The source of dead water in fairy tales. About “dead” and “living” water in fairy tales and psychotherapy

Is it possible for a “white” person to drink water from Mother Ganga without fear? Will he not immediately die in writhing and agony after this?

Igor Vladimirovich Davidenko will tell in this film not only about the Ganga. He argues with the authors of ideas and theories about “living” and “dead” water, reflects on the “water” human civilization and predicts its future with numbers and facts in his hands.

It would seem that there is nothing special about the water. What could be more banal than water? :yes:

But it was not there! Modern research done by Russian scientists and their foreign colleagues has forced us to look at water with different eyes today. And the mystics and blessed ones of all stripes rejoiced. And they raised their hands to the sky in prayerful ecstasy, and the ice holes and holes were filled with hot bodies, and the containers for “holy water” are now never empty!

What could be more familiar than ashdvao? In summer it pours rain on us, in winter it covers us with snow. Covering about three-quarters of the surface of our planet, water is part of everything on earth: rocks, minerals, plants, not to mention living organisms. And we ourselves are 80 percent water.

On the one hand, water is considered the cradle of life, on the other hand, water has more than once become the cause of global disasters. What is the Great Flood or the sinking of the legendary Atlantis worth?

At all times and among all peoples, water in real life and in legends has been used both for harm and for good. Water brought death and water brought life back. Church rituals are not complete without water; water is an indispensable attribute of magical manipulations.

Too much in our lives depends on water to treat it as an inconspicuous liquid. Water has been studied for centuries - it was pounded in a mortar, tasted, and broken down with chemicals.
So, is everything so simple with plain water?

Now some scientists, and even more so cultural figures, now believe that

1. Water is not just an element, that water reacts to a certain action or thought of a person.

Water recognizes information signals directed to it, and therefore it can be programmed and reprogrammed, saturated with energy and even recreated its unique natural properties, i.e. structure the water.

2. Water is an informationally charged substance. It stores information about everything it comes into contact with using clusters. The most powerful way to charge water with information is to transfer a person’s emotional charge to water (you can transfer it mentally or verbally).

Water reacts to any of our emotions and feelings. Negative energies create ugly shapes in water, while positive energies create beautiful pictures in crystals.

“...On July 25th, 1999 at 04:30 in the morning, 350 people gathered together and dedicated their words to Lake Biwa. The 97-year-old creator of the “Great Dedication,” Mr. Nobuo Shioya, also made his dedication to the lake with us. The result of this was an incredible success that truly surprised us and the audience even more. The result of this, Mr. Shiotani described in his book “Jizairyoku-2” published by Sunmark-press on September 25, 2000: “The largest lake in our country, the source of water for an entire region, Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture is an example of horrendous pollution, with an unpleasant odor and dirty water.

We could no longer see this beautiful lake turning into a sewer. Every summer, the surface of the lake is covered with algae called “kokanada” - seaweed, which then decomposes. They have been spreading a strong stench around for more than twenty years, even though the prefecture has carried out a large-scale operation to weed them out. However, in the last year (1999) during the summer, for some reason (read below for what), these algae disappeared altogether, and there were no more complaints to the city department, and this lake usually becomes swamped during a normal year. This was reported in the newspapers, and no one could guess why it happened.

But this “miracle” can also be explained - it is the result of the power of thought. This is a fact, but no one yet knew that I was one of the organizers of this incident. This year we planned this event.

It was necessary to cleanse the waters of Lake Biwa with the power of words, and this was part of our Hado research. If the waters of Biwa became clean, the waters of all of Japan could be purified. Our idea was that this group of people would be there to harness the power of Hado. I was also invited there and in a hotel on the lake shore, I spoke about the method of “thought power and breath control.” Then the next morning approximately three hundred participants gathered on the lakeshore. We all stood on the shore, me in the middle, and as soon as the rising sun appeared before us, we began to sing the words of our “Great Dedication”: “The eternal power of the universe gathers through us to fill our world with true and great harmony.”

I led the group, and everyone said these words ten times. The “Great Initiation” uses the limitless energy that fills the universe, a powerful statement to realize peace and harmony throughout the world. These are words that can be clear to everyone as an established fact. Through this Initiation, the power of the affirmed word connects with the eternal energy of the universe, flows through and permeates those around them, giving people around the world the energy and intentions to fulfill desires and happiness. This most powerful affirmation in words is also a statement that strengthens intentions.

After this event, I, being no longer a young man, went to the hotel. This happened in July last year. And then the newspapers wrote that the algae, which until last year covered the lake with a thick layer of water every summer and decomposed, silting up the bottom, suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason. A year later, complaints about the unpleasant smell of rotting algae to the prefecture completely disappeared...

Our thoughts, which were sent by a group of people, curbed the source of the unpleasant odor and transformed the surface of the lake into a clean state. Our thoughts brought harmony and stability through our “Great Initiation”, they were transferred to the grass and water, changing their qualities and purifying pollution. Not only human minds, but also all forms of life in this world are like water that reacts to our human thoughts. They accept thoughts and this changes their qualities.”

And here is an experiment that was carried out by 8th grade schoolchildren from a school in the village of Muzhi, Shuryshkarsky district, under the guidance of a biology teacher, Marina Igorevna Korsakova.

As a result of the experiment, they found the following:

Water is indeed capable of transferring information about the sound effects to which it was exposed for a certain time, otherwise significant differences in germination and germination times of the same type of seeds in the four groups would not have been found.
Music of different types actually has different effects on seed germination, with classical music significantly stimulating this process, pop music insignificantly, and rock music slowing it down.

Thus, we can conclude that water is capable of remembering and transferring sound information, and that, in turn, is capable of causing changes in seed germination. Consequently, it is possible to massively influence arbitrarily large groups of plants using water.

This work has great prospects. Similar experiments can be carried out on agricultural plants, not only on seeds. The number of possible sound associations is enormous. We hope that this work will be continued by the students of our school and that they will achieve higher and more specific results.

