Nikolay Levashov. The Tale of the Clear Falcon

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Reading the undistorted texts of Russian Tales turns out to be not only very interesting, but also very educational! “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” contains so much interesting information that one can only admire the ability of our wise ancestors to convey information about themselves to their descendants in ordinary, simple, short Tales. For us, in “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” almost every word, every phrase is interesting, because many of them reveal a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. With a careful and thoughtful analysis of the Tale, we receive a lot of interesting information about the real past life of our people. For our distant ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans - space flights and communication with the gods were familiar, familiar and even commonplace! But for the Russians, who lived much later - one and a half to two thousand years ago - it was no longer clear and understandable, so in the Tale a lot had to be conveyed through simplified, fairy-tale images. For today's reader, looking for truthful information about our people and their glorious past, the analysis of “The Tale of the Clear Falcon”, set out in this book, will serve as a source of very interesting and even unique information that will help restore the true chronicle of the ongoing struggle between Light and Darkness, will help understand who we really are...

© Nikolay Levashov, 2009.


Nikolay Levashov. The Tale of the Clear Falcon. Past and present

Format: DOC, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2009
Nikolay Levashov
Genre: Tales
Number of pages: 141
Description: Reading the undistorted texts of Russian Tales turns out to be not only very interesting, but also very educational! “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” contains so much interesting information that one can only admire the ability of our wise ancestors to convey information about themselves to their descendants in ordinary, simple, short Tales. For us, in “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” almost every word, every phrase is interesting, because... many of them reveal a deeper meaning than appears at first glance. With a careful and thoughtful analysis of the Tale, we receive a lot of interesting information about the real past life of our people. For our distant ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans - space flights and communication with the gods were familiar, familiar and even commonplace! But for the Russians, who lived much later - one and a half to two thousand years ago - not everything was clear and understandable, so in the Tale a lot had to be conveyed through simplified, fairy-tale images. For today's reader, looking for truthful information about our people and their glorious past, the analysis of “The Tale of the Clear Falcon”, set out in this book, will serve as a source of very interesting and even unique information that will help restore the true chronicle of the ongoing struggle between Light and Darkness, will help understand who we really are...

© Nikolay Levashov, 2009


The Tale of the Clear Falcon. Past and present (Nikolai Levashov)

Format: DOC, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Nikolay Levashov
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Research
Publisher: "Golden Age"
Russian language
Number of pages: 141
Description: Reading the undistorted texts of Russian Tales turns out to be not only very interesting, but also very educational! “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” contains so much interesting information that one can only admire the ability of our wise ancestors to convey information about themselves to their descendants in ordinary, simple, short Tales. For us, in “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” almost every word, every phrase is interesting, because... In many...


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Performer: Ivan Kalinin
Duration: 05:32:08
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Publisher: Private edition
Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 2003
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Genre: Health, self-development
Author: Academician Nikolay Levashov
Publisher: Private edition
Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 1999
Number of pages: 323
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Publisher: Pravda Severa
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The Tale of the Clear Falcon

Past and present

Levashov Nikolay


The title of the book is “The Tale of the Clear Falcon. Past and Present" is not accidental. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas give the text of the “Tale of the Clear Falcon” as it was before, before the forced baptism of Kievan Rus and other Russian lands. In principle, the Tale is real events passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, that happened a long time ago. Over time, the Tale was filled with images that made it easier for people to understand the information transmitted orally.

As a result, many everyday ideas of our ancestors became either completely incomprehensible or incomprehensible for their descendants, and therefore the next storyteller added his own comments to the Tale, which allowed him to convey information to his listeners at a level understandable to them. It was as a result of this that similar explanations by storytellers appeared in many Tales, and gradually the Tales turned into fairy tales! This is exactly how flying carpets, self-assembled tablecloths, magic mirrors and saucers appeared in Russian fairy tales, with the help of which you can see a lot at a great distance.

Without such additions, the storytellers’ contemporaries simply would not have been able to understand them. Since at different levels of development of civilization, people form a corresponding perception of reality, and without taking this into account, it is impossible to convey understanding to these people. The tale “About the Clear Falcon” occupies a special place among other tales due to the fact that the events described in it lay beyond the understanding of future generations. Therefore, the generations living in Mother Rus' after the Christianization of Rus', which occurred during the last Night of Svarog, could not have corresponding images with which parallels could be drawn in the Tale. With the exception, perhaps, of long distances, which in the Tale were conveyed in the image of seven pairs of iron boots that had to be worn in order to reach the desired place.

