Proverbs for the German folk tale The Cuckoo. Proverbs about the cuckoo for a Nenets fairy tale

Natalya Pilshchikova
"In the world of fairy tales." Summary of a lesson on reading the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”

Target: understanding of morality fairy tales

Tasks: teach to understand morality fairy tales, expand children's ideas about fairy tales of different nations, about traditions and customs peoples of the north. Develop attention, thinking, memory, attention. Cultivate the ability for empathy, responsiveness, and respect for the mother.

Dictionary: chum, malitsa, pima, tundra.

Equipment: illustrations: plague, malitsa, pimov, box, golden key, thimble, colored stripes (blue, red, yellow) for every child, a baby book fairy tale"Cuckoo", rebus.

Progress of the lesson

1. Game moment. "Key, golden key!

Open a new fairy tale!"

Who can read the title fairy tales? Who do you think this is about? fairy tale? Who is she cuckoo? What do you know about her? The prepared child answers. ( Cuckoo - migratory bird. She does not build a nest, she places her eggs in other people's nests. Never take care of your offspring.)

What are there fairy tales? (about animals, magical, everyday)What folk tales do you know?? (Russian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, etc.)

"Cuckoo" - This Nenets folk tale. Who are the Nenets? The prepared child answers. (Nenets are residents of the north. They are engaged in reindeer herding. In the north there is a very long and cold winter, so people wear warm clothes made of fur and reindeer skins.)

2. "Word Workshop"

There is something in the box. (illustrations) What is chum? Prepared child: chum is the dwelling of the northern peoples, covered with deer skins, shaped like a hut. What is malitsa? Prepared child: malitsa is clothing made of deer skins with a hood with fur inside. What are pimas? Prepared child: pimas are among the northern ones peoples fur boots.

3. Telling a fairy tale by a teacher.

4. Physical exercise. (teacher reads, children show actions)

There lived a poor woman on earth. The children wet their clothes, and the woman dries them. They will drag the snow away, and take the mother away. And she caught fish on the river. My mother fell ill from her hard life. She lies in the chum and asks to bring her water. The mother stood up in the middle of the chum and put on her malitsa. The mother takes the board and it turns into a tail. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

5. Individual task. (5 children guess the rebus using the first letters of the subject pictures. Each has one word.)

6. Conversation fairy tale: Why did the mother turn into a bird and leave her home? How do you feel about your mothers? How do you help your loved ones and family? What words do you say to your mothers when they are tired?

7. Proverbs and sayings. What proverbs and sayings about mothers do you know? (“When the sun is warm, when a mother is kind,” “There is no friend like your own mother,” “A mother’s affection knows no end”) What do they mean?

The guys guessed the rebus. Say your words. ("A mother's heart warms better than the sun") Who can repeat the proverb? How to understand?

8. Summary. Reflection. What is the name of fairy tale? Who is its author? What is this fairy tale? Did you like the ending fairy tales? What an ending would you suggest fairy tales? Choose from three colored stripes two: the first is your mood at the beginning fairy tales, and the second is your mood at the end fairy tales. Which stripes did you choose? Why? I chose three stripes: at first fairy tales I was in a calm mood, so the yellow stripe, the blue one is in the middle, because the mother got sick and the children did not give her water, the red stripe is at the end fairy tales because that the mother flew away and the children were left alone.

Open lesson of literary reading in 2nd grade

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo".

teacher: Frolova T.I.

Lesson objectives:

introduce students to fairy tales of the peoples of Russia;

teach to find a reflection of the life and traditions of peoples in fairy tales;

follow the development of the fairy tale;

learn to briefly retell the text of fairy tales based on questions;

teach to comprehend the actions of fairy tale heroes and evaluate them;

Planned student achievements:

developing the ability to find a reflection of the life and traditions of peoples in fairy tales;

developing the ability to determine the sequence of events;

developing the ability to independently determine the motives of the characters’ actions;

developing the ability to form one’s own judgment;

developing the ability to choose appropriate intonation.

Resources and equipment:

Literary reading. Textbook. 2nd grade. Part 1.

