III The noblest of people, but I myself don’t believe it.

II. 1) The water (not) flowed over the riffle. 4 (Cool)

2) I spoke and she walked silently. (School.) 3) He worked (not)

Letting go of the watchman's hands, he continued to talk. (M.G.)

326. Read it. Find gerunds and those formed from

them adverbs. How are they educated? Write it down using punctuation marks.

listened to the sound of the surf. 2) I

lies my favorite book, and

looking. Not

looking at the board makes it hard to play

play chess. 3) During training


hundred meters


They quickly reached the camp.


observing the correct


placing punctuation marks.

1) Strike

s..tiv once-

web networks

took the pipe and completely forgot as he picked up his

pensive melodies. (Cor.)

went down to

step... (L.

The Cossacks left

without agreeing. (Shol.) 5) They sat for a long time

on the chest

holding on to

6) And it’s good for me to stop here and



wheat and there is no end in sight. (Isak.) 7) And the solar stream, cutting through the body of the cloud, fell, smoking, onto the crystalline steep slopes of huge glaciers and flared up and then went out. (Zabolotsky.) 8) The train reached the crossing and, turning its wheels heavily and breathing with all the power of its fire, passed a lonely man with a lantern into the darkness. (Payment)

II. Five minutes later... a blind man wearing blue glasses came out. With his chin in the sky and finely tapping before

spa stick

he headed

to the exit

Balaganov followed him.


there was no way to know. bending back


feet on the sidewalk he (in) close proximity to the houses

with a stick along the shop windows... the handrails came across

passers-by and

looking through

(to) so conscientiously that

a queue whose head hit...

in column..to with above

in writing: “Bus stop.” Balaganov

stood looking at the lively blind man. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov.)

328. From the verbs given in brackets, form participles of the appropriate type. Write down the sentences using punctuation marks. О Tell us how gerunds are formed.

1) We (not to look away) watched the flight of the glider.


(fade) song. 3)


It's 3

over the stones. 4) (Say goodbye)

to a friend. 5) I refused3 it was

from the trip but

mother) agreed.


placed in brackets


before the conjunction and or after it, depending on the meaning of the predicate verbs. Write it down using punctuation marks.

(looking for damage; finding the location of the rupture).

330. Select explanatory words for the participles and write down the sentences using punctuation marks.

1) He spoke smiling. 2) The old man walked with a limp.

3) The girl sat thinking. 4) The train goes without stopping.

331. Replace participles with gerunds where possible. Volume

explain why in some sentences substitution is not possible. Write sentences with participles and gerunds in pairs. Write out those sentences in which the participle cannot be replaced by a gerund participle separately. O Indicate the difference: a) in spelling not with participles and gerunds; b) in the placement of punctuation marks.


too fast

Nick left the race.

2) (Un)finished


was rescheduled2

the next day. 3) (Not) for-






(not) following the rules


movements, o) (Not)

Passengers who made it to the last bus took a taxi.

332. Read it. What animal actions does the author depict?

as the main ones, and which - as the secondary, additional ones?

A gray goose, spreading its wings and hissing, walked straight towards her, neck and head. A little to the side of him, on a mattress, lay a white cat; when he saw Kashtanka, he jumped up, arched his back in an arc, raised his tail... ruffled his fur

And he also hissed. The dog was (not) seriously scared

She sat down on all four paws and, stretching her muzzle towards the cat, began to bark loudly and shrilly. (According to A.P. Chekhov.)

333. Make up sentences using isolated given phrases. Keep in mind that such phrases are typical of bookish speech.

1) Despite our persuasion, despite the failure that befell us, despite our assumptions.

2) Due to careless handling of fire, due to proper treatment, due to the repair of railway tracks, due to the expected sharp cold snap.

3) Subject to compliance with traffic rules, with sufficient time, in the absence of the conditions necessary for conducting the experiment.

334. Read. Write down, placing missing punctuation marks and indicating isolated ones minor members offers. O What type of speech do texts I and II belong to?



(not) possible... Trying


and sat down on the bed. No I was too happy

sleep. (With) me

it was hot

heated rooms

takh and I (without) taking off my uniform (by) quietly went out


deserted alley and went out onto

street where



sleighs reaching



rocking under




cab drivers







(JI. N. Tolstoy.)




(c) drenched

us. It's soft and silvery

happened there with the south

reflecting transparent... fabric

frozen clouds (not)



golden star patterns.





