Old Russian names, nicknames and surnames. Book: C

Review of surname dictionaries

The first thing should be done by a person who is looking for an answer to the question “What does this or that surname mean?” - look for the answer in special dictionaries. Today there is no shortage of dictionaries of surnames. Another question is what part of the family fund is considered in them. The answer to this question is a topic for another discussion. Here I want to offer an overview of surname dictionaries. All the works described below are well known to me. I actively use them in my research work. They are always at hand in my office. Some of them were sent to me by the authors themselves.

Many dictionaries of surnames have already been scanned by someone, passed through an image recognition program and posted for public viewing on the Internet on various sites. In some cases, I indicate the addresses of these sites.

This dictionary is not ignored by any serious researcher of Russian surnames. It contains information about the time of recording of non-Christian names in written monuments, and about the bearers of these names. Many of these names are reflected in the foundations of modern Russian surnames. The dictionary does not provide etymological information. Many compilers of later dictionaries of surnames cite in their dictionary entries information from Tupikov’s dictionary (year and place of recording of the name, occupation of the named person) to show the antiquity of the surnames in question (of course, if the naming underlying the surname is presented in Tupikov’s dictionary).

The third part of the work is called “Patronymics”. But there are actually a lot of surnames in it. Thanks to this publication, it is possible to identify the approximate time of the appearance of a surname, the place of its appearance (or existence) in the distant past. In 2004, the Russian Way publishing house made a gift to linguists and historians by reprinting this dictionary in a circulation of 3,000 copies. In 2005, the publishing house "Languages Slavic culture» published this work in an edition of 500 copies.

This is the most famous and most accessible dictionary of Russian surnames. This was the first published dictionary of surnames in the USSR. It came out in its first edition in 1972. Then in 1981. And since in those “stagnant” times, book circulation reached astronomical heights (compared to circulation modern books), then if not all, then almost all libraries in the country were provided with this dictionary. The circulation of these two publications totaled 125 thousand copies. In 1996, in the years when the country had already thrown off the shackles of the “damned” socialism, which was “stifling” the freedom of private enterprise, freedom of thought in general (including onomastic thought), the circulation of this publication was 5 thousand copies. It’s clear that not everyone got it.

The annotations to the second and third editions say that they are both corrected and supplemented. Indeed, in the first edition there are more than 1,500 names, in the second – more than 2,500. To be honest, I have never compared the texts of different editions for corrections and additions. The son of the author of this dictionary wrote in the preface of the third edition that in 1992 Yu. A. Fedosyuk, who constantly made clarifications and additions to the manuscript, prepared the text of a new, corrected and expanded edition of the dictionary. But at the time of its publication he was no longer alive. The third edition also contains more than 2,500 names.

In 2006 and 2009, the Flint: Science publishing house published this dictionary in small editions (1 thousand copies each).

A few words about the author. Yuri Aleksandrovich Fedosyuk (1920–1992) belonged to the first generation of Soviet researchers who were enthusiasts of onomastics, its devotees. The official duties of Yu. A. Fedosyuk were not directly related to either philology or onomastics, but all free time he devoted to the popularization of history and onomastics.

In conclusion, I note that the first two editions were published by the Children's Literature publishing house, the third by the Russian Dictionaries publishing house.

“Dictionary of Russian Surnames” by Yu. A. Fedosyuk is perhaps one of the most accessible, since it is posted on the Yandex “Dictionaries” service. “Dictionary of Russian surnames” by Yu. A. Fedosyuk on Yandex

The author of the dictionary is historian, academician Stepan Borisovich Veselovsky (1876–1952). The work is written on the basis huge amount published and unpublished sources (chronicles, acts, categories, etc.) of North-Eastern Rus' of the 15th–17th centuries.

S. B. Veselovsky created “Onomasticon” throughout for long years work in archives and libraries in parallel with writing research on the history of pre-Petrine Rus', and especially in the 1930s–1940s. Compared to Tupikov’s book, it contains a lot of new material about personal names, nicknames and surnames in Ancient Rus'. His work contains a list of many hundreds of surnames, nicknames, names - from princes, boyars, nobles to peasants and townspeople, cultivators and artisans, warriors and traders. In a number of cases the author cited.