Books-collections of fairy tales of different peoples of Russia (“Tales of the peoples of Russia”, “Mountain of Gems. Fairy tales of different peoples retold by M. Bulatov”, “Tales of the peoples of the North”).


I. Organizational moment(C.1)

Checking the organization of workplaces.

Let's read the motto of our lesson:

“We read quickly, confidently, better than yesterday”

II. Articulation gymnastics.

a) Breathing exercises.

inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (no sound)

inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (without sound in portions)

inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (with sound)

inhale (through the nose) - exhale (through the mouth) (with sound in portions)


c) Working with pure tongues.(C.2)

Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside. (1 row)
Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner. (2nd row)
Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke. (3rd row)
Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt. (together)

b) Reading according to the syllabic table.

With different volumes


Buzzing Reading

III. Checking homework.

What genre of works did we read in our last lessons?

What is a fairy tale?(C.3)

Fairy tales are works of oral folk art with fictional characters and events.

Work in pairs. “Assemble the puzzle” (Assemble an illustration, select a quote for it, make a filmstrip)

Guys, let's remember the fairy tales we read earlier. Let's make filmstrips. We will play the game “Guess” with you. By the phrase you must recognize the fairy tale, say the name and what people composed this fairy tale. And those guys who have an illustration for this fairy tale, stand up.

a) “Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” -
Russian folktale)

b) “Once our water-carriers went to fetch water. They got some water and are going home through the garden...” (“Fear has big eyes” - Russian fairy tale)

c) “No, old woman,” says the grandfather, “what a collar I brought for your fur coat!...” (“Sister Fox and the Wolf” - Russian fairy tale)

All fairy tales can be divided into three large groups. Which? (C.4)

(magical, everyday, about animals)

Work in groups (Determining the type of fairy tale by illustration or title)

- Let's remember the rules for working in groups. (P.5)

I V. Setting the topic of the lesson.

Today in class we will get acquainted with the fairy tale of the Nenets people

Nenets - people who make up the main population of the northern regions of Russia.(P.6)

(show on map, photo of Nenets)

And you will find out the name of the fairy tale that we will read today if you guess the riddle.(P.7)

What kind of bird
Doesn't sit on eggs
Snooping around other people's nests,
Doesn't he know his children? (Cuckoo)

What is the topic of our lesson?(cry)

V. Students' messages about the cuckoo.

What does a cuckoo look like? You will find out by reading unusual sentences. The syllables in the words are rearranged. Restore order.

(Each row is given its own sentence. Children in pairs complete the task.)

This bird is very careful.

She is slightly larger than a dove.

Its plumage is gray with transverse stripes, a long tail and short legs.

(There is a picture of a cuckoo on the screen)(P.8)

Everyone knows cuckoos well. And if someone has not seen it with their own eyes (seeing a cuckoo is not so easy), then they have heard it while visiting the forest in spring or early summer. It is enough to hear the voice of the cuckoo once to immediately understand why it was given such a name.

What peculiarity of cuckoo behavior do you know?

The cuckoo, the only one of all birds, lays its eggs in other people's nests and never feeds its chicks.

VI. Physical education minute. To the song “Mom’s first word...”(P.9)

Why I took this song for physical exercises, you will answer at the end of the lesson.

VII. Teacher reading a fairy tale.(Children watch) Exchange impressions.

VIII . Working with a dictionary. ( On the screen ) (P.10)

Chum - a cone-shaped dwelling covered with deer skins.

Malitsa - outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens.

Tundra - cold northern treeless spaces.

I X. Reading a fairy tale by students and working on the content

(Children read in chain)

What was more important for the children: their own affairs or their mother’s request?

What were the children like: carefree, angry, stupid, cruel, insensitive,
frivolous, ruthless? Support with words from the text.

Why did the mother turn into a cuckoo? Support with words from the text.

What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?

How do you think the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo?

How did this fairy tale make you feel?

X. Generalization.

Why did I choose that song for physical exercise?

Remember the proverbs that can be used as a title for a Nenets folk tale.(P.11)

Walk - walk, but respect your father and mother.

Help your parents during your lifetime.
There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.
Whoever doesn’t listen to his mother will get into trouble.
The parent's word is not spoken by anyone.
No one can replace your own mother.

