Passport office on how to check out of the apartment. How to leave the occupied living space? When the right to use housing is lost

Is it possible to eject a non-owner from an apartment without consent? Let us note one important point.

The law granted the right to register, deregister citizens homeowner at his own discretion.

In other words, the property owner can cancel the registration of a person living in his home. But the employer does not.

The owner of the apartment can write out without the consent only of the person who registered after privatization. If he lived before acquiring it as a property, then deregistration occurs only.

How to deregister a person without his consent? In the case of a tenant, the issue of checking out an unwanted tenant without his permission decided in court. And not otherwise. The actions of him, the employer, are as follows:

  1. First, contact the owner, i.e., the municipality.
  2. Only after the owner has taken the actions prescribed to him by law in relation to a person who does not want to lose his registration stamp should he go to court.

The owner cannot be evicted from his home. You can cancel its registration after transferring the right to property to another person.

It is very difficult, almost impossible to deprive of registration. To discharge a child you need to receive permission from guardianship authorities. They may refuse if his financial situation worsens as a result. A child who owns a share in the home or it in full cannot be removed from the register.

Read on our website about how to cancel registration, whether this can be done or what is required to deregister at your place of residence, as well as how to do it elsewhere.


Registration procedure and its cancellation is regulated by:

Let's try to figure out whether the owner of the apartment has the right to discharge a tenant without his consent.


Conditions, as well as grounds for the forced removal of a citizen from occupied housing depend on the form of ownership. The most common cases in judicial practice applicable to include:

If the apartment is owned, then the following are added to the above:

  1. Family relationships have ceased, a divorce has been officially filed (read about discharge or).
  2. There is no common housekeeping. Residents pay separately for the costs of maintaining the home or do not participate in them.

Also find out on our website whether it is possible or necessary, and in what time frame you need an apartment.

Registration procedure

We will provide the procedure for checking out of an apartment without consent in the form of brief instructions. Some kind of guide to action. Let's start with general questions.

Registration, cancellation is handled by the FMS. Therefore, you need to contact the branch of this organization on whose territory the housing is located.

This, first of all, concerns the owner, but only if he has grounds to discharge the person himself, without court intervention.

How to deprive a non-owner of registration without consent without a trial? We already talked above about when he can cancel the registration of a tenant himself. The features of the extract are discussed below.

We will only talk about those documents that must be submitted to the court, since the law does not provide for other methods of eviction from housing without consent.

Although the legislator has allowed the owner to independently resolve registration/extract issues, in practice they are resolved, in most cases, in court.

For forced cancellation of registration We will need a package of documents, which includes:

  • . Please note that the court does not deal with discharge. He can only stop using the housing;
  • documents for housing. Lease agreements, certificate of ownership;
  • utility bill receipts;
  • witness or other evidence of a citizen’s antisocial behavior;
  • certificates confirming the availability of other housing;
  • certificate of those registered in the specified dwelling;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

note on two important points:

  1. You cannot be evicted from an apartment without the person’s consent. If he has no other housing, then the owner is obliged, in this case, to provide the evicted person with equivalent housing.
  2. Utility debts must be paid before check-out. Otherwise, it will have to be paid to the property owner.

Such issues are considered by the magistrate court. Appeals from a claim submitted to higher judicial authorities.

The claim is accepted for consideration within 5 days. A decision on it is made within one to two months. The established fee will be 200 rubles.

But we must take into account that it is charged in this amount if the claim is brought against one defendant. If there are several of them, then the duty is paid for each separately.

The full cost of all costs cannot be deduced, since it will also include the cost of making copies of documents and notary services. And their prices vary depending on the region of the country.

After cancellation of registration, the discharged person will be given departure slip.

Nuances and features

In what cases can a person be discharged without his permission, and in what cases not? Please note that the owner can, at his discretion, sign out everyone registered in his apartment.

But only those citizens who were registered after the property is transferred into ownership.

These people can only be deregistered through a court in accordance with the established procedure.

Only the owner of the home can cancel a person’s registration. In the case, the municipality or its representative, in this case the employer, but only through the court.

The owner of the property can be discharged only if he lost ownership. Transferred, sold, donated and the like.

