Behind the long dusty road sparkling. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Current page: 20 (book has 23 pages total) [available reading passage: 16 pages]


We were returning from the hunt with a far from ordinary catch - eighty-four wild ducks, shot over the course of several hours. Exhausted from the hunt and the long journey, we settled down to rest under an old elm tree and, in a friendly manner, began to treat each other with food supplies taken from home.

The sun, almost invisible through the lead-black clouds covering the sky, stands high above the horizon. Further on, the silvery mountains, shrouded in darkness, seem outlandish. A gentle breeze sways the grass that has not yet dried out. Through the branches of the trees one can see the dark blue sky, and here and there gilded leaves hang on the branches. A spicy smell reminiscent of wine fills the soft air.

Suddenly, low, black clouds floated across the sky with extraordinary speed. You need to get out of the forest immediately so that you can take shelter at the right time and not get wet in the downpour. Fortunately, there is a forest guard’s hut not far away, in which you have to stay for a good half hour.

But then the lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. The furious downpour first paused and then completely stopped its chatter. The elements no longer argue, quarrel, or fight. Frustrated hordes of clouds are carried away somewhere into the distance.

The slightly swaying top of an old birch tree stands out sharply against the clearing sky. The sun is about to peek out from behind the cloud. You look around and are amazed at how instantly everything around you changes after the rain.

Refreshed rye trembles gratefully. All living things fuss and rush about. Dark blue dragonflies circle above the reeds of the stream. The bumblebee buzzes something to the insects who are not listening to him, no longer feeling the danger. From nearby groves, from arable lands and pastures, joyful birdsong can be heard everywhere.

Having kindly said goodbye to the no longer young hostess, the wife of the tracker, we hit the road. Some fifty meters from the hut there is a narrow but fast stream flowing from the thicket of the forest. You can’t jump over it and you can’t ford it. We are looking for a transition. Finally we find a rickety plank bridge that can only be crossed individually. Unrolled dear let's go along logging operations extending for several kilometers. On the way you come across firewood that has not yet been stacked in a row, or eight-meter pine logs that have not yet been sawn.

Coming out of the forest, we first follow a well-trodden dirt road and then an asphalt highway that has replaced the old unpaved road. Another kilometer and we are home.

What are you thinking about?

Our copses under the sunny sky are beautiful in autumn. You look at them and think that a person should be beautiful next to this beauty.

And today the forest is orphaned, thinned out, quiet. And the day is cloudy and gray. I wanted to write in my notebook that the forest had become uncomfortable and lonely. But the hand did not rise, because it is not true. It is still good for this time: it is spacious and light. What fresh pine needles and what golden-orange tops of the birches!

The viburnum by the stream has heavily lowered its ripe clusters and can’t wait for people to come for it.

The leaves are falling, they have dressed up the leaves, gilded the paths, turned the puddles orange. There are leaves everywhere: in the ravine, in the channel, underfoot; They lie either inside out or face up. And it already smells like fresh air. And the last leaves fall and fall, sometimes they fall smoothly, sometimes they flash before your eyes quickly, as if a bird of an unknown color flew past.

Rowan and poplar were the first to drop their leaves; the cold mornings burned the aspen and sticky trees. But the oak trees hold on, they will fall until the white snowstorm. And the undergrowth is also flaming and glowing with gold: euonymus bushes, young hazel, elderberry. Young Talina looked at herself in the channel and thought. She looks, and she drops and drops a leaf into the water, right at her reflection.

And what are the autumn songs of the forest worth! The wind blows through it, causing it to rustle, sing, and make noise. There's plenty of room here for him, the mischievous one. That's something he whispered in my ear. I raise my head, and there is already no trace of him, walking and singing near the neighboring hill. It’s not for nothing that they say about him that he is free. Otherwise it will soar upward, to the very clouds. What does it cost him with his ease and agility.

Today I have about a dozen apples in my basket, raised under a wood apple tree. And even more leaves, the most bizarre colors. The apples are fresh, juicy, browned on one side. I recently saw this apple tree covered in apples. But she just throws them away in one night. There are a lot of them on the ground, up to your ankles. And the aroma!

And soon I was captivated by the live, trembling music of a dozen partridges taking off from the young pines. The partridges disappeared, and I still stood and waited, as if I would hear it again.

Yes, the forest is good in any weather. When there is fog and large drops fall from wet branches onto the foliage, the forest rustles, as if whispering, talking. What are you whispering about, honey? Tell me your thoughts, my friend.

Bauxite deposit

All expedition members were present, and our leader announced: “On Saturday we are flying to Sverdlovsk. Familiarize yourself with the periphery of the area on the map and get ready for the road. The plane will be piloted by the well-known pilot Ptitsyn.”

Gennady Kuzmich Ptitsyn is an enthusiastic aviator who has repeatedly shown amazing fearlessness during trans-European and trans-Atlantic flights, an impartial driver who is in love with his profession. In appearance, Ptitsyn is a typical Ural citizen: blond, short, stocky, with a weather-beaten and tanned face. He treats with slight contempt people who do not admire the achievements of modern aviation.

Our expedition has many tasks, but the main task is to explore a bauxite deposit in the Northern Urals for the newly built aluminum plant near the city of Kamensk-Uralsky.

Upon arrival at our destination, we, divided into small groups, set off to the bauxite. For several hours you have to make your way through a dense, dense forest. Curly ferns grow on both sides of the winding path, and some strange, bizarre herbs have grown in the depths. Conversations freeze, and we, enchanted, silently walk into the depths of the thicket. All you can hear is the rustling and whispering of leaves, the buzzing of insects and bird voices.

At half past eleven we are half a mile from the deposit, but someone suggests we take a rest, which we cannot but agree with. We quickly collect dead wood and light a fire. It smells like burnt pine, acrid smoke rises in bluish wisps. After half an hour, during which no one wants to move, we get water for tea boiled in our constant companion, the kettle, and potatoes steamed and baked in ash.

From somewhere, village boys and girls came running to the light, and with them a young puppy that looked like a wolf cub. We invite the guys to join our company and sit around the fire. A red-haired, freckled boy decided to get the largest baked potato out of the ashes and burned his hand. Zoenka and Olechka, members of our expedition, quickly and expertly smeared the burn with Vaseline.

- It's time to move, comrades! If we succeed, and our intention cannot fail, today we will examine the bauxite deposit,” said our leader.

We soon became convinced that he calculated correctly, and the calculations of our professors and teachers turned out to be correct.

Seven weathers outside

The Intercession has passed. In Rus', weddings began to be celebrated with it: field work ended, and there was time for fun. By folk signs This winter should be warm and snowy because the wind was blowing from the southwest. But these signs often do not come true. Only one thing is always true: if the grains are not removed from the field before the Intercession, they will remain in the winter.

In autumn bad weather, every sunny day is a joy. Here it is yesterday. The sun had not yet appeared, and the clouds in the east had already turned purple, then lit up with fire and turned scarlet. The wind tries to disperse them throughout the sky, and from them everything turns purple. Fiery clouds climb upward, reaching even the cold crescent of the moon and covering it. And now the whole sky is red, flaming, alarming.

The sun came out and broke through, so pure and scarlet. And the sky gradually cleared, only in the west the wind gathered the clouds into white mountains. And the windows in the houses lit up, the puddles lit up, everything around was transformed, prettier. And the colors became clean: blue sky, orange stripes of the forest, greenery of winter crops, blue of the river. But all this was short-lived - by ten o’clock the sun had disappeared, the sky became clouded, the colors faded, the field became lonely, the river cold and dark, the day became gray and gloomy. There is only freedom for the wind.

And this happens: in the morning it’s foggy, damp, cold, lightly drizzling. And after lunch, the day suddenly clears up: sun, warmth, and joy. But this rarely happens. It’s only October, and we’ve already seen puddles and ponds covered with young ice, and we’ve also seen snow.

And one day snowflakes fell, light, large, shaggy. On the street corner, the grandmother and grandson were all looking for a larger snowflake in the air. “Look! Look look!" - shows one to the other. It’s understandable that the grandson is happy. And then the grandmother: she’s tired of the bad weather.

And one day after lunch there was a rainbow in the sky. She showed off and made me happy for a short time. The whole of it was not visible, but the wide ends, lowered into the lakes beyond the river, were clearly visible. I've seen a lot of rainbows, both steep and gentle, but none was as pleasing as this one.

In autumn, the weather outside is often variable: now the sun, now the rain, now the wind, now the fog, now the frosts, now the thaws. And there is nothing to be surprised about here: winter fights with summer, and don’t expect reconciliation between them.

On the hunt

It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happen when the weather has settled for a long time. The sky was clear from early morning; the morning dawn did not glow with heat, but spread with a gentle blush. The sun, not yet hot, as during a sultry drought, but dull crimson, as before a storm, bright and welcomingly radiant, floated above a long cloud, refreshing it. The cloud shone, and its shine was like the shine of forged silver. On such days, high clouds usually appear around noon; they hardly move from their place, but further, towards the sky, they move, and here and there sparkling rays of the sun break through from top to bottom between them.

