Nuclear test. Film test See what “test” is in other dictionaries

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The meaning of the word test

crossword dictionary test

Economic dictionary of terms

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Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


tests, cf. (book).

    only units Action according to verb. test, check, study something. qualities, suitability for something. Testing of materials. Engine test. Send to hospital for testing. Be on trial.

    Test survey, exam (official). Admission tests to an educational institution.

    A painful experience, misfortune, adversity in life, requiring presence of mind and spiritual strength. Fate sent him many trials. Ordeal. I thought about my youth, lost in fruitless trials. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


concept of probability theory. A trial can have one (and only one) of n outcomes. Each test outcome is considered as a random event with a certain probability.


a concept considered in probability theory. I. can have one (and only one) of the outcomes A1, A2,..., An. Each outcome of an event is considered as an “event” that has a certain probability P(Ak). At the same time, always



  • Test is a term in technology.
  • Test is one of the basic terms of classical probability theory.
  • Test - transmission of the radio station "Echo of Moscow".
  • The Trial is a 1909 American film directed by David Griffith.
  • Test - Soviet film of 1968, directed by E. Ostashenko.
  • The Trial is a 2008 American drama film.
  • The Test is a 2014 Russian film directed by A. Kott.

Test (film)


  • Test (film, 1942) - Bulgarian feature film.
  • The Test (film, 2008) - American feature film.

Test (technique)

Trial- experimental determination of the quantitative and qualitative properties of the test item as a result of impacts on it, during its operation, when modeling the item and impacts. Tests are usually carried out to obtain the information necessary to make a decision about the compliance of the test item with specified requirements. Tests are also carried out for scientific purposes, to study the subject, to determine the price of the product, etc. Certain types of tests have historical names: chemical analysis, organoleptic analysis, metallographic studies, microbiological analysis, gemological diagnostics, measurement, etc. Tests classified:

  • according to defined characteristics:
    • mechanical testing;
    • strength tests;
    • electromagnetic compatibility tests;
    • electrical tests;
    • reliability tests;
  • by purpose:
    • acceptance tests;
    • periodic testing;
    • definition tests;
    • state tests;
    • factory tests;
    • clinical trials;

The quality of the test is determined by the reliability of the information obtained. The higher the reliability, the higher the quality. For the current level of technology development, it is sufficient to obtain a test result with a 95% confidence level. However, in cases where unreliable test results can lead to significant risks, higher confidence probabilities are used. The quality of the test is determined by the elaboration of the procedure. The more detailed the test conditions are, the higher the reproducibility of the results obtained.

Examples of the use of the word test in literature.

Longitudinal aberration of this paraboloid at test from the center of curvature is 2.3 mm.

We have no doubt that during the flight tests, which are planned to begin shortly after the Le Bourget air show, it will demonstrate excellent performance and will receive a ticket to a big life, including in the Russian Air Force.

For the first time in the history of domestic aircraft manufacturing, both projects were brought to the production of prototypes and a full range of flight tests. tests.

These are the so-called integrated automated control systems, in which the issues of computer-aided design, computer-aided technology control, and automation are organically merged into a single whole. tests finished products and automation of organizational management.

Automation system tests in the wind tunnel was created quite quickly and worked efficiently.

The hike in the mountains was not just grueling - even for me, a lover of risky hikes, seasoned by hundreds of kilometers traveled, hiking in the mountains in Georgia and Adjara, it was difficult test, especially in my shoes.

It was then that Ivan promised himself that he would become a fisherman, although an hour later his word was subjected to the most serious test.

Then, when it's hard tests seemed to have come to an end, del Acqua remembered that the guns for Abbot da Cunha had only been delivered a few weeks ago and that they were still lying in the Jesuit warehouse in Nagasaki.

Only a man eager for battle, ready for new tests, wanting to correct mistakes and eager to get even with his enemies, will rush to Aksai, because here he, as always, will receive help and support.

She saw Baby again, an affectionate black dachshund, the first acupuncture session, hockey, preparation for the experiment and their first hours together, she experienced the terrible thing again trial first experience, an incomparable feeling when a column of steam and Yurka in it, alive, just as he was, appeared on the icy snow, their ride in an ambulance, dinner, sleep, skiing, night in the winter forest.

Correct homeopathic prescription can never be made on the basis of pathognomonic symptoms that define the diagnosis in allopathy, or on the basis of symptoms caused by pathological changes in the body and tissues, because tests drugs in this direction have never been carried out.

