Why, according to statistics, Koreans have the smallest. Penis size in different countries

(based on personal observations)

1. There are many beautiful girls in Korea. Well, that is. for those who are able to appreciate the Asian type of beauty, and even more so are lovers of it, there is room to turn around.

2. To feel beautiful, a Korean girl must have white skin and big eyes.

3. To have white skin, Korean girls avoid the sun's rays in every possible way, walk the streets covered with a layer of anti-tan cream and under umbrellas. Marketers also actively take advantage of this weakness by offering lines of special skin-whitening creams.

4. The best graduation gift for a modern Korean schoolgirl is an operation to widen the eyes or narrow the nose.

5. Korean girls paint their lips differently - erasing, lightening the outer contour of the lips (rather than emphasizing it, as we often do), and apply a bright special lipstick - tint - to the inner surface of the lips, which creates the effect of such a cute baby's juicy mouth. I bought myself such a thing, I like it)).

6. Since I spent a day in a Korean women's bathhouse, I can say the following: Naked Korean women made a strong impression on me. Most of them - perhaps the overwhelming majority - are quite slender. And many are frankly goddesses. Even those with less than ideal figures are not flabby or loose, toned, with good skin. A Korean woman's breasts are actually a work of art. Even older women have practically no saggy, elongated breasts; almost all of them are very neat and have small nipples.
This observation was confirmed by other people who have been to Korean baths - the breasts of Korean women of almost any age are like those of our 20-year-olds.

7. The only nuance that is unusual for modern Europeans is that Korean women are very natural in the bikini area; almost no one shave.

8. Korean women have very good posture. I think it's genetic - due to centuries of Asians sleeping on the floor.

9. As I understand, naturally black hair is also a scam - that’s why both Korean boys and Korean girls tint and lighten their hair in every possible way. But before blonde - extremely rarely - apparently, it is very difficult to kill the natural black Asian pigment.

10. Korean hair and skin care products are some of the best in the world. Even those free shampoos that I tried in regular hotels had a better effect on my hair than here the expensive professional Goldwells, Loreals and other crap.

In search of external signs indicating the size of male dignity, scientists, and after them other interested parties (usually female), have already tried a lot. They tried to connect them - sizes - with the size of the nose. Like, if it is long and fleshy, then one should expect the same from the intimate organ. They did the same for the feet, in terms of shoe size. To the thickness of body hair. To bald people, expecting something phenomenal from bald people. But it didn't work out. Among the men, one often came across long-nosed men, hairy as monkeys, with bald spots on their heads, size 45 boots... And with disappointingly small penises.

Despair was already setting in. And thoughts arose that nothing at all testifies about them - about penises. But suddenly researchers from South Korea showed hope. Tae Beom Kim and colleagues from the urology department of Gachon University Gil Hospital in Incheon, South Korea conducted secret experiments. And they made sure: there are external signs indicating one or another size of manhood. These are hands. More precisely fingers. Even more precisely - the index and ring fingers. These are the ones that need to be measured. For reference: the index finger is the one used to indicate the direction, the ring finger is the one on which the wedding ring is worn.

The conclusion of the Koreans, published in the authoritative scientific journal Asian Journal of Andrology: the longer a man’s ring finger is, the longer his index finger. There is no doubt about it. And in general, if the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then this, pardon the pun, indicates that the dignity is quite worthy. And vice versa. Check it out.

The Koreans obtained the data on which the conclusions were based by secretly measuring patients in their urology department. While they were under anesthesia.

An interesting detail: the penises of unconscious patients were pulled back to determine their maximum length. This, by the way, is one of the surest ways to find out what the size of your dignity will be in an excited state. As long as you can pull it back, it will increase in length.

Men with relatively long ring fingers had longer penises, Dr. Kim told Reuters news agency.

The hypothesis here is this: the size of the ring finger is formed in the womb and under the influence of the male sex hormone testosterone. As well as penis sizes. The more testosterone a fetus receives, the more elongated its finger and its hormonal partner become.

Unfortunately, Kim did not say whether it is possible to estimate intimate dimensions by measuring fingers, not relatively, but accurately - in centimeters. That is, to get an idea not of trends in the development of male dignity, but of its absolute meaning.

