Russian national mentality. What is the Russian mentality? The main features of the original Russian character

Lenin Peak - 7134 m

First recorded ascent - 1928

This mountain was one of the highest in the USSR, and for five such peaks, Soviet climbers received the title “ Snow Leopard" Now, when the mountain tourism industry has reached such a stage of development that a more or less prepared “teapot” can be dragged with oxygen even to Everest, Lenin Peak is usually called the most accessible seven-thousander.

It is accessible, firstly, because from Osh you can drive by car almost to the very foot of the mountain, and from there to base camp- lift equipment on pack horses. Secondly, the classic route through the Razdelnaya peak does not require serious technical work: by and large, it is enough to be able to walk and listen to the guide. But low temperatures, thin air, the need to wait for the weather at serious altitudes became the reason for failure for many - statistics say that the “most accessible” seven-thousander allows only every tenth person to climb.

The key to success here is excellent physical shape, good weather and proper acclimatization. If the first depends on the climber himself, and the second does not depend on anyone, then the third is entirely in the hands of a good high-altitude guide. Therefore, in July, dozens of climbers flock to the Alai Valley, wandering from camp to camp, making training trips, attempting assaults and waiting for the weather. Here you can meet those for whom this is the first seven-thousander, and those who are here “pacing” in front of the formidable Pobeda Peak. There is never a dull moment in the camps or on the route - the snow will give your face a tan purple shade, and the majestic landscapes of the Pamirs are beautiful from any height.

Where: Pamir (Kyrgyzstan)

Nearest airport: Osh (OSS)

Starting points: Achik-Tash base camp (3500 m)

Season: from July to August

Duration/climbing cost: from 21 days/from €200

Who organizes: Three-week routes from June 20 to September 15 are organized by St. Petersburg "Lenalptours". They also have their own base camp. this company. You can order only a transfer or only accommodation with meals from them. Programs with transfers from Bishkek and Osh are being made, and applications for climbing in 2010 are being accepted. There are two camps, 20 guides and programs of varying degrees of intensity. Central Asia Travel, which grew out of the Tashkent section of mountain tourism dating back to Soviet times: they have representative offices in Osh, Tashkent and Moscow. Citizens of the Russian Federation do not have any difficulties with visas and passes to the border zone: but they should also complete the documents at least 3 weeks in advance so as not to waste time on the spot. It is best to plan your ascent at least several months in advance: in this case, you can get recommendations on preparation from your guide.

Mera Peak - 6476 m

First recorded ascent - 1953

Lukla Airport is called the most dangerous in the world - the landing strip runs uphill between houses, and above it they maneuver masterfully through the breaks in the clouds aircrafts with the words Yeti or Buddha Airlines. The classic route from the Mera-La pass, although it is ice, does not require mountaineering training, and the necessary skills are developed during acclimatization trips. It is acclimatization that becomes the decisive factor: do not believe the agent who says that you can “run” to the summit from base camp (5300 m) in one day - the chances will be 50/50 at best. To ensure success, you need to spend the night in a camp at a height of 5800 and from there advance for the assault. In this case, 9 out of 10 people reach the top, who get a magnificent view of 5 of the 6 highest mountains on the planet: Everest, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu and Cho Oyu. From here you can see the beautiful Ama-Dablam pyramid, the inaccessible Baruntse and Chamlang and other equally famous peaks of the Himalayas. Although a successful climb to Mera Peak is unlikely to amaze an experienced climber, it is at this peak that you can take a magnificent photo against the backdrop of the harsh wall of Everest.

Where: Himalayas (Nepal)

Nearest airport: Lukla (LUA)

Starting points: Lukla

Season: from April to May, from October to November

Duration/climbing cost: from 20 days/from $1300 per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes: It’s better not to even try to cope with the Nepalese bureaucracy on your own: they will ask you for permission to climb, permission to enter national park And etc. Only the Nepalese themselves can get this, so it’s better to entrust everything to them. You can organize trekking while in Kathmandu through Royal Mountain Travel; the group for May 2010 from Russia is now being assembled in Alpine industry. Very respected, which has a huge staff of guides and porters, sends many groups to the region and can always add several travelers to an already forming team.

Kilimanjaro - 5895 m

First recorded ascent - 1889

Actually, Kilimanjaro has several peaks: the lowest - 4005 m - is the extinct volcano Shira, opposite it is a peak of 5183 m, where serious climbers climb. And the highest is the dormant Kibo volcano with a crater almost 3 km in diameter and Uhuru Peak, which everyone climbs.