The reader will not always find on the pages of the work an explanation of the origin of names, surnames and nicknames, references to sources or chronological indications of the existence of certain names, etc., since the author sometimes did not make references to the sources he used. Sometimes only a first name, nickname or surname is given without indicating real historical persons. But most often such data is available and is accompanied by precise indications of people who lived in certain time and in a certain area.

The book was published by the Nauka publishing house in 1974. good circulation in 28 thousand copies.

The work is devoted to the problem of the formation of Russian historical surnames eastern origin, associated with the transition to Russian service of immigrants mainly from the Golden Horde, as well as from clan and state associations of Turkic-speaking peoples.

The study consists of an introductory chapter and 300 separate articles, which provide a more or less detailed historical and etymological analysis of each specific surname.

The author of the work is the famous Soviet and Russian Turkologist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Baskakov (1905–1995). He was interested in the broad topic of Turkisms in Russian and other eastern languages. The dictionary “Russian surnames of Turkic origin” is part of the development of this topic. He also authored such well-known monographs as “Turkisms in East Slavic Languages” (M., 1974), “Turkic Lexicon in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (M., 1985).

Of course, the number of surnames with Turkic roots is much larger than those discussed in this book.

Long before the publication of this book-dictionary, Baskakov published the etymologies of Russian surnames of Turkic origin, as they were developed. So the work “Russian surnames of Turkic origin” in scientific world was expected.

The book was first published in 1979 by the Nauka publishing house (circulation 10 thousand). In 1993, the second edition was published by the Michel publishing house (circulation 20 thousand).

Academician-Slavist N.I. Tolstoy called this book the best about Russian surnames. It was written by Boris Genrikhovich Unbegaun (1898–1972), a Russian German (born in Moscow), who was forced to emigrate from Russia along with the White Army in which he fought.

Abroad, Unbegaun received a university education as a Slavist. One of his scientific topics was Russian onomastics. Even before World War II, his articles on Russian toponyms appeared in print.

The book “Russian Surnames” was written in English language and first published in 1972 in London. This is not a dictionary in format. But the book also has value as a lexicographical work. Its main task is to analyze the morphology and semantics of surnames. Surnames are classified according to groups of words that underlie them. Thanks to the surname index, you can quickly find the desired surname and find out what word its basis goes back to and what this word means. True, these interpretations are very laconic. But this is compensated by the number of surnames considered - over 10 thousand.

The special value of this book is that, in addition to Russian ones, it also examines non-Russian surnames: Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Jewish, Armenian, Georgian, Latvian, etc. The publication of this book has largely satisfied the educational needs of people interested in non-Russian surnames , existing in Russia, in the USSR.

The book was translated into Russian by Soviet linguists and published in 1989 by the Progress publishing house (circulation 50 thousand copies). In 1995, the same publishing house published the book again (circulation 10 thousand copies).

Finally, I will explain why in Russia Unbegaun was known as Boris Genrikhovich, and on the cover of his book there are the initials B.-O. Abroad, a second name was added to his name - Ottokar. Why? I can’t say because I don’t know. And it would be correct to write the initials without a hyphen, since in the English edition there is no hyphen, since Boris Ottokar is two names of one person. And writing with a hyphen would mean that we're talking about about one, compound, name.

In 1993, a posthumous edition of the dictionary of Russian surnames of the patriarch of Soviet onomastics Vladimir Andreevich Nikonov (1984–1988) was published. Surnames were this scientist's favorite topic. And not only Russians, but also other peoples - Georgian, Mordovian, Central Asian. In the archives, he examined census sheets, voter lists, and registry office books. According to the scientist himself, he collected more than one hundred thousand names. According to his estimates, they cover 9/10 of the entire Russian population. But they make up barely 1/10 of all Russian surnames.

V. A. Nikonov selected 70 thousand surnames in the vocabulary of his “Dictionary of Russian Surnames”. On January 17, 1987, a year before the death of V. A. Nikonov, an interview with him was published in the newspaper “Socialist Industry”. In it, the scientist laments:

– I’m afraid that I won’t see the Dictionary in my lifetime. After all, I’m already over eighty.

