Who died in 1980. Celebrities who died young

V. I. Dront, V. V. Dubinin, M. M. Ilyin and others; Under general ed. K. S. Kolesnikova “Course of Theoretical Mechanics: Textbook for Universities” Publishing House of Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman, 2005, 736 pp. (7.17 mb. djvu)

The textbook presents such sections as: kinematics, statics, dynamics of a point, a rigid body and a mechanical system. As well as analytical mechanics, the theory of vibrations, the theory of impact, an introduction to the dynamics of bodies of variable mass, the foundations of celestial mechanics. All sections are accompanied by examples of problem solving. The course of the textbook is presented according to the course of lectures and in accordance with the program read by the authors at MSTU. N. E. Bauman.

The book can be used as tutorial for students of mechanical engineering universities and technical universities. Will assist graduate students and teachers in preparing and conducting lectures and classes. As well as specialists working in the field of applied statics and dynamics of mechanical systems, mechanical and instrument engineering.
ISBN 5-7038-1695-5 (Vol. 1)
ISBN 5-7038-1371-9


The textbook is the result of many years teaching activities authors at MSTU. N. E. Bauman, which produces design engineers and researchers who specialize in the field of mechanical and instrument engineering. It was preceded by textbooks also written by university teachers V.V. Dobronravov, A.L. Dvornikov, K.N. Nikitin, which were republished several times and played a big role in teaching students.

The transition to university engineering education required an expansion of the course content, a more complete physical interpretation of a number of issues and a natural complication of the mathematical apparatus used. For this purpose, in the “Kinematics” section, the chapter “The General Case of Rigid Body Motion” is presented more fully.

Statics is presented as an independent section, since subjects such as strength of materials, theory of mechanisms and mechanics of machines, machine parts, engineering design subjects, require the student to have a clear understanding of the methods of transformation and transmission of force interactions in machine mechanisms.

Significant additions have been made in the “Dynamics” section. Here integral variational principles and elements of celestial mechanics are introduced; the theory of oscillations, the theory of impact and some other issues are more fully presented.

Some information from vector theory 9
B. 1. Scalar and vector quantities. Unit vectors 9
AT 2. Projections of a vector onto the axis and plane 11
V.Z. Vector coordinates. Analytical assignment of a vector. Radius vector point 12
AT 4. Addition and subtraction of vectors 14
AT 5. Vector multiplication 16
AT 6. Vectors and matrices 24
AT 7. Relationship between vector projections on the axes of two rectangular coordinate systems 29
AT 8. Vector function. Vector hodograph. Differentiation of a vector by a scalar argument 32


Chapter I. Kinematics of a point 39
1.1. Point speed 39
1.2. Acceleration point 41
1.3. Vector method of specifying the movement of a point 44
1.4. Coordinate method of specifying the movement of a point 44
1.5. A natural way to specify the movement of a point 61

Chapter 2. The simplest motions of a rigid body 70
2.1. Degrees of freedom and the velocity projection theorem 70
2.2. Translational motion of a rigid body 73
2.3. Rotation of a rigid body around a fixed axis 73

Chapter 3. Plane motion of a rigid body 85
3.1. Decomposition of the plane motion of a rigid body into translational and rotational motions 85
3.2. Equations of motion, angular velocity and angular acceleration of a rigid body in plane motion 87
3.3. Velocities of body points during plane motion 89
3.4. Instant speed center 90
3.5. Instant center of rotation. Centroids 94
3.6. Calculation of the angular velocity of a rigid body in plane motion
3.7. Accelerations of body points during plane motion 98
3.8. Instant Acceleration Center 102
3.9. Methods for calculating the angular acceleration of a body in plane motion 106

Chapter 4. Rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point 110
4.1. Number of degrees of freedom. Euler angles. Rotation equations 110
4.2. Direction cosine matrix. Body point trajectory 114
4.3. Instantaneous rotation axis. Axoids 116
4.4. Instantaneous angular velocity and angular acceleration 119
4.5. Velocities of body points. Euler's kinematic equations 122
4.6. Accelerations of body points 128
4.7. angular acceleration of the body 130

Chapter 5. General case of rigid body motion 134
5.1. Number of degrees of freedom. Generalized coordinates. Equations of motion 134
5.2. Trajectory of an arbitrary point of the body 139
5.3. Speed ​​of an arbitrary body point 140
5.4. Acceleration of an arbitrary point of a body 141

Chapter 6. Complex point movement 143
6.1. Relative, portable and absolute movements of a point 143
6.2. Absolute and relative derivatives of a vector. Formula Borax 145
6.3. Velocity addition theorem 148
6.4. The theorem on the addition of accelerations, or the Coriolis kinematic theorem. Coriolis acceleration 150
6.5. Addition of accelerations in special cases of portable motion 153

Chapter 7. Complex rigid body motion 162
7.1. Theorem on the addition of angular velocities in complex motion of a rigid body 162
7.2. Addition of rotations around intersecting axes 164
7.3. Addition of rotations around parallel axes. Pararotations 165
7.4. Addition of translational movements 168
7.5. Addition of translational and rotational motions 169

Section 2. STATICS

Chapter 8. Axioms and fundamental principles of statics 173
8.1. Axioms of statics 174
8.2. Main types of bonds and their reactions 177
83. System of converging forces 181
8.4. Moment of force relative to a point and relative to an axis 189
8.5. Addition of parallel forces. Pair of forces 196
8.6. Reducing the system of forces to the simplest system 204

Chapter 9 Balance of bodies 214
9.1. Conditions for equilibrium of a system of forces 214
9.2. Equilibrium of a system of bodies 222
9.3. Definition of internal forces 225
9.4. Statically definable and statically indeterminate systems of bodies 227
9.5. Calculation of flat trusses 228
9.6. Distributed forces 229

Chapter 10. Friction 236
10.1. Laws of sliding friction 236
10.2. Reactions of rough surfaces. Friction angle 237
10.3. Rolling coupling reaction 238
10.4. Equilibrium of a body in the presence of friction. Friction cone 239

Chapter 11. Center of gravity 248
11.1. Center of parallel force system 248
11.2. Center of gravity of a rigid body 251
11.3. Methods for determining the coordinates of the centers of gravity of bodies 253

Chapter 12. Equilibrium of flexible and inextensible thread 260
12.1. Differential equations of equilibrium of a thread 260
12.2. Special cases of external forces 263
12.3. Chain line 265