1. The Republic of Korea or South Korea (hereinafter referred to as simply Korea) is a very safe country. A girl may not be afraid to walk through a residential area alone at night.

2. Cases of major crime, such as murder, are considered unprecedented and are covered on local news for weeks.

3. The best time to visit Korea is spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom, and autumn, when the leaves on the trees turn yellow. In winter it is very cold and windy, in summer it is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.

4. The territory of the country is very small, so civilization has penetrated into all its corners. It is impossible to get lost in Korea, and there are no remote villages here.

5. The most popular sport in Korea is baseball. Everyone plays it, from young to old; almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out.

6. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, all Koreans go to the mountains.

7. Walking in the mountains is such a favorite pastime for Koreans. They can get up at 8 am after a wild drinking session and still climb the mountain.

8. 90% of Koreans are nearsighted and have to wear glasses or contact lenses. People wear glasses from childhood, which involuntarily creates the impression that they are born with poor vision.

9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. They have no idea about other browsers, and what’s more, most don’t even know what a browser is. Korean sites, accordingly, are made only for Explorer; in any other browser, not a single Korean site will work correctly.

1 0. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open naver.com (this is a Korean search engine and not only), type “Google” in Korean into the search and then click on the link.

11. Koreans love coffee very much, and coffee shops can be found here at every turn. After lunch or dinner, be sure to have a cup of coffee.

12. Free Internet can always be found: in any institutions, cafes and even on buses.

13. Coffee shop chains, cinema chains, supermarket chains, restaurant chains, bar chains, department store chains - if an establishment doesn't have a clone somewhere in Korea, it means it hasn't matured yet.

14. Domestic product is highly supported in Korea, so many imported products such as toothpastes, gum, sanitary pads, chips, etc. cannot be found.

15. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Cabbage beds, turnip gardens and rice fields can be found even in the city center.

16. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor their dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.

17. Education plays perhaps the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans study from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or independent study.

1 8. There is no such thing as a vacation in Korea. There are a few days, usually in early August, when many workers take time off to relax or travel abroad.

19. There are two major national holidays: Lunar New Year and the Autumn Festival, when Korea is closed for three days. There is no more time for rest.

20. A teacher in a public educational institution can only be fired by the president himself. This profession is extremely respected and highly paid.

21. Overweight Koreans are very rare. Really thick - almost never.

22. Girls readily show off their legs, but never their cleavage.

23. Most Korean women have small breasts and a flat butt, but very slender legs.

24. That's why plastic surgery is booming. A girl can inflate her breasts literally in one lunch break. After graduating from school and entering college, most girls fix their eyelids, noses, or something else as a gift.

25. Korean women take great care of their skin and hair and use an incredible amount of cosmetics and beauty products. Korean women do not go out without makeup.

26. Many people admit that Korean women are more beautiful than Japanese, Chinese and other Asian women. Even if their beauty is somewhat artificial.

27. Despite all the cleanliness on the streets in Korea, it is very difficult to find a trash can.

28. All Koreans sing well and therefore love karaoke.

29. Everyone has cell phones, even the homeless.

30. Any phone can be borrowed for two years.

31. In Korea, the shopping rush begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.

32. Young men are not supposed to bring girls to their homes, which is why there are a lot of motels in Korea. So many.

33. Motels peacefully coexist with churches: they say, if you commit adultery, pray.

34. Every single guy is required to do military service, unless he is disabled.

35. There is some kind of food cult in Korea. Instead of “how are you?” Koreans ask “Did you eat well?”, skipping at least one meal is considered almost a sin, and the verb “eat” can replace many other verbs, such as “drink alcohol”, “take medicine”, “breathe fresh air” and even “ grow up a year."

36. Koreans eat a lot and variety. Kimchi and other snacks are required at the table. Lunch is rarely limited to just one dish; when you think you're full, they bring you more plates until you burst.

37. Any Korean will tell you about any Korean dish that it is incredibly healthy. Most often for some reason for men's health.

38. Koreans probably drink even more than Russians. They get drunk quickly, but never get rowdy. Even a drunk Korean is not particularly dangerous.

39. Every Korean knows a hundred or two very noisy drinking games aimed at getting everyone drunk as quickly as possible.

