How to draw anime beautifully with a pencil. Anime from scratch: step-by-step steps on how to learn to draw a girl, animals and face

Fine art is a good hobby for a person of any age. This could turn into real profession, if you learn to master a pencil.

And skill develops only through practice. The more you train, the better you get.

Anime art that is fashionable today is one of the most popular types drawing by artists of all ages.

Anime is not only drawings of comic books and stills from cartoons, it is a whole direction in art. Anime cartoons are very popular in our country.

Songs are written about this, and the music selected for cartoons is real masterpieces.

Anime - the whole world. Peculiar, original. Let's plunge into it headlong, creating own comics and sketches in this style.

How to learn to draw a girl's face: eyes, nose and hair with a pencil

Step-by-step creation of a girl's face in anime style:

Drawing a guy from scratch: full body

Draw anime in full height- a little more complicated. There are more details here.

Step-by-step instructions - drawing a full-length guy in anime style:

  1. Draw a cross where vertical line indicates the position of the body, and the horizontal line indicates the upper line of the shoulders.
  2. Draw horizontal lines to indicate the hips, knees and feet.
  3. Draw the joints with circles. They indicate the position of the hands. At this stage it’s easy to fix everything and paint on it.
  4. Now we draw the head. First the ball, then the precise lines of the cheekbones and chin. Apply the contours of the hairstyle or headdress with strokes on top. We clarify the line, erase unnecessary strokes.
  5. We finish the drawing: we make the body, the contours of the clothes. We erase everything unnecessary and complete the composition, clarifying the details.

Important! Use the most hard pencil to depict contours. It is the easiest to erase.

When the contours suit you, erase the excess and trace the drawing with a soft pencil. Anime is often depicted with the softest pencil for clarity of lines.

When portraying a man, remember the proportions of the body. Men, too, can be both overweight and very thin.

It is not necessary to add broad shoulders and muscular arms to every male character. Consider height and build. The length of the neck and the shape of the face depend on this.

Girl body for beginners

Female body in anime style - great topic for a new drawing.

Remember a few rules:

  • beauty female body in the anime it is depicted a little exaggeratedly when compared with the normal proportions of a living person.
  • The waist is very thin, slightly wider than the neck.
  • The girls are depicted as very thin, but the head remains disproportionately large.
  • The girl's hair is depicted as voluminous, regardless of length.
  • The chest is feminine, round, slightly wider than the shoulders.
  • Thin hands.
  • The waist is very thin.
  • Hips are wide relative to the waist. Their width follows the chest.
  • The legs are very long, rounded in shape.

When you start drawing a girl, pay attention to the details. Will your anime girl be clothed or are you portraying a naked lady on the beach.

Such drawings turn out great if you draw a girl with her back in a dimly lit room.

Here it is enough to mark the contours as described above. Identify the joints of the elbows and knees, and use them to outline the position of the arms and legs.

We shade everything around, leaving bright places around the figure. She is completely shaded.

Leave short reflections in places, determining the incidence of light yourself. Hair can be of any shape.

You can draw long and loose curls covering half of the back. Classic beauty is superb.

Important! Carefully erase the outlines and joints from the drawing. Final result should look as if it were not drawn, but printed.

This is craftsmanship: your drawings must be alive.

Examples of drawn pictures

You can make money from anime art if you learn how to transfer an image visually onto paper, transforming it into anime.

Such portraits are in demand among schoolchildren and adults. The Internet unites, and anime cartoons - beautiful art, both children and adults like it. Look at the example drawings.

If you want to make money on this skill, use our tips:

  • Bring your art to perfection. If you take money from people, it’s for real art.
  • Practice on your family and friends. Learn to convey emotions.
  • It is good to consult with professionals. Self-taught people can be gifted, but polishing your skills requires serious experience and professionalism.

    Go to an art school, show off your masterpieces, get practical advice. You can communicate online with practicing artists.

  • When starting to draw to order, remember that the client is always right. Advertise online. Draw templates: include photos and drawings on them so people can see what you can do.
  • Make animated sketches wedding photos. This will be a good income business: a comic book depicting a wedding in anime style.
  • The most profitable work will be practical work: you will have to go out to the embankment or avenue with a canvas and pencil.
  • The tools must be professional.
  • Offer services to local schools.

Useful video

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Each time you draw a head, you need to start with a circle and intersecting lines through the center. This part is always the same, and the remaining part of the face is built depending on the desired type (style). Next we will look at several different types faces in anime.

In all these drawings, it's not just about "the eyes getting bigger." They, of course, become larger, but the nose and mouth do not change either.

Realistic type

This type of facial construction is so close to the real thing human anatomy, which is almost not similar to the anime style. On a real human face, the eyes are much smaller and the nose and mouth are much more prominent. The ears are at eye level.

cartoon type

We are reaching the extreme range here, but not exceeding the limit. This style is more suitable for the romance (shoujo) genre, where expressive eyes are what is needed. If you look closely at the sketch on the left, you'll notice that the eyebrows are very high on this head.

Very cartoonish type

With this approach, enlarged eyes result in a different relationship with the rest of the facial features, and the ears are now aligned with the nose.I can't emphasize enough how important it is to replicate this balance if you want to draw in this style. Anime and manga fans are a finicky bunch. If you draw the proportions wrong, they will see it and report it!

A little cartoony

You can see this facial design in manga when the hero is focused on performing an action. The eyes become larger and the nose and mouth become less detailed. However, the distance between the eyes and the tip of the nose is still quite close to the real anatomy.

Japan is a country of high development and advanced technology. It has many merits assigned to it - advanced technology, strong cars and cartoons loved by people around the world. Some artists ask the question - how to learn to draw anime without skills.

This article tells you how easy it is to learn how to create anime.

  • First, the selection of tools is carried out, that is, stylus and pencils with different levels density. These instruments are sold in wooden base or as rods installed in various mechanical supports.
  • Another possible tool is graphic sticks with a special layer. They help you dynamically sketch and shade large areas.
  • An eraser is required, preferably one with a low density. Hard ones remove the surface layers of paper. To reduce the likelihood of such a nuisance to zero, it is better to apply subtle features.
  • How to draw anime with a pencil - use a sharpened one. That is, you will also need a good pencil sharpener. It is more effective to sharpen it with a knife.
  • To apply hatching correctly and quickly, it is better to use a hollow, sharpened tool for this purpose, but since we are just learning to draw, we are allowed to individually choose the simplest and fastest method.
  • You should start with drawing contour drawings. At the first stage, several works are applied linearly, then added to in the right places shadows. These steps allow you to create a quick sketch. As you gain experience, your hand will become stronger and you will be able to easily create complex light and shadow elaborations of the drawing.
  • More difficult stage- mastering shading. Each element should be located as close as possible to its neighbor, otherwise the pattern will look striped rather than solid. On initial stage rub with a leaf or fingers.
  • When you hatch, you must leave a minimum distance between the stripes. The lines do not cross at a large angle.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, here on help will come An eraser that easily erases pencils. It is necessary to ensure that the layer of paper is not removed, otherwise this part will be smeared; it is difficult to correctly lay a layer of graphite on damaged paper.
  • To remove a large area of ​​the drawing or slightly reduce the tone, use a plasticine-like mass that easily absorbs pencil sketches. Or you can take ordinary bread crumb.

For beginners, complex motifs with a lot of detail will be overwhelming work. It is recommended to start with images of simple objects. The video below will demonstrate this process.

Gradually you can complicate the task and depict complex plots. Portraying people is the most difficult process, which should be undertaken with some skills. Human face creating on paper is difficult, and expressing emotions on it is even more difficult.