According to the scientist, a publisher for this unique dictionary was never found in his country. However, the Japanese offered to publish it.

During his lifetime, V. A. Nikonov published a lot of dictionary materials. Thus, in the collection “Etymology” from 1970 to 1975. 2,200 surnames starting with the letter A were published as “Experience in a dictionary of Russian surnames.” He published fragments of the “Dictionary of Russian Surnames” from 1976 to 1988. on the pages of the popular science magazine “Russian Speech”. It was these materials that formed the basis for the posthumous “Dictionary of Russian Surnames” published by the scientist’s associates. Its circulation is very large for the 1990s - 100 thousand. The publication was carried out by the Moscow publishing house Shkola-Press.

“Materials for a dictionary of Mordovian surnames”, found in the archive of V. A. Nikonov and published in one of the collections “Onomastics of the Volga Region” (M., 2001), are also of undoubted interest. This work contains the etymology of several dozen surnames starting with the letter A.

“Dictionary of Russian Surnames” by V. A. Nikonov is perhaps one of the most accessible, since it is posted on the Yandex “Dictionaries” service. “Dictionary of Russian surnames” by V. A. Nikonov on Yandex

Chaikina Yu. I. Vologda surnames: Etymological dictionary.

In the 1990s, a new type of family name dictionary appeared in Russia - a regional dictionary. Perhaps the first experience is a dictionary of Vologda surnames compiled by Dr. philological sciences, Professor of the Vologda Pedagogical Institute Yulia Ivanovna Chaikina.

This dictionary was created on the basis of a card index of about 10 thousand cards, the vocabulary of which ranges from 1.5–2 thousand anthroponyms. The material was collected mainly from four sources: List of scribe books of the city of Vologda for 1629, Census Books of Vologda 1711–1712, censuses and measures of Vasily Pikin, Ivan Shestakov, Fifth Revision of merchants and townspeople of Vologda for 1795, List of Vologda inhabitants by alphabet for 1830.

One of the tasks of the dictionary is to identify a list of surnames of residents of Vologda in the 16th century. thirds of the XIX centuries

The dictionary consistently includes surnames from nicknames, names of professions and toponyms. Also included are surnames from colloquial forms of calendar personal names (Elkin, Palkin, etc.). Surnames from full calendar names (such as Vasilyev) are included occasionally.

The dictionary entry contains information about social status and professions called. It also contains the date early mention surnames in local written sources. The word-formation variation of surnames is shown. An important part of dictionary entries is the interpretation of surnames. It begins with establishing the nickname that forms the basis of the surname. Its etymology follows. As you can see, this dictionary represents a synthesis of the historical dictionary of anthroponyms (such as the Tupikov dictionary) and etymological dictionary surnames (like Fedosyuk’s dictionary), but on local (Vologda) material.

This work was published in 1995 by the Vologda publishing house "Rus" with a circulation of only 500 copies. The small circulation in our time is compensated by the presence of this dictionary on the Internet. “Vologda surnames” in the electronic collection of the Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library

Polyakova E. N. To the origins of Perm surnames: Dictionary.

In 1997, a regional dictionary of surnames was published in Perm. It is called “To the origins of Perm surnames.” Its author is Elena Nikolaevna Polyakova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Perm state university. It became known to a wide circle of readers after the publication in 1975 of a popular science book for students, “From the history of Russian names and surnames,” by the Moscow publishing house “Prosveshchenie.”

The dictionary “To the Origins of Perm Surnames” is dedicated to early Perm surnames and is compiled based on materials from the documentary writing of the Kama region of the second half XVIearly XVIII V. In total, more than 2.5 thousand Perm surnames were considered. Also presented are individual nicknames that served as surnames in documents. Surnames from calendar names (Alekseev, Vasiliev) are excluded from consideration, since their decoding is not difficult for modern readers. However, surnames from incomplete calendar names, unknown or little-known today (Aganev, Artyukin) or from sufficiently modified full calendar names (Vakhromiev, Okulov), are considered.

Each dictionary entry consists of a headword - a surname, a text from the 16th - early 18th centuries in which it is recorded, an etymological certificate (information about possible origins) and a text that contains a nickname or calendar name that gave the surname under study, if such a text is found in Permian monuments.