The child can be evicted only in case that. If after the move his material and living conditions do not worsen. His discharge requires permission from the guardianship authorities. If the child is the owner of the home or part of it, then he cannot be evicted.

How can the property owner sign a pensioner out of an apartment without his consent? If a pensioner is recognized as a family member, then he can only be removed from the register through a court providing him with equivalent housing. If he doesn't have it.

If it is an outsider, and also registered after privatization, then it can be removed from the register by the owner. In this case, provide him with another living space not necessary.

Spouses divorced, apartment was acquired by one of them before marriage. In this case, the second spouse can be deprived of registration without problems on the basis of the Housing Code, Article 31.

If real estate was acquired during marriage, then it is fashionable to evict one of the members of the former family only if there are the above grounds, debt, hostile relations, etc.

As you can see, even from our far from complete review, deregistration without consent is not a simple process. He has legal subtleties and complexities.

Therefore, God forbid, if you have to deal with this matter, it is better to contact an experienced lawyer, lawyer and study judicial practice. This way you will be able to carry out the discharge without hassle, in the shortest possible time and without difficulties.

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Sometimes a person may be faced with a situation where he has to check out of an apartment or house, because... he does not have another place for registration, or he does not need subsequent permanent registration. This happens, for example, when selling an apartment and then moving to another country.
Is such a procedure possible and will it comply with the laws of our country?

Legislation on deregistration

The main legal document that regulates the procedure for registering citizens at their place of residence and deregistration is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713, which approved the relevant rules. It explains exactly how registration at the place of residence and place of stay occurs, how to deregister, and which authority you need to contact for this.

The next mandatory act is the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.” However, it should be remembered that, although a person has the right to free movement and choice of place of residence, he can exercise it by submitting to the requirements for registration at the place of residence or stay.

In our country, the Federal Migration Service (FMS) has the right to register registration and deregistration of citizens.

In order to be discharged, you need to contact the Federal Migration Service department at your place of residence, providing the necessary documents, which will be discussed below.

Those who, for one reason or another, are faced with the prospect of being discharged to nowhere are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to not be registered anywhere.

Theoretically, it is possible to discharge a person without subsequent registration in another apartment or house.

This situation can arise in a variety of cases:

  • your own home has already been sold, and the new one is still under construction;
  • plans to reside permanently in another country;
  • the owner of the property in which the person was registered sold his property;
  • forced deregistration of a person at the place of residence (by going to court);
  • the desire of the person himself to be discharged without subsequent registration.

Thus, the question of whether a person can be not registered anywhere has a completely unambiguous answer.

Yes, such a situation can occur, but you should also think about how to live without registration.

The Constitutional Court in Resolution No. 4-P of 02/02/1998 stated its opinion on registration, which boils down to the fact that the presence or absence of registration cannot be a source of any obligations and rights for a person, cannot prevent a person from obtaining that what he is entitled to by law. Registration authorities only register the fact that a person is in a certain place. However, in real life, the lack of registration makes life difficult for citizens.

Adverse consequences include:

  • difficulties with official employment. Although the law prohibits an employer from making decisions about hiring or refusing to hire based on registration, in reality, the presence of a place of registration plays an important role;
  • difficulties with obtaining and/or exchanging various documents: passport, SNILS, TIN, medical insurance policy, etc.;
  • problems with obtaining various social payments and benefits (pensions, benefits).

In addition, if a person is not registered anywhere, this may become a reason to initiate a case of an administrative offense with a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, there is no ban on discharge to anywhere, but the state does not encourage such situations, providing for administrative liability for those who are not registered anywhere.

How to voluntarily leave a municipal apartment

It is no more difficult to check out of a municipal apartment on your own than from privatized housing, since the status of the home does not matter in the case of voluntary checkout. The only difference is that the owner of such an apartment is the state or municipality, and not the citizen.

To de-register such an apartment, it is enough to contact the Federal Migration Service (in 218 - GUVM) and simply say: I want to check out of the apartment.

No one will refuse you or demand an explanation of the reasons, and subsequent questions related to the fact that you were discharged to nowhere will be your concern.

Is it possible to discharge a child to nowhere?

The rights of minors are protected by law especially carefully, so it is impossible to discharge a child anywhere.