Exactly on such a day I was hunting for grouse. During the day I shot quite a lot of game; the filled backpack mercilessly cut my shoulder. The evening dawn faded, and in the air, still light, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the rising sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread. With quick steps, I walked through the bushes, climbed a small hill, and instead of the expected familiar plain with a white church in the distance, I saw completely different places, unfamiliar to me. A narrow valley stretched at my feet, and to the right a dense aspen grove rose. I stopped in bewilderment and looked around. “Yes,” I thought, “where did I end up? Apparently I wandered too far to the left.” I quickly got out to the other side of the hill and went, turning to the right. I reached the forest, but there was no road there: some unmown low bushes spread wide in front of me, and behind them, far, far away, a deserted field could be seen.

Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud. Everything around quickly turned black and died down, only the quails screamed occasionally. A small bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived to the side. I could hardly distinguish distant objects; only one field was white around me. I desperately rushed forward, as if I had suddenly guessed where I should go, went around the hillock and found myself in a shallow, plowed-out ravine all around. I was finally convinced that I was completely lost, and, no longer trying at all to recognize the surrounding places, which were almost completely drowned in darkness, I walked straight, following the sounds, at random.

I walked like this for about half an hour, moving my legs with difficulty. It seemed that I had never been in such deserted places in my life: not a light was visible anywhere, not a sound was heard. The fields stretched endlessly, the bushes seemed to rise out of the ground right in front of my nose. I was just about to lie down somewhere until the morning, when I suddenly found out where I had gone. This area was known to us as Bezhin Meadow.

(According to I. Turgenev)

Farewell to the forest

Every autumn I come several times to say goodbye to the forest and see it either in a crimson outfit, with the last mushrooms, or sadly dropping a leaf, or completely naked, thinned out and quiet. You walk until the forest paths are covered by a snowstorm.

So today I went to say goodbye. It's fresh outside. At night the frost came and left pure silver on both sides of the stream. The chicory has dropped its blue flowers, the oregano has wilted, and only the last daisies are chilling at the edge. But it’s still good in the forest, quiet, sad. The songbirds have long since flown away, and the titmice have taken a stroll somewhere in the winter wedge. Only the woodpecker is there. Someone needs to take care of the forest: inspect it, knock on it until spring. It was difficult to recognize in the bare little apple tree that forest beauty in bloom that I had admired in the spring. I went down the path into the hazel grove. I have never seen so many nuts in October as I have this year.

I bend the nut. The top is already in your hand. Where are the nuts? Neither on the branch nor on the ground. I reach for the other one, bend it down - the same thing. Ripe nuts spill out on their own and hide under the leaves. I carved a stick with rogulina. But you touch the edge, and now a nut flies, then leaves, and then a light dry peduncle. And the nut will instantly run away, fall through, and hide. How long will he last, so small and nimble? I tried shaking. Ripe nuts will hit the trunk loudly, bounce playfully, ring on the second one and fall heavily into the leaves. Otherwise the handsome man will lie down on a wide sheet right in front of you. One thing to see: large, clean, as if red-hot. And the kernel in it is complete, cool, tasty.

Empty edges hang on the lower branches. At first I thought that someone had passed in front of me and emptied them. But he carefully lifted the leaves: two ripe nuts lay down in a row, like brothers. And then you’ll see something like this in October: one nut has already fallen to the ground, and the other is just getting ready, sticking out halfway and is about to fall.

In the evening the wind became stronger, cold and gusty. An evil leaf will fly once, then fly again, and ripe nuts will fall to the ground, leaves will fall. And there are already whole heaps of them on the trails. The wind will run through them, and then the whole forest will be filled with mysterious rustling sounds. Just listen.

I returned from the forest with a basket full of ripe nuts, without having had time to truly say goodbye to him. And I’m not upset: however, there will be an excuse to go again.


Above the port stands a cloudy blue sky, darkened with dust. The hot sun looks into the greenish sea, as if through a thin gray veil. It is almost not reflected in the water, cut by the blows of oars, steamship propellers, and the sharp keels of ships struggling with high sea waves. They, encased in granite, beat against the sides of ships and grumble, foamed, polluted with various rubbish. The ringing of anchor chains, the roar of coupled carriages, the metallic scream of iron sheets falling from somewhere on the unpaved pavement, the screams of working loaders, young sailors and customs soldiers - all these sounds merge into the deafening music of the working day. But the voices of people are barely audible in it, weak and funny. And the people themselves, who originally gave birth to this noise, working hard and living from hand to mouth, are ridiculous and pathetic. Sweaty, ragged, bent under the weight of goods, they run fussily in clouds of dust. People are insignificant compared to the colossi around them, piles of goods, wagons rattling with might and main. What they created enslaved and depersonalized them.

Standing under steam, the heavy giant steamships whistle, hiss, and in the sound generated by them one can hear a mocking note of contempt for the gray, dusty figures of people. Long lines of stevedores carrying thousands of pounds of bread on their shoulders into the iron bellies of ships in order to earn a few pounds of the same bread for their stomachs. This is how ragged, sweaty people, dull from fatigue, noise and heat, and the powerful machines, shining in the sun, created by these people, live side by side with each other.

Eleven strokes of the bell rang out. When the last sound died away, the passionate music of labor sounded quieter. It was lunch time. The stevedores, having stopped working, scattered around the harbor in noisy groups. Suddenly Grishka Chelkash appeared, an old poisoned wolf, undoubtedly well known to everyone in this area. He was barefoot, wearing old, worn trousers, and a dirty cotton shirt with a torn collar. Long, slightly stooped, he walked slowly along the plank sidewalk and, moving his humpbacked predatory nose, cast sharp glances around him. It was as if he was looking out for someone. His thick and long mustache twitched every now and then, like a cat’s, and his hands behind his back rubbed each other. Even here, among hundreds of tramp figures just like him, he immediately attracted attention with his resemblance to a hawk. In this frantic bustle of the port, Chelkash felt great. Ahead of him was a solid income that required a little work and a lot of dexterity. He dreamed of how he would go on a spree tomorrow morning, when credit notes would appear in his pocket.

(According to M. Gorky)


More than three hours have passed since I joined the boys. The moon has finally risen; I didn’t notice it right away: it was so small and narrow. This moonless night seemed to be as magnificent as before. But many stars, which until recently stood high in the sky, have already bowed down to the dark edge of the earth. Everything around was completely silent, as everything usually only calms down in the morning: everything was sleeping in a deep, motionless, pre-dawn sleep. There was no longer a strong smell in the air; dampness seemed to be spreading in it again... The summer nights were short-lived! The boys' conversation faded along with the lights... The dogs also dozed; the horses, as far as I could discern in the slightly fading, weakly pouring light of the stars, also lay with their heads bowed... A sweet oblivion attacked me; it turned into dormancy.

A fresh stream ran across my face. I opened my eyes: the morning was beginning. The dawn had not yet blushed anywhere, but it was already turning white in the east. Everything became visible, although dimly. The pale gray sky became lighter, colder, and bluer; the stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared; the earth became damp, living sounds began to be heard here and there, and the liquid, early breeze had already begun to wander and flutter over the earth. I quickly stood up and approached the boys. They all slept like the dead around the fire; Pavel alone stood up and looked at me intently.

I nodded my head to him and walked back along the river. Before I had time to go two miles, they were already pouring all around me along a wide wet meadow, and in front along the hills, from forest to forest, and behind along the long dusty road, along sparkling stained bushes, and along the river, shyly turning blue from under the thinning fog, first scarlet, then red, golden streams of young, hot light poured... Everything moved, woke up, sang...

Everywhere large drops of dew began to glow like radiant diamonds; the sounds of a bell rushed towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning cool, and suddenly a rested herd rushed past me, driven by familiar boys...

Unfortunately, I must add that Paul passed away that same year. He did not drown: he was killed by falling from his horse. It's a pity, he was a nice guy!

(According to I. Turgenev)


It's good to walk on the ground early in the morning. The air is not yet sultry, but no longer cold, pleasantly refreshing. The sun, which has not yet come into its full force, warms gently and gently. Under the slanting rays of a very dim morning light, everything seems more prominent, more convex: the bridge over a narrow but full of water ditch, and the trees, the bases of which are still flooded with shadow, and the dark green tops glisten moistly (the rays of the sun shine through them), and the low, but bushes completely covered with countless leaves. Even small bumps on the road and on its sides cast their own small shadows, which will not happen on a bright afternoon.

Every now and then you come across swamps in the forest, black and glossy. The greener the unmown grass growing near them seems. Sometimes from the depths of an infinitely vast forest a red, pleasantly babbling brook will come running. He crosses the path and quickly disappears into mixed forest. And in one place, a lush, lush stream of moss crawled out of the forest darkness, like a giant boa constrictor. In the middle of its almost unnatural greenery flows a bright brown stream.

It must be said that the brown water of these places is not at all cloudy. It is almost transparent when scooped into a faceted glass, but retains its golden hue. Apparently, the peat suspension that gives it this beautiful color is very thin.

On the forest road, fanning out, the shadows of pines, birches and spruces lay side by side. The forest was not old, but clean, without undergrowth.

About two kilometers later, to the left and right of the furrowed road, there were fast-growing bushes, the kind that can only grow along the banks of a small river. Young growth was visible everywhere near them.

Our expert, head of the environmental safety department at Tyumenenergo, talks about the company’s environmental activities. Elena Karankevich:

- Subject world day environment 2018 - "Fight Plastic Pollution" - calls on us all to unite to fight one of the greatest environmental problems our time. The theme was chosen by India - it was this country that took up the baton for Environment Day this year. She calls on governments, industry, the public and each of us to come together to discuss possible alternatives and urgently reduce the production and overuse of single-use plastics that pollute oceans, wildlife and threaten human health.

For your information:

· 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide every year

· More than 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. It's a full garbage truck every minute

· Humanity has produced more plastic in the last 10 years than in the last century

Half of all plastic used is single-use

1 million plastic bottles are sold every minute worldwide

· Plastic makes up 10% of all waste that humanity generates

Vladimir Burmatov
, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Ecology and Environmental Protection:

– I consider the plastic problem to be one of the main environmental threats to the world as a whole and to the nature of our country as well. We will have to study and evaluate the experience of the European Union in banning plastic products (including tableware) from the point of view of effectiveness. But before similar decisions are made, we have to solve a more pressing problem - separate waste collection and recycling of the same plastic that has already been thrown away. For now, plastic processing capacities in Russia are underutilized, and factories built to recycle plastic are idle without raw materials. Regions are in no hurry to separate waste collection and recycling.

What steps is Russia taking?

The issue of eliminating unauthorized landfills within city boundaries is raised in the May Decree of President Vladimir Putin “On National Goals and Strategic Development Objectives” Russian Federation for the period until 2024." Thus, in terms of environmental policy, the President set specific tasks with a deadline of 2024.

In particular, the Government should form comprehensive program waste management, including not only the elimination of landfills, but also the reclamation of the territories on which they are located, as well as the creation of conditions for the recycling of all production and consumption waste prohibited for disposal.

Thus, modern infrastructure must provide all conditions for the safe handling of waste of hazard classes I and II. And the formation of a public control system should help prevent the emergence of unauthorized dumps and increase the responsibility of organizations for improper waste management.

What does Tyumenenergo do?

The current Environmental Safety Program is designed until 2019 and contains more than 130 measures with a total value of about four billion rubles. The harmful impact on the environment is systematically reduced with the help of environmental technologies and modern equipment, and the collection of waste transferred for recycling.

An integral part of Tyumenenergo’s green policy are environmental education activities for personnel, as well as the population, including children, in the regions where the energy company operates. These activities are aimed at creating careful attitude to nature.

Tyumenenergo employees actively support cleanup days at the enterprise, activities for landscaping areas and planting trees and shrubs. Several hundred thousand young trees have been planted over the past five years in specially designated areas as compensation for cutting down during the construction of new power lines and clearing power line routes. Thousands of seedlings were planted by employees of all branches of the company in cities and towns during promotions dedicated to various events. On high level Work is underway to account for and control secondary generated resources.

Energy company employees have become more careful with water resources. In 2017 compared to previous year water consumption per worker decreased by 13%.

Tyumenenergo employees also care about preserving the unique world of birds in the region. In 2017, 3,087 bird protection devices were installed on 110 kV overhead lines. And in 2018, it is planned to install more than 4,000 devices that will protect the lives of birds and reduce the number of emergency shutdowns.

Waste disposal at Tyumenenergo in 2017:

All Tyumenenergo branches are equipped with storage areas for oil-filled equipment and temporary accumulation of production waste. Tyumenenergo specialists use modern innovations to prevent environmental pollution. The company spends about 4 million rubles annually on eliminating equipment leaks and purchasing absorbents and metal polymers to clean up accidental oil spills.

The amount of Tyumenenergo waste generated as a result of production and economic activities in 2016-2017:

Waste class 2016 2017
Hazard class I (mercury lamps) 4.2 t 3 t
II hazard class (accumulators, batteries 11.4 t 7.8 t
III hazard class (oils, oil filters) 190.1 t 149 t
IV hazard class (garbage from household premises, tires, office equipment waste, construction waste) 1092.6 t 856.9 t
Hazard class V (ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal, woodworking waste, glass and porcelain insulation waste) 2762.3 t 3131.5 t
Total waste generated 4060.8 t 4148.4 t
Placed on landfills 2810.7 t 2460, t
Disposed of 1516.2 t 1776.7 t

Can't reuse? Refuse!

