How long does it take to learn how to dance oriental dances? Is it possible to learn to dance on your own? At the disco? For video lessons? Guys and girls learn to dance salsa at different speeds.

I'm already 30,40,50... Isn't this too much for salsa?! Watch the video: this beautiful lady is 75 years old. She started dancing at 70, after the death of her husband. She has seven grandchildren. Her partner, a salsa school instructor, is about forty years younger than her. :)

Do you have groups for children?

Unfortunately, we do not currently have children's salsa classes. The adult group is recommended for teenagers aged 14 years and older.

Is it possible to learn to dance salsa, bachata, kizomba outside of class? At the disco? For video lessons?

If you really want to, of course you can. Depending on what level of dancing you want to achieve. Currently, the Internet is littered with various “training” tutorials for all types of dances. But only a person who can distinguish between high-quality and low-quality training can learn from them and will take from these lessons what he needs.

Video dance lessons - this should rather be an addition to the main classes in the group. That is, to begin with, studying in a group is not just advisable, but simply necessary, since only a professional teacher can provide the basis, personally pointing out your mistakes.

With bachata and kizomba, everything is a little simpler than with salsa, they don’t have an abundance of complex movements; in fact, you can master them on your own, but only by having some dance experience in social dancing, by observing and repeating the teachers. Initially, these dances arose so that everyone could dance them without special dance training. However, in these dances, as well as in salsa, there are moments that simply will not be visible on a video or at a disco, for example: leading and following techniques, hand work, spins and turns.

But the point of all social dances is to be able to dance with different partners, and group classes provide just such an opportunity. Well, besides, learning in a group is much more fun than learning alone from a video))

How long will it take me to learn how to dance salsa?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. Try to answer, how much time does it take to learn a foreign language?

First of all, everyone is different. And if one person needs one lesson to understand how the movement is done, hear the music and learn a sequence, then the other suffers from the same thing for a whole year. Secondly, how quickly you will progress depends on how regularly you take dance classes. Thirdly, what does “learning to dance salsa” mean to you? How will you know that you have learned? You might want to read the answer to the following question:

But nevertheless, based on our work experience, specific deadlines for the average student can still be named:

  1. Beginner level 1. Sense of rhythm and basic steps of salsa - 1 month
  2. Entry level 2. The simplest work in pairs using the example of "casino" - 2 months
  3. Average level. Complex "casino" ligaments, salsa base LA - 4 months

Thus, theoretically, in a season (4-6 months) you can more or less learn salsa. And you can improve your dance endlessly!

Is it difficult to learn to dance salsa?

In the phrase "learn to dance salsa" there are two components: “dance” and “salsa”. And the first is much more difficult than the second.

There are people who come to dance school specifically to “learn salsa.” It may seem strange, but in fact “salsa” is quite possible without “dance”. Those. You can learn many, many moves, learn how to twirl your partner this way and that, but still not learn how to dance. Unfortunately, the consequences of such activities are clearly visible.

On the other hand, learn dance- it’s much more expensive than just learning salsa. Well, if you just want to hang out in a club, then learning to dance is not at all necessary. After all, you will need to work hard to learn to control your body, understand music, and master the basics of choreography. This will require much more time and effort than just “salsa”.

Do you need it? I don't know. But if you learn not just “salsa,” but “dance salsa,” I assure you, the result will be much more interesting. Especially for partners. For example, you will be much more pleasant to look at and it will be much more pleasant to dance with you. Learning “salsa” is a process that will exhaust itself in three months at most. You will stop developing and begin to notice that nothing new is happening in class. And most likely, you will become bored, you will abandon your salsa school and just go to discos and dance there what you were honored to learn. I know a lot of examples of this.

And another option, if you are disappointed in your salsa school, you will start looking for where else to learn. But no matter where you work "salsa" until you start learning "dance", nothing will change.

How many people are in the group?

Based on our experience, we believe that the optimal number of students in a beginner salsa group is about 15-20 people. Less is boring, more is cramped. After starting a group, additional enrollment is carried out for some time, and then for various reasons students begin to drop out - some have changed priorities, some are stressed with work, others are waiting at home, etc. As a result, after three to four months there may be 10-15 people left in the group. The quantity is sufficient for the successful implementation of the educational process, but not crowded.