Section 3. DYNAMICS

Chapter 13. Dynamics of a material point 271
13.1. Axioms of dynamics 271
13.2. Differential equations of motion of a material point 273
13.3. Two main problems of the dynamics of a material point 275
13.4. Movement of a non-free material point 280
13.5. Dynamics of relative motion 288
13.6. Equilibrium and motion of a material point relative to the Earth 293

Chapter 14. Geometry of masses 298
14.1. Center of mass of mechanical system 298
14.2. Moments of inertia 301
14.3. Dependence of moments of inertia relative to parallel axes (Huygens-Steiner theorem) 304
14.4. Moments of inertia of homogeneous bodies 305
14.5. Moments of inertia of homogeneous bodies of rotation 310
14.6. Moment of inertia about an axis passing through a given point 315
14.7. Ellipsoid of inertia. Main axes of inertia 318
14.8. Properties of the main axes of inertia of a body 321
14.9. Determining the direction of the main axes of inertia 326

Chapter 13. General theorems of dynamics 331
13.1. Mechanical system. External and internal forces 331
15.2. Differential equations of motion of a mechanical system 334
15.3. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass of a mechanical system 335
15.4. Theorem on the change in momentum 342
15.5. Theorem on the change in angular momentum of a material point. Theorem on the change in the main moment of momentum of a mechanical system 353
15.6. Change theorem kinetic energy 382
15.7. Potential force field 400
15.8. Examples of using general theorems of dynamics 412

Chapter 16. Rigid body dynamics 424
16.1. Translational motion of a rigid body. Rotation of a rigid body around a fixed axis. Plane motion of a rigid body 424
16.2. Spherical motion of a rigid body 436
16.3. General case of rigid body motion 465

Chapter 17. D'Alembert's principle. Dynamic reactions of connections 469
17.1. D'Alembert's principle. Inertia force 469
17.2. D'Alembert's principle for a mechanical system 471
17.3. Main vector and main point inertia forces 473
17.4. Dynamic reactions of supports 475
17.5. Static and dynamic balance of a rigid body rotating around a fixed axis 482
17.6. Balancing rotors 487

Chapter 18. Fundamentals of Analytical Mechanics 493
18.1. Basic concepts 493
18.2. Possible work strength. Perfect connections 504
18.3. Generalized forces 507
18.4. Differential principles of analytical mechanics 513
18.5. Lagrange equation of the second kind 527
18.6. Integral variational principles of mechanics 536

Chapter 19. Oscillation theory 555
19.1. Stability of the equilibrium position of a mechanical system 555
19.2. Differential equations of small oscillations of a linear system with one degree of freedom 559
19.3. Free motions of a linear system with one degree of freedom 568
19.4. Forced oscillations of a linear system with one degree of freedom 582
19.5. Fundamentals of the theory of recording instruments 607
19.6. Vibration Protection Basics 612
19.7. Differential equations of small oscillations of a linear system with a finite number of degrees of freedom 615
19.8. Free vibrations of a linear conservative system with two degrees of freedom 625
19.9. Forced oscillations of a linear system with two degrees of freedom under harmonic excitation.
Dynamic vibration damper 637
19.10. Oscillations linear systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom 645

Chapter 20. Impact theory 653
20.1. Basic concepts and assumptions. Impact model 653
20.2. Theorems on the change in momentum and on the movement of the center of mass of the system upon impact 658
20.3. Theorem on the change in the main moment of momentum of the system upon impact 660
20.4. Recovery factor 662
20.5. Theorem on the change in the kinetic energy of a system upon impact. Carnot's theorem 664
20.6. A blow to a body rotating around a fixed axis. Impact Center 672
20.7. Hit on solid body with a fixed point. Impact center. Impact on a free rigid body 677
20.8.0 connections upon impact. General equation of mechanics 679
20.9 Lagrange equation of the second kind for impact in a mechanical system 682
20.10. Impact of two bodies during translational motion. Energy ratios 684
20.11. Impact of a material point on a stationary rough surface 691
20.12. Hit two balls. Hertz Model 699

Chapter 21. Introduction to the dynamics of bodies of variable mass 705
21.1. Basic concepts and assumptions 705
21.2. Generalized Meshchersky equation, reactive forces 707
21.3. Special cases of the Meshchersky equation 709
21.4. Some classical problems of the dynamics of a point of variable mass 712

Chapter 22. Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics 717
22.1. Binet's formulas 717.
22.2. The law of universal gravitation. Kepler's Laws 720
22.3. Energy classification of orbits 723
22.4. Motion of a point in orbit 725
22.5. Two body problem 727
22.6.0 n-body problem and other problems of celestial mechanics 729

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Ivanov, Andrey Evgenievich

Russian football player, Russian champion; alcoholism. Death occurred in 2009 at the age of 42.

Giovanni Parisi

Italian boxer, Olympic champion 1988; car accident. Death occurred in 2009 at the age of 42.

In 2008

Zhinzhin, Andrey Vladimirovich

Russian singer;. Death occurred in 2008 at the age of 42.

Erofeev, Konstantin Vladimirovich

Ukrainian musician and journalist. Death occurred in 2008 at the age of 42.

In 2007

Zhegalov, Andrey Alekseevich

Russian cinematographer; heart attack. Death occurred in 2007 at the age of 42.

In 2006

Kuzin, Valery Vladimirovich

Russian sports functionary and statesman. Death occurred in 2006 at the age of 42.

In 2005

Gregg Hoffman

American producer (worked on the film “Saw: Game of Survival” and others). Death occurred in 2005 at the age of 42.

In 2002

Stepanov, Alexey Nikolaevich

Soviet football player, defender. Death occurred in 2002 at the age of 42.

In 2000

Ofra Haza

Popular Israeli singer; AIDS. Death occurred in 2000 at the age of 42.

In 1999

Gurvich, Grigory Efimovich

Theater figure, director, TV presenter. Death occurred in 1999 at the age of 42.

In 1996

Sergey Kuryokhin

Avant-garde musician jazz musician, composer, actor, creator and leader of the Pop Mechanics group. Death occurred in 1996 at the age of 42.

In 1995

Kapustin, Sergey Alekseevich

Soviet hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1975); myocardial infarction. Death occurred in 1995 at the age of 42.