People say: “The fairy tale is a lie, but it contains a hint for good fellows and a lesson.” What does this fairy tale teach us?

XI. Assessment. (P.12)

XI I. Homework.

Prepare a retelling of the fairy tale or on behalf of the children. You can start like this: “We played fun; Mom at this time...” Or on behalf of the mother: “I wanted them to be well-fed and cheerful...”

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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  • introduce students to Nenets folk tales, deepen their understanding of fairy tales as a genre;
  • develop reading skills and the ability to independently work with text;
  • enrich your vocabulary;
  • cultivate kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to others.

Technology: critical thinking


I. Motivation

1) Organizational moment

2) Homework survey

- Guys, today we will continue our acquaintance with fairy tales. Pay attention to these illustrations, what do you see in them? (Manifestation of love from man, bird and beast to their child)(Slide 1)
– How do animals and birds show love to their chicks and young?
– How do you and your parents show your love?
– What problems currently exist in the relationship between parents and children?

(View video) (Slide 2)

II. Comprehension

– This situation is widespread almost all over the world; you can read a lot about it in works of art and newspaper articles. And today we will get acquainted with a fairy tale that highlights this problem.

Vocabulary work

Nenets – residents of the north;
chum– Nenets dwelling covered with skins;
Pima- shoes
Malitsa– outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood and mittens (Slides 3, 4)

Teacher reading a fairy tale, showing illustrations (Slides 5, 6)

Why did mother turn into a cuckoo?
– What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?
– What were the children like: carefree, angry, stupid, cruel, insensitive,
frivolous, ruthless? Support with words from the text.
– How do you think the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo?
– How did this fairy tale make you feel?
– What lesson should we learn from the fairy tale “The Cuckoo”?
– What type of fairy tale is it?
– Which proverb corresponds to the fairy tale?

  • There are many relatives, but only one mother
  • Father is a mountain, mother is a spring at the foot of the mountain.
  • Children - joy, children and sorrow (Slide 7)

(Children's reasoning)

III. Reflection

- Guys, now write a letter to any of the heroes of our lesson. Let me remind you that there are letters of gratitude, letters of notification, requests, and claims.
– And at the end of our lesson, I suggest you watch an excerpt from the movie “Moms” (Slide 8)

Homework: Compare the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo” with the Tatar fairy tale “Three Sisters” and V. Sukhomlinsky “Seven Daughters” (Slide 9)

In chapter Parenting to the question Nenets fairy tale cuckoo, you need a proverb to the meaning given by the author Valentina Kanareva the best answer is As a child, I cried so much because of this fairy tale, for some reason I felt sorry for the children, how they ran after it...
And the proverbs are like this: you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. Don't spit in the well; you'll need some water to drink.
Walk, walk, but respect your father and mother.

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The Nenets fairy tale cuckoo needs a proverb to its meaning

Please help me write proverbs, sayings, riddles, interesting facts or a message about birds? Urgently!!!

Hobbies Waders Magpies Proverb about birds

Linguistics Sandpipers magpie sayings and proverbs about animals

Gods of the forest and wild animals Don Kalmyks Len. Help me find riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, stories, riddles about the flax plant.

Lesson plan and technological map

Topic: Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”. Date of:___________

Subject: literary reading

Objectives: to introduce students to the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”; practice expressive reading skills; enrich students' speech; develop thinking, attention, memory, creativity.

Planned results: students will learn to determine the specific meaning of the concepts: fairy tale, fairy-tale character, fiction, express their attitude towards folk tales, reconstruct the events of the fairy tale, compare them, tell the fairy tale using key words, determine the qualities of the main characters of the fairy tale, name them.

Equipment: textbook on literary reading for grade 2

UUD in the lesson:

Cognitive: find information in the text; provide information; compare facts; analyze and summarize;

Regulatory: work with a thematic catalog, find books for various reasons; independently find answers to questions asked, determine the goal (problem); accept and maintain a learning task and actively participate in activities aimed at solving it in collaboration with the teacher and classmates; adequately evaluate your achievements, recognize the difficulties that arise and look for ways to overcome them.