Children must have a place of residence assigned to them where they can legally reside, therefore, each case of discharge of minors is considered by the guardianship authorities individually. They will not allow the child to be discharged without subsequent guaranteed registration at the place of residence.

Statement to nowhere when selling an apartment

Often citizens voluntarily check out of an apartment without subsequent registration due to the conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction. One apartment has been sold, but the other has not yet been moved into. The reason for such a delay may be, for example, the developer’s violation of the deadline for delivery of the house. In such cases, you can turn to relatives or friends for temporary registration, or resort to the methods described below.

What to do if you have nowhere to register

If a person has been discharged from his previous place of residence, but currently has nowhere to register, then the solution to this problem falls entirely on his own shoulders. Even in cases where your own home has been sold and a new one has not yet been purchased for some reason, no benefits are provided .

What to do if there is nowhere to register? Is there a way out?

For a person, if he has nowhere to register, the solution may be temporary registration at the place of stay. But the difficulty here is that you need to find someone who can arrange it. Most often, people turn to relatives and close friends with a request to register themselves.

For those who are in difficult living conditions, the place of temporary registration can be:

  • social shelter;
  • boarding house for the elderly;
  • hotel;
  • tourist base, holiday home, camping, sanatorium;
  • boarding school for people with disabilities;
  • dormitory;
  • flexible housing stock.

To begin with, a citizen left without a place of registration needs to contact the social security authorities and explain the situation. They can help solve the problem by providing flexible housing, for example, or a place in a shelter.

Registration of temporary registration in such places occurs in a simplified manner. It is enough to apply to the administration of the institution, fill out the necessary documents and present your passport. The person responsible for registration must take the documents to the Federal Migration Service and register you.

In practice, it is better to take an active part in this procedure yourself by visiting the migration service and agreeing with them on the list of necessary documents and deadlines.

If a person is not registered anywhere: terms and fines

As mentioned above, for the lack of registration for citizens, administrative punishment is possible in the form of a fine from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. In cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg) the fine is higher, in others it is lower.

The law provides for a certain period during which it is completely legal to live without registering at the place of residence.

It is equal to seven days from the moment of arrival at a new permanent place of residence or ninety days if it concerns a temporary stay (that is, the person did not check out, but simply moved to another city for a period longer than three months).

Is it possible to avoid liability for lack of permanent registration?

Yes, if a person without registration lives in premises owned by his close relative who is related to him through a generation or in a direct line (for example, brothers and sisters, grandchildren and grandparents, brothers and sisters). Foster/adopted children and parents, like blood relatives, are classified as close relatives.

A valid reason for missing the seven-day deadline can also be:

  • business trip;
  • disease;
  • protracted paperwork for new housing, when, for example, processing the purchase of a new home took longer than you expected. In such cases, evidence of the absence of your guilt will be the purchase and sale agreement and a document confirming your rights to the purchased housing, issued on a certain day.

In other cases, a fine cannot be avoided.

Documents for discharge

Collecting documents for discharge is not difficult at all.

To do this, you need to provide a very small package of documents to the Federal Migration Service:

  • your passport;
  • application in the prescribed form.

In order to check out of an apartment somewhere, you do not need to pay a state fee or fee. This service is provided free of charge, like other types of statements. Also, you cannot be forced to indicate the reasons for discharge to nowhere.

In the application itself, there is a section in which you need to indicate at what address you plan to live in the future. If a person is discharged to nowhere, then he can indicate absolutely any address. But in a situation where subsequent registration is planned, the real address must be indicated.

The discharge procedure is often carried out on the day of application, but sometimes the process can take several days.

After discharge, a corresponding stamp is placed in the passport, and a departure slip is issued. As a general rule, this document must be presented when registering at a new place, but when checking out somewhere, it automatically becomes unnecessary.

So, we figured out the question of how to check out of an apartment in nowhere. However, you should carefully consider this decision, because the lack of registration gives rise to a number of difficulties and threatens to collect a fine.

The check-out procedure is fairly quick.

The discharge procedure is very simple. If it is automatic, then it will not affect the person who applied at all; the relevant authorities deal with this, transferring information and documents to each other.