The circulation of the publication is 490 copies. The dictionary was published under a grant from the Soros International Science Foundation. Printed by the Perm University Publishing House.

In 2004, in Perm, the Knizhny Mir publishing house published 2,500 copies of the Dictionary of Perm Surnames, also authored by E. N. Polyakova. Without having the opportunity to personally familiarize myself with this work, I can get an idea from the review by A. G. Mosin. The structure of the dictionary entry has changed little, but there are more than twice as many dictionary entries. The increase in volume occurred due to the inclusion of denominate surnames in the dictionary (i.e., from calendar names). As A.G. Mosin writes, the main difference between this dictionary by Polyakova and her own dictionary of the 1997 edition is in its address young reader: E. N. Polyakova’s dictionary is recommended by the scientific and pedagogical council of the department of education Perm region secondary students and teachers educational institutions as an addition to the textbook “Russian speech of the Kama region: Linguistic local history.”

Dmitrieva L. I., Shcherbak A. S. et al. Surnames of the Tambov region: dictionary-reference book. Vol. 1. Tambov, 1998. 159 pp.; Vol. 2. Tambov, 1999. 163 pp.; Vol. 3. Tambov, 1999. 163 pp.; Vol. 4. Tambov, 2000. 160 pp.; Vol. 5. Tambov, 2000. 147 pp.; Vol. 6. Tambov, 2001. 157 pp.; Vol. 7. Tambov, 2002. 151 pp.; Vol. 8. Tambov, 2003. 151 pp.; Electronic edition, 2004. Reg. certificate No. 5090 dated November 11, 2004, No. 0320401460.

Since 1985, the names of the Tambov region have become the object of scientific research by a group of teachers and students. Their systematic study began in 1991. The results were eight editions of the dictionary-reference book “Families of the Tambov Region” (1998–2003) and a disk (electronic edition) with the same name (2004).

A group of teachers from Tambov State University worked on the dictionary. G. R. Derzhavin. The composition of the group has changed over the years. It constantly included L. I. Dmitrieva and A. S. Shcherbak. L. V. Goluzo and I. G. Goluzo also took part in the compilation of the first three issues. The scientific editor of the dictionary-reference book was Professor A. L. Sharandin.

The circulation of printed editions of the dictionary is scanty - at first 100 copies, individual issues - 200, 250 copies. All of them were published by the publishing house of TSU named after. G. R. Derzhavin.

Each issue contains surnames for all letters of the Russian alphabet. Moreover, some names are repeated in different issues. It must be assumed that the disc released in 2004 absorbed all the names from the paper releases. In the monograph by A. S. Shcherbak “Problems in the study of regional onomastics. Onomasticon of the Tambov Region" (Tambov, 2006) it is said that each of the eight editions of the dictionary contains about 1000 dictionary names, and in electronic version More than 9,000 names are represented.

Both paper editions and the electronic edition contain the same short preface (three pages), which presents a classification of surnames, numbering five groups: patronymic, matronymic, nickname, from the names of kinship relationships, artificial.

As the compilers of the dictionary write, they sought to solve the following problems:

1. Record the surnames existing in the Tambov region as completely as possible.

2. Register basic information about the surname in a dictionary entry: the type of surname, what source it goes back to, give, if possible, the etymology of the name if the surname is patronymic, give an interpretation of archaic or dialect words if the surname is nicknamed.

3. Give emphasis for all surnames, indicating the accentological variant, if available.

Dictionary entries in the dictionary “Surnames of the Tambov Region” are structured as follows. The surname explained in this dictionary entry appears in bold. Then the type of surname and the source to which it etymologically goes back are indicated. If necessary, all changes that occurred when borrowing a particular name from which the surname was formed are explained.

I will give examples of several dictionary entries (stress is emphasized as in the dictionary, i.e., a stressed vowel is indicated by a lowercase letter).

ATRYASKIN is a nickname. Goes back to the nickname OTRYASKA: OTRYASKA from shake off– “shake off the dirt from clothes, tablecloth, feet”; in tamb. in dialects - shake off the young“The people they meet shake the young people by the shoulders until they pay off with a handful of nuts or sunflower seeds.” The spelling of the surname reflected Akane.

