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Bananas are the very case when “tasty” goes together with “healthy”. The vitamins and other substances they contain support our body on literally all fronts.

website collected 10 useful properties these tropical fruits, which largely depend on their ripeness. This does not mean that some bananas can be eaten and some cannot. Simply recommendations for choosing fruits according to their ripeness will help increase their beneficial effects.

Prevention of cancer

Bananas contain a specific protein that helps prevent cancer (tumor necrosis factor). The amount of this substance in ripe fruits is much higher. That's why It is recommended to eat those bananas whose peel is covered with dark spots or darkened.

Fighting cramps

Preventing Kidney Diseases

Source: foodandlife, NCBI

strong heart

A diet with sufficient potassium content is recommended for those suffering high blood pressure and is predisposed to cardiovascular diseases. Daily intake of 1.3 grams of this mineral reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies by 26%. To make up for this norm, you should eat 2 to 3 bananas (depending on their weight).

It's no secret that every country has its own special traditions. And for the most part, it seems to us that we are familiar with them. But sometimes our stereotypes are nothing more than just a myth. And some facts that we haven’t even thought about are actually everyday reality.

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1. Even if you speak English poorly, they won’t tell you about it.
They will definitely tell you that you speak well. In case of objections, they will add that their Russian is worse in any case.

2. Every year, residents and visitors forget 80,000 umbrellas on the London Underground.
But subway workers also found stranger forgotten things: a park bench, a samurai sword, a human skull, 3 dead bats V glass jar and even a whole coffin.

3. It is not customary to wash things at home.
You can find a laundromat in absolutely any area.

4. No one will understand what 15:00 is
In London there are 3 p.m. Our system is used only in the army to indicate a direction, such as “enemy at 15.00”.

5. Pregnant women are allowed to go to the toilet wherever they feel like it.
They can do “this” even in front of Buckingham Palace, and no one will fine them, or they can even borrow a helmet from a policeman to do their business quite decently.

6. Drivers of the famous black taxi need to prepare for the exam from 2 to 4 years
To pass the Knowledge test, you need to know the location of 25,000 streets and 20,000 places. This usually takes from 2 to 4 years.

7. London drivers will share a drink with you at the pub
The drivers are very talkative. And if you keep up the conversation, you will definitely be offered to spend the evening in some pub with a glass of beer.

8. Sockets almost always have a switch button
Therefore, you never need to unplug anything from the outlet.

9. The Queen needs permission to enter London
The permit is issued by the mayor of London, since, according to ancient law, the residents of London retain the right not to allow their overlord into the capital.

10. London's eternal rains are a myth
In fact, London is considered one of the driest cities in Europe. The average annual rainfall is 584 mm, which is less than Rome or Sydney. For comparison: in Milan - 1,000, and in Florence - 870 mm.

11. An essential part of the wardrobe is an umbrella.
Despite the previous fact, they carry an umbrella with them always and everywhere, because rain tends to start suddenly. But it usually fades away quickly.

12. The British are no more fond of tea than anyone else in the world.
If you are asked for whom tea drinking is in 1st place, we think that England will be at least 2nd on your list, perhaps after China. But in reality!.. In the top ten countries where they drink the most tea, Turkey is in first place, then Morocco, Ireland, Mauritania and only then Great Britain. Can you imagine?

13. Subway without a driver
The London Underground has a special line, Docklands Light Rail, on which trains are completely electronically controlled.

14. No work after 6 p.m.
Working life London ends strictly until 18:00. With rare exceptions, someone will stay late in the office.

15. Beer after work
At 18:00 in the squares and pubs of the city you will definitely meet office workers drinking beer after work.

16. Dying within the walls of parliament is strictly prohibited
If the chosen one of the people suddenly becomes ill, the unfortunate person must be urgently taken out into the street. To the “joy” of tourists, passers-by and himself.

