How you can save money when applying for compulsory insurance. detailed description of ways to save

Since October 2014, MTPL insurance has been rising in price, and quite significantly: let’s say, a young inexperienced driver, a Muscovite, who owns a Ford Focus (115 hp), will pay 11 thousand instead of 8.5 thousand. The more pressing question is: how to save on insurance?

Tariffs are uphill

Let us remind you that the rise in the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance is primarily due to an increase in the limit of insurance payments. So, if previously, for damage to the property of a third party, compensation was due in the range of 120 thousand rubles or 160 thousand for several victims, now the limit is 400 thousand. Moreover, if previously the mentioned 160 thousand was the general limit of payments, now an amount of up to 400 thousand can be paid to each of the victims. Other “bonuses” include a reduction in the maximum wear rate from 80% to 50%.

However, this is not the last time OSAGO tariffs have increased. The law allows for adjustments to the tariff schedule twice a year, so in the spring of 2015 we will see a new round of increases in the cost of compulsory motor insurance, associated with an increase in the limit of “health” payments: from 160 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

So how can you save on compulsory motor liability insurance?

1. Choose insurance

In previous times, this advice was useless, because MTPL rates were “rigid” and did not depend on a specific insurance company. In the new edition, the law allows for a slight gap - for example, the basic coefficient is 2440-2574 rubles. Previously, let us remind you, it was 1980 rubles.

For the Ford Focus driver mentioned above, the amount of the MTPL contribution will range from 10.5 to 11.1 thousand rubles.

2. Don't get carried away with power

OSAGO is another reason to limit your appetite when choosing a car. As with vehicle tax, insurance takes into account engine power. Let's say, for a 69-horsepower Skoda Fabia, our hypothetical motorist would pay 9.3 thousand, and for a 152-horsepower Skoda Yeti - already 14.8 thousand!

Taking into account the fact that compulsory motor liability insurance has not gone up in price for the last time, you can think about a rational choice the next time you change your car.

3. The power of registration

A fair share of the cost of OSAGO is formed by regional coefficients: for example, for Moscow it is 1.8, for many cities near Moscow (Naro-Fominsk, Yakhroma, Pavlovsky Posad) - 1.7. But in Russian regions, especially in small cities, the coefficient is noticeably lower: in Kaluga and Pskov - 1.2, in Penza - 1.4, in Arzamas - 1.1.

It is useless to re-register a car in a small town - the coefficient is selected based on the owner’s registration. It is clear that the majority will not want to change their Moscow registration to a regional one in order to win several thousand a year. But for residents of regions who have housing or relatives in small towns, sometimes it makes sense to register there.

4. No restrictions

Insurance without restrictions implies that any driver can get behind the wheel, whereas in a regular policy everyone allowed to drive is included. It is clear that unlimited insurance costs money - the increasing coefficient is 1.8.

But exactly the same coefficient is set for young, inexperienced drivers, so if among those you want to include in the policy there are young and inexperienced drivers, you can insure without restrictions. In some cases, unlimited driving is even beneficial: say, a father is registered in the city of Donskoy, Tula Region, and a 21-year-old son with a year of driving experience is registered in Moscow. In this case, it is more profitable for the father to take out a policy without restrictions than to enroll his Muscovite son with maximum coefficients.

But there is a nuance: for policies without restrictions, the bonus-malus coefficient for accident-free driving is awarded only to the owner of the car.

5. Drive accident-free

The most radical way to save money is to avoid getting into accidents through your own fault. When the contract is first concluded, the driver is assigned a coefficient of 1.0, which is reduced by 0.05 after each accident-free year. Maximum savings are 50% after 10 years of accident-free driving.

However, insurance can become significantly more expensive if an accident occurs. So, a driver who has entered into a contract for the first time and has left for a year with two accidents due to his own fault will receive a coefficient of 2.45 the next year! That is, the difference in insurance price for an accident-free and accident-free driver can reach almost five times (2.45 and 0.5)!

By the way, in Western countries, the cost of compulsory insurance is one of the motivators for a careful driving style. In addition to possible damage from road accidents, fines and criminal penalties, violators face draconian insurance coefficients.