40. Koreans are very generous and sympathetic people. They will definitely want to pay for your lunch and will never refuse help.

41. In Korea, it is customary to greet janitors, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, everyone. You show respect to your elder, and it doesn’t matter who he works for.

42. It’s hard to believe, but according to one source, 25% of Korean women have experience working in the intimate service sector: these are prostitutes, escort services and girls “for communication” in bars and karaoke.

43. Most married men cheat on their wives, and that's okay.

44. Most married Korean women do not work at all while raising children.

45. All older women look the same: the same short, chemically styled hairstyles, the same clothes, the same hats.

46. There are no stray dogs in Korea. Few people keep large dogs either, but it is very fashionable to have a small pocket dog, dye its fur in bright colors and dress it in funny clothes.

47. Contrary to popular stereotypes, very few Koreans have tried dog meat.

48. Foreigners in Korea are divided into two categories: exchange students and English teachers.

49. Koreans prefer to sit on the floor than sit on a chair or sofa.

50. Either the weather forecast is never wrong, or Koreans always, always carry an umbrella in their bag, but a Korean cannot be caught off guard by rain.

51. In Korea, flooding occurs frequently due to rainfall.

52. Every Korean's wallet is filled with business cards and various savings and discount cards and coupons.

53. Koreans listen mostly to Korean music. From Western performers they listen to what is fashionable.

54. Korean music is mostly pop music, boy bands and girl bands are no different from each other.

55. For each song, each musical group has its own dance, which fans know by heart.

56. There are no plazas in Korea. There are only areas in front of some buildings.

57. In many bars you can't just drink beer; you must order snacks to go with your beer. Koreans themselves cannot just drink beer; they definitely need to chew something while doing it.

60. Nobody cares that a young beautiful girl advertises an alcoholic drink everywhere.

61. When meeting people, the first thing Koreans do is find out their age. This is important for future communication style. If the interlocutor is at least a year older, you should address him in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.

62. Koreans are often tactless when asking personal questions like “do you have a boyfriend?” or “why aren’t you married?”

63. Young Koreans are turning romantic relationships into just another drama they watch on TV.

64. In Korea you can smoke almost everywhere. Signs prohibiting smoking are often simply ignored.

65. It's rare to see a girl on the street with a cigarette. There are generally few girls who smoke and they only smoke in bars and clubs.

66. You can drink alcohol on the street. Koreans often have impromptu picnics with alcohol and barbecues in the most unexpected places.

67. Koreans often laugh for no reason, in response to any phrase or the most unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.

68. There is a park in Korea filled with sculptures of male members.

69. In Korea, almost no one calls anyone by name or says “you” or “you.” There are many special words for addressing, for each case of kinship and relationship.

70. When a Korean calls someone to him, he holds his hand with the palm down, and not up, as in other countries.

Hi everyone! I have been living in Korea for more than two years. And during this time I made very good and loyal Korean friends. But as you all know from all these Korean series, Koreans are very strange people. Girls are dumber than ever, and guys are narcissistic and smart. But this is only in the TV series Darlings! Dear fans of Korean TV series and Korean music, let me tell you a few myths about Koreans and their fetishes and oddities. I had a question on ask.fm about the oddities of Koreans.

“Here is just what I remembered: Koreans are workaholics and nerds. They work from morning to evening, they can even sit at work until night. Everyone says that Korean students are very, very smart. But for me, only 30-45% of students are smart. They sit all day, studying something, but in exams they score average. They have fewer subjects than foreign students and they do not find them very easy. Koreans studied with me, and they scored lower in exams than foreigners, even though we all studied at equal levels.
Koreans are still very shy. If you go up to them to ask something, they run with frightened eyes, as if you are going to rape or rob them.
They are very obsessed with their appearance. They can eat, sit at the table and touch up their makeup. And one more thing I noticed: after each meal, they brush their teeth. And some toilets have disposable toothbrushes.
For Koreans, it's summer or spring all year round. Or they confuse winter with summer, and summer with winter. Seriously, even in winter you can see a girl in a mini skirt and ballet shoes. And every time I see Koreans who go out on the street in SLATES. Yes, some will say, Korea is warm in winter. No, you people are wