Jewelry with garnet from SOKOLOV.

Jewelry with garnets in the “Magic of Gold” catalog will captivate with their elegant design and excellent prices. Here you will find luxurious red gold jewelry with this wonderful stone, as well as budget (but no less attractive) jewelry options with natural garnets in silver frames. Mysterious dark red garnets enchant and attract the eye.

  • Products found: 674
  • Pomegranate

The luxurious red mineral that looks so great in jewelry is prized for its extraordinary color. A bright red shade is very rare among natural stones, but on the contrary, it is very popular among designers. This is why garnet stone stands out among its relatives - other minerals.

Jewelry with garnet in the salon catalog

The warm color of the mineral looks especially good in the light bright sun. Pomegranate is a stone that gets its name due to its resemblance to the grains of the berry of the same name. WITH Latin language its name is translated as “grain”. Very often in jewelry this gem is found in the oblong shape of pomegranate seeds. And the right frame of gold or silver gives the mineral perfect beauty.

The assortment of the Magic of Gold store includes many jewelry items with this stone. A garnet in a gold frame, a garnet with silver in a necklace, bracelets and earrings looks simply amazing. Garnet jewelry in our catalog is luxurious regardless of the price. Here are options for accessories at affordable as well as higher prices. Many of them are supplemented with cubic zirconia and other inserts.

Classic or more extravagant jewelry from our catalog can be worn to any event. Garnet jewelry is made in accordance with latest trends world fashion. The products use natural stones mined in Brazil.

Meaning and properties

The healing properties of pomegranate are very extensive. The stone is recommended to be worn by people with lung diseases and bronchitis. The stone helps with viral diseases, fever and migraines. For women, the mineral helps with the production of hormones and puts the entire endocrine system in order.

The magical properties of the stone are a real legend. Garnet favors speakers and leaders and will help strengthen their power. For girls who wear jewelry with this mineral, it promises happy love. It protects men and boys from injury.

The most important and powerful property of red stone is to help energetic and passionate people. The gem enhances these qualities many times over and completely gives up its energy, bringing good luck and success. In a difficult situation, the mineral, on the contrary, will help maintain composure and determination. Pomegranate is reluctant to help sluggish and sedentary people.

The meaning of the garnet stone is pure friendship and love.. Garnet was worn noble people and brave warriors. A product with pomegranate as a gift to a loved one will emphasize your love and passion. The mineral is also good as a friendly gift - it gives a certain sacred meaning to any union.

Garnet can become best friend Capricorn, Sagittarius and Leo. Red garnet is also perfect for Aries. The stone does not harm the other signs of the Zodiac, but it may not become a real talisman. An amazing stone in jewelry attracts attention and gives a special status.

Gold earrings with garnet will be an ideal decoration for confident women who are not afraid to look bright. The most commonly used stones in the jewelry industry are red pyropes, crimson almandines, pink rhodolites and green demantoids. All these stones are garnets and chemical composition are silicate of magnesium and iron. And different shades give the mineral certain impurities - chromium, iron, manganese and others. Garnets are fairly common stones, so their cost, despite their undeniable beauty, is relatively low. This is one of the reasons why grenades are not usually counterfeited - there is simply no special meaning. However, when buying jewelry with pomegranate in some shop that sells products without certificates, try not to buy pomegranate instead colored glass. It's easy enough to check if you take it with you. glass bottle– real garnet is harder than glass, so it will leave a scratch on it. However, there is a high probability that the seller will not allow you to conduct such a test for fear of damage to the product. In this case, pay attention to the size of the garnet inserts or beads - if they are larger than a coffee bean, this should alert you. It is also worth knowing that the color of natural garnet is usually uneven - this is easy to notice if you look through the stone into the light. Garnets are cut in such a way as to show the beauty of the stone - the cut can be step or fancy, diamond or cabochon.