There are 6 routes leading up. The most popular, easiest and most comfortable - with overnight stays in huts - is the Marangu route. The second most popular - more difficult, more picturesque, with beautiful rocks - is the Machame path. Rongai is the only route from the north, starting from the Kenyan border: the least popular among people, so you can even meet elephants on the trail. Lemosho and Shira are two variations (the second is more difficult) of one route across the Shira plateau: you get to the starting point in jeeps, and you can get to the finish by two roads, depending on the weather and the well-being of the group. The Umbwe route is the shortest and most difficult: in the middle it involves an assault on the rocky wall of Barranco; due to the sharp rise in altitude, this is where they most often fail. The Mweka Trail is for downhill only. From an altitude of 4800 m, lifeless lava fields and completely lunar landscapes begin, behind them is the zone of eternal snow, sung by Hemingway. By the way, the snowy top of Africa is melting faster and faster every year, so more and more people come every year to look at it and touch the African snow with their own hands.

Everyone meets at the top, at the sign: “Congratulations, you are here - Uhuru Peak, 5895 m.” Every day during the season, hundreds of trekkers storm the mountain, but about a third return with nothing: despite the absence of technical difficulties, the altitude and sharp temperature changes do their job. There is heavy traffic on the routes, it is impossible to get lost, but independent ascents of Kilimanjaro are prohibited: tourists are allowed national park only accompanied by a local guide.

Where: East African Plateau (Tanzania)

Nearest airport: Kilimanjaro (JRO)

Starting point: Moshi, Arusha, Loitokitok

Season: from December to March, from July to October

Duration/climbing cost: from 6 days/from $700 in a group of 5-6 people

Who organizes: You can hire a guide and porters literally at the gates of the park - in principle, they can carry the tourist himself to the top, or carry his equipment, or carry a dry toilet for him: it depends only on the desires of the climber. The guide is responsible for the speed of movement, the choice of route and the success of the ascent: the surest way to find the right guide is to watch for a group leaving the park with tired but satisfied faces, ask whether their guide was good, and immediately hire him. You can order a guide in advance from any major agency - then the price will be twice as much, but it will include transfer from the airport, meals, overnight stays in hotels, and entry fee to the national park. Very thoughtful and humane programs, and climbing along the Machame trail is proposed. An impressive percentage of successful ascents this company, and slow and gentle hikes along Marang are organized.

Elbrus - western peak 5642 m, eastern - 5621 m

1829 (east peak), 1874 (west peak)

Elbrus has long been challenging Mont Blanc for the right to be called the highest point in Europe. The debate, of course, is not about the heights, which are obvious, but about whether the Caucasus is really located in Europe. Be that as it may, this is one of the most popular routes for mountain tourists around the world. In the summer, in good weather, dozens of people walk up, like along a wide avenue, and on the path you can hear speech in all languages, including Japanese, and somewhere in Amsterdam you can meet a cheerful old cyclist in a commemorative T-shirt with the inscription Elbrus 5642.

The classic route is really not technically difficult - you can climb to an altitude of 3700 m from the south by cable car, spend the night there in the Bochki shelter, and the next night ride a snowcat (mountain crawler tractor) to an altitude of 4100 m and from there cover the remaining one and a half kilometers in crampons and an ice ax, meeting one of the most beautiful sunrises of my life. The decision to climb to one or another peak of an extinct volcano is made at the saddle - it depends on the weather, the well-being of the participants and the condition of the slope. With good weather and general luck, the ascent takes about 13 hours and in the evening the group is already accepting congratulations at dinner in Terskol. Guides say that anyone who is persistent and physically able can climb Elbrus. healthy man. We drove to the top by motorcycle and even by car. The main thing is to be lucky with the weather.

Where: Caucasus (Russia)

Nearest airport: Nalchik (NAL), Mineralnye Vody (MRV)

Starting points: Terskol village

Season: from June to August

Duration/climbing cost: from 6 days/from 10,000 rubles

Who organizes: All routes, including the ascent from the east to the eastern peak (requires initial mountaineering skills), are prepared. You can also contact the most experienced guide Kirill Anisimov and the famous head of the avalanche service Igor Komarov from Both companies are based in Terskol.

Ararat - 5165 m

First recorded ascent - 1829

Bureaucratic delays are the only difficulty that awaits tourists. In a hotel "Iskhafan", where they usually settle, there is always chaos: they definitely forgot to send permission to someone, or even turned away the whole group. Usually all problems are resolved in favor of visitors, and the mountain itself does not require any technical skills in the warm season: however, the Kurds who work here as guides are afraid of snow, but they hang the railings properly and sing cheerful songs. The ascent plan is usually as follows: two acclimatization trips in two days - one of them to Little Ararat (3925 m) - and an assault on the third day. And the short hike to the very top, where the eternal snow lies, should be viewed as an adventure, and not as hard work. They even work upstairs Cell phones- so you can call your friends and accept congratulations. However, due to the strong wind, you won’t be able to stand at the top for long - you need to quickly examine Armenia, Turkey and Iran lying below, the tornadoes walking in the valley and the giant shadow of Ararat covering the earth. The question of whether Noah's Ark really landed here remains open.