The awning raised its peaks with sharp strokes

rounded up

the gentle and gentle darkness of the southern night. (M. Gorky.)

335. Read. Replace the verbs given in brackets with predicates (in the form of past tense verbs) or adverbials (in the form of imperfect or perfect gerunds). Try to justify the choice of one or another verb form. O Title the text. Copy it following the spelling rules. Explain the division of the text into paragraphs, prepare for oral retelling text.


two birds



fly higher than him and the crane

(fly away)

same (to dial)




The crane (dodge) (be) high above the eagle.



your maneuver but again

(not) (to achieve) success

Ha. Finally the weakened crane (ri

stoop) to the ground (bend) wings.

(I feel...to say) hard

long legs (prepare) to meet the enemy.

Eagle (fold) wings


and he (stretch) his neck and (spread) his wings with a loud chicken lick (rush) at the enemy. The appearance of the crane was so threatening that the eagle (sit) to the side and then (run) away... and (soar) into the air (hide) behind the mountainside.

336. Compare two excerpts from M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsy ri”. Why, when describing a Georgian woman, does the author use isolated parts of the sentence, expressed by participial phrases, but in the scene of the fight with the leopard prefers verbs?

V conjugated forms?

I. Holding the jug above her head, the Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore. Sometimes She slid between the stones, Laughing at her awkwardness.

AND her outfit was poor;

AND she walked easily, back

The bends of the long chador were thrown back.

II. I was waiting. And then, in the shadows of the night, he sensed the Enemy, and a drawn-out howl, pitiful, like a groan, suddenly rang out... and he began

Angrily digging the sand with his paw, He reared up, then lay down, And the first mad leap threatened me with a terrible death...

But I warned him. My blow was true and quick.

My reliable bitch is like an axe, Broad forehead cut him...

337. Read “Song of the Falcon” by M. Gorky. Observe the use of isolated gerunds and participial phrases in this work, their semantic relationship with predicate verbs.

338. Read the text about a linguist. What style would you classify the text as? What words and expressions are characteristic of this style? Prepare a story about the scientific interests of Academician J. K. Grot. O Find sentences with homogeneous and isolated members. Make diagrams of these sentences.

Yakov Karlovich Grot

ge. He finished Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, studied there

French, German,







From 1862 he devoted himself entirely to



G. R. Derzhavina,



I'll follow

existing academic collections of writers' works.

Grotto "Controversial"

sy of Russian spelling from Peter the Great to the present day,”

nyu was first established, according to Academician V.V. Vi

Grot’s new activities - he leads the work on compiling the “Dictionary of the Russian Language”. This was the first

Being a pioneer in many areas of language


all life

followed the rules that


for myself like this: “Let idleness

never before

will be known to me. In class

watch this

as possible


draw for yourself


before, but without pedantry to follow it.” (According to G.V. Karpyuk.)

Parsing a sentence with isolated members

Oral discussion

1. The car,\ without slowing down,\ rushed through the village-

a sentence with a separate circumstance of the course of action. Isolated circumstance expressed dee participial phrase.

2. Puppy, frightened by the noise,\ ran away - a sentence with a separate definition. A separate definition is expressed by a participial phrase. The definition is agreed upon and widespread.



The car, without slowing down, rushed through the village.

The puppy, frightened by the noise, ran away.


Clarifying members of a sentence serve to specify the meanings of other members of the sentence (clarified), for example: Kovrin came to Pesotsky in the evening,

in the tenth hour (Ch.) - in this sentence, the clarifying circumstance of time in the tenth hour serves to concretize the circumstance of time in the evening.

31. Isolation of clarifying members of a sentence

339. For the highlighted members of the sentence, select appropriate clarifying circumstances of place or time. Write it down, separating qualifying terms with commas. Read the sentences received, observing the correct intonation:

the clarifying term is pronounced with a slight increase in voice and is distinguished by pauses.

1) In 1961


A. Gagarin with



V. Lomonosov. 3)


St. Petersburg


walled city

in the morning (when


edit the latest news.

from the islands, 6 hours.


are isolated,

sharing intonation in pronunciation and commas in writing. Most often, as clarifying isolated terms, they are used about the situation in place and time, for example:

1) We walked for quite a long time, until the evening.(T.) 2) At the bottom, in the smoking fog, The forest rustled dully. (A.N.T.) The clarifying member of the sentence stands after the qualifying member and is associated with it intonationally.

