What famous people bear the name Daniel. Name Daniel: the meaning and fate of the boy

Meaning of the name Danila: The boy's name means "God is my judge." This affects Danil's character and fate.

Origin of the name Danila: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Danya, Danilka, Danusya.

What does the name Danila mean: The name Daniel comes from the Hebrew name Daniel. Danila translates as “God is my judge”). Another meaning of the name Daniel is “God is a judge.” He has a persistent character. A guy with this name tries to find answers to everything on his own, without the help of others. This is a strong man not only morally, but also physically. He respects sports and lives actively.

Patronymic name Daniil: Daniilovich, Danilovich, Danilovna, Danilovna; decomposition Danilych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Daniel celebrates his name day three times a year:

  • April 20 (7) - Rev. D. Pereyaslavsky, as a young man, secretly left his parental home and entered a monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; became famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).
  • July 23 (10) - St. The martyr Daniel, along with forty-five others in Nikopolis, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was burned, and then the bones of all of them were thrown into the river (GU century).
  • December 30 (17) - the most holy prophet Daniel lived at the court of the king of Babylon in captivity; for loyalty to the true God he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The holy prophet named Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world.

Signs: On July 23, on the day of Danila the Martyr, old women healers collect healing dew for healing: they pass a clean canvas early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar to heal against damage and the evil eye.


  • Zodiac of Daniel - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color Daniel - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - buttercup
  • Patron name - squirrel
  • Talisman stone - blue jasper

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Positive features: The name Daniel gives concentration, a desire for analysis, and improvement. A child with this name does not ask questions as a child, but tries to find an explanation for everything himself. He is diligent and calmly brings the job he starts to completion. A man named Daniel is alien to rudeness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, and strong emotions (both negative and positive).

Negative features: Uncertainty in the company of unfamiliar people (afraid of looking funny), helplessness, internal conflicts, constant dissatisfaction, “self-flagellation.”

Character of the name Daniel: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Daniel? He is a kind, calm, smiling person who never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his powerful mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from his outwardly impressive rivals. A guy with this name attaches great importance to family and family ties. This is a sacred thing for him. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. A man named Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes very good care of his home, sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it (if this is not to the detriment of his work: of course, she always comes first).

Danya is a calm, phlegmatic person with a balanced psyche and a fairly strong will. Nice and pleasant conversationalist. The name is more interested in the inner world than the life around it. He often puts friendship above love. The name is sympathetic, kind, but cunning.

The meaning of the name Daniel depends on the time of birth. Those born in winter are talented and difficult to communicate with. Those born in autumn are calculating, pragmatic, selfish. Endowed with a super-analytical mind, attentive to the smallest details and trifles. But he lacks healthy aggressiveness, pressure, and the ability to clearly express his feelings.

He has a penchant for exact sciences, radio electronics, medicine, pedagogy, and business. It is not uncommon to study two specialties at the same time. A man named Daniel chooses a job that leaves enough free time. A guy with this name is interested in painting, music, and acting, which he often chooses as a profession.

Daniel and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Successful marriage of the name with Augusta, Anastasia, Evdokia, Irina, Lyudmila, Maria. The name Daniil is also combined with Ulyana. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Zinaida, Ksenia, Raisa, Tomila.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Daniel promise happiness in love? In relationships with women, Danila values ​​spiritual closeness and common interests. For him, appearance and material wealth are not so important. Therefore, Danila is usually happily married.

Danya chooses his wife unerringly, at first sight, and here the sweet, modest woman will easily defeat the frivolous beauty.

He is very devoted to his family. Sex is an unpleasant topic for him; he feels a discord between receptivity and sexuality and therefore experiences some kind of anxiety. He seems modest, even timid; a woman will not immediately discern masculine strength in him, but he is sexually active and temperamental. Attaches great importance to sexual harmony in marriage. The name Danya usually marries well. Children are of particular importance to him, but, as a rule, he does not help his wife with housework.