Communicative: mastering monologue speech; express your thoughts and actions; work in a team.

Subject: be able to determine the genre of a work.

Personal: developing a positive attitude towards the family, one’s loved ones and family values; be able to: find a reflection of the life and traditions of peoples in fairy tales; independently determine the motives of the characters’ actions; make your own judgments; choose the appropriate intonation; compose your own texts; assess the situation.

Lesson stage

Teacher's actions

Student activities



(1-2 minutes)

Checking readiness for the lesson

Good morning, guys! I'm very glad to see you.

Updating knowledge

  1. minutes)

1.Checking homework. Expressive reading of the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”.

2. Speech warm-up.

Read the text of the speech warm-up to yourself.

Read with buzz reading.

Read expressively.

KUUD: mastering monologue speech


educational task

(4-5 minutes)

What do the lines of speech warm-up call us to do? Why?

Read the title of the fairy tale we will read today. Did the title surprise you?

Will it be different from the fairy tales read in previous lessons? If yes, then what?

Look at the illustration for the fairy tale. What do you think this fairy tale is about?

Student answers.

Children's guesses.

WPUD: find information in the text; provide information; compare facts; analyze and summarize;

“Discovery of new knowledge” (construction

way out of trouble)

(7-8 minutes)

Today we will get acquainted with the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”.

1.Reading a fairy tale by the teacher.

2. Question and answer work. - What feelings did you experience while reading? - What especially touched you in the fairy tale?

3.What words and expressions were not clear to you?

4. Vocabulary work. — Chum- the Russian name for a portable dwelling of the northern peoples - a conical tent covered with skins, bark, and felt.

Malitsa- in the north: clothes made of deer skins with a hood. -Thimble- a cap worn on the finger when sewing to protect against needle pricks.

Skins are scraped- scrape with a sharp object, peeling, removing the surface layer from something.

creeps— red moss slowly spreads over the surface of the tundra.

Follow the teacher, identify unknown words and expressions.

Student answers.

Write down vocabulary words in your notebook.

Independent reading of a fairy tale.

LUUD: formation of a positive attitude towards the family, one’s loved ones and family values; be able to: find a reflection of the life and traditions of peoples in fairy tales; independently determine the motives of the characters’ actions; make your own judgments; choose the appropriate intonation; compose your own texts; assess the situation.


MIX-PEA-SHEA move around the classroom

RELLY ROBIN answer the teacher’s question: 1. What was more important for the children: their own affairs or their mother’s request? 2.Did the children understand their mistake?

Students move around the classroom.

Briefly answer the question.

LUUD: formation of a positive attitude towards the family, one’s loved ones and family values; make your own judgments; choose the appropriate intonation;



(4-5 minutes)

Proverbs on your desks, which can be used as a title for the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”. TIMED PEA SEA.

*Whoever honors his parents never perishes.

* The hen brought out the ducklings and cried with them.

* A mother’s heart is in her children, and a child’s heart is in stone.

*Children are good - a crown for the father and mother, bad - the end for the father and mother.

*It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence.

Two students share detailed answers for a certain amount of time.

KUUD: express your thoughts and actions; work in a team.

WPMP: provide information; compare facts; analyze and summarize;

LUUD: independently determine the motives of the characters’ actions; make your own judgments; compose your own texts; assess the situation.

Self-analysis and self-control.

(4-5 minutes)

What fairy tale is this fairy tale like?

What idea unites these 2 fairy tales?

Student answers (“Three Sisters”)

LUUD: make your own judgments;

Enabling new knowledge into the knowledge system and repeat (6-7 min)

Meeting the people.

Is it possible to learn anything about this people from the content of the fairy tale, from the illustrations to it? Prove it. (teacher talks about this people)

Student answers.



(1-2 minutes)

Select and continue any sentence.

In today's lesson I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After class I wanted...

Today I managed...

Choice, student responses. Why?

WPMP: compare facts; analyze and summarize;

Lesson summary

(2-3 minutes)

What fairy tale did you come across?

What does this fairy tale teach?

Student answers.