There is hardly any form of art that has such a great emotional and physical impact on humans and the surrounding wildlife than music. The power of music, according to the great Russian composer A. N. Serov, is that it “complements poetry, conveys what cannot or almost cannot be expressed in words. This property of music is the main charm, the main enchanting power. She is the direct language of the soul.”

However, we must not forget that not all music is beneficial, not all sounds are healing, and we must carefully monitor the effects to which we expose our body.”

3. Water is a kind of biocomputer, with the help of which a person can even create the necessary conditions of existence.

Well, that's about it.

Now let’s listen to the opinion of the outstanding scientist, author of numerous scientific and popular science books, Professor Igor Vladimirovich Davidenko, about the chemically simple, but sacredly complex Her Majesty Water.

Come and come back, subscribe and rate, and let’s say together “NO TO SECRETS!”

The most common water is a universal solvent, so it has become the basis of life. As you know, a person consists of 70% water, and well-being depends on its amount in the body.

And of course, a lot is determined by what substances are dissolved in water. In some cases, water can become alive, in others - dead.

Magic springs

Our ancestors attributed miraculous properties to natural springs. Springs of beauty and youth bubble up from the ground near Izborsk, an ancient Russian fortress not far from Novgorod. And if you visit Crimea, on Mount Mangup, the guide will offer you to drink water from local sources of wisdom and beauty.

And there are a great many similar sources and springs - each with a similar history - in all parts of the world. There is nothing strange here. It’s just that people, regardless of where and when they lived, equally deified water, rightly considering it the basis of life. And illness and death awaited ancient man everywhere: in inevitable skirmishes with neighbors, in wars with nomadic tribes, in hunting and at work.

Even such a joyful event as the birth of a child too often ended in the death of the baby and mother. But man did not bow humbly to the mystery of death and did not sit idly by. Nature itself, which so often brought death, became for him a source of life.

Man studied the medicinal properties of herbs, wild honey, and water from various sources. He observed which streams and springs animals went to to be healed. These springs seemed magical to him, endowed with powerful powers. He deified them and made up fairy tales about them.

The ancient Greeks called the nymphs who patronized the springs naiads.

The Naiads were the daughters of Zeus. Countless naiads were part of the retinue of many gods: their father Zeus, who was also considered the patron of rain, the god of the ocean Poseidon, the goddess of fertility Demeter, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite, the god of art Apollo. They had the ability to bestow abundance, fertility and health, and patronized marriages.

Orphic hymns praise the naiads as healers. It was believed that bathing in the water of certain springs would provide healing from illnesses. One of the naiads stood apart - Menta, who bore the nickname Kokitida: she was associated with the water of the kingdom of the dead and was considered the beloved of Hades. Other naiads could cleanse sins and even had the ability to grant immortality.

Russian fairy tales brought to us the story of living and dead water. The name “living water” speaks for itself, but dead water also turns out to have healing powers. In many fairy tales, the killed hero is first sprayed with dead water, which heals his wounds, and only then does he come to life by drinking living water.

It is not easy to obtain such water. The heroes have to go in search of her to distant lands. Sometimes it flows from the hands and feet of a heroic maiden, who cannot be defeated, but can be outwitted and get the precious moisture. Sometimes its source comes from the ground in a wonderful garden at the end of the world, where apple trees with rejuvenating fruits grow. Sometimes the prophetic raven brings it. Sometimes the hero is led to the source by Baba Yaga.

As you can see, folklore associated with healing water is diverse and very widespread among peoples. And the suspicion creeps in that our ancestors knew something about water that we do not yet know.

Water healing

In fairy tales, living and dead water is received as a reward for courage, ingenuity or a kind heart. However, if you look on the Internet, you will immediately see that today everything is much simpler. All you have to do is pay a thousand rubles, and they will send you a miracle device by mail that will turn simple tap water into magical water!

This miracle will happen as a result of electrolysis. If you didn’t play the fool in chemistry lessons as a child, then remember that during electrolysis, water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen, which safely dissolve in the atmosphere.

As a result, the amount of water in the container will decrease (although with electrolysis at home the decrease is difficult to notice), but the water will not have any healing properties. The only one who will benefit from this purchase is the seller, because he will become richer by a thousand rubles.

There are cheaper ways to turn water into living water. For example, one professor with the telling surname Neumyvaykin recommends drinking melt water from the TV screen to prevent illnesses, because “birds fly to the north, drink melt water and lay eggs, and if you don’t let them fly north, they won’t be able to lay eggs.” .

Another recipe from the professor: pour water forty times from vessel to vessel so that it is “freed from unnecessary information.” Unfortunately, no matter how much you pour water from empty to empty, it will not acquire healing properties.

But selling such recipes and devices is an almost win-win business.

People are accustomed to trusting what is recommended under the motto “Recipes of traditional medicine,” but in order to be treated with herbs, you need to have at least basic knowledge of botany and pharmacology, otherwise you could accidentally get poisoned. And the water is your own, familiar, simple - it won’t make you any worse.

But it is much more dangerous when traditional healers begin to treat literally everything with water, and patients lose precious time, triggering their illnesses. Therefore, you should treat the recipes of traditional healers with caution and always remember that they can only give general health recommendations, and with a specific ailment you should still contact a certified doctor.

Memory of water

The healing properties of hypothetical living water are today associated with the theory that water has memory. The theory is defended by supporters of homeopathy, an alternative medicine approved for mass use. Any of us has been treated with homeopathic remedies at least once, they really help many, so it is customary to take it seriously.

The existence of memory in water was first announced by the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste. In 1983, he received an invitation from homeopath Bernard Protvin to take part in studying the effects of antibodies (special proteins that cause the body's immune response) in minimal concentrations.

Benveniste, who was skeptical of homeopathy, agreed and decided to refute its theoretical foundations through a series of experiments. According to the known laws of chemistry, the body’s reaction to the drug should decrease as its concentration in the solution decreases, and when it reaches zero, it should stop altogether.