17. Products after 9-10:30 p.m. don't buy
After 21-22 hours, grocery stores stop working.

18. Newspapers for everyone
People leave their newspapers right on the subway for others to read. So in one day the newspaper changes more than one owner.

Kids in Love, 2016, Chris Foggin

England, our days. Jack earns extra money by spending social surveys, and is going to enter the law faculty, where his parents almost kick him. Boring life The quiet man changes when he meets Evelyn, a girl from a wealthy family who always has her head in the clouds. So Jack joins the carefree crowd, who spend the whole summer in luxurious mansion Evelyn. “Children in Love” really wants to seem like a spiritual twin to “Skins,” but filmed by Linklater. A story about a carefree pastime during summer holidays- drinking, falling in love, wandering around the city at night. That's just up to popular series the tape does not live up to the coolness, but to the creations cult director– meaningfulness. The person responsible for the script, Sebastian De Sousa, by the way, played one of the key roles in the third generation of “Skins” and, apparently, really wanted to write something in the spirit of a teenage drama. All the archetypes are present: a rebel who goes against her conservative parents, a “not like everyone else” girl trying to forever be stuck in her tender age, a brutal macho who makes money from crime and assures that “we are not like that.” But there is no chemistry between the characters - the love is feigned, the showdown comes down to the banal “he’s an asshole, and I’m handsome” and “we slept together, so what now”, the friendship is also kind of unconvincing - so, parties. It is also characteristic that the film most time is “silent”, but this is not at all for the sake of artistry, the authors simply have nothing to say.

“Children in Love”, review

The silence is filled with frames have a fun life teenagers accompanied by indie rock. Director Chris Foggin comes from the world of short film and clearly still has little understanding of how big cinema works if he takes on such scripts. His film is beautiful and the characters are beautiful until they begin to communicate, demonstrating universal stupidity on the screen. The desire to show near-bohemian youths enraged with fat captivates the creators of the film so much that they simply forget to bring everything to a logical conclusion. The same Linklater always had an idea hidden behind drinking and walks under the moon, but the ending rested on the transitional moment when the holidays give way academic year, and the train takes you from vacation to dull everyday life. The plot ends right there, but this is not an understatement, it is again a lack of words. Lack of ideas. If “Kids in Love” were an Indian band's music video, this would be great video, in which smiling guys play field hockey with a burning ball and take pictures with Pentax film. But this feature film, and on only one sunbeams Yes, it’s impossible to get cute boys out. Fans of Cara Delevingne should be completely disappointed. Here she acts as furniture - the character has no history at all, although he is placed in the center of the composition on the poster. One good thing is that Foggin is not mediocre. At a minimum, he is able to offer the viewer beautiful picture, which means that with a more meaningful script, the director can make a much more serious movie.

The Red Army can be called a real phenomenon military history. Within a few years, it became one of the most combat-ready armies in the world.

Paradoxical as these may seem, Vladimir Lenin did not plan to create a regular army and believed that there was no need for it in the country of the victorious proletariat. In 1917, he wrote the work “State and Revolution,” where he advocated replacing the regular army with the general arming of the people.

By the end of the First World War, the armament of the people was indeed close to universal, but not everyone was ready to defend the “gains of the revolution” with arms in hand. The voluntary principle of recruitment into the ranks of the Red Army showed its unviability.

Trotsky and decimation

Leon Trotsky is deservedly called the creator of the Red Army. It was with his submission that by decree of July 29, 1918, the entire population of the country liable for military service between the ages of 18 and 40 was registered and military conscription was established.
Trotsky, by his example, showed how to instill discipline in the new army and applied the ancient Roman ritual of decimation (execution of every tenth person by lot) towards deserters. The measures turned out to be effective.
In September 1918, there were already about half a million people in the ranks of the Red Army - more than two times more than 5 months ago. By 1920, the number of the Red Army was already more than 5.5 million people.