ALGASOVSKY is a nickname. Goes back to naming a person by his previous place of residence: ALGASOVSKY - “a native of Algasov, a village in the Tambov region.”

ULiTIN is a matronymic surname. Goes back to the female Christian baptismal name IULITTA (etymology is unclear). On Russian soil, there was a loss of the initial [I] and a simplification of the double T ([TT] - [T]). A colloquial form of the name appeared - ULiTA, from which the surname was formed.

USPENSKY is an artificial surname for clergy. Goes back to the name church holiday Dormition or by the name of the church in which the priest served.

Since the dictionary is dedicated to the surnames of the region, and not of some ethnic group in the region, it contains surnames not only of Russian origin, but also of other origins, for example, Belarusian, Ukrainian.

The undoubted advantage of this dictionary is that it also includes surnames from male baptismal names like Vasiliev, Ivanov, Petrov etc., which are often not included in dictionaries for other regions. Thus, the dictionary gives an idea of ​​the relationship between groups of surnames from various lexical sources.

Unfortunately, the compilers of the dictionary do not write anywhere what sources they used to identify the stock of surnames in the Tambov region. They were probably mostly modern lists residents of the region, and the dictionary is aimed at current state family fund of the Tambov region. This is one of its differences from other regional dictionaries of surnames, which usually contain surnames extracted from business writing monuments dating back to the period up to the beginning of the 18th century. Another difference is that in the dictionary of surnames of the Tambov region there is no focus on regional specifics. The all-Russian and regional are presented in a natural ratio.

This material will be continued! I also intend to consider dictionaries of Smolensk, Trans-Ural surnames, surnames of northwestern Rus' of the 15th-17th centuries.

© Nazarov Alois

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Angel Station Sergeant Major

Video removed by Raffaella Reina
And without explaining the reason. Meanness and cowardice. And not the first. So in a mean way Madame, if she is a madam, is trying to prove her superiority. This is not superiority. This is meanness, cowardice. And lies, heartless, cynical, vile. This is fascism. Fascism is always a lie, a total lie and its justification, a substitution of concepts.
Fascism (Italian fascismo, from fascio “union, bundle, bundle, association”) - a general name political movements and ideologies and preaching the form of p dictatorial government(VV Putin is 20 years old, he will only leave feet first), characteristic features which are called militaristic nationalism (in a broad sense) (“nuclear ash”, “Iskanders are laughing”, “we can repeat”...), anti-liberalism, xenophobia, revanchism (monuments to Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, aggression towards neighboring states, military invasion and occupation of foreign territories in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova) and chauvinism (maydowns, jumpers), anti-communism, leaderism (Putin is Russia, if there is no Putin, there will be no Russia), contempt for electoral democracy and liberalism, belief in the dominance of elites and natural social hierarchy, statism and, in some cases, syndicalism, racism and the policy of genocide (mass selective searches, detentions, arrests and imprisonments in Crimea by nationality, Aksenov's statements to the indigenous people of Crimea: “If you don’t like living in Russian Crimea, get out)

Quote: NewYorick

It's Putin's.

NewYorick Sailor

Quote: BozMozzis

And what about Russia?

If all else fails, every “devout Ukrainian” is obliged to sing his own mantra: “Lord, make sure that your neighbor’s cow dies!” Of course, without forgetting to jump correctly:

Quote: BozMozzis

How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

Everything was mixed up in the house of the “angels”. Such a paradise is destined for Muslim jihadist martyrs. At the same time, they are still promised 72 virgin Gurias. So join us. All that remains is to change your faith. You have already successfully changed everything else. For 30 Pindos silver... cookies.

Quote: Angel Station Russia, hello...


Quote: Angel Station

Russia, hello from the nineties

And what about Russia?

Quote: Angel Station

The commander-in-chief will not even be able to give an order for a retaliatory strike, and the Russians have cut off the Internet themselves. How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

You wouldn't rely so heavily on psychotropics...

Quote: BozMozzis In the Dnieper, residents of cha...

Angel Station Sergeant Major

Quote: BozMozzis

In the Dnieper, residents of the private sector stole new garbage cans,

In Moscow, a fragment of a government communications cable was stolen from a technological sewer near the Kremlin. RBC reports this with reference to a source in the capital's department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an interlocutor in the territorial police department.

