world around him. The anthology contains works by classics of Russian children's literature - S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, V. Suteev, E. Uspensky and many other talented authors. Illustrations in the book belongs to the best domestic artists. The introduction and methodological questions in the anthology were written by N.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow Pedagogical State University. Vasyukova. Parents and educators will receive information about the peculiarities of perception of literary works by children 4-5 years old, as well as how and how much to engage with the child, what...

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"A large anthology for the middle group of kindergarten" is intended for reading to children 4-5 years old. All works included in the anthology are selected taking into account the age needs of the child. Folklore, classical and modern poetry, folk and original fairy tales, stories continue to acquaint the child with his native speech, teach him goodness and justice, and expand his knowledge about the world around him. The anthology contains works by classics of Russian children's literature - S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, V. Suteev, E. Uspensky and many other talented authors. The illustrations in the book are by the best Russian artists. The introduction and methodological questions in the anthology were written by N.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow Pedagogical State University. Vasyukova. Parents and educators will receive information about the peculiarities of the perception of literary works by children 4-5 years old, as well as how and how much to engage with the child, what to pay his attention to when reading. Questions to the works will allow you to check how the child understood and mastered the read works.
For preschool age.