II. Specifying members of a sentence can be joined to those being specified using special conjunctions: that is, or (meaning that is), etc., for example:

Anna spent the whole day at home, that is, the Oblonskys.(JI. T.)

III. With isolated qualifying terms, the words especially, even, are often used

mainly, in particular, including, for example, etc., for example: I am always and everywhere especially in the Caucasus, I noticed a special tact in our soldier.(JI. T.)

Other circumstances are used as clarifying circumstances, as well as applications, for example: We had a good conversation in a friendly way (Kupr.) - a clarifying circumstance of the course of action.

Note: Additions with prepositions are often distinguished as clarifying ones. except, besides, instead of, excluding, excluding, including, along with, over etc., for example: 1) There are no special beauties and riches in the Meshchersky region,

except for forests, meadows and clear air. (Paust.)

2) We, in addition to ship work, We were also loading coal. (M. G.)

Such clarifying additions can appear not only after the member being specified, but also before it. In a sentence, clarifying additions and qualifying words can be different members, for example: With the exception of some students,

everyone in our class studies well. Qualified member all - subject, and clarifying with the exception of individual students - addition.

340. Read aloud, indicate separate clarifying parts of the sentence. What are these sentence parts?

RU. (Sol.) 4) Sometimes, in the total mass of scrap iron, some rare things came across, for example, a lock with a trick and a mysterious mechanism. (Usp.)

5) The earth is surrounded by an air shell, or atmosphere. 6) Octopuses, or octopuses, are sea mollusks. 7) There was no one on the pier except the watchman with a lantern. (Paust.)

341. Make up and write down sentences using these words as clarifying circumstances.

1) During holidays; 2) near the water; 3) in the circus arena; 4) after the parent meeting.

342. Compose and write down sentences using combination data as clarifying applications and circumstances.

1) That is, plant science; 2) that is, a description of one’s own

personal life; 3) for example oxygen; 4) even in severe frosts; 5) even sick people; 6) especially poems

1) In the field in the grove reigned in the air 2 silence. (T.)

2) Yesterday I arrived in Pyatigorsk and rented an apartment on the edge of the city on the highest place at the foot of Mashuk. 4 (JI.)

6) Along the long line closer to the north, absolutely correct

344. Compose and write sentences using these words

va as separate clarifying additions (keep in mind that highlighted prepositions are used in book speech).

1) With the exception of reserve crew; 2) in addition to

rare flights; 3) except for fruit trees; 4) I do not exclude any participants in the competition; 5) beyond the planned program.

345. Write it down using punctuation marks. Explain the spelling of the highlighted words.

1) Ahead among the light and shadows then sitting on the back

paws and raising his ears upright, then making short jumps, the hare moved, making his way to the golden clearing.

2) It was getting light in the west beyond the village 3. In the east on (si

zo) there were two dusty clouds above the loaves (green) name summer arcs. 3) The wind blew more and more gustily, spraying ghee from the (bright) green trees. Behind the garden somewhere low

thick thunder roared. 4) The crimson sun without rays has set




There was a chest of drawers against the wall covered with a crocheted tablecloth.

(C) right, it was


covered with haystacks.4


there was a warm blow from the river valley

a large red Mars rose along the edge of the forest.4

(I. A. Bunin.)