However, to the scientist’s surprise, it was possible to register a completely different effect: the effectiveness of the drug either decreased or increased, but most importantly, it did not disappear completely when the solution was completely purified from antibodies. Discouraged, Benveniste nevertheless prepared a scientific article, which, after a short discussion, was published.

Then a hypothesis arose that water retains the memory of the substances that were once in it, and can become alive or dead depending on this.

Since the hypothesis encroached on the fundamental principles of chemistry, they immediately tried to refute it with a new series of experiments, but they gave ambiguous results: in some cases it was possible to detect the memory effect, in others - not.

Nobel laureate Brian Josephson joined Jacques Benveniste's group. A million-dollar prize was even established, which will be awarded to the researcher who unequivocally proves the existence of memory near water.

So far, such a pure experiment has not been possible. But attempts continue, and it is possible that in the future we will still be able to heal our wounds and illnesses with living and dead water.


When I was a child, my mother read fairy tales to me, and I heard the following words: “dead water and living water.” I was still very small and didn’t think about why water in fairy tales is called “dead” or “alive.” Water is the most common substance on Earth and the most mysterious. Every person knows that life without water is impossible. It is not without reason that for many centuries representatives of different nations have composed fairy tales and legends about water. In Russian fairy tales, you can often find references to “living” and “dead” water. When I read A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” I thought about what other fairy tales might mention the magical properties of water.

Hypothesis:“Living” and “dead” water in fairy tales has magical properties.

Goal of the work: Identify in which fairy tales the magical effect of “living” and “dead” water is found, and how it manifests itself.

1. Read fairy tales in which “living” and “dead” water are found. Set its action.
2. Compare fairy tales of different peoples.
2. Conduct a survey among students in the class “What do I know about “living” and “dead” water?”
3. Come up with your own fairy tale, in which there are “living” and “dead” water. Make a little book for first graders.

Research methods:
1. Analysis and comparison of fairy tales of different nations and author's ones.
2. Questioning students.

Theoretical part
Water in fairy tales often plays a major role and is found in a variety of images: rivers, rain, sea, ocean, etc. Fairy tales accurately define people's ideas about the connections between nature and human life. Water in fairy tales most often helps people. At A.S. Pushkin in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, a mother and child are placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea, but the sea took pity on them and threw the barrel ashore. And from Pyotr Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” we learn that water can rejuvenate and make a hero beautiful Ivana. In the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling" for the main character, water also plays a big role in fate. “And he sank onto the water and swam towards the beautiful swans, who, seeing him, also swam to him”... The water saved him, because thanks to the reflection in the lake, he saw not the Ugly Duckling, but a beautiful swan. It saved his life.
The theme of water occupies a huge place in folk and original fairy tales. She is a living being who helps the positive heroes and, accordingly, punishes the negative heroes.
It is in fairy tales that we first encounter the concepts of “living” and “dead” water. “Living” water (strong or heroic) in folk and original fairy tales is a symbol of spring rain, which resurrects the earth from winter sleep. She restores life to the dead and sight to the blind. The difference between “dead” and “living” water exists only in Slavic fairy tales and is not repeated anywhere. “Dead” water is sometimes called healing: it heals inflicted wounds, heals the dissected parts of a dead body, but does not yet resurrect it; only sprinkling with living water returns life to it.
According to folk art researcher Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, “dead water is the first spring rain, driving away ice and snow from the fields and, as it were, pulling together the dissected parts of Mother Earth, and the rains that follow give it greenery and flowers.”
I have compiled a list of works in which the magical properties of water are found. Some of them I got from the library and some from the Internet.
* “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”
* “The Tale of Vasilisa, the Golden Braid, the Unveiled Beauty, and Ivan the Pea”
* "Marya Morevna"
* “The Copper, Silver and Golden Kingdom”
* “Ivan is a peasant’s son”
* "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"
* “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. Pushkin
* “Water of Life” by the Brothers Grimm
* "Flying ship"
* "The Black-Haired Prince"
After reading these fairy tales, I understood the role played by “living” and “dead” water, what magical effects it has. In many fairy tales, the killed hero is first sprayed with dead water, which heals his wounds, and only then does he come to life by drinking living water.

“The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water” Russian folk tale
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons... The king was very outdated and his eyes were poor, but he heard that far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there was a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple for an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.” And the sons went to get living water...” Vasily the Tsarevich steals from Sonya the hero two bottles of “dead” water and two bottles of “live” water to cure his blind father. You and two bottles of living water to treat the eyes “The Tale of Vasilisa , Golden Braid, Uncovered Beauty, and about Ivan the Pea"Russian folk tale
Ivan the Pea had to look for and rescue his older sister from the clutches of a terrible monster. As a reward for his victory over the Fierce Serpent, he also obtained magic snake water.
“...Ivan got some living-dead water and sprinkled it on his brothers; The fellows stood up, rubbing their eyes, thinking for themselves:
- We slept for a long time; God knows what happened!
“You would have slept forever without me, dear brothers, dear friends,” Ivan Gorokh said to them, pressing them to his zealous heart.
He did not forget to take snake water; he equipped the ship and along the Swan River with Vasilisa the Beauty, the golden braid, sailed to his lands through three kingdoms into the fourth; He didn’t forget the old woman in the hut, he gave her to wash herself with snake water: she turned into a young woman, sang and danced, ran after Pea, and saw him off on his way. Ivan's father and mother greeted him with joy and honor; He sent messengers to all lands with the news that their dear daughter, Vasilisa the Beauty, the golden braid, had returned. The city is ringing, ringing in the ears, trumpets are buzzing, tambourines are knocking, guns are rattling. Vasilisa waited for the groom, and a bride was found for the prince.”
"Marya Morevna" Russian folk tale
In the fairy tale, ordinary water frees Koshchei the Immortal, and living water gives life to the prince. Ivan Tsarevich “fell in love with Marya Morevna and married her. Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, took him with her to her state. They lived together, and the princess decided to get ready for war.
“She leaves the entire household to Ivan Tsarevich and orders:
- Go everywhere, keep an eye on everything, just don’t look into this closet.
He couldn’t bear it: as soon as Marya Morevna left, he immediately rushed into the closet, opened the door, looked - and there was Koschey the Immortal hanging there, chained to twelve chains. Koschey asks Ivan Tsarevich:
- Have pity on me, give me a drink! I’ve been suffering here for ten years, I haven’t eaten or drunk - my throat is completely dry.
The prince gave him a whole bucket of water; he drank and asked again:
- I can’t quench my thirst with just one bucket. Give more!
The Tsarevich handed over another bucket. Koschey drank and asked for a third; and when he drank the third bucket, he took his former strength, shook the chains and immediately broke all twelve.
“Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich,” said Koschey the Immortal, “now you will never see Marya Morevna as your own ears.”
And in a terrible whirlwind he flew out the window, overtook Marya Morevna, the beautiful princess, on the road, picked her up and carried her away to him.” There was nothing to do, Ivan Tsarevich went to help out his wife. I found her in the Koshcheev Palace when that house was not there. And they rushed to flee from this hated kingdom.”
“... Koschey galloped, caught up with Ivan Tsarevich, chopped him into small pieces and put him in a tar barrel; He took this barrel, fastened it with iron hoops and threw it into the blue sea, and took Marya Morevna home with him.
At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich’s sons-in-law’s silver turned black.
“Ah,” they say, “apparently, trouble has happened!” The eagle rushed to the blue sea, grabbed and pulled the barrel ashore. The falcon flew for living water, and the raven for dead water. All three flew to one place, cut the barrel, took out the pieces of Ivan Tsarevich, washed them and put them together as needed.
The raven splashed dead water - the body grew together and united. The falcon splashed with living water - Tsarevich Ivan shuddered, stood up and said:
“Oh, how I slept for a long time!”