For salsa and bachata classes, any clothes that do not restrict movement, must be clean, and comfortable shoes are best suited (changeable shoes are welcome, in the fall and winter they are required). Since the dances are for couples, make sure that your appearance is pleasing to the partner with whom you will dance.

During your first classes, most likely, you will absolutely not think that you need any special clothing or shoes for these purposes. At the beginning of training, the program is very easy and no special equipment is needed to complete it. But it is best to buy shoes with low heels or wedges, but sneakers with rubber inserts on the soles will not work. They will be difficult to turn in.

But if you decide to seriously engage in dance and want to approach the matter thoroughly, then it is better to purchase specially designed shoes for dancing. The design of such shoes can have a positive impact on success in performing dance elements, on posture and on the style of movement.

Shoes for classes salsa It is not necessary to buy from a specialty store. You can also buy it at a regular retail outlet, the main thing is that these shoes do not slip off the foot, have good elasticity, a comfortable last, and do not hinder movement. But after analyzing all these requirements, we can come to the conclusion that it is easier to find suitable shoes in a special store.

2. Do you offer classes for children?

There are no salsa classes for children at this time. But we take students into adult groups starting from the age of seventeen.

3. Is it possible to learn to dance on your own? At the disco? For video lessons?

Of course, you can learn to dance both on the dance floor of discotheques and through video lessons. It all depends on your persistence and the results you want to achieve. Nowadays you can find many training lessons for all dances on the Internet. However, video lessons are rather an additional element to ongoing classes in schools. First you need to visit a dance school to gain basic knowledge and skills. The entire process will be led by a professional teacher who has some experience, he will be able to point out mistakes and give practical advice, he will show the necessary advice and correct you where mistakes are made. Thanks to this, you can learn to dance faster.

It is much easier to learn bachata using video lessons. There are not so many complex movements in this dance, you can master them yourself, but, of course, it is better to either have some experience in dancing, or communicate and learn some skills from a teacher. If you take an interest in the history of the emergence and development of bachata, you will see that everyone danced it without any preparation. This dance belongs to social dances, it was invented for everyone without exception, it has very simple movements. But there are still movements that are quite problematic, and sometimes impossible, to catch on video. And at a dance school with group training it is much more interesting than at home alone.

4. How long does it take to learn to dance salsa?

It is quite difficult to answer this question. And this may depend on many conditions. All people have different capabilities and abilities. The first may need one single lesson to understand the specifics of movements, catch the rhythm of the music, learn several movements in total, while the second will spend a large amount of his time on this. The second condition for learning quickly is the frequency of attendance at dance classes. And what does the phrase “I learned to dance” mean? You can hone your skills and craftsmanship endlessly.

But still, based on the experience of the teachers of our dance school, we can name the average time frame for which training takes place. This period can be divided into three levels. At the first level, a sense of rhythm is captured and basic movements are reinforced. It lasts one month. At the second level, which lasts two months, work occurs with a partner. And the intermediate level at which complex connectives are studied. The duration of this level is 4 months.

Therefore, in up to 6 months you can learn the basics of salsa. And improving your movements is endless!

5. Is it difficult to learn to dance salsa?

The phrase “learn to dance salsa” has two components: “dance” and “salsa.” So “dancing” is much more difficult than “salsa”.

There are two categories of people who attend dance schools - those who want to learn perfectly dance salsa and those who just want salsa. Yes yes exactly just salsa. In this case, you can remember many movements and sequences, but still not learn to dance. And the results of such training, alas, are noticeable even to non-professionals.

Learning to dance salsa is more difficult than just salsa. For example, if you want to have a blast at discos, then it is not at all necessary to learn to dance, since here you will have to spend a lot of effort and spend a lot of time at school. This is necessary in order to feel the rhythm of the melody, control your body, acquire some skills and understand the basics of the art of dance, that is, gain some experience. But it will require a lot of hard work.<.p>

Everyone answers the question whether all this is necessary. But if you still decide learn to dance salsa, the results will be excellent. Both for you and your partner. After all, it will be much more fun to dance with you, and even learn something. However, there are many examples who wanted dance salsa, but their desire quickly dried up. And such students leave the dance school. And then they repeat the movements in clubs in the same way as they learned. And there are many such examples. And even if you are busy looking for a new school, nothing will change until you start learning to dance.