Didn't fall asleep. And where is it, some kind of pulse is beating in my head. I want to absorb all this, all this dirt. Oh, dirt! Oh, what mud I pulled her out of then! After all, she should have understood this, appreciated my action! I also liked different thoughts, for example, that I was forty-one, and she was just sixteen. This captivated me, this feeling of inequality, it is very sweet, very sweet. For example, I wanted to have a wedding à l "anglaise, that is, absolutely just the two of us, with perhaps only two witnesses, one of whom was Lukerya, and then immediately into the carriage, for example, to Moscow (by the way, I had an affair there), to a hotel, for two weeks. She resisted, she did not allow it, and I was forced to visit my aunts with respect, as if they were relatives from whom I was taking her. I gave in, and the aunts were given due treatment. I even gave these creatures a hundred rubles each and also promised , of course, without telling her about it, so as not to upset her with the baseness of the situation. The aunts immediately became silky. There was also a dispute about the dowry: she had nothing, almost literally, but she didn’t want anything. To me, however, I managed to prove to her that nothing at all was possible, and I made the dowry, because who would do anything to her? Well, she doesn’t care about me. My various ideas, however, I still managed to convey to her then, so that she would know at least. He even hurried, perhaps. The main thing is that from the very beginning, no matter how strong she was, she rushed to me with love, greeted me when I arrived in the evenings with delight, and told me with her babble (the charming babble of innocence!) all her childhood , infancy, about parents' house, about father and mother. But I immediately doused all this rapture at once cold water. That was my idea. I responded to my delight with silence, supportive, of course... but still she quickly saw that we were different and that I was a mystery. And, most importantly, I was aiming for a riddle! After all, in order to make a riddle, perhaps I did all this stupidity! Firstly, severity, and so under severity he introduced her into the house. In a word, then, walking and being satisfied, I created a whole system. Oh, without any effort it poured out by itself. And it couldn’t be otherwise, I had to create this system due to an irresistible circumstance; well, really, I’m slandering myself! The system was true. No, listen, if you are going to judge a person, then judge him knowing the matter... Listen. How to start this, because it is very difficult. When you start making excuses - that’s where it gets difficult. You see: young people despise money, for example; I immediately leaned heavily on money; I ran into money. And he leaned so hard that she began to fall silent more and more. Revealed big eyes, listened, watched and fell silent. You see: youth is generous, that is, good youth, generous and impetuous, but there is little tolerance, almost anything goes wrong - and contempt. And I wanted broadness, I wanted to instill broadness directly into the heart, graft it into a heartfelt look, right? Let me take a vulgar example: how would I, for example, explain my loan fund to such a nature? Of course, I didn’t speak directly, otherwise it would have turned out that I was asking for forgiveness for the loan collection, but I, so to speak, acted with pride and spoke almost silently. And I am a master of speaking silently, I have spoken silently all my life and lived entire tragedies with myself in silence. Oh, I was also unhappy! I was thrown out by everyone, thrown out and forgotten, and no one, no one knows this! And suddenly this sixteen-year-old later picked up details about me from vile people and thought that she knew everything, but meanwhile the secret remained only in the chest of this person! I kept silent, and especially, especially with her, I was silent until yesterday, why was I silent? But as proud man. I wanted her to find out for herself, without me, but not from the stories of scoundrels, but so that I guessed it myself about this man and comprehended him! Taking her into my home, I wanted complete respect. I wanted her to stand before me in prayer for my suffering and I was worth it. Oh, I was always proud, I always wanted everything or nothing! It’s precisely because I’m not a half-hearted person in happiness, but I wanted everything, and that’s why I was forced to do this then: “They say, guess and evaluate it yourself!” Because, you see, if I myself began to explain and suggest to her, to wag and ask for respect, it would be the same as if I were begging for alms... But by the way... but by the way, why am I talking about this! Stupid, stupid, stupid and stupid! I directly and mercilessly (and I emphasize that mercilessly) explained to her then, in a nutshell, that the generosity of youth is charming, but not worth a penny. Why not? Because she gets it cheap, it happened without living, all this, so to speak, "first impressions of life", but let’s see you at work! Cheap generosity is always easy, and even giving your life and it’s cheap, because there’s only the blood is boiling and there is excess strength, I crave beauty passionately! No, take the feat of generosity, difficult, quiet, inaudible, without shine, with slander, where there is a lot of sacrifice and not a drop of glory, where you, a shining person, are presented as a scoundrel in front of everyone, while you are more honest than all the people on earth, Come on, try this feat, no, sir, you’ll refuse! And all I did all my life was to wear this feat. At first she argued, wow, and then she began to fall silent, even completely, only she opened her eyes terribly, listening, big, big eyes, attentive. And... and besides, I suddenly saw a smile, incredulous, silent, bad. It was with this smile that I brought her into my house. It is also true that she had nowhere to go...

-- [Page 23] --

1) |Having rounded a high cape|, the steamer entered the bay. 2) The wind grew stronger, |enveloping the city in a shroud of sea fog|. 3) In the north, |faintly shimmering|, some whitish clouds rose. 4) Far above, |looking closely|, the young man discerned the vague outlines of a cloud.

II. 1) The water reluctantly poured over the riffle. 2) I spoke, and she walked silently. 3) He worked tirelessly. 4) Pantelei Prokofievich reluctantly entrusted Daria with the bulls.

|Having rounded the high cape|, the ship entered the bay. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, distributive, other distributive, separate circumstance, expressed by participial phrase, complete.) The water reluctantly poured over the riffle. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, dist., neosl., complete).

