Universal design of portraits for a tombstone.

Aesthetic appeal of what is on display paintings largely depends on the quality of the frame and the type of baguette used. Valuable paintings created by masters are equipped with specially selected frame structures. The use of especially wide and double frames gives the works a respectable appearance, and also helps to significantly increase the size of compact canvases for the harmonious implementation of interior design. Graceful frames, balanced in color with artistic canvases, provide compositional completeness and usefulness finished products.

Help in choosing the optimal design

Employees of the FotoBrand company help in choosing the optimal materials to create respectable frame structures that harmoniously complement original story of the paintings on display. Professional production of baguette frames is an excellent opportunity to order non-standard solutions that organically match stylistic features interior design. Our company’s framing workshop is focused on producing framing frames and mats with optimal overall dimensions and the necessary decorative characteristics.

Our craftsmen, who produce spectacular picture framing, work with various materials when creating original baguette frames that combine guaranteed strength and an attractive decorative appearance. The use of high-quality materials guarantees the creation of harmonious products for various options stylistic decisions. Professional assistance is in demand when decorating non-standard interiors of residential buildings and original premises.

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Advantages of our services

Employees of the PhotoBrand workshop in Moscow ensure the most accurate and high-quality implementation of the parts of the ordered products. Attentive attitude to customers helps to take into account the smallest details of customer preferences. Professional framing of paintings in baguette gives the canvases exquisite characteristics and especially expressive look. The services provided by our specialists have the following advantages:

  • High speed of work with an impeccable level of quality due to own production passe-partout and baguette frames (the order completion time can be from 2 hours);
  • A huge selection of more than 1000 options for baguette frames and over 30 types of mats;
  • Step-by-step ordering with selection of the optimal type of baguette on the website with the possibility of subsequent assessment of the characteristics of the frame in an interior environment or in a workshop together with the acceptance designer;
  • Selection of products that organically complement the plot content of the picture;
  • Accepting orders for the production of frames for paintings and large-scale canvases at any time of the day in online studios on the company website;
  • Prompt delivery of finished products to almost any region of the Russian Federation;
  • Not the high cost of quality products.

We also have imaging services finished works, selected from a catalog of 30,000 images or based on submitted works. The original “Your Portrait” service provides the creation of interesting photo collages based on famous works of art from photographs provided by the customer. Cotton and glossy canvas or special art paper are used as the basis for printing images.

Choosing a baguette for a picture

When choosing a baguette for a painting and an effective design of the painting, many details are taken into account that influence the perception of the painting in the interior of a particular room. A creative approach when choosing a baguette helps you select materials that have the optimal width, size, color shade, ornament and other elements of decorative finishing.

Studio "FotoBrand" is a specialized framing workshop in Moscow, focused on the individual needs of various categories of buyers. For the most effective design of paintings, the decorative characteristics of baguette frames are selected based on individual characteristics canvases and interior style. When choosing the optimal type of baguette, the following parameters are important:

  • Size work of art;
  • Color range of paints;
  • Thematic content of the canvas;
  • Individual stylistic manner of writing a work.

The listed factors influence the size of the frame, its depth, width and stylistic decision. When designing some paintings, violations of generally accepted rules are acceptable. The use of a massive frame for the design of small-sized canvases gives special kind artistic products. To decorate a large-sized painting, it is permissible to use thin baguette frame with a sophisticated look and laconic characteristics.

Do you still think that baguettes in the interior are only used to frame pictures on the walls? We will prove that the possibilities of a baguette are much wider.


Initially, this was the name given to a carved wooden plank intended for making frames and cornices. Gradually, the scope of the concept became wider; now moldings, baseboards, fillets, platbands are called decorative moldings; they are used to organize space, place accents, and design walls, ceilings, openings and niches.

Types of baguette

Thanks to modern technologies in production, the possibilities of using baguette are expanding. Nowadays, polyurethane molding is difficult to distinguish from gypsum stucco of the Baroque era; the unreal shine of the aluminum profile evokes thoughts of spaceships, lightweight plastic skirting boards imitate richly gilded frames.

The planks are made from wood, plastic, and aluminum. Each material has features that should be taken into account when planning the design of ceilings and walls.

Wooden baguette – a traditional and understandable solution. It hasn't been invented yet best material for framing pictures. Especially if the frames are made by hand and contain the positive energy of the master. Unfortunately, for mass production this is a complex, capricious material to process and store. Although its use is justified in country and Provence style interiors.