Budenovka from Vasnetsov and Vtorov

Budenovka was the first headdress associated with the Red Army. She became real cult thing for the history of the USSR. She was called both “Frunzenka” and “hero.” The top of the cap was jokingly nicknamed the “brain tap.” The Budenovka was introduced as part of the winter uniform of the Red Army in 1919 and until 1940 it was invariably associated with the Red Army soldiers, but after Finnish war was replaced by a hat with earflaps.
Sketches for the creation of the budenovka were created by Vasnetsov, and the first batch of the legendary “helmets” was sewn at the factories of Nikolai Vtorov, the richest man Russian Empire, killed under mysterious circumstances in 1918.

Tank from Renault

The role of “our Western partners” in the revolution and creation of the USSR has not yet been fully studied, but it is known that the first Soviet tank, released for the Red Army, was the Renault-Russian. It was copied from French light tank Renault FT-17 and was produced at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in 1920-1921 with a total circulation of 15 cars. "Renault-Russian" was officially in service until 1930, although it never took part in hostilities. The tank was used for peaceful purposes - as a tractor, as it had a very powerful engine of 33.5 horsepower at that time.

Camels in the Red Army

In the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army included the 28th Reserve Army, in which camels were the draft force for the guns. It was formed in Astrakhan during the battles of Stalingrad. In total, 350 camels “fought” in the Red Army. Two of them, named Yashka and Mashka, reached Berlin.

Commissioner's propaganda

The Red Army would not have been created without active propaganda work. According to various sources, from 2 to 8 thousand former “tsarist officers” voluntarily joined its ranks. They could not rely entirely on “military experts,” as the officers of the Imperial Army began to be called. The institute of commissars was introduced in the troops, looking after the “former” ones.

The commissars, all of whom were members of the RCP(b), took on political work with both the troops and the population. Relying on a powerful propaganda apparatus, they clearly explained to the fighters why it was necessary to fight for Soviet power"to the last drop of worker-peasant blood." In the White Army, propaganda work was much worse, which was one of the reasons for its defeat in the Civil War.

Revolutionary bloomers

The episode from the film “Officers”, where the hero Georgy Yumatov is awarded “red revolutionary trousers” is quite historical - orders and medals in the Red Army did not immediately begin to be awarded. And the first awards were different from those we know.
The first holder of the Order of the Red Banner, Vasily Blucher, received an award with serial number 114, since the orders from the first batch were of poor quality.

Young army

To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The Red Army was young in direct and figuratively. Average age Soviet generals were only 43 years old.

Officers are banned

It’s not customary to talk about this, but for a quarter of a century the word “officers” was considered counter-revolutionary in the Soviet Union. On March 1, 1917, order No. 1 “On democratization” was issued former army and the fleet." He actually equalized the rights of soldiers and officers.
It was only in the May Day order of the People's Commissar of Defense in 1942 that the word “officers” appeared again. At the beginning of 1943, with the introduction of shoulder straps in the Red Army, the word officer officially fell out of favor. The commanders from the platoon commander to the brigade commander began to be called differently.

Shoulder straps after a turning point victory

The return of shoulder straps to the Red Army took place as part of military reform and was not spontaneous. The return date was also not chosen by chance. A turning point victory was needed. Stalingrad became it. When it became clear that Paulus’s 6th Army would not have much time left, the project was approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) on October 23, 1942. According to the order, it was necessary to switch to shoulder straps within half a month - from February 1 to February 15, 1943, but still Kursk Bulge in July of this year, some pilots and tank crews, as can be seen in the photographs, wore old buttonholes rather than shoulder straps.

Foreigners in the Red Army

During the Great Patriotic War, foreigners fought in the Red Army. For example, the American Joseph Beyrle, who was captured by the First Belorussian Front and continued to fight as part of a Soviet battalion. Greek Jean Zachary participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Poland, and liberated Warsaw. Awarded a medal"For Courage", Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. The Spanish pilot Antonio García Cano took part in the Battle of Moscow and the Battle of Stalingrad.