The theft was discovered on March 25. A 34-year-old resident of Moscow wrote a statement about the loss of the cable. According to him, a fragment of the cable was stolen from a sewer on Vasilyevsky Spusk near the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge.

The police are checking and establishing the amount of damage. Police officers interviewed workers at the construction company and looked at CCTV cameras. RBC's source notes that there is no video surveillance in the place where the cable was stolen.

Russia, hello from the nineties
This is how a nuclear war will happen, and the commander-in-chief will not even be able to give an order for a retaliatory strike, and the Russians have cut off the Internet to themselves. How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

Underground party cell...

Leader of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation...


The leader of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Medvedev, decided to refuse the mandate offered to him by physicist Zhores Alferov. He stated this himself, TASS reports.

Medvedev believes that former presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin should become a deputy instead. “The Central Election Commission, in my opinion, was biased towards Grudinin’s candidacy; I categorically refuse the mandate of a State Duma deputy and express my protest,” he said. Medvedev stressed that the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not put pressure on him.

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ARCHIVE OF THE USSR Academy of Sciences





MOSCOW 1974 This book by Academician S. B. Veselovsky is a reference book on names, nicknames and surnames of North-Eastern Rus' of the 15th - 17th centuries. The work was written on the basis of a huge number of published and unpublished sources (chronicles, acts, categories, etc.) and itself is a source on the history of language, historical geography, social composition of the population, etc. This is a valuable guide for historians involved in the study of feudal Russia.

Edited by V. I. BUGANOV and B. V. LEVSHIN The volume was prepared for publication by E. G. CHUMACHENKO 10604-0444.

102-042(01) - (C) Publishing house "Science", 1974


Published work of Academician S. B. Veselovsky (1876 - 1952), an outstanding specialist in national history period of feudalism, is dedicated to essentially a half-forgotten science - onomastics, or anthroponymy, which studies the origin of names, nicknames and surnames. This interesting and exciting industry scientific knowledge, which is both an auxiliary historical discipline and integral part linguistics has received clearly insufficient attention. We can name only a few works of reference and research nature. Among the first is N. M. Tupikov’s large reference-dictionary, which includes a considerable number of personal names that were in use until the 19th century [N. M. Tupikov. Dictionary of Old Russian personal proper names. St. Petersburg, 1903.] From the research we mention the articles of A.M.

Selishcheva [A. M. Selishchev. The origin of Russian surnames, personal names and nicknames. - "Scientific Notes of Moscow State University", vol. 128. Proceedings of the Department of Russian Language, book.

1. M., 1948, pp. 128 - 152.], V. I. Chernysheva [V. I. Chernyshev. A few notes about Ukrainian and Russian personal names. - "Movoknowledge. Scientific notes of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic", vol. VI. Kip!, 1948.], a small book by V. K. Chichagov [V. TO.

Chichagov. From the history of Russian names, patronymics and surnames (Questions of Russian historical onomastics of the 15th - 17th centuries). M, 1959]. IN Lately A number of new works on Russian and Ukrainian onomastics have been published ["Onomastics. Sat.

articles". Ed. V. A. Nikonov and A. V. Superanskaya. M., 1969; L. M. Shchetinin.

Words, names, things. Essays on names. Rostov-on-Don, 1966; "Issues of onomastics". Samarkand, 1971; "Onomastics (Zb1rnik of articles)". Kyiv, 1966;

"Ethnography of names. Collection of articles." Rep. ed. V. A. Nikonov and G. G. Stratanovich.

M., 1971.] Such extreme poverty of literature on Russian historical onomastics is not least due to the fact that the huge anthroponymic material scattered throughout the world has not yet been collected and systematized. large quantities printed and archival sources. In this sense, “Onomastics” by S.B.

Veselovsky, despite its somewhat unfinished character, has a great scientific value as a reference dictionary, a manual for studying Russian historical onomastics. Its author, the greatest expert on the sources of the history of feudalism, in particular order documentation medieval Rus', created, based on the study of enormous printed and archival material, a unique work, comparable only to his own reference book “Clerks and Clerks of the 15th - 17th centuries,” prepared for publication by the Archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences, or S. K. Bogoyavlensky’s reference book on clerks of the 17th century . [WITH. TO.