It was the wear and tear of iron shoes that people perceived as overcoming incredible distances, since everyone immediately imagined how many miles they needed to walk to wear at least a pair of iron boots, and... not finding an answer to this question, the person understood that they were talking about huge distances. And, although the Tale gives exact distances in the measures of length that our ancestors used, this could not provide the image necessary for understanding. For a person who did not move further than a few miles from his homeland, it was simply unrealistic to estimate distances in light years, even if you translate “distant” into miles. But the concept that you need to wear out seven pairs of iron boots was accessible to everyone, despite the fact that no one could even imagine how much it would take to wear out at least one pair of iron boots! But the very image of the wear and tear of iron boots was understandable to people, and this is the whole power of figurative perception.

And such folk art is not only justified, but was also necessary, otherwise the information transmitted orally from generation to generation would have been completely lost in a series of generations. With the forced Christianization of Russian lands, it became necessary to hide information valuable for future generations from church censorship behind images. And, what is most curious, in oral form it was still possible to convey information about real events of the distant past to the present day very accurately, and this became possible, to a large extent, precisely thanks to the imagery of Russian Tales. However, as soon as it came to the publication of Skazov, censorship immediately intervened, first by the church, and later by the party, as a result of which the Skaz turned into a fairy tale, in which little remained of the Skaz and the real events that were reflected in it. How this happened and why will become extremely clear after reading this book.

Past… I've already passed ! It was from these three terms that the word familiar to every Russian arose! Think about the meaning of this word, revive it in your mind, and... new horizons will open up before you that no one even suspected! I've already passed ... our past is what our memory carries, both the memory of an individual and the memory of a people! The present… what else am I standing on? ! And again, this word arose from the merger of five different words into one!

And let each of us “weigh” this foundation and determine for himself what kind of foundation he or she would really like to stand on...

Chapter 1. The past. The Tale of the Clear Falcon

In ancient times, there lived in a forest skuf [in a forest settlement] an orach-worker [plowman, peasant] Lyubomir Vedaslavich with his lady-ladushka Mlada Zareslavna: and the Rod gave them nine sons and three daughters. Lyubomir Vedaslavich raised his sons to their feet, taught them to work hard and live a righteous life, and next to him was always his youngest daughter, Nastenka, she noticed everything, remembered all the father’s words and instructions.

And the eldest daughters, Zabava and Vesnyana, were raised and warmed by Mlada Zareslavna. The children have grown up and the parents have aged. Lyubomir Vedaslavich married his sons, and for each he found a beautiful bride from a glorious, ancient family. The sons and their families settled throughout the nearby region and began to work and create for the good of their family.

But then the time allotted by Rod and Makosh came, the turn came - the oracha worker’s wife, Mlada Zareslavna, died. They made a croda [funeral pyre] for her with the whole world [i.e. the entire community], they performed a glorious funeral ceremony for her, and Lyubomir Vedaslavich began to raise his daughters alone. All three of his daughters were amazingly beautiful and equal in beauty, but different in character.

The old orach worker lived in labor and prosperity and took pity on his daughters. He wanted to take some kind of old lady [a single elderly unmarried woman, usually a widow] into the yard so that she could take care of the housework. And the youngest daughter, Nastenka, says to her father:

There is no need, dear father, to take the lobster, I myself will tidy up and take care of the household of our family.

Nastenka was caring from early childhood. And the eldest daughters, Zabava and Vesnyana, did not say anything, they only felt sad due to their mother’s affection.

Nastenka began running the skufu farm instead of her mother. And she can do everything, everything goes well with her, and what she doesn’t know how to do, she gets used to it, and, once she gets used to it, she also gets along with things. Father looks and is glad that Nastenka is so smart, hardworking and meek in character. And Nastenka was a good person - a real beauty, and her kindness added to her beauty.

Her older sisters were also beauties, only it seemed to them that their beauty was not enough, and they tried to add blush and whitewash and dress up in new clothes so that they could show off at girls’ gatherings in the neighboring village. It used to be that Zabava and Vesnyana would sit and preen themselves all day, and by the evening they would all be the same as they were in the morning. They will notice that the day has passed, how much rouge and whitewash they have used, but they have not become any better, and they sit angry.

And Nastenka will be tired in the evening, but she knows that the cattle are fed, the whole house is tidy and clean, she has prepared dinner, kneaded bread for tomorrow, and the priest will be pleased with her. She will look at her sisters with her tender eyes and will not say anything to them. And then the older sisters get even more angry. It seems to them that Nastenka was not like that in the morning, but in the evening she became prettier - why, they don’t know.

Igor Kondrakov

Before us is an analysis of a literary and artistic work in the form of a tale, but in fact Scientific research and deciphering its text. The comments to the text of the tale themselves are already an independent work, because allow us to read and understand the text the way those who wanted to convey its meaning to us - their descendants - wanted. And this analysis is not just a translation of an ancient text into a modern language, but the discovery of a whole layer of events from our relatively recent history, the discovery of the existence and worldview of our ancestors, their Vedic worldview, as well as a huge amount of scientific information about the planets that Nastenka visited (absorption spectrum , luminosity, structure of nearby space, etc.). For example, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” has many translators and researchers (Zhukovsky V.A., Maykov A., Zabolotsky N., Chivilikhin V., Likhachev D., etc.), but no one has been able to complete the ancient text until a full understanding of what is stated in it...

Thus, “The Tale of the Clear Falcon: Past and Present” as a whole is also a scientific and artistic work.

It would seem that everyone in childhood read the fairy tale “Finist the Clear Falcon” or watched a feature film, but few suspected that “... it contained a hint” of real events. Finally, as adults, we were able to read “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” in the Vedas. And, if the fairy tale was perceived as a fairy tale, then the Tale has already somehow tuned you into the fact that this is reality - a true story, but very far removed in time from us. But the presentation of the Tale in the Vedas and your intuition that all this happened is one thing, the presence of unconditional evidence of the reality of the events described in the Tale is another thing. Usually some kind of physical evidence is required for proof. But there are none. And if not, then who will stop the tale from being translated into a fairy tale or declared to be another myth? As was the case with other ancient sources (“The Book of Veles”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, etc.).

Our ancestors understood that the Dark Ones would try to destroy all material evidence of our Great Past. Therefore, the physical evidence must be so that descendants will believe in them, and should not be so that they are not discovered and destroyed by the Dark Ones. This contradiction is beautifully resolved by our ancestors in a tale: there is material evidence, but it is in space, where the Dark Ones cannot destroy it, and it is not on Earth, where there are Dark Ones who will definitely destroy it . All that remains is to embody this plan, translating it into something intangible, which the Dark Ones “can’t reach with their hands and minds”... That’s what the ancestors did - leaving us with an oral tale, presented in figurative language in the form of a fairy tale. Now that the time has come, we need to decide inverse problem: extract the embedded information about the past from the tale and deploy it in today’s real world in modern ugly language. All that remains is to find the keys to solving the inverse problem. Which is what N. Levashov did. As keys, he used our native figurative language, modern scientific data about space, and the methodology for solving such problems. And also - a passionate desire to show our Great Past, unfolded by it on a huge cosmic “canvas”, using, at first glance, a simple deciphering technique:

  1. Turn to the language of the Past.
  2. Understand the language of the Past the way our ancestors understood it, and not building various hypotheses (to confirm which we still need to find the corresponding artifacts).
  3. Reveal what is contained in words, sentences, text.
  4. Compare the information received with scientific data.
  5. Combine analysis results into fragments and then into a single whole.
  6. Expand the pictures of the Past on a solid canvas in time and space.

It would seem to be a simple love story of a simple girl for her lover - Clear Falcon, but how much information is contained in it and shows cross-sections of the life that took place in the fifth century AD. Here are just a few of them:

1. Life structure of the Russians

The family of Lyubomir Vedaslavich - an oruch from forest skuf - lived according to the order established by their ancestors, according to the laws of the Republic of Armenia. From childhood, sons were taught to work hard and live a righteous life. Children were given names based on the essence of their souls at the age of seven. Therefore, all the names in the tale are not accidental, which makes it possible for descendants to learn this side of the life of their ancestors. When the name and essence are in harmony with each other, then a person’s fate “fits in” accordingly.

Oruchi and the inhabitants of Midgard-Earth lived by their labor, which was a joy; they exchanged and bought goods at marketplaces, where goods arrived from different planets and constellations, which was a common thing. They ran the household themselves and had no servants. The servants appeared only in the constellation Finist, where the Dark Ones had already infiltrated. After death, the Russians did not bury the deceased, but burned them on a funeral pyre - like, knowing about the binding of the essence to the dead body until its organic matter decomposed. At the same time, a funeral feast was performed for the deceased in honor of life!

Guys could get married only when they turned twenty-one (by the way, in the villages of the Tambov region, these terms were observed until the 40s of the last century, as my father talked about). And a girl could get married at sixteen, when she stops leading (learning how to manage a house, etc.), i.e. will become a bride. Weddings were held a hundred miles around, gathering all the honest people. Children were given birth to a whole circle, i.e. until 16. Nastenka's father had twelve: nine sons and three daughters.

I happened to be born and live in Talyshetia (southern Azerbaijan), where there is a normal family of 16 children. By the way, their language retained many of the roots of the Old Russian language. M.b. this is an accident, but I think that the Talysh are one of the southern tribes of the Slavic-Aryans, which, in isolation from the rest of civilization, gradually degraded, especially in the mountains.

2. System of raising children

The Russians’ sons were raised by their father, teaching them to work and live a righteous life, passing on the experience of their ancestors (this is family pedagogy with the highest efficiency!). The daughters were primarily raised by their mother. But here the author especially draws attention to the fact that maternal love is blind and instinctive, therefore a woman is not always the best educator. Our ancestors knew about this. But where the girl was raised by her father, there are no big problems. And this is true for most modern families. It is no coincidence that in our time a man has become effeminate, weak in body and spirit, cowardly, capricious, etc. after all, many are raised mainly by mothers or single mothers and school teachers - women. Fathers more often shirk participation in raising children. This is a problem of our time, to which the author pays special attention.

The result of her father’s upbringing of her daughter is obvious: Nastenka was diligent from early childhood, everything was always in order with her, everything was done with joy, so by the evening she only became prettier from work, which her sisters paid attention to. All this does not contradict our purpose here on Earth: to study, to become enlightened, conquering step by step of the Golden Path. The more a person works, the more he learns and knows how, and the easier it is for him to endure any tests - physical and spiritual. Therefore, for one beaten, they give two unbeaten.

Nastenka was the youngest and beloved daughter, but her father did not interfere with her search for her betrothed, although he imagined the difficulties and dangers that might await her along the way. He recognized her right to choose her betrothed for love. And this was in line with the Vedic worldview and raising children. Nastenka worthily “endured seven pairs of boots and starved for seven loaves of bread,” without deviating from her goal. However, her sisters, who were raised by their mother, became consumers and turned out to be unadapted to life, became selfish, and, very importantly, as a result, evil was easily cultivated in their souls. Such people are always a godsend for the Dark Ones, who have already taken control of Finist’s Hall. An example of this is the wife of the Clear Falcon - a black-eyed and fire-haired beauty who easily exchanged her betrothed for things useful for the household.

3. Communication and navigation tools

To move around the Earth, residents used conventional means: horse-drawn vehicles. To bring goods from other Halls or move between halls, they used Whitemans and Whitemars, i.e. Our ancestors, a millennium and a half ago, had a high cosmic level of development and mastered complex technologies, despite the last global catastrophe. Back in the fifth century AD. Tarkh Perunovich himself flew to us incognito on his “chariot of fire”... And the especially enlightened ones - the Magi and warriors - the Clear Falcons - could move with light feet or a breath, i.e. teleportation from one planet to another in your physical body, without using the Interworld Gate. To find the location of the Goddesses, Nastenka used a gift from the Goddess Karna - a scooter ball and a pathimer - a navigation device.

By the way, in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the warriors Falcons and Swans are mentioned. For a hundred years of Christianization, the Dark Ones have not yet had time to thoroughly cleanse the language and ideas of our ancestors.

4. Level of knowledge

He's amazing. An ordinary girl knew her way around the vast space perfectly, little surprised her even on other planets, where she was for the first time, therefore, she had an idea about them. She knew about the presence of many civilizations in space. Our ancestors traveled on whitemans and whitemars, which means they built them. Nastenka used navigation instruments and other technical means that were given to her by the goddesses Karna, Zhelya, Srecha and Nesrecha, Tara, Jiva and the god Tarkh Perunovich.

Information about Nastenka’s movement on the Whitemans and Whitemars is also of great importance for science, because this very fact completely refutes Einstein’s theory of relativity, which prohibits movement at a speed greater than the speed of light, and which has been turned into a dogma by modern science, one of its pillars. Then, how Tarkh Perunovich on his “heavenly Chariot” could fold space and cover a path of tens of light years to Midgard-Earth in a very short time. For us this is still fantastic. But it was reality.

All the Goddesses, in general, knew about the Clear Falcon, therefore, they had the ability to “read” information at great distances from him. This also indicates a high level of knowledge development.

5. The relationship between ordinary people and Gods

When turning to the Gods, Nastenka did not fall to her knees, did not kiss hands, and did not pretend to be “God’s lamb.” She spoke to them as if they were her equals, addressing them with respect, just as she was raised in her family. In turn, the Gods behave like ordinary people, which indicates their high spiritual level. Nastenka found everyone responsive to her problem, and they helped her. The gods themselves equipped Nastenka with the necessary technical means. Tarkh Perunovich himself delivered them with the Clear Falcon to Midgard-Earth.

6. How to love in Russian

We have been taught to admire examples of “other people’s” love. Rivers of women's tears are shed while watching sentimental foreign films. For example, the story of Romeo and Juliet, where there is more passion and impulses than high love. They were made models of true love for us. However, we do not find such high love as Nastenka and Yasny Sokol had anywhere. Pure, high, noble, filled with kindness and always ready for self-sacrifice in the name of a loved one - this is what is called love in Russian, i.e. true love. Nastenka overcame everything for the sake of love, saved and returned her beloved. And impromptu:

Loving in Russian is not streams of tears, not sighs, sniffles. Not a host of ideas, memories, dreams. No oaths... uttered by your lips. To love in Russian means to go into battle, be it in space, even in the sea, even on land... Readily sacrifice yourself in the name of those with whom your souls become related. To love in Russian is kindness, Like a spring that flows from the earth, So that beauty awakens in people, That will save the world and be reflected in souls. ……………………………………......... In the Hall of Finista she found her beloved - Not with the Koshcheevs - in the narrow labyrinths. Nastenka went through all the obstacles only because she loved everything in Russian.

7. How to live and what to strive for

You need to live righteously, working for the good of the Family. Do not be a slave and maintain the purity of your soul in any conditions. Nastenka had gifts from the Goddesses, but she easily gave them to the wife of the Clear Falcon, without bargaining, just to see her beloved. The upbringing that her father gave her made her strong in spirit, pure in thoughts and purposeful.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The author has given us a magnificent example of scientific research. He revealed a whole layer of our history, revealed a beautiful story of high love. It's all about time. Now, when there is an information war against our people by all available means, this tale will help awaken many from their hibernation and show what potential our people have, that it is time to stop being humiliated and insulted, with a constant feeling of guilt before everyone.

For young parents, this is a textbook on raising children; for young people, it is a model of self-education and the awakening of Man.

What about historians, literary critics and linguists of official science? They are silent. Their conservatism simply kills with its limitations, sometimes dullness and deadness of consciousness, even in cases where there is a huge arsenal of material evidence. They have long ago turned science into the worst of religions.

Just yesterday there was a film about Altai, about excavations and genetic studies of the mummy of the “Altai princess”. Genetic analysis showed that she is a white woman, Scythian - Slavic. Based on the face restored using Gerasimov’s method, it is clear that this is a Ruthenian, not a Tuvan, etc. However, in the comments they very restrainedly said that this is a white woman and possibly belongs to the Scythians...

But, in spite of everything, the story set out in the tale evokes legitimate pride in our ancestors, in our Great Motherland. As N. Levashov's research shows, the truth cannot be destroyed. I am very grateful to the author for his work.

Reading the undistorted texts of Russian Tales turns out to be not only very interesting, but also very educational! “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” contains so much interesting information that one can only admire the ability of our wise ancestors to convey information about themselves to their descendants in ordinary, simple, short Tales. For us, in “The Tale of the Clear Falcon” almost every word, every phrase is interesting, because many of them reveal a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. With a careful and thoughtful analysis of the Tale, we receive a lot of interesting information about the real past life of our people. For our distant ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans - space flights and communication with the gods were familiar, familiar and even commonplace! But for the Russians, who lived much later - one and a half to two thousand years ago - it was no longer clear and understandable, so in the Tale a lot had to be conveyed through simplified, fairy-tale images. For today's reader, looking for truthful information about our people and their glorious past, the analysis of “The Tale of the Clear Falcon”, set out in this book, will serve as a source of very interesting and even unique information that will help restore the true chronicle of the ongoing struggle between Light and Darkness, will help understand who we really are...© Nikolay Levashov,

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