How long does it take to become a good dancer?

It is impossible to give a definite time estimate. It all depends on how quickly you learn, how much you practice, how often you take classes, the skills of your teacher, your level of dedication and ultimately what “good” means to you.

What is your goal?

Be a good salsa dancer?

Become a great dancer?

Participate in shows and competitions?

To be the best?

Obviously, it will take less time to become just a good dancer than to become a great salsa performer in show numbers. But learning time can vary widely depending on the individual, as everyone learns at a different pace. Don't be discouraged if someone learns faster than you. Keep in mind that some people already have experience in other dances, which can help them learn faster. You can spend different amounts of time learning salsa, depending on the level you want to achieve and your efforts.

6 salsa levels

One day, while sitting in a restaurant, my student asked me to tell him what skills you need to have in order to dance salsa perfectly. I have identified 6 levels of salsa dancing ability.

Level 1

Beginner level. Two people learn to move and interact together without stepping on each other's feet, learning the basic elements.

Level 2

The partner and partner now dance to the music, making basic figures and variations.

Level 3

The partner leads to more complex figures and variations. Dancers begin to use space in more interesting ways with rotations and changes of direction.

Level 4

The partner stops thinking about his own steps and begins to lead his partner easily. Management skills have been developed and an understanding has come of what the partner needs. The partner begins to show off his partner in all her glory, using more carefully thought out variations.

Level 5

The partner and partner begin to play with the rhythms. Syncopations, decelerations, accelerations, accents and stops are beginning to be actively used in dance.

Level 6

FINAL LEVEL... This is when dancers become visual instruments of music (You can read more about musicality in the article “Dancing to music and dancing musically”). When a deaf person watches them dance and sees the music through their movements and interpretations. This is when the interactions, accents and all the movements match the energy level and mood of each song. Therefore, each dance looks different, as the dancers are inspired by the music at the moment, as if they are playing some role within the play. This is when I personally reach euphoria or ecstasy. When I feel the accents build on the music and my partner gives me the opportunity to make a movement that punctuates the pause, I get a thrill and satisfaction.

Enjoy your quest for knowledge (4 zones)

Progress is directly related to the learning process:

Unconscious Incompetence (Zone 1)

This area isn't that bad. You usually don't realize that you're doing anything wrong one way or another. This zone represents the very beginning of learning something new. If you decide that you really like to dance, then the next zone will confirm how great your desire is.

Conscious Incompetence (Zone 2)

Perhaps this is the most unpleasant area. Now you've seen enough capable dancers that you may wonder if you'll ever be able to dance like them. This is when you know you are doing something wrong, but still can't do anything about it! Your mind understands the desired outcome, but your body may often refuse to cooperate, doing things differently than desired. This is the stage that we all go through before we start to succeed. Dancers who are at this stage must persevere and then everything will change in the next stage.

Conscious competence (zone 3)

Everything is finally starting to come together. You are doing the movement correctly and you know it! This is the middle level of development and perhaps the longest, when the dancer begins to discover that their feet have a mind of their own and that leading/following begins to happen on an automatic level. You begin to react faster to everything and do some things without thinking. This is called muscle memory. This is the time when your body and legs need less control. Trust them and maybe they will surprise you.

Unconscious competence (zone 4)

Your efforts and determination have yielded good results, which you now realize! You begin to soar in the dance. You enjoy the movements and the music. You dance easily, without thinking. Music has become the basis for your movements. There are many different movements in your repertoire and you hear music differently. You feel and play with every accent. Now you are an advanced dancer, you feel and look great in dance and are only getting better! You will find various additional areas of development in which you will need to return to zone 1, but now you are more ready for this and are ready to experience the wonderful excitement associated with the learning process. The only thing that can stop you is yourself.

Don't forget zone 2: Share your experience and ability with others. Remember what it was like when you first started. As an experienced dancer, you can have an extremely positive influence on someone new. Be kind because you can also have a negative impact. Don't give advice or correct your partner on the dance floor unless he asks for it. This behavior is actually very unpleasant for most dancers (More about these and other things is written in the article “Social Dancing Etiquette”). In addition, you cannot always know whether you are giving the right advice. You may give the wrong advice. Leave the training to the teachers and do your best to make your partner feel comfortable and enjoy dancing with him.

