A guy with cerebral palsy from Shymkent mastered wheelchair dancing and became a champion. Choreographic therapeutic gymnastics

The inclusive festival “Spiritualization”, which will take place on August 29 in the Hermitage Garden, brings together various artists. Not only those who will perform in beautiful suits on the stage. But also beginners who are just preparing for their first premieres and want to see how experienced artists with physical disabilities dance. For newcomers to inclusive dance, the festival will provide role models, inspiration, and self-confidence.

Participants of the parent-child inclusive studio will definitely come to the festival “Dancing with the Whole Family” by the Center for Sociocultural Animation “Inspiration”. They are just learning to dance and diligently getting acquainted with the experience of other artists. In the new academic year The studio will show the audience its first dance, which has been rehearsing for several months. Of course, presenting the result of your work is very important. But weekly workouts are equally important. By dancing together, parents and their children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities learn a lot, not just freedom of movement.

« We have universal choreography, with movements that are adapted for children with different features, be it cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or something else,” says studio teacher Elena Mikhailina. – We stage our first dance with the participation of about twenty people, each child dances with their mother, or with their grandmother, or with their father. Of course, at first the parents were embarrassed to participate. But then they understood our idea - they carefully support their child in dancing and at the same time give him the maximum freedom of movement that he is capable of. This right attitude carried over to ordinary life».

Mothers, fathers and grandmothers who come to dance with their children no longer worry about inaccurately performed movements. They look at themselves in the mirror of the rehearsal room, like real dancers. And they try to achieve results. And they become an example for their children. And they better understand their characteristics. “Through interaction in dance, parents begin to relate to their children differently. The doom that a child will not have a full life due to disability disappears. We see that if you practice and work on yourself, you can move and dance, despite physical or mental limitations,” notes Elena Mikhailina.

After rehearsals, children’s abilities in Everyday life. Jumping or walking on your toes - these familiar movements are not always easy for those who have leg spasticity or other features. But fun activities with music and a kind teacher, together with other children and with parents, sometimes help as much as medicine. Recently, the mother of one girl shared her joy: after classes, her daughter began to control her body better and now climbs the stairs herself, but before she could not. So inclusive dance is about achievements not only in art, but also in life.

It was on this day that world and European wheelchair dancing champion Anna Gorchakova held a master class at the Minsk children's modeling agency.

The first children's models in wheelchairs in the history of Belarus - great result joint project Youth public association"Revelation" and the modeling agency "Kids Podium" - were preparing for their first show "Silver Wheel".

Of course, we were very worried. Since Anna Gorchakova is a psychologist, and even with extensive experience in performing, she told girls and boys how to cope with anxiety on stage.

“And at some point we felt that we lived for each other - Anna dreams of her own dance school, parents of children with cerebral palsy dream of children realizing themselves not only in modeling,” says the mother of twins Olga Stefnyak.

– We came to the idea that we want to dance!

We probably need to take a step back and introduce readers to the heroes of this material.

The Stepnjak family: “The impossible is possible”

Twelve years ago, Minsk resident Olga Stefnyak heard from doctors everything that parents of children with severe cerebral palsy have to listen to. Including advice to leave the “plants” in the maternity hospital and not to derail your young life.

Olga did not believe the well-wishers and, being a graduate, art school, began to develop the abilities of girls through art. At the age of two or three, Yulia and Lena, together with their mother, drew with foam on mirrors, semolina on the floor, glazed cheesecakes on the walls... No one noticed when the scribbles began to turn into works.

Now the Stefnyak sisters (Yulia moves in a wheelchair, Lena walks on her own) combine studying in the 5th grade of a regular school with classes in the 3rd grade of art.

Last year, the artist Leonid Shchemelev’s gallery hosted their first personal exhibition“What color is joy?” Since then, so much has been developed that it’s time to create another exhibition.

Concerning modeling career sisters, it started with Lena, who went to a children's modeling school. Yulia, seeing the fashion show of young models for the first time, was terribly offended by her mother:

“You brought me to the show, realizing that I wouldn’t achieve this in my life?!” It hurts me so much!

– Why do you think that you won’t be able to go on the podium? – Olga asked. - You can do it!

This is how the cooperation of families from the public organization “Revelation”, raising children with cerebral palsy, with the modeling agency “Kids Podium” began.

Special children were taught the intricacies of the fashion show, stylists and makeup artists worked with them... And in December last year, the “Silver Wheel” rolled through Minsk - the first fashion show in the history of Belarus in wheelchairs.

“The Wheel” left its mark: the press responded warmly to the event, and the Belarusian designer Apti Eziev began developing the first collection of clothes for wheelchair users.

The Stefanyak sisters inherited their mother’s amazing ability to create “out of the blue.” Recently, for example, we organized a horse show at home: we sewed clothes from ribbons for plastic toys, selected music, and developed movements. To make the event memorable, they attached skates made of buttons to the figures and moved the show to a round ice arena. It was great, but every two numbers we had to freeze the ice: the arena could not withstand room temperature and the intensity of emotions.

The girls not only dance, draw, sculpt, sew, and work with beads, but also manage to write fairy tales and stage performances based on them.

“One day we went to visit my grandmother and saw a dusty puppet horse in her closet,” says Lena. “My grandmother allowed me to take her, we played with her in the car, and began to compose a fairy tale about a horse whose name was Jessica.

Jessica the horse had the same free views as Coco Chanel: she painted her lips brightly, put on big earrings and went out to the pasture in this form. All the horses were indignant, “What is she doing!”, but Jessica did not listen to anyone.

It seemed to me that Jessica’s character was based not so much on Coco Chanel, but on the creative and independent girls themselves. Recently they decided to congratulate artistic director dance school Happy birthday to Anna Gorchakova. Most girls with physical disabilities would simply ask their parents to buy their favorite teacher flowers.

Yulia and Lena wrote the texts, selected photographs and made up a magazine about the dance school. In the meantime, they created two paintings from wool and sold them via the Internet, organizing an auction. And then they found a pastry chef who made a birthday cake according to their sketch.

The girls asked their mother to pick up the magazine printed on a color printer. And the paintings were taken to the buyers by the older brother - to the horror of Olga, who learned about everything after the fact.

To my surprise, the sisters do not consider their education close to completion.

“I would like not only to dance and draw, but also to play the violin,” Julia meekly noted.

“I like the piano better,” Lena clarified.

“They will play,” Olga promises. – If you have a desire, you need to have time to learn everything, and hone something to the point of professionalism. Yulia and Lena are not going to close themselves within four walls and live on a disability pension.

Anna Gorchakova: “Children with cerebral palsy have enormous potential”

Less than a year ago, at the first lesson of the “Dar” dance school, Olga Stefnyak grabbed her head. The children, trying to tap out the rhythm, did not hit palm on palm: it was difficult for them even to simply bring their hands together in clapping.

“Usually coaches don’t take children with cerebral palsy,” confirms Anna Gorchakova. – A dancer with a spinal injury has half of his body healthy and can be worked with. In children with cerebral palsy, each muscle is capricious in its own way. Their slowness general feature: The nerve impulse travels slower than in other children.

World and European champion Anna Gorchakova once learned to dance on her own: there was no one to take lessons from. For the last ten years, Anna has been working as a rehabilitation therapist and psychologist with different categories of people with disabilities. Experience allowed her to notice a plus where many colleagues would have seen only a minus: yes, children with cerebral palsy are difficult to teach. But the more you invest in such a child, the more noticeable the progress in his physical abilities.

“This is a huge prospect: such children are worth taking care of,” Anna is sure.

“In my life I don’t give ultimatums, but here I set one condition: the children will dance themselves,” says Anna. “Some mothers said: “This is unrealistic, how will they be able to do anything on their own?” Children with cerebral palsy are not even entitled to active strollers - those that they could drive - until they are 14 years old. All they are allowed to do is sit motionless in a stroller pushed by an adult. Moreover, the stroller for children with cerebral palsy from the Minsk Prosthetic Plant weighs 29 kg. Even if they wanted to, the dancers could not move one from its place.

First of all, the parents began to ensure that future artists were provided with active strollers - Belarusian “Cheetahs”. We collected documents, stocked up on a petition from a public association and went to the Labor and Social Protection Committee to prove: our children want and can dance.

They say there was a lot of mistrust and doubt. But when Anna, radiating charm and confidence, fluttered into the officials’ office, the issue was finally decided in favor of dancing.

“The Gift” has three dances in its repertoire, with three more numbers in development.

- Why so few? – Anna anticipates the question. – Yes, because in April-May we performed in front of audiences nine times. We conduct seminars talking about the capabilities of children with cerebral palsy, speak at schools, and took part in the republican festival children's creativity and together with dance group“Blots” held a dance flash mob in Gorky Park. There was no time to train!

Anna has a principle: all children on stage should be the center of attention. Here is Mark Kudryachev - an emotional boy, with a lively, expressive face. Best Performer the role of a womanizer cannot be found. No matter what physical abilities Mark is still very modest: the girls will dance around him. Or Leah Gerasimenok. An artist with something rare for Belarus oriental type appearance needs oriental dance.