If the deregistration takes place in person, then one desire to be deregistered is sufficient. The presence of the apartment owner and his consent are not required. A FMS employee may ask where the person will be registered in the future. This information is considered mandatory, but it is not verified.

If a citizen names any real address, it will be deregistered. And then it is registered or not elsewhere. However, it is worth remembering that in the absence of a registration stamp, any citizen is at risk. Registration is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • A citizen with a passport and the owner of an apartment with documents for it come to the passport office, where they declare their desire to register a person at this address. At the same time, an application is filled out.
  • The application is filled out by the person being registered. If at the same time he also needs to remove himself from his previous place of registration, he indicates this information.
  • If there are several, their presence is also required, or written consent is required.
  • The citizen leaves his passport and comes back after the specified period to get it. For the period of absence of a passport (more than 3 days), he is issued a temporary document.
  • If the extract was carried out automatically, after some time (up to a month) you should receive a notification in the mail that the extract-registration has been completed and you can come to pick up the document with 2 stamps.

You can also check out via the Internet. However, registration requires the personal presence of the owner and the person being registered, as well as the presentation of the originals of all documents. All those present must present passports, as well as ownership of the apartment.

If the owner owns only part of the apartment, there must be written permission from the other owners.

Registration and discharge in the absence of one of the interested parties

Payment of state duty is a mandatory condition

You can register or check out in the presence of only one person (the person being registered or the owner of the apartment), if there is one, certified by a notary. However, such things are not allowed everywhere.

Some branches of the Federal Migration Service do not perform such registrations; they require the presence of both parties in person. Before drawing up a power of attorney, you should find out whether it is possible to deregister or register without the presence of one of the parties.

If there is no registered person, then the owner of the apartment comes with a power of attorney, passports and a certificate of ownership. He fills out the application himself and then leaves the person being registered. The same applies to extracts. You can only discharge a person without his consent through the court. A power of attorney is required.

The registration procedure without the presence of the owner is more labor-intensive. FMS employees very rarely agree to such a transaction, even with a power of attorney. If the registration is temporary, then it can be issued upon presentation of the written consent of all owners of the apartment, their passports, as well as the consent of the housing and communal services to the person’s registration. For permanent registration, it is also required.

You can register without the presence of the owner if you have a notarized power of attorney and the consent of an employee of the Federal Migration Service, as well as by a court decision when the owner is obliged to register a person in a given apartment (for example, if it is a child).

When registering, you must pay the fee and present a receipt for payment.

The passport office may refuse registration by proxy if the owner is an elderly person and the person being registered is not related to the owner. This is done to protect the public from fraud.

Legal advice will help you understand the intricacies of the issue:

In Russia, any socialized person is required to have a stamp in his passport with registration at a specific address (what was previously called propiska). If you are leaving your apartment or private house, you must register at your new place of residence within ten working days.

But there are situations when a citizen urgently needs to check out of an apartment, but there is nowhere to register yet, or there is no need (for example, when leaving abroad for permanent residence). How should one proceed within the framework of legal norms?

The need to remove all residents from an apartment may arise in the following cases:

You are selling real estate in order to invest the proceeds in the construction of your private home or buy a new building under an equity participation agreement, but your future home has not yet been completed or is even at the foundation pit stage;

You are leaving to live abroad, and you no longer need registration in the Russian Federation;

Your apartment is being alienated by a bank for debts or a private creditor through the court for failure to pay a large debt.

Depending on the specific case, the owner and tenants will be removed from the apartment on the basis of their voluntary decision or by a court decision.


In the cases described above, checking out of an apartment in the territorial EIRC will not be a problem. You will be required to provide a passport and an application for deregistration addressed to the head of the Federal Migration Service for your district. The application will need to indicate the reason why you want to leave the living space you occupy. If a person is discharged within the Russian Federation, a new address is required (often a formal one. This information is not verified). If it is issued upon departure for permanent residence at the border, this must also be indicated in the application. The form of the document is arbitrary.

Family members of the owner and other persons registered in his residential premises can also be discharged either upon their personal application or by court decision. Registration at the place of residence is inseparable from moving in and is confirmation of this fact. If you registered in a residential building without the intention of moving in, then such registration can be canceled by the court at the request of an interested person as fictitious.