I already have experience in dancing, will I learn faster?

Having experience in other dances will not necessarily allow you to learn faster, although it usually helps. Experience in dancing usually means that you will already have developed good coordination, flexibility, balance, learn how to properly transfer weight, rotate, etc. Musical experience is also helpful since you are more likely to have a good sense of rhythm. However, some dances are so different from salsa that dancers must eradicate bad habits that they have formed that are not consistent with salsa technique.

A good illustration of this is a ballerina learning to dance salsa. Ballerinas can have many positive skills for salsa, such as posture, balance, movement, and sense of rhythm. Salsa is more of a club dance and thus ballerinas may face some challenges. They are usually not used to being led, their bodies may be too stiff or too relaxed, they may put weight on the wrong leg, etc. This can make it seem like they are still dancing ballet while they are trying to dance salsa. This can make learning salsa difficult and frustrating.

Modern salsa often incorporates movements from other dances. Hip-hop, ballroom, swing or other dancers can use their skills to add a certain twist and make their dance unique to them. In fact, many professional salsa dancers train in other styles to improve salsa! Hip-hop/jazz to add more funk, ballet to improve posture and rotation, ballroom dancing to gain better body control, etc. So, whether you've danced other dances or not, keep in mind that salsa has its own "feel." Give this "feeling" a chance and don't try to feel the same in salsa as you do in another dance.

Do guys and girls learn to dance salsa at different speeds?

A partner usually has a lot more things to think about during the initial training phase than a female partner. In addition to rhythm, steps, frame and memorization of ligaments, partners must also be focused on leading (Read the article “How to learn to lead a partner in dance?”). This is one of the most difficult things about the art of salsa dancing. Partners must have a good sense of rhythm and interaction, which is usually only developed through long practice with a large number of partners. Also, good partners often show their steps by leading, while partners do not have this luxury.

Following is also an art that takes a lot of time to learn (Read the article “How to learn to follow your partner’s lead in dance?”). A good partner should develop sensitivity to leading, not try to guess movements, hold the frame and have good interaction, keep her hands in the right tone while her partner is leading. In addition, female partners do a lot more spins, which can be quite a difficult skill. However, in general, male partners study longer than female partners.

Another reason why new partners can learn faster is that they can dance more in clubs with good dancers, gaining good experience. It is difficult for new partners to dance with girls who dance better than them, since their range of movements is very limited. Nowadays, some partners also dance for the partner, and partners for the partner. Don't be surprised if you see this in a nightclub.

Do girls need to go to classes?

Many girls can gain certain skills in nightclubs by dancing with many good partners. Some can actually reach a very high level this way. This type of dancer usually has great sensitivity and reaction to follow complex figures. However, in some cases you will be able to see from your partner whether she attended classes. Often they will shift their weight incorrectly and get their feet mixed up because the steps have never been properly taught. They may be able to lead into complex figures, but often partners will feel that something has been done wrong or that they need to put in too much effort to lead their partner. The dance of such partners can be improved only by studying some basic principles. The activities would allow them to maximize their potential.

Are you really ready to progress?