Due to numerous requests from children, hip-hop will be included in the program - by the way, no one dances it in wheelchairs. And in the spring, Belarusian children were given a master class by hip-hoppers from Philadelphia.

“The children have a lot of training,” says Anna. – On some we simply develop physical capabilities, focusing on weak points. On others we study compositions or practice classical choreography- ballet in a wheelchair. I want children to have fun and get everything they need for physical and psychological development.

After six months of active dancing, each child makes a leap in physical condition.

“When the children started dancing, Yulia could not move from the bed to the stroller on her own; she moved in the stroller only with the help of an adult,” says Olga Stefnyak. “Today she changes seats, goes where she needs to, and parks confidently. The speed and accuracy of movements developed, the back straightened, and the arms became stronger. A year ago weak right hand Yulia couldn’t even pick up a spoon or support a cup, but now she draws with this hand and controls the stroller in a dance.

By the way, the girl Yulia Sagaidukevich, whose mother once said “This is unreal!”, balances while dancing, holding a stroller on two wheels - with a beautiful straight back and one arm raised high.

The art of changing the world

Nowadays no one remembers that the first years of study in secondary school for Yulia and Lena were very difficult. Special children most educational time was spent in the speech pathologist's office. Their peers did not seem to notice their presence at school and passed by them on the street. And one day the first teacher, taking the children for a walk, completely forgot Yulia in the class. I had to go to home schooling: the girls told their mother that they would not go to school anymore.

“Thankfully, the teacher who came to our home returned the children to school, and by that time another teacher was working with the class,” says Olga. “We had to take the initiative into our own hands: the girls prepared some surprises and souvenirs for their classmates... Gradually the class became friends: the dancers invite their classmates on tours and excursions. Thanks to children with cerebral palsy, some ordinary students also became artists. Participants dance school invited friends to prepare a number together for republican competition"Vyasyolkava Karagod."

“When we asked who wanted to dance with us, the whole class raised their hands,” say Yulia and Lena. – We had to arrange a casting, choose the most reliable partners. There were even tears: one day we returned home, and Anya was sitting at the entrance and crying. We ask “Anya, what happened?!”

- They didn’t let me take out the stroller! - sobs. – Please talk to me so that you can let me do it.

07-09-2006, 13:12

I met a friend here, she has a girl with cerebral palsy (quite mild, she walks and runs, but her legs drag). And I must also say that the mother does not recognize her daughter’s illness, she believes that she is being a fool, that she can walk normally and also gives her a slap on the butt for it: 010:
Her mother signed her up for choreography at DDT. I can imagine what Atinamama will say:001: but again I’m worried about psychology. Ordinary children study there, they perform at city dance competitions, what should Elya do there? She will not be able to master a single position, a single element, but she is almost 6 years old and already understands a lot of things. Will a “blind” mother develop a bunch of complexes (like yours truly:008:) in her daughter and will this pampering bring real harm, because the teacher is not a physical therapy doctor!
I directly asked Elina’s mother about the purpose of such activities, to which she answered me “let her develop her clumsy legs.” I couldn’t say anything more - my tongue was gone.

07-09-2006, 13:35

Hmmm, my mother’s statements are simply terrible.

As for complexes - it probably happens in different ways, I have long wanted to tell you an example that made an indelible impression on me. At our dacha there is a ditch on the road to the beach; cyclists usually cross there on foot. A mother and daughter, a teenage girl, are traveling. In front of the ditch they get off their bikes, and then it becomes clear that the girl has cerebral palsy and walks with difficulty. Mom crosses the ditch, it’s the girl’s turn. I close my eyes - it’s going to fall! The girl falls, calmly (albeit with difficulty getting up), crawls out of the ditch and drives away. I still admire the endurance and calmness of that mother, who apparently does everything so that the child considers himself ordinary. Aleksin had a story like this, “Division of Property,” it seems - there was a grandmother like that.

07-09-2006, 15:08

And I'm for it. For the choreography. And in general for everything. Music, dancing, physical training. Skorbun said that in order to learn to run normally, you need to run A LOT over rough terrain, on sand, up and down. Did you take her? Great. If she doesn’t master the position, the Bolshoi Theater will survive, but the girl may benefit. With our overprotectiveness, we sometimes make things worse for ourselves.

07-09-2006, 15:46

Ordinary children study there, they perform at city dance competitions, what should Elya do there?
Mmmmmmda....that's a strong word. There are no words.
And what do children with cerebral palsy do in a public school where Ordinary children study, and the child runs with everyone during recess, but holding on to a walker, and sitting at the same desk with An ordinary child studies, writes, albeit clumsily, but writes, tries.. Because he likes to be with everyone, study with everyone and feel like an ordinary happy child. His classmates respect him for his inner strength. And not sit within 4 walls at home learning, because he is not like everyone else, and accumulate complexes in himself. I told this about my daughter.
And that MOTHER, she is not blind, she perfectly understands the seriousness of her daughter’s illness, she admits it, believe me, but why should she show every “inquisitive” mind what she is going through.
And choreography will develop in the girl a sense of rhythm, a sense of self-confidence, harmony and endurance. And it doesn’t matter that the girl won’t dance like many others, although time will tell, the main thing is that the child will do what she loves in the circle of children.
And your mother answered you this way, not out of malice at her daughter, but out of malice at people like you for minding your own business. (Sorry for the harshness of the statement) Or are you a psychologist?
For slapping the butt, she’s wrong here.
And I’ll enroll my daughter in the choir, she likes to sing, she has a voice, and it doesn’t matter that she can’t stand herself, at first we’ll sing while sitting on a chair.
There is so much more I want to say, but I’m too emotional, I’m afraid I’ll go into piiii-iiiip. For this I say goodbye.

07-09-2006, 17:22

Regarding choreography and cerebral palsy -
And I'm for it. For the choreography. And in general for everything. Music, dancing, physical training. Skorbun said that in order to learn to run normally, you need to run A LOT over rough terrain, on sand, up and down. Did you take her? Great. If she doesn’t master the position, the Bolshoi Theater will survive, but the girl may benefit. With our overprotectiveness, we sometimes make things worse for ourselves.
If the teacher is not against the girl’s classes, I think that the benefits will be enormous, both physically, and in terms of socialization, etc.
But I don’t want to discuss my mother:005:


07-09-2006, 17:42

They wrote correctly about overprotection here. A mother and her 30-year-old son, who is deaf, were laying tiles in the bathroom. An absolutely normal guy, he doesn’t hear, he doesn’t speak well, and that’s okay! And his mother talks about him as if he were an unintelligent child, “I decided,” “I want.” I felt so sad, very scared that I would be like that myself and ruin Styopka’s whole life...

No, let him go and DANCE!!!

07-09-2006, 22:10

Yes, imagine if you tell a child that you are handicapped, you will never be able to dance, play volleyball, roller skate, etc., etc. Or convince him that you can do ANYTHING you want, you just have to try, and then your “clumsy” legs will straighten out. And in what statement do you see the planting of large complexes?

08-09-2006, 09:55

Peace-friendship-chewing gum:flower:
That's not what I meant at all. For example, with our diagnosis, we are not allowed to have a swimming pool. Now imagine that I don’t recognize the disease and take my child there. And so that he doesn’t drown, I don’t allow him to swim, I just sit him on a bench in full swimming gear. His feelings?
But for integration, for communication with healthy children, there are a lot of other interests - choir is wonderful, music in any performance, drawing, mosaic panels, horse breeding, it’s impossible to list everything. So why give your child a task that is obviously impossible?

08-09-2006, 10:57

08-09-2006, 11:25

I have a girl friend (9 years old) with a diagnosis of “cerebral palsy. Spastic left-sided paralysis. Severe form. + mental retardation.
Two years ago I helped them get into the karate section, where the coach is a Human. The girl now has a yellow belt and competes. And you need to see her face and smile...
Sasha studied at the USHU from the age of 7, then the instructor changed, and they stopped taking him...
Of course, we need to sing and ride horses!!!
And I can still hit the butt (well, if only the butt...) when I have no strength left!

TanNik, convinced! Let's study.
I ask the moderators to close the topic.

08-09-2006, 12:28

Why close it?
The topic is very interesting for many, I am always happy when such topics appear!
Tamara, you’re just great for talking about what worries you!
That’s how it should be, otherwise I’m also thinking 100 times: should I write about my experiences or not?
You think, who needs this...
And then you look: it’s just right!


08-09-2006, 13:17

Well, you write it yourself - if you can’t go to the pool. Well, how can you not go to dances? Dancing is joy and pleasure, oh professional career dancers we may or may not be talking about :)


08-09-2006, 13:18

The girl can WALK and RUNN. Do you think she won't learn to dance? None of us can know whether she will be able to master all sorts of positions; if she wants, she can. Let him dance for his own pleasure, his legs will be straightened, his back will be straight and his figure will be beautiful. And her mom is great!

08-09-2006, 15:32

About the pool.
The task of our doctors is to intimidate the mother, otherwise something might not happen. We went diving EVERY DAY for several months. Then we got to Zemlyadelcheskaya, you can’t dive, they told me you have a bad EEG. All my arguments that everything was fine were rejected - if something happens to you, WHO WILL BE ANSWERED? I said that I would answer, I would write any receipt. We were allowed into the pool, but without diving. When we returned to the neurologist Emelyanov and said that we were forbidden to dive, he was very surprised and said that he did not see the connection. But he himself forbade us, because of the EEG, a heating pad, and electrophoresis, etc., etc.
Now we have been ordered to do an EEG, otherwise we will not be allowed on the vibrating chair. This is so funny to me! We “vibrated” at Skorbun’s for 2 hours a day.
In short, their job is to scare, and ours is to raise children!
I would, Tamara, go with the child to the pool, make sure that he does not sink to the bottom like a stone, especially since, as I understand, you have seizures at night. You won't send it to the open ocean. Yes, you need to look after your child, but shouldn’t you look after others? I believe that every person should be able to swim. you never know what in life...

And the topic, of course, struck a chord. After all, we all dream that our children will sing, dance, swim, and study!

Dimka's mom

08-09-2006, 21:01

Yes, girls.....It's good that you create such topics. So I read it and realized that in many ways I was wrong. I keep saying that you can’t do this and this too. And Dimka told me: “I want to go to karate.” You can’t! They fall there. “I want a bike” - You can’t! If you fall, you'll hit yourself! He says, “I want to go to origami at school” - Again, no way! you get tired from the school load, and also origami.
And now I understand that this is not correct. You have to grit your teeth and allow it, so that you don’t think in any way that he’s not like everyone else! That's it, starting Monday we'll go somewhere to sign up. Well, let him be tired, but he won’t feel inferior. Through this, perhaps, such children can be treated.

08-09-2006, 21:41

The point is not only that they are “being treated” and not about “being like everyone else,” but that instead of multiplication tables and reading aloud “until they are stupefied,” it is better to teach a child to fry eggs and cook porridge in the morning... So dancing and karate is “Cooking Porridge” just in a slightly different genre...
Do you understand?
(scientifically this is called “social adaptation”)

08-09-2006, 23:56

But sometimes we choose to be afraid, for various reasons not related to the child’s condition. Sometimes this is a family algorithm, sometimes it is a transfer of one’s childhood fears onto one’s own child. Sometimes this is compensation for feelings of guilt for something, for example, that “I am a bad mother.” Sometimes I’m also lazy, because it’s very hard.

10-09-2006, 23:53

11-09-2006, 00:42

And for me, girls, it was like this: I brought my girl, who, among other things, has motor awkwardness, problems with coordination, clubfoot and general lethargy, to choreography - they made it clear that she was unpromising. Took me to circus studio- they said, they made the wrong door because... It would be better for us to go to physical therapy. We came to figure skating - mine can’t complete most of the tasks. The coach is obviously not happy...:005: Since then I have been taking her to exercise therapy and to the Needlewoman club. I'm so damn sensitive. I'm afraid I'll encounter this kind of attitude again. Perhaps you really need to be more persistent and look for someone who will take on such a child.

Probably we should.
I’ve been very awkward since childhood, I have no coordination (no special diseases, just partly bad heredity from my mother, but she had it better + rickets + I don’t know what), I was sick a lot, I was released from physical training, then somehow I came to class in the 5th year - the teacher told me “you won’t get higher than a D” from me.. I learned that.. by the end of school I tried to run (otherwise I realized that I physically couldn’t run more than 200 m, let alone the standard), then something else .. well, I had a solid C in physical education (there was one C and one B in the certificate), and at the institute this was bad (in the test week everyone took mathematics and physics, and I took physical education), but I learned to ski fairly well (at the age of 25), and I also learned to swim at 22.. It turned out that it was nothing so terrible.. I’m just still shy about dancing.
And my heart skips a beat when I read Nastya’s characterization last year in the garden I read “deftly hits the ball” and something like that..

Here, girls, what happens when it seems quite healthy child with minor problems (asthmatic bronchitis, rickets, poor coordination of movements, not noticeable to the eye) is protected from what the soul does not lie in.. and it does not lie, that is, in what does not work out..

11-09-2006, 09:39

And for me, girls, it was like this: I brought my girl, who, among other things, has motor awkwardness, problems with coordination, clubfoot and general lethargy, to choreography - they made it clear that she was unpromising. Took me to the circus studio - they said they had the wrong door because... It would be better for us to go to physical therapy. We came to figure skating - mine can’t complete most of the tasks. The coach is obviously not happy...:005: Since then I have been taking her to exercise therapy and to the Needlewoman club. I'm so damn sensitive. I'm afraid I'll encounter this kind of attitude again. Perhaps you really need to be more persistent and look for someone who will take on such a child.

How unlucky you are. Wherever I brought my child and explained the problem, everyone was ready to work with him. Unless, of course, these were paid classes (maybe that’s the whole point?).

On this topic. Cerebral palsy at a dance is like my child with hearing loss music school. But I wrote him down there. And we were almost there, but now we were quite seriously ill. And I began to be inclined to wait another year. Although there are no problems with speech, and he can sing songs, he has never practiced in a group, he may get confused, not understand what they want from him, become withdrawn and not want to do something. And so, if a child wants to dance, why not?

11-09-2006, 10:03

What am I thinking.... If a girl really enjoys dancing, then what is the question? And if not, if not joyfully, then the girl will inevitably have complexes simply for the simple reason that her mother does not respect her personal boundaries and imposes difficult and humiliating schemes on her. It all depends on the specific child and mother, there is no “in general”. It's not about the choreography, it's about mom. And if you're lucky with a teacher, it can turn out interesting. Chance - it lurks in various secret places...

Tamara, why does the girl passionately want to swim? If yes, then gather a council of three specialists top level and ask them if the child can swim and how exactly. Do you like to swim yourself? It’s possible to do it together, so that it’s calmer.

I didn’t think that the topic would touch a nerve so much. We, special mothers, are probably very similar - in one thing, we want our children to be ordinary or at least seem so - for the whole society and for ourselves.
As for the girl, her mother doesn’t even ask her whether she wants to study or not. You'll go and that's it. Implements his own program, without being interested in the desires and capabilities of the child.

Mine asked to go to the pool, of course, but I can’t say that passionately. I basically have a swimming pool difficult relationships. We live next to him. And every year someone drowns there due to an oversight. And these are ordinary children and not small ones - schoolchildren are studying. And bleach - I foresee harm to health (because of this I could not walk - the bleach made me very sick). And I'm afraid of the depths.
So if we go, we’ll go to some fitness club together.

11-09-2006, 17:39

I would give it, provided that the coach/teacher is adequate and agrees. Children can do a lot, but adults often don’t want to bother.
For example, things didn’t work out for us with the pool; they asked politely, because... “It interferes with everyone, it can’t and doesn’t have time.” Yes, okay. And we learned to swim without them :)
This year I want to find a job somewhere, maybe they’ll take me... Antokha dreams of dancing. And about figure skating. Everything, in fact, is not for us. But we will look for dances :)

11-09-2006, 19:39

There are always not enough boys at dances. They are going to be snapped up :) The main thing is that the child himself wants it.
I also think about dancing. From the age of 3...

11-09-2006, 21:04

Yes, boys are held in GREAT esteem at dances!
At Anichkov Palace, 5-year-old girls are taken with a boy couple...:008:
EVERYONE is actively looking for BOYS!

10-year-old Alena Lisunova has been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. The girl has a number of terrible diagnoses: posthemorrhagic occlusive hydrocephalus, shunt-dependent hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and partial atrophy of the optic and optic nerves. According to baby Svetlana’s mother, her baby was absolutely healthy in the womb and all this might not have happened if not for the doctors’ mistakes during childbirth.

Just recently, Alena’s family again believed in a miracle: the girl began to get up from wheelchair and walk a little. Under New Year Alena gave her parents her letter to Santa Claus, in which the surprised Svetlana found a rather unusual point - “make friends with producer Maxim Fadeev.” Of course, no one would have taken the fantasy of a 10-year-old girl seriously if it had not been for a friend of the Lisunov family. Svetlana’s friend was so touched by Alena’s appeal that she decided to publish the young singer’s request on Facebook and attached photographs of Alena sitting in wheelchair, performs the song “Dancing on the Glass,” written by Fadeev. A touching story did not leave Internet users indifferent, and soon the producer of the Serebro group himself read it.

Our company pays great attention social networks, and it just fell on me,” Fadeev told Life. - Everyone started sending me this. We were in Krasnodar, not Moscow, so I first reacted through Instagram, and today we saw each other. Naturally, I made the decision to meet with Alena right away - there’s nothing to think about. Fadeev invited the girl and her mother to dinner at the Uncle Max cafe. Svetlana and Alena arrived earlier than the famous producer and were noticeably worried. The young artist even decided to rehearse the song she was going to sing for her “new friend.” However, just at the moment when the girl took the microphone, a silhouette familiar to everyone appeared in the doorway. Hearing Alena’s voice, Fadeev froze without saying a word.