Where: Armenian Highlands (Türkiye)

Nearest airport: Van (VAN)

Starting point: Dogubayazit town (Bayazet)

Season: from June to September

Duration/climbing cost: 4 days/from €450 per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes: For those who do not want to organize anything themselves, there is "Alpindustriya". Weekend hikes can be booked with a local travel agencies, and you can find contacts of dozens of Turkish agencies organizing tours. It is important to remember that obtaining a climbing permit takes at least two months. And one more difficulty - it happened that they refused the whole group, the list of which included Armenian surnames. As a rule, this problem can be solved for additional money, but it will also take additional time.

Mont Blanc - 4808 m

First recorded ascent - 1786

August 8, 1786 can be considered the birthday of mountaineering as a pastime, and Mont Blanc is the birthplace of this fun for “ strong in spirit, weak in mind." Now, walking along the classic route from Saint-Gervais, you can no longer understand how hard this route cost the pioneers - these days, in good weather, the traffic here is as dense as on the Champs-Elysees.

The legend of Soviet mountaineering, Mikhail Khergiani, recalled his climb to Mont Blanc: “People go there - I’ve never seen so many! We put our hands in our pockets, ice picks under our arms and run. It took us five hours to get to the top.” By the way, the total altitude gain in 5-6 hours is very impressive - more than a kilometer, so a “walk” that is not difficult from a technical point of view requires competent acclimatization, endurance and a certain stubbornness. Also keep in mind that it is not customary for European guides to expose clients to any inconvenience: for example, if there is a strong wind blowing on the pre-summit ridge, but climbing is still possible, the guide may suggest returning and waiting for milder weather. Therefore, it is better to discuss with him in advance what is more important to you - comfort or a successful ascent. Of course, such agreements do not apply to potentially dangerous episodes. Another way is no less popular - by lift from Chamonix, with an overnight stay in the Cosmic hut and departure for the assault at one or two in the morning. A line of headlamps in the dark moves through the peaks of Mont Blanc de Taculle and Mont Maudi to Mont Blanc itself: the dawn with a panorama of the Alps ruddy in the morning sun becomes a reward for those who are ready to overcome several gains and losses of altitude in a row. The funniest thing is that at the top, where they take pictures and drink champagne, they calmly soar in air currents Alpine jackdaws - and beg people for chocolate.

Where: Alps (France)

Nearest airport: Geneva (GVA)

Season: from May to September

Duration/climbing cost: from 6 days/from €800 in a group of 4-5 people

Who organizes: All sites in all huts for the entire season are usually reserved by guides. Therefore, if you do not want to spend the night in tents, it is best to contact the guides in advance Chamonix or in Saint Gervais.

Belukha - 4506 m

First recorded ascent - 1914

Climbing Belukha still needs to be earned - approaches to it take almost half of the total time allotted for the climb. The trail first goes along a boiling mountain river and through forested foothills, and all the difficulties begin the moment the snow appears. Belukha got its name because of the constant snow cover - even in summer, despite its not very impressive height, its top sparkles under the sun like a sugarloaf.

Before entering the ice route, climbers undergo instructions. Of course, the instructors lay out the trail and put up the railings - tourists can only follow their instructions and pray for good weather (it usually rains in the afternoon).

The most impressive section on the classic route is the Delaunay Pass: 300 meters of ice at an angle of 45-55 degrees. They pass it in bunches and wearing crampons, the pictures from here turn out quite heroic. The chances of getting caught in a storm on Belukha are quite high - the weather in the mountains is always unpredictable and can make even the simplest path dangerous. Therefore, on Belukha it is customary to argue that this mountain, sacred to the Altai people, allows someone in easily, but blocks the way for others with snowfall and winds.

Because of this mystical halo Belukha attracts not only climbers, but also fans of Roerich, who began his trans-Himalayan expedition from here, as well as seekers of Shambhala and other enthusiastic people. Therefore, when planning your trip to Altai, it is worth checking whether, for example, the end of the world has been announced in the near future - chaos will reign around Belukha due to the crowds of pilgrims.

Where: Altai (Russia)

Nearest airport: Barnaul (BAX)

Starting point: village Tyungur, s. Jazator

Season: from June to September

Duration/climbing cost: from 12 days/21,000 rubles per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes: The Vysotnik base, where hiking and horseback riding routes to Belukha begin, is owned by the St. Petersburg company LenAlpTours. They drive along the classic route and are given a badge “For climbing Belukha.” A less popular and more difficult route is offered through the Mensu Icefall. And they offer a long route passing through the beautiful Kucherlinsky lakes. you can not only go climbing, but also take a training course in basic techniques mountaineering.

Fuji - 3776 m

The most popular route is a serpentine route across the entire mountain from the north from the town of Kawaguchiko, from where a bus runs to station No. 5 at an altitude of 2300 m. Further to the 10th station there is a well-maintained path with railings, steps, Coca-Cola machines, guest houses, shops and other attributes of the most popular place among tourists. In principle, thanks to the high-speed train from the capital and the bus from Kawaguchiko, the entire trip to Mount Fuji from Tokyo and back can be completed in one day. But if you decide to watch the sunrise on main mountain Land of the Rising Sun, then you can spend the night at the 7th or 8th station, and in the morning before dawn go to the top.