Gold earrings with garnet are jewelry that requires a certain image compliance. A bright red or red-violet stone is ideal for brunettes, highlighting their striking beauty. But for delicate blondes, it is better to buy earrings with green garnet; it will go wonderfully with the fragile charm of fair-haired girls. Garnet is a stone that, according to esoteric teaching, has powerful energy and can influence the fate of its owner. If the future owner of a garnet decoration does not attach any importance to such things, then you can ignore magical properties gem. But if a lady is interested in esotericism, then it is better to take this into account when choosing a gift, so that the pendant or earrings with pomegranate do not end up on long years forgotten in a distant box. In particular, red garnet has been considered a stone of passion and love since ancient times, so rings and earrings with garnet were given as a sign of deep sympathy and heartfelt affection. Pomegranate - quarry stone. It helps its owner achieve his goals, dominate people and gain energy for difficult business negotiations or office battles. Green garnet develops intuition and the gift of foresight; it becomes a real assistant to its owner in cases where it is necessary to make an ambiguous decision or understand the long-term consequences of current actions. Red-violet almandine in beads, rings or earrings will become a talisman for girls choosing their life path. The stone will tell you the right direction of development, help you choose the “right” institute and successfully graduate from it.

Gold earrings with garnet, presented in the Zolotoy jewelry store, delight the eye with a magnificent design and a wide range of models. Here you will find classic, neat earrings with a French lock, which were worn by our mothers and grandmothers. Such earrings will become a wonderful gift to all those who are nostalgic for Soviet times, remembering not only his carefree life, but also the high quality of products of that time. Vintage earrings with large garnets set in openwork gold ligature attract attention. This royal decoration will add charm to your look. socialite, becoming the center of attention at any special event. And funny earrings in the form of gold bows with bright garnet inserts will appeal to young ladies who want to look stylish and original. Stud earrings look charming, in which the stone is central figure decorative part of the decoration, and almost invisible stud fasteners are hidden from reverse side ear. Quite a lot of garnet earrings are inlaid with other gems - mainly cubic zirconia or diamonds. These garnet earrings look especially luxurious, as sparkling colorless crystals highlight the depth of the red stone.

Choosing and buying earrings or rings with garnets in the Zolotoy store is not at all difficult. Thanks to beautiful photographs, each product can be carefully examined from different angles and accurately imagine how it looks in reality. A detailed information about jewelry indicates the size of the stones and their mass. Gold jewelry with colored stones is also a successful investment, because over time the jewelry will not lose value and someday, perhaps, will be gratefully accepted by the daughter as a gift from her mother. All gold products presented in the Zolotoy store catalog meet the most stringent quality criteria, which is confirmed by state approval and an accompanying set of documents.

For your bright color and the special properties of garnets earned the recognition of jewelers and became the favorite of all women. One of the hardest stones, it can easily withstand high temperatures and can be cut in any way. The talisman of travelers and the patron saint of lovers, the red mineral has been popular at all times.

Assortment of products with pomegranate

The SOKOLOV catalog contains about 1200 products with pomegranate, which differ not only high quality inserts, but also with a current design. We have tried to present to your attention the most diverse range of gold and silver jewelry with garnets, so that every woman, regardless of her age, social status and lifestyle, I was able to choose jewelry to suit my taste.

The range of products with garnet includes rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, decorative crosses, pendants, piercings and brooches, as well as jewelry for little fashionistas.

When choosing a gift for the woman they love, men will not have to worry about whether the jewelry will match each other - in addition to individual models, the catalog contains sets that include from two to four items of a similar design.

Gold jewelry with garnet

It is believed that in combination with gold, dark red garnet attracts the attention of men and awakens feelings. Wide choose products made of red and combined gold include elegant and bright models with one or more garnets, as well as fashionable mixes of multi-colored stones.

Jewelry with garnets and enamel looks stylish and colorful, which emphasizes deep color stone

Silver jewelry with garnet

Framed in rhodium-plated silver, a bright garnet looks aristocratic and sophisticated. Models inspired by nature or, on the contrary, architecture big city, look bright and modern.

In a number of models, garnets are organically combined with cubic zirconia, topaz, citrine, amethyst, peridot and pearls, creating stylish and spectacular compositions.