You've probably heard these names - David Lynch, Paul Thomas Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, but few people know about some of their brilliant films that have not come into the public eye.

Apart (2011) Aaron Rottinghaus

Frame: SystemX Media

If David Lynch were directing Romeo and Juliet, the result would be something like this. In the film "Apart" we're talking about about the psychological illness “induced delusional disorder,” essentially a mental illness that causes hallucinations shared between two or more people. In our case - throughout the life of friends and lovers.

Opposite down the corridor/ Across the Hall (2009) Alex Merkin

Photo: Cold Fusion Media Group

Unfortunately, Brittany Murphy died during the filming of this film. "Across the hall" was hers last movie. It reveals tragic fate her heroines. Paying tribute to the noir genre, the film looks like a puzzle, in accordance with fashionable concept non-linearity, where each scene reveals a new piece of the puzzle.

Animal Farm (1999) John Stephenson

Photo: Hallmark Entertainment

This film is famous novel George Orwell was nominated for an Emmy Award. Although the plot is linear, this is one of those films that starts out like a carefree dream and ends up turning into a nightmare.

Hotel Room (1993) David Lynch

Frame: Asymmetrical Productions

If anyone is famous for surreal films, it is David Lynch with his Twin Peaks and Eraserhead. But few people know that in 1993, Lynch dealt another blow to the cinematic market with three episodes of the film called “Hotel Room”. Each episode takes place in a different time period, although neither the hotel nor the age of the staff changes, only the guests change...

Dead girl / The Dead Girl (2006) Karen Moncrieff

Frame: First Look

This is the second Brittany Murphy movie on our list - the beautifully unfolding story of those who join a young woman who made the wrong choice. life path and was killed. This film also looks like a puzzle, with coincidences and eerie omens found throughout.

Where does the truth lie? / Where The Truth Lies (2005) Atom Egoyan

Frame: West

Among famous works Atom Egoyan's films, such as The Glorious Future and Exotica, are probably the biggest and most confusing, and perhaps the least known. Despite the fact that the film starred Alison Lohman, Kevin Bacon and Colin Firth, it went almost unnoticed. But if you missed it, you missed a lot. This film has many layers. It tells the story not only of the murder being carried out and its tracks being covered, but also of how the book about the crime was written and the investigation into it several years after it was committed.

Actress of the Millennium/ Sennen joyû (2001) Satoshi Kon

Frame: DreamWorks SKG

Spirited Away is perhaps the most famous surreal anime film. However, if anyone loves the “weird” in his films, it’s director Satoshi Kon. His "Millennium Actress" talks about famous actress, who lived in seclusion for 30 years and finally agreed to an interview with two journalists before her death. The “weirdness” comes when you begin to realize that the journalists are actually traveling with her through the waves of her life.

True Sadness / Pafekuto buru (1998) Satoshi Kon

Frame: Palm

If Satoshi Kon showed his sensitive side in Millennium Actress, then his dark side without any reservations is shown in “True Sadness.” The film's heroine deals with the consequences of her rise to fame and fortune. This is a film that will surprise you and keep you guessing until the very end. You will be in constant tension not only from watching brutal scenes with horrific violence, but also from being disconnected from reality itself. You may not want to watch this complicated story, but if you start, then watch to the end.

Enemy/ Enemy (2013) Denis Villeneuve

Frame: A24

Underground sex clubs, big ugly spiders, a mysterious twin and more make this film a masterpiece of surreal cinema. IN leading role starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

The pursuit/ Following (1999) Christopher Nolan

Frame: Zeitgeist

Christopher Nolan rose to fame after the success of his Batman trilogy and the film Memento. But few people know about his first film, made in 1998, which is not inferior to many famous films this genre and can blow your mind. The film tells the story of a writer who finds inspiration from the daily pursuit of strangers on the streets of London. He even made his own rules: never stalk the same person twice, never break into their homes or come to their place of work. But one day he still broke this rule...