“The Copper, Silver and Golden Kingdom” Russian folk tale
A very “long” tale about Ivan the Tsarevich, Nastasya the Queen and much more...
“...Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs and moved them from place to place.
Queen Nastasya tells him:
- In one tub there is strong water, in the other there is weak water. The whirlwind drinks strong water in battle, which is why you can’t deal with it. They returned to the palace.
“Soon the Whirlwind will arrive,” says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let him go. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you with it: it will carry you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind gets tired, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand... I just had time to say something, suddenly it got dark in the yard, everything around was shaking. The Whirlwind flew into the upper room. Ivan Tsarevich rushed to him and grabbed his club.
- Who are you? Where did it come from? - Whirlwind shouted. - Here I will eat you!
- Well, grandma said it in two! Either you eat it or you don't. The Whirlwind rushed out the window - and into the sky. He already carried, carried Ivan Tsarevich... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of his club. The whirlwind flew around the whole world. I was tired, exhausted. I went down and straight into the cellar. He ran up to the tub that stood on his right hand and let him drink water.
And Tsarevich Ivan rushed to the left and also fell to the tub. Vortex drinks - with every sip he loses strength. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop the strength in him comes. He became a mighty hero. He pulled out a sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind’s head at once...”
So the magical power of water helped Ivan defeat the enemy!

“Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” Russian folk tale
“Ivan the prince is lying dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere, a gray wolf came running and grabbed a raven with a crow:
- You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me some living and dead water, then I will release the little crow. The raven, with nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little crow. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on the wounds of Ivan the Tsarevich, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan the Tsarevich came to life.”

“Ruslan and Lyudmila” A.S. Pushkin
“..The wizard looked out - oh wonder!
He sees: the hero has been killed;
The drowned man lies in blood;
Lyudmila is gone, everything is empty in the field;
The villain trembles with joy
And he thinks: it’s done, I’m free!
But old Karla was wrong...

In the valley where Ruslan lay
Covered in blood, silent, motionless;
And the old man stood over the knight,
And sprinkled with dead water,
And the wounds shone instantly,
And the corpse is wonderfully beautiful
Thrived; then with living water
The elder sprinkled the hero
And cheerful, full of new strength,
Trembling with young life,
Ruslan gets up on a clear day..."

“Ivan the peasant’s son” Russian folk tale
In the fairy tale “Ivan the Man’s Son,” Ivan runs away with the beautiful girl he loves from a chase sent by an evil sorcerer. “The beautiful girl hears that they are catching up. She made Ivan a horse, but turned herself into a burr. The chase returns with nothing. The sorcerer asks:
- Well, you didn’t see anyone?
- No, no one. Only the horse walks, and he has a burr on his tail.
- Oh, these are the ones!
The sorcerer himself ran. He runs - the earth trembles. The beautiful girl hears - they are catching up. She turned into a sea, and turned Ivan into a drake. The sorcerer began to drink water in order to dry the sea. And the drake quacks:
- May you burst! May you burst!
And so it happened: the sorcerer burst and died. Ivan, the peasant's son, came running home with his bride to his father and mother. The wedding took place.
They began to live, to live well, to make good.”

"Water of Life" Brothers Grimm
One day, three brothers’ father fell ill, and they decided to find living water to save him. Two older brothers met a dwarf on the road, laughed at him, for which he bewitched them. The dwarf helped his good younger brother get to the castle with magic water.

"The Flying Ship" Russian folk tale
Or a fairy tale about how the king issued a decree - whoever makes him a flying ship that will fly through the air, he will marry his daughter to him. Two smart brothers decided to try their luck, took some food and went into the forest to build a flying ship. In the forest we met an old man who asked what they were up to. The brothers drove him away, ate everything they took with them, fussed with the flying ship, but without building anything, they returned back. Then the youngest son decided to build a ship. He took a stale piece of bread and an ax and went to build. I met the same old man, from whom I asked for advice, and treated him to some kraukha. And the old man turned out to be a wizard - he advised him how to properly build a flying ship and advised him to take everyone he met along the way with him. The fool flew to the king, and on the way he met and took on board the flying ship Slukhailo, he could hear what was happening at the other end of the earth, Skorokhod - he moved very quickly, Shot - he could shoot a grouse a thousand miles away, Eaten - he could very eat a lot, Opivolo - he could drink a lot of liquid, Cold - he had magic straw that froze everything and another wizard who had brushwood, scattering it on the ground, an army immediately appeared. When the flying ship flew up to the king, he decided to find out who would become his son-in-law. When he found out that there was only darkness on the ship and not a single prince or prince, he decided to come up with tasks that no one could handle. To begin with, he needed living and dead water - Skorokhod coped with this task, but fell asleep on the way back, and Strelyala had to shoot at the oak tree under which he had fallen asleep. The runner woke up and brought water... The youngest son married the king’s daughter and lived happily ever after.”