You will find these and many other decorations in the SOKOLOV catalog.

Garnet is a precious mineral that is a symbol of love and passion and is ideal for females who want to increase their sexuality and attractiveness. For this reason, people tend to buy jewelry with garnets. a large number of of people.

Thanks to its extensive healing abilities and ability to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex, various legends are associated with this mineral. Modern lithotherapists claim that the crystal helps owners get rid of problems such as:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • All kinds of skin diseases, allergic reactions, eczema.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders.
  • Difficulty conceiving, severity of the birth process, weakening male power- these properties are attributed to stones of red tones.
  • Lack of energy, vitality.
  • Pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Headaches and migraines

Also, jewelry with garnets are considered powerful amulets against misfortunes and troubles:

  • Red stones strengthen family bonds and facilitate childbirth, help build a career and bring financial well-being.
  • Green minerals reveal hidden talents owner and sharpen intuition. They strengthen memory, promote active mental development, help get rid of nightmares and relieve depression.
  • Yellow (brown) pomegranate helps get rid of mental disorders, apathy and depression. Symbolizes sunlight and well-being.

This one is valued in jewelry crystal is the bearer of wisdom, mutual understanding and strong friendship. You can buy garnet jewelry for your loved one.

Jewelry with garnets will help you identify enemies and make true friends. However, do not forget that this gem does not accept lies, hypocrisy, evil and laziness. For this reason, you should not wear the mineral in a bad mood or with bad thoughts in mind.

Pomegranate, what is it?

Pomegranate - semiprecious stone, highly valued by jewelry craftsmen. The crystal has a rich color scheme, consisting of all the colors of the rainbow, except blue. Thanks to the richness, depth and purity of color, cut stones inlaid in a gold frame become the most desirable gifts for any person.

How to wear garnet items correctly?

If you are lucky enough to buy jewelry made from natural garnet, then do not forget to follow the following wearing rules:

  • The mineral belongs to the fiery group, so constant wearing is contraindicated. Arrange “rest” periods.
  • Crystals that have yellow and green hues are suitable for wearing in real life. little finger. This will help establish the necessary business connections. Red stone promotes a successful and happy marriage. A ringed middle finger will bring success in your chosen profession or creative activity.
  • Combine garnet with sapphires, agates and emeralds. You should not wear jewelry with jewelry decorated with rubies, diamonds, lapis lazuli, moonstones, pearls, peridots and turquoise.

Proper stone care

In order for the jewelry made from natural garnets you purchased to please you for many years, you must:

  • Protect from constant exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with the surface of the crystal with water, as well as all kinds of detergents and cleaning agents.
  • Clean your crystals regularly.
  • Do not put stones in water to remove accumulated negative energy, since the mineral belongs to the fire group: water can deprive it of its strength.

Rules for cleaning pomegranate

You can carefully clean the stones using the most convenient of the following methods:

  • Prepare a weak soap solution and immerse the crystal in it for a few minutes. After this, wipe the mineral with a dry cloth and rinse the stone with clean water.
  • Using a saline solution: dilute a small amount of sea or table salt in water at room temperature. After allowing the composition to cool, immerse it in jewel with the stone and leave in the container for a short period of time, remove the jewelry from the solution and rinse with cold water.

In order to remove negative energy from a pomegranate, immerse it in containers with flowers, herbs, petals or salt.

Careful care of the mineral will ensure its longevity and the joy of owning an incredible treasure.

Who is the crystal suitable for?

The energy of the mineral is closely connected not only with passion and fiery love, but also with purity of thoughts, sincerity of actions and the desire to do good. For this reason, you can buy jewelry with garnet as a gift for your lovers, girls who want to find a life partner, and for married couples who have been married for a long time.

Garnet is a stone that attracts bright color and beauty. Since ancient times, products made from it have belonged to people of high social status. The owners of the gem were distinguished by their strength, courageous spirit and loyalty to their statements. The stones retain their shine and beauty for decades. Precious items were passed down from generation to generation as heirlooms. Surely, you will also find garnet jewelry in your grandmother’s box. What properties does the mineral have and how popular is it today?