Epiphany. Order judges of the 17th century. M. - L., 1946.] About the big scientific significance of the published work, the outstanding Soviet Arabic scholar Academician I. Yu. Krachkovsky wrote to its author in 1947: “The whole work is a colossal, extremely important work” [Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences, f. 620, op. 1, d.

S. B. Veselovsky created “Onomastics” over many years of work in archives and libraries in parallel with writing studies on the history of pre-Petrine Rus', and especially in the 1930s - 1940s. Compared to Tulikov’s book, it contains a lot of new material about personal names, nicknames and surnames in Ancient Rus'. His work contains a list of many hundreds of surnames, nicknames, names - from princes, boyars, nobles to peasants and townspeople, cultivators and artisans, warriors and traders.

A large amount of material collected by S. B. Veselovsky from sources (chronicles, acts, categories, genealogies, etc.) concerns mainly the Russian historical onomastics of North-Eastern Rus' of the 15th - 17th centuries. Here, the talent and enormous erudition of the author, who collected a colossal amount of data about the names, nicknames and surnames of Russian people of the indicated time, which, by the way, includes the formation and registration of the bulk of Russian surnames that have survived to our time, were revealed with full brilliance (this, of course, does not exclude the possibility that a number of surnames were formed before the 15th century, or in the 18th - 19th centuries). Besides of great importance the work of S. B. Veselovsky for the study of various issues of historical onomastics, it provides rich material on genealogy, linguistics, historical geography, history of life, etc.

In this book there are pagan and christian names era Kievan Rus(IX - X centuries), for example, Predslava, Rogvolod, Dobrynya, etc. The author cites interesting interpretations nicknames from which surnames well-known in Russian history originate (for example, Chicherin - from chicher - an autumn sharp wind with wet snow, and not from the mythical Italian Chicheri; Rublev - not from the ruble as a monetary unit, but from the ruble - a roller with scars for washing linen, leather rolling, etc.). The material about nicknames here is not only very extensive and varied, but often unexpected; Let us, for example, pay attention to such nicknames as “Funny Face”, “Dear Shchi”, “Blind Wolf Cub”, etc.

The reader will find in this book a lot of interesting information about the origin of the names of many outstanding Russian writers, poets, composers, and artists.

(Bobrishchevs-Pushkins, Kurchevs-Pushkins, Musins-Pushkins, Rozhnovs-Pushkins), Mussorgskys, Korsakovs (from them - Rimsky-Korsakovs), Turgenevs and others.

In the rough sketches for the “bnomastikon” S. B. Veselovsky made notes for himself about groups of names and nicknames with similar meanings, for example: “Pay attention to groups of nicknames in families of the Bad surname” (Stepan Pirog and Ivan Oladin - 1518 , Andrey Karavay Oladin - 1527, Matvey Kundum Pirogov - 1541 - all patrimonial landowners on Volok Damsky) [Ibid., l. 5]. “In the family of Murom patrimonial landowners Kravkov, Suma Vasilyevich (1595) had sons Osip (1614, house-serf) and Meshok Sumina, and Osip Sumin had a son, Matvey Karman (1649, solicitor) and grandson, Fyodor Karmanov (1630, tenant). There is no possibility of allowing borrowing, but the more interesting are similar nicknames in the family of Tula patrimonial owners Myasnykh.Nikita Vasilyevich (1528) had sons Sophon Meshok (1549), Ivan Sharap and Ivan Meshochek, and Meshko had a son Osip Karman (1590) .) "[Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences, f. 620, op. 1, d. 61, l. 1 rev]. In the family of landowners of the Bezhetsk Pyatina, the Po-Skochins had names - Friend, Comrade and Tashlyk Leontievich. The Novgorod landowner Ivan Lin, who lived in the mid-15th century, had sons Andrei Som (1478) and Okun Ivanovich (1495). They lived in Ryazan in the 16th century. Prey and Failure Ivanovich Alymovs [Ibid., l. 5.].