"The Black-Haired Prince" Slovak fairy tale
“It’s just dawned, and Baba Yaga is already right there, puts two bottles on the table and says: Fill these bottles with living and dead water, at least a drop at a time, and come back by evening, and if you’re late, don’t blow your head off. She turned and went to guard the gate. The prince began to think and wonder what kind of water this was and where to get it. Suddenly he hears someone knocking on the window. I looked and there were two birds. The same ones he rescued from the snare. The prince opened the window and heard one bird chirping: “Don’t be sad, we will help you, we will bring living and dead water.” Wait until evening. “The birds flew to distant lands. Meanwhile, the prince was walking in the garden. He returned, and the birds were already flying into the window, water dripping from their beaks into the bubbles - living and dead.”

Practical part
I studied the opinions of my classmates on the question “What do I know about “living” and “dead” water?” (Appendix 1) 25 people answered the questionnaire.
The guys listed fairy tales in which “living” and “dead” water are found. Among them were: “Feather of the Firebird” (2 people), “Marya Morevna” (3 people), “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” (4 people), “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (4 people) There were answers “I don’t remember.” I see my task as reminding my classmates of already known fairy tales and introducing them to other fairy tales.
The effect of “living” water - healing, revitalization - was indicated by 25 people.
The effect of “dead” water: - kills - 23 people,
- fills with anger - 2 people,
- does not let you die - 1 person.
Only a few people indicated recipes for using “living” and “dead” water. Here are some of them:
Yulia: “First you need to wash yourself, then cross yourself, douse yourself first with “dead” water, and then with “living” water.”
Nastya: “You can give living water to a patient or wash a wound.”
Arseny: “Twenty drops of “living” water and a person will feel better.”
To the question “Does “living” and “dead” water exist now?” 22 people answered positively, 3 people answered negatively.
I came up with my own fairy tale “Living and Dead Water”, which uses its magical properties. Anya Klinova helped me make illustrations for the book. I hope that the fairy tale will be interesting to kids.

Thus, we can say that “living” and “dead” water in fairy tales has magical properties and is found both in Russian folk tales and in fairy tales of other peoples, as well as in author’s fairy tales.
“Dead” and “living” water is found only in Slavic fairy tales and is not repeated anywhere else. In the fairy tales of other peoples you can find only one of them.
“Dead” water is sometimes called healing or healing, living: it heals wounds, grows parts of a dead body, but does not resurrect it. Only sprinkling with living water brings life back to him.
I came up with my own fairy tale “Living and Dead Water”, which uses its magical properties. Soon the first graders will have an ABC holiday, I will give them this little book.

“The raven splashed dead water - the body grew together,
united; the falcon splashed living water -
Ivan Tsarevich shuddered, stood up and spoke...”

"Marya Morevna", Russian folk tale

Scientists have long noticed that when water is treated by electrolysis, an acidic environment accumulates around the anode and an alkaline environment around the cathode. But then the water mixed again... And only in the 70s of the last century a simple device was created that made it possible to separate alkaline and acidic water. At the same time, scientists have discovered that alkaline water has pronounced healing properties, and acidic water has disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Since then, many methods have been developed for using anolyte and catholyte both for the treatment of various diseases and for economic purposes.
But it’s not for nothing that they say: the new is the well forgotten old...

Isn’t that what we read about in Russian folk tales? Don’t the same processes occur in nature that man managed to accomplish through experiments? Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernst Muldashev writes in his books about natural lakes with “living” and “dead” water in Tibet. And full member of the Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.E. Koltsov graphically explained how the processes of dividing water into “living” and “dead” can occur in the natural environment. And what's incredible about that? After all, the Earth, according to scientists, has a negative charge, that is, it is a cathode. And interacting with the celestial sphere, the anode (positive charge) under certain conditions (this could be lightning) can divide a natural source into an anolyte - a bactericide and a catholyte - a biostimulator.

In ancient Russian myths, the Thunder God, drilling a tree-cloud with his fiery club, gave life to lightning, which he sent to Earth in order to kindle the flame of life in them at the birth of babies, that is, to endow them with his spark of God. It turns out that a person can be conditionally considered as an electrical device, a device that is viable when exposed to “plus” and “minus”, that is, the condition under which he receives vital energy.

A healthy human body has balanced electro-frequency (energy) characteristics. For example, the electrical frequency of the human brain and body is generally 8 hertz, a very definite indicator. If the balance is disturbed, the person gets sick.

An image of an Egyptian pharaoh holding vessels with “living” and “dead” water in his hands

However, doctors today consider the acid-base balance and pH value to be one of the most important indicators of human health. Isn't it the same? A child is born with a pH value of 7.41 pH units. And a person dies at pH = 5.41. Human life is possible only within this limit: only two pH units.