In 1993

Khrischaty, Valery Nikolaevich

Soviet and Kazakh climber. Death occurred in 1993 at the age of 42.

In 1992

Ruderman, Arkady Abramovich

Belarusian Soviet film director. Death occurred in 1992 at the age of 42.

In 1990

Demich, Yuri Alexandrovich

Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1982); severe bleeding due to rupture of the esophageal veins. Death occurred in 1990 at the age of 42.

Martynov, Evgeniy Grigorievich

Soviet pop singer and composer; acute heart failure. Death occurred in 1990 at the age of 42.

In 1989

Grigoryan, Karen Ashotovich

Soviet and Armenian chess player. Death occurred in 1989 at the age of 42.

Mapplethorpe, Robert

American photographer; AIDS. Death occurred in 1989 at the age of 42.

In 1988

Shchukin, Alexander Vladimirovich

Test pilot 1st class, major. Death occurred in 1988 at the age of 42.

In 1985

Asanova, Dinara Kuldashevna

Soviet film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1980). Death occurred in 1985 at the age of 42.

Wayne, Carol

American film actress; drowned. Death occurred in 1985 at the age of 42.

In 1981

Smaga, Nikolai Yakovlevich

Soviet track and field athlete. Death occurred in 1981 at the age of 42.

Kallemov, Galimzhan

Soviet writer. Death occurred in 1981 at the age of 42.

In 1980

Kononenko, Oleg Grigorievich

Honored Test Pilot of the USSR. Death occurred in 1980 at the age of 42.

Boyarsky, Alexander Sergeevich

Soviet theater actor. Death occurred in 1980 at the age of 42.

Vysotsky, Vladimir Semenovich

Soviet actor, poet, singer. Death occurred in 1980 at the age of 42.

In 1978

Karavaev, Oleg Nikolaevich

Soviet wrestler classic style, Olympic champion 1960, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR August 23 Yaakov Knaani Israeli lexicographer, author of the monumental explanatory dictionary Hebrew in 18 volumes. Death occurred in 1978 at the age of 42.

In 1977

Presley, Elvis

King of rock and roll, famous American singer August 17 Yaroslava Bandera (59) Ukrainian public and political figure. Death occurred in 1977 at the age of 42.

In 1974

Popkov, Viktor Efimovich

Soviet artist; tragic accident(died from a bullet from a collector). Death occurred in 1974 at the age of 42.

In 1972

Meliava, Tamaz Georgievich

Georgian screenwriter and film director. Death occurred in 1972 at the age of 42.

In 1970

Luspekayev, Pavel Borisovich

Soviet actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). Death occurred in 1970 at the age of 42.

In 1968

Kennedy, Robert Francis

American politician and statesman, candidate for the presidency of the United States (1968); murder. Death occurred in 1968 at the age of 42.

In 1967

Acuña Nunez, Juan Vitalio

Cuban military leader. Death occurred in 1967 at the age of 42.

In 1965

Goldhaber, Shulamith

Specialist in high energy physics and molecular spectroscopy. Death occurred in 1965 at the age of 42.

Israelyan, Liparit Mirzoevich

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Sergeant Major. Death occurred in 1965 at the age of 42.

Baryshev, Nikolai Gerasimovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1965 at the age of 42.

Grekov, Maxim Ivanovich

Soviet actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Death occurred in 1965 at the age of 42.

In 1964

Kolesnikov, Vitaly Mikhailovich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1964 at the age of 42.

In 1963

Melnichuk, Yuri Stepanovich

Ukrainian Soviet writer-publicist, literary critic, public figure. Death occurred in 1963 at the age of 42.

In 1962

Dolgov, Pyotr Ivanovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1962 at the age of 42.

In 1959

Kozyurenko, Alexander Grigorievich

Ukrainian Soviet cartoonist, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Death occurred in 1959 at the age of 42.

Prosolov, Ivan Vasilievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1959 at the age of 42.

In 1958

Biketov, Ivan Vladimirovich

Lieutenant Colonel of the Soviet Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1958 at the age of 42.

Kuttner, Henry

American science fiction writer. Death occurred in 1958 at the age of 42.

In 1957

Hero of the Soviet Union, foreman of the second article, machine gunner of the 384th separate battalion Marine Corps. Death occurred in 1957 at the age of 42.

Castillo Armas, Carlos

President of Guatemala from 1954 to 1957. Death occurred in 1957 at the age of 42.

In 1954

Kolodiy, Ivan Mikhailovich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1954 at the age of 42.

In 1953

Liburkin, Mark Savelievich

Soviet chess composer. Death occurred in 1953 at the age of 42.

Kulteleev, Tair Muldagalievich

The first Kazakh legal scholar, one of the organizers of legal science and legal education in Kazakhstan, a major researcher of Kazakh customary law. Death occurred in 1953 at the age of 42.

In 1952

Schellenberg, Walter

Head of political intelligence of the security service. Death occurred in 1952 at the age of 42.

In 1950

Rodionov, Mikhail Ivanovich

Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 42.

Huseynov, Heydar Najaf oglu

Azerbaijani Soviet philosopher, public figure, doctor philosophical sciences(1944), professor (1944), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 42.

Feigin, Movsha

Latvian and Argentine chess player. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 42.

Suhren, Fritz

Nazi war criminal, SS Hauptsturmführer, commandant of the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 42.

Shukhevych, Roman Iosifovich

Head of the OUN(b) in the territories of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland since May 1943; killed. Death occurred in 1950 at the age of 42.

In 1949

Mann, Klaus

German writer, eldest son of Thomas Mann. Death occurred in 1949 at the age of 42.

In 1948

Mynbaev, Karim

Kazakh Soviet scientist-breeder, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1944), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1946). Death occurred in 1948 at the age of 42.

Ivanov, Ivan Alekseevich (diplomat)

Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to Afghanistan (1948), July 13 Abram Lufer (42) Ukrainian pianist and music teacher. Death occurred in 1948 at the age of 42.

In 1947

Sakhno, Mikhail Gordeevich

Soviet military leader, major general of tank forces. Death occurred in 1947 at the age of 42.

In 1945

Teitel, Vladimir Mikhailovich

Soviet architect. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 42.

Matrunchik, Joseph Vasilievich

Lieutenant Colonel of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, Hero of the Soviet Union; died after being blown up by an anti-tank mine. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 42.

