How to learn to draw by yourself with a pencil. How to learn to draw cars with a pencil? Drawing a living tree


Most likely, everyone periodically has the desire to draw something, and not just a doodle, but so that everyone likes it. Especially often, such a desire appears when looking at a beautiful and talented picture. It would seem that it’s so difficult? I want to learn how to draw coolly with a pencil, so I take paper and draw a masterpiece. But when it comes to implementation, then difficulties arise: either the center is shifted, the scale and aspect ratios are incorrect, or the details did not work out. How to quickly learn to draw with a simple pencil , if immediately, because of your own ineptitude, the desire to create masterpieces disappears?

Remember that even the most talented craftsmen We didn’t learn right away: everyone went a long way in order to improve their skills and delight others with beauty. This is preceded by more than one year and more than one month of hard work - very little time will pass, and now we are already drawing well simple pictures and people.

The pencil is considered the most simple tool for drawing, so it’s worth starting your training with it.

It takes some getting used to carry a pencil and notepad with you in order to make sketches. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal. But what to do if, apart from desire and some abilities, there is nothing?

Drawing: how to draw something beautiful and easy for beginners

So, to draw pictures, you need to know where to start. remember, that For beginners, a pencil is the most convenient tool. This is because it is easy to erase, and if the line is wrong, it can be changed. Moreover, there is different types pencils, with the help of them you can easily create a beautiful drawing.

The main advice for future artists is never do not start drawing with complex and large paintings until you learn how to draw details. You are unlikely to succeed, and the desire to draw again will simply disappear.

First, learn to depict individual objects. To do this, highlight one element from the others with your eyes. Then visually evaluate the shape and size. Next, highlight where on the paper it is best to place it, taking into account the size and shape. Do not forget that tall elements placed along the length of the paper, and wide ones - along the width.

In addition, keep in mind that a real object is usually larger than a piece of paper, so you need to draw it, taking into account aspect ratio and scale. Is not simple task for a beginner. Therefore, to develop skills, below there will be suggestions simple exercises, which will help allocate space for the drawing.

Drawing exercises

In these drawing exercises, we draw objects as diagrams, without creating small details - this is something that a beginner can draw simply and beautifully. Here it is important to see how objects are created using simple figures and their dimensions are taken into account. By acquiring such skills, in the future you will be able to automatically find the location and size of the picture.

Exercise No. 1: so the first task is that you need to draw an object not from natural size, and from the picture. This greatly simplifies the task, since there is no need to select an element and find a place to place it - everything has already been done. You need to reproduce the same thing, but in a different size, so that it does not become a copy.

Repeat similar exercises with other images, developing an understanding of proportions and space.

Let's draw a mountain. First, take a close look at the picture. Visualize it on your sheet. Now draw a straight line. This will be the foundation. Study the shape of the hill and its slopes. If the mountain has equal sides, then depict it as a regular cone, whose height is less than the width of the base. To understand how many times the parts differ in size, you can take a ruler, but the main thing is to be able to do this by eye. In this situation, the proportions of height and width are 1:3.

To get the aspect ratios right, create a vertex first. Find a place on the horizontal line where you will place it. Create 3 equal segments on the line. Next, find the middle and draw a perpendicular. Then mark the top of the mountain at a distance of 1 division from the base. If the image matches, everything was done correctly. Now try to create the same mountain, but in a different size.

Do not forget that to correctly determine the aspect ratio of an object, you need to start by dividing the base into equal parts, and then move on from there. A task like this will teach you to accurately determine ratio of various elements of objects. And this is the basis of drawing.

Exercise No. 2: another challenge is that it is required to depict a mountain with different proportions of width and height. Here they will be 1:4, and the top deviates to the right. The task is more difficult, but not impossible.

First, repeat the steps of the first exercise: draw a straight line, dividing it into equal parts (here 4). Then there is a peculiarity - the vertex will not be in the center of the segment. It seems to be above the third segment, so we draw a perpendicular line from it. Then the top is laid off. Usually, when creating a drawing, the base is divided by 2 or 3, rarely by 5.

Exercise #3: this exercise will require depicting on one sheet of paper profiles different mountains , which have different vertices in location and height. Don't be afraid, the task is not too difficult. Imagine each hill separately, mentally dotted line to the bases. And then you will understand that the first exercise is simply repeated several times.

Another skill - skills to draw straight lines without tools. This is not too easy, it will require training. First draw a vertical line using a ruler. Now practice, trying to create maximum parallel by hand. A similar exercise is repeated with the horizon.

Mastering shading

When creating masterpieces with a pencil, you will need to master shading skills for the volume of an object. It will show where the shadow falls and where the light falls. Start with simple shapes: cube, ball, cone, etc. In addition, if you look closely, you will notice that these figures have penumbra.