Many teachers test their students to see if they are ready to move on to the next level. Although teachers usually do not restrict students from moving to the next level when the previous one has come to an end, they may recommend taking classes at the same level. Very often, students are under the impression that if they have completed a level of learning, then they have progressed. Typically, those who exercise regularly are ready to move on to the next level, but those who do not attend training regularly and miss a lot should seriously consider repeating training at the same level. Students who study again at the same level often say that it is amazing how much clearer it is the second time and how much more they learned or how it improved their technique. Many dancers are attracted to the word “advanced” and everyone wants to take advanced classes. But it's better to dance a few steps well than to know a lot of steps and dance them badly.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN TO DANCE ORIENTAL DANCES? ===================================================== === Or: “How long will it take me to learn to dance from you?” - a stranger asks me on the phone, wanting to make an appointment. Honestly, in the top of the stupidest questions, this is number 1. Because in order to answer it, the teacher must be at least a telepath and a clairvoyant rolled into one! And with the power of his teaching genius, he must determine by voice in half a second: whether you have dance or other physical training or not; Your age; how well do you feel tempo-rhythms; what is your motor and musical memory; and finally - what are your goals. Because only on the basis of these primary data can you predict how long it will take you to learn to dance. The point “Your goals” is special. Simply put, what does “LEARNING TO DANCE” mean to you? - because dozens and hundreds of people answered this question differently. As a result, the following picture emerged: 1. “A la Jade.” You will laugh, but for half of those who regularly call me, “learning to dance” means portraying something similar to the “East”, putting on a bunch of bracelets and wrapping themselves in monists, so that, moving their hips, they can simply amuse/amaze their colleagues at a New Year’s corporate party or similar event. They can teach you this in a couple of weeks or even days, depending on how you grasp it. You can even just type “belly dance” for beginners into a search engine - and soon you will definitely be able to depict “two stomps - twist your butt.” Especially if you tie jingling scarves with monists on your butt)))) Appropriate makeup, accessories - beads, earrings, bracelets - and you are the star of the corporate dance floor. ...Only this is not “learn to dance”... 2. “A surprise for the Sultan” - or “already something”. Dance a composition that is more or less meaningful to your body as a surprise to your loved one. Effective. This will require a competent teacher and - either a group of beginners/hobbies, or individual lessons, which, of course, are more expensive - but the effectiveness also increases significantly. Because the teacher is completely focused on you. By practicing twice a week, in 2-5 months (everywhere and everyone is different), it is quite possible to master the basics of oriental dance and learn a choreography of zero degree of complexity, even if you have never danced in your life. 3. "Basic level". In a year and a half of group classes, you will master basic and medium difficulty elements, be able to dance 3-4 dances (again, different in each studio), and master the basics of choreography. You will begin to distinguish Arabic music from Indian, classics from pop music. When you hear the sound of a tabla anywhere, it makes you shake and your blood begins to boil)))))) You dance in the school report room. Perhaps you are participating in your first competitions. The realization dawns that “belly dancing” is not as easy as it seemed at first. Palaces, sultans, palm trees and incense from Scheherazade's fairy tales are fading - in their place, a native dance hall is increasingly stubbornly emerging))) 4. “Advanced level”: 2-3 years of group study + individual training, participation in school reporting competitions and others cultural events, sit tightly on the adrenaline rush of the stage. An obsessive desire to constantly improve technique and performance level, broadening one's horizons. Find out the top Arab classical, instrumental, and pop performers; Do you know the belly dance stars? Master classes, competitions, costumes and rhinestones are a separate expense item in your budget. Start saving for Egyptian festivals. Then dancing becomes more and more a way of life, you like to improvise more and more, and the more you learn, the deeper the understanding comes: you can learn belly dancing all your life, it is inexhaustible, like any Art... Dance inspiration to everyone!

Is it difficult to learn to dance?

It's really no more difficult than anything you're new to. Dance styles are very different from each other. Even if you have mastered one of them, it will be unusual for you to do the other.

However, all dances are associated with the ability to control your body. And if this is not new to you (for example, you have been involved in martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, and even more so dancing), it will be easier for you to adapt to new movements than for a beginner who is not friends with his body.

Even if you have a rather wooden body, you should not despair. The secret of success is constant practice.

Learning to dance from video lessons is more difficult than from courses. If your body is flexible and obedient, you can still do something similar to the movements of the instructor from the video. If not, you can quickly become disappointed in dancing: the difference between what is shown in the video and what you see in the mirror will be too strong.

Still, it's worth a try. At least in order to decide on the right one.

How many times a week do you dance?

At first, after exercising, your muscles may ache. But, unlike strength training or running, the body does not require a recovery period.

Therefore, you can safely practice dancing all the time. One of my teachers said that you need to dance 25 hours a day. In any case, the more you dance, the more noticeable your progress will be.

How to learn to dance modern dances

From this direction we have chosen three types that can often be found in the schedules of fitness clubs and dance schools. And the first is plastic and incredibly beautiful contemporary art.

Abel M/

Contemporary mixed elements of modern jazz, yoga and martial arts, seasoned with improvisation and attention to breathing. This is freedom and plasticity - the natural beauty of movement.