KUUD: express your thoughts and actions;

WPMP: compare facts; analyze and summarize;


- Write down your homework: pp. 82-83 read expressively, retell the content of the fairy tale.

Students analyze their homework and write it down in a diary.

Literary reading

Topic: Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”

Class: 2

UMK: “Planet of Knowledge”

Lesson type: Learning new material



— introduce the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”

- learn to highlight the main idea, fully perceive the entire work


- develop interest in literary reading

— develop cognitive motivation through creating an emotional mood

— develop students’ imagination, analytical and creative abilities, oral speech, enrich vocabulary, ability to draw conclusions

- develop expressive reading skills


- cultivate love, care and respect for the mother

During the classes

1.Organizational moment

2.Speech warm-up (slide 1)

Eat the porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: use your mind and mind, and use your mind.

Read the proverb with buzz reading.

Name familiar parts of speech.

3.Checking homework

Read the story by role.

Retell the fairy tale.

1. Mobilizing stage. Formulating the topic of the lesson.

2. Teacher: I will read several excerpts from works familiar to you.

“And Kotka liked the work so much that he added more steps to the side.”

“A fierce winter has come, the frost has crackled. Some people are cold in the forest, but friends are warm in the winter hut.”

“The fox was annoyed. I thought I’d have enough to eat for a whole week, but I came home with nothing to eat.”

- Think about which passage may be superfluous and for what reason. Name a common feature for the remaining passages. This will be the first word in the title of the lesson topic.

Children: extra passage first. This is from the story “On the Hill” by N. Nosov. Other excerpts from fairy tales. So the first word in the title of the topic is fairy tale.

Teacher: Let's define the second word in the title of the lesson topic. Let's take card number 1. We get acquainted with the contents of the card by inserting the missing word.

- What word was missing from the card?

Children: The word cuckoo is missing. So the second word in the topic of the lesson is cuckoo.

Teacher: State the topic of the lesson completely.

Children: The topic of the lesson is “The Tale of the Cuckoo.” (slide 2)

Teacher: Formulate the purpose of the lesson (slide 3 reference entry).

Purpose: to get to know…… “….”; study……

Children: get acquainted with the fairy tale “Cuckoo”; learn to read and analyze the fairy tale “Cuckoo” correctly, expressively

Teacher: This is a Nenets fairy tale. You will find out who the Nenets are by completing the task on card No. 2.

Card No. 2.

Nenets _____________ of the Far North. They live on _______. The name "Nenets" means "man". The main occupations of the Nenets are _____________, hunting fur-bearing animals, __________. Many Nenets maintain a nomadic lifestyle. The settlement of nomadic reindeer herders is a mobile camp consisting of several __________.

Pupils work in pairs. Fill in the missing words. After this, the restored text is read.

Children: The Nenets are a people of the Far North. They live on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The name "Nenets" means "man". The main occupations of the Nenets are reindeer herding, hunting fur-bearing animals, and fishing. Many Nenets maintain a nomadic lifestyle. The settlement of nomadic reindeer herders is a mobile camp consisting of several tents. (Slide 4)

2. Vocabulary work. (slide 5)

Teacher: There will be unfamiliar words in the fairy tale. Try to explain their meaning.

Chum is a dwelling made of reindeer skins.

Malitsa - outerwear made of reindeer skins with a hood.

Tundra is a treeless plain with sparse, poor vegetation.

A hummock is a bump on damp or marshy ground.

A thimble is a tip placed on the finger when sewing to protect against needle pricks.

Teacher: Based on the title and these words, try to determine who the fairy tale is about. (children's statements).

3.Primary reading.(slide 6)

Teacher: Here is an image of the tundra. Endless snow-covered expanses. We are transported to this cold, difficult land for life, where the Nenets have lived from time immemorial.

4.Reading a fairy tale by the teacher.

Teacher: Why couldn't we determine the content of the fairy tale?

Children: We had no reference words.

Teacher: You're right. These were words whose meaning was unclear. Name the genre features of a fairy tale that are found in this work.

Children: This is a fairy tale because it is a fictional story, there is a fairytale beginning “Once upon a time there lived ...”, repetition of actions, magical transformations; the mother turns into a cuckoo.