Dani’s self-absorption and serious internal reflections make him a good psychologist, his intuition is also impeccable, so he often chooses his wife unmistakably, at first sight. At the same time, flashy appearance is not important to him, the main thing for him is a sweet, kind, sincere person, often a colleague. Usually the wife is more active, she manages Danya, guides her through life, the person with the name is devoted to the family, loves children, but, due to her busyness, does little with them.

He loves his home, treats it with care, and together with his wife he improves it, preferring antique things.

Family and family ties are important to Daniil; Daniil spends holidays with relatives. His house is open to guests, he is sociable and hospitable, he dances well and sings in company. He drinks in moderation and sometimes gets into cards. Rarely, but Daniel has a second marriage.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The ability to analyze his own behavior and movements of the soul predisposes Danila to the profession of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to achieve great heights in art, science and research. A man named Daniel is more inclined to work under the leadership of a strong and strong-willed person than to organize his own business. He is a reliable worker and an excellent performer.

Business and career: He does not know how to save money in reserve to insure himself for the future, so he needs a solid income. If Danya can bring his original ideas to life, overcoming merciless criticism from others, then he will succeed. Great financial success is of particular importance to him.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Daniel from a medical point of view. Danya as a child is a calm, balanced, smiling child, looking at the world with curiosity. He loves to play football, is interested in tennis, gymnastics, but only for health, and not for sports results. Rarely can anyone imagine that creativity languishes within him, so it can only develop under a happy coincidence of circumstances. However, he will be an excellent specialist in any case.

The adult Daniel remains a calm person, who does not like to rush, and is reserved. His mental storms pass unnoticed by prying eyes. Outwardly, he is always smiling, friendly, and does not raise his voice. Sometimes Danya seems somewhat timid, but he has masculine strength and pride.

He does not tolerate lies, he can flare up, but he quickly calms down and does not remember evil. The guy named Daniel is too deep in his inner world to focus on the negative qualities of other people.

He is painfully worried about the betrayal of his friends, but sometimes he himself can forget about someone, remember when it is necessary to use them.

The name has a highly developed figurative perception, so he can become an actor or artist. But he can also be a scientist, designer, entrepreneur, cook, driver, builder, or work in the field of electronics. Whatever Danya does, work will always come first for him. Vivid imagination, improvisation, passion, ability to work with his hands - all together helps the name Daniil achieve creative success.

The fate of Daniel in history

What does the name Daniel mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Danila Kholmsky (? -1493) - prince, boyar and governor. He first became famous in history for his brilliant victory over the Crimean Tatars, who approached Murom in 1468, where he was a governor. The following year, Danila Kholmsky, being at the head of the Grand Duke's army, won an equally brilliant victory over the Kazan Tatars and forced the Kazan Tsar to sign a peace treaty, according to which he pledged to keep his subjects from raiding Russian lands and return all Russian prisoners. In 1487, he took Kazan and restored Mohammed-Amen, who had turned to the Moscow prince for help, to the Kazan throne.
  2. Danila Adashev, brother of the famous favorite of Ivan the Terrible, Alexei Adashev, participated in the Kazan campaigns, conquered the right bank of the Volga from Kazan for the Moscow state. In 1553, commanding a detachment of boyar children and Vyatchans, he walked along the Kama, Vyatka, and Volga and beat the rebellious Kazan and Nogai people. In the Livonian War, which began in January 1558, he was one of the governors, under whose command the Russian army terribly devastated Livonia over an area of ​​two hundred miles, beating German troops everywhere.
  3. Daniil Abbot (?-1122) is the first Russian pilgrim to leave a description of the Holy Land. Its circulation dates back to 1106-1107. He went to Palestine to see “that coveted land and holy places where Christ endured passion for the sake of us sinners.” He wandered around the Palestinian land for several months and described in detail everything that he saw, the places where Jesus Christ walked. The pilgrim's "walk" was very popular and is preserved in a large number of lists, the oldest of which dates back to 1475. “The Walk” has different names: “The Life and Walk of Daniel”, “The Pilgrim Daniel Abbot”, “The Wanderer”, “The Book of the Verb The Wanderer”.
  4. Danila Zabolotny - (1866 - 1929) Russian and Soviet bacteriologist. President of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1928-1929), academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929).
  5. Danila Move - (born 1985) Russian racing driver.
  6. Danila Sagal - (1909 - 2002) Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1964). Winner of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1950). Participant of the Great Patriotic War.
  7. Danila Danin - (1914 - 2000) real name - Plotke; Russian and Soviet prose writer, screenwriter, literary critic, popularizer of science.
  8. Danila Cherny - (c.1350 - 1428) icon painter, monk, contemporary and collaborator of Andrei Rublev; Joseph Volotsky calls the icon painter Rublev's teacher.
  9. Danila Shtoda - (born 1977) Russian opera singer (tenor), soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
  10. Danila Svyatsky - (1881 - 1940) Russian and Soviet astronomer, meteorologist. Svyatsky’s greatest work, “Essays on the History of Astronomy in Ancient Rus',” was published only 20 years after the author’s death. Danila Kramer - (born 1960) a famous Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, teacher, composer and producer, known both for his regular and mass performances and for his independently developed scheme of tour tickets for jazz music in the philharmonic halls of Russia; Honored Artist of Russia (2012).
  11. Danilo Nechay - (d.1651) Ukrainian military leader, comrade-in-arms of Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
  12. Daniel-François-Esprit Aubert - (1782 - 1871) French composer.

Daniel in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English it is translated as Daniel, in Polish: Daniel, in Italian: Daniele, in Spanish: Daniel.

The meaning of the name Danil is “judge of God.”

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Danil (Danila, Daniel) is Hebrew, which means “God is my judge.”

Diminutive form of the name: Danka, Danya, Danilka, Danechka, Danusya.

Foreign variants of the name: Dan (England), Daniel, Kamikoto (“God’s court” in Japan), Danylo (Ukraine), Denis (France),

Characteristics of the name


Danila is a calm person, has a balanced psyche and a strong will. The world around him is less significant than the inner world. Responsive and kind, but has his own “cunning”. He often values ​​friendship above love. Danila is characterized by seriousness, a desire for analysis, concentration, and a penchant for self-improvement. As a child, he tries to find an explanation for everything on his own and asks few questions to adults. He always finishes what he starts, thanks to his perseverance. Danila does not know what rudeness, aggressiveness, strong emotions and assertiveness are.

Becomes unsure of himself in the company of unfamiliar people. He is prone to self-flagellation and is afraid of appearing funny. Danila is quick-tempered, but moves away quickly and does not remember the evil.

Needs support and attention from parents. It is necessary to cultivate in him confidence, determination, artistic taste, and independence. He is not influenced by random people, it is difficult to drag him into disputes and discussions. He enjoys helping people and knows how to forgive. Danila often feels remorse for mistakes he has made, so you should not scold him too much for his misdeeds.


Daniel has all the data to become an excellent psychiatrist, psychologist, and spiritual shepherd. He can achieve great heights in science, research or art. Regardless of the type of activity, work always comes first for him. Danila is more comfortable working under a strong and strong-willed person, so he is unlikely to organize his own business. He can become an excellent, reliable and performer, an employee, but not a successful entrepreneur.

According to the seasons

  • “Winter” Danil is interested in architecture, exact sciences, and teaching. He is diplomatic, correct, restrained.
  • “Autumn” is a good economist and politician. Flexible, reasonable, stubborn in achieving goals.
  • “Summer” can be a good cameraman and director. He is balanced, smart, good-natured.
  • "Spring" - artist, writer. He is a dreamer, a dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone. He is touchy, easily wounded, but skillfully hides it.