Grell, Ilya Mikhailovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 42.

Pivovar, Viktor Gordeevich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1945 at the age of 42.

In 1944

Kotov, Grigory Petrovich

Soviet military leader, lieutenant general, during the Great Patriotic War he commanded the 163rd Rifle Division, the 6th Guards Rifle Corps, and the 44th Army. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 42.

Kovalev, Grigory Semenovich

Krasilnikov, Nikolai Petrovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 42.

Vatutin, Nikolai Fedorovich

General of the Army (February 1943), Hero of the Soviet Union, belongs to the galaxy of the main commanders of the Great Patriotic War. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 42.

Zagrebin, Stepan Vasilievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 42.

Nikonov, Andrey Grigorievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1944 at the age of 42.

In 1943

Protsenko, Stepan Fedoseevich

Participant of the Great Patriotic War,

Korolev, Alexander Ignatievich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 42.

Danilyants, Eremey Ivanovich

Hero of the Soviet Union. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 42.

Rapey, Julia

Blessed of the Roman Catholic Church. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 42.

Balicki, Stefan

A Polish poet, a member of the Resistance Movement, committed suicide in a Nazi concentration camp on March 31 Levman, Semyon Semyonovich (46) Soviet chess composer. Death occurred in 1943 at the age of 42.

In 1942

Galstyan, Beniamin Oganesovich

Soviet military leader, political worker, participant in the Great Patriotic War, major general, member of the Military Council of the 42nd Army. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Bakulin, Ivan Ivanovich

One of the organizers of the underground struggle in Ukraine, secretary of the Kharkov underground regional committee of the Communist Party (b)U. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Broad, Yakov Isaakovich

Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War, major general of artillery, commander of the artillery of the 64th Army. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Arlt, Roberto

Argentine writer and journalist. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Ponomarev, Nikolai Georgievich

Soviet optician, designer of astronomical instruments. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Karamzina, Maria Vladimirovna

Russian and Estonian poetess, prose writer, literary critic, translator. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

Chervyakov, Evgeniy Veniaminovich

Russian, Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter; commander of the Red Army who died during the defense of Leningrad. Death occurred in 1942 at the age of 42.

In 1941

Karpechenko, Georgy Dmitrievich

Soviet geneticist. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 42.

Grelevsky, Stefan

Blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, priest, teacher, Polish writer and journalist, martyr. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 42.

Kirishima, Eriko

Russian and Japanese ballerina who founded the first in Japan ballet school. Death occurred in 1941 at the age of 42.

In 1940

Bulakh, Pyotr Fedorovich

Activist of the Cheka of the OGPU NKVD, head of the NKVD Directorate for the Ordzhonikidze region (1937-1938), state security major, shot. Death occurred in 1940 at the age of 42.

Steinberg, Baruch

Polish military rabbi. Death occurred in 1940 at the age of 42.

Shpigelglas, Sergey Mikhailovich

Activist of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD. Death occurred in 1940 at the age of 42.

In 1939

Kovzhun, Pavel Maksimovich

Graphic artist, journalist, organizer of Ukrainian art in Western Ukraine. Death occurred in 1939 at the age of 42.

Bidinsky, Konstantin Iosifovich

Soviet statesman and party leader, 1st Secretary of the Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Oryol region(1937-1938), executed. Death occurred in 1939 at the age of 42.

Gilinsky, Abram Lazarevich

Soviet statesman. Death occurred in 1939 at the age of 42.

Grichmanov, Alexey Petrovich

Soviet statesman and party leader, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad Regional Council (1936-1937), executed. Death occurred in 1939 at the age of 42.

In 1938

Mikhas Charot

Belarusian poet and writer. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Aitakov, Nedirbay

Soviet politician, chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Turkmen SSR - chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (1925-1937), executed. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Turonok, Bronislaw

Publicist, cultural figure of the Belarusian national minority in interwar Poland. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Yakovlev, Yakov Arkadevich

Soviet statesman and politician. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Leplevsky, Israel Moiseevich

Activist of the Cheka-GPU-OGPU-NKVD, State Security Commissioner of the 2nd rank. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Zyazikov, Idris Beisultanovich

Soviet politician, executive secretary of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the Ingush Autonomous Region (1924-1929). Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Bulat, Ivan Lazarevich

Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR (1932-1937), executed. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Blagonravov, Georgy Ivanovich

Soviet military leader, 1st Deputy People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR (1932-1935), Commissar of State Security of the 1st rank, executed. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Klutsis, Gustav Gustavovich

Avant-garde artist, representative of constructivism, one of the creators of the art of color photomontage. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Kalvan, Joseph Ivanovich

Knight of three Orders of the Red Banner before the establishment of the Order of Lenin, brigade commander of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Kaminsky, Grigory Naumovich

State and public figure. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Fedotov, Lukyan Petrovich

Priest, martyr, locally revered saint of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

Shagaida, Stepan Vasilievich

Ukrainian Soviet theater and film actor. Death occurred in 1938 at the age of 42.

In 1937

Tabidze, Titian Justinovich

Georgian and Soviet poet. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

Krylovich, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Belarusian Soviet theater and film actor, teacher. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

Yashvili, Paolo

Georgian Soviet poet and public figure. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

Eideman, Robert Petrovich

Soviet military leader, corps commander. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

Gamarnik, Yan Borisovich

Soviet military leader, statesman and party leader, army commissar of the 1st rank. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

Norkin, Boris Osipovich

A defendant in the Second Moscow Trial, in the 1930s he was the head of Kemerovokombinatstroy. Death occurred in 1937 at the age of 42.

In 1936

Dreitzer, Efim Alexandrovich

Soviet military and political figure. Death occurred in 1936 at the age of 42.

In 1935

Long, Huey

American politician, radical democrat, governor of Louisiana in 1926-1932, senator from the same state in 1932-1935; killed. Death occurred in 1935 at the age of 42.

In 1934

Basov, Osip Nikolaevich

Soviet actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Death occurred in 1934 at the age of 42.

Oles Dosvitny

Ukrainian writer. Death occurred in 1934 at the age of 42.

In 1933

Donentaev, Sabit

May 23 Sergei Dyadyusha, military leader of Russia and Ukraine. Death occurred in 1933 at the age of 42.

In 1929

Kolesnikov, Ivan Fedorovich

Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist. Death occurred in 1929 at the age of 42.

In 1925

Bellows, George Wesley

American artist realistic direction; peritonitis. Death occurred in 1925 at the age of 42.

In 1922

Zaozersky, Alexander Nikolaevich

Archpriest, Russian Saint Orthodox Church, canonized as a martyr (August 2000); shot by the Bolsheviks. Death occurred in 1922 at the age of 42.

In 1918

Azizbekov, Mashadi Azim-bek ogly

Actor revolutionary movement in Azerbaijan. Death occurred in 1918 at the age of 42.

In 1917

Karpovich, Pyotr Vladimirovich

Russian revolutionary, terrorist, member of the RSDLP, murderer of the Minister of Public Education Bogolepov. Death occurred in 1917 at the age of 42.

In 1916

Evdoshvili, Irodion Isakievich

Georgian poet. Death occurred in 1916 at the age of 42.

In 1913

Lesya Ukrainka

Ukrainian poet and writer; tuberculosis. Death occurred in 1913 at the age of 42.

In 1910

Klementyev, Lev Mikhailovich

Russian opera artist (lyric-dramatic tenor) and operetta. Death occurred in 1910 at the age of 42.

In 1908

Leistikov, Walter

German landscape painter who worked in the Jugendstil style. Death occurred in 1908 at the age of 42.

In 1905

Lipschutz, Samuel

One of the strongest chess players in the United States in the early 1890s. Death occurred in 1905 at the age of 42.

In 1902

Janavičius, Ludvikas

Lithuanian social democratic revolutionary, one of the leaders of the First Proletariat. Death occurred in 1902 at the age of 42.

The profession of an artist has not been considered serious at all times. Once upon a time, stage attendants were considered to be the lowest stratum. Over time, the situation changed, especially after the advent of cinema. In the Soviet Union, movie stars were loved and revered. Millions of fans admired the movie characters and waited for new films with their participation. But when Soviet power The acting profession was not paid as much as it is today. Sometimes an ordinary accountant received more salary than an artist. So the stars of the last century lived in Soviet Russia not rich at all, and they were completely dependent on work. Today an actor could be in demand, but a month later he did not receive any roles.

What can we say about those years when cinema underwent a difficult period, and many famous stars of Soviet cinema were left without a livelihood? Let's remember the most famous names, which many older viewers remember.

Alexey Smirnov

Few people remember the name of this actor, but his film images are most likely known to everyone. Most often, Alexey starred in cameo roles, but very characteristic. He always stood out on screen with his charisma. Everyone remembers him in “Operation Y” as the brawler Fedya (main photo) or in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” where he played Makarych.

Alexey was never lucky in his personal life. After being wounded in the war, he was left infertile and was never able to start a family. After the death of his best friend, Leonid Bykov, Smirnov became very broken and began to drink seriously. Soon he was hospitalized with coronary heart disease. After discharge, I was still unable to give up alcohol. In 1979, the artist died alone and in oblivion.

Alexander Belyavsky

In his youth, the artist acted in films a lot. Most often he played “charming scoundrels.” The viewer especially remembered his role as Fox in the series with Vladimir Vysotsky “The meeting place cannot be changed.” His last role was in the film “A Kiss Not for the Press” (2008). Belyavsky suffered a stroke, which prevented him from later life.

Filming had to be abandoned. There simply weren’t enough means of subsistence. In 2012, the actor died tragically. His body was found under the windows of the house. Someone suggests that his death was not accidental. A miserable existence led him to the decision to die. Belyavsky was 80 years old.

Tatiana Samoilova

In the Soviet Union she was considered one of the most beautiful and beloved actresses. The role in the film “The Cranes Are Flying” became iconic. In 1957, this picture received an Oscar. Samoilova immediately received offers from Hollywood. The Soviet government, of course, did not allow the artist to work abroad. Officials were confident that she would remain there.

The film “Anna Karenina” with her participation also became famous then. As Tatyana herself said, in Hollywood she could live comfortably all her life on this role alone. In the USSR everything was different. Since the mid-70s, for some reason, the artist disappeared from view of the audience. Only at the beginning of this century she also played in several films. Samoilova died in 2014 in poverty and obscurity.

Nonna Mordyukova

Absolutely all viewers know this actress. She starred a lot in Soviet cinema and modern cinema. Her roles touched the heart of everyone who saw her play. The most famous paintings- “Relatives”, “33”, “Shyrli-myrli”. Her last role was in the film “Mom” (1999), where she starred with a whole constellation of young talents: Oleg Menshikov, Vladimir Mashkov, Evgeny Mironov.

Health did not allow an elderly pensioner to attend the filming. She often complained about poverty and miserable existence. In recent years, he and his sister lived in a tiny apartment in Krylatskoye. Nonna Mordyukova died at the age of 82, this happened in 2008.

Borislav Brondukov

Many people remember this actor for his bright small roles in the films “Afonya” (Fedul), “We are from Jazz” (Kolbasyev), “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” (Inspector Lestrade).

The artist suffered his first stroke at the age of 46 (1984). Having recovered, he continued filming, but the blow overtook him again. He suffered three more strokes. The last years of his life (after 1997) Borislav no longer got out of bed, he could not speak and only cried, regretting his worthless existence. Together with his wife, he lived in a remote village near Kiev on a meager pension. Sometimes they simply had nothing to eat. Brondukov died at the age of 66 in 2004.

Vladimir Ivashov

Many Soviet viewers remember him for his role as Alyosha in “The Ballad of a Soldier.” He starred in several more films that were popular, but already in the 90s the actor ceased to be in demand.

Life has changed dramatically. In order to somehow exist, Vladimir had to work at a construction site as a laborer. The consequences of a hard life soon made themselves felt. Ivashov developed an ulcer and died of internal bleeding in 1995. He was only 55 years old.

Tatyana Peltzer

The image of the “national grandmother” was exploited by many eminent directors of Soviet cinema. The young viewer doesn’t even remember Tatyana Peltzer. She for a long time worked.

IN last years She played at the Lenkom Theater. After the artist began to suffer from senile dementia, she often began to forget the words of the role. In 1992, Peltzer was admitted to a neuropsychiatric dispensary. In the same institution, she received an injury - a fracture of the femoral neck and never got out of bed again. The woman died the same year from pneumonia at the age of 88.