Interesting nicknames from the region flora were in the 16th century. in the family of the Fominsky-Berezuiskys (family of Smolensk princes) who lost their princely rank: Ivan Grigorievich Osoka Travin (1497) had sons Grigory Pyrey (from him the surname Pyryev), Ivan Atava, Vasily Vyazel (field peas) and Semyon Dyatelina. Atava has a son, Shchavei [Ibid., l. 5 vol.] and many others.

The reader will not always find on the pages of the work an explanation of the origin of names, surnames and nicknames, references to sources or chronological indications of the existence of certain names, etc., since the author sometimes did not make references to the sources he used. Sometimes only a first name, nickname or surname is given without indicating real historical persons. But more often than not, such data is available and is accompanied by precise indications of people who lived at a certain time and in a certain area.

The published work of S. B. Veselovsky does not pretend to provide comprehensive information about all names, nicknames and surnames of the 15th - 17th centuries. Thus, many nicknames are not taken into account (I. I. Golitsyn, in addition to the nickname Shpak given in the work, had others: Sword, Sey, etc.).

In some cases, among the names, surnames and nicknames located in alphabetical order, the reader will not encounter some surnames (for example:

Velyaminov, Volkonsky, Kurbsky, Shuisky, etc.), however, in annotations to other names, nicknames and surnames they are mentioned. The editors did not consider it possible to include these names in the alphabet.

When working with a book, you should keep in mind some features peculiar to its author. S. B. Veelovsky often uses the outdated terminology accepted in bourgeois historiography: time, Moscow region militia, etc.), as well as expressions taken from ancient monuments(merchant Muscovite, Novik, Litvin, Nemchin, court husband, Tsar's ambassador, information from Kazan, house of St. Sophia, served in Rylsk, etc.), different shapes writing names and patronymics (Daniil - Danilo - Danila, Gavriil Gavrilo - Gavrila, Ivanovich - Ivanov, etc.). When referring to geographic locations, the author uses the names of administrative-territorial units of the 17th century. (counties), then XIX - early XX centuries. (provinces), then modern names(regions).

When indicating the time of existence of certain surnames, nicknames and names, sometimes there is a deliberate violation of chronology. This is due to the fact that information related to a particular nickname dates back to a later time than information related to the surname derived from it (for example:

"Glazun, Glazunovs: Prince Pyotr Andreevich Glazun Volkonsky; Grigory Andreevich Glazun Pleshcheev, mid-16th century; Gridya Glazunov, peasant, 1495, Novgorod; Mishura Ivanovich Glazunov, 1578, Moscow"; "Rubel, Rublev:

Nikifor Rubel, peasant, 1495, Novgorod; Andrei Rublev, famous icon painter, first half of the 15th century."; "Guard, Guard: Guard Rudin son of Arkharov, 1556, Kashira; Stepan Karaul, 1594, Novgorod; Grigory Cheremisin Karaulov, third quarter of the 15th century, Vladimir; Ivan Semenovich Karaulov, governor in Vyatka, 1525; Andrei Semenovich, scribe of Romanov and Poshekhonya, 1541..." Some surnames have different spellings in the sources (Sherefedinov - Sheremedinov - Serefyadinov, etc.).

When preparing the manuscript of S. B. Veselovsky’s work for publication, five versions of this work preserved in the scientist’s archive were used, representing an autograph and four copies of typescript with editing by the author, partially repeating, partially complementing each other [Ibid., d.

59 - 63.]. Unification was carried out in the arrangement of material and reference apparatus. Where possible, in doubtful cases, facts, dates, names, surnames, etc. were checked.

To facilitate work with the reference book by S. B. Veselovsky in cases where different people the same nicknames, first and last names are found, references are given in square brackets (for example: “Baskakovs, in the 15th century.

and later several service families in different districts of the Moscow State [see. Albych, Budai, Za-leshenin, Kudash, Sevrin, Tutan]"; "Budai, Budaevs:...

Budai Ivanovich Baskakov [see. Baskakovs], 1564...").

The initial preparation of the text for printing was carried out by L.K. Bazhanova under the leadership of N.V. Ustyugov. The text was finally prepared for publication by E.G.


V. I. Buganov.

Abash, Abashevs: Abash Ulan [see. Ulan], governor of the Kazan Khan, 1499

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