If you don’t want to climb Mount Fuji in a crowd, you should go to the top immediately after the official season closes. In fact, this only means the closure of the shops along the road and the post office at the top. In winter, climbing is also possible - but wearing crampons, ice axes and a guide. And if you go up to Fuji at the end of spring and don’t be too lazy to take a snowboard or skis with you, then you can go down to Kawaguchiko in just half an hour.

Where: Japan

Nearest airport: Tokyo (NRT)

Starting points: Kawaguchiko

Season: from July to August

Duration/climbing cost: from 10 hours/from ¥2000

Who organizes: It’s easy to organize a trip to Fuji yourself with the help of information on Japan National Tourism Organization website. The temperature at the summit and the exact time of sunrise from June to October can be found. Bus schedule from Kawaguchiko to Station 5 - .

Etna - 3340 m

First recorded ascent - 1st century BC e.

The tallest and active volcano in Europe, it is also the oldest known to mankind - 500 years BC, Empedocles lived on the edge of its crater, who was going to build a tower here to monitor volcanic activity. The remains of some ancient Greek building on the slope of Etna have actually been discovered, and the shelter from which the walking path to the top begins is called the “Tower of the Philosopher.” An SUV brings tourists to the Tower. He picks people up at the top station of the cable car that leads from the Sapienza shelter (near the town of Nicolosi, which can be reached by bus). Thus, if you subtract from the height above sea level everything that is overcome by various transport, it turns out that you only have to walk 360 meters or so to the top. It’s cool at the top, a cloud can descend (it’s easy to get lost in it), and the evaporation of the active volcano does its job: this hike cannot be called a recreational walk. It is better to go to the volcano with a guide: he knows exactly where the most beautiful views open from, where the slope has not yet cooled down after a recent eruption, which cave you can climb into without danger, and why the smoke is coming not from the central crater, but from the neighboring one.

Where: O. Sicily (Italy)

Nearest airport: Catania (CTA)

Starting points: Catania

Season: from April to November

Duration/climbing cost: from 5 hours/from €50

Who organizes: You need to go to Etna with an Italian guide or obtain permission in advance from Mountaineering Club of Italy or in his branch in Catania. Guide on small company can be hired. There are several routes - up to a 12-hour hike along the volcano - this company.

Olympus - 2917 m

First recorded ascent - 1913

The abode of the gods includes many mountains different heights- there are 46 peaks above 2000 m and 47 peaks above 1000 m. The highest are Mytikas (2917 m), Skolio (2911) and Stefani (2909 m). The classic route leads through Skala Peak (2866 m), from where you can go to Skolio or Mitikas - everyone, of course, goes to highest point array: its popularity can be seen by reading the magazine hidden in a stainless steel container on top. In good weather, you can see Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki and even the islands off the Turkish coast from here. It’s cool at the top, so even if it was +35 at sea, you need to take a warm jacket and a raincoat with you: the weather changes rapidly, and there is more precipitation than in all of Greece ( neighboring peak Stephanie is still considered the throne of Zeus the Thunderer). In addition, you will need good trekking boots or sneakers that support your ankle tightly: you can climb Mytikas even in beach flip-flops, but the advantages of the right shoes show themselves on the descent.

You don't need a guide - the routes are well marked: even where the trail actually ends and the climbing begins, there are stones marked where to step and which to hold on to. By the way, the E4 markers that you will see along the road are not the Olympic trail, but trans-European track more than 10,000 km long, invented Association of European Tramps. So, having descended from Olympus, the journey can be continued.

Where: Greece

Nearest airport: Thessaloniki (SKG)

Starting points: Litochoro

Season: from May to October

Duration/climbing cost: 2 days/free

Who organizes: If you wish, you can get support alpine club in Litochoro. The shelters - there are nine in total - operate on weekends during the season, and every day during the peak season (July to August). Shelter A (tel. +30 23 52 08 18 00) is located right on the road, a kilometer above the start of the trek. Shelter C and its owner are appreciated by climbers (tel. +30 69 37 36 16 89). The highest - 2,700 m - is located shelter named after the pioneer of Greek mountaineering Yozos Apostolidis. In all shelters you can shelter from bad weather, eat and spend the night.

Sinai - 2285 m

The first recorded ascent was the 13th century BC. e.