Personal life

Danil is a man devoted to his family, loves children, and helps with housework. Family life, as a rule, goes well.

Name compatibility

The name Danil is well compatible with Evdokia, Anastasia, Ulyana, Lyudmila, Irina, Maria. The marriage with Ksenia, Zinaida, Tomila, Raisa is fragile. The name is suitable for patronymics: Viktorovich, Valerievich, Petrovich, Vladimirovich, Egorovich, Adamovich, Mikhailovich, Mironovich, Savelievich.

Name day

Danil's name day according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • March: 1, 17;
  • April: 20;
  • July: 23;
  • September: 12.25;
  • December: 24, 30.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Danil: Galitsky Danilo (prince), Zabolotny Daniil (scientist), Strakhov Daniil (actor), Belykh Daniil (actor), Apostle Daniil (hetman), Elkonin Daniil (psychologist).

Daniil is the Russian reading of the Hebrew name "Daniel", which translated into modern language means "God is my judge." Believers greatly revere this name, since it was borne by one of the Old Testament biblical prophets, as well as many Orthodox saints. In Russia, this name gained the greatest popularity in the 19th century, mainly among peasants. At the same time, it “Russified” and took the form of Danil.

Psychological picture

Daniil is a calm, sociable and cheerful boy. He adopts some traits from his mother, but by nature he is self-sufficient and thoughtful. From an early age, little Danya has a tendency to concentrate, think about his actions and is in no hurry to make decisions. Despite these qualities, he is not a passive child - he loves to communicate and play with other children, but is not overly active or fussy in his activities. It is difficult to piss him off or offend him, but he cannot stand lies - he always remains honest and demands the same from those around him.

The child grows up inquisitive and strives to achieve success in the business he is involved in. Thanks to his erudition and great creative potential, he is a good conversationalist and an excellent debater. But being very demanding of himself, he may have psychological problems or complexes in the future, especially in adolescence, when he has a special tendency to worry.

Danil loves to talk about his hobbies or discoveries. Danya is always patient and condescending towards his interlocutor, but if he notices incorrect moments in a person’s behavior, he will definitely say so directly - albeit very tactfully, since rudeness is not inherent in him.

In the eyes of others, the boy always looks good-natured, has authority among his peers and can give useful advice due to his erudition.

Raising Danil is not difficult - he gladly listens to the advice of his parents and maintains a warm relationship with them throughout his life. It is important to support all his endeavors, to be able to discern his interests. Despite the fact that the boy is easy to study, he may lag behind in some subjects - so he needs to be motivated to study these disciplines.

The child usually has no health problems; only in adolescence is it possible to deviate from normal weight (overweight or underweight). Exercise and proper nutrition will help improve the situation.

Differences between name forms

Despite the similarity in sound and spelling, some people believe that Danil, Danila and Daniil are different names. But pronouncing the name in different languages ​​leads to the conclusion that they have the same history of origin.

But there are some features that distinguish these forms of the name from each other:

  • Daniil and Danil are full names used for official documents, Danila is a diminutive form, appropriate only in an informal setting.
  • Numerologists believe that each letter of the alphabet has its own meaning, therefore different forms of the name Daniel have different effects on the character, temperament and behavior of the bearer of one of its variants.
  • Linguists talk about the different origins of the two names: the version of Danil is considered Russian, while Daniil is originally Hebrew.

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A man named Danil is kind, wise, smiling and hospitable; he values ​​a rich inner world in the people around him. This is a person with a stable psyche and strong will. He never screams and is not prone to sudden changes in emotions. In moments of emotional distress, he withdraws into himself, without signaling his problems and difficulties in public. Thanks to this, his intuition is well developed. He is not envious or vindictive, but he takes betrayal very hard and cannot forgive the person for a long time. Danil has all the “male” hobbies: hunting, fishing, sports. But while pursuing a hobby, he does not strive to reach the highest level, since he is not interested in competition and competition, but only in his own pleasure.