It was such happiness for us! - Alena’s mother Svetlana shared with Life. “We believed with such hope and desire that Alena would succeed.” We adore Maxim as a whole family. Just listening to his songs is already happiness. The song "Dancing on the Glass" is directly related to our lives - it's like our anthem, not simple dances on glass.
As soon as the schoolgirl saw Maxim Fadeev at the door, she rushed into his arms. Already at the table, Alena asked her idol how his health was. Fadeev admitted that he used to be almost deaf, but now one of his ears works at 40%, and the other at 60%. Finally, the Lisunov family was offered to try dessert, but...Despite all the persuasion, Alena refused the treats and asked only for strawberry compote. Maxim Fadeev agreed with the girl’s mother that they would keep in touch and said goodbye to them, finally hugging Alena tightly.

“There is one main slogan in my family,” the producer told the young singer before leaving. - It goes like this: “Always believe in yourself, and you will succeed. The main thing is to believe with all your heart!”

One of the forms of group exercises in therapeutic gymnastics is choreographic gymnastics, proposed by O. A. Sternik in 1970. Its undoubted advantage is the high positive emotional stress that appears in children, the desire to learn to dance the same or almost the same way as healthy children, the pleasure received in the learning process. Approximate types of choreographic gymnastics.
1. Exercises for mastering the posture that is the starting point for each dance. Starting position at the counter, in front of the mirror, the hand clasps the bar of the counter, four fingers on top, the thumb covers it from below, legs slightly apart, feet resting fully, head in the middle position. The child should, holding the stand with his hands, tilt his torso back, while keeping his head in the middle position, without throwing it back. The methodologist corrects the position of the head.
The spine bends intensely, the legs should not bend at the knee joints.
Correction correct position the torso and pelvis occurs using acupressure.
2. Learning the elements of the squat dance.
Holding the stand with his hands in the same position, the child should squat down, then straighten up. This exercise can be very difficult to master in cases where there is insufficiency of the hip extensors and large abductors of the hips. Their uneven weakness causes pelvic distortion.
The methodologist corrects the movements, indicating to the child which muscles need to be tensed.
3. Elements spanish dance: a) from the same starting position, the child, standing on one leg, slowly raises the other, arching his back and holding in this position for 30-60 s; b) from the same starting position - jumping on two legs at once. The goal of this exercise is to bounce on your toes. Children with cerebral palsy have difficulty jumping, even with the support of their hands. Often they replace this movement with jerking movements of the pelvis without lifting their legs off the floor. The trainer must teach the child appropriate movement patterns using the passive-active method; c) the starting position is the same as in point b) - learning to jump on one leg. Elements of Spanish and Russian dance.
4. The child stands sideways at the counter, holding it with one hand, legs slightly apart. The opposite hand rests on the side. The objective of the exercise is maximum extension of the spine; from the same starting position as in point 3, a, when extending the spine, the child should take a step in place to the music. The methodologist monitors the position of the pelvis and spine, correcting it with acupressure.
5. The child stands at the counter, holding it with both hands, legs spread wide apart. The methodologist ensures that the spread of the legs is equal on both sides.
The purpose of the exercise is to jump in place, with the legs spread and closed.
6. Elements of Russian and Spanish dance: a) starting position standing sideways at the counter, legs slightly apart, one arm resting on the counter, the other extended at the shoulder joint and elbow joint. The child holds a handkerchief in his fingers. The purpose of the exercise is to lean to the side and make waving movements with the handkerchief. The rotation of the shoulders should be uniform, without compensatory movements of the torso and pelvis; b) the starting position is the same as in point a. The second arm is extended and extended forward, the hand and forearm are in a pronated position. To a certain rhythm, supination is performed - pronation of the forearm, hand and extended fingers in different positions of the head.
The torso is kept straight at all times.
7. The child stands with his back to the counter, holding it with his arms extended back. The head is in a middle position, the legs are slightly apart.
The task is to hang the body on outstretched arms while keeping the head in the correct position.
8. Elements of Spanish and Uzbek dance:
a) initial position sideways to the stand, similar to that occupied in exercise 10. The methodologist practices clicking with fingers I-II of an outstretched arm, the arm is extended in all joints, at different positions of the head;
b) the starting position is the same as in point a, the free hand rests on the side. The task is to squat to a certain rhythm, with a change in the tempo of the squat;
c) the starting position is the same as in point a. The task is to squat with maximum abduction of the pelvis back, hyperlordosis;
d) the starting position is the same as in point a. The child stands completely on one foot, putting weight on the heel. The second leg is bent at the hip and knee joints, with the toe of the foot pulled down as far as possible.
The exercise is performed on the count: “one”, “two”, “three”; on the count of “three” - the leg is lowered and placed on the supporting leg. Then the same exercise is repeated with support on the second leg;
e) the starting position is the same as in point a. Counting: “one”, “two”, “three”; “one”, “two”, “three” the child stomps one foot, then the other.
9. Several children (3-4) stand sideways to the counter, legs slightly apart, holding the counter with one hand, placing their free hand on the shoulder of the person in front. Counting “one”, “two”, a step is taken in place, then jumps on one, then on the other leg.
10. The starting position is the same as in paragraph 3; the supporting leg stands on a full foot, the second leg is bent at the hip and knee joints at an angle of 90°. Counting: “one”, “two”, children extend the leg at the knee joint by 15-20°, holding it for 30-60 s in this position. Then the angle changes and the leg is again fixed in the accepted position.
In this way, exercises designed to correct posture, defective settings in the joints of the limbs are practiced in numerous variations and, what is especially important, mobility, active motor skills, and the ability to switch from one movement to another are trained (Fig. 42).