One of the most visited mountains in the world: hundreds of tourists and pilgrims climb it every day. The latter choose a steep path representing a stone staircase with steps of different widths and heights - they say there are about 4000 of them, no one can count them accurately. Since the ascent begins at night (to catch the dawn at the top), tourists usually choose a gentle path. There are rest tents here that sell hot drinks, sweets and rent blankets. And at an altitude of 2000 m, this road connects with the pilgrimage stairs. By the way, it is better to go down the stairs - in daylight it is not at all difficult to walk along them. Previously, there were ten “gates to heaven”; at each one one had to confess one’s sins according to one of the commandments. Now only two gates remain. The trail also passes the Church of the Prophet Elijah and the Chapel of the Virgin Mary - you can get inside only with an accompanying person from the monastery of St. Catherine, which is clearly visible from the path. This is the oldest Christian monastery - built in 527. It’s good to go into it after climbing, and if you find enough strength in yourself, you can also climb Mount St. Catherine - it’s located next door.

Where: Sinai Mountains, Egypt

Nearest airport: Sharm el-Sheikh (SSH)

Starting points: monastery of St. Catherine

Season: from September to November, from March to May

Duration/climbing cost: from 4 hours/from $30

Who organizes: Climbing Sinai without a local guide is prohibited. It makes sense to join an already formed group, accompanied by Bedouin guides, or book an excursion at your hotel or the nearest travel agency in Dahab or Sharm el-Sheikh. Remember: an organized tour will eliminate the need to bargain with the driver and guides. You need to take your passport and warm clothes with you.

Vesuvius - 1281 m

First recorded ascent - unknown

The only active volcano in mainland Europe has been known since 79 AD. e., when a monstrous eruption buried Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia under a layer of lava and ash, and at the same time destroyed the main cone of the volcano with an explosion. Now the mountain is crowned by a ridge, and inside it a new crater is already smoking. Buses and taxis go up from Herculaneum station. There are only a few tens of meters to go on foot - this is not a climb at all, but a walk along a good, but very dusty road with railings. From the top there is a beautiful view of the Bay of Naples, and under your feet you come across pieces of pumice, which everyone tries to grab as a souvenir. The last eruption, by the way, happened only half a century ago, the volcano is still active, and it is often closed to visitors: not even an eruption, but the toxic fumes can be unsafe.

Where: Italy

Nearest airport: Naples (NAP)

Starting point: Naples

Season: all year round

Duration/climbing cost: from 1 hour/€6.5

Who organizes: You can climb Vesuvius on your own. Information about public transport, entrance fees to the national park, etc. can be obtained.

Mount Elbrus, Russia

Far from the popular peaks of the Alps there are two shy peaks of Elbrus (5642 m) - the highest mountain in Europe. Rising on the Russian border with Georgia as part of a chain Greater Caucasus Elbrus looks impressive. It exceeds all the surrounding peaks by about 1000 m. But climbing Elbrus is not particularly difficult. You can take a lift to an altitude of 3800 m. A little higher is Shelter 11, from where it’s only an eight-hour walk to the top.

Mount Olympus, Greece

Get closer to the gods as you climb Greece's highest mountain, the legendary Olympus. Until now, the mountain attracts parishioners, only of a special kind - climbers who climb to its highest peak Mytikas (2918 m). The most popular route begins in the tiny settlement of Prionia, 18 km from Litochoro. From here it takes 2.5 hours to walk to Shelter A, and another three hours to the top of Mytikas. At the summit, sign in the guest log.

Bromo, Indonesia

Three volcanoes rise above the ash-covered Tengger massif on the island of Java. Smoking Bromo (2392 m) is the lowest of the three, but it is the one that all tourists climb. The easiest and most popular route starts at Cemoro Lawang on the edge of the caldera, accessible from the town of Probolinggo. After an hour at the top of Bromo you will already be enjoying the views of the crater.

The best time to climb is at dawn.

Toubkal Morocco

The highest peak in North Africa (4167 m) is surprisingly kind to climbers. From the start of the route in the village of Imlil (2 hours' drive from Marrakech), you will reach the Toubkal refuge in just five hours. The refuge is located at an altitude of 3200 m, directly below the western wall of this giant of the Atlas Mountains. From here, climbers make the ascent and descent back to Imlil in a day. The main danger is the section of the slope with screes - you will walk as if on quicksand.

Matterhorn Switzerland

For those who know that cats are more than just animals, even more tempting peaks await. Shaped like a broken finger, the Matterhorn is a technical climb. Although the rock formations scared the crap out of early climbers, today the Hörnli ridge route is considered a classic mountaineering route. The ascent usually starts at the top station of the Schwarzsee cable car. Climbers spend the night in the Hörnli hut and climb at dawn.

Table Mountain South Africa

This flat-topped mountain (1086 m) gives Cape Town its unique charm. You can climb it along 300 routes. Most people just need to get up and that's it. The best and fastest way to cope with this task is the trail passing through the Platteklip Gorge. You will be at the top in 2-3 hours, and you can go down in 4 minutes. by cable car. The Jeep Track trail through Black Table Ridge offers the gentlest ascent, but this route is the longest.