1) Reading while lying down is harmful. Lying on the hot sand, we listened to the sound of the surf. 2) I knew well where my favorite book was on the shelf and could take it without looking. It is difficult to play chess without looking at the board. 3) During training, Borzov jokingly ran a hundred meters in 10 seconds. Having fun joking and laughing at each other, we quietly reached the camp.

Lying on the hot sand, not looking at the board, cheerfully joking and laughing at each other.

Adverbs formed from gerunds do not have dependent words.

I. 1) A match struck, for a second illuminating the hanging nets, hay, and old man. 2) Sometimes the blind man took the pipe and completely forgot himself, choosing thoughtful melodies to suit his mood. 3) The moon, turning golden, descended to the steppe. 4) The Cossacks left without reaching an agreement. 5) They sat in the upper room on the chest for a long time, holding hands, silently thinking about their own things.

II. 1) And it’s good for me to stop here and, looking into the distance, listen, wait... The tall wheat is noisy, noisy, and there is no end in sight.

2) And the friends stood with their heads thrown back, like two autumn rowan trees. And they sang at once, seeing off the flock, that the dearest side is the native side. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, composed of 2 simple ones, connected by the conjunction that). 3) And the solar stream, cutting through the body of the cloud, fell, smoking, onto the crystalline steep slopes of huge glaciers, and flared up, and went out. 4) The skies are blue and shining. (8) The train reached the crossing and, turning its wheels heavily, breathing with all the power of its fire into the darkness, passed a lone man with a lantern.

(II.) Five minutes later... a blind man wearing blue glasses came out. Lifting his chin to the sky, he headed towards the exit from the garden. Balaganov followed him. Panikovsky was unrecognizable. Bending his shoulders back and carefully placing his feet on the sidewalk, he approached the houses closely, knocking on the window railings with his wand, bumped into passers-by and, looking through them, walked on. He worked so conscientiously that he even crushed a large line, the head of which rested on a pole with the inscription: “Bus stop.” Balaganov was amazed as he looked at the lively blind man.

1) We, without stopping, followed the flight of the glider. 2) The song fades away. 3) The stream, babbling, flows over the stones. 4) When saying goodbye, we promised to write to each other. 5) I refused the trip, but after thinking about it, I agreed.

Flows - verb Post. prize: nesov. view, non-crossing, 2 sp.

Non-post. confess: withdrawn on, present vr., units, 3 l.

The stream (what is it doing?) is flowing.

Refused - verb Post. prize: owl. view, non-crossing, 1 reference

Non-post. confess: withdrawn onc., past.. time, units, m.r.

imperfect stem present vr. + suffixes –а(-я), -в, -шы, type uchi(-yuchi): crying, sneaking, playfully perfect base of the infinitive + suffixes –в, -вшы, -shi, type а, -я: having missed, involved 329 (320).

1) The glider soared sharply upward and, describing big circle, began to descend smoothly. 2) The boys looked at him with their heads raised and waved after him.

3) The installer examined the wiring for a long time, looking for damage, and, having discovered the break point, fixed the fault.

1) He spoke, smiling all the time. 2) The old man walked with a slight limp. 3) The girl was sitting, thinking about something. 4) The train goes without stopping at any station.

1) Unable to bear it too much fast pace, the skier left the race.

2) The unfinished chess game was postponed to the next day.

(substitution is not possible) 3) Having not finished the game yesterday, the grandmasters today agreed to a draw. 4) The policeman fined a pedestrian who did not follow the rules traffic. (replacement is not possible) 5) Not having time for the last bus, the passengers took a taxi.

Moved, moved - move (suffixal).

Road, road - road (suffixal).

Anticipating an unpleasant encounter, grumbling and looking around, Kashtanka entered a small room with dirty wallpaper and backed away in fear.

Bending his neck and head to the ground, spreading his wings and hissing, a gray goose walked straight towards her. A little to the side of him, on a mattress, lay a white cat; Seeing Kashtanka, he jumped up, arched his back, raised his tail, ruffled his fur and also hissed. The dog was seriously frightened, but not a fool. about.

Barking to show her fear, she barked loudly and rushed to the cat. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, extended, complete, other one-word narrative and gerund.

hit Kashtanka on the head with his paw. Kashtanka jumped back, sat down on all four paws and, stretching out her muzzle to the cat, burst into a loud, shrill bark.

Vorcha is a gerund.

Came in (to?) grumbling.

N. f. - grumble.

Nesov. c., unchangeable

Came in (to?) grumbling.