In order to obtain a smooth transition from light to dark, you will need pencils with different densities. After mastering this skill, you will easily learn how to draw three-dimensional details. For classes, you can choose interesting and stylish drawings for beginners - not very complex, but beautiful, they will delight you with the results and maintain confidence in your abilities.

How to draw a person correctly

If you have achieved success in previous tasks, then let’s figure it out now, how to draw a person. This is not the easiest task. Let's consider step by step drawing. First try creating people on paper who are standing - this is important for distinguishing between aspect ratios.

Draw a vertical line and build off of it to create a mesh, i.e. the main lines of the waist, shoulders, head, arms and legs. But how do you understand the size of these lines? When drawing from life It is important to use a pencil as a measuring tool. For example, you want to determine the distance from the waist to the head. Take a pencil, visually align its tip with the level of the crown, then mark on it where the waist is located. Transfer the size onto paper. This way you can measure all the items.

Drawing people is a difficult task. Start by creating the base, then draw in the details.

To test yourself, remember that the body is visually divided into 8 parts. One part is equal to the size of the head. In representatives of the stronger sex, the body length is 3 heads, and the border is located on the chest, chin, crotch and belt. The legs are 4 heads, and the center is near the knees. The width of the shoulders reaches 2 1/3 the size of the head. The length of the arms reaches 3.5 times the size of the head. Women's proportions are different - the body is more elongated, and the hips are considered the widest part.

If you have determined the proportions of a person, drawn marks, then give shape to the body. To do this, all elements are drawn in the form of cylinders and ovals. If you like everything, then draw the outline. Now all that remains is to create the details - fingers, hair, face, clothes.

How to draw a portrait

The greatest difficulty is creating portraits. The difficulty is that to obtain a similarity you will need to correctly draw all the details and features. So, let's figure out how to draw a portrait for beginners.

First tip: think about what can be easily drawn or copied from a photo with a pencil? Separate areas of the face: nose, eyes, lips from different angles, even ears. Then proceed to create full image. For beginners there will be easier work Based on the photo, you can gradually move on to personal observations, sketches and sketches from life.

Tip two: Start by creating an oval shape for the head. Then draw a vertical line down the center. She will divide the face into equal parts. Then divide it into 2 parts horizontally - this is the line where the eyes are located. The eyebrows are located in line with the upper edges of the ears.

Third tip: The length of the nose can be determined as follows: divide the gap between the eyes and chin by 2 - this is the location of the tip. Its width corresponds to the gap between the edges of the eyes. These relationships are not an axiom, but most often faces are drawn this way.

There is a certain concept of facial proportions that can be taken as a basis.

When positioning the parts of the face, you need to create the outline of the lips, nose, ears, and hair. If you are satisfied with the details, then start drawing. Now all that remains is to add the finishing touches.

Graffiti style

If you like lettering, then you should consider. Eat different directions and stylistic exercises for drawing words, letters, phrases. And to understand in what specific direction you will create, you will need to study them all.

Practice on paper first. Create a word. The letters need to be placed at a distance corresponding to ½ the height of the letter, because they will need to be outlined. Now give each letter volume and convexity with shading.

Selecting Tools

The choice of tools and sheets plays a significant role in drawing. So, what devices to choose:

There are different types of pencils. A simple pencil happens With different levels softness. They are often marked with Latin letters: B is the softest, H is the hardest, and HB are hard-soft pencils. Besides this, there are also numbers from 2 to 9. These show the tone;
a beginner will need different pencils with different hardness. In addition, when drawing you will need soft eraser;
paper doesn't play last role. It is better to use thick white sheets - they can withstand corrections. A grainy sheet is suitable for a pencil because the shades are visible on it.

We looked in detail at how to learn to work with a pencil and how to draw something beautiful at home, but now let’s sum it up. Let's consider quick tips how to get better at drawing - the list, of course, is far from complete, but it sums up the experience:

Create sketches.

This is the main point. Required to create per day at least 5 sketches. It's worth doing your best here. Take advantage of every chance to create drawings: on the road, in the office, at home. This improves your skills, develops imagination, and the ability to understand size relationships. Drawing storyboards and comics is useful.

Copy the works of masters.

Imitate the masters, it develops taste. Do 1 copy every 3 months. This should include the originals good artists. Try to get as close to the source as possible, study not only the techniques of the masters, but also the cultural features of that era.

Experiment, don’t be afraid of mistakes and don’t put off creativity until later. This way you will soon learn how to create masterpieces.

Draw from memory.