Ben Nevis, Scotland

The trails of this mountain (its height is only 1344 m) are well-trodden by crowds of tourists and climbers. For most, climbing means waiting your turn on the Mountain Track. But experts prefer a more difficult route - through the satellite peak of Carn Mor Derg. This route takes you along an exhilarating rocky ridge between two peaks. And if Ben Nevis has whetted your appetite, Scotland's 283 other Munros, the name given to Scottish peaks above 3,000 feet, will help satisfy it.

Mount Sinai, Egypt

Moses was there and came down with several stone slabs. Yes, when did that happen! If you want to watch the sunrise on the iconic mountain of the Sinai Peninsula, you will only need a sleeping bag and warm clothes. The ascent begins at the Monastery of St. Catherine - object World Heritage UNESCO. You can reach the top by camel. You can atone for your sins on the “Steps of Repentance” pilgrimage route. You can reach the top (2285 m) by camel in about two hours.

Mount Fuji, Japan

Welcome to the mountain that is considered the most popular among climbers and undoubtedly one of the most recognizable in the world. Rising to 3,776 meters in the distance from Tokyo, Fuji is Japan's highest mountain. The official climbing season runs from July to August, although other months will see fewer tourists. The ascent from traditional bases takes 4.5 hours. Your goal is to reach the top by dawn and be above the clouds.

Half Dome, USA

Half Dome, hanging over Yosemite Valley like a giant wave of rock, is one of the most impressive rock formations architectural monuments in the world. The trail begins in a valley on the Happy Islands, from where it is 1000 m to the very top. The cable car will give you confidence on the last section along the north-eastern ledge. The 5-acre flat summit offers stunning views of Yosemite, especially from the northwest edge. The ascent can be completed in one day. Or you can spend the night on the northeastern wall.

  • the altar of the Christian Royal Doors for the performance of some religious sacraments of the liturgy.
    • ru (church)
  • colloquial. temple church event of the Christian saint to whom it is dedicated;
  • angel, part of the highest triad, serves God in heaven
  • in Russia until 1917 - the throne of the monarch
  • high stand in the middle of the altar
  • high table in the middle of the altar
  • high table in the middle of the church altar
  • high table standing in the middle of the church altar
  • another name for the throne
  • monarch's chair as a symbol of power
  • where can the monarch ascend
  • m. (pre and table) in general, sacred place, as a representative of the highest, in heaven and on earth. church, a table in the altar, in front of the royal doors, on which the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated. In the event of the abolition and demolition of the church, the throne cannot be destroyed, but turns into a chapel. Throne of the sovereign, throne, seat different types, For special occasions. The throne of sovereigns is protected by the people. “I haven’t sat on the throne for a long time,” said Pugachev, sitting down on the throne in the church in Berdakh, which he considered the royal place. Statehood, reign, dominion. The throne passed to Peter, through his brother. Old, talk. also the patriarchal throne, the episcopal throne, etc.; poets talk. the throne of mercy, the throne of the Lord; the throne of love, where she sits, rules. Throne city, capital, capital, main. Patron of the Moscow church. bishop with pulpit. To reign, to reign, to reign, to rule on the throne; or in fairy tales, to stick around. Succession to the throne, cf. adoption of the throne by inheritance. Thrones, b. -fishing m. pl. church third rank of angels. For Thrones, for Dominions, for Beginnings, for Powers, Col.
  • seating area for royalty
  • seating area for royalty
  • a place to sit that you can't sit on until you get up
  • seat of the monarch
  • the place awaited by the prince
  • object of religious worship
  • leadership table in Rus'
  • table in the altar on which wine and prosphora are blessed (church)
  • throne, power of the monarch
  • where can the monarch ascend?
  • in Russia until 1917 - 1. The throne of the monarch. 2. Symbol of royal power
  • high table standing in the middle of the church altar
  • table in the altar on which wine and prosphora are blessed (church)
  • A place to sit that you can't sit on until you get up.
  • A high table in the middle of the church altar.
  • An angel, part of the highest triad, serves God in heaven.
  • Object of religious worship.
  • Throne.
  • Similar words for throne

    • adjectives

      • throne
      • primal throne



    1. Walking, go upstairs. V. to the mountain. B. up the stairs.

    Ascend to the throne begin to reign.

    | imperfect sprout, - I'll walk, - I'll walk and ascend, -Ozhu, -Odish (to 1 and 2 values). V. to a high mountain. The sun is rising (rising). Rising star, rising luminary(also translated: about someone who is destined for fame, fame in some field).