Teacher: Determine the type of fairy tale.

Children: This is a fairy tale based on the plot of everyday life. Describes a situation that could actually happen. But with elements of a fairy tale - the transformation of a mother into a bird.

Teacher: Try to say in one sentence who the fairy tale is about, using card number 3.

Card No. 3. This tale is about how children…………mother and she…….them. (Reference: left, obeyed, didn’t, scolded, loved, tried, helped)

Children: This fairy tale is about how the children did not help, did not listen to their mother and she left them.

5.Secondary reading. Analysis of a fairy tale.

Teacher: Let's read the fairy tale again. Pay attention to the words that help you understand that this is a Nenets fairy tale.

D: In the fairy tale, the words tundra, chum, malitsa, skins are scraped.

U: Who was the main character of the fairy tale?

D: The main characters of the fairy tale are a mother and her children, because all events are connected with them.

U: Tell us about your family's life.

D: Once upon a time there lived a poor woman. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They played from morning to evening. And the mother worked without rest, because the children did not help her at all.

U: You said that the children did not obey their mother and did not take care of her. How did this manifest itself?

D: The children did not take care of their clothes. Mom did this. They didn't help her fish. They lived for their own pleasure. When my mother became seriously ill, they did not take care of her. They did not respond to her requests. They didn't care how she felt. The children remembered their mother when they themselves wanted to eat.

U:-Let's talk about what our heroes were like. What was your mother like in your mind?

D:“Mother was kind, hardworking, caring, and sensitive.

U:-What were the children like?

D:- The children were heartless, lazy, angry, indifferent. (slide 7

Mother Children

Hardworking lazy

Caring indifferent

good evil

sensitive heartless

U: - Write a message about mother and children using antonyms in each sentence.

D:— The mother was hardworking, and the children were lazy. The mother took care of the children, but they grew up heartless. The mother is good, but the children are evil. The mother was sensitive, but the children were indifferent.

U:— We have a text that gives a comparative description of the heroes. Mom is shown in the fairy tale as such a good, kind, hardworking person. So why did she leave her children?

D:— The mother left her children because she was offended by them. The mother decided to teach her children a lesson, to leave them so that they would think about their actions and change.

U: - Let’s read the passage role-playing. How many readers should you choose? From what Will we read children's words using intonation? Mother's words?

D:- We need to choose the author, mother, eldest son and younger sons. The words of the eldest son should be read in surprise and fear. The words of younger children should be read with a pitiful intonation. The mother’s words are with an intonation of indifference or regret.

U:- Why do you think mom turned into a cuckoo?

D:— The cuckoo throws eggs into the nests of other birds, it does not hatch its chicks, does not take care of them.

U:- The people who composed the fairy tale tried to explain why the cuckoo does not hatch its chicks. Formulate the main idea of ​​the fairy tale.

D:— Children must be attentive, caring, must obey their parents and help them.

U: - You need to take care of your mother and parents, especially when they are sick. Mothers have a hard time dealing with their children’s indifference. Parents want to see their children sensitive, responsive, and kind.

6.Creative work.

U:- Read the words (slide 8). Collect two proverbs. Choose the one that suits the fairy tale. Explain your choice. (Work in pairs.)

Card No. 4. The heart, in children, is better, and the child’s ______, mother, sun, Mother’s, in stone, the heart, warms.

D: - We have compiled two proverbs: A mother’s heart warms better than the sun. A mother's heart is in her children, and a child's heart is in stone. The second proverb is more suitable for the fairy tale, because the mother thought only about her children, worried, took care of them, and the children grew up indifferent, heartless.

U:- You're right. And this often happens in life: children get used to thinking only about themselves, they grow up cruel and indifferent.

7. Homework:-Come up with your own ending to the fairy tale.

8 . Reflection.

U:-Take an image of hearts. Complete the sentences written on them (slide 9).

Mother's happiness _________

D:— A mother’s happiness is caring, attentive children. A mother's happiness is when her children grow up smart and hardworking.

U:- Give your mother a heart, say kind, affectionate words. But don’t forget that you need to show your love not only with words, but most importantly with your actions.