Gypsum baguettes fit perfectly into interiors classic style or luxurious baroque. They emphasize the respectability and solidity of the house. It is difficult to work with plaster; it is fragile, heavy, and afraid of moisture. Therefore, consumers increasingly prefer the use of decor made of polyurethane and plastic.

Polyurethane moldings are quite light, flexible and durable. Therefore, in addition to walls and ceilings, they are used in the design of curved structures. Thanks to light weight they can be glued only from one edge, for example, to the wall when installing suspended ceilings and lighting cornices. Manufacturers are constantly releasing new collections, expanding their range, and trying to keep up with fashion trends.

Plastic baguettes in the interior they are used in the construction of suspended ceilings and plasterboard structures. Externally, they look like skirting boards with grooves for locks, most often white. There is a decorative baguette on sale that imitates the pattern of wood or marble. Having the skills to work with paints, you can apply a pattern or paint the baseboards yourself.

Aluminum profile used in the installation of suspended ceilings. The planks bend easily and follow the contours of a curved structure. The possibilities for using aluminum are quite varied. For example, in the high-tech style, metallic gloss serves as a worthy frame for a poster, mirror, or photograph.

Be careful: foam baguettes are cheap and easy to use. But don't be fooled by how cute they are appearance, because the material tends to crumble, the work will look cheap and untidy.

To summarize, we note: the most natural baguette is made of wood and plaster, the most durable is made of aluminum, the cheapest is made of foam plastic.

Ceiling decoration

The ceiling molding has a double task: on the one hand, it masks the seam between the wall and the ceiling, on the other hand, it is a decorative element and decorates the room. Installing it is simple. For installation, a special glue is used, which is applied to the baguette and the wall surface to be pasted. For the convenience of consumers, corner models are produced so that you don’t have to think about how to cut the corner correctly.

A modern solution: a ceiling plinth with a thickened lower part and a special groove is glued at a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling. An LED strip is placed on top along the perimeter of the walls. Created interesting effect ceiling lighting.

Wall design

In the design of walls, baguette has many faces and is varied. He highlights specific place on the wall, attracts the attention of viewers. For example, to a collage from family photos or antique watches with a cuckoo.

In another case, it zones the space, smoothes out the boundaries between wallpapers of different designs. The joint becomes invisible, and the space becomes more harmonious.

You can install a contrasting baguette around the perimeter of the niche. This design will draw attention to the object. To make the niche look mysterious and romantic, frame it inner part, add lighting, complement the composition with a light, elegant curtain.

You won’t surprise anyone with paintings and posters on the walls. The designers went further, removed the paintings, leaving only the frame. Here it is, the highlight: the baguette in the interior acts as a frame. It is often made from expensive, refined materials. Depending on the style of the room, baguettes made of wood, polyurethane, plaster or aluminum act as frames on the wall.

Advice! Two or three A3 size frames located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other will look harmonious on the wall.

Framing small elements

Mirrors, paintings, engravings, posters, tapestries, photographs... Everything becomes the object of close attention of the designer. Proper Use turns these elements into the highlights of the interior. Decorative baguette gives them a new sound and fits them organically into the space.

Tip: even a simple rectangular mirror will become modern and attractive in a new frame made of baguette. Cut the strips to the required length and glue them around the perimeter. The interior will sparkle with new colors!

The final touch to the design

  • A narrow ceiling molding will visually increase the height of the walls, will make the ceiling higher, vertical fine lines will give the room rigor, and horizontal ones will add dynamics. Wide options are suitable for large rooms; they will make a small room “heavier” and visually it will seem cramped.

  • Do you want to choose a baguette with relief– focus on general style interior, color, texture solutions. remember, that White color universal, it goes harmoniously with all shades. If you think that the design should be a different color, experiment and paint the baguette before starting work.

  • Competently combine style in interior design, measure, fantasy. Then you will not have to regret the time, effort and money spent. The result will please you for many years.

Apartment design with baguette (2 videos)

The frame is necessary in order to highlight the painting, focusing the viewer's attention on the image created by the artist. At the same time, the frame connects the painting with the space surrounding it, fitting it into the interior. A correctly selected frame gives the picture completeness and emphasizes its beauty. How to properly arrange a picture? Which frame should I choose?