One of Danil's greatest strengths is his analytical mind. As soon as he becomes interested in something, decisions begin to form on their own. Any secret is revealed under the pressure of his intellect.

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Manifestations in love, family and career

Danil likes kind girls, with a beautiful soul and interests that coincide with his. In love, he tends to idealize his chosen one, so at first he seems timid and modest; from the outside it may even seem that he lacks assertiveness. Gradually, Danil opens up, and the girl gets the opportunity to discern his temperament, sensitivity and inner strength. The man becomes a support for her, but usually delays the wedding because he listens to his feelings and tries to make the right choice and not make a mistake. But if this woman is his destiny, he understands it immediately.

After marriage, Danil completely immerses himself in the family, becoming an exemplary father and husband. He respects family traditions and loves spending time in the company of his wife, children and numerous relatives. He enjoys furnishing his home with his wife, as he values ​​the comfort of home and loves to receive guests. She tries to raise children in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Due to his leadership nature, he does not tolerate excessive pressure, so neither children nor even strong love will save him from a divorce from a demanding woman.

Danil has a penchant for exact sciences and is successfully moving up the career ladder in industries related to engineering, radio electronics, medicine, and business. But he has every chance of becoming a good psychologist, teacher or successful artist. He is an excellent worker, but feels more comfortable as a subordinate, preferring to do the same type of work with stable responsibilities, than as a boss.

Seasonal Danila

The meaning of the name Daniel may vary depending on the season when the boy was born. Winter ones are the most reserved, diplomatic, and have an interest in exact sciences and teaching. Spring people have a vulnerable soul, but they carefully hide it, they are idealists and love art. Danils born in summer are good-natured and smart, most often becoming actors or film directors. Boys born in the fall are sensible and stubborn, most often becoming economists or politicians.

The name Daniel is not only beautiful and noble, but also very rare. I wonder what the meaning of the name Daniel is, what Wikipedia and esoteric sources will say, what is its origin, and in general - what is a person’s character, how to approach him, what fate awaits him and what is his future?

Is it worth connecting your life with this man, is it worth naming your child that? We will learn the meaning of the name Daniel, its origin and much more.

The name Daniel is of ancient Jewish origin. It originates in the Bible, where Daniel is the name of the prophet. And this name means “God is a judge,” or “God is my judge.” Majestic, isn't it? There are many forms of this name. For example, the Russian name Daniil and the name Danil are one and the same.

There is also a form of Danil, this is also the same name. It is male, full, there is also a female form - Danielle. Daniel, Daniel, Danilo, Danyal and Danil are also different forms. You can abbreviate or diminutively say Dan, Danechka, Danya, Danyusha, Danilka, Danchik.

Personality characteristics and fate

As a child, the boy Danil is distinguished from all his peers by timidity, gentleness and obedience. He is a calm, cheerful little boy who evokes tenderness and joy in all adults. Adores parents, kind, flexible, rarely argues, bickers or gets offended.

For Dani’s child, it is very important that mom and dad pay him enough attention; he is very jealous from an early age. His mother is of particular importance to him - Danil is more like her and takes on more maternal qualities. He is sympathetic, but can be cunning and can get what he wants with the help of his kindness and sweet smile.

He doesn't study very well at school, but he is smart and very smart. It is important for this boy to become passionate about something, because this is the only way he will achieve good results. You can force him to do something, but he will do it somehow if he has no interest in the matter.

The boy Dani has one peculiarity - he is not very inquisitive. This doesn't mean that he is lazy or stupid, he just isn't particularly interested in anything and is hard to captivate. Because of this, there are problems in studies, and among the Danilovs there are often poor students.

But if he’s really into something, then it’s for real. He may have only one hobby, and his entire future fate will be connected with it. There are inclinations towards creativity (usually towards performing arts, acting), and towards science, and towards mathematics, and towards technical specialties.

