Modern military literature. Military literature: general list

The Patriotic War, like the most difficult time for the country in the mid-1940s, will long remain in the memories of those who witnessed those terrible events. Following the cinema, which annually creates films about the war, literature does not lag behind. Its only drawback is that, compared to movies, books about battles are of less interest. Military literature, a general list of books that should be read, as well as where you can download weapons encyclopedias is the topic of our article today.

Young patriots of the country

Nadezhda Nadezhdina did not think of becoming a writer. Moreover, when she published prose works for children, she did not imagine that someday she would have to write about the war. The schoolgirl, the heroine of her novel “Partisan Lara,” leaves her native village, but will not be able to return - the Germans have taken over the occupation. Together with her friends, she went to the brigade headquarters, but she was not taken because of her young age. And I so wanted to go to the front and, most importantly, to save my family! Without the approval of strangers, the girl decides to become a partisan. Dressed in rags, she blends in with nature, penetrates the village, watches the Germans, noting individual details: the time of arrival of the train with cargo, the formation of the sentries, the number of weapons... Did Lara manage to free her relatives? The story of how much little children can do for their homeland is a masterpiece that military literature can boast of. A general list of all books in this direction is not complete without the 1988 story “Partisan Lara”.

Give the prisoners the floor

A native of Lithuania, Maria Rolnikaite was sent to a concentration camp in 1941. She witnessed firsthand all the horrors of captivity, and a few years later she wrote a book about it. Maria to this day remains almost the only writer who talks about the heroism and difficult fate of the Jewish people, especially during the cruel years of the war.

Military fiction is represented by the book “Alone with Memory.” In it, unlike her other works, Maria pays little attention to autobiographical facts. In addition to describing the events taking place on the battlefield, “Alone with Memory” talks about the difficult choices that had to be made. Sometimes you have to kill to survive. What can the tormented residents of occupied cities do to preserve their own lives?

we are from the future

No, this novel has nothing to do with the war film with that name. But it is definitely not difficult to draw parallels with the general idea of ​​the story. The past remains in memories. But what if history itself makes contemporaries feel all the “delights” of war? Several main characters find themselves in 1942. The thick of bloody events forces them to make a choice - they can stay or return, preserving the present and the past, or forever changing the course of events... The interesting novel by Alexei Ivakin “We Will Die Yesterday” deservedly appears on the list of military literature. According to readers, on its pages the author reliably moved to the front and showed the fullness of the tragedy.

Living Memories

The main character of Eduard Verkin's work has long since retired. The past years are behind us. Sitting at the head of a large family, surrounded by the aroma of barbecue and his beloved grandchildren, he suddenly searches in his memory for the remnants of events when it was the winter of 1942. Fulfilling another request from his relatives, he remembers dirt and impassable snowdrifts, captured Germans, grenades and stewed meat, a warm fire and a soft blanket. And also the number of fascists he killed. Along with Dimka, side by side was Sanych, who, like him, believed that reaching the end was his main duty...

“Cloud Regiment” from 2012 is not Verkin’s first work writing on historical topics. The warm readership and return on circulation speak of a vibrant novel that modern military literature can be proud of.

Remember. Do not forget

And again raising the topic of concentration camps, literary critic Tatiana de Rosney reflects on who and why allowed their compatriots to be exterminated back in 1942. Thousands of Jews languish in anticipation of the Auschwitz camp. But they still don’t know about their imminent death. Little Sarah dreams of quickly returning to Paris, the city that separated her from her 4-year-old brother, who was locked in a closet for salvation. Having passed the camp, Sarah will arrive in restored France, but it will be too late...

“Sarah's Key,” released in 2007, immediately captivated critics. And he gathered a million-strong army of admirers of Tatyana’s talent around the world. The novel occupies a leading place among bestsellers. Three years later it was made into a film. The main role was played by actress Kristin Scott Thomas.

What components can be identified when talking about works like this? All of them bear the imprint of tragedy, pain, despair, carried by the participants in those terrible events over many years. Of course, the attitude of the current generation, ready to continue to honor the memory, is captivating. It is especially pleasant that modern military fiction is rich in this.

The general list of books that make up the classics of military subjects can be supplemented with a number of the following works:

  • “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Spark of Life” (Erich Maria Remarque);
  • “Babi Yar” (Anatoly Kuznetsov);
  • “Tomorrow there was war”, “And the dawns here are quiet...” (Boris Vasiliev);
  • “Darkness at Noon” (Yuri Slepukhin);
  • “The Silence of Heaven”, “The Road to Eternity” (Weisswald Helmut);
  • “Operation Faust” (Evgeny Fedorovsky);
  • “Penal battalions are making a breakthrough” (Yuri Pogrebov).