Drawing anime with a pencil

This part of the article tells how to draw anime step by step with a pencil. To start drawing you need pencils, paper and an eraser to remove mistakes. As an example, the technique of gradually drawing the image of a boy will be described. Japanese technology images of people differ from the standard type in the type of image of facial details. The contours of the face are drawn figuratively, the eyes are large and expressive, and it’s easy to depict them.

  • Primary contours are drawn. These are placed correctly and then the basic outline of the boy is drawn. To make drawing easier, the primary contour is depicted with rectangular shapes. An important condition is compliance with proportions.
  • Draw the head. Rectangles of the head and neck are depicted. There are 2 arcs leading from the neck - the shoulders. Then draw a line of arms with circles in the middle - elbows. The depiction of hands is easier if rectangles and lines are used for this purpose.
  • Drawing the face. This is a standard rectangle, assimilated with a triangle. The figures are applied together, then the line between them is removed. The result is an anime-style face with a chin. The result is a face in Japanese style- with a narrowed chin.
  • Drawing of elements. At this stage we add additional elements. The eraser erases extra lines, the picture is filled with details. Using the initial lines give final form face A visor-arch and the base of the headdress are drawn on the head, and the contours of the hair and ears are drawn.
  • Hand treatment. Outline along the originally drawn contours. Draw the legs. The successful completion of the process is considered to be the correct proportions of the body.
  • Working out the main details. At the final stage, they work on the main details, these include the eyes and other parts of the face. The eyes are made large with large and shiny pupils. But the mouth and nose are small, cone-shaped.
  • Cloth. Detailing it comes down to working on pockets, buttons, adding details of a T-shirt, gloves, and finishing the work on the hair.
  • Coloring. Colored drawings are made contrasting and variegated; our drawing is created using a simple pencil, that's why it is painted with shadows.

This is roughly the answer to the question of how to draw anime step by step. If you can draw in the anime style and it brings you pleasure, you can build a good career in creating cartoons.

Step by step instructions for drawing eyes

The most difficult thing to draw is the eyes, they are the ones who “make” the whole face of the hero. Therefore, an entire chapter is devoted to this stage.

  • The eyes create themselves different shapes, color and size. First, the arches of the eyelids are drawn, then two guiding lines are drawn, they must intersect. It is optimal to depict these lines as slightly curved, their thickness is minimal.
  • A significant area of ​​the eye is represented by the iris. The eyes are oval. Their size shows the character's feelings. The pupil stands out only after drawing the highlights.
  • Often the highlight is present in a single version; you can depict several small ones, placing them on different sides. Brightness is added to the eye with ready-made highlights.
  • Few eyelashes are drawn, most often no more than 7. These are arrows with a highlighted border of the upper eyelid, which gives volume and convexity.
  • Eyebrows must be depicted, although not in detail, otherwise the eyes will not be expressive.
  • How to draw an anime girl with emotional eyes - draw a semicircle. Top part- a perfectly straight line, the bottom one - an exact semicircle.
  • Eyelashes are depicted as an arrow, bent towards the top or bottom, this will determine the shape. When drawing several eyelashes, large ones are depicted on the upper eyelid, and small ones below.

Life is added to the eyes with oval highlights around the edge. Highlights are drawn horizontally or vertically. To highlight the main highlight, draw another triangular one with a corner directed towards the center. Sometimes round highlights are used as main or additional ones.

How to draw a body

  • It is necessary to study the parameters of the human body and the manner of its depiction in anime style. These pictures often have incorrect proportions.
  • Female figures in anime are elongated, with long thin lower limbs and very narrow waists. Men's - broad shoulders. The size of the head does not always match the body; this largely determines the attractiveness of the characters.
  • First, they mark two points and connect them with a vertical - this is the center. Draw the top and bottom lines, divide the center from bottom to top with a ruler into 8 segments of the same size.
  • Next, an oval body, a round pelvis, a head, legs and arms are depicted. To make the drawing look alive, body parts are placed in a slightly curved arc, which will help depict the dynamics of the character.

