Description on the topic of Kazakh waltz. Lesson-presentation of the painting "Kazakh Waltz" by G. Ismailova

Gulfairus Mansurovna Ismailova was born on December 15, 1929 in Alma-Ata into a wealthy family. Since childhood I loved to draw. Graduated from Almaty art school them. N. Gogol, Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repina. G. Ismailova - People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Her brushes belong to many famous paintings. Lives and works in Almaty.

Gulfairus is translated from Arabic as follows: “gul” - flower, “fairuzi” star

In the 1990s she created a series of painting portraits outstanding masters Kazakh art. Her gallery of portrait images dedicated to the best representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia includes the writer M. Auezov, the artist A. Kasteev, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR Bibigul Tulegenova, the first Kazakh dancer Shara Zhienkulova and others.

Gulfairus Mansurovna Ismailova is a People's Artist of Kazakhstan, a film actress, a film artist, surrounded by a halo of fame far beyond the borders of her homeland. People's Artist Gulfairus Ismailova recently celebrated her glorious anniversary. Gulfairus Ismailova is perhaps the only female theater artist among contemporary painters. To the Opera and Ballet Theater named after. She came to Abai after graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. Repin, over the years turning into an experienced, strong master. For almost 20 years she was the main artist of the theater.

Gallery of paintings by the artist Portrait of Sholpan Dzhandarbekova

In the 50s, according to my sketches, the scenery was made for a play dedicated to friendship with China - “Dear Friendship”, which was a triumphant success in Moscow! And they were written not by just anyone, but by Anatoly Nenashev and Sergey Kalmykov! Can you imagine with what amazing people I started working in the theater. This alone is happiness! Among theatrical productions, designed by Gulfairus Ismailova, the audience remembered the performances “Birzhan and Sara” by M. Tulebaev, “Tragedy of the Poet” by G. Musrepov, “Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu”, “Er-Targyn” by E. Brusilovsky, “Zhumbak-kyz” by S. Mukhamedzhanova, “Chio-Chio-san” by G. Puccini, “Alpamys” by E. Rakhmadiev. All these are stages in the life of the Kazakh Opera and Ballet Theater and, of course, milestones in the history of Kazakh culture.

Costume sketches for the opera "Alpamys"

"Need I say how important the role of the artist is in the creation of a theatrical spectacle? The scenery is the clothing of the performance. And what is a costume? An actor’s costume is the decoration for his life on stage. It’s not only the color scheme, it’s also the mood and temperament, and the fate of the character. “Of course, it was impossible, having worked in the theater for years and years, to write only sketches of scenery and costumes for performances,” says Gulfairus Ismailova. – You “get along” with the actors during the production process. This is how the “Kazakh Waltz” with Shara Zhienkulova arose."

First a picturesque picture She wrote “Kazakh Waltz” at the age of 29. (1958) (portrait of People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR Shara Zhienkulova) In the flowing stream of the sun, love of life itself, warmth, joy - Shara Zhienkulova is spinning in a whirlwind of dance.

Why is the painting called “Kazakh Waltz”? In the flowing stream of the sun, the very love of life, warmth, joy, in a whirlwind of dance, Shara Zhienkulova is spinning. And along with the dance, the name of the canvas is born - “Kazakh Waltz”. It’s as if the entire solar spectrum has been thrown onto the artist’s palette, so dazzling is the range of radiant colors of this canvas.

The painting by G. Ismailova depicts a girl in a traditional Kazakh costume. Her golden camisole glitters on her slender body. It seems to me that the artist wanted to convey the beauty, cheerfulness, grace and charm of the dancer. In the center of the picture is Shary Zhienkulova, spinning in a waltz. Her fluffy dress flies up in a whirlwind of dance, and her arms fly up like birds. The light and shadow in this painting shimmer on the warm tones of the colors, which convey the joy that reigns there. Shara Zhienkulova's eyes are black, radiant and sly, as if inviting people to dance. The forehead is light and clear, the nose is graceful, the lips are scarlet and feminine, like rose petals. The hair wraps around the girl’s flexible figure like silk. A smile is like the light of the rising sun. The dancer's dress is like the billowing waves of the ocean at sunset. The girl looks like a graceful swan floating on the surface of the water. I would really like to see this picture live.