Bending down is a gerund.

He walked (how?) bent over.

N.f. - bend down.

Sov. c., unchangeable

He walked (to and to?) bending his neck and head to the ground.

Lying - verb.

N. f. - lie.

Fast. - non-sov.v., non-cross., I sp.; non-post - in the statement, in the past. vr., unit, m.r.

333 (324). 1) Despite the persuasion of our parents, we went on a hike.

Despite the failure that befell us, we continued to train stubbornly. Contrary to our assumptions, this problem had no solution.

2) B new year holidays Due to careless handling of fire, many fires occur. Thanks to proper treatment, the patient's condition has improved today. Savelovsky station, due to renovation railway tracks, closed this weekend. Due to the expected sharp cold snap, the sowing dates were postponed.

3) You can ride a bicycle on city streets from the age of fourteen, subject to compliance with traffic rules. You can, if you have enough time, go to trip around the world. Laboratory work in chemistry, in the absence of the necessary conditions for conducting the experiment, was cancelled.

334 (325). I. When I arrived home, undressed and thought about sleep, I saw that this was completely impossible... |Trying not to make noise|, I tiptoed into my room and sat down on the bed. No, I was too happy, I couldn't sleep. Moreover, I was hot in the heated rooms, and without taking off my uniform, I slowly went out into the hallway, put on my overcoat, opened the outer door and went out into the street...

I walked through our deserted lane and went out onto a large street, where pedestrians and draymen with firewood began to meet on sleighs, which reached the pavement with runners. And the horses, |evenly swaying their wet heads under the glossy arches|, and the matting-covered cabs, |splashing in huge boots next to the carts|, and the houses of the street, |seemed very high in the fog| - everything was especially sweet and significant to me.

(Type of speech - narration.) II. The sea, huge, lazily sighing near the shore, fell asleep and motionless in the distance, bathed in the blue glow of the moon. Soft and silvery, it merged there with the southern sky and sleeps soundly, |reflecting in itself the transparent fabric of cirrus clouds|, motionless and | not hiding the golden patterns of stars|.

The mountains, |overgrown with trees|, |ugly curved by the north-east|, with sharp sweeps raised their peaks into the blue desert, their harsh contours were rounded, |dressed in the warm and gentle haze of the southern night|.

Text type - description.

III. How everything that happened was clear and sharp in my memory! Not a single feature, not a single shade has been erased by time.

I remember that during the night |preceding the fight| I did not sleep for a minute. I could not write for a long time: a secret anxiety took possession of me. I walked around the room for an hour, then sat down and opened Walter Scott’s novel, |lying on my table|... I read at first with effort, then I forgot, |carried away by the magical fiction|...

Finally it was dawn. My nerves calmed down. I looked in the mirror:

a dull pallor covered my face, which bore traces of insomnia, but my eyes, although surrounded by shadow, shone proudly and inexorably. I was pleased with myself.

|I ordered the horses to be saddled|, I got dressed and ran to the bathhouse. |Immersing myself in the cold boiling water of Narzan|, I felt both bodily and mental strength mine were returning. I came out of the bath fresh and alert, as if I was going to a ball. After this, say that the soul does not depend on the body!

Type of text - narrative with elements of reasoning.

In clean blue sky two birds were circling: a steppe eagle and a crane.

The eagle tried to attack the crane, trying to fly higher than it, and the crane, flying to the side in time, also gained height.

The eagle, having taken aim, made a swift throw downwards. The crane dodged and ended up high above the eagle. The predator, having gained altitude, repeated its maneuver, but again was not successful. Finally, the weakened crane rushed to the ground, bending its wings.

Feeling solid support, he stood on his long legs and prepared to meet the enemy.

The eagle, folding its wings like a stone, rushed at the crane, and it, stretching its neck and spreading its wings, rushed at the enemy with a loud purr. The appearance of the crane was so threatening that the eagle sat to the side, and then ran away and, soaring into the air, disappeared behind the mountainside.

336(n). Participles give speech a special liveliness and clarity, and conjugated forms of verbs give the text greater dynamism.

337 (327). It seems that the sky is leaning lower and lower over the sea, |wanting to understand what| the restless waves are whispering about, |sleepily crawling onto the shore|.

From them, black shadows fell onto the lush greenish crests of the waves and clothed them, as if wanting to stop the only movement, to muffle the incessant splash of water and the sighs of foam - all sounds that violate the secret silence spilled around along with the blue silver of the moon's radiance, still hidden behind the mountain peaks.

