Great-niece of Kshesinskaya. Art historian: ballerina Eleanor Sevenard is not the great-granddaughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya

The great-great-great-cousin of the scandalous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, young Eleanor Sevenard, was accepted into the ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater. On September 22, the girl turned 19 years old; this year she graduated from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. BigPiccha studied the ballerina’s social media accounts, interviews and statements about her famous relative.

(Total 18 photos + 1 video)

In the media, the girl is called the great-great-granddaughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya, but in fact she is the great-great-granddaughter of the ballerina’s brother. Her father Konstantin Sevenard is the son of Yuri Sevenard, who, in turn, is the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya, and she is the daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya’s brother.

Eleanor Sevenard was born in St. Petersburg, she has been studying ballet since she was four years old.

When the girl was 10 years old, her mother brought her to the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova - the oldest school classical dance Russia, where Vaslav Nijinsky, Anna Pavlova, Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov were brought up. The girl’s sister, Ksenia Sevenard, is now studying in her first year at the Academy.

“The family often talked about Matilda Feliksovna; we kept the Kshesinsky costumes. Now we have transferred them to the Academy Museum. I think this also played a role in my decision to choose the path of a dancer.”

Eleonore Sevenard in an interview with Voci dell'Opera

Eleanor's parents have nothing to do with ballet: her mother is a historian, and her father Konstantin Sevenard is in the construction business. He was also elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the State Duma of the third convocation.

Graduation at the Catherine Palace.

Academy Rector Nikolai Tsiskaridze calls Sevenard the best graduate of the school for the year.

“He is a very demanding teacher, there is no other way. I'm glad that I have this opportunity, because after rehearsals with him you come out with the knowledge gained, goals and tasks that you must correct at the next rehearsal. And, most importantly, during rehearsals with Nikolai Maksimovich you gain strength, a desire to work and improve.”

With Nikolai Tsiskaridze and another of his students - a ballerina Mikhailovsky Theater Angelina Vorontsova.

While still studying at the Academy, the ballerina began acting in performances Mariinsky Theater(her famous relative also performed there) and go on tour - this is how she visited Lithuania and Japan. In the spring of 2017, the girl participated in the gala concert “Icons of Russian Ballet” in London and in the gala of ballet schools of the 21st century in Paris.

Her debut performance as a Bolshoi ballerina was in the play “Don Quixote”.

“I am the great-niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya, and this great Russian ballerina is for me the most main example to follow in the profession. I am very glad that I was accepted into the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe. And I was lucky enough to already dance on this stage. On September 20, my debut took place - I took part in the play “Don Quixote.”

Eleanor Sevenard in conversation with RIA Novosti

Sevenard was awarded several ballet awards: second prize at the Vaganova International Ballet Competition - PRIX, first prize All-Russian competition young performers of the Russian Ballet, the Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeev Foundation awards. She is a laureate of the all-Russian competition “Young Talents of Russia”.

March 2017, debut on historical scene Bolshoi Theater in the ballet “Fairy Dolls”.

After graduation, the girl was simultaneously offered to join the troupes of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theaters. She chose the capital and is now training under the guidance of People's Artist USSR Svetlana Adyrkhaeva.

April exam at the Academy.

The first role in the theater was a dryad in the ballet Don Quixote.


A nineteen-year-old relative of the legendary Russian ballerina Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya Eleonora Sevenard continued the tradition of her famous family and became a ballerina. In just a few days, domestic funds mass media reported the news that the young ballerina became part of the Bolshoi Theater theater troupe and, on the eve of her birthday, made her debut on stage with a role in the production of “Don Quixote.” We invite you to get to know the talented heiress of the Russian ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

19-year-old Eleanor Sevenard made her debut at the Bolshoi Theater

Over the past few days, the domestic media has covered big news about a relative of the famous Russian ballerina and prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya. The great-niece of the celebrity Eleanor Sevenard became part of the huge family of the largest theater in Russia and one of the most significant theaters in the world. The young ballerina made her debut in the production of “Don Quixote” and literally woke up famous. The audience appreciated the talent of the ballerina Eleanor Sevenard, who was just beginning her career, and predicted that she would have the same fame as her relative Matilda Kshesinskaya.

The niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya aspired to ballet from childhood

The talented great-niece of the legendary Russian ballerina Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya, Eleonora Sevenard, celebrated her nineteenth birthday on September 22, 2017. The girl’s love for ballet began in childhood, when the baby was only four years old. Professional ballet Eleanor started training at the age of ten. Then the girl’s mother brought her to one of the oldest and most famous ballet schools in the world - the Agrippina Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.

During her studies at the Academy, the girl showed good results, so while still a student she performed at the Mariinsky Theater, where her relative Matilda Kshesinskaya also basked in the rays of glory. Young Eleanor then performed in the play “The Nutcracker”, where she brilliantly performed the role of Masha. The girl also went on tour to countries such as Japan and Lithuania. Eleanor Sevenard graduated with honors from the Academy of Russian Ballet and faced an important choice: continue to create her name at the Mariinsky Theater or become part of the Bolshoi. The young ballerina settled on the second, where she is now in the reliable hands of prima ballerina and People's Artist of the Soviet Union Svetlana Adyrkhaeva.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze spoke about the talented ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

Forty three year old domestic artist ballet and part-time rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze also decided to say a few words to journalists about rising star Russian ballet art. The man speaks of nineteen-year-old Eleanor Sevenard as the best graduate of the past year, who has the opportunity to collaborate with such famous theater companies.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze said that the young ballerina initially, even during entrance exams, declared herself as a promising artist who has not only a frenzied desire and desire, but also skills, talent and abilities. The Honored Artist of Russia also admitted that Eleanor Sevenard never boasted of her relationship with the famous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, as she wanted not to use her inheritance, but to create his own name.

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Beginner's name ballerina Eleonora Sevenard Over the past two days, almost all Russian media have covered it. There were several reasons to get to know her better. Firstly, Eleanor is a great-niece famous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, about whose life a film by Alexei Uchitel will soon be released. Secondly, the other day she gave her debut performance in the play “Don Quixote” at the Bolshoi Theater. And thirdly,
On September 22, Eleanor celebrated her birthday - she turned 19 years old. We congratulate Eleanor - both on her birthday and on her debut, we wish her great creative success, and we invite you to find out a few interesting facts about her.

Matilda Kshesinskaya Eleanor, as already noted, is the great-niece. Her father Konstantin Sevenard is the son of Yuri Sevenard, who, in turn, is the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya, and she is the daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya’s brother.

Eleanor Sevenard

The family often talked about Matilda Feliksovna; we kept the Kshesinsky costumes. Now we have transferred them to the Academy Museum. I think this also played a role in my decision to choose the path of a dancer,” Eleanor said last year in an interview with Voci dell’Opera.

Matilda Kshesinskaya

Eleanor's parents have nothing to do with ballet. Father Konstantin Sevenard is in the construction business; was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the State Duma of the 3rd convocation. Eleanor's mother is a historian.

Eleanor Sevenard's mother

Grandmother of Eleanor Sevenard

Eleanor began studying ballet at the age of 4. But her mother brought her to the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, which Eleanor graduated from this year. At that time, Eleanor was 10.

Eleanor at the Academy graduation in the Catherine Palace

Diana Vishneva and Eleanor Sevenard

While still a student at the Academy, she began participating in performances of the Mariinsky Theater (for example, she performed the role of Masha in the ballet “The Nutcracker”) and went on tour, in particular to Lithuania and Japan.

Eleanor's favorite artists are Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasiliev.

At the Academy, Eleanor studied under the guidance of Tatyana Udalenkova. Also her teacher was the rector of the Academy Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Tatyana Udalenkova and Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Eleanor has several honorary awards to her name. Last year she won second prize at the 7th International Ballet Competition Vaganova-PRIX ( senior group), an award from the Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeev Foundation and became one of the laureates of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “Young Talents of Russia”. And in 2017, Eleanor was awarded first prize at the 3rd All-Russian Competition for Young Performers "Russian Ballet".

After graduating from the Academy, Eleanor was offered to join the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where she was familiar with a lot, or the Bolshoi troupe. But the heir to Kshesinskaya still chose the Moscow theater - now she trains under the guidance of Svetlana Adyrkhaeva. This became known last week.
Materials taken from open sources

Eleanor Sevenard after her debut performance at the Bolshoi Theater, September 20

Konstantin Sevenard: “I swear that I’m telling the truth”

The other day, all the media wrote about 19-year-old ballerina Eleanor Sevenard, who was accepted into the Bolshoi Theater troupe. This news was made sensational by the fact that the young dancer from St. Petersburg is the great-great-granddaughter of “that same Kshesinskaya.”

Officially - according to the only surviving side branch of the Kshesinskys, from sibling Matilda Joseph. Since the ballerina has no direct descendants.

But representatives of the Kshesinsky-Sevenard family are convinced that not everything is so simple in this world and that their grandmother, nee Tselina Iosifovna Kshesinskaya, is in fact not a niece, but the own daughter of Matilda and... Nicholas II.

Everyone said that Tselina surpassed her famous relative in beauty.

Conceived much later than the Tsar’s marriage - in 1910. And not just like that, but for the sake of saving the country.

girl with pure blood, which does not carry within itself the broken genes of the fatal hemophilia that ultimately destroyed the empire.

This story is so incredible and looks more like a thick adventure novel than a boring historical chronicle that if someone else had told it to me, and not the father of that very young ballerina Eleanor Sevenard, I would never have believed it.

But Konstantin Sevenard is quite a real man who is responsible for his words.

An ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, he fought in Afghanistan, his father, the communist Yuri Sevenard, ran for mayor of Leningrad in 1991 and lost to Sobchak, and his grandfather Konstantin Sevenard, the patriarch of the Soviet hydropower construction industry, as he was called, surrendered turnkey more than one powerful hydroelectric power station, but grandson Konstantin Yuryevich Sevenard is convinced that the scandal with Matilda is not at all accidental.

Konstantin Sevenard.

The series "Matilda" was released on new round. Having driven three great princes crazy, Kshesinskaya has already almost driven mad modern Russia. Why do we need this? And what was there in this woman, who, to today’s picky eyes, is not so brilliant a beauty? Just a lover? Or something more?

We are sitting with Konstantin Sevenard in his office on Chernaya Rechka, the view from the window is beautiful, the last warm days, the sun’s glare falls like stitches on Malaya Nevka. St. Petersburg is still history, take any house built about a century ago, and it will probably turn out that it is also connected with the name of Matilda Feliksovna: she visited here, drank tea there... The past is so close, almost nearby.

100 years of revolution - fleeting sunny bunny on the cold September water.

Konstantin Yuryevich, are you outraged that the name of your great-grandmother, dear or cousin, is being tarnished today, to be honest, by everyone? Do you also want to sue the authors of Matilda, as Olga Kulikovskaya-Romanova, the widow of Nicholas II’s nephew, recently did?

How can I file a defamation claim if I haven't seen the film yet? Let him come out, and then it will become clear. But I think that all the really ambiguous and controversial episodes have probably already been cut out from there. And if there are still spreading cranberries left, then they are unlikely to offend anyone.

- Is it surprising that the name of Kshesinskaya suddenly emerged from obscurity on the very eve of the centenary of the revolution?

Of course, in Soviet times Kshesinskaya was remembered only in the context of her mansion, which was donated by the emperor and where the Bolshevik headquarters was located in 1917, and then the Museum of the Revolution. The fact that the great-grandmother was not timid is evidenced by the fact that she was not afraid to sue the uninvited guests who evicted her. Imagine, she won the lawsuit against Lenin. Matilda returned to her mansion and even set up a large hiding place there, took all her jewelry and documents there, but, alas, she did not stay there for long, and soon fled abroad... Times were turbulent. In 1990, my family, too, did everything to open an exhibition in this building dedicated to the life of Matilda Kshesinskaya, but we could not even imagine that crowds of people would rush there, that many would find it interesting - archival photographs, documents , our survivors family photos... Instead of several months, the exhibition ran for about two years. A lot of publications appeared in the media at this time, dedicated to life Matilda and her love.

Brother Joseph and sister Matilda. Is she hiding her pregnancy under a wide skirt?

And yet, what you are talking about today real fate his great-grandmother, this is in best case scenario apocrypha. But the family legend that she had a daughter from Nicholas II - your own grandmother, that she was born much later than the emperor’s marriage to Alexandra Fedorovna and even the birth of their children together - this is worse than “Matilda,” to be honest.

I swear I'm telling the truth. On October 6, 1910, at the invitation of Nicholas, Matilda met him in the park of the Constantine Palace in a gazebo on the island. She was brought there by boat. On her part, the purpose of the visit was quite prosaic, she had a conflict with the director of the Mariinsky Theater, which she wanted to resolve in her favor, to win Nikolai over to her side, he had other intentions... An episode of intimacy occurred. I don't think it was accidental. Nikolai really wanted a child from Matilda, a healthy child.