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


    See what “RISE” is in other dictionaries:

      ASCEND, I will ascend, you will ascend, past. vr. ascended, ascended, completed. 1. sovereign to rise. The sun rose. Get up to the podium. 2. Go inside (simple, wrong instead of enter). Get on the tram. Enter the room. 3. Enter, fit in (about clothes or shoes;... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      Show up, hatch, crawl out, sprout; rise, rise, increase, increase, grow, increase, multiply Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ascend 1. see climb. 2. cm... Synonym dictionary

      ASCEND, see ascend, see ascend. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      Verb., St., used. compare often Morphology: I will ascend, you will ascend, he/she/it will ascend, we will ascend, you will ascend, they will ascend, ascend, ascend, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended 1. see nsv. rise... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

      Rise, rise, rise; rose, walked, walked, walked... Russian word stress

      I owls nepereh. 1. While walking, go up somewhere, climb up to some elevation. 2. Appear, rise above the horizon (about heavenly bodies). II owls nepereh. decomposition Increase in volume; rise, come up (about the test). III owls nepereh... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

      Ascend, ascend, ascend, ascend, ascend, ascend, ascend, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascend, ascend, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ascended, ... ... Forms of words

      I will ascend, you will ascend; rose, walked, walked; ascended; ascending; St. 1. While walking, go upstairs. V. to the mountain. V. on the porch. B. up the steps. 2. only 3 l. Appear, rise above the horizon (about heavenly bodies). The sun rose at 6 o'clock in the morning. The moon has risen... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      ascend- I will ascend/, you will ascend; ascended, walked/, walked/; rose/descent; ascending/; St. see also rise, rise 1) While walking, rise up. Climb/ up/ the mountain. Go up/on the porch... Dictionary of many expressions

      I will ascend, you will ascend; past rose, walked, walked; prib. past ascended; deepr. ascending; owls (nesov. rise). 1. While walking, go up somewhere. Olga was sitting on the mountain, heard the call and, holding back her laughter, remained silent. She wanted to force him [Oblomov] to climb the mountain. AND … Small academic dictionary


    • Paul II (set of 3 books), Evgeny Vitkovsky. Book 1: "Bring it on, Lord!" This was in the days when Emperor Paul II still only dreamed of ascending to the Russian throne; when stray service dogs and hyacinth parrots saved the fatherland;...
    • Climb to the highest peak. Book one. The Path of the Higher Self. The Eternal Gospel, Prophet E., Prophet M.. This book is the cornerstone in modern metaphysical literature. It is about the Path of the Higher Self. In it, the scientific laws of Identity, Nature and… that were lost by humanity were rediscovered for people…

    mentality mentality Russian people

    Characterizing Russian culture from the point of view of its place in the “East - West” dichotomy is a rather difficult task, since, firstly, it occupies a middle position in relation to the geopolitical factor (which is taken into account by representatives of the so-called “geographical” or “climatic” determinism) ; secondly, the study of Russian civilization is just beginning (it is generally possible in relation to the already established national-cultural integrity, and in Russia self-identity and national identity are formed quite late compared to European cultures); thirdly, Russian culture is initially super-multi-ethnic in its composition (Slavic, Baltic, Finno-Ugric took part in its formation with a noticeable participation of Germanic, Turkic, North Caucasian ethnic substrates).

    Russian culture began to stand out as a special type within the framework of Christian civilization in the 9th-11th centuries during the formation of the state Eastern Slavs and introducing them to Orthodoxy. From the very beginning, Russian culture has been formed on the basis of such cultural characteristics as:

    • Autocratic form state power(“patrimonial state”);
    • · Collective mentality;
    • · Subordination of society to the state;
    • · Little amount of economic freedom.

    One of the most significant factors in the formation of Russian culture was Orthodoxy as a religious and moral guideline for spiritual culture. The Old Russian state was a confederation of independent states. Orthodoxy set a common normative and value order for Rus', the only symbolic form of expression of which was the Old Russian language. It “captured” all layers of society, but not the whole person. The result of this is a very superficial (formal and ritual) level of Christianization of the “silent majority”, their ignorance in religious matters and a naive social-utilitarian interpretation of the fundamentals of the doctrine. Therefore we can talk about special type Russian mass Orthodoxy - formal, closely “fused” with pagan mysticism and practice, which allowed N.A. Berdyaev to call it “Orthodoxy without Christianity.”

    Middleness in relation to the Western and Eastern types of cultures is perhaps one of the leading characteristics of Russian culture, since the “Western” and “Eastern” features in the Russian mentality do not strictly contradict each other, but rather are combined and complementary. So, for example, Christian values ​​are borrowed by Russia as a value system of the culture of the West, but in the “eastern” version they are inherited from Byzantium, and the Russian church has been dependent on the Patriarch of Constantinople since the 15th century. Also in the types of socio-political structure: Rus' “tried on” both the Eastern and Western models, and the centers of the Ancient

    If we try to formulate which features of the Russian mentality can be characterized as clearly Western, and which as Eastern, then we can present them as follows:

    Western features:

    • · Christian values;
    • · the urban nature of culture, which determines the entire society;
    • · military-democratic genesis of state power;
    • · absence of the syndrome of total slavery in relations of the “individual-state” type.

    Eastern features:

    • · lack of private property in the European sense;
    • · the dominance of the principle under which power gives rise to property;
    • · autonomy of communities in relation to the state;
    • · evolutionary nature of development.