Most of all in this regard we were worried about the city of Amarillo, located 480 kilometers from the area tests, however, a number of other cities also caused problems.

He, who had to experience so much tests and disappointments, and at the same time victories in his struggle for truthful, anti-bourgeois art, never even hints to readers that similar problems could arise in front of his heroes.

They described the painful search for this antibody, the injection of gallons of the virus into the sides of willing dogs who do not suffer from a runny nose and therefore are bored, but dutifully endure tests, - and, finally, success!

According to some interpretations, the three days that Christ spoke about are an apocalyptic symbol of the period tests.

Composer Alexey Aigi Montage Karolina Maciejewska Cameraman Levan Kapanadze Screenwriter Alexander Kott Artists Eduard Galkin, Elena Ushakova

Do you know that

  • The film was shot not in Kazakhstan, but in the steppes of Crimea.
  • The lead actress, Elena An, is a non-professional actress. She is Korean by nationality.
  • Initially, the film was planned to be directed by Pavel Chukhrai.
  • The history of the film “Test” directed by Alexander Kott began in 2011 - then the production company of Igor Tolstunov began working on the film, the director and screenwriter of which was announced to be Pavel Chukhrai. Chukhrai's film was supposed to be a large-scale staged retro-drama about the testing of a hydrogen bomb in Semipalatinsk - with a huge budget, complex scenery and special effects. However, after some time, the filmmakers realized that making the film the way they intended would require a budget beyond their means. They decided to “mothball” the project until better times.
  • Alexander Kott, in turn, decided to make a feature-length film without words after studying at VGIK, which he once told Tolstunov, who immediately offered his support. A film without words seemed like a tempting idea to tell the same story in a more concise way. Tolstunov proposed the idea, Cott wrote the script. The resulting film combined the ideas of Chukhrai and Tolstunov, since the testing of a hydrogen bomb became the circumstances against which the love story of the main characters unfolds, and the long-standing idea of ​​​​experimental cinema by Alexander Kott. “Silent films have always been my inner happiness. I believe that cinema is an image because cinema was invented by the silent,” Cott explained his choice of film language.
  • It took about a year to develop the script. Filming took place in Crimea in the summer of 2013 and lasted no more than thirty days.
  • The action of Kott's film takes place in Semipalatinsk, where nuclear bombs were tested in the early 50s. According to the film's producer Igor Tolstunov, the film's action is not tied to any specific time. According to some signs, it is clear that this is a post-war story, but since there were several explosions, it is impossible to determine the year. In the steppe, as it later turns out, not far from the testing site, live a father and his teenage daughter, with whom a local guy is in love. She herself is truly touched by the feelings of another, visiting Russian young man. Suddenly an explosion intervenes in the nascent feeling.
  • “Our film is about love against the backdrop of a nuclear explosion,” says the director. “There are not only nuclear tests here, but also tests of feelings, physical tests.”
  • Elena An, Danila Rassomakhin, Karim Pakachakov passed the test of playing without dialogues. According to the director, he was looking primarily for speaking faces, since in his opinion, in a movie without words, this is the most important thing. The lead actress is not a professional actress.
  • The creators of the film predict its festival career, which is confirmed by victory in three nominations at the 25th Russian Kinotavr festival: Cotta’s film beat out 13 films that participated in the main competition and took the main prize of the festival, as well as the “Prize for Cinematography” and "Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics."

The Teaching of Living Ethics. Book 3

We have adopted the ancient method of testing. The test is long and unexpected. Remember Buddha's surprise classes with his disciples?

How can surprise be experienced by fear or lies? It's a surprise. Necessity will not be the deciding factor. The thief before the court is an example of honesty. Watch it not in front of the court, but in the darkness of the alley. Do not reject trials, for the solution to life’s feat must be tested by the fire of steel. Those who believe the word are either inexperienced or not firm. Experience can become immutable only through unchanging aspiration.

The test is constantly used in the community. The newest forms of life do not exclude challenges. You know that We are against pre-announced school tests. We are also against pre-notified trial periods.

This superficial knowledge and hypocritical behavior does not accelerate, but slows down development. I don’t remember that an outstanding figure was formed under these hypocritical conditions.

Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 02/14/1927

Trial and hardship. How solemnly and pompously people dress up these concepts! But you know that testing is an improvement in quality and deprivation is the acquisition of opportunities. A person tests himself, learning the properties of matter unknown to him. A person is deprived of ignorance and thereby opens up new opportunities for himself. Where there is despondency for ignorance, there is approaching joy for knowledge.

