Norwegian female names. List of options in Russian and their meanings

What does the name Danis mean? For a long time, people have been interested in the meaning of this name. What happens if you name your child Danis? After all, each of us is given a name at birth that accompanies us throughout our lives. Even after death, it is customary to indicate information about the person on the memorial. And what is constantly with us cannot but affect our character and behavior. So let's go back to the mystery of the name Danis.
Scientists, philosophers, astrologers - they all fought for centuries, trying to decipher men's and female names. Nowadays, many books have been published with the meanings and secrets of the name Danis, and the list is constantly updated, as new proper names appear over the years, and old ones go away and are forgotten. By the way, in ancient times, babies were given names that were even scary to pronounce. This was done specifically to ward off evil spirits. Later in Rus', children were called by two names, one was pronounced only in church and was hidden from everyone. It was believed that Danis is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. Today there is a special fashion for names. Many mothers and fathers carefully choose the name of their future baby, turning to Old Slavonic lists. Some people first study the meaning of the name, and only then choose the appropriate one. And there are fewer and fewer people who come up with names themselves. Here everything is limited to the flight of your imagination. But then determine the character of the owner unique name There will be phonetics - sound combinations and syllables. IN meaning of the name Danis there are many ancient roots and sources that today are irretrievably lost...

Meaning: bringer of glory

The meaning of the name Danis - interpretation

The name Danis has Persian roots, literally translated as “wise” or “knowing the truth.” There is a version according to which it is derived from the Arabic Daniyal - “God’s judgment.” Common in Asian countries, the diminutive version is Dan or Danish. In the West, there is a special interpretation - Dani, which linguists also classify as derivatives of the ancient eastern name.

Years later

The baby is growing active and restless. Cries little, starts talking early. The child is responsive, since childhood he tries to help everyone who needs it. He makes friends with ease, attracting them with his easy-going character and sincerity.

By the very meaning of this name for a baby, you can predict that parents will definitely not be bored. They must be prepared for numerous troubles due to the fault of the little fidget. However, serious incidents and tragedies should not be expected.

The kid sincerely wishes everyone well and Have a good mood, so he tries his best to succeed in embellishing everyday life with variety. Most of his peers, perhaps, do not have such a big and full of love heart. Danis is the pride of his immediate ancestors.

Growing up, Danis begins to show independence of character. He is freedom-loving and does not tolerate reproaches. He quickly becomes interested in something, attends different sections and clubs. Constantly improves himself, in a dispute he always defends his point of view.

Girls love his company, he entertains them and makes them laugh. The young man is the soul of any company. The guy has no enemies, conflicts and intrigues do not attract him. For close friends he will always do everything in his power, help unselfishly and from the bottom of his heart.

Throughout his life he remains friendly, cheerful and open. He prefers to resolve disputes correctly and diplomatically, because he does not tolerate scandals and squabbles, and in general he is a pacifist by nature.

Danis's gentle character may cause him to lack self-confidence. Men with it beautiful name often fall under the influence of women who seek to control them. If Danis experiences constant pressure, he may withdraw into himself and become a real hermit, avoiding society.

But loneliness does not bother him; the man finds special charm in this, because freedom is important to him. The man is endowed with artistry, and this is manifested in his manner of dressing, communicating, and subtle sense of humor.

Danis has excellent taste and strives to make his life harmonious and calm. He may be indecisive, but he always finishes what he starts.

Danis's character

Without a doubt, Danis has self-esteem and will never allow himself to be offended. A man is used to showing kindness with or without a reason - precisely because it gives him joy and pleasure.

Danis is also distinguished by his openness of character. He loves to share with others what is in his soul and mind, but he never does this without a specific reason. He constantly strives to help people, doing it selflessly.

Danis often makes excessive demands on friends and family. The most interesting thing is that he himself does not always correspond to them. Periodically falls into real narcissism, turning into natural narcissism.