Here is a video with a combination in contemporary style. Give it a try, just be sure to warm up and stretch thoroughly before teaching.

And here is the second part:

By the way, about warming up. The video below contains a full lesson with warm-up, stretching and analysis of the combination. In English, but everything is clear without translation.

If you don’t have time to repeat or consider how a certain movement is done, set the speed to 0.25.

If you liked the combinations, but you can’t repeat them yet, here are some more videos with routine contemporary exercises.

Most likely, you will have to do the same in dance school before you can perform beautiful combinations.

Many people confuse pole exercises and strip exercises. The second is a simply sensual dance that can be performed without a pole.

When doing strip plastic, you won’t have to stand at the machine and pull your toe. Everything here is based on the natural sexuality of the female body. Of course, many teachers diversify strip dance with elements of contemporary or modern, Latin American dances and other styles, but here it all depends on the teacher.

How beautiful your dance will look depends again on how well you can control your body, how mobile your joints and muscles and tendons are.

The video below contains an analysis of the combination. Not too simple, but very sensual and beautiful. And you won't have to do any movements on the floor, so your knees won't get hurt.

And here is a playlist with strip dance lessons from different dance schools. There are both individual movements and combinations.

And one more, simpler combination. Try it if the first one didn't work out.


This is a sensual and beautiful dance, which, among other things, helps to develop plasticity and even get rid of some health problems.

There are a lot of belly dancing lessons on YouTube. Below are some of them.

The basic movements are explained very clearly here:

And the second part:

Below is a playlist with five lessons for beginners from another teacher.

How to learn to street dance

Hip-hop has only been around for about 50 years. But during this time, many trends and styles have appeared, with different elements, plastics, and special features.

In addition, modern hip-hop is often supplemented with movements from other dance styles, which provides even richer vocabulary and original combinations.

But before you come up with your own combinations, you need to master the basics. In the playlist below you will find basic movements, steps and many combinations. They explain everything clearly. If you can't keep up, reduce the video speed.

The videos in the next big playlist explain the concepts of inertia, manipulation, and isolation in hip-hop. There's also a story about improvisation, battle behavior if you're ready for that, and several options for ground hip-hop moves (on the floor) to diversify your combinations.


Breakdancing consists of different elements: tricks and power movements on the floor, waves, fixations, as well as changing the levels at which the dance is performed.

Here on this channel There is training in different styles: Waving, King Tut, Robot, - analysis of the technique of power elements and basic movements at different levels.

Below is a video with a detailed analysis of the “6 steps” element from Footwork.

And here you can see how the “turtle” is performed.

Here is a voluminous playlist in which there are quite a lot of breakdancing elements with a detailed analysis of the technique of dance and strength elements.

Lauren Wood/

A sexy dance in which you need to actively work your buttocks, hips, stomach and arms. In this playlist you will find several lessons with analysis of twerk movements.

How to learn to dance ballroom dancing

You will probably need a waltz at least once in your life. Moreover, dancing it at an amateur level is not so difficult.

Here are four good lessons that will teach you how to hold your hands and perform the basic waltz steps as a pair or individually.

How to learn to dance social dances

Social dancing is not created for competition, but for communication between partners and enjoyment. Improvisation is encouraged here, through which the dancer can express himself, his feelings and emotions.

This dance comes from the Dominican Republic. He is very sensual and sometimes erotic. The basis of bachata is four steps with an emphasis on the last one. In the dance there are rotations and flips of the partner, small supports.

Despite the fact that bachata is a pair dance, you can also learn solo combinations. For example, if you don’t have a partner yet.

The video below shows an analysis of the main steps. Where to shift your body weight, how to hold your hands, how to make an accent - everything is described in great detail.

And here is a variation of bachata from the same teacher.

Below is a playlist for those who want to dance bachata as a couple. These are Dominican bachata lessons from the Imagine dance school.

This is a passionate couples dance originally from Africa, more precisely from Angola. It is now performed all over the world and is especially popular in France and Portugal.

Steps, a lot of hip work and close contact with your partner. Sometimes very cramped. For example, in the Tarraxinha style, a slower and more sensual version of this social dance.

Here is a playlist with kizomba lessons.

And another playlist with videos from another dance studio.

That's all. If you have favorite training videos, share them in the comments to the article.