There are many ways to combat plastic pollution, from stopping the use of disposable tableware and bringing your own mug to work to forcing local authorities to improve their waste management. Here are a few simple ways that everyone can use:

· Use your own reusable shopping bags

· Refuse products with plastic packaging materials and buy those that are in eco-friendly packaging

· Do not litter while walking and encourage others to do the same; if possible, remove all plastic that you encounter on the way to the trash container.

Elena Karankevich, Head of the Environmental Safety Department of Tyumenenergo JSC:

– The company’s ecologists are distinguished by high-quality implementation of assigned tasks and large-scale information and explanatory work. After all, first of all, the moment of personal responsibility of everyone to themselves and to nature is important. Environmental protection, improvement environmental situation throughout the planet are related to how each of us behaves in Everyday life. Yes, I have global problems, which are beyond the power of an ordinary person to solve; even Greenpeace cannot do it. However, each of us is fully capable of at least a little improving the condition of the planet. Just take a few steps.

2.9. Comparative turnover and turnover with HOW

Exercise 37. Place the missing punctuation marks. Justify your answer.
1. Her eyes, sometimes wide open and bright and joyful like day, sometimes half-covered with eyelashes and deep and dark like night, stood before his eyes (Turgenev). 2. Turgenev, like perhaps no other Russian writer, is suited to the title of master (Rylenkov). 3. Kupfer, as one of the stewards with a white bow on the cuff of his coat, fussed and fussed with all his might (Turgenev). 4. The thick foliage, caught in frost, was picturesque: yellow, purple, red like blood, it was pleasing to the eye (Shishkov). 5. She holds and moves as if magnetized, like a somnambulist (Turgenev). 6. He, as a “fatal” person, had to do some extraordinary thing (Turgenev). 7. None of the writers make such festive seas rustle and shimmer on the pages as Green’s (Paustovsky). 8. Most people know Bunin mainly as a prose writer (Paustovsky). 9. She seemed completely petrified (L. Tolstoy). 10. His face, as mobile as an actor’s, became cheerful again (Shishkov). 11. The sounds of a bell came towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness (Turgenev). 12. Sometimes it seemed like it was about to rain; but the outstretched hand did not feel anything, but looking at the sleeve of the dress one could notice traces of tiny drops, like the smallest beads (Turgenev). 13. The pulse is like a hammer, and the hands are cold (Kuprin). 14. Fine, hard snow was falling, pricking my face like needles (Chekhov). 15. She’s just still like a child (Gerasimov). 16. If not for death, then perhaps A. Green would have entered the ranks of our literature as one of the most original writers who organically merged realism with a free and bold imagination (Paustovsky). 17. The moon rose crimson and gloomy, as if sick (Chekhov). 18. Sometimes you shoot a hare, wound it, and it screams like a child (Chekhov). 19. Panteleimon sits on the box with his straight wooden arms extended forward (Chekhov). 20. But precisely because Alexandra Gavrilovna gets excited, she loses more often than her husband (Saltykov-Shchedrin). 21. Cities are like magnets (Soloukhin). 22. The traitors seemed to have sunk into the water (Nikitin). 23. When I remember old concepts, it’s like I’m doused with varnish (Ostrovsky). 24. And the whole steppe was covered with the fallen, like a swarm of black locusts (Pushkin). 25. As a woman, you loved your homeland (Nekrasov). 26. Valya was called in his case as a witness (N. Ostrovsky). 27. She needs it just like we do (Yevtushenko). 28. It rained like buckets (Prishvin). 29. Since pre-war times, I have been following you as an ordinary moviegoer and appreciate your talent (Krutikov). 30. I speak like a writer. I am used to looking at literature as a revolutionary matter (Fedin). 31. And this little story is nothing more than fragmentary memories of those days of happy closeness to them (S. Nikitin). 32. It was clear that he was trying to get away from this large gray building (Polevoy) as soon as possible. 33. But in front of him was none other than Aigle, a famous collector of songs of legends, legends and fairy tales (Green), traveling on foot. 34. Days run like streams into a foggy river (Yesenin). 35. Gentlemen, I think that you, like all decent people, have been in love at least once during your life (Turgenev). 36. The smell of oil is as strong as in a church (M. Gorky). 37. To Moscow, as well as to the whole country, I feel my filial relationship as to an old nanny (Paustovsky). 38. I now see the owner himself (Pushkin). 39. She has now become again slender and thin as before (M. Gorky). 40. I looked at her like a fool (Turgenev). 41. We treated Vanya as our own person (Prishvin). 42. The robber ripped the man off like a stick (Krylov). 43. After all, she lived with the paramedic like a cat and a dog (Chekhov). 44. I answered him as best I could (Turgenev). 45. Like a telegram the earth flies, the fields ring with an even ringing (Tikhonov). 46. ​​Vera Pavlovna was constantly in the workshop, and they already managed to get to know her closely as a prudent, prudent, judicious woman (Chernyshevsky). 47. Urbenin and the Pole, being heavy people, preferred to wait for us down on the road (Chekhov). 48. He was afraid of familiarity like fire and behaved very dryly (Chernyshevsky). 49. The sunset was clotted like a wound from the blood of the dead (Lugovskoy). 50. The night outside the window is as beautiful as the Snow Maiden (Lugovskoy). 51. Chichikov as an acquirer is no less, if not more, Pechorina is a hero of our time (Belinsky). 52. She was like her father’s least favorite (L. Tolstoy). 53. Vasenda, as a positive and practical person, found a fixed place unprofitable (Pomyalovsky).

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) In ancient times and the Middle Ages, travelers rarely undertook long-distance sea and land expeditions. (2) The evidence of their routes and impressions that has survived to this day is often inaccurate and inconsistent. (3) However, the significance of their discoveries of previously unknown lands and peoples, _____, is great and priceless.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Evidence of the routes and experiences of ancient and medieval travelers is often inaccurate and inconsistent.

2. Despite the fact that the evidence of travelers of antiquity and the Middle Ages is often inaccurate and inconsistent, the significance of their discoveries is great and priceless.

3. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, travelers rarely undertook long-distance sea and land expeditions.

4. The significance of the discoveries of previously unknown lands and peoples by travelers of antiquity and the Middle Ages is great and priceless.

5. The significance of the discoveries of ancient and medieval travelers, despite their inaccuracy and inconsistency, is great and priceless.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. maybe

2. fortunately

3. as a rule

4. definitely

5. however


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word CERTIFICATE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SVID E BODY, -a, cf.

1. Witness testimony. S. eyewitnesses.

2. Something that confirms, certifies something. event. Historical evidence.

3. A document certifying something. Marriage village S. about birth.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. My friend is quite a DIPLOMATIC person.

2. Every step caused Meresyev UNBEARABLE pain.

3. The mayor congratulated the actors drama theater, noting their superb PERFORMANCE skills.

4. The rare beauty inherent in the Karelian Isthmus is created by ROYAL forests, towering over picturesque reservoirs.

5. After sowing and during the period of intensive growth of seedlings, ROOT fertilizing is carried out to maintain the active life of plants.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.







Establish a correspondence between the sentences and those admitted in them grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms 1) Blue bitter smoke spreads down the river, rustling the foliage of old poplars.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) More than eight minutes are required to sunlight reached the Earth.
C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 3) The old man threw fresh wood chips into the fire and ran his finger along the edge of the ax.
D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 4) At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first.
D) misuse case form noun with preposition 5) The magazine “Smene” reports on the most striking literary discoveries of the year.
6) Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their parents.
7) Story " Last bow"Victor Astafiev calls it his best book.
8) Society is concerned about the problem of extinction of large animals: elephants, tigers and others.
9) According to scientists, there are now about six hundred active volcanoes on Earth.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

lights up






Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

s...capacity, in...southern

claim, claim away, pr...grandfather, from...skate

ra...chop, ra...bash


Write down the word in which the letter O is written in the blank.




Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

you can stand it





Indicate all the numbers in whose place the letter E is written.

I can’t (1) understand (2) how one can (3) admire, (4) love, or even just (5) know stories home country.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. (ALL) EVERYWHERE large drops of dew began to glow like radiant diamonds; The sounds of a bell rushed towards me.

2. Egor woke up because SOMEONE was trying to twist his arm.

3. TO live well, (HUMANLY), you need to work well.

4. He wanted to go with me to (TO) MEET you, but for some reason he changed his mind.

5. (BY) the way a person conducts an argument, one can determine his character, and ALSO (the SAME) his intentions.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Subsequently, I found in the storeroom some unusual (1) manuscripts, bound (2) in volumes and written (3) in Latin.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The oldest herbarium was collected at the beginning XVI century and is now kept in Rome.