To understand exactly how to draw anime step by step, you need to gain experience and work on your skills.

The history of anime

The art of anime originated in Japan in 1958. Cartoons drawn in this style became popular at the end of the 20th century and their popularity continues to grow to this day.

10 years ago, experts found a work by an unknown author, dated 1907. It is a celluloid strip of 15 sequential pictures of a boy drawing hieroglyphs and then turning and bowing.

This discovery made short animated cartoons up to 15 minutes long popular. Nowadays films are created on computers, but there are masters who do everything by hand.

Anime comes in different genres. There are works with very high graphics and for different age groups spectators. There are fascinating plots with unexpected endings and developments.

Japanese comics (manga) and cartoons (anime) are a huge layer of culture with its own traditions and rules. Anime characters are easily recognizable, and millions of fans of this genre visual arts scattered all over the world.

We will tell you how to draw manga and anime correctly and beautifully in a series of our lessons. In the first lesson we will start with the very basics of drawing.

Movement is life

Anime and manga are impossible without dynamics. Each episode is characterized by a certain event and a certain movement. When planning to draw your anime character, first of all think about what pose he should take in the drawing. Do not try to draw “from memory” or as you “see fit”. Manga is not only (and not always) big eyes, this is, first of all, a clear correspondence to the “real world”. You will definitely need examples. Take similar images from other works or use a large mirror in which to pose for yourself. Try different angles before committing to the final sketch.

Basics of drawing. Creating a hero figure

As you may know from the lesson "", the height of a person is on average seven and a half of his "heads". Because anime heroes are still some kind of heroes, then their height, as a rule, is 8 or more “heads”. This way our heroes become more expressive. The remaining body proportions are identical to those of a human.

At the first stage of drawing, we create only a mannequin of our future character, which looks more like an articulated doll than another master of the elements.

From frame to overall structure

So, let's try to give more specific features to our character. For convenience, let's take the simplest pose. Mark the muscles and place small ovals at the joints. Please note that the wrists and the very bottom of the legs remain sticks. The torso is also not connected to the legs.

Finishing the contours

Now let’s finally form the contours of the body. Gently swipe lightly curved lines, completely forming the image of our hero. Smooth lines are extremely important. Any angles will create the effect of mechanicalness and unnaturalness.

Elastic band is our everything

Carefully wipe everything auxiliary lines. As you can see, we have a man. If you want to portray a woman, then in addition to pronounced breasts, you should also make her more wide hips and more thin waist, giving shape " hourglass" According to manga canon, women have narrower shoulders and slimmer necks. Often a woman’s legs are drawn in such a way as to further emphasize the hourglass shape.

So, wipe off all unnecessary parts. Feel free to clean up any rough edges. Our body is ready for detailing.


The “stick-stick-cucumber” approach that we used in general and in this lesson in particular - very convenient way for beginners to learn different poses and correctly draw their characters in the required position. Once you get comfortable with this hinge method, you can later draw characters without skipping this step. Practice drawing different positions of the characters by drawing, for example, figures like in the picture above.

In the following lessons we will continue to look step-by-step at the basics of drawing anime and manga.

IN last years Anime cartoons have become quite popular not only among children, but adults also like them. Everyone has their favorite heroes, and many try to copy them by portraying them themselves. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Anime technique

Anime refers to a special technique of Japanese drawings, which are performed using a pencil. This picture has several differences from other genres. First of all, this applies to the image of the face and eyes. There are several types of anime. For example, manga or comics.

Anime cartoons attract the attention of many viewers not only with the originality of the drawing, but also with the meaning of their plot. Often this is what causes fans to ask: “How to draw anime with a pencil?”

Portraying anime cartoon characters is quite a fascinating thing. Even if you only use a pencil. Depicting facial details is not a difficult task. So, let's look at a simple way to draw anime with a pencil step by step.

Algorithm of actions

To achieve accuracy and the desired quality of the drawing, it is necessary to adhere to a certain order of execution. Now it will become clear to you how to draw anime. Follow the recommendations step by step.

1. We must remember that all the heroes of such cartoons are characterized by some universal details: huge eyes and small mouths. Noses are usually marked schematically. Individual characters have disproportionately long legs.

2. Preparation necessary accessories. You will need a regular album. The paper should be thick and the pencil should be soft. It is recommended to sharpen it with a knife - the sharpener will not be able to correctly cut the end of the lead for more convenient drawing, since you will need to sketch fine lines. Hatching is also easier to apply if the pencil is sharpened at an angle.

3. Applying preparatory markings. A line is drawn from top to bottom in the central part of the sheet - this indicates the growth of the future anime hero. We divide the straight line into six identical segments. The first part on top is reserved for the head. Three segments at the bottom remain for the legs. The shoulders and pelvis are indicated. Then you need to outline the remaining contours of the body. We schematically depict the character's hands.

4. In the place where the head should be, draw an oval and divide it into two even parts using a thin horizontal line. We mark two points on it that serve as the centers of the eyes. We make two transverse strokes (lower eyelids).

5. In accordance with the lower eyelids, we complete the upper lines. Then we do the irises and pupils. It is not difficult. Please note that pupils and irises in anime drawings do not have the correct round shape. In most cases they are extended from top to bottom. Then we outline thin eyebrows above the eyes.

6. Draw a nose in the central part of the face. Most often it is depicted as small and not detailed. We outline the ears. Draw a small mouth - draw a small horizontal stroke just below the nose. You can depict lips, but this is optional.

7. The hairline is located high, at a considerable distance from the eyes. It is recommended to draw the strands in separate curls. Depict the character's hairstyle in accordance with his character. It can be a neat or messy haircut, simple or complex. The main thing is to give freedom of imagination.

8. The contours of the character’s figure are drawn. This drawing stage is similar to the image human bodies V classical genres drawing.

9. Use an eraser to erase any extra lines and color the drawing. He's ready! So we have determined how to draw anime with a pencil step by step.

Character image

Quite often, the main characters of anime cartoons are girls. They are amazingly beautiful, and many people want to learn how to portray them. Let's move on to how to draw an anime girl step by step.

Anime girl

Let's sketch the character's face. We start by drawing a circle. Then we divide it in half. If the girl in the picture is depicted half-turned, then the face is divided into two uneven parts. You can make a bias, as if the heroine lowered her eyes. It all depends on imagination and desire. Another circle is drawn, which will serve as the basis for the character’s head. The chin is marked under the first circle, then you need to mark the points of the cheekbones and outline the shape of the girl’s face. We outline the contours of the mouth, nose and eyes. Let's move on to the hair. Pay attention to the girl’s hairstyle: her hair is gathered or loose, perhaps she has a braid, or her curls are arranged in an intricate high hairstyle. Pay attention to all the necessary details. Don't forget to sketch out the outlines of the ears.

Eyes are a special nuance in anime pictures. They are usually different large size, compared to classical drawings. The eyes need to be depicted as large and expressive. Let's move on to the proportions of the nose. It is usually not detailed in anime drawings, so it is not difficult to depict it.

When the base of the character is ready, you can draw contours, add hairstyle details, and draw shadows on the face. We draw the eyes so that the main emphasis is placed on them. You can depict only the face or draw a girl in full growth. The choice is yours.

Application of skills

Now you know how to draw an anime girl. Next, you can begin to depict stories with several characters. Now you can draw various moments from anime series. IN in this case you will need to portray not only the character, but also environment, background. The good thing is that it will help you learn how to portray different types of emotions. It's no secret that anime drawings very accurately and quite originally convey the feelings and mood of the characters.

Additional benefits of the lesson

Recently, anime drawing competitions have become popular. Some artists even organize exhibitions.

So learning several ways of how to draw anime with a pencil step by step will not be superfluous. This can bring not only pleasure, but also profit.