Crime and Punishment, F.M. Dostoevsky - “We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones. We all look at Napoleons; there are millions of two-legged creatures, for us there is only one weapon (c)"

Time is a merciless chariot of existence. Some moments are repeated, some have long since left our Everyday life, and something to this day is important for every person, something still brings him joy and pain. Poets, musicians, artists - one or another, sang and talked about various events, moments, tragedies and happy moments. Many works and their works have survived to this day and are still relevant. For example, a poet who will live forever thanks to his works is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Each of his works has something special and memorable, lines, aphorisms, metaphors, catchphrases. What are such stunning works worth? Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Boris Godunov", "Eugene Onegin". They certainly carry a certain character, zest and something worth paying attention to.

But there is no friendship between us either.
Having destroyed all prejudices,
We respect everyone as zeros,
And in units - yourself.

This is a quatrain known to everyone and in my opinion the most interesting work"Eugene Onegin". This work describes: the St. Petersburg “golden youth” and provincial nobility, morals and tastes of the generation of the 20s of the XIX century, their passions and activities. One of the main characters is Eugene Onegin, who is very attractive in appearance, taught to read and write and all the necessary secular manners of that period. stately city, but at the same time it is dominated by sadness, despair and loneliness. It is often categorized as " extra people"who possessed all the necessary qualities, knowledge and means, but could not find a place in this world. I really believe that the phrase “We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones.” can and should be attributed to Onegin with his terrible habit ruin people's destinies, only because of irresistible boredom, a feeling of new emotions and perhaps to amuse one's ego, considering everything stupid and not funny joke. Evgeniy destroyed happy life Lensky and Olga, almost ruined the life of Tatyana, who was already married at the time of his next and incomprehensible to me attack of surging feelings. It’s hard to refuse him, his words are certainly full of something magical, you want to trust such a person. But when you get to know him better, this is exactly what happened to Tatyana, she saw in him a completely different guy, one might say a stranger. But despite all this, I have at least some of my respect for him and cannot call him completely negative character, he has those qualities that I prefer in people, these are honesty, intelligence and humanism.

People in our time, as well as in the past, very often put themselves above others. Elevating yourself, saying that you are much better, smarter, more beautiful - has become a kind of habit. I can calmly control the destinies of people, I feel only a small drop of power. For many, it has become the norm to use people as objects, to be puppeteers for them and to throw them away when they have had enough of playing. Onegin to some extent belonged to such people, but all his actions came back to him like a boomerang. Therefore, you should watch your actions and not make yourself the kings of the world, because someone is above you and perhaps also pulls the strings.

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies You have probably heard people say about some people: “Nothing ever happens to him, he is under a spell.” And indeed, there is such a miraculous conspiracy with which you can protect yourself from all troubles,

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies You have probably heard about some people say: “Nothing ever happens to him, he is under a spell.” We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from any hardship and vain death. You need to get water under the bridge and go with

Love yourself, sneeze on everyone...

From the book Stervology. Technologies for happiness and success in career and love author Shatskaya Evgeniya

Love yourself, sneeze at everyone... A real woman will not keep track of her victories - is she a fighter pilot? Svetlana Varguzova The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live happily is to spit on stereotypes, not to try to please and be good. All of us

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones. From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14. Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about disdainful attitude to others. See also We all look into Zero-initialized allocation: calloc()

From the book Linux Programming with Examples author Robbins Arnold

Getting pages filled with zeros

From the book Linux Kernel Development by Love Robert

Getting pages filled with zeros To ensure that the resulting memory pages are filled with zeros, you must use the following function. unsigned long get_zeroed_page(unsigned int gfp_mask); This function is similar to the __get_free_page() function, except that after the page is allocated


From the book Entertaining Jurisprudence author Tille Anatoly

REVERING THE LAW Often at the beginning of a lecture I ask the following question: each profession has a characteristic essence: a pilot knows how to fly a plane, an actor gets used to the image of another person, becomes him; the architect must have spatial thinking, see what is still missing

Love yourself, sneeze on everyone...

From the book School of Bitches - 2. Career - I made it! author Shatskaya Evgeniya

Love yourself, don’t sneeze at everyone... The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live comfortably is to spit on stereotypes, don’t try to please and be good. We were all raised wrong. You must..., you must... what people will think. And if people think, it’s because they’re bored

Make tea and coffee for yourself OR for everyone?