During the classes:

Organizational stage.

Greetings in two languages

Creating a working environment, checking students’ readiness for the lesson.


Name the kuis dedicated to paintings of nature.

Describe Kasteev’s painting “Snowy Alatau”

What is landscape?

Name the landscape painters.

New material

A lot has been said about the waltz,

He is sung in songs and poems.

And no matter how many dances happen,

There really is nothing better than a waltz!

Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class?

Lesson topic: “The frozen moment of the Kazakh waltz”

What is a waltz? (It's romantic ballroom dance)

Once you hear a waltz, you will never go wrong and confuse it with other dances.

Nowadays you won’t find a person in Kazakhstan who doesn’t know what a waltz is. This dance has firmly entered our lives: school graduates dance the “Farewell Waltz”, at a wedding newlyweds dance their first “Waltz of Love”, at official ceremonies balls begin with a social waltz, in parks and squares couples spin in a simple street waltz. But it was not always so. The waltz genre came to Kazakh soil from European culture, where this dance genre was very popular. And in Kazakhstan, the art of dance was just beginning to develop. The first Kazakh dance “Kelinshek” was performed in 1934 People's Artist KazSSR Shara Zhienkulova. To create a dance, it was necessary to first select dance-like cues and songs, then find dance movements, perform choreography, and develop stage costumes that would not hinder the movements of the dancers.

Message about composer L. Hamidi

Latyf Abdylkhaevich Hamidi (1906 -1983) - Kazakh composer, Honored Artist of the KazSSR, Honored Artist of the KazSSR. This is a man of a peculiar destiny. A Tatar who chose Kazakhstan as his homeland. Humble person, who created the grand opera. Developer of such genres of Kazakh music as march, waltz, mass song.

In 1940, composer Latyf Hamidi composed the first “Kazakh Waltz” for Sabit Mukanov’s radio play “Two Holidays.” The first performer was Kulyash Baiseitova.

“Kazakh Waltz” immediately fell in love with listeners and became a hymn of love and happiness.

It became so popular that it began to be performed as independent work.

Listening to L. Hamidi “Kazakh Waltz”

What is the nature of the music? (bright joyful melody)

Tell me, is it possible to perform any movements to this music?

What kind of movements should these be in order to be combined with the character of the music? (smooth)

Can anyone show me what moves you can do to this music? (very comfortable to spin and sway)

If we talk about the unity of music and painting, then the painting by the national artist of Kazakhstan Gulfairus Ismailova “Kazakh Waltz”, which depicts the dancer Shara Zhienkulova, is an example of a frozen moment of a waltz. She really liked the music

"Kazakh Waltz" and she decided to stage new dance. Learned the moves Viennese waltz. But classic waltz They dance in pairs, but she didn’t have a partner, so she danced it alone. The dance was so beautiful that it seemed that Shara was not just twirling in the dance, but soaring above the stage. Famous artist Gulfairus Ismailova was delighted with her art and created one of her best paintings - “Kazakh Waltz”. So L. Hamidi’s song became a dance, and the dance continued its life in the film.

Make up a story based on the picture. (How do you see the dancer, what feelings does she experience)

Video “The story of one masterpiece. Kazakh Waltz”, which tells about the artist, how the painting was created, and there are documentary footage of Shara’s dance.

IV Musical and rhythmic warm-up.

V Vocal - choral work

Chorus: Echo, Kum Gavrila, C major scale

Performance of songs " Big round dance", "Alatau"

VI Homework

pp.45-48, creative task(Give comparative characteristics painting by G. Ismailova “Kazakh Waltz” and work by L. Hamidi “Kazakh Waltz”)

VII Summing up the lesson. Grading.

VIII Reflection

What do you remember from the lesson?

What surprised you?

What feeling unites composers and artists?

What are your feelings?

Those who understood everything, raise the red notes, and those who had difficulties, raise the yellow ones.

Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature

Aktobe secondary school

Butsyna Galina Grigorievna

Target:Introduce students with the artist G. Ismailova and her painting.

Learn express what is depicted in a picture as beautiful artistic language using figurative expressions;

Bring up sense of beauty, patriotism.