History of the Flame Crystal

The fire stone was worn by famous generals and rulers. If you believe the myths, then Alexander the Great owned jewelry with a garnet in gold. On the king's finger was a ring with a red stone.

In the past, garnet jewelry was worn by men. The color red symbolized rage and perseverance. The warriors believed that the stone would protect against wounds and injuries. Pomegranate products were found among government officials. However, they were not limited to one product. The stone appeared on rings, bracelets, and was used to decorate weapons. To ordinary people the mineral became available after it was discovered in the Czech Republic. National clothes They began to frame it with garnet and silver.

Mining stone in different countries, but the most prized is Czech garnet.

Types of jewelry with pomegranate

Interestingly, the stone received its name not for its dark red color, but for its similarity to a southern fruit. The raw crystal resembles a scattering of garnet. Not all minerals have a fiery color. There are stones of yellow, orange, violet, green and black colors. The pomegranate is framed in precious metals and are presented in the form of such products:

  • Gold jewelry with garnet. Large stones are used to create them. Rings, pendants and earrings look royal. Despite the brightness of the two materials, the resulting products are moderately austere and mysterious. By the way, owners of pomegranate in gold claim that it helps cope with lingering headaches.
  • Jewelry with silver garnet. For bracelets and rings, a composition is assembled from several small stones. Earrings are made from large minerals. The silver remains in the shadow of the garnet, allowing it to shine in full force.
  • Garnet jewelry different shades. They create color compositions where the main stone is a black or yellow mineral. Products with green garnet look impressive and are associated with awakening, spring, and nature.

Gold earrings with garnets and diamonds, SL; gold ring with garnets and diamonds, SL (prices follow links)

The popularity of garnet jewelry has continued. Men's rings are made with a silver or gold edge. They produce classic products or with brutal elements - skulls, crosses. Despite the opinion that garnet is a stone for mature ladies, modern products claim the opposite. Women's collections include rings, bracelets, necklaces and are suitable for any age.

Who should I give pomegranate products to?

Jewelry making has advanced significantly since the times of Macedon. Jewelry is made using stones various shades. Craftsmen skillfully combine crystals with other gems and create incredibly beautiful products. They are given to people who are recognized as the authorities in any sphere. For example, husbands present a garnet ring to their wives as a sign of recognition of them as the head of the family hearth.

A garnet bracelet is given to people for whom they feel passion and love. This tradition was formed after the release of the film based on Kuprin. History has long been forgotten, but the pomegranate remains a symbol of love.

The stone is not suitable for timid people. It will not charge them with the necessary energy and will not set them in a decisive mood. If the choice falls on a ring, then it matters which finger you wear it on. Pomegranate can enhance a person’s qualities. Strong-willed people need to wear a ring on index finger, for creative people - on the little finger.

Gold bracelet with garnets, Sokolov; gold bracelet with garnets and cubic zirconia, Sokolov (prices follow links)

Caring for pomegranate jewelry

The mineral is durable and ready to last a long time. If you constantly wear a firestone product, it is recommended to wash the garnet with soapy water or saline solution. To do this, the decoration is placed in the liquid for 5–10 minutes. After the bath, the stone is wiped and polished with a soft cloth. A preventive procedure 1-2 a year will clean the stone from dirt and preserve the shine of the jewelry. If you are afraid of ruining your ring or bracelet, then entrust this work to jewelers.

Do not leave the stone in soapy water overnight. Pomegranate does not like moisture.

With constant contact, the external characteristics of the stone change. The crystal becomes cloudy, and the magical properties of the gem are lost. The fiery energy of the crystal is washed away with water.

Choosing a gift to a loved one, pay attention to garnet jewelry from the Czech Republic. Gold collections are suitable for lovers of luxury products. Silver jewelry will surprise you with the contrast. Against the background of a metal of a calm shade, the garnet burns like a hot flame.