There are some very good opportunities to save on MTPL insurance that you may not have heard of yet. We will talk about them in the article, we will present the main and alternative ways to reduce the cost of the policy, we will consider the principles of forming its price and the possibility of saving when applying through the special Letishops service. But more about everything.

Factors influencing the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance

Many people believe that the cost of a policy is fixed, and its size depends only on the insurance company. This is wrong. Insurance costs may be higher or lower depending on a number of aspects:

  • The amount of the basic payment. This parameter cannot be changed - it is fixed at the legislative level.
  • Type of car. The class of a vehicle can be found in its owner's license.
  • The city in which the car owner lives. The larger the locality where the vehicle is registered, the higher the cost of the service.
  • Driver's experience. In certain cases, the price of compulsory motor insurance is influenced by driving experience.
  • Scope of application of the vehicle (vehicle). In practice, insurance costs for company cars are higher than for personal cars.
  • Agreement period. To save on car insurance, it is recommended to take out an MTPL policy for a longer period.

As can be seen from the above, the price of the policy depends on many factors. The most expensive insurance for a B-category driver costs about 41 thousand rubles. It is logical that many car owners have a desire to save on compulsory motor liability insurance and reduce its final cost as much as possible. But how to do it right?

Formula for calculating compulsory motor liability insurance

To understand the issue of savings, it is important to understand what components make up the cost of a civil liability insurance policy for car owners.

The formula looks like this:

Insurance price = TB*KBM*KT*KVS*KM*KO*KN*KS.

This calculation is relevant for insurance policies received by category B drivers who are individuals. The elements of the formula are coefficients, most of which vary within a specified range. Therefore, under certain conditions, the driver can reduce the final cost of the policy. Below we will look at how you can reduce each of the presented coefficients.

The first thing to start with is the coefficient, which cannot be changed. This is KM - an indicator that depends on the power of the vehicle engine. Its parameter is adjusted in the range from 0.6 (for engines up to 50 hp) to 1.6 (from 150 “horses” and above). If we consider most domestic cars, this coefficient is 1.1 (for engines with a capacity of 70-100 horsepower).

Some car owners, in order to save on car insurance, change the engine power by reprogramming the ECU or performing other actions. But this is not the best way to solve the problem. An easier way is to think about saving before buying a car and buy a vehicle with a less powerful engine.

What can be changed - real ways to save on compulsory motor liability insurance

Now it’s time to talk about current ways to reduce the cost of an insurance policy. We will talk about each of the coefficients that are included in the general formula and ways to reduce them.

Insurance tariff (TB)

There is an opinion that changing the basic insurance rate is a task from the realm of science fiction, because each insurer sets its own price. This is true, but in a small range TB still varies - from 3432 to 4118 rubles. If the car is used as a taxi, this figure is higher. As noted, each insurance company bills its TB within the stated range. The only way for a car owner to save is to call insurers and find the most profitable option.

Territory coefficient (CT)

The value of this component depends on the city where the owner of the vehicle is registered. The size of the CT can vary significantly, so the coefficient should be given special attention. For example, for a car owner from Ryazan, the calculation will be made taking into account a CT of 1.4, and for a small village near a large settlement 0.9. This means that a resident of the province can save significantly on purchasing a policy.

Another example can be given here. Muscovites are assigned a coefficient CT = 2, but for residents of Buryatia, for example, it is only 0.6. The difference is significant and amounts to 333%. If we convert this figure into national currency, the savings reach 10 thousand rubles, or even more. Of course, to reduce the cost of compulsory motor insurance it is not necessary to move from the capital to the outskirts of the country. But some options still exist.

One way is to transfer the vehicle to a relative or friend who lives in a locality with a low CT coefficient. At first glance, the option is ideal, because it allows you to significantly save on compulsory motor liability insurance. But there are disadvantages that should be taken into account:

  • An acquaintance or relative may show the worst qualities of character and eventually demand a car, which, by the way, was bought with your money. He explains his demand by the fact that the vehicle is officially in his possession.
  • In the event of the death of the person in whose name the car is registered, the power of attorney automatically becomes invalid, and the legal heirs have the right to inherit no earlier than six months later. And there are two pitfalls here. Firstly, the machine will be idle for six months (it will not be used). Secondly, the heirs may not return the vehicle.