Catholyte (living water), obtained by electrolysis, has a pH of 11.5 pH. Anolyte (dead water) - 2.5 pH.
The acid-base balance of a healthy person should be close to 6.5 pH. What can disrupt this life-supporting indicator? First of all, poor nutrition, which “acidifies” the body and... the water we drink. Cell membranes do not allow poor-quality water to pass through; cells experience thirst at the very time when we “swell” from intercellular fluid and suffer from edema. Namely, the intercellular fluid is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and the formation of various tumor processes. However, acidic and alkaline water (separately from one another) freely penetrate through the membranes of the body’s cells, where each fulfills its mission: bactericide-acid water disinfects the cell, deals with tumor cells; biostimulator-alkaline water restores the body’s immune system, provides its antioxidant protection (in alkaline water all water impurities precipitate, including radionucleides). Household electrical appliances emit an electromagnetic field frequency of approximately 160 hertz, which is 20 times the human electrical frequency (8 hertz). This is one of the main reasons for the formation of free radicals in the body. It turns out that alkaline water is vital for us in our conditions.

"Dead" Lake Rakshas (left) and "Living" Lake Manasarovar on the map of Tibet.

By the way, here is information that seems to have nothing to do with our topic: scientists have found that lightning clears our atmosphere of radiation exposure. It’s also timely to remember about spring acid rain, the origin of which no one has clearly explained.

It's quite simple. It’s just very interesting: how could our ancestors know all this? Did they make their discoveries through insight, long-term observation, trial and error, or some other way?

voron-bryznul-myortvoj-vodoj.doc (downloads: 130) Found on the Perunitsa website. I advise you to read the comments to this post - you can find a lot of useful information:

100 famous mysteries of nature Syadro Vladimir Vladimirovich


Water is one of the most mysterious substances on Earth, still not studied by modern science. Water varies in its physical and chemical characteristics; under certain conditions it can glow in the dark, have healing properties, and not freeze at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius. She has the power to give vital energy to the plant and animal world, and sometimes to take it away. All peoples of the world have references to springs and reservoirs with healing, energy-rich moisture seeping from the depths of the earth. Folk tales and legends tell about “living” and “dead” water that heals wounds, gets rid of diseases, prolongs life, makes it eternal.

If you ask any of us what life on Earth is impossible without, everyone, without hesitation, will immediately give the answer: without air and water. It is not without reason that for many millennia, representatives of different peoples inhabiting our planet have composed fairy tales and legends about water. At the same time, the liquid so familiar to us was often called “living” and “dead”. What is this - a poetic expression or the fruit of the raging imagination of unknown authors? But why then did these definitions prove to be so tenacious? By the way, mention of “living” and “dead” water is found not only in fairy tales, but also in the Bible.

They say that in nature, “living” water is melt water, and “dead” water is Epiphany water and the water that was taken at Ivan Kupala. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! After all, what did the “dead” water do, despite its gloomy name? If you haven’t forgotten the fairy tales, then remember that this liquid healed even the most terrible diseases and relieved inflammation. So it was not for nothing that our ancestors climbed into the ice hole at Epiphany, despite the bitter frosts typical for that time! And on the night from the sixth to the seventh of July they even bathed the cattle - so that they would have enough health for six months. By the way, have you heard about the unique properties of narzan? So, local residents directly say that this is natural “dead” water... But it healed wounds and restored strength (even brought the dead back to life!), if you believe the same fairy tales, the water is “living”.

So, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”? Maybe. Many generations of people have taken this statement literally and seriously. That is why historical sources contain information about attempts to create an “elixir of immortality.” Many rulers in human history were interested in “living” and “dead” water, for example, the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang Di (259–210 BC) and the Popes. In Russia, the creation of the “elixir of immortality” for Peter I was in charge of Field Marshal General Yakov Bruce. For this purpose, the commander was engaged not only in purely scientific research, but also in black magic. Legend has it that Bruce managed to create some elixir, but... saved it for himself. He left a will, according to which his body was to be sprinkled with “living” water after death. However, the servant, opening the bottle, dropped it from his hands. Almost all the liquid spilled onto the floor, and only a small part of it landed on the hand of the deceased. Beautiful fairy tale? Still would! Especially if you consider one point: when at the end of the twenties of the last century Bruce’s grave was opened for his reburial, one of the commander’s hands turned out to be incorrupt...

Back in the twenties of the last century, workers servicing drilling rigs in Bashkiria noticed that severe wounds from insect bites healed within two to three days if they tinkered for a long time in the muddy clay slurry. An unsightly mess was taken from the installation near one of the electrodes. Enthusiastic researchers eagerly began studying the properties of the strange water, and within a few years they registered an application with the USSR Patent Office for a machine for producing... “living” water! Unfortunately, the outbreak of World War II put an end to this issue.

But scientists have not lost interest in the “fairytale” moisture. In the 60s of the 20th century, a scientific institute was opened in Kazan, in which a separate staff was engaged in elucidating the structure of “living” water. True, even then the enthusiasts were out of luck. In 1985, the Pravda newspaper published a devastating article in which the institute’s workers were dubbed charlatans and sorcerers, after which developments on this topic were curtailed.

However, in the 1990s, when the “purely materialistic” view of science was somehow forgotten, several biochemical centers opened in Moscow and received licenses from the Ministry of Health to sell “living water” installations. However, the townspeople's passion for innovation quickly faded away. The same fate awaited the famous “Chumak banks”. The offensive word “charlatans” appeared again in conversations and in the press... Nevertheless, experts continued to assert: “living” water exists; only it retains its properties for no more than six hours, which the organizations involved in the sale of the “fairytale” liquid did not take into account.

What is a device for obtaining “living” water? Graphite anode, platinum cathode, between them - a glass filter. Mineral water is loaded into the installation, through which a voltage of three to four volts passes. After two hours, “living” water forms in one glass, and “dead” water in the other. By the way, Margaret Thatcher became very interested in the properties of fairy water. A chemist herself, the “iron lady” quickly realized all the benefits of using this liquid. Since then, an installation producing “living” and “dead” water has been operating in Thatcher’s house. The result, as they say, was obvious: those around him never tired of being amazed at the youth, vigor, energy and good health of the English Prime Minister.