In this regard, musical accompaniment is an important therapeutic tool that promotes physical activity.
After practicing individual elements of the dance, you should move on to teaching dancing, taking into account the child’s capabilities: children who can stand, but for whom it is still difficult to move, learn to dance while standing, with predominant hand movements ( Indian dances), then dancing, which may involve slow, smooth walking, again with maximum use of arm movements, etc.
Learning to dance should not be hampered by existing deformities or severe postural disorders. In the process of work they are gradually corrected.

Criteria for the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy for motor disorders

The criterion for the effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy for motor disorders is the transition from one level of motor development to another (good result) or improvement in the ability to move within the same level as the child had before treatment (satisfactory result).
The following levels of motor development are distinguished, regardless of the child’s age.
1. Absence of congenital motor reflexes or their deep delay, the presence (or pathological activity) of tonic reflexes, lack of development of installation reflexes, voluntary motor skills.
2. The presence of some basic congenital motor reflexes, as well as tonic (cervical and labyrinthine) reflexes, which the child begins to overcome. The beginning of the development of basic attitudinal reflexes; the child begins to sit (with or without support), maintains the given sitting position, but does not stand or maintain a standing position with support.
3. Only residual tonic reflexes are observed: adjustment reflexes extend to the upper limbs and torso. Manual skill emerges. Maintains the assigned posture while sitting and standing, but there is no torso of the body yet or it is insufficient. The development of manual skills continues, he begins to draw, and master the first elements of writing. Stepping movements are incorrect. Stiffness in the joints of the lower extremities. There remains a residual influence of tonic reflexes on the muscles of the lower extremities, and contractures form in them.
4. Alignment reflexes are developed, he walks with support or on his own, with pathological alignment of the lower extremities, the presence of contractures and deformities (half-bent knees and hip joints legs or the phenomenon of hyperextension in the knee joints with equinovarus and valgus position of the feet), manual skill is inferior due to the pronation-flexion position of the forearm, hands and fingers, but the child overcomes it, although with difficulty - writes, sculpts, draws.
5. Sits and walks independently or with a stick, with moderate contractures or in the absence thereof, writes, draws without pathological attitudes in the hands, but movements are awkward and slow.
6. Walks independently, without support, gait is normal. Voluntary hand movements are age appropriate.
When assessing the gradual development of the function of the muscles involved in the work indicated in table. 4, the muscles that fix the body position, necessary to perform these works, and postural reflexes are not considered.
Meanwhile, the child’s mastery of these positions is as difficult as it is a necessary task, the mastery of which in the process of work occurs much faster and more successfully than in physical therapy classes.


The work of restoring the motor functions of a child suffering from cerebral palsy is extremely complex and must be carried out systematically over a number of years.
It requires a lot of patience and endurance both from the little patient and from the one who works with him. There is no doubt that the greatest effectiveness is achieved if an experienced physical therapy methodologist works with the child. However, on the one hand, physical therapy methodologists working in regular neurological, orthopedic, and pediatric hospitals are not always familiar with the section of work under consideration; on the other hand, methodologists cannot devote as much time to the child as is necessary for full-fledged rehabilitation work - 30- 40 minutes a day.
And finally, 75-80% of children cannot receive sanatorium treatment or treatment in one of the hospitals every year. Therefore, in a family where a child with cerebral palsy is growing up, there must be a person who is, to one degree or another, familiar with physical therapy and massage.
This book will help you acquire the necessary knowledge in this regard and help your child.
The main condition for the effectiveness of physical therapy is work in terms of consistent ontogenetic development of motor skills, timeliness, completeness and rationality of correction of motor defects in all forms of the disease.