Family members of the owner of a residential premises and other persons retain the right to use this premises indefinitely, provided that at the time of privatization of this residential premises, these persons had equal rights to use this premises with the person who privatized it, unless otherwise established by law or agreement. They can be written out either by personal application or by court decision, but such court decisions regarding persons who have refused privatization occur only in exceptional cases.

If you want to remove a person from your living space, the basis may be the fact that he does not live in your apartment, i.e. has another permanent place of residence. Consequently, he loses the right to use the living space.

Article 31 of the RF Housing Code states that a former family member, for example, a former spouse and (or) his relatives, lose the right to use the apartment.

When the ownership of an apartment is transferred to another person, the new owner has the right to demand an extract from everyone who was registered in it before the transfer of ownership to the new owner, unless otherwise provided by agreement or law.

If people were registered in the apartment before privatization, they can also be discharged, but this will be a more complicated procedure.

Article 31 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Rights and obligations of citizens living together with the owner in residential premises belonging to him” states:

family members of the apartment owner are his current spouse, children and parents of the owner. Other relatives, as well as disabled dependents, can be recognized as family members in exceptional cases if they are moved into the apartment by the owner himself.

If the apartment goes under the hammer, the court may oblige the former owner to provide accommodation for a former family member (poor and/or disabled), to whom he has alimony obligations.

According to the current law, citizens registered in housing have the right to move their minor children into residential premises without the permission of the owner.

When the ownership of an apartment is transferred to another person, the former owner and any other persons registered in the apartment of the former owner lose the right to use the housing on an equal basis with the owner (unless otherwise provided by agreement or law).

The management company, as well as the co-owners of the property, if they paid utility bills for the debtor, can, through the court, collect utility debts from the willful defaulter. When the debtor has no other assets, the court can foreclose on the apartment. Then the apartment will be put up for auction, and the debt will be collected from the amount received. This is possible if the alienated apartment is not the only one the debtor has.

* * *
In all cases, except for leaving abroad, the former owners will need to register at some address - temporarily or permanently - within ten days, otherwise a (small) fine will be issued.

If you are bankrupt and lose your only home for debts, you will have to register at the place of your actual residence.

In order to check out of the apartment, the owner and his relatives will need to provide their passports and applications to the EIRC. The “Statistical Retirement Sheet” is filled out by citizens leaving for permanent residence abroad.

Within a few working days after receiving the application at the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service, you will be given back a passport with a mark of deregistration. It would not be amiss to remind you that when conducting a transaction, the home seller must be legally capable and must be fully aware of all the actions being taken, i.e. he should not suffer from mental illness or be a person with mental disabilities.

Children who own homes are protected by law

Guardianship authorities today do not take part in the registration procedure for minor children, except in cases where the child is under guardianship. The child is discharged from the apartment for sale only together with his parents or guardians.

If the parental rights of the father and mother are deprived, the child retains the right to reside in the apartment and the right of ownership, and in the event of the death of the parents, retains the right of inheritance, despite the deprivation of parental rights. In this case, parents deprived of parental rights lose the right of inheritance for the child. If the parents live separately, the child's discharge is possible only with their mutual consent. Citizens under the age of 18 who are discharged from the apartment being sold must be registered at the address where they plan to live.

For those liable for military service - their own rules

A citizen registered with a military registration and enlistment office must first be deregistered at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration, and then register with a new military registration and enlistment office at the place of temporary or permanent registration.

In this case, the citizen liable for military service fills out an application in the EIRC in form No. 6 with a tear-off coupon, presenting to the employees of this organization a Russian passport, a document confirming ownership of the housing in which he is going to register - i.e. an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property, as well as a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service. Then you need to notify the military registration and enlistment office at your previous place of residence about your desire to deregister. There, the person liable for military service signs a statement of the established form, after which the military registration and enlistment office employee puts a stamp on deregistration on the military ID (or capital), as well as on the registration card. Then you will need to register with the military registration and enlistment office at your new place of residence - with a new stamp on the military ID (or capital) and on the registration card. The EIRC, in turn, will also put the corresponding stamps in the passport.

What are the consequences of not having a residence permit?