“Dead” water, according to enthusiasts, changes a person physically, forces the body to work purposefully at the cellular level, and fight diseases. As a result, metabolism accelerates, appetite improves, and the body renews itself. Sometimes the results are simply stunning: doctors know of cases where hopeless cancer patients were saved from a terrible diagnosis precisely by taking such an “unscientific” drug as “dead” water. As for the use of “living” moisture, an experiment carried out in the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology of the Tomsk Medical Institute gave an impressive picture: patients in the control group were able to completely stop using medications. True, it is impossible to dispute the element of self-hypnosis in treatment with this unconventional method. But at the same time, none of the experts any longer risks asserting that water from fairy tales is just a poetic image, the dream of our ancestors about an “almighty” medicine...

In December 1998, the AiF weekly magazine, the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Oiltrademarket CJSC organized a two-month expedition to the Himalayas. The result was a sensational statement: the project participants found “living” and “dead” water in the mountains. So humanity is two steps away from healing from almost all ailments... The leader of the expedition, E.R. Muddashev, said: “This is the result of many years of scientific research. We assume that the water we found will be able to treat people from diabetes, rheumatism, polyarthritis, atherosclerosis and even cancer. I think that we will be able to achieve rejuvenation of the body..."

All this is not just words. Scientists have found that water collects around cells affected by cancer, various microbes and viruses, activating the “death gene” in them, that is, destroying them. And water collects around healthy cells, activating the “life gene”, contributing to their better functioning. If this mechanism is disrupted and a sufficient amount of “dead” water is not produced around the diseased cell, the person becomes ill. But it turns out that the lack of necessary fluid can be replenished. To do this, the patient needs to drink it...

Why did researchers decide to look for a fabulous “drug” in the Himalayas? It turns out that it was there that the so-called Somati phenomenon was discovered: yogis put themselves into a state of deep sleep (self-preservation), in which their body seems to become stiff, and life processes are practically suspended; then they come back to life again. And in order to make it easier for themselves to enter the state of Somati, the inhabitants of the Himalayas drink water from secret lakes in the mountains.

In order to bring a person who is in a state of self-preservation back to life, he is given water again and rubbed with water. But already different! It is also taken in the mountains; life-giving moisture flows directly from the rocks near the unique lakes. Apparently, this is the very notorious “living” water. Swami (the highest hierarchy for an ascetic or monk in Hinduism) Shidda-nanda shared knowledge about the miracle lakes located near the Chu Gompa monastery with the researchers.

Himalayan monks claim that Lake Manasarovar was created artificially 300 years before the beginning of our era, and Lake Rakshas even earlier - 650 years. Modern Himalayan monks unconditionally believe the legends that say that such springs were created by Big Men (titans) as far back as 20,000 BC and in the new era for peoples who went to live underground. Later, the titans also descended there. (It is believed that periodically some peoples went into underground cities, while others emerged from the ground, like the Tamils, the inhabitants of India and Sri Lanka, who appeared on the surface of the planet about 4 thousand years ago.)

The fact that the words of the monks may contain some truth is evidenced by a mysterious phenomenon that has not found a clear explanation from the point of view of natural manifestations of the forces of nature. A strong wind constantly blows over Rakshas Lake, and the surface of the water is in a state of storm of varying strength. At the same time, on Lake Manasarovar, located just a few kilometers away, the water is always calm and resembles a mirror. A number of researchers claim that under the bottom of the southern and central parts of Rakshasa there are underground voids with energy devices, which cause eddy currents in a limited area, creating local stormy weather. There may also be alarm devices installed in the area; if foreign objects and people appear within its boundaries, the storm intensifies (this actually happens for unknown reasons). The voids under the bottom of Rakshasa are connected by a tunnel to the Chu Gompa monastery, which is located at the northern part of the lakes. From this monastery, one of the underground passages leads to another cave, a cocoon-shaped reservoir, which receives an upward flow of water passing through the rock. Here it undergoes primary energy processing and is divided into two different streams - the future “living” and “dead” water. On its way, the liquid undergoes energy processing several more times using devices resembling optical systems. In addition to lakes and waterfalls with “living” and “dead” H 2 O, in this area there are also three sources of special water that can rejuvenate a person. They are located in the vicinity of the sacred Mount Kailash and the cave of “materialization of thought”.

So, the scientists reached one of the sacred reservoirs. It is located at an altitude of 5,000 meters (4,000 of them are an almost vertical wall) and is guarded by militant Sikhs: only yogis and “enlightened” people can draw water from the lake.

Members of the expedition took a sample of liquid from different depths of the reservoir, as well as from a “living” waterfall. With the help of special equipment, it was determined on the spot: all samples “glow”, but in different ways. By the way, yogis use different definitions when characterizing the water of strange sources: in lakes it is “wild” for them, and in waterfalls it is “solid”. Initiates say that only the deep layer of lake water has miraculous properties. To get it, yogis dive to a depth of 30 meters with a cloth sash in their hands. The deep fluid is denser, so it can be retained in this tissue. Divers wring out the sash and drink the “booty” to cleanse themselves of negative energies and diseased cells. Then they climb the rock and drink the living water; According to yogis, it rejuvenates the body and replenishes strength. Members of the expedition measured the auras of yogis who regularly practice “hydrotherapy” (modern technology allows this to be done). The age of the subjects ranged from 63 to 83 years, but the intensity and width of the glow of their aura was greater than that of young and healthy “uninitiated”. Interestingly, local residents prefer to treat themselves with “hard” water in case of illness (it does not spoil and can be stored for a long time at home). But “wild” H 2 O, in their understanding, is intended only to be used by high-ranking yogis...

The local doctor also confidently told visitors that rock water actually stimulates the functions of healthy cells in the body and those, in turn, suppress diseased cells. In his practice, he gradually moved from using medications to “water” procedures. Aesculapius claims that there is no need to talk about idle fiction here: thanks to “living” springs, only one case of cancer has been found in this area over the past 20 years... And local residents say: it is better to be born a frog on the banks of the Ganges in the Himalayas than to be a king in some -or another country.