- First love forever?

The fact is that they never broke off their relationship. Matilda’s sister, Julia, also a ballerina, 1st Kshesinskaya, as everyone called her, married Colonel Alexander Zeddeler, the Tsar’s adjutant, so Matilda had direct access to Nicholas in any case. Yes, Nikolai was weak and driven, and Matilda was one of the most interesting and charming women of her era; it was not for nothing that she drove two other grand dukes, Sergei Mikhailovich and Andrei Vladimirovich, crazy, whose wife she eventually became.

According to my information, Matilda was pregnant from the end of 1910 to the spring of 1911, officially at that time she was supposedly shining on tour in England, but in fact, since March she had been living continuously in the house of her brother Joseph and his wife Seraphima in Astashkovo. To kill time, she practiced her handwriting, wrote with her left hand, rewrote “Woe from Wit”; many years later, the pioneers seem to have found this notebook and donated it to the Bakhrushin Museum.

Felix Kshesinsky is the head of the dynasty.

Her daughter Celina, my grandmother, was born in midsummer. Brother Joseph offered to enroll the girl in his name. His one-year-old son Slavochka was already growing up, whom his first wife, dancer Sima Astafieva, gave birth to, so the newborn did not require any additional investments; clothes, a stroller, and even a nurse were already ready. Matilda returned to St. Petersburg, where she magnificently celebrated her next birthday in front of everyone, compensating for her long absence. Meanwhile, the nurse did not have enough milk for two children - and Joseph ordered her to feed Tselina first... Seraphim's wife was offended and left, taking the one-year-old boy with her. Later they left for London - and there, unfortunately, traces of Slavik were lost. And Joseph married the beautiful Tselina Spryshinskaya, he urgently needed to straighten his niece’s passport, and official biography It was Tselina Sr. who was considered the mother of little Tselina, named after her.

- But for such loud conclusions there are not enough words, evidence is needed.

Our family has photographs from that era. Here, for example, is a photograph from Astashkov, you see how awkwardly Matilda is sitting sideways, covering her big belly, here she is just pregnant with her grandmother. And here - she has already given birth, stands next to the stroller, looks at the baby with tenderness... To hide family secret, Tselina Jr. was registered only in the fall and under the name of her brother Joseph.

Do you think another illegitimate child could have hampered Matilda’s reputation? Why did she recognize Volodya, her only son according to documents, and abandon her own daughter?

Because Volodya was not the son of the Tsar, but Tselina was. By the way, here is the intertwining of fate - in the photograph where Matilda is standing with a stroller, in the right corner is a five-year-old boy, the son of the Kshesinskys’ neighbors on the estate, Konstantin Sevenard. Many years later he would become my grandfather and Celina's husband.

Matilda Kshesinskaya conquered men not with her beauty, but with her natural charm.

- What an original surname - Sevenard. Where is she from?

The Sevenards' ancestors came from France, an old aristocratic family, and were related to Napoleon, so the second half of my surname did not disappoint.

But how could it happen that in the USSR the nobleman Konstantin Sevenard, married to a relative of Matilda Kshesinskaya herself, niece or daughter, was not only not repressed, but was even allowed to work on objects of national importance?

Grandfather Sevenard was an honored hydraulic engineer and order bearer; the second, more secret part of his biography: wherever he built hydroelectric power stations, military factories also appeared at the same time. For example, they built the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station - and right next to it the Volzhskie Motors plant was founded, which provided the army with transport; the same thing happened in the Urals during the construction of the Uralvagonzavod. His solutions were the most advanced at that time. No, the authorities had no doubts about Konstantin Sevenard, although he never received the Hero of Socialist Labor, just like me, who fought in Afghanistan, took part in the rescue of the 9th company and was twice nominated for the title of Hero Soviet Union, - I think all this is not accidental. By the way, the grandfather himself did not talk much about the family’s past; we knew only the bare minimum about our ancestors. The relationship was not maintained in any way. In those days it could not have been otherwise. When in the early 60s Matilda tried to come to the USSR, on a boat to Odessa, giving the opportunity a letter for my father Yuri, her grandson, grandfather Sevenard did not let his son go anywhere. He forced the letter to be burned and forgotten. However, this meeting would not have taken place anyway - since Kshesinskaya was not even allowed to go to her native land.

Summer of 1911. Matilda (center) looks at the stroller in which, according to family legend, lies her newborn daughter.

- What about your grandmother Tselina?

By that time my grandmother was no longer alive. She died at 48. Which is not at all typical for the Kshesinsky family, who lived for almost a hundred years: Matilda left at 99 (in 1971! - E.S.), her sister Yulia - at 104, but Tselina instantly burned out from cancer , it was due to the fact that she and her husband worked not far from Semipalatinsk when the first nuclear tests. In general, my grandmother began as a ballerina at the Kirov Theater, the former Mariinsky Theater, where her father Joseph continued to work as a dance master in the 30s. I don’t know, to be honest, how it happened that the sisters Matilda and Yulia were able to emigrate, and he stayed in Russia with his adopted niece, then married for the third time. But my great-grandfather did not live his life in vain. He trained a whole galaxy of wonderful Soviet dancers; she considered him her teacher famous ballerina Natalya Dudinskaya, but grandmother Tselina herself did not have a career, although we keep her old posters at home... Tselina married her grandfather, a hydraulic engineer, very early and how faithful wife wandered with him all over the country, gave birth to two children, survived the war, had to forget about the theater... Great-grandfather Joseph Kshesinsky disappeared during the blockade in 1942. That's all we know about him. His apartment was then searched, the furniture was opened, it seemed that some strange glass plates were found, which were taken with them by those who carried out this search. Much time has passed since then, and there are too many events to count... The USSR collapsed, many archival documents... And so “Matilda” was resurrected again, now in the form of a scandalous film. This means that her fate still worries our compatriots, and this is not without reason.

Probably, if your relationship with the royal family is proven, then you can become the center of opposing forces?

Yes, on the one hand, there are those who benefit from the appearance of official heirs Russian Emperor, on the other hand, I understand that the majority will not want to recognize us as descendants of Nicholas II. My father - he is old but vigorous - last year voluntarily donated blood for a DNA test, but there are still no results of the study. And I frankly don’t understand where they went, what’s happening, who doesn’t want or who doesn’t benefit from pulling this out old story to the light. Although it is not a fact that the remains officially recognized as royal, with which our DNA could be compared, are actually such... The history of their canonization is dark and mysterious. I know that the same Yeltsin in the 90s was categorically against any restoration of tsarism.

Sobchak, whose opponent in the elections was my father. after the events of August 1991, there was an idea to re-establish a liberal monarchy in Russia. He tried to involve Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov, the then official head of the dynasty, in this issue; as far as I know, they even agreed on something. But personally, I didn’t want to and didn’t see myself in this project: for me, great-grandmother Matilda is not a way to achieve some political goals, but a kind of symbol of freedom, spiritual and physical, of that turn in history that would never have happened if she stayed with Nikolai.

Little Celina with Joseph and brother Romuald.

Matilda lived an incredibly long and such different lives. If you look at it, the affair with the heir was just the beginning of her journey, the first episode of an endless series 99 years long. It is quite possible that even now, judging by latest events around Matilda, we are not seeing the end of this story.

The only pity is that there are practically no unknown authentic archives left. The great-grandmother's memoirs and diaries have already been published. After the unexpected death of Matilda’s son Vladimir Krasinsky, who outlived his mother by only two years, the remaining papers were taken by Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov. In a conversation with me, he did not hide the fact that he was interested in ensuring that these recordings did not surface anywhere. Well, communicating with aristocrats is very easy, at least they never lie. And to a direct question they give the same direct answer.

Your press conference was recently held at Interfax in St. Petersburg. Reviews about it were also mixed. Aren't you afraid that you will be accused of either insanity, or of lying or pursuing some of your own interests? It's such an incredible story...

You know, I once heard a very interesting phrase, I don’t remember who said it: if you remove lies from history, this does not mean at all that the truth will remain in it... But personally, I am ready to give my life to prove that I am right.

...Waiting for her long life, in which the affair with the heir was only one of the episodes. Matilda Feliksovna at 95.


Matilda Kshesinskaya had an older brother, Joseph, and a sister, Yulia, who was called the 1st Kshesinskaya; she was married to Zeddeler; she had no children.

Joseph Kshesinsky (1868–1942) - character dancer and choreographer of the Mariinsky and later the Kirov Theater. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1927).

Was married three times.

In 1896, with a graduate of the Mariinsky Theater ballet school, Serafina Aleksandrovna Astafieva (1876-1934), their son Vyacheslav was born.

The second time - on the ballerina Tselina Vladislavovna Spryshinskaya (1882–1930).

Children: Romuald and Celina (1911–1959), who graduated ballet school, danced on the Mariinsky stage, married engineer Konstantin Sevenard. Some believe that she was in fact the illegitimate daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya from Nicholas II.

Tselina's son, Yuri Sevenard, is a hydraulic engineer and former State Duma deputy.

In 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies, which he remained until the latter's dissolution in December 1993.

In June 1991 he ran for the post of mayor of Leningrad. He gained 10% (37,000 votes) in these elections and lost to A.A. Sobchak.

In December 1993, he was elected to the State Duma of the 1st convocation on the federal list of the Communist Party Russian Federation. From January 1994 to December 1995, he was First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction, Transport and Energy.

Grandson Konstantin Yurievich (1967), also ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the State Duma of the third convocation. In 2017, his daughter, Vaganov Academy graduate Eleonora Sevenard (*1998), was officially accepted into the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe. Her younger sister, Ksenia, studies at the Vaganova Academy.

Eleanor Sevenard - future star Bolshoi Theater. Photo: social networks

From the editor: Let us note that it is worth making allowance for the fact that Mr. Sevenard has already surprised the public more than once with his stories. Thus, he claimed that Kshesinskaya’s diaries, lost during the revolution, were allegedly bought by Gennady Timchenko - this information was categorically denied by the Timchenko Foundation.

Konstantin Sevenard also told the media that in a crypt in a cemetery in Warsaw he found a document recognizing Nicholas II’s daughter from Kshesinskaya and his agreement... with Rothschild and the President of the United States. Naturally, Sevenard “did not survive” the documents.

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The great-niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya, Eleonora Sevenard, who is called the great-great-granddaughter of the famous ballerina, is rapidly winning the hearts of theater fans. The night before, the girl made her debut on the Bolshoi stage in the production of Don Quixote. Photos taken on the memorable day appeared on Eleanor’s microblog.

Sevenard's subscribers congratulate her on the premiere and wish not to stop there. According to many, Eleanor is a very talented and capable artist. “With the first role in the Bolshoi!”, “Very good debut”, “Beauty”, “Let everything turn out great”, “Happy for you”, “Well done”, “Wonderful production, I liked everything. Keep up the good work,” the ballerina’s followers commented.

The fact that the Vaganova Academy graduate joined the Bolshoi Theater troupe became known last week, when one of the country's main cultural institutions opened its 242nd season. This year, his ballet troupe has increased by 22 people - this is how many recent students of specialized educational institutions received coveted invitations. Among them were not only Eleanor Sevenard, but also Egor Gerashchenko, a graduate of Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s class, as well as Arsentiy Lazarev from Novosibirsk and winner of many competitions Mark Chino.

“Here they are, handsome and beauties. We wish your life to be interesting and creative. We hope that you will make us happy. If not, we’ll talk separately,” the manager said. ballet troupe Mahar Vaziev to young artists.

Eleanor Sevenard, the daughter of an entrepreneur and historian, began studying ballet at the age of four. Thanks to daily training and perseverance, she managed to enter the Vaganova Academy. After graduation educational institution the girl was invited to two theaters - the Mariinsky and the Bolshoi. Eleanor decided not to stay cultural capital and went to Moscow. Sevenard admitted that she was looking forward to starting work.

According to Eleanor, she admires Matilda Kshesinskaya. The girl believes that she learned hard work and perseverance from her. In one of the interviews, the artist commented on the not yet released New film Alexei Uchitel's "Matilda", dedicated to the relationship between the famous ballerina and Nicholas II.

"She was a great artist, great ballerina, and like this youthful love– this could happen to everyone in life. It just happened that way for her. I hope that everything will not be shown from the bad side,” Sevenard noted in an interview with the St. Petersburg TV channel.

The girl’s immediate plans include participation in the Tatler magazine’s Debutante Ball, which will take place on October 23 in the capital’s Column Hall of the House of Unions. Twelve representatives famous families will appear on the floor together with the artists of the Bolshoi Theater. In addition to Eleanor Sevenard, the main characters of the gossip column will be Alexandra Zhulina, Sofya Evstigneeva, Sonya Tarkhanova, Ivetta Nevinnaya, Ustinya Malinina, as well as the granddaughter of Joseph Brodsky Pelageya Basmanova, the daughter of Andrei Makarevich Anna Rozhdestvenskaya and many others.