2. In winter I went hunting or fishing or skiing.

3. For an observant person, there is a lot of interesting things in the taiga both in summer and winter.

4. Grandsons and great-grandsons went off to become pilots and sailors all over the river.

5. The eye never tires of admiring the fields and groves and the heart is full of a feeling of harmony with nature


The melody froze at a dizzying height (1) as if in last time looking around the heavenly surroundings (2) she took off and rushed (3) accelerating and accelerating the pace (4) shuddered freely and fell silent (5) hanging in exhaustion somewhere in the outskirts of heaven.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

In other words (1) romanticism (2) in the words of V. G. Belinsky (3) is “an exceptional character in exceptional circumstances.” However (4) for many this is already (5) obvious.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

It seemed to me (1) that by some miracle I had come from the twentieth century to the time of Ivan Kalita (2) and that (3) if you get off the ship (4) you would immediately disappear.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

IN mailbox there turned out to be several letters at once (1) and (2) if it were not for the commander’s strict prohibition (3), it is unlikely that anyone from the detachment would have resisted the temptation to check (4) if there was any news from home.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

From this age, the chicken begins to lose its original flight feathers, being replaced by new ones, which are somewhat different from the previous ones in their formulation: new, real flight feathers have rounded ends.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Long ago, in ancient times, an old-looking man lived on our street. (2) He worked in a forge on a large Moscow road. (3) His name was Efim, but all the people called him Yushka. (4) He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and beard, sparse White hair; His eyes were white, like a blind man’s, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears.

(5) Yushka didn’t drink tea or buy sugar, he drank water and wore clothes long years the same one without a change: in the summer he wore trousers and a blouse, black and sooty from work, burned right through by sparks, so that in several places he could be seen white body, and barefoot, in winter he put on a sheepskin coat over his blouse, which he inherited from his deceased father, and shod his feet in felt boots, which he hemmed in the fall, and wore the same pair every winter all his life.

(6) When Yushka walked down the street to the forge early in the morning, the old men and women got up and said that Yushka had already gone to work, it was time to get up, and they woke up the young people. (7) And in the evening, when Yushka went to spend the night, people said that it was time to have dinner and go to bed - and Yushka had already gone to bed.

(8) And small children and even those who became teenagers, seeing old Yushka walking quietly, stopped playing in the street, ran after Yushka and shouted:

(9) - There comes Yushka! (10) There's Yushka!

(11) The children picked up dry branches, stones, and rubbish from the ground in handfuls and threw them into Yushka.

(12) - Yushka! - the children shouted. (13) - Are you really Yushka?

(14) The old man did not answer the children and was not offended by them; he walked quietly and did not cover his face, into which pebbles and earthen debris fell.

(15) Due to this illness, Yushka left his owner for a month every summer. (16) He went on foot to a remote remote village, where he must have had relatives. (17) No one knew who they were to him. (18) On the way, he breathed the fragrance of grasses and forests, looked at the white clouds born in the sky, floating and dying in the bright airy warmth, listened to the voice of the rivers muttering on the stone rifts, and Yushka’s sore chest rested, he no longer felt his illness - consumption. (19) Having gone far away, where it was completely deserted, Yushka no longer hid his love for living beings. (20) He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not be spoiled by his breath, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead, and peered into their faces for a long time, feeling feeling orphaned without them. (21) But living birds sang in the sky, dragonflies, beetles and hard-working grasshoppers made cheerful sounds in the grass, and therefore Yushka’s soul was light, the sweet air of flowers smelling of moisture and sunlight entered his chest.

(22) Along the way, Yushka rested: he sat in the shade of a roadside tree and dozed in peace and warmth. (23) Having rested and caught his breath in the field, he no longer remembered the illness and walked on cheerfully, like healthy man. (24) Yushka was forty years old, but illness had long tormented him and aged him before his time, so that he seemed decrepit to everyone.

(25) And so every year Yushka left through fields, forests and rivers to a distant village or to Moscow, where someone was waiting for him or no one was waiting - no one in the city knew about this.

(26) A month later, Yushka usually returned back to the city and again worked from morning to evening in the forge. (27) He again began to live as before, and again children and adults, residents of the street, made fun of Yushka, reproached him for his unrequited stupidity and tormented him.

(28) Yushka lived peacefully until the summer of next year, and in the middle of the summer he put his knapsack on his shoulders, put the money he had earned and saved in a year, a total of one hundred rubles, into a separate bag, hung that bag in his bosom on his chest and went to no one knows where and no one knows. to whom.

(29) But year after year Yushka grew weaker and weaker, so the time of his life passed and passed and chest illness tormented his body and exhausted him, because of it he died.

(30) They remembered Yushka again only in late autumn. (31) One dark, bad day, a young girl came to the forge and asked the blacksmith owner: where could she find Efim Dmitrievich?

(32) - Which Efim Dmitrievich? - the blacksmith was surprised. (ZZ) - We’ve never had anything like this here.

(34) The girl, having listened, did not leave, however, and silently waited for something. (35) The blacksmith looked at her: what kind of guest the bad weather brought him. (36) The girl looked frail and short in stature, but her soft, clean face was so gentle and meek, and her big grey eyes they looked so sadly, as if they were about to be filled with tears, that the blacksmith’s heart warmed up, looking at the guest, and suddenly he guessed.