Rahim lies with his chest on the sand, his head to the sea, and thoughtfully looks into the muddy distance, leaning on his elbows and resting his head on his palms.

He philosophizes, not asking whether I am listening to him, as if he were talking to the sea:

- For what? - Rahim asks, |without turning to me|.

I want to hear old song, and in a sad recitative, trying to preserve the thread of the original melody of the song, he tells. x And along the gorge, in darkness and splashes, the stream rushed towards the sea, deep. about.

|rattling stones|...

- Yes, I'm dying! - Falcon answered, taking a deep breath.

And the Falcon shouted with anguish and pain, gathering all his strength:

And the Falcon trembled and, shouting proudly, went to the cliff, sliding his claws. And he himself, like a stone, sliding along the rocks, he quickly fell, breaking his wings. about.

A wave of the stream grabbed him and, having washed his blood, dressed him in foam, rushed off into the sea.

Why do people like him, having died, confuse the soul with their love of flying into the sky? But I could find out all this by |flying into the sky even for a short time|.

|Curled into a ring|, he sprang into the air and flashed like a narrow ribbon on |Not knowing the Earth|, |yearning for it|, they strive high into the sky and search for And he curled up in a ball on a stone, |proud of himself|.

The opal distance of the sea is silent, the waves splash melodiously on the sand, and I am silent. One of the waves playfully rolls onto the shore and, making a defiant noise, crawls towards Rahim’s head.

Participles and participial phrases indicate additional actions.

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- Which ones?

- I love roses.

Then I regretted saying this, because she smiled guiltily and threw her flowers into the ditch. A little confused, I nevertheless picked them up and gave them to her, but she, grinning, pushed the flowers away, and I carried them in my hands.

They walked like this in silence for some time, until she took the flowers out of my hands, threw them on the pavement, then put her hand in a black glove with a bell into mine, and we walked side by side.

- Further? - the guest asked, - well, you could guess the rest yourself. “He suddenly wiped away an unexpected tear with his right sleeve and continued: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once!”

That's how lightning strikes, that's how a Finnish knife strikes!

She, however, later claimed that this was not so, that we, of course, loved each other a long time ago, without knowing each other, never seeing each other, and that she lived with another person, and I was there then... with this what's her name...

- With whom? - asked Homeless.

“With this... well... this, well...” the guest answered and snapped his fingers.

- Were you married?

- Well, yes, here I am clicking... on this... Varenka, Manechka... no, Varenka... also a striped dress... a museum... however, I don’t remember.

So she said that with yellow flowers in my arms she came out that day so that I would finally find her, and that if this had not happened, she would have poisoned herself because her life was empty.

Yes, love struck us instantly. I knew this already that same day, an hour later, when we found ourselves, without noticing the city, at the Kremlin wall on the embankment.

We talked as if we had parted yesterday, as if we had known each other for many years. The next day we agreed to meet there, on the Moscow River, and we did. The May sun was shining on us. And soon, soon this woman became my secret wife.

She came to me every day, and I started waiting for her in the morning. This expectation was expressed in the fact that I rearranged objects on the table. Ten minutes later, I sat down at the window and began to listen for the sound of the dilapidated gate. And how curious: before I met her, few people came to our courtyard, just to say, no one came, but now it seemed to me that the whole city was rushing into it. The gate will knock, my heart will knock, and, imagine, at the level of my face outside the window there will definitely be someone’s dirty boots. Grinder. Well, who needs a sharpener in our house? What to sharpen? What knives?

She entered the gate once, and before that I had experienced at least ten heartbeats. I am not lying. And then, when her hour came and the hand showed noon, it didn’t even stop knocking until, without knocking, almost completely silently, the shoes with black suede overlays-bows, fastened with steel buckles, matched the window.

Sometimes she would play naughty and, lingering at the second window, would tap her toe on the glass. At that very second I found myself at this window, but the shoe disappeared, the black silk blocking the light disappeared - I went to open it for her.

Nobody knew about our connection, I guarantee you that, although this never happens. Her husband didn’t know, her friends didn’t know. In the old mansion where I owned this basement, they knew, of course, they saw that some woman was coming to me, but they didn’t know her name.

-Who is she? - asked Ivan, in highest degree interested in a love story.

The guest made a gesture that meant that he would never tell this to anyone, and continued his story.