Sergey Filippov

The phrases of artist Sergei Filippov immediately after the film premieres “went to the people.” Due to his awkward appearance, the artist was often offered comic roles. Everyone remembers him in “Carnival Night”, “Girl Without an Address”. The main role in his career, of course, was Kisa Vorobyaninov in “12 Chairs.”

Filippov spent the last years of his life in complete solitude. Died in 1990. His friend Alexander Demyanenko collected money for his funeral.

Mikhail Kononov

The main role in Kononov’s life was the role school teacher Nestor Petrovich from the film "Big Change".

Soviet children of the 80s remember him well from the Rat from the film "Guest from the Future."

In the 90s, Mikhail Kononov was not a popular artist; he was not invited to films. He did not give up and began writing a book of memoirs. But not a single publishing house accepted his creation. A miserable existence led to the fact that I had to sell my apartment in Moscow and buy cheaper housing in the Moscow region. In 2007, Kononov died from pneumonia. He did not have enough money even for the necessary medicines.

Tamara Nosova

In the second half of the last century, Nosova acted in films a lot. Most often these were roles of a comic nature. The actress played them so vividly that the audience immediately remembered her images. "Wedding in Malinovka", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Hello, I'm your aunt!" - Everyone knows these films.

Since 1982, Tamara has experienced several stresses: the death of her mother, divorce. After that, she became isolated and began to lead a hermit’s life. Prolonged depression led to a serious illness; she was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. The artist did not have funds for treatment or subsistence; in the last years of her life she led a miserable existence. In 2007, she died alone from a stroke. She lay right on the floor in the apartment for several days until her body was discovered.

Place of birth: Philadelphia, USA
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 53 kg

Gia Carangi (Gia Marie Carangi, January 29, 1960, Philadelphia, USA - November 18, 1986, Philadelphia) - American fashion model of the late 70s - early 80s. Gia Carangi is considered one of the first supermodels (the amount of fees reached up to $10,000). She was the predecessor of 1980s supermodels Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford. Due to her striking resemblance to Karangi, the latter was often called Baby Gia. Karangi's images were on the covers of various fashion magazines, for example: American Vogue, April 1979; Paris Vogue, April 1979; American Vogue, August 1980; Paris Vogue, August 1980; Italian Vogue, January 1981; and several Cosmopolitan covers from 1979 to 1982.

In 1986, Gia suddenly fell ill, and her mother immediately took her to the hospital. Gia had pneumonia when she checked in. Further, after examination, she was diagnosed with AIDS. When Gia's condition worsened, she was transferred to a Philadelphia hospital. There, for many months, Gia had what she had dreamed of since childhood - the constant attention of her mother Kathleen. At that time, Kathleen did not allow anyone to enter the room and visit Gia, so many people did not know that Gia was seriously ill. One of the people who was allowed to visit her was Rob Fay: “Kathleen did a great job of making the ward feel like home,” he says. “Gia wanted to film a story in which she would tell children about drugs. So that they know what drugs can lead to. She wanted to say that you can fight this. But for some reason we never recorded it. The last time I saw Gia, she couldn't speak, I knew she was dying." Then Gia's mother finally broke her silence to speak out about tragic fate to his daughter. “I was with her until the end,” Kathleen said. “We sat in the park and talked. We both knew that she didn’t have much desire to live. Gia then said: “I overdosed three times - why did God save me then?” “Gia’s face was beautiful to the end. She had a renewed faith in God. A portrait of Jesus was pinned to the door of her room." Within a few weeks, Gia's health rapidly deteriorated. In October, four weeks before her death, she was placed in isolation. Her body was covered with numerous ulcers that had formed in consequence of illness. "Gia turned to me and said her last words: “I think I’ll see HIM tonight.” I say: “No, no, live here. For Mom. But I knew that she was leaving me.” On November 18, 1986, 26-year-old Gia Karangi died. AIDS had so deformed her body that the funeral director recommended burying her in a closed coffin.

The funeral was very quiet, since to say that Gia died of AIDS would be a terrible shame for her entire family.

Karen Karaza remembers that day: “My mother and I went to the funeral, and, of course, it was a closed casket, and I don’t remember that there were many people there, hardly anyone was there at all. It's so sad, isn't it? Very sad...".
In 1998, the film "Gia" was shot with Angelina Jolie in the title role...

Full name: Kristina Evgenievna Penkhasova
Place of birth: Dzhubga, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
Profession: singer
Genre: Russian chanson

Parents: mother - Tamara Ivanovna, dancer (danced in Virsky's studio), father - Evgeny Semyonovich, musician (worked with the Gems ensemble). Graduated from 9th grade high school, as well as music and choreographic schools in Kislovodsk.

At the age of 16 she left for Moscow and began singing in the pop music genre. In 1995, Soyuz Production began preparing a project in the genre of Russian chanson. A competition was announced among performers, Christina won the competition and began performing in the project. Since then, she has performed songs in this genre (initially under the pseudonym Masha Sha, then Katya Ogonyok), toured a lot, and released several albums. She collaborated with V. Chernyakov and M. Sheleg, and was also part of M. Tanich’s group “Lesopoval”.

She was married, but at the time of her death she was divorced. The death left behind a six-year-old daughter, Valeria.

Katya Ogonyok died on the morning of October 24, 2007 from pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, probably caused by cirrhosis of the liver, in turn provoked by alcohol abuse. She was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Full name: Diego Corrales
Citizenship: USA
Place of birth: Sacramento, USA
Place of Death: Las Vegas, USA
Professional record: 40 wins (33 by knockout), 5 losses.

A famous American professional boxer who competed in the featherweight and lightweight categories. Former IBF/WBO/WBC world champion. World champion in two weight categories.
In 2005, Ring magazine named his victory over Jose Luis Castillo "fight of the year."
Died on May 7, 2007 in a car accident. On the night of May 7, at approximately 10 p.m., Corrales collided with a car at high speed on his motorcycle. His manager after this tragedy said: “He always lived on the edge, engaged in extreme sports, fought desperately in the ring, drove at high speeds. I always had the feeling that he wanted to die young...”