A person who does not have permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation falls out of society. He has difficulties using social benefits, receiving free medical care, and finding employment. Most likely, without registration he will not be able to obtain a driver’s license, pension insurance certificate or medical insurance.

Even his very presence on the territory of the Russian Federation without registration is qualified by law enforcement agencies as an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles (depending on the region).

To avoid various incidents, a person selling a single apartment should take care of registration in another apartment or house in advance. Often, citizens in such circumstances negotiate registration for a small fee in village houses with some acquaintances or distant relatives, and receive temporary registration in rural areas.

Currently, citizens throughout the country can live without registration at their actual location for up to 90 days. These changes to the Rules were made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2004 No. 825.

Registration authorities are:

In cities, towns, rural settlements, closed military camps, as well as in settlements located in the border zone or closed administrative-territorial entities in which there are internal affairs bodies - internal affairs bodies;
- in other settlements - local governments.

In one apartment, and how the number of registered ones will affect.

Is pre-registration required?

To register, do you need to leave your previous place of residence? And is it possible to register without an extract?

The answer to the question can be given ambiguous. You can check out from your previous place of residence.

In this case the law defined 7 days, in which the person discharged must register at a new address.

However, this procedure does not make much sense today, since it is possible automatic checkout. If you still need to check out, the result will be the issuance of a departure certificate to the applicant

If you do not register in time after discharge, you may receive administrative fine.

Is it possible to register without being discharged? Today it is possible to register in a new location, without checking out in the old one. To do this, you need to submit a package of papers for registration for a new registration.

In the process of its registration the applicant will be automatically discharged from the previous place. That is why you don’t have to check out from your previous place, it will happen automatically.

In order to register quickly and correctly in a new place and check out from the previous one, you need to sort out in advance the package of papers, the waiting period for the result and other nuances of the case.

You can find out whether you can register in, in or a village, in, in, and also in from our articles.

Where to start, where to turn?

How to register in another apartment? You should start right away with preparation package of papers for new registration. If there is no urgent need to leave your place of residence, then you don’t have to do this.

However, when for some reason you need to do this, then the extract does not pose a problem. You just need to come to the registration authority with your passport and write application for deregistration.

Where do you register?

In Russia there is a special body that deals with issues of registration and migration - Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The name of this body may not be familiar, but it is the successor to the Federal Migration Service.

This change did not change the procedure for obtaining registration in any way.

Where to submit documents? For an interested person, there are many options for places and authorities that can be contacted for registration.

This is due to the provision maximum convenience for registrants, since the lack of choice would lead to a heavy workload of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and huge queues. So, where can you register or check out:

  • passport office at the location of the property;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Through the State Services portal you can only submit an application and scanned documents.

To get the result you will have to appear in another of the possible places with all originals.

Package of documents

To obtain a residence permit, you must submit a certain package of documents. It includes papers about the applicant, about real estate and additional ones. So, in any case you will need it package which includes:

Also find out whether you need to obtain the bank's consent for a stranger.

Terms and cost of registration

Those who applied directly to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will have to wait a minimum period. The result should be ready in 3 days. In other cases, the waiting period will increase up to 6-7 days.

Registration does not cost the applicant anything, since it is not subject to any mandatory payments, including state duty.

However, if the applicant does not want to personally handle the registration, he can resort to the help of a representative and pay for his services, if they agree on this. That is, costs can only be additional and do not always occur.

You can learn about the difference in concepts, as well as the differences, on our website.


What papers are issued in the end? The result of obtaining registration will be stamp affixed by the registration authority in the applicant’s passport. However, if he minor, then as a result he will be issued a certificate of registration.

If an adult registering requires an additional certificate, it must be requested separately.

Features and nuances

The main feature of obtaining registration in premises of various types of property is the presentation written consent from those persons who must give it in a particular case. Without such permission, the person will not be registered.

Besides, refuse in providing registration due to the delay in certain certificates or documents.

For example, if an applicant has an expired passport, registration will not take place until a valid one is received.

After correcting the shortcomings, you can apply again with an application for registration in another apartment.

Thus, obtaining registration when moving to a new apartment is carried out according to the standard scenario.

In order to obtain it, you need to collect some documents and submit them to the registration authority. Check out in advance, unless there is some emergency need, it is not necessary.