From the book Latte or cappuccino? 125 decisions that can change your life by Janes Hilley

Make tea and coffee for yourself OR for everyone? If you are one of those cheerful people who always offers to make or bring tea or coffee not only for yourself but also for others, don't expect endless gratitude. Psychological experiments have made it possible

Forgive everyone - including yourself

From the book Awakening Consciousness. 4 steps to the life you dream of by Vitale Joe

Forgive everyone - including yourself Teresa Pushkar: We started talking about forgiveness. As far as I understand, forgiveness is a slow-moving commodity in our world, where everyone is for himself. We don't like to forgive that much. At the same time, we understand that by accumulating negative energy, we are wasting our life

Living water: for yourself or for everyone?

From the book “Secrets Eternal Book" Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah. Volume 2 author Laitman Michael

Living water: for yourself or for everyone? It’s not for nothing that wells are dug in the desert. In deserted conditions. In the desert or in a field. And, as a rule, this well is closed somehow big stone, which cannot be moved by one, requires the efforts of several. Girls come to this

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi. The atrocity of Herod, shown by him in the beating of the Bethlehem infants, is pointed out.

author Lopukhin Alexander

19. Bring also into the ark (of every livestock, and of every creeping thing, and) of every living creature, and of every flesh, two by one, so that they may remain alive with you; Let them be male and female. 20. From (all) birds according to their kinds, and from (all) livestock according to their kinds, and from every creeping thing on the earth according to

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind upon the earth, and the waters stood still

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind over the earth, and the waters stood still “And God remembered Noah...” “Let us, beloved, understand these words in a godly manner, and not in that rude way.”

Who will praise himself the best...

From the book The Book of a Beginning Egoist. System "Genetics of Happiness" author Kalinsky Dmitry

Whoever praises himself best... He will become the most successful, beloved, happy man in the world. Everyone is familiar with the saying: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you. But alas, as practice shows, we do not know how to praise ourselves - we are even embarrassed. Then what about self-respect,

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones” in other dictionaries:

    We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be ones. Explanation (A hint at the conceit of people, sometimes the most zero.) A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Per. Zero man. Terent. See Man... ...

    A units of yourself. (Hint on the conceit of people, sometimes the most zero.) A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Zero man. Terent. See dozen man. See who shouldn't be worth a penny. See unit.… …

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and are sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category catch phrases. About authorship... ...

    - (foreign) insignificance Wed. Reduce to zero. Wed. Some people are perfect zeros; but as fate would have it, sometimes you have to turn to them: the offices of these people strongly resemble those with two zeros (00) on the doors. ***… Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    - (foreign) nonentity. Wed. “Reduce to zero” to nothing. Wed. Some people are perfect zeros; but by the will of fate, sometimes you have to turn to them: the offices of these people are very reminiscent of those on the doors of which there are two... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, but it is impossible to despise your own court. Slander, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    UNIT, units, women. 1. A digit representing the number one (1). || Mark, the lowest score in the value. bad (pre-rev.). The student received a unit in arithmetic. 2. transfer About someone, something that matters, ant. zero. “We respect everyone as zeros, and... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    - (foreign) being, (separate from others, identical to it). Wed. Society has distinguished itself from remarkable, even brilliant individuals in various fields of activity... Goncharov. Notes about Belinsky. Wed. And you feel like a unit... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    And zero, i, m. 1. The digital sign 0, denoting the absence of a value (attached to any number on the right means increasing it tenfold). 2. A conventional quantity relative to which the temperature of something is calculated. Zero degrees. Ten degrees... Small academic dictionary

    - (1799 1837) poet and writer, founder of new Russian literature, creator of Russian literary language Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me! I'm happy to be deceived myself! The disease of love is incurable. To be nice is good, to be calm is twice as good... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones
From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14.
Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about a disdainful attitude towards others. cm. We also all look at Napoleons.