Before deciding on the possibility of such savings, you should think carefully and analyze the risks. Despite a number of disadvantages, this is a good way to reduce the cost of compulsory motor insurance by several thousand rubles.

Driver class (KBM)

The next important factor is the driver class. It is marked in the compulsory motor liability insurance calculation formula as KBM. Using this parameter, you can judge whether the car owner has previously had insurance cases. The coefficient size ranges from 0.5 to 2.45. Please note a number of points here:

  • When purchasing an insurance policy, the car owner automatically receives class 3. If during the insurance period the driver has never been involved in an accident (due to his own fault), his class increases to 1. This means that with accident-free driving, the BMR coefficient becomes smaller each time.
  • In the event that during the insurance period one accident occurs due to the fault of the car owner (for example, having class 6), the parameter may change to 4. Consequently, the costs of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy also increase.
  • If the driver has not entered into the insurance policy for a year, he again returns to the original “class” - 3.

Please note that getting into an accident in the first year after issuing compulsory motor liability insurance leads to an increase in the coefficient and an increase in the cost of the policy over the next 14 years. The growth may be insignificant, but this fact cannot be ignored.

To reduce insurance costs and reduce the BMR coefficient, you need to drive carefully and avoid getting into an accident. If a minor accident occurs, for example, you hit your neighbor’s car when leaving the parking lot and broke off the side view mirror, it is better to negotiate and pay the costs on the spot. Registration of an insured event in such a situation is not advisable, because it will affect the size of the insurance claim and lead to large expenses. It’s easier to pay 600-800 rubles once than to wait for a traffic police officer and overpay for compulsory motor liability insurance. This is just one example, but the essence of the savings is clear. If the accident is minor, it is better to figure it out on the spot and not involve the insurance company in the matter.

Also take into account the nuances on which the growth of the KBM coefficient depends. It is known that, under the terms of MTPL insurance, several drivers are allowed to drive a car. If this is the case, the BMR increases and you have to pay more for the policy. If the document indicates a list of people allowed to manage the next year, the coefficient will increase for each of them.

What does it mean? For example, you need to indicate in the insurance policy yourself and family members who are over 21 years of age and received driving licenses less than three years ago. This means that the class of all drivers who have the right to drive a vehicle is equal to 3. In such a situation, the price of an open policy, as well as insurance with a list of persons allowed to drive, will not differ.

In such a situation, the insurer will insist on choosing the first option, because it opens up great opportunities for the car owner. But keep in mind that when purchasing such a MTPL policy, the class of each driver in the list will remain unchanged, but the owner’s will increase. If next year the length of service of the remaining persons included in the insurance exceeds three years, re-registration of insurance becomes meaningless due to an 80% increase in price.

As noted above, your class increases to 4, and for the rest of the persons included in the policy, it is equal to 3. Consequently, insurance becomes more expensive by 5%. And this amount will have to be overpaid until the class of all persons indicated in the insurance increases to 14. To achieve this result, you have to wait 11 years.

From the above, the conclusion suggests itself that purchasing open insurance is relevant only in extreme cases. Additionally, class growth can be used wisely. For example, if you and a friend received a driving license at the same time, but only your friend has a car, ask him to add himself to the policy. In such a situation, when buying a car in 3-4 years, your class will be higher, and the costs of obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance will, accordingly, decrease.

Age and length of service (PIC)

No less important is the coefficient that takes into account the driving experience and age of the driver. Its size ranges from 1.8 to 1. Thus, a driver under 22 years of age with up to 3 years of driving experience will pay the most for insurance, and his FAC coefficient will be 1.8. Experienced drivers aged 22 years or more with more than 3 years of experience can count on a PIC of 1.

How can you save on MTPL insurance in relation to this ratio? It is logical that it will not be possible to reduce the age, but it is quite possible to increase the length of service. A driver's license is issued only upon reaching the age of majority, but you can start training earlier - from the age of 17. As a result, the length of service increases and insurance costs decrease.

Open policy (KO)

The next parameter that deserves attention is the open policy ratio. Its size depends on whether there is a limit on the number of persons who can operate the machine. In the absence of limits, this parameter is equal to 1.8, and in the presence of restrictions - 1. As noted earlier, it is better not to use this type of insurance policy. On the one hand, the absence of restrictions allows any driver to drive, but on the other hand, you will have to pay more.