Heath Ledger is an actor. Born in Perth, Australia. Died January 22, 2008. Australian actor, nominated for an Oscar for his role as a cowboy in the film Brokeback Mountain. In the colorful film "The Brothers Grimm" he played one of the swindler brothers obsessed with fairy tales, and in the same year the main role in the comedy film "Casanova". Previously, there were the Hollywood “Patriot” (award of the year for the best debutant from the Blockbuster Entertainment Award), “A Knight’s Tale” (and again, the MTV Award for the best kiss of the movie year) and several Australian TV series. He was found dead in his New York apartment. An accidental overdose of sleeping pills and sedatives is most likely. He left behind a 2-year-old daughter, Matilda, whom he raised after his recent divorce from his wife and actress Michelle Williams. His last work was in the film "Batman" where he brilliantly played the villain Joker.

Tupac Amaru Shakur

Date of birth: June 16, 1971
Place of birth: New York
Date of death: September 13, 1996
Profession: rapper, actor, producer
Genres: rap, hip-hop
Nicknames 2Pac,
Labels: Interscope, Out Da Gutta, Death Row, Makaveli, Amaru, Tommygun

Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971 - September 13, 1996) - who performed under the pseudonyms MC New York, 2Pac and Makaveli - was a famous American rap musician, film actor and public figure. Entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful hip hop artist, having sold a total of more than 75 million copies of his albums (50 of them in the United States). The first rapper to have a monument erected. The vast majority of Tupac's songs talk about hard life in the ghetto, violence, poverty, racism, problems of modern society and conflicts with other rap artists. Social activity Tupac was aimed at advocating political, economic, social and racial equality, and his early records dealt with violence, problems of drug and alcohol addiction, and conflicts with the law.

Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in New York on June 16, 1971.
In Las Vegas On September 7, 1996, Tupac and Suge Knight traveled to Las Vegas for a boxing match between Mike Tyson and Bruce Seldon. An unremarkable fight in which Tyson knocked out his opponent without any problems. But the real knockout took place after the fight - Suge Knight's BMW 750, where 2Pac was sitting in the passenger seat, was fired at at a traffic light from another car. The rapper took four bullets. Knight, who was driving, was scratched by glass shards. Six days later, on September 13 (it was a Friday), 1996, he died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. The ashes of the deceased were scattered over the Pacific Ocean. Neither the perpetrators nor those who ordered the crime were found.

Full name: Aaliyah Dana Houghton
Place of birth: New York
Country: USA
Professions: singer, actress, dancer
Genre: R&B, neo-soul
Collaborations: R. Kelly, Timbaland, Missy Elliott, DMX
Labels: Blackground

Aaliyah (Aaliyah, real name Aaliyah Dana Haughton, born January 16, 1979, New York - died August 25, 2001, Bahamas) is an American R&B singer, dancer, model and actress. Grammy Award nominee. The singer was first introduced to the public by R&B singer R. Kelly, with whom she was secretly married for some time. Aaliyah rose to popularity in the mid-1990s with hits written and produced by Timbaland. In addition to music, Alia has also been a model and acted in films. She worked on two films shortly before tragic death. In 2001, she died in a plane crash.

Ruslana Korshunova, fashion model, died on June 28, 2008.
On June 28, Ruslana Korshunova, a famous fashion model, fell from the 9th floor of a building in Manhattan. She was only 20 years old. The medical examiner determined it was suicide. A resident of Kazakhstan, Korshunova often appeared on the covers of the best fashion magazines.

Jean Harlow was called nothing less than the “Blonde Bombshell.” She was the embodiment of Marilyn Monroe before there was Marilyn Monroe herself. Harlow has played many film roles, such as Howard Hughes' Hell's Angels, as well as several films with Clark Gable. Jean Harlow literally hypnotized viewers with her incredible sex appeal. The actress died at the age of 26 from kidney failure. It is believed that the health of the star, who was married three times, was undermined by a severe flu that she suffered in the year of her death. Interestingly, Marilyn Monroe was going to play Harlow shortly before her death.

Selena was called the “Mexican Madonna”, she was the main singer on the Latin American scene. Selena became famous at a fairly young age and during her short but bright life managed to release about a dozen albums.

Selena was killed by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldivar. In addition to her work at the fan club, Saldivar was the manager of Selena's stores in Texas, but she was fired for theft. In March 1995, Selena and Saldivar met at a hotel in Corpus Christi, Texas, to settle final financial matters. When the meeting ended and Selena was about to leave the hotel, Yolanda Saldivar shot her in the back. The singer was able to get to the reception, but later died in the hospital from loss of blood.

American actress, socialite and Andy Warhol's muse. Sedgwick became famous thanks to her roles in Warhol's underground films and her participation in his Factory project.

Sedgwick struggled with drug addiction most his adult life. By 1971, she was no longer using drugs, but her doctor prescribed barbiturates to stop her physical pain. On the night of November 15, 1971, Sedgwick took the prescribed amount of medication and went to bed; in the morning Edie never woke up.

Sharon Tate, a Golden Globe nominee and the wife of director Roman Polanski, was a universal favorite for her kindness and cheerful disposition. The actress, who was eight months pregnant, and her four friends were killed by members of the Charles Manson gang. Despite the fact that Tate begged for the life of her unborn child, the killers stabbed Sharon 16 times.

05/15/1978 - 07/02/1995 USA

Chrissy Taylor got a pass into the modeling business thanks to her sister, supermodel Nicky Taylor. At the age of 11, she began filming with her sister and soon her career took off.

Chrissie was found dead in her parents' apartment by her sister. As it later turned out, the cause of the model’s death was an asthma attack complicated by a sudden cardiac arrhythmia. Interestingly, Chrissy had never had heart problems before.

Patrick Daniel Tillman(Patrick Daniel Tillman)
November 6, 1976 – April 22, 2004

American football player who left professional sports and joined the US Army in 2002. Killed by “friendly fire” in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. His death was widely reported in the media and became the subject of a military investigation, during which even former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld testified.

Brittany Murphy(Brittany Murphy)
November 10, 1977, Atlanta, USA - December 20, 2009, Los Angeles, USA

American actress and singer. Most famous films with her participation - “Girl Interrupted”, “Eight Mile”, “Sin City”. In addition, the actress participated as a vocalist in the composition of the famous electronic musician"Faster Kill Pussycat" by Paul Oakenfold. Winner of the Young Hollywood Award in 2002. For my acting career Brittany has played more than 50 roles in films and television series, almost all of them leading roles.

The actress died on December 20, 2009 at the age of 32 at her home in Los Angeles from a heart attack.

The actress's mother found her unconscious in the bathroom. The ambulance doctors who arrived on call stated cardiac arrest. All attempts to resuscitate Murphy on the spot and on the way to the clinic were unsuccessful. Brittany Murphy was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where it was determined she died of heart failure.

Upon learning of Brittany's death, Ashton Kutcher wrote on his blog: “The world lost a ray of light today. My deepest condolences to Brittany's family, her husband and her amazing mother Sharon... See you on the other side baby." People magazine quotes actress Jessica Simpson as saying: “Brittany Murphy was like Sunbeam, and her smile was simply contagious.”

Forensic experts who carried out all the necessary procedures reported that the cause of the actress’s cardiac arrest was pneumonia, complicated by an overdose of drugs against the background of iron deficiency anemia.

The Los Angeles Department of Health suggested that the cause of the actress's death was a fungus that caused pneumonia. This assumption became the main one when doctors determined that the actress’s husband also died of pneumonia. It was the similar circumstances of the death of the spouses that made the version of fungal infection the main one.

Dorothy Stratten(Dorothy Stratten)
February 28, 1960, Vancouver - August 14, 1980, Los Angeles

Canadian film actress and Playboy model.

Dorothy Stratten was born in Vancouver (Canada), in a poor area on the outskirts of the city. Because of her beauty, Dorothy, after graduating from school, does not go on to study further, having attracted the interest of one of the bosses of Playboy magazine, Paul Snyder, who became the patron of the future movie star. Dorothy flies to Los Angeles, where in 1979 she becomes a centerfold girl for a famous magazine. After this, Stratten was noticed in Hollywood, where she starred in four films - “Autumn born” (1979), “Skatetown, USA” (1979), “Galaxina” (1980) and “They All Laughed” (1981), as well as in episodic roles in a number of other films.

Dorothy's career was tragically interrupted when, during the filming of the film “They All Laughed,” her ex-husband, blinded by jealousy by that time (Dorothy lived in the same room with her new chosen one, director Peter Bogdanovich), Paul Snyder, killed her (according to one version , having previously raped) with a pistol shot. After which he committed suicide.

Peg Entwistle(Peg Entwistle)


Silent film actress. Failed and unemployed (after the advent of the talkie era), actress Peg Entwistle committed suicide in a very theatrical gesture, jumping from the 50-meter letter “H”, which begins the famous inscription “HOLLYWOOD” in the Hollywood Hills. IN suicide note, which the actress left, said: “It seems that I’m just a coward. Sorry for everything.”

Elizabeth Short(Black Dahlia)
(1924 - 1947)

The Elizabeth Short murder case was and remains one of the most brutal and mysterious crimes committed in America. On January 15, 1947, the mutilated body of Elizabeth Short was found in no-man's land. plot of land on South Norton Avenue in Leimert Park, near the Los Angeles city limits. The body was cut into two parts at the waist and subjected to mutilation (the external and internal genitalia, as well as the nipples, were removed). The woman's mouth was cut from ear to ear. The investigation into the murder of the “Black Dahlia” by the Los Angeles police with the involvement of the FBI became the longest and most extensive in the history of US law enforcement. About 60 people confessed to this murder (including several women). At different times during the investigation, 22 people were declared the murderers of Elizabeth Short. The real killer was never found.

James Dean
(1931 - 1955)

American actor, posthumously won the Golden Globe Award (1956). Before his tragic death, he managed to play only three serious film roles - in “Rebel Without a Cause”, in the film “East of Eden”, last tape with the participation of the actor - "Giant" - was released after his death.

On September 30, 1955, James Dean, along with mechanic Weiterich, drove a sports Porsche to Salinas. On the way, they were stopped by a policeman who advised them to slow down. However, Jimmy did not follow his advice. A few kilometers later, a black Plymouth crashed into his Porsche. Weiterich was seriously injured. James Dean died without regaining consciousness on the way to the hospital.

(Bruce Lee)
November 27, 1940, San Francisco - July 20, 1973, Hong Kong

great master of martial arts, American and Hong Kong film actor, as well as film director, fight director, producer and screenwriter.

Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong while working on his next film, Game of Death: he took a headache pill containing aspirin and meprobamate, and washed down the medicine with alcohol, which led to brain swelling. An autopsy showed that cerebral edema was caused by a hypersensitive reaction to the components of the drug. His death was a shock to all of Hong Kong - no one could imagine that this man, who spent days and nights improving his body, could die. After his death, rumors began to spread that he had died in the bed of his mistress or that another master had killed him, but they were not confirmed. Bruce Lee's funeral turned into a citywide, and then all-Asian, mourning. Friends and thousands of fans came to pay their last respects to him. Bruce Lee's body was then flown to Seattle, where his family said goodbye and where he was buried. Martial arts lovers arriving in Seattle still go to bow to Bruce Lee's grave. And his last film was completed 5 years later with the help of doubles, was a huge success and caused new wave interest in kung fu and oriental martial arts.

Amy Winehouse (1983 - 2011)

The British soul singer, dubbed by journalists as the “new Billie Holiday,” was found dead in a lonely bed own home July 23, 2011. Death, according to the conclusion of forensic experts, occurred due to a complex reason: from an overdose of alcohol and drugs, as well as due to emphysema, which the artist was diagnosed with three years earlier. Amy, as if competing with someone on the scale of drug use and drinking, ended up in the ominous “club 27”, where her idols Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin were already staying. The farewell to her was held in London's oldest synagogue: the place of the funeral ceremony was literally blocked by hundreds of reporters, and the plea of ​​the deceased's relatives to spare their feelings had no effect. The tabloid press pursued Amy from the very beginning of her career: the reckless and self-sparing tragic Jewish girl became an ideal heroine and at the same time a victim for the “yellow” publications. Paparazzi were on duty 24/7 near her house in Camden, and videos of the staggering singer, barely alive from crack and whiskey, quickly appeared on the websites of the leading English tabloids. Amy's death turned her into a lost treasure: the same “Daily Mirror” and “Daily Mail”, which for several years painted the image of a degenerate drug addict, published tear-jerking obituaries. Which once again confirmed the thought of the philosopher Baudrillard: celebrity cult in modern society- This is a peculiar form of necrophilia.