Vocabulary work: the word "Presentation"

Etc e h e nt (from French present)

Same as present.

Present the same thing give.

Presentation-donation, performance.

(photo: Gulfairus Mansurovna Ismailova)

Paintings by the artist are shown, including her famous painting"Kazakh Waltz"

Biography of the dancer:

Shara Zhienkulova was born on July 5 (18), 1912 in Alma-Ata. Kazakh Soviet dancer, teacher. In 1929-1930 she studied at the history department of KazPi, then worked at the Kazakh drama theater. Performed the roles of Enlik, Karagoz and others. Since 1934, she worked in the music and drama theater (now the Kazakh Opera and Ballet Theater). Here she performed folk dances in musical drama“Aiman-Sholpan” by Auezov, in the operas “Kyz-Zhibek”. In the flowing stream of the sun, the very love of life, warmth, joy, in a whirlwind of dance, Shara Zhienkulova is spinning. And along with the dance, the name of the canvas is born - “Kazakh Waltz”.

Student essays

G. Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz” depicts a self-confident girl. She is dressed in national costume. There is a charming smile on her face, she is happy that she can dance national dance, in the ears there are national earrings, on the head there is a Kazakh hat, which is called saylyau, it is black in color with magnificent feathers on the top. The girl’s hands are like the wings of a swan in free flight, and she also wears national jewelry on them - blezek. Girl's dress Pink colour, which flutters during the dance. What I liked about this picture is that G. Ismailova conveyed the girl’s character and beautiful dance. I also like the play of color in this picture: the yellow background reminds me autumn Park, as if a girl is dancing in it, and the color of the dress, moving from light pink to dark pink, reminds me of sunrise and sunset. Looking at this picture, you can imagine this girl with resin, black long braids in national costume dancing in the autumn park and hear surprisingly light waltz music, beautiful and solemn.

The work of Angela Ismailova’s student.

There are many types of art in our world. One of them is painting. Everything that the artist sees and feels, he depicts in the picture. Sometimes, looking at a picture, you can see something that cannot be said in words. For example, G. Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz”. At first glance, this is a simple Kazakh girl captured in dance. But if you look closely, you seem to penetrate into the picture, it fascinates. This background has yellow and red shades, like a large field of tulips in mid-May. A dancing girl, like a swan flitting smoothly through an ocean of flowers. Her clothes, like spring flowers, shimmer with all colors, with the addition of a golden shade of the sun from her jewelry. What is also very mesmerizing in this picture is the look: it seems to pierce right through. The artist painted the girl's face pale - pink, as if comparing her to a spring tulip. Her smile pleases the eyes. When you look at this picture, you want to hurry up summer to see the wide, spacious steppe with a carpet of flowers, bright sun, clean, transparent sky.

The work of Nuranova's student Aida.

In front of me is Gulfirusa Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz”. It seems that the artist wanted to convey the beauty, cheerfulness, and charm of the dancer. Her fluffy dress flies up in a whirlwind of dance, and her arms fly up like birds. The light and shadow in this painting shimmer on the warm tones of the colors, which convey the fun that reigns there. Kazakh waltz - very beautiful dance and the artist managed to convey this with the help of a brush and paints.

The work of Solovyov's student Vasily.

This picture is depicted in amazing colors. The dress indicates the nationality of the dance. The hair, as is customary, is gathered in two braids. Smooth movements the dancers seem to bewitch us. Smooth hands, wonderful jewelry and a simply divine dress are presented to us by G. Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz”; you look at the painting and hear amazing light, almost airy music. She either makes you swim slowly in a circle, or picks you up in a whirlwind and carries you somewhere high, high: I was surprised by such an accuracy of description of the waltz.

Work by Tikhonova's student Irina

In Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz” we see a dancer spinning in a fast rhythm. The action takes place on a bright sunny day on the street - this can be seen from the bright yellow background of the picture. The girl is wearing a light, airy, translucent dress of bright colors.

Dancer - beautiful girl, she has black almond-shaped eyes, a beautiful complexion, soft scarlet lips. Black beautiful hair braided in long braids, which flew apart in a fit of dance. We are pleased to look at her graceful hands in bracelets and her flexible figure. You can see from her face that she is dancing with pleasure. Looking at her, I feel proud of her talented people my native Kazakhstan.