Application period (KS)

The machine usage time ratio depends on the period during which the machine will be used. This parameter varies from 0.5 (for 3 months) to 1 (10 months and more). It is worth noting that there is a nonlinear relationship here. This means that if you use the car for 6 months, you will have to pay not 50%, but 70% of the starting price of the policy. But in some cases, this opportunity for savings can be used in practice.

Violation rate (CN)

Law-abiding car owners who comply with traffic rules can count on reduced costs when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance. The KN coefficient can have two values ​​- 1 and 1.5. The second option applies if the car owner has committed one of the following violations:

  • I left without a license that had previously been confiscated.
  • He deceived the MTPL representative, which affected the cost of the policy (for example, he gave the wrong length of service or age).
  • Caused harm to the health/life of the victim.
  • Assisted in the occurrence of an emergency (insurance) event.
  • At the time of the accident, he was intoxicated (on drugs or alcohol).
  • He fled the scene of the accident.
  • Was not included in the MTPL agreement at the time of driving the car.
  • I drove a car with a diagnostic maintenance card, the validity period of which had expired. This is common for drivers who drive buses, taxis, trucks and vehicles designed to transport dangerous goods.
  • I got into an accident when the policy had already expired.

To save on compulsory motor liability insurance, it is enough to avoid the violations listed above. In this case, you can save 50% on the cost of the policy.

It is worth noting the existence of such a parameter as the maximum cost of the policy, which is relevant for each region of the country. The calculation uses a simple formula - 3*CT*TB or 5*CT*TB. The second calculation option is typical for cases where the driver committed at least one violation in the past period.

Thus, for Muscovites, the maximum cost of compulsory motor liability insurance is 24,708 rubles, provided that the driver did not commit a single violation during the last insurance period. Otherwise, insurance costs increase to 41,180 rubles. It is worth noting that the amounts mentioned are the maximum for Moscow. If the insurance company demands more payment, it is illegal.

An alternative way to save using LetyShops

There is another way to save on compulsory motor liability insurance - purchase an insurance policy through the special LetyShops service with cashback. This is one of the most famous sites in Russia and the CIS countries. A special feature of the online platform is that it offers refunds for purchases made in more than 1,000 stores.

The service has a loyalty program with three levels. The more people use the service, the higher the discount. If you wish, you can connect to a Premium account, which allows you to increase the discount by 30% of the regular rate. The price for connecting this option is 150 rubles monthly.

The advantages of the Letishops service include the presence of a loyalty program, stability of operation, no commission for withdrawals, regular provision of promotional codes and convenient extensions. There are also many stores at customers' disposal that offer discounts. In particular, you can buy MTPL insurance from Ingosstrakh with cashback. At the same time, you can return up to 800 rubles from each order. Money is credited to the account within one month.

We have already discussed most of the issues regarding compulsory motor liability insurance in the article. There we analyzed in detail the methodology for calculating the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, all the decreasing and increasing coefficients involved in it, and also analyzed the calculation of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for a light car for an individual using a specific example. In this article, I would like to focus on various recommendations for obtaining car insurance that will help you minimize the cost of your MTPL insurance policy in an absolutely legal way.

How to reduce the cost of an MTPL insurance policy

  • If you live in a large city, then, if possible, try to register your car in the name of a relative living in a rural area. This way you can reduce the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance by almost half.
    The fact is that the coefficient of the territory of primary use used to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance is higher, the larger the locality where the car owner is registered. This is explained by more intense traffic and, accordingly, a high probability of accidents in populated areas. So for most of the large cities of Russia (such as Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar) the coefficient of the territory of primary use is 1.8, but for rural areas it is mostly set within 0.6 - 1.0. Thus, it turns out that it is much more profitable to “link” your vehicle to sparsely populated cities and rural settlements by registering the car in the name of one of the close relatives living there.
    You can find out the values ​​of the coefficients of the territory of primary use for different settlements in Russia.