They will say that we have given up joy for the community. Answer - what kind of cemetery is your community if it is on vegetable oil? How tearfully sad are the deprivations! How they lick their lips at forbidden delicacies!

The phenomenon of deprivation is unfamiliar to Us, for containment excludes deprivation.

Our Teaching presents the world as rich, joyful and exciting. Nowhere are chains and flagellations indicated.

Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 03/22/1927

The Teaching of Living Ethics. Book 4

If we want to introduce Agni Yoga into life, we need to surround its manifestations with the most common signs. Ask the student - does he want to have support from the Teacher? Does he want to receive spiritual and material help? Of course he does. Then we will enter the path of testing. It's good to have an unexpected test of cold and hunger. A good unexpected test of unbelief and betrayal, lies and superstition.

Notice how the weak spirit droops from the blow of the wind, how the lust for food clicks, and how the lips utter a reproach of the most sacred Principles. But here he comes, poor and selfless, he smiles at the cold and hunger, he believes in the power of the beginnings of ascent and, forever young, is ready to accept the feat of knowledge.

When you demand the application of Yoga in life, then you will be true mentors.

Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 03/12/1928

The yogi is under constant testing by his Teacher. The yogi experiences those who approach him in the same way.

Explain what the tests of cold, hunger and all other measures mean. An ignorant person wonders how the feeling of cold and hunger can disappear? But he who understands the essence of things understands that sensations do not disappear, but the state of spirit can be such that nothing can shake it. A hungry person can find a way to be satisfied if his spirit has not reached an animal state. A cold person can warm up as long as his spirit understands why he must defend himself, otherwise bestial irritation, clouding of consciousness and fall remain.

It is correct to add that mobility will be the best way out of the trap of life. The yogi instantly weighs how valuable expediency is. If, to discover his yogism, he is offered to eat a piece of meat, of course, he would prefer to eat a piece of meat rather than reveal the secret. He can easily cleanse the consequences of meat, but the consequences of secrecy in treacherous hands are irreparable, and sometimes it is necessary to use a striking ray, which is only rarely permissible.

Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 03/30/1928

When choosing students, don't be in too much of a hurry. Give those who come three tasks so that they can manifest themselves without knowing it. Let one task be the affirmation of the Common Good, the other - the defense of the Name of the Teacher, the third - a manifestation of initiative.

If anyone makes threats during the task, throw them away. If someone starts whispering around the corner, throw him away. If anyone falls into trouble, throw him away. I'm not talking about traitors. During the task, you will see the test subjects' techniques. There is free will in everything, and the planet itself is in the power of the human spirit.

Therefore, it is customary for Us to first harden on the alternation of surprises, then to destroy the sense of personal property, then to give instructions to special danger, and after these purifications it is customary to turn to the earth, where, among seemingly ordinary conditions, the highest unusualness occurs. One can imagine the quality of wings when the body is surrounded by the imperfections of those around it. The wings bloom with all the radiance from the blows of people.

When the bird of paradise was asked where its brilliant plumage came from, it replied: “Many poisoned arrows glided over me, and the strongest poison gave the best color.”

So let's thank the shooters!

The Teaching of Living Ethics. Book 7

Even the best friends test each other either with a skillful chess move or with a dangerous hunt. Even in a besieged fortress, the army engages in show battles so that their hands do not become numb; and the vanquished are not offended, and the victorious do not boast, for this is only an exercise in resourcefulness.

We must firmly remember what understanding of the Hierarchy obliges us to do. One can see how useful tests are, otherwise the light that is lit only in battle will dim. The light of battle and courage is the most valuable.

The Teaching of Living Ethics. Book 12

A good weapon will only show new qualities under all tests. Truly, everything good is not afraid of trials. Each test will already teach new conditions that might have gone unnoticed. He who is afraid of trials is a cowardly ignoramus. When a person is ready in his heart to accept all the experiences of life, it means that he can think about advancement. He can distinguish between harm and benefit.

Must experience all beneficial qualities. It is not enough to imagine courage, tolerance, devotion and everything that makes up the armor of achievement. Anyone who has not experienced fearlessness in practice is not fit to be a leader. Everyone can imagine themselves to be brave, but in action they often turn out to be the opposite. You need to confront yourself with great horror in order to make sure that fear has not crept in? When I talk about growth thanks to obstacles, I mean the same tests in action.