The work of Arslanov's student Anton.

This painting depicts a very joyful, cheerful young girl. We see her dancing the Kazakh national dance “Kamazhay”. She not only dances, she describes the art of painting. She is very beautiful, and her eyes are black, her forehead is light, her nose is graceful, her lips are feminine, and her hair is like waves on the sea. A smile is like the sun’s warm rays, and a dress is like flowers in Kazakh fields. The girl looks like a star in the sky. This picture shows not just a young, beautiful girl, but a patriot of her country. She herself convinces that her country is the strongest, brightest, cultural country. I liked the very bright colors in this picture, Beautiful colors and the dancer's charming smile.

Work by Iztaev Aman's student

Oh, what beautiful dancer! What a magnificent dress! The vest is black and gold and matches her suit. Her face is beautiful and bright, her lips are like marshmallows. Gold jewelry gives beauty to a Kazakh girl. Smooth movements indicate that her body is slender and light. They suit her figure so well. How subtly and faithfully the artist painted a portrait of a Kazakh girl, where you can read her soft character and humility, flexibility and sensitivity of eyebrows raised on a light forehead, velvet eyes, small nose and soft feminine lips. It seems that the girl is not dancing on the floor but floating in the air. A lush dress spins like a fan in a dance. A girl who looks like an elegant free bird performing her dance. I liked this picture, it inspired me to say these words.

Work by Guseinov's student Aslan

Painting is one of the art forms that is understandable to everyone. An artist depicting something puts a piece of the Motherland into his creation. Warm colors predominate in the painting “Kazakh Waltz”. Yellow smoothly turns into orange, merging with pink and scarlet. These colors symbolize harmony, joy and love for the world around us. The dancer's dress is very fluffy and bright, her face is smiling. Scarlet lips emphasize the graceful nose, velvet eyes look smiling and tender, the light forehead merges with the warm cap on her head. The girl's hair is braided in braids that wrap around her small, slender body. There are also gold jewelry that emphasizes the oval of the face and the grace of the hands. Thin waist And bright skin fit very well into the image of a native Kazakh woman. Light and shadow are also taken into account. The picture gives the impression of something familiar and close to the soul, something calm and at the same time cheerful.

Work by Arndt's student Julia

The Kazakh waltz looks good against the background autumn landscape. It is clear that the dancer is very emotional. She shows gestures and gets into character. Her charming smile on her face impresses a person. She has exquisite jewelry, even from the picture you can see that it is gold. Sometimes it seems to me that if a dancer spins quickly, then because of her fluffy dress, even her head won’t be visible... And what long braids! It seems to me that the dancer has silk hair because it is long and beautiful. And a beaver hat with fluff suits her. And I want to note that I really liked the camisole with national ornaments. It goes very well with fluffy dress. And what wonderful music! The rhythm of the piece is very well chosen. You can feel the lightness of this work. In my opinion, even a blind person, without seeing the dance, but simply listening to the music, can imagine and feel the movements of the dance. And even a deaf person, without hearing the music, but simply seeing smooth and rhythmic movements, can feel the music of the dance. It seems that the dancing girl will now come to life, step outside the picture, and delight us with the performance of a bright, unique, unforgettable waltz.

Work by Beisenov's student Akerke

Against the background of the loss, the student reads these words:

The dance is fast,

Light spring,

He's intoxicating

How are you.

Fast Exciting

Like sliding

enchanting us,

Loudly screaming

I picked it up

We're dancing

filled with life

Dancing in a waltz

“Revival of the picture” Kazakh dance

Kazakh waltz

Nowadays in Kazakhstan you won’t find a person who doesn’t know what a waltz is.

This dance has firmly entered our lives:

School graduates dance the “Farewell Waltz”;

The newlyweds dance the “Waltz of Love” at a wedding;

In the park, on the square, at the ball - everywhere you can see couples spinning in a waltz.

But it was not always so….

But it was not always so….