He can become an inventor or a programmer, an actor or a traveler, depending on what he is interested in in his early years. So the upbringing of parents and teachers in childhood is of great importance for Danil, and if adults do not help him find some kind of interest, then his fate can turn out to be quite ordinary and boring.

An adult guy, whose name is Daniil, is quite modest and even timid; many consider him quiet. He does not participate in noisy companies, avoids dangers and conflicts, and among his peers usually finds one or two friends who have a similar character and hobbies. Danya is not a very emotional guy, not hot-tempered, but he too can be “driven.”

He has strength, a strong character, confidence, and a particularly strong will - if he decided, for example, that he would quit smoking, he would certainly quit. Although this guy is unlikely to start smoking at all. Because he takes his health very seriously. Among men who bear the name Danila, most often there are non-drinkers and non-smokers, some go in for sports - not for the sake of a beautiful body, but only for the sake of health.

In general, Daniel’s character is very specific; this man is always different from the rest. He has his own unusual tastes that run counter to modern trends; he almost always loves something that is not what everyone loves and what is in fashion. He dresses so that he is as comfortable as possible, warm (or not hot), buys himself only the essentials.

Convenience, safety and practicality are the things that are of decisive importance, so Daniil never chases fashion and does not understand why people buy themselves beautiful and expensive, but completely impractical things. He can quite easily use the same thing for many years if the item is really of high quality.

In personal relationships, the fate of a man whose name is Daniel is not easy or quick. Not every girl can understand his unusual character and habits, lifestyle and way of thinking. He himself does not pursue the female sex and can easily be alone for several years. But one day he finds a girl who suits him and stays with her forever!

He doesn’t need adventure or a sense of novelty; he is looking for his chosen one for life. The main importance for him is the girl’s loyalty, honesty, intelligence, thriftiness, calm and simple character, and Daniel also does not like spoiled people. It is unlikely that great wealth awaits him, so his family will live modestly, but peacefully and amicably and will not need anything.

Name compatibility

As has already been said, in girls, thriftiness, complaisance and simplicity are of decisive importance for him, so Danil is looking for a special chosen one. Women's charms, seduction and external beauty do not affect him; this man immediately looks at character and inner qualities. Let's see which female names suit him best.

1. Excellent compatibility: Varvara, Anastasia, Emma, ​​Anna, Lyubov, Larisa, Margarita,

But the main thing is not the compatibility of names, but the feelings and desire to be close. If there is sincerity and love, then no compatibility is important to you!

Daniel has a name day almost every month, because there were many saints and reverends with this name. So, when to congratulate the birthday person on Angel's Day?

  • January 2.
  • March 1st and 31st.
  • 20 April.
  • June 4 and 5.
  • July 23.
  • September 12 and 25.
  • The 4th of October.
  • December 11 and 24.

Danil loves when people show him attention and care, so don’t forget to congratulate Danya on her name day! Find an approach to this person, understand his soul - and you will have a wonderful friend or a loving husband. Because this person is worth spending time communicating with. And if you are thinking about naming your child this, then rest assured, this is a worthy choice! Author: Vasilina Serova

The origin of the name Danil is rooted in the distant past; history takes it to the lands of Israel and Biblical times. The biblical prophet bore the name Daniel. Owners of this name and his relatives will be interested to know about the talismans that patronize Dana, and about the man’s fate in career, love and marriage.

All Danils can undoubtedly be proud of the name, and there are reasons for this. Today, as before, a name is an integral part of a person’s personality, which is why it is so important to know what it carries, to know its translation and history of origin. A person hears it every day and several times a day, which cannot but affect his behavior and intentions.

To understand what the name Danil means, historians turn from its Slavic form to the Hebrew roots - the name Daniel. Its interpretation means God or God's judgment. The peculiarity of the abbreviated name Danya originates from the prophet Daniel, who at the court of the ancient kings was the main seer and soothsayer.

“Daniil” entered the Russian naming system in the full form “Danilo” along with other Christian names, according to the provisions of Orthodox canons and calendars. Despite the fact that the name originated in ancient Israel, Orthodox people accepted it and immediately fell in love with it for its melodic sound, giving it a righteous meaning.

It was the biblical roots that became the basis for the considerable popularity of the name Danil among Orthodox Christians, which today occupies a leading position in the ranking of modern names for boys.

Linguists call the following forms derivatives of Daniil: Danilka and Danya, Danka and Danechka, Dusya and Danusya. But if you turn to the history of other nations, you can find other names similar to Danila:

  1. In France it is Daniel or short Dani.
  2. In Germany there is a male Daniel and a female Daniela.
  3. In Serbia, Danilo and Daniel are popular for men, and Danila for women.
  4. The ancient Greek language gave us Daniel, Danielos;
  5. In Bulgaria, the masculine Daniel, Daniil and the feminine Daniala are especially popular.

They all have the same roots and origins. Nevertheless, all of them, due to linguistic forms and peculiarities of pronunciation, historical traditions, interpreted the very first Hebrew name of the Orthodox prophet.

The very first Orthodox patron is the prophet Daniel. He served as a prophet under 6 kings, bringing the word of God and faith in Christ, rejecting paganism. After the first prophet, other saints with the same name were elevated to the rank of saints.

According to Orthodox canons, the name days of all Daniels are celebrated often. In particular, Orthodox canons highlight the following dates:

  • in January - 2-3, 12th;
  • in March - 1st, 17th, 31st;
  • in April - on the 20th;
  • in June - 4-5 days;
  • in August - on the 30th;
  • in September – 12th and 25th;
  • in October - 4th;
  • in November - 25th.

This makes it possible to celebrate name days as close as possible to the date of birth, which pleases every Danila and his parents.

To name a boy Danila means to give him not only the favor of God, but also world fame.

Among the celebrities wearing it are the following personalities:

  1. Daniil Pevtsov is a Russian theater and film actor, the son of the famous People's Artist Dmitry Pevtsov.
  2. Daniil Soldatov is a famous Russian actor.
  3. Daniil Strakhov is a Russian theater and film actor, laureate of the Government Prize.
  4. Danila Kozlovsky is an actor in the Russian Federation, known to young people for the films “We are from the Future”, “Viking”, “Crew” and many other films.

Of course, this is not a complete list of celebrities and famous people bearing the name Daniel.

The Hebrew Daniel is multifaceted in character and definition. Its very essence can be interpreted in different ways, changing depending on when the boy was born. For the most part, these are good-natured and calm people, friendly to everyone, with a considerable amount of optimism and sociability.

Early childhood

Danila's character as a child is calm and balanced; for parents, he will be the quietest baby who will not cause them any special problems. Thanks to the good nature, responsiveness and gentleness that Danya inherited from his mother, he has many friends.

But in the process of upbringing, parents should pay attention to the formation of his inner world: self-confidence, respect for his needs. If this is not laid down at the very beginning, others will take advantage of his kindness.


As a teenager, he is a very active and inquisitive child. Not yet an adult, but no longer a child, he takes on many things at the same time, but rarely brings them all to their logical conclusion. His interests are very multifaceted, but at the same time they are superficial, so a teenager should understand everything a little.

He easily adapts to change, but as a friend he is tyrannical, because he does not tolerate competitors around him. He tries to behave courteously with those around him, with a considerable amount of charm, and it is for this reason that he is eagerly awaited in many companies.

You should not argue with men named Daniel - his equanimity can unsettle even the calmest and most balanced person.

Grown man

In adult life, all Daniels are calm and balanced, very reasonable, and distinguished by their slowness in every judgment. Pragmatism and cold calculation take the place of youthful irascibility, which has a positive effect on fate. Such people encourage others to communicate; they exude a real charge of optimism even in the most difficult life situations.

Positive character traits of Danila include:

  • diplomacy;
  • correctness in communication;
  • sense of tact and politeness.

With the help of these traits, he successfully resolves every dispute peacefully.

If a person betrays him, Daniel simply erases him from his life.

Among other things, Danila often wonders how right he is doing due to his strong-willed and strong character. Often such questions lead Danya to a negative answer, and therefore it is so important that he is surrounded by true friends who can support him in difficult times on his chosen path.

All Danilovs have been in good health since childhood; such a child rarely gets sick. But this does not mean that you should neglect your health, not take care of yourself and do whatever you want.

All Danils love very unhealthy foods and dishes, which they consume in large quantities, and therefore often suffer from:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • excess weight.

It is important for them to monitor their diet and join the gym.

In older age, Danila suffers from a busy pace of life, which leads to the development of chronic fatigue, which is difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is important for them not to bring themselves to the point of overwork and to relax more in nature, going with their family to a seaside resort.

All men bearing the name Daniel do not strive for power and supremacy, and rarely move up the career ladder. They prefer creative professions:

  1. Acting.
  2. Theater stages.
  3. Journalism.

Due to the fact that Dani is excellent at communicating with people, the following professions are suitable for them:

  1. Psychologist.
  2. Lawyer.

In his own business, Danila will show himself to be an excellent entrepreneur: the ability to find an approach to everyone, make thoughtful and informed decisions will make him a successful businessman.

And well-developed intuition and the habit of taking into account the inner voice will allow you to avoid many pitfalls and not make a mistake.


Daniel's sexuality is hidden behind a screen of calm and poise, because he is afraid of seeming too assertive. They are constrained in bed, but more experienced partners and mentors will help Dana cope with this.

In sex, for a man named Danya, not only the physiological side of the issue is important, but also spiritual unity - this is the only way they can reach the heights of bliss.

At the same time, it is important for them not only to satisfy their needs, but also to give joy to their partner.

Love and marriage for men named Daniel are not an empty phrase. In his relationship with every woman, he values ​​sincerity, putting it in first place over carnal pleasures, as well as common interests and building a family hearth. For them, the material wealth and appearance of their spouse is not important; they are often happy in marriage.

Such a man unerringly chooses his wife at first sight, becoming a devoted husband and loving father.

Sex for the family Danila comes in second place, and therefore he is unlikely to go to the left, although in bed he is active and very temperamental. He loves his children madly, but you shouldn’t expect help from him in the household.

Compatibility with female names

Due to his character, Danila can get along with any woman. Nevertheless, if we talk about Dani’s compatibility with female names, then:

  • he can achieve special harmony with Anastasia and Irina, Luda and Augusta, Maria;
  • It will be harder for him with Zina and Ksyusha, Toma and Raisa.

But as they say, you can’t order your heart. With harmonious relationships in the family, Danila can be a faithful spouse and loving father.

Like any name Danila has its own astrological symbols. The following points can be highlighted in this matter:

  1. The talisman stone for all Daniels is considered to be bright blue jasper.
  2. The patron planet is Mercury.
  3. The element of life is water.
  4. Totem animal – sperm whale and squirrel.
  5. The totem plant is ash or buttercup.
  6. Happy day is Wednesday.
  7. The ideal time of year is spring.
  8. Year - Pig.
  9. Color – blue or yellow

To believe in them or not is everyone’s business. But all these symbols were selected from ancient times by astrologers of their times.

Name horoscope

The name Daniel is more suitable for a boy or a man if he is born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Sagittarius. It is Sagittarius who is able to embody in him the bright and pure energy of a child, mobility and generosity, openness to everything new.
  2. Fish. Pisces will make him more peaceful and calm, reveal his creative potential, revive his imagination, awakening his romantic nature.

Modern Danila, like his glorious ancestors, is an interesting and good-natured man, with good health, capable of achieving considerable heights in this life.