    As for the so-called “paths” of Russian culture, its cultural history has a completely unique specificity. Our history is not so “eternally lasting”, aimed rather at stagnation, any maintenance of stability, balance and, if possible, immutability, as in the East, facing eternity, and, at the same time, not as gradually progressive as in the West, moving along the path of qualitative and extensive development. It’s as if we are playing, shuffling Eastern and Western types of structuring historical time in our history. Russian culture then falls into a kind of hibernation, in which it even “misses” the most important points European history spirit (so we did not survive Antiquity, which gave European and eastern cultures such a powerful cultural innovation (which K. Jaspers called the “axis” of world history) as the transition from the mythological type of thinking to the rational exploration of the world, to the emergence of philosophy - we began to form our ethnocultural “self” immediately in the Middle Ages; The Renaissance personality type never took shape in Russian culture, since we also “stepped over” the Renaissance, stepping straight into a good and strong Enlightenment), then it concentrates and, from nowhere, drawing strength, is included in some kind of “explosion”, no matter external whether it is a war, an internal revolution or something like “perestroika” or other reforms. This is another specific feature of the Russian mentality - polarity. Therefore, life in everyday language is a zebra, therefore “it’s either pan or gone”, “who is not with us is against us”, “from rags to riches”... That is, the Russian person does not tolerate intermediate states, he loves to “walk along the blade of a knife and cut your bare soul into blood.” Therefore, he feels great and adapts in crisis, milestone, turning point situations at the collective and even state level. This affects our way of fighting wars and our ability to resist external enemy. Likewise, at the individual level, no one, probably, like a Russian person knows how to come to terms with life’s circumstances, with fate (or even destiny), and if fate itself does not present any twists and tests, then the Russian person “helps” it, provokes it. It is no coincidence that all over the world the game with death, when a person himself “pulls its mustache,” is called “Russian roulette.” This is one of the heterostereotypes of the Russian person in many foreign cultures.

    One can also note the accentuated binary as characteristic feature Russian culture, where such oppositions as “collectivism - personality” “coexist” in a completely unique and paradoxical way; “activity - passivity”; “borrowing is originality”; “development - stability”; “deconstruction - construction”; “Uniqueness - universalism.

    The results of modern ethnopsychological research document the clash in the minds of Russian people of contradictory attitudes and behavioral stereotypes. Thus, there are five main behavioral orientations:

    • · collectivism (hospitality, mutual assistance, generosity, gullibility, etc.);
    • · on spiritual values ​​(justice, conscientiousness, wisdom, talent, etc.);
    • · on power (honoring rank, creating idols, controllability, etc.);
    • · for a better future (hope for “maybe”, irresponsibility, carelessness, impracticality, lack of self-confidence, etc.);
    • · for a quick solution to life's problems (habit of rush jobs, daring; heroism, high ability to work, etc.).

    One of the central features of the Russian mentality is the ideal of obedience and repentance in Christianity (and not physical labor as a mandatory prerequisite for “smart work”, similar to the Western Christian commandment “pray and work”, which, according to M. Weber, was one of the essential prerequisites the formation of capitalism in Western Europe after the Reformation). Hence, Russians have such a heightened sense of guilt and conscience as the individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control. It is savored with a special masochistic taste in Russian literature and is also one of the most common stereotypes.

    Russian culture is characterized by a special ethnocentrism and messianism, which are an important part of the Russian way of thinking. This sensitively captures and expresses language, ironizing and hyperbolizing these properties of our mentality (“Russia is the homeland of elephants”; or in one of the modern commercials: “It was a long time ago, when everyone was still Jews, and only the Romans were Russian”). . We are also largely inclined towards traditionalism, which justifies attempts to attribute Russian culture to the East. This is an all-encompassing traditionalism of thinking - a force perceived by members of society, which consists not in the individual and his self-worth, as in Western culture, but in the crowd, the mass. Hence our desire for collective forms - conciliarity in Orthodoxy, “hey, come on, men”, “the whole world, all the people”, “Get up, huge country”, these are rush jobs, collective creativity in all areas cultural life. Traditionalism is expressed in “decency and orderliness”, in the everyday and personal life of a Russian person, in the presence of strict canons in literature and art, as well as in special treatment to time - in reference to the past or the very distant future (A.P. Chekhov: “Russian people love to remember, but not to live”). One of the sides of our traditionalism is monumentalism - a penchant for grandiose forms of self-expression and self-affirmation. Despite its openness to any intercultural contacts and borrowings, Russian culture is largely introverted. Open to external influences, she is not susceptible to them due to cultural immunity developed over centuries and a “suspicious” attitude towards other, alien cultures. This is well illustrated by our in a special way carry out reforms. For example, Peter’s “Westernization” in terms of goals and form became the deepest “anti-Westernization” in essence, and the “revolutionary” and Westernizer Peter I turned out to be a guardian and a traditionalist.