  • - * It is also allowed to use week, month, year, century, thousand ** It is not allowed to use with prefixes...
  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - A units of yourself. A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Zero man. Terent. See dozen man. See who shouldn't be worth a penny. See unit...
  • - Blessed is not the one who is smarter than everyone else, but the one who, being a fool, considers himself a wise man. Karamzin. Hymn to fools...
  • - See GOD -...
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Every Demid strives for himself. Wed. Everyone lives by their own mind.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Everyone about himself, the Lord about everyone. Every Demid will make his own. Wed. Everyone lives by his own mind... everyone tries for himself, and the Lord for everyone. Dahl. The Tale of Shemyakin's Court...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be ones. Explanation A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Per. Zero man. Terent. See Dozen Man. See: Don't bet on a penny...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Matryona's head is scary for everyone, but covered with splint - for everyone...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SILENCE - NOISE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: To please people is to kill yourself...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - I ask not everyone by name, but everyone...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

“We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones” in books

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies You have probably heard people say about some people: “Nothing ever happens to him, he is under a spell.” And indeed, there is such a miraculous conspiracy with which you can protect yourself from all troubles,

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies You have probably heard about some people say: “Nothing ever happens to him, he is under a spell.” We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from any hardship and vain death. You need to get water under the bridge and go with

Love yourself, sneeze on everyone...

From the book Stervology. Technologies for happiness and success in career and love author Shatskaya Evgeniya

Love yourself, sneeze at everyone... A real woman will not keep track of her victories - is she a fighter pilot? Svetlana Varguzova The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live happily is to spit on stereotypes, not to try to please and be good. All of us

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones. From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14. Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about a disdainful attitude towards others. See also We all look into Zero-initialized allocation: calloc()

From the book Linux Programming with Examples author Robbins Arnold

Getting pages filled with zeros

From the book Linux Kernel Development by Love Robert

Getting pages filled with zeros To ensure that the resulting memory pages are filled with zeros, you must use the following function. unsigned long get_zeroed_page(unsigned int gfp_mask); This function is similar to the __get_free_page() function, except that after the page is allocated


From the book Entertaining Jurisprudence author Tille Anatoly

REVERING THE LAW Often at the beginning of a lecture I ask the following question: each profession has a characteristic essence: a pilot knows how to fly a plane, an actor gets used to the image of another person, becomes him; the architect must have spatial thinking, see what is still missing

Love yourself, sneeze on everyone...

From the book School of Bitches - 2. Career - I made it! author Shatskaya Evgeniya

Love yourself, don’t sneeze at everyone... The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live comfortably is to spit on stereotypes, don’t try to please and be good. We were all raised wrong. You must..., you must... what people will think. And if people think, it’s because they’re bored

Make tea and coffee for yourself OR for everyone?

From the book Latte or cappuccino? 125 decisions that can change your life by Janes Hilley

Make tea and coffee for yourself OR for everyone? If you are one of those cheerful people who always offers to make or bring tea or coffee not only for yourself but also for others, don't expect endless gratitude. Psychological experiments have made it possible

Forgive everyone - including yourself

From the book Awakening Consciousness. 4 steps to the life you dream of by Vitale Joe

Forgive everyone - including yourself Teresa Pushkar: We started talking about forgiveness. As far as I understand, forgiveness is a slow-moving commodity in our world, where everyone is for himself. We don't like to forgive that much. At the same time, we understand that by accumulating negative energy, we waste our vitality.

Living water: for yourself or for everyone?

From the book “Secrets of the Eternal Book.” Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah. Volume 2 author Laitman Michael

Living water: for yourself or for everyone? It’s not for nothing that wells are dug in the desert. In deserted conditions. In the desert or in a field. And, as a rule, this well is closed with some kind of large stone that cannot be moved by one person; the efforts of several are required. Girls come to this

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi. The atrocity of Herod, shown by him in the beating of the Bethlehem infants, is pointed out.

author Lopukhin Alexander

19. Bring also into the ark (of every livestock, and of every creeping thing, and) of every living creature, and of every flesh, two by one, so that they may remain alive with you; Let them be male and female. 20. From (all) birds according to their kinds, and from (all) livestock according to their kinds, and from every creeping thing on the earth according to

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind upon the earth, and the waters stood still

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind over the earth, and the waters stood still “And God remembered Noah...” “Let us, beloved, understand these words in a godly manner, and not in that rude way.”

Who will praise himself the best...

From the book The Book of a Beginning Egoist. System "Genetics of Happiness" author Kalinsky Dmitry

Whoever praises himself best... He will become the most successful, beloved, happiest person in the world. Everyone is familiar with the saying: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you. But alas, as practice shows, we do not know how to praise ourselves - we are even embarrassed. Then what about self-respect,

From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) A. S. Pushkina(1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14.

Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about a disdainful attitude towards others. see also We all look at Napoleons.

We will overcome!

see We shall overcome!