Danis's fate

Danis passionately desires to be loved. If this feeling is not present in his life, then difficulties will arise with building a career and communicating with others. Danis doesn’t like being flattered, he feels things very strongly real attitude. If he notices falsehood, he simply stops communicating with this person (or people). A man has self-esteem and very rarely asks for help.

The constant desire to achieve something leads to frequent changes of type of activity, and sometimes place of residence. The man is constantly in search. He stops only when he realizes that he is needed. If Danis does not meet the “one and only” in his life, he remains a bachelor.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Danis is an innovator who strives to maximally improve or simplify the solution of a particular problem. He does not conflict with colleagues and management, but it is not very easy to subjugate a freedom-loving man. He does not like strict discipline, so he often chooses professions that do not require strict adherence to any rules.

If Danis chooses a creative field, he may well achieve enormous success. He is persistent, so he often becomes an excellent leader who knows how to subordinate the team, but always does it correctly. The man is not interested in wealth, but Danis loves to surround himself with beautiful and exquisite things, so he strives for financial well-being.

Marriage and family

His ideal marriage becomes with a woman who also needs love and care. Danis constantly feels the need for affection and attention, and if he feels reciprocity, he will do everything in his power for his chosen one. Often the first marital union breaks up, because Danis finds it difficult to find a girl who will be close to him in spirit. If he makes a mistake with his choice a second time, then he remains a bachelor.

In order for the marriage to be happy, the wife must understand that the husband needs privacy from time to time, he is freedom-loving and does not tolerate restrictions. Danis an exemplary family man and a caring father, constantly takes care of his wife and children, trying to protect them from all the troubles of life. He solves all the financial problems of the family on his own, so his wife often becomes a housewife. She will not tolerate her beloved’s betrayal, and if this happens, she immediately breaks it off. family bonds. But even after the divorce, he tries to constantly take care of the children and helps his ex-wife.

Sex and love

For Danis, love is air; he cannot exist without this feeling. He is tender and sentimental with his chosen one, feels the need to take care of her and patronize her.

During intimacy tries to please his partner, is emotional and passionate. If he feels that the girl does not like his excessive and touching care, he tries to delicately break off the relationship.


Weak immunity is the reason why a boy gets sick very often in childhood. With age, problems with the stomach and intestines may appear.

Interests and hobbies

Danis – creative person, so all types of art become his hobbies. A man has a huge craving for everything beautiful.

For your information, this is why Danis loves to travel, trying to capture interesting places and beautiful scenery.

Meaning of the name Danislav: The name for a boy means “may he be glorious.” This affects the character and fate of Danislav.

Origin of the name Danislav: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Danya, Dan, Slava.

What does the name Danislav mean: There are several versions of the origin of the name. It is believed that, according to the first version, - Old Russian name Danislav was formed as a result of a combination of two parts of the word “dati” and “glory”. That is why the name is translated as “let it be glorious.” According to the second version, the meaning of the name Danislav is the Old Hebrew version of Dan or Dani. The “dan” part of the name is translated as “judge.”

Angel Day and patron saints named after Danislav: the name Danislav does not mark the name day. Sometimes name days can be celebrated together with the day of the angel Daniel.


  • Zodiac of Danislav – Libra, Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • Color - Venus
  • Treasured plant – iris, cauliflower
  • Danislav's patron is a dove, a bull
  • Talisman stone Danislav – emerald

Characteristics of the name Danislav

Positive features: the name Danislav is determined by the number 5, indicating the spiritual freedom of a person and his independence. It must be said that Danislav practically does not take advice from outside and will always prefer to make mistakes on his own, but make his own decision.

Negative features: The love of change can play with Danya cruel joke in the sense that, rushing forward, a guy with this name will not notice what is right in front of him at the moment.

Character of the name Danislav: He Danislav is a real enthusiast and loves everything new. He constantly strives to add variety to his life, choosing adventures and trips to which his existing inner restlessness pushes him. A man with this name has a lot of energy, and it’s great if it is directed in a peaceful direction (for example, to work).