  • Now in Kazakhstan you won’t find a person who doesn’t know what a waltz is.
  • This dance has firmly entered our lives:
  • School graduates dance the “Farewell Waltz”;
  • The newlyweds dance the “Waltz of Love” at a wedding;
  • In the park, on the square, at the ball - everywhere you can see a couple spinning in a waltz.
  • But it was not always so….

  • The waltz has its origins in the ancient folk dances of Austria and Germany. The predecessor of the waltz is considered to be German folk dance"Lendler" came into fashion around 1800. At first, this dance caused strong rejection among secular residents; only villagers danced it, and its character was different from the waltz that we know...

  • Only much later they began to dance him at balls and he managed to become the most popular dance in Europe.
  • What do you think changed in the waltz when it became “urban”?

  • A fast dance called the “Viennese waltz”;
  • - A calm waltz is called “figured”;
  • - The slow waltz is called “Boston”.
  • In all waltzes, couples move in a circle in the same time signature – ¾.

  • The waltz genre has firmly entered into Kazakh culture.
  • The peculiarity was that in Kazakhstan the waltz became widespread initially as vocal music, and only then as dance music.

The waltz genre has firmly entered into Kazakh culture.

A special feature was that in Kazakhstan the waltz became widespread initially as vocal music, and only then as dance music.

The first performer of the new vocal work became Kulyash Baiseitova.

Bright, joyful music with a flowing melody and beautiful flexible echoes immediately fell in love with the listeners.

Became a hymn of love and happiness.

“Kazakh Waltz” became so popular that it began to be performed as an independent piece at a variety of concerts, but the story of the song does not end there.

The waltz genre came to the Kazakh land from European culture, where at that time he was already very popular, and in Kazakhstan the art of dance was just beginning to develop.

  • “Kazakh Waltz” became so popular that it began to be performed as an independent piece at a variety of concerts, but the story of the song does not end there.
  • The waltz genre came to Kazakh soil from European culture, where at that time it was already very popular, and in Kazakhstan the art of dance was just beginning to develop.

In 1934, People's Artist of the KazSSR Shara Zhienkulova performed the first Kazakh dance “Kelenshik”.

The creation of each new dance was big event. It was necessary to first select songs and cues that were dance-like in nature, then find movements for the dance, perform the staging, and develop stage costumes so that they would not hinder the movements of the dancers.

Having heard the light and lively music of the “Kazakh Waltz”, Shara decided to stage a new dance.

She learned the movements of the Viennese waltz and, using its example, since she did not have a partner, created the solo dance “Kazakh Waltz”.

Gulfraus Ismailova – painting “Kazakh Waltz”.

  • : Latif Hamidi
  • Words: Sabita Mukanova.
  • 1. Don’t be sad that we are far from each other, don’t be sad that the snowstorms have swept us away.
  • Don’t be sad that we are at different ends of the earth, don’t be sad, I’m still with you, my love.
  • CHORUS :
  • A star always sends its radiance to the earth, Water always runs in streams to the seas. That’s how I strive for you always, always, always….
  • 2. I am with you when you fly into the distance in the darkness, I am with you when you are sailing on a ship, I am with you on all the seas, on the whole earth, I am with you always and everywhere, my beloved!



Who composed the first Kazakh waltz? How did you hear it?

What mood does G. Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz” convey?

  • - What can you tell us about the waltz?
  • - Who composed the first Kazakh waltz?
  • - Why was Shara Zhienkulova’s waltz solo?
  • - Do you think it’s easy to draw a dance?
  • - What mood does G. Ismailova’s painting “Kazakh Waltz” convey?

"Winter Beauty"

From far away, so fluffy and light, Winter has arrived on the grass and on our houses. Winter has a lot to do, put on a snowy hat, There was a sleepy forest at the top of the head, the forest crawled into the snowdrifts to sleep. Chorus: Winter, winter is beautiful! I'm afraid you'll like it

the snowball creaks under the boot,

We walk along the river. Winter, winter is beautiful! It is famous for its frost, It flies down the mountain, it will take your breath away, the sled has turned over, wow! 2. The frost weaves lace, the blizzard sweeps the street. Snow is flying on your head, smoke is puffing from the chimney. And everywhere here and there, snowy mountains are growing. Everything around turned white, as if milk had been poured on it.