Encyclopedia for generations

Who said that only fiction can become the basis of a book? Documentary style is the most common direction in which military literature is rich. Prose fades into the background, giving way to archival information that serves as the basis for this chronicle, which has been in preparation for over twenty years. “1443 days and nights...” literally day by day they recreate the first raids of the Nazis, who surrounded the country from several fronts. The authors processed thousands of memories of soldiers, historians, and extracts from official documents. They didn’t forget about the letters from the front, filled with drama and honor. This book is intended for a wide audience, while remaining a significant scholarly work on the Great War.

Rich military literature

The general list, along with the examples mentioned above, is supplemented by technical literature. Those who want to touch history not only in works of fiction should recommend a variety of series of books and periodicals. All of them are dedicated to the Patriotic War, but are of interest due to their scientific content.

Military technical literature will tell you about the weapons of the Soviet Union during the period 1941-1945, aircraft carriers and anti-submarine ships that took part in the battles. A separate topic is devoted to military weapons - the reader is presented with a full range of tank guns, anti-aircraft guns, and missiles. Those who are especially curious will be able to learn in more detail how the soldier’s uniform was determined and what it consisted of, what basic equipment and camouflage were used, as well as what orders and insignia were developed as awards for those who went through World War II.

The Patriotic War, like the most difficult time for the country in the mid-1940s, will long remain in the memories of those who witnessed those terrible events. Following the cinema, which annually creates films about the war, literature does not lag behind. Its only drawback is that, compared to movies, books about battles are of less interest. Military literature, a general list of books that should be read, a detailed study of the most striking examples is the topic of our article today.

Young patriots of the country

Nadezhda Nadezhdina did not think of becoming a writer. Moreover, when publishing for children, she did not imagine that someday she would have to write about the war. The schoolgirl, the heroine of her novel “Partisan Lara,” leaves her native village, but will not be able to return - the Germans have taken over the occupation. Together with her friends, she went to the brigade headquarters, but she was not taken because of her young age. And I so wanted to go to the front and, most importantly, to save my family! Without the approval of strangers, the girl decides to become a partisan. Dressed in rags, she blends in with nature, penetrates the village, watches the Germans, noting individual details: the time of arrival of the train with cargo, the formation of the sentries, the number of weapons... Did Lara manage to free her relatives? The story of how much little children can do for their homeland is a masterpiece that military literature can boast of. A general list of all books in this direction is not complete without the 1988 story “Partisan Lara”.

Give the prisoners the floor

A native of Lithuania, Maria Rolnikaite was sent to a concentration camp in 1941. She witnessed firsthand all the horrors of captivity, and a few years later she wrote a book about it. Maria to this day remains almost the only writer who talks about the heroism and difficult fate of the Jewish people, especially during the cruel years of the war.

Military fiction is represented by the book “Alone with Memory.” In it, unlike her other works, Maria pays little attention to autobiographical facts. In addition to describing the events taking place on the battlefield, “Alone with Memory” talks about the difficult choices that had to be made. Sometimes you have to kill to survive. What can the tormented residents of occupied cities do to preserve their own lives?

we are from the future

No, this novel has nothing to do with the war film with that name. But it is definitely not difficult to draw parallels with the general idea of ​​the story. The past remains in memories. But what if history itself makes contemporaries feel all the “delights” of war? Several main characters find themselves in 1942. The thick of bloody events forces them to make a choice - they can stay or return, preserving the present and the past, or forever changing the course of events... The interesting novel by Alexei Ivakin “We Will Die Yesterday” deservedly appears on the list of military literature. According to readers, on its pages the author reliably moved to the front and showed the fullness of the tragedy.

Living Memories

The main character of the work has long since retired. The past years are behind us. Sitting at the head of a large family, surrounded by the aroma of barbecue and his beloved grandchildren, he suddenly searches in his memory for the remnants of events when it was the winter of 1942. Fulfilling another request from his relatives, he remembers dirt and impassable snowdrifts, captured Germans, grenades and stewed meat, a warm fire and a soft blanket. And also the number of fascists he killed. Along with Dimka, side by side was Sanych, who, like him, believed that reaching the end was his main duty...

“Cloud Regiment” from 2012 is not Verkin’s first work writing on historical topics. The warm readership and return on circulation speak of a vibrant novel that modern military literature can be proud of.