Even when drawing from life, you have to create an image from memory. Besides, it is important to draw from memory small elements - this will improve visual memory and fantasy.

Repeat mistakes.

People often quit at the first problem: they are afraid of repeating the mistake. But you shouldn't do this. If it doesn't work, start again. Don’t avoid mistakes; they are worth taking a closer look at - perhaps this is where your individuality lies.

You shouldn't draw from a photo.

Yes, at first it is the only way practice, but then you shouldn’t do it. The lens is not able to convey the full depth of forms.

Take a break.

Don't concentrate on one thing it's important to be able to switch. If something doesn't work out, take breaks. Start different drawings, change points of view, technique.


Even if drawing with a pencil or paints (pastels, watercolors, oils, etc.) is a completely new area of ​​life for you, don't be afraid to set goals, both modest and global. It is important to remember why you decided to learn drawing: will it become future profession or a hobby, do you want to please your friends or relatives with a landscape or portrait as a gift, have you just decided to master a new creative niche?

Fears of your own inability haunt you, constantly buzzing in your ear, “You won’t succeed anyway”? Don’t put off ideas and plans for later, gradually purchasing boxes of pencils and paints or spending weekends searching in stores for that very “ better paper». Make your wishes come true today- just take a notepad and pencil and start making, albeit not very skillful, but at least your own sketches.

23 January 2014, 15:22

You will need

  • - sketchbook or blank sheets;
  • - pencils of varying degrees of hardness;
  • - eraser;
  • - sharpener or knife;
  • - planner.


Create a study plan. This is very important because you will have an idea of ​​how long it will take you to learn a particular element or style. Determine in advance what time you can draw, how many hours or minutes you are willing to devote to this activity, and whether you have the opportunity to view or text lessons. To begin with, you can spend no more than half an hour a day, but then it is better to increase this figure.

To understand from scratch, start depicting simple figures. It is important for you to understand how shadows fall, where highlights need to be highlighted, and how best to depict the shape of an object. Therefore, it is recommended to draw first geometric figures. Spend a week learning how to draw each element separately, and then all together. The task will be much easier if you copy from an object that is directly in front of you. It could be a tennis ball or an apple.

The next stage is simple animals and plants. You can devote more time to it, since there is much more variety here. With the help of animals and plants you can learn to depict more small parts, and also understand how geometric shapes and waste shadows can be transformed into already real contours. Depending on your success, devote 2-3 weeks to this stage.

Start drawing people. It’s best to start with the face, then try to draw different parts of the body and the whole person. To understand how to learn to draw with a pencil from scratch step by step, watch the video tutorials. They tell you in detail, and most importantly, show you how to apply strokes correctly, soften the pencil, and so on. Finally, try drawing a self-portrait and see how your skills have progressed. The length of this stage is 1-4 weeks.

Learn perspective and start drawing full-fledged ones. Pay attention to this stage great attention, since it directly determines how correctly you can depict objects in space. Landscapes will allow you to cover not individual blocks, but create complex compositions. Don't forget to use all the knowledge and skills that you were able to gain in the previous stages.

Free creativity. After you have explored everything basic elements, start creating something new. Try, for example, to depict a company of several people in as much detail as possible. Even if it takes you more than one week, you will be proud of the result. Try to improvise and start forming your own style.

The majority of people think that in order to draw beautifully you need talent and a lot of time, but no, in fact, almost anyone can master the fundamental laws of drawing.

Many people, regardless of age, dream of learning how to beautifully draw portraits of people or just nature. Deluded in the fact that this art cannot be mastered, but must be possessed by nature, they continue to simply dream dreams. Just imagine what it’s like to draw three-dimensional faces of people similar to the original on paper, shade the paint with a brush, and finally show your work to friends, watching their surprise, decorate an apartment or make original gift beloved.

If you really want to, develop artistic ability accessible to everyone. It is enough to start small, then complicate the tasks you set for yourself.

Master this art For a beginner, it’s absolutely important to know some subtleties, where beginners need to start.

  1. The ability to correctly depict objects in space is fundamental for an artist. Gives the perception of volume in an image.
  2. The basis for creating a background for volume is the correct work with strokes. Everything you create will be brighter and clearer.
  3. The ability to tint stretch marks with a pencil will allow you to dial in the tone with pencils of different softness and texture, the image will become more realistic.
  4. Give volume different forms, playing with light, relief, shadow, these skills make the difference between a beginner and a master.
  5. A beautiful image of falling shadows depends not only on the cast figure, but also on the location of the light source. You will be able to depict geometric figures of various shapes.
  6. And finally, the most basic skill a beginner needs to master is maintaining composition. It will allow you to revive the composition, fill it with meaning and convey the mood.