  • Try not to include in the list of drivers allowed to drive a vehicle, people under 22 years of age or people with less than 3 years of driving experience, as this will immediately increase the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy by 60-80%.
    The thing is that the coefficient of age and driver experience, which is responsible for the experience of drivers allowed to drive the insured vehicle, increases significantly (up to 1.6 - 1.8) for persons under 22 years of age and with driving experience of less than 3 -x years.

  • Try not to include drivers who are known to be dangerous in accidents (especially those with driving class 0 or M) in the list of persons allowed to drive a vehicle - this is not only risky for your vehicle, but also significantly increases the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance (for drivers with driving class 0 or M – more than 2 times).
    According to the rules, the bonus-malus coefficient (BMC), an indicator responsible for encouraging the driver for accident-free driving, is calculated for each of the drivers included in the insurance separately, and the maximum of the resulting coefficients is taken to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance. And therefore, even if you are a super-safe driver who does not have a single accident on your account, instead of a discount you will receive a huge increase in the cost of insurance due to the inclusion of another negligent driver.

  • If you still need to include a young, inexperienced driver (less than 22 years old and with less than 3 years of experience) or a dangerous driver with driving class 0 (KBM = 2.3) or M (KBM = 2.45) in your MTPL insurance policy, then it is better to take out unlimited insurance (i.e. insurance with an unlimited number of persons allowed to drive the vehicle).
    In the first case, with the same cost of compulsory motor liability insurance (the coefficient in both cases is 1.8), you will get more opportunities and fewer problems, and in the second case you will also significantly benefit in the cost of the insurance policy (the unlimited insurance coefficient of 1.8 is much less than the KBM coefficients of 2.3 and 2.45 ).

  • Before applying for an insurance policy, call (or check online) all insurance companies operating in your locality for prices on the basic compulsory motor liability insurance rate for your vehicle, thereby trying to determine where it is the lowest. But do not forget, of course, to take into account the status and integrity of the chosen insurance company.
    If previously the base tariff (a certain monetary value, from which they actually start when calculating compulsory motor liability insurance) was a fixed amount (for any insurance company), then from April 12, 2015, this is already a kind of monetary corridor, allowing insurance companies to vary the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance and, or attract customers with cheaper offers, or, on the contrary, set the highest possible tariff and attract customers with your well-known and well-known brand.

Basic rates of the most famous insurance companies

In fact, when analyzing the base rates for the most common auto insurance product - MTPL insurance policy for a passenger car of an individual– it turned out that most of the top insurance companies set the maximum possible amount of the basic tariff in 4118 rub. for all regions of Russia. Only a few settlements received an average ( 3700-3800 rub.) and the minimum value ( 3432 rub.) base tariff. At the same time, Moscow and the Moscow region are most often found with the minimum base tariff rate.

Below I will give the values ​​of basic MTPL tariffs for a class B passenger car for an individual in the most famous insurance companies:

  • Alfa insurance: Moscow and Moscow region, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad – 3432 4118 rub. (max).
  • VTB Insurance: Moscow and Moscow region – 3432 rub.(min), in other regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • VSK: in all regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • Ingosstrakh: Moscow region, Novosibirsk region, Chelyabinsk region – 3700-3800 rub., in other regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • MAX: in all regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • Renaissance Insurance: Moscow - 3432 rub.(min), Moscow region – 3775 rub., in other regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • RESO-Garantiya: Moscow region - 3775 rub., in other regions – 4118 rub. (max).
  • Rosgosstrakh: in all regions – 4118 rub. (max).

It is no secret that the cost of an MTPL policy has jumped several times in a very short period of time. And some car enthusiasts are seriously thinking about selling their car. After all, according to rumors, this increase in cost is not the limit. But few people know that there are ways to legally save money on the purchase of compulsory motor liability insurance. Let's take a closer look at them.

What does the cost of the policy consist of?

In order to figure out whether it is possible to save on compulsory motor liability insurance in 2016, you need to understand how to calculate the cost of the policy yourself. The final value is obtained by multiplying a number of coefficients:


T is the final amount that the policyholder will have to pay. She received the term insurance premium.

TB is the base rate, depending on the type of vehicle, category, etc. We will look at the most common example: a passenger vehicle. The base rate for this category is not constant, varying from 3432 to 4118. These numbers are established by law, and any insurance company has the right to choose a value from this range independently.

CT - territorial coefficient.