Ivan learned that the master and the stranger fell in love with each other so deeply that they became completely inseparable. Ivan already clearly imagined two rooms in the basement of the mansion, in which there was always twilight because of the lilacs and the fence. Red shabby furniture, a bureau with a clock on it that rang every half hour, and books, books from the painted floor to the smoky ceiling, and a stove.

Ivan learned that his guest and his secret wife had already come to the conclusion in the first days of their relationship that fate itself had brought them together at the corner of Tverskaya and Lane and that they were created for each other forever.

Ivan learned from the guest’s story how the lovers spent the day. She came, and the first thing she did was put on an apron, and in the narrow hallway, where there was that very sink, which for some reason the poor patient was proud of, she lit a kerosene stove on a wooden table, and prepared breakfast, and served it in the first room on an oval table. When there were May thunderstorms and water rolled noisily into the gateway past the blind windows, threatening to flood last resort, the lovers lit the stove and baked potatoes in it. The potatoes were steaming, and black potato peels stained their fingers. Laughter was heard in the basement; the trees in the garden were throwing off broken branches and white brushes after the rain. When the thunderstorms ended and the sultry summer came, the long-awaited and beloved roses appeared in the vase.

The one who called himself a master worked, and she, running her thin fingers with sharply sharpened nails through her hair, reread what she had written, and after rereading, she sewed this very hat. Sometimes she squatted near the lower shelves or stood on a chair near the upper ones and wiped hundreds of dusty roots with a rag. She promised glory, she urged him on, and that’s when she began to call him a master. She was waiting for these already promised last words about the fifth procurator of Judea, intoned and loudly repeated certain phrases that she liked, and said that her life was in this novel.

It was completed in the month of August, was given to some unknown typist, and she retyped it in five copies. And finally, the hour came when I had to leave the secret shelter and go out into life.

“And I went out into life, holding it in my hands, and then my life ended,” the master whispered and bowed his head, and the sad black cap with the yellow letter “M” swayed for a long time. He continued his story, but it became somewhat incoherent. One could understand only one thing: then some kind of catastrophe happened to Ivan’s guest.

She walked in silence. Snowflakes fell on her lips, and the wind tugged at her hair. She didn't notice either one or the other, she just walked. Feeling cold, she calmly put on gloves and wrapped her long scarf better. If they looked at this girl, they most likely would not see anything. She just didn't stand out from the crowd. She was tall, people like this are called “big” or discussed around the corner, on her head is a brown beret, worn over her loose hair and the same brown coat that hung on her, because she was very thin. It seemed like she was just walking down the street and just looking around. She thought about her problems and tried to find a solution. But it was useless... my thoughts were confused and came to a dead end. "Dark future," she thought. She walked along the sidewalk and watched as cars, like animals, tried to gain dominance on the road. She saw how several cars came together in a battle for survival. Some foreign car emerged as the winner, leaving its competitors far behind. She smiled. “Life is like a road: in life, too, expensive foreign cars become the “kings of the roads”... it’s a shame.” She turned smoothly and walked towards the park. “Nineteen years, I haven’t had a boyfriend, and probably won’t have one, I’ve never been kissed, and what can I say about kisses if I don’t even know what a hug is!” She could have continued listing her shortcomings for a long time, but she stopped to look around and find a bench. When the search was over, she again indulged in wordless sadness. The idea of ​​why the world only needs beautiful people, and the rest are simply thrown into a landfill with the inscription “Useless trash” did not give her peace. She lived in the world for nineteen years, but never knew the joy of meeting a loved one, the sweetness of a kiss or the tenderness of a voice that wishes before going to bed. Good night. But unfortunately, problems in his personal life did not end only with the lack of love and young man. She had no friends, real, loyal friends to whom she could tell about painful things. Soon she learned to lie in order to brighten up her life, in order to somehow attract attention to herself. In many ways, she lied just to appear like an adult. She lit a cigarette. She also started smoking in order to seem like an adult, but it didn’t help... She understood that she was poisoning her life with smoke and the phrase “there’s nothing left to lose” served as an excuse for her.
The girl got up from the bench and slowly, with a sense of her own dignity, walked straight, without turning, straight along the roads, straight through the flower beds, straight... straight... straight...
Headlights shining and brakes screeching, impact. Did she do this by accident or on purpose? Nobody knows, not even me...the next morning no one remembered her. Amazingly, her body was not found either...it disappeared, or maybe it never existed? Was this girl even there?...