Danislav and his personal life

Love and marriage: For family life, Danya chooses a calm and quiet woman, to whom she will try to transfer most household duties. The same applies to raising children - Danya would prefer only to play with them.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He is Danislav - a free and independent person. He doesn't like it when someone interferes in his affairs and decides issues for him. Danya often strives to get additional education or get interesting hobby to diversify own life and find some hidden qualities in yourself. A guy with this name does not strive to follow the beaten path, but chooses his own path, hoping to achieve more success. In essence, this is what can be done. Sometimes Slava wants drastic changes in his life, and he strives for them. A man named Danislav almost always updates and transforms something. Danislav’s approach to life is very unique. In life, he is a pioneer and attaches great importance to freedom. He does not tolerate any rules or canons, but acts the way he wants.

Business and career: A man with this name can realize himself very successfully in business, and in general, he really likes to conduct large, important and significant affairs. At the same time, it is very important for Slava to receive both benefit and benefit from her work. Material success is also a priority for Dani, as well as public acceptance. He Danislav does not like routine work, for him it is special meaning take a leadership position.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Danislav: Dani has a tendency to think philosophically and analytically. He Danislav is quite quickly and easily able to acquire new languages ​​and knowledge, adapt to new life circumstances, be it a change of job or country of residence. In many situations, Danislav's resourcefulness comes to the rescue. But it can’t be done without luck - a guy named Danislav often manages to get away with it.

The fate of Danislav in history

What does the name Danislav mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Danislav Kekhaiov – folk singer of Bulgaria, leader folklore ensemble"Slanchev Bryag", chief secretary of the Bulgarian association of folklorists
  2. Danislav Yusupov – Russian sculptor Member Creative Union Artists of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, Union of Artists of the USSR
  3. Danislav Lazutinich - Novgorod boyar and governor
  4. Dan Markovich - Russian writer and artist
  5. Dan Pagis - Jewish philologist, poet, translator.

Names and their meanings depend not only on the origin, but also on the time of year when the child was born. We recommend reading how a name influences character and destiny and familiarizing yourself with the list of names suitable for all zodiac signs.

It is important to know what a name means so that it is harmoniously combined with its owner - in sound and phonosemantic significance.

Danis Shcherbakov composer, arranger, guitarist.

According to some information, it comes from an ancient Tatar-Slavic name. The secret of a name lies in its origin, the number of sounds, syllables. All this determines habits, character, even family life And future profession a man named Danis.

Is your or your friend's name Danis? Do you know the meaning of this name? What is its origin? We will answer these and other questions in the article. The name Denis can be interpreted as justice, knowledge, the search for the immutable. This male name implies quickness, speed of reactions, activity. Meticulousness helps to combine such difficult-to-combine qualities as a craving for an active lifestyle and knowledge. As a result, the multifaceted traits of nature do not at all refute, but enrich each other.

Character of the name Danislav. In numerology, the meaning of the name Danislav is determined by the number 5, indicating a person’s spiritual freedom and independence. It must be said that such a person practically does not accept advice from the outside and will always prefer to make a mistake on his own, but make his own decision. The name Danislav is a true enthusiast and loves everything new. He constantly strives to add variety to his life, choosing adventures and trips to which his existing inner restlessness pushes him. He has a lot of energy, and it’s great if it is directed in a peaceful direction (for example, to work.

For Danis, love is air; he cannot exist without this feeling. He is tender and sentimental with his chosen one, feels the need to take care of her and patronize her. During intimacy, he tries to please his partner, is emotional and passionate. If he feels that the girl does not like his excessive and touching care, he tries to delicately break off the relationship.

Character of the name Danis

The constant desire to achieve something leads to frequent changes of type of activity, and sometimes place of residence. The man is constantly in search. He stops only when he realizes that he is needed. If Danis does not meet the “one and only” in his life, he remains a bachelor.

Stone: alexandrite, plant: heather, animal: deer.

Dan Markovich is a Russian writer and artist.

Danislav name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Danislav mean?

Danislav Lazutinich - Novgorod boyar and governor.

A man named Danislav is a free and independent person. He doesn't like it when someone interferes in his affairs and decides issues for him. A man named Danislav often strives to get additional education or acquire an interesting hobby in order to diversify his own life and find some hidden qualities in himself. He does not strive to follow the beaten path, but chooses his own path, expecting to achieve greater success. In essence, this is what can be done. Sometimes Danislav wants drastic changes in his life, and he strives for them. Almost always he updates and transforms something. The name Danislav has a very unique approach to life. In life, he is a pioneer and a very freedom-loving person. He does not tolerate any rules or canons, but acts the way he wants.

Danis Glinstein took part in the Battle of Psychics.

The meaning of the name is knowledgeable.

Basic disadvantages and positive pros life principles consist in the fact that there are many friends and acquaintances, but virtually no enemies. The disadvantage is timidity. Of course, Danis is always confident that he is right, but what to do if the elitist is the enemy of the good.

Danis goes well with the following names:

  • Islam.
  • Adam.
  • Zaur.

Danislav's talisman stone is emerald.

The ideal is to marry a woman who also needs love and care. Danis constantly feels the need for affection and attention; if he feels reciprocity, he will do everything in his power for his chosen one. Often the first marital union breaks up, because Danis finds it difficult to find a girl who will be close to him in spirit. If he makes a mistake with his choice a second time, then he remains a bachelor.

The fate of the name Danis

His life partner could be a woman who looks like a cartoon princess The Bremen Town Musicians. This does not mean that she will have to act regardless of anything. She just needs to respect her husband’s personal space. It is very likely that she will be called Sophia, Nika, Angelica, Anastasia or Valeria.

What else will the name Danis tell you about?

Danis's successful career can take place in creative team where there are no strict restrictions. The owner of the name can become a competent leader or owner own business. He is artistic by nature, so he is capable of professions related to art. In addition, Danis has a sense of humor and exquisite taste. It is known that the name Danis, in addition to all of the above, means a tendency towards the life of a hermit. A person can make a sacrifice not even for the sake of some lofty goal, but only because he can afford it. Danis will always give up his favorite toy, refuse personal victory for the well-being of another person.

Career, business and money.

  • Name color- Cobalt blue
  • Name stone- Verdelite
  • Planet- Saturn
  • Tree- Jambu
  • Animal- Pied Flycatcher
  • Zodiac sign- Fish
  • Number - 5927

9 famous women who fell in love with women Showing interest not in opposite sex is not something unusual. You are unlikely to be able to surprise or shock anyone if you admit it.

IN Arabic The name Danis is translated as follows: Daniyal is the judgment of God. However, it is also known negative meaning: rude, sloppy. The Tatar version of the translation of the name Danish is science, knowledge, wise. In Orthodoxy church name Daniel.

Best names of the year

Modern names different countries differ in origin, culture and historical heritage, the influence of various religions. In countries such as Denmark and Norway, Sweden and Iceland, as well as Finland, children are usually called modern names, however larger number These names take their origins from ancient Scandinavia. Some of which go back to legends and myths, some are a reflection of Germanic and biblical names. Rich story reflected in the variety of female and male Scandinavian dialects.

Features of Scandinavian group names

The names of the Scandinavian group, like those of other peoples, reflected the characteristics of a person’s character and described his remarkable aspects. But an interesting fact is that the name was not given to a person for life, but could change during his life, even more than once. The reason for changing the name could be the commission of an act that left an imprint on the attitude towards its bearer, or the emergence of new qualities as a result of growing up.

History has left its mark on Scandinavian women's names, which reflect the warlike events of the rich past. It is noteworthy that the interpretation and meaning of female and male names are almost the same. The character traits of the conqueror were passed down from generation to generation, and strength and courage, bravery and courage, revered at all times, were embodied in the names of girls. For example, Vigdis is the “goddess of war”, Gudhild is the “good battle”, Svanhild is the “battle of the swans”, Brynhild is the “warlike woman”.

It is also noteworthy that two-part Scandinavian names feminine, and their meaning is intended to determine objects and abstract concepts, reflect distinctive features appearance and character traits: “peace-loving ruler” - Fredrika, “battle of defenders” - Ragnhild.

How was a name given in a Scandinavian family in ancient times?

The peoples of Scandinavia had their own traditions in naming, which everyone followed without exception.

Only the father gave the name to the girl and boy. This was equated to the baby gaining the right to life, because the head of the family could recognize or reject its new member. When naming a child, tribute was given glorious ancestors, which were supposed to be reborn in a new body when choosing the name of a descendant. Scandinavian female names were given to girls in honor of deceased relatives. These names were intended to strengthen the strength of the clan, which came from all the ancestors who bore this name.

Ancient Scandinavian names and modern ones. What is the difference?

The culture of glorious wars and battles left its mark on the names of girls in Scandinavia. In ancient times there were no particular differences between male and female names. Girls were named in honor of military events and battles, patrons of war and battles, peace and victories. In the old days, the names of heroes glorified in legends and epic works. It was customary to call girls by the names of goddesses and heroines of legends.

IN modern world the choice is made according to a different principle. They now prefer beautiful Scandinavian female names, which are the embodiment of femininity, tenderness, are distinguished by the beauty of their sound and grace, and glorify best qualities and the virtues of representatives of the fair half of humanity. For example: Ingrid - “beautiful” and Inga - “the only one”, Christina - “follower of Christ” and Letitia - “happy”, Sonja - “wise” and Henrika - “housekeeper”, Aidin - “slender” and Katarina - “pure” .

Mythological roots of Scandinavian names

The mythology of the Angles and Normans, Danes and Saxons, formed before the adoption of Christianity, from the 5th century. BC, is reflected in the names of the Scandinavian countries. German-Scandinavian mythology was basically a worship of the forces of nature, so a number of names corresponded to the names of animals that were especially revered by the Vikings.

Female names Scandinavian mythology represented by such options as “Bear” - Ulf or “god of fertility” - Freir. The names of sacred ravens were also popular, which were especially revered by the Vikings and personified military success: “thought, soul” - Huginn and “memory” - Muginn. The forces of nature are reflected in the names: “rock” - Stein, “protected by Thor” - Torborg, “soul” - Hugi.

Simple and complex names among Scandinavians

Scandinavian names are divided into two main groups: one- and two-part. If the first group includes descriptions of character traits or belonging to a certain tribe and clan: “spiritualized” - Aud, “strong” - Gerda, “foreigner” - Barbro, then two-part Scandinavian female names and their meaning have their own characteristics.

Two-syllable and two-part names reflect the components of the names of two parents or the qualities that they want to endow the baby with: “stone, protect” - Steinbjorg, “battle of the elves” - Alfhild, “divine runes” - Gudrun.

Having absorbed the culture of neighboring peoples who professed the Lutheran and Catholic faith, they began to give the child two names at baptism, which are designed to protect him throughout his life. In everyday life, only one name is used, and they try to keep the second in the shadows. And in difficult life situations related to health, it is customary to refer to the second name and actively use it instead of the first, believing that protective forces capable of changing fate for the better.

Nicknames that became names

Initially, most ancient Scandinavian names, including women’s ones, were mixed with a wide variety of nicknames, and it was difficult to distinguish between them. Some names contained both a nickname and a proper name. For example, the name Alv incorporates the nickname “elf”. Nicknames perfectly reflected individual characteristics person: Raquel - “sheep”, Tord Horse Head‒ woman Thor.

The nicknames of famous witches and sorcerers also reflect Scandinavian female names: Kolfinna - “dark, black Finn”, Kolgrima - “black mask”. Over time, the boundaries between name and nickname blur and become indistinguishable.

Viking Legacy

The brave conquerors of antiquity - the Vikings - passed through the centuries and gradually turned into modern Scandinavians, and their culture is reflected in glorious names. Warring tribes treated the choice of name responsibly. It was believed that a name could shake the universe and influence the entire fate of its bearer. By naming a child, they believed that they were placing him under the protection of the gods and the forces of nature. Some of the names reflecting the rites of priests and sorcerers are gone forever, but those praising the achievements of a warrior or hunter continue to exist to this day. And among these: Valborg - “saving those killed in battle”, Bodil - “battle-vengeance”, Borghilda - “a fighting, useful maiden”.

How did Christianity influence the name?

With the adoption of Christianity, new names began to appear, but their spread was perceived ambiguously among the Scandinavian peoples.

The Christian names given to children at baptism remained secret. They used a second name, which was traditional and understandable for the Scandinavian people. There was a particular rejection of new names in the families of the military elite, where it was customary Christian names name only illegitimate children. But gradually new ones joined the Scandinavian women's names. They are actively used by modern parents who choose them for their daughters: Christina and Stina - “follower of Christ”, Elizabeth - “confirmed by God”, Evelina - “little Eve”, Anneliese - “gracious, useful, confirmed by God”.

Adamina - red, earth.
Adeline, Adeline - noble, noble.
Agneta is a saint, chaste.
Alina is decent.
Anitra, Anni - helpful, grace.
Asta, Astrid, Ase - divine beauty.
Aud - spiritualized.

Barbro is a stranger, a foreigner.
Birgit, Birgitta, Birte - sublime.
Brita is sublime.
Brünnhilde is a warrior woman dressed in armor.
Wendla is a traveler.
Vigdis is the goddess of battles and war.
Victoria - a sensation, a victory.
Wilma, Wilhelma - militant, protected by a helmet.
Vivien, Vivi - mobile, alive.
Gerda, Gerd - powerful, strong.
Gunnel, Gunhilda, Gunhild - military battle.
Gunvor is a vigilant female warrior.
Dagny, Dagney - the birth of a new day.
Dorta, Dorthe, Dorotea - God's gift.
Ida is diligent and hardworking.
Ylva is a wolf woman.
Inga is unique, one, only.
Ingeborga, Ingegerd - protected by Ing.
Ingrid is beautiful, incomparable.
Jorun, Jorunn - lover of horses.
Catherine, Katarina - innocent, pure.
Carolina is strong and courageous.
Kaya is a mistress, mistress.
Clara is immaculate, pure, dazzling.
Kristin, Christina, Stina - a follower of the teachings of Christ.
Letitia is glowing with happiness.
Lisbeth - confirmed by God.
Liv, Liva - life giver.
Maya is the mother-nurse.
Margareta, Margrit is a pearl of great price.
Marte is a housewife.
Matilda, Matilda, Mektilda - strong in battle.
Ragnhild - the battle of warrior-defenders.
Rune - initiated into secret knowledge.
Sana, Suzanne - lily flower.
Sarah is a noble lady, a charming princess.
Sigrid, Sigrun, Siri ‒ great victory.
Simone is understanding.
Sonya, Ragna - experienced, wise.
Svanhilda - battle of swans.
Tekla - Divine glorification.
Tora, Tyra - warrior Tora.
Torborg - taken under the protection of Thor.
Thord, Thordis - beloved Thor.
Thorhild - Thor's battle.
Tove is thunderous.
Trine - immaculate, pure.
Thurid is the beauty of God Thor.
Ulla, Ulrika - power and prosperity.
Frida is peace-loving.
Hedwig - battle of rivals.
Helen, Elin - flame, torch.
Henrika is a housekeeper.
Hilda, Hilde - battle.
Hulda – guarding a secret, hidden.
Aideen is graceful and slender.
Elizabeth is confirmed by God.
Erica is the ruler.
Esther is a shining star.
Evelina, Evelyn is the ancestor, little Eva.