KBM is the bonus-malus coefficient, this is the driver’s cherished discount, growing from year to year. But under one condition - accident-free driving.

KM is the power factor of the vehicle. Depends on the power of the car.

KVS - coefficient of age and experience. It is taken for each driver separately.

KS is the seasonality coefficient for vehicle use.

KO - limitation coefficient on the number of persons admitted to management.

KN - coefficient of violations.

It is clear from the formula itself that the smaller the value on the right side, the smaller the final amount. Let's figure out what to save on when buying compulsory motor insurance.

How to reduce the coefficients?

Not all coefficients can be reduced. But it is possible to influence the final cost.

TB depends entirely on the choice of insurance. It varies in the range from 3432 to 4118. Therefore, you need to find out which companies have a mandatory policy that costs less. Often the final cost depends on this factor.

TB depends from the region of registration of the owner. For example, a person living in Voronezh will be able to buy compulsory motor liability insurance with CT=1.3. And if the owner’s registration was not in the city, but in the region, then the value from 1.3 would drop to 0.8. To reduce these numbers, you must have registration in another region, or re-register the car to a relative living in another region or region. But if you try to save money on this, you can create other problems. For example, having registered a vehicle in the name of a relative, you may not get your property back.

KBM installed legislation. In case of accident-free driving, it changes annually by 5%. Thus, any new driver (over 22 years of age and more than 3 years of experience) included in the policy will have a BMR of 1. His class is 3. If he does not commit any accidents for a year, he will be assigned class 4, respectively, the bonus malus will become 0.95. It is worth remembering that if there are several drivers in the policy, the discount value for the smallest class is taken. For example, 3 drivers with classes 3, 4, 5. The calculation will be based on a driver with class 3, therefore, you need to multiply by 1 in the calculations.

As for KM, it is impossible to influence here. If only you change the insides of the car in a radical way, which will turn out to be unprofitable in the end.

PIC depends on the age and experience of each driver. Like KBM, all entered persons are compared, and the calculation is made based on the maximum value. For example, for several years in a row the owner was the only driver and had a 7th class (KBM 0.8, KVS=1). In 2016, he added his son, whose age is less than 22 years and whose experience is less than 3 years, to the insurance policy. Consequently, the FAC became equal to 1.8. The cost of the policy has risen sharply. The value is taken depending on the table

Not everyone knows that you can pay less for compulsory motor insurance depending on seasonal use. For example, if a driver does not use a car in winter, he has no reason to pay for the entire year. In this case, the validity period of the contract itself will be for a year. But the period of use for these 365 days can be set differently. If you do not use the vehicle in winter, then the total period of use will be not 12, but 9 months. Therefore, the KS is not 1, but 0.95. All values ​​are given in the table

Period of use of the vehicle


5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months or more

KO more often used by legal entities. The point here is that no one fits into the “persons admitted to management” column. There are no restrictions here. In this case, the calculation is made using KO = 1.8. Many insurance companies offer individuals to enter into an insurance contract under these conditions. It is worth remembering that you can buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy much cheaper if a limited number of drivers are allowed to drive. In this case, the KO will be equal to 1.

KN is the coefficient of gross violations. It is not always included in the calculation of the sum insured. Applicable in case of gross violations in road accidents. These include intentional harm to health, a planned accident, use of a vehicle outside the insurance coverage or season of use, etc.

But there are other ways to save on purchasing MTPL in 2016.

Underwater rocks

Unfortunately, unscrupulous insurers may not apply the required discount when concluding a contract. If the policyholder discovers this, the agent will refer to the company’s internal orders. It is worth remembering that the Law is the same for everyone and no one has yet repealed the MSC.

If, nevertheless, you were calculated the total cost based on an inflated accident-free driving coefficient, you can challenge this during the entire period of validity of the policy. An application is written to the main office with a request to recalculate the insurance amount. Attach last year's contracts, a scan of the passbook number to return the excess amount paid, a scan of your passport and driver's license. In most cases, the owner receives back his hard-earned funds paid in excess.

That's why you need to know how to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance in 2016.

What else can you save on?