Remember. Do not forget

And again raising the topic of concentration camps, literary critic Tatiana de Rosney reflects on who and why allowed their compatriots to be exterminated back in 1942. Thousands of Jews are languishing in anticipation. But they still do not know about their imminent death. Little Sarah dreams of quickly returning to Paris, the city that separated her from her 4-year-old brother, who was locked in a closet for salvation. Having passed the camp, Sarah will arrive in restored France, but it will be too late...

“Sarah's Key,” released in 2007, immediately captivated critics. And he gathered a million-strong army of admirers of Tatyana’s talent around the world. The novel occupies a leading place among bestsellers. Three years later it was made into a film. The main role was played by actress Kristin Scott Thomas.

What components can be identified when talking about works like this? All of them bear the imprint of tragedy, pain, despair, carried by the participants in those terrible events over many years. Of course, the attitude of the current generation, ready to continue to honor the memory, is captivating. It is especially pleasant that modern military fiction is rich in this.

The general list of books that make up the classics of military subjects can be supplemented with a number of the following works:

  • “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Spark of Life” (Erich Maria Remarque);
  • “Babi Yar” (Anatoly Kuznetsov);
  • “Tomorrow there was war”, “And the dawns here are quiet...” (Boris Vasiliev);
  • “Darkness at Noon” (Yuri Slepukhin);
  • “The Silence of Heaven”, “The Road to Eternity” (Weisswald Helmut);
  • “Operation Faust” (Evgeny Fedorovsky);
  • “Penal battalions are making a breakthrough” (Yuri Pogrebov).

Encyclopedia for generations

Who said that only fiction can become the basis of a book? Documentary style is the most common direction in which military literature is rich. Prose fades into the background, giving way to archival information that serves as the basis for this chronicle, which has been in preparation for over twenty years. “1443 days and nights...” literally day by day they recreate the first raids of the Nazis, who surrounded the country from several fronts. The authors processed thousands of memories of soldiers, historians, and extracts from official documents. They didn’t forget about the letters from the front, filled with drama and honor. This book is intended for a wide audience, while remaining a significant scholarly work on the Great War.

Rich military literature

The general list, along with the examples mentioned above, is supplemented by technical literature. Those who want to touch history not only in works of fiction should recommend a variety of series of books and periodicals. All of them are dedicated to the Patriotic War, but are of interest due to their scientific content.

Military technical literature will tell you about the weapons of the Soviet Union during the period 1941-1945, aircraft carriers and anti-submarine ships that took part in the battles. A separate topic is devoted to military weapons - the reader is presented with a full range of tank guns and missiles. Those who are especially curious will be able to learn in more detail how the soldier’s uniform was determined and what it consisted of, what basic equipment and camouflage were used, as well as what orders and insignia were developed as awards for those who went through World War II.

- one of the largest and, most importantly, open, collections of texts in Russian, including translations, related to military history and the history of wars in RuNet. This is more of an educational and popular science project than a formally patriotic project: speaking about the target audience, the site’s authors are addressing not the abstract “younger generation,” but “you and me,” those who are trying to study history not from retellings, but from sources .

The portal has existed since 2001; in the archive you can see by year and month how the site was filled, and also track updates. All books and documents are published with the source indicated; the texts (if possible) are paginated (as in the source). Thus, the materials can be used when writing educational and research papers.

The creators of the site formulate their principles:

"1. History is not religion.
2. Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools compete.
3. Everything on the site is free” –

and this is how they see theirs tasks:

“First: collect a huge library that everyone can use. Second: to gather like-minded people and enthusiasts who will help complete the task.”

Most of the collected texts concern Second World War and its background (the authors explain that “this topic has been the most widely covered in our country over the past 50 years, and materials on this topic have been more accessible than others”). However, there are materials on military history from other periods: domestic publishing houses have published, and the portal has re-published, many fundamental works (for example, Kersnovsky, Zayonchkovsky, Levitsky, Tarle, Liddell-Hart, Arkhengoltz, etc.). Currently the site contains texts on the following military subjects:

Wars can also be selected by century - here the list is somewhat wider than the main one.

In addition, in the “Troops” section, a meaningful search can be carried out by types and branches of troops, specialties, personalities (“statesmen”, “senior command staff”).

Several “Selections” have been made for readers: thematic collections on debatable issues (“1939-1941”, “Pro&Contra” (criticism of “Icebreaker” by Viktor Suvorov), “Repressions in the Red Army”).

In addition to the content sorting, the books are also distributed according to genres; this division is reflected in the very structure of the site - different genres of military literature are simultaneously sections of the portal. The authors call primary sources, memoirs and prose the most important, explaining that the publication of these materials (their availability and accessibility to readers) is the goal of the project. In general, the following genres are represented:

  • (collections of documents, transcripts)