You need to get used to the fact that every indication is the closest necessary knowledge. Thus, We have often seen imaginary heroes who began to tremble before the first danger. We have also seen those who wanted to be tolerant and became furiously irritated at the first objection. They also knew such loyal people who ran away at the first attack. Many cases can be listed in which the imaginary qualities did not exist. But we also know many feats when people deliberately overcame physical adversity and made the best decorations out of their shortcomings. Such education of the will is already a feat.

There is a lot of talk about tests. They are horrified that even the worlds are being tested. Lots of self-pity about difficult experiences. They even suspect whether the very concept of testing is fair? It would be possible to help all those who are perplexed by replacing the word test - verification. Each person in front of the bridge will certainly make sure of its strength and in his other actions. A person experiences everything around him for his own sake. A person does not like the concept of testing, because it is sent from somewhere, but testing for the sake of its own convenience is not disgusting to a person. Let him realize that all trials are only for his benefit. It must be confirmed that the concept of the rapprochement of worlds is a great test.

nuclear weapons.

Underground tests are carried out in two ways:

Countries that have waived the ban on holding

Having signed the treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and limiting nuclear tests, the DPRK disavowed them and conducted its first nuclear test on October 9, 2006; On May 25, 2009, the DPRK carried out a second nuclear test (see DPRK Nuclear Program), and on February 12, 2013, a third nuclear test was conducted.

Chronology of nuclear tests

Testing and supercomputers

The huge volume of calculations and their complexity from the very beginning put forward demands for the creation of increasingly powerful and advanced computing machines, which ultimately led to the emergence of a special type of computing technology called “supercomputers”. The use of supercomputers to simulate nuclear and thermonuclear reactions occurring during an explosion saved enormous amounts of money and time. For example, when using the CDC 6600 supercomputer to develop a new warhead, the United States required only 23 field tests, and when using the CDC 7600, only 6. It is not surprising that the United States imposed special export restrictions on the supply of super-powerful computers not only to the countries of the Warsaw bloc, but even to NATO partner countries: there is a known case when in 1966 the United States refused the CDC company an export license for the CDC 6600 supercomputer for the French Atomic Agency to stop France in their atomic program. The presence of supercomputers in the 60s softened the US position on the Triple Test Ban Treaty, as there was confidence that the USSR did not have such powerful computers, and compliance with the treaty would give the US a strategic advantage over the USSR. However, this calculation did not come true: the USSR quickly developed its own BESM-6 supercomputers, and later, in cooperation with the Warsaw Bloc countries (GDR, Hungary and Poland), computers of the EU and Elbrus family.

The role of supercomputers increased with the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Currently, in the leading US laboratories engaged in maintaining and improving the country's nuclear arsenal, powerful computer systems are installed, which are included in the TOP500 list, and on which both secret and unclassified calculations are carried out related to nuclear explosions, nuclear reactors and thermonuclear fusion in within the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program. Previously, despite their enormous power, supercomputers still did not allow very accurately simulating the entire explosion process during a test from start to finish. To simplify the tasks, calculations were carried out in two or even one dimension, computer tests were carried out in stages with the modeling of key events and the submission of the results of the previous stage to the next, which naturally led to inaccuracies that could only be eliminated during a real test. With the implementation of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program and the commissioning of the ASC Purple supercomputer in 2005, the US National Laboratories were able to simulate the detonation of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons in full with an accuracy sufficient to judge the current state and combat readiness of stored charges in the arsenal.

Nuclear testing by country

In total, nuclear powers carried out more than two thousand nuclear explosions:


: 1,054 official tests (at least 1,151 devices, 331 ground tests), mostly at the Nevada Test Site and the Pacific Proving Grounds in the Marshall Islands, with an additional 10 tests conducted at various locations in the United States, including Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi and New Mexico (see).


: 715 tests (969 devices) according to official data (see), mainly at the Semipalatinsk test site and on Novaya Zemlya, as well as several in various places in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Great Britain

: 45 trials (21 in Australia, including 9 in South Australia at Maralinga and Emu Field, the rest in the US in joint trials).

: 210 trials. 4 in Reggan in the Tanezruft Desert, 12 in Tan Afella (French)Russian and In Ecker (French)Russian in the Ahaggar Highlands in Algeria. The rest are on the islands of Fangataufa and Mururoa in French Polynesia.