First of all, the frame must be selected so that it forms a single whole with the picture. To begin with, the frame must match the color scheme of the painting. For example, if you are selecting a frame for summer landscape with green foliage and grass, with a path running towards the sandy bank of the river - choose a frame that has greenish or light brown shades, combined with shades of greenery or tree branches in the picture. In order not to merge with the painting, the colors of the frame should be slightly more saturated than in the painting. It is also a good option in which the green foliage of the trees adjacent to the edges of the picture will be highlighted with a brown frame, matching the color of the tree branches and the color of the path. In this case, you need to take into account the mood of the picture. If it's simple rural landscape, you can choose a frame with a simple texture for it. If the landscape is festive, a little idealistic, then it is better to choose a frame with a light pattern that will emphasize the festivity and lightness of the picture. The same applies to paintings with flowers. If the painting depicts a romantic, delicate bouquet, it is best to choose a patterned frame for it that has a similar pastel color, matching both the color and the mood. There are a few important details to remember:

If the painting is light, transparent, airy, do not under any circumstances obscure this lightness and airiness with a dark or very wide frame.

If the painting depicts, for example, thin tree branches with a small bird or a flower with thin stems and petals, do not frame it too wide. Such a frame creates disharmony, killing the subtlety and lightness of the picture.

Some art lovers like to design a frame “in contrast”, which has a sharp contrast with color scheme paintings. You need to be careful with this, since such a frame very often distracts all attention to itself, preventing you from being imbued with the image and mood of the picture. The frame should emphasize the picture, decorate the picture, but at the same time not be flashy, but form a single whole with the picture. The most important thing in the design of a painting is the harmony between the image, mood, and color scheme of the painting and the frame.

The main design principle: the baguette is matched to the painting, and not to the furniture or interior. Otherwise, after the next repair, you will again have to contact the framing workshop and order a new frame for the picture. The baguette and the painting should complement each other and should not compete with each other. This can be achieved if:

  • the baguette matches the color scheme of the painting;
  • the ornament or texture of the baguette complements or repeats the motif depicted in the painting;
  • the image in the painting smoothly transitions onto the frame.
  • Small paintings are usually framed in a wide baguette so that the total area of ​​the baguette is larger than the area of ​​the picture.
  • Paintings of a warm tone are framed in a baguette of warm shades, and paintings of a cool tone are framed in a baguette of cold shades.
  • If the picture is dominated by simple lines, then the frame should be quite simple.
  • It is important to remember that the painting always dominates the design, and the frame is assigned only the role of a connecting link between the painting and the interior.
  • The color of the baguette should be half a tone darker or lighter than the predominant (primary) color of the painting, or match the non-primary color of the painting.
  • Natural wood matches all paintings.
  • It is important not to forget about the style of the painting. Avant-garde painting is not framed in a wide, classic frame with stucco. A painting painted in the style Dutch school paintings are not framed in a narrow, colorful, glossy, modern frame.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the depth of the baguette. If you do not want the stretcher on which the painting is stretched to be visible, then you need to choose a baguette with a depth of 1.5 cm.
  • For a painting that shows movement, it is better to make a wide mat, especially if the perspective of the painting extends beyond the frame.
  • The bottom edge of the mat should be wider than the sides and top. If the picture is vertical, then the top edge should be wider than the sides, and if it is horizontal, then the sides should be wider than the top. For a square picture, the sides and top of the mat should be the same, and the bottom wider.
  • Most often they make a mat with a width of 6 cm.
  • It looks beautiful when a slip is put on the edge of the passe-partout - this is a very narrow strip of baguette.
  • Usually the best mat is a color slightly darker than the most light tone paintings.
  • It is important to remember that the passe-partout only plays the role of a connecting link between the painting, the frame and the interior.
  • The passe-partout should not blend in color with the frame.

Examples of decorating our paintings in a baguette

Painting size 90x60 cm

In this picture, a warm tonality predominates, so a baguette of warm colors will suit it: gold, bronze, wood (cherry, walnut). A frame with flowers painted on it would also work. The picture is painted in a classical style, so a classic baguette is preferable: wide (width from 7 cm), with stucco molding (bronze).

Painting size 30x40 cm

Small paintings are usually framed in a wide baguette so that the total area of ​​the baguette is larger than the area of ​​the picture

Painting size 50x60 cm

This painting is dominated by a cool tonality, and besides, it is painted in a graphic style with a slight addition of burgundy-red color. The following baguette will suit it: silver, chrome, natural wood, burgundy red and black. The picture was painted in modern style, so a classic baguette with stucco molding will not fit with it. Baguette width from 3 cm.