Where to start learning to draw

Usually in different courses artistic arts, first they teach to open artistic vision. Usually a person just sees grass, flowers, birds. An artist, looking at landscapes, sees lines and spots.

Drawing with a pencil, using dark, light lines.

So, let's start with the formula for creating spots, find their correct place, dark and light. Draw, for example, a ball with a sun flare. On it we draw a smaller circle, just above the middle, we designate its circle as one, expanding the horizons, we draw the lines of the second ball, this will be bright place. Then another one, there will be partial shade. Shade with a pencil from the middle, increasing pressure from the middle to the borders of the ball. If you do not press hard, but also respect the glare pattern, you will get a transparent black and white ball. If you got everything right, don’t stop there, continue to improve, try to draw a bottle, vase, or other geometric object in the same way. Keep drawing for now regular pencil, honing your actions.

A very popular desire for beginners, since this Japanese animation is intended for teenagers and adult audiences than cartoons. Anime drawings are original, bright and expressive features faces and, of course, not naturally so beloved by the Japanese, large eyes.

Anime - characters are distinguished by drawn eyes in relation to the entire face, the nose and mouth are depicted somewhat wavy lines and small elements.

Let's try to start with different elements.

The image of the nose in anime is conveyed by lines, perhaps with some volume or just a couple of dots, the main thing is to convey emotions. When emotions change, the design of the nose also changes; when the hero begins to speak, the nose becomes clearer and more voluminous. When depicting an offended character, the nose is drawn with a pair of vertical lines; when depicting anger, crying, horror, in anime the nose may not be depicted at all. The nose design is more similar to the real one, more often given to a serious hero, or male

Eyes, one of the most common characterizing elements that distinguish and highlight japanese comics. Let's try to depict the most common form. We start with a bent horizontal line, shaped like the arch of an eyebrow. Next we draw the second part, for help, draw two lines, starting from the edge of the upper section of the eye and tapering towards the middle of the lower part. Taking advantage of these auxiliary lines, draw the bottom line, slightly curving, on the right and even thinner on the left. Delete the lines, draw an elongated oval in the middle of the eye, hiding it under the first arc - the eyelid. Draw a contour inside the proteins, remembering the glare of the sun. Draw two ovals: a large one, in the left section of the squirrel, one very small, on the opposite side at the bottom.

Lips in anime are not standard large sizes and the main thing is to draw, then the mouth. If the face is turned around, you need to depict vertical lines from the middle of the eyes, these will be the edges of the lips. Draw a couple of guide lines and draw the teeth, without drawing out each tooth in detail.
Hair is usually drawn quite simply, with voluminous lines with highlights.

Portrait is one of the multifaceted types of artistic craft. It requires time, perseverance, and talent. main feature, convey correctly emotions, depth of vision, individuality. It is important to depict natural forms and other elements. You can try to master the primary technique of depicting a portrait. It is likely that the first attempts will not turn out what you dreamed of; with experience, of course, you will be able to draw real portraits.

  1. To begin with, draw the correct contour of the face, lightly pressing the pencil, draw an oval. You may need several sheets, do not spare them, and do the work until you get a symmetrical shape.
  2. Center, swipe horizontal line, slightly further, parallel. In this place there will be a nose, and in the area above, eyes and ears.
  3. Smooth and thin lines, we draw the eye sections, having previously placed points showing their border. Let's draw the pupils, lip lines, hair contour, eyebrows.
  4. Lips, one of the most difficult elements, start with the bottom, then reflect it in the upper lip, divide it in half a little. Don't make your mouth too big.
  5. Image of the nose, start from the edges, in the form of a semi-triangle, on the sides of the arc. Draw a dotted line from the eyebrows, deviating, erase the hint.
  6. Finally add smooth movements highlights with a pencil, giving volume and color to the picture. Shade with contrast dark light. These actions give the face depth and liveliness.

Do you like indoor flowers? Then watch short videos of blooming anthuriums, hibiscus and other house flowers.

Learn to draw cartoon characters

Animal drawing lessons

Pet drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons for birds

Nature drawing lessons

Let's draw the mushroom step by step, first with a simple pencil. At the last step, you can color the picture of the mushroom with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw leaves and grass next to it, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty in drawing this flower. To make the rose flower look more realistic, also draw a rose stem with leaves.

Draw flowers better paints, black and white drawing flowers cannot convey all the beauty of flowers. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet step by step with a simple pencil.

To draw a picture of a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you definitely need a ruler. Any snowflake pattern has the correct geometric shape and therefore it is better to draw with a ruler.

It is better to paint a butterfly, just like flowers. But first, draw a butterfly step by step with a simple pencil.