Today, perhaps, there is no car owner who would not be faced with the problem of additional insurance. And this is additional thousands to the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. In this case, everyone asks the question: how not to pay life insurance when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance. Not everyone knows that on June 1, 2016, changes came into force according to which the owner can terminate the additional contract within 5 days from the date of concluding additional and main insurance. In other words, when coming to the insurance company, the policyholder pays the full amount. And then he writes an application for a refund of part of the amount for additional life insurance.

This is a last resort method. Remember, no insurance company has the right to oblige you to pay other amounts not provided for by law. Remind the agent about this when you come to insure your auto liability.

Is it possible to save money on an MTPL policy? Unrealistic - many will say, because all coefficients and tariffs are approved by the state!

However, there are several ways to do this.

Official way

Starting last year, a unified automated database of driver's insurance histories - AIS RSA - began to function in Russia. To date, it includes almost complete data regarding compulsory civil liability insurance for motorists. This means that already this year insurers will begin to more actively calculate the “bonus-malus” coefficient, which makes it possible for careful and law-abiding drivers to receive a discount on compulsory motor liability insurance.

What does this mean?

When concluding an MTPL insurance contract for the first time, the car owner is assigned a coefficient of one. A year of accident-free driving allows you to subtract 5% from the coefficient - this is how much the cost of insurance for this driver will decrease next year. Ten years of accident-free driving will reduce the OSAGO level to 0.5, that is, a civil liability policy will cost such drivers half the nominal value.

But one single accident will cause the coefficient to jump to the level of 1.55, and in order to return to the original unit, it will take 2 years of accident-free driving. If during the year the driver had two or more accidents. The Go coefficient for next year will be 2.45 and it will take five accident-free years to reduce it to one.

With the beginning of the functioning of the databases, the old schemes, when after each accident car owners could simply change the insurance company, keeping silent about the accident, will no longer work, because insurers have received full access to AIS RSA data. And if the driver nevertheless tries to deceive the insurance company, and this is discovered, his coefficient will immediately increase to 1.5 for concealing reliable information.

Semi-official way

OSAGO can be issued in interest-free installments. This is not officially practiced, but in reality it is possible. To do this, you need to take out a policy not for a year, but for six months. In this case, you will pay 70% of the annual fee. After six months, you can come to the same company and pay the remaining 30% by the end of the year, and they will not charge you a fee for re-registration. Using the same scheme, you can take out insurance for 4 months and pay 50% of the annual cost, and at the end of the month, pay up to 100%. Considering that the ruble is depreciating every day, the benefits of staged payments are obvious.

Unofficial way

You can register your car to a very responsible relative living in a village or small town. In this case, the use of the territorial coefficient will reduce the amount of your policy by half. For example, a car with the same parameters, registered in Nizhny Novgorod, will cost 3,850 rubles. annual insurance premium, in Vyksa - 2350 rubles, and in some of the villages - 2140 rubles.

Unreliable methods

Sometimes an insurance agent offers a discount on compulsory motor liability insurance. At the same time, he promises discounts of 10, 20 and even 30%, despite the fact that his remuneration does not exceed 10%. Where do the discounts come from then?

  1. If you take out MTPL + CASCO insurance, then the agent can easily afford to give you a discount, because he will receive a reward for both types of insurance. In this case, everything is relatively reliable. True, the discount will most likely be no more than 10%, otherwise - read the next paragraph.
  2. If you are promised a big discount, it is better not to enter into such an adventure. According to experts, today CASCO is not a very profitable type of insurance, and such charity can simply ruin the insurer. If he does offer insurance at a very competitive price, there is a high risk that this company will not last long and may cease to operate long before your insurance period ends. In this case, if an accident occurs, you will find yourself uninsured. Yes, of course, there is RSA, which must compensate for losses and all that. Just don’t forget what country we live in and how such events can end. A visit from the brothers trying to collect the debt directly from the offender (that is, from you) is clearly not worth the small savings!

Unscrupulous employees of insurance companies sometimes steal forms, which can then end up on the black market. If you purchase such “insurance,” then most likely you will not have problems with the traffic police, but you will not receive an insurance payment under such a policy. In addition, you may be given a fake. These MTPL policy forms have various degrees of protection, including the inclusion of reddish fibers in the structure of the paper, a metallized strip printed on the back of the policy on the right, and watermarks with the RSA coat of arms.