We are from Pskop

From the Soviet film “We are from Kronstadt” (1936), directed by Efim Dzigan based on the writer’s script Vsevolod Vitalievich Vishnevsky(1900-1951). Replica of a former soldier tsarist army, who, seeing the attacking revolutionary sailors, repeats these words in fear, thereby wanting to emphasize that he is not their enemy, he is one of his own, Russian (Pskov), etc.

Quoted as a commentary on someone’s provincial narrow-mindedness, “small-town” patriotism (ironically).

We parted like ships at sea

From the romance “Ships” (no later than 1925). Words and music - poet Boris Alekseevich Prozorovsky:

We never loved each other

They didn’t say hello in their hearts,

Random meetings and they didn’t appreciate the glances,

And they parted like ships at night.

Playfully and ironically: about the breakup of former relationships between lovers (business partners, friends).

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov (novel “The Twelve Chairs”, chapter 28): “Ostap realized that it was time to leave.

There’s no time to hug, he said, goodbye, my love! We separated like ships at sea.

Guard!! - the widow screamed.

We were born to make Kafka come true

It is considered an aphorism of folk origin.

An ironic paraphrase of a famous song line (see below) from the collection of aphorisms “Homo Anti-Sovietikus”, which was published by the artist and writer Vagrich Akopovich Bakhchanyan (b. 1938). In the USSR he worked as a graphic designer, later emigrated to the USA. (According to information from the Obshaya Gazeta, May 8-14, 1997).

However, many authors, independently of each other, came to this paraphrase. In the memoir essay “In My Time” (Znamya magazine, 1999, No. 3), the poet Konstantin Vanshenkin wrote: “Arseny Tarkovsky came up with this on the spot in Peredelkino in the 70s.”

Serves as a sarcastic, ironic commentary on the absurdities of Soviet (Russian) reality.

We were born to make a fairy tale come true

From “Air March”, written (first edition with notes: 1922) by composer Yuri Khait on the poem “Everything Higher” by the poet Pavel Davidovich German(1894-1952). In the USSR in the 1930s. this song is a march, glorifying Soviet pilots, was extremely popular:

We were born to make a fairy tale come true,

Overcome space and space.

The mind gave us steel wings,

And instead of a heart - a fiery engine...

Used ironically in relation to discredited socialist doctrines and political slogans. Also used as humorous self-praise.

We've met somewhere!

Title of the film (1954), filmed by directors N. Dostal and A. Tupyshkin according to the script Vladimir Solomonovich Polyakov(1909-1979) with actor Arkady Raikin in the title role.

The expression is widely known as a phrase traditionally used to meet a girl (ironically).

V. S. Polyakov is the author of many sketches and satirical-humorous scenes for the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures, which, performed by Arkady Raikin, became widely known, as did some phrases from them, for example, “a woman is a man’s friend.”

Tamara and I go as a couple

From the poem “Tamara and I” (1933) by a children’s poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981).

Playfully and ironically: about people appearing together everywhere.

You and I are two banks of the same river

From “Masha’s Song”, written by composer Andrey Eshpai based on the poet’s verses Grigory Mikhailovich Lozhenyan(b. 1922) for the film directed by Evgeny Tashkov “Thirst” (1960):

The ducks are all in pairs

Like a wave with a wave.

All the friends are with the boys

Only me alone.

I waited and believed everything

Despite the heart:

You and I are two shores

By one river.

Jokingly: about friendship, love or business partnership.

We are of the same blood, you and me

From the fairy tale “Mowgli” (original title: “The Jungle Books”, 1894) English writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936).

Jokingly: about the kinship of souls and attitudes.

We hear sounds of approval / Not in the sweet murmur of praise, / But in wild cries of anger

From the poem “Blessed is the gentle poet” (1852) N. A. Nekrasova(1821-1877): In the original:

He is being pursued by blasphemers:

He catches the sounds of approval

Not in the sweet murmur of the crowd,

And in the wild screams of anger.

The meaning of the expression: if the enemy criticizes you, reproaches you, if he is outraged by your actions, then you are acting correctly, the enemy is losing his position.

We looked death in the face

From translated (1929) into Russian by the poet Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov(1903-1964) of the German revolutionary song “Young Drummer”, musically arranged by A. Davidenko. The song was written in honor young musician Fritz Weinecke from the Red Front Band, killed by the police in Halle (1925):

We walked under the roar of cannonade,

We looked death in the face.

The troops moved forward

Spartacists, brave fighters.

Quoted as a reminder of the courage, fearlessness, combat experience of the generation, and the difficult trials that befell him.