Painting size 62x52 cm

Warm and cold tones predominate in this picture, so a baguette of warm and cold shades will suit it: gold, silver, natural wood, yellow, green, blue, red, terracotta, etc. Baguette width from 2 cm.

If you want to emphasize the beauty and depth of a work of art, undoubtedly The best decision- order the design of a painting in a baguette. Correctly selected framing will help to fully reveal creative idea masters, convey the brightness and expressiveness of shades, significantly extend the life of the canvas. It is no coincidence that even among artists of the 19th century there was an unspoken rule: paintings that are not framed cannot be presented to the public.

Order your painting framed on favorable terms!

Are you looking for where in Moscow you can inexpensively order a frame for a painting? Consider that you have come to the right place. The network of workshops "Art Rama" provides all types of services for the production of baguette frames for pictures. You can order framing for any products or works of value to you: paintings, mirrors, photographs, posters, posters, etc.

For paintings we use only high-quality framing frames made in Spain, Italy and Russia. In addition, we make our own frames for paintings. Having our own production allows us to set the maximum favorable prices for services for decorating paintings in baguettes.

Price: from 189 rubles

How much does it cost to frame a painting?

Anyone who wants to frame a painting is probably interested in the question of what the order price consists of. Several factors influence the final cost of the work:

  • Material. You can order a picture frame made of metal or natural wood.
  • The metal frame is durable and lightweight. This picture frame will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in a modern style. The wooden frame looks natural and at the same time very elegant. The unique texture of natural wood and warm shades will bring an atmosphere of comfort to the interior of your home.
  • Frame size. We make custom-made baguettes for large paintings, and miniature options. It is worth considering that the canvas small size will look especially impressive in wide frames.
  • Decorative design and type of coating (film, varnish, etc.). The choice of the appropriate option is carried out in accordance with the features of the picture.

What can our clients count on?

  • We guarantee creativity and the fastest possible execution of orders. We will produce a baguette of any complexity, including one with a passe-partout, within 3-5 days.
  • You can count on the help of our specialists in choosing the appropriate design for the painting. At your request, a specialist will come to you to take measurements. A designer visit is also possible.
  • Nice bonuses are waiting for you. We give discounts:
    - 5% - to members of the Union of Artists and all website visitors who printed out a discount coupon;
    - 10% - to each client who placed an order with us in the amount of 60,000 rubles, as well as to social card holders (a discount is available in some of our salons).

Do you have any questions? Call us at 8 800 302 63 30 and we will be happy to answer them.

Photography has become a part of our lives, and therefore Special attention you need to pay attention to its design. After all, it is the correct and original frame that can convey and capture a certain emotion and feeling that is experienced in this moment this or that person. If the photograph is in the house, then it will be able to remind you at any time of the wonderful moment that was captured there, be it a bright holiday or an unforgettable trip. In order for the photograph to be fully framed, it is necessary to place it in a frame that has special decorative elements. This will improve the photo itself, and will also allow you to use a frame to fit it into the style and design of the room itself.

Children's photography can be done in either color or black and white format. Depending on what kind of photo you can choose the necessary framing in a framing workshop, which will correspond to the entire theme of the photograph. When a portrait is done correctly from the artistic side, then it is a work of art that can become part of a home photo collection.

Using a frame with a relief allows you to achieve additional depth in the portrait, while creating the necessary distance between the person who is depicted in the portrait and the person looking at the photograph. Color solution The baguette and slip must match the color scheme of the photograph, which allows you to expand the boundaries of the portrait. Our "Framing" will help with the selection of a baguette frame, slip and mat.

For those parents who love their children very much, sometimes just a photograph is not enough. It is for them that we create a stunning portrait from a photograph. This is done by printing on canvas. Also, if necessary, we carry out processing using a computer. This allows you to do high-quality processing portrait, which can become watercolor or pencil drawing. Such a portrait will become not just a photograph, but a unique memorable painting that will decorate your home.

Of course, it is very important that similar portrait fit perfectly into the already created interior. In an apartment or house in which there is a portrait of a child, there is always a special atmosphere, individuality and originality appear, which is conveyed in everything. You also need to understand that a lot depends on our environment. It is the correctly created environment that allows you to correctly adjust your thoughts, emotions and feelings, directing them in the right direction. For child development home furnishings is considered one of the foundations of his behavior and character. A child can wake up in his room and look at a poster with any star or see his portrait, where he was happy and experienced positive emotions. So if you decide to frame child portrait V