In general, ancient legends indicate that “living” and “dead” water is associated with mountains. Let us remember that inside rock layers there are many minerals containing a huge amount of different substances. Groundwater, passing through them, changes chemically and energetically and acquires new properties. In addition, scientists know that all stones under high pressure release droplets of liquid, which is individual for each type of rock. Special energy flows also play a major role in underground processes, which sometimes cause powerful electrical discharges, earthquakes and an increase in pressure inside rocks. Typically, “underground thunderstorms” interact with atmospheric ones, exchanging energy between the Earth and Space. At the same time, the energy of the Cosmos goes to the Earth through the channels of lightning discharges visible to us, and leaves the Earth through the channels of the invisible spectrum of radiation of “black lightning” (its existence has been known since ancient times). It is possible that these two energy flows, like two electrodes, can cause the release of liquid from the stones, which then mixes with groundwater. And electrolysis can lead to the formation of new types of energy-saturated liquids with opposite signs - “living” and “dead” water. At high pressure, part of the modified moisture flows out in the form of a spring or is ejected one-time along faults to the surface. At the same time, “living” and “dead” waters are located at a distance from each other. Both versions of the fabulous liquid differ in taste: the “dead” one is hard and tasteless, and the “live” one is soft and sweet. Enthusiasts always use “dead” water in treatment, but then they always ensure that the result is “alive”. It also returns energy to an organism battered by disease.

By the way, according to Tibetan monks, there are seven unique springs on earth, and one of them is located on the territory of... Belarus. But only a small group of people know about it, who, in fact, decide who is allowed into the treasured place. The initiates are afraid that people... will simply spoil the source or pump it out to produce mineral water. And local residents are slowly using strange water for treatment. They say that in those places almost no one has ever been seriously ill...

The Belarusian “water from a fairy tale” was used by comedian Semyon Altov. He went to the source on the advice of his director, although he never believed in the success of various “grandmother’s” methods. As required, the artist doused himself with water and drank it. At the same time, I didn’t experience any special sensations other than cold. But upon returning home, miracles began: Altov, who literally could not live without cigarettes, suddenly discovered that he no longer wanted to smoke... In addition, many of the artist’s illnesses actually went away after that trip, surprising him a lot, and attending physicians.

However, it should be said that not every “dead” liquid can be used for treatment and restoration. Back in 1932, American scientists discovered heavy water: instead of hydrogen H 2, it contained deuterium D 2, which with oxygen forms not the usual H 2 O, but D 2 O. A certain amount of “heavy” water is always present in the human body. But when its level exceeds the permissible level, poisoning begins.

Today, scientists no longer deny that the properties of a liquid can be influenced not only by various chemical and electrical processes, but even by... thoughts and words. No wonder healers made healing water by whispering certain words over it! At the same time, swearing, curses, just rudeness, as well as anger and bad, heavy thoughts, break the structure of the liquid. As a result, instead of the usual H 2 O, we get heavy water (D 2 O). With all the consequences that follow from this... As you understand, it’s not worth asking for such “charged” water for health and cleansing of the body. And vice versa: under the influence of ancient healing spells, as well as simply kind words or blessings, structures are formed in H 2 O that resemble in their structure... the DNA of a healthy person. The water of “living” sources and relict water found in Yakutia in permafrost areas have a similar feature.

In general, there are many mysterious sources in the territory of the former USSR. One of them is Adango, located near the cities of Gagra and Pitsunda. “Black water” (it flows from a black stone) was highly respected by many generations of local centenarians and members of the ruling elite. But scientists were unable to explain the phenomenon of the effect of this liquid on the human body. It is believed that in terms of energy, Adango water is close to “alive”. This means it’s worth looking for a “dead” spring in its vicinity...

...Kulikovo Field... This legendary place is famous not only for the heroic events of the past, but also for the frightening wells located on the outskirts of the field and filled with real “dead” water. If you unnecessarily dip your arm or leg there, the limb will simply be taken away... They say that strange incidents at these wells inexplicably stopped only shortly after World War II.

And now – Tyrnyauz. Two mysterious rivers flow here - Adylsu and Adyr-su. Old-timers claim that one of them carries “living” water, and the other carries “dead” water. Many people in the city are treated with them. In addition, two groups of plants have been planted in Tyrnyauz; water from different reservoirs is used for irrigation. Trees and shrubs grow, and indeed, in different ways...

In one of the literary monuments of Ancient Rus' of the 14th century, which tells about the campaign of Alexander the Great to the ends of the world, there is a mention of “living” water. Allegedly, having discovered crystal clear springs at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, the warriors decided to wash dried fish in them. To their well-founded surprise, the “ram” instantly came to life and...

In 2003, scientists from the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences created what our ancestors understood as “living” and “dead” water. This happened during the electrolysis of ordinary H 2 O. It turned out that the water we are used to is not a single substance, but a mixture of two different liquids. Without going into technical details, during the experiment, for some reason, part of the water was adsorbed in the tube with aluminum oxide, while the other settled in droplets on its outer walls. When carrying out a spectral analysis, it turned out that in one liquid the protons rotated in one direction (ortho-particles), in the other - in different directions (para-particles). Scientists tested the quality of the resulting liquid on special bacteria, analogues of cholera vibrios. So, in ortho-water, the “test subjects” almost immediately felt very unwell... Therefore, the researchers assumed that they were dealing with the fabulous “dead” water, which inhibits bacteria. Para-liquid, naturally, has different properties. The Italians almost immediately decided to adapt it for ultrasound and tomography; It turns out that the use of steam-water can significantly improve the image of internal organs. True, the “innovation” costs a lot: about $1,000 per gram. It can only be stored frozen, since in the normal state two liquids can exist separately for no more than half an hour, after which they mix again, turning into ordinary water.

…Morning. In the kitchen the kettle beeped faintly again. In it, according to scientists, one and a half liters of “living” and “dead” water once again boiled in a barbaric manner. We just have to wait until someone invents a way to separate this mixture, but for now it’s customary to brew tea or coffee and, trying not to throw out irritation (how many of us can boast of a good mood on weekday mornings?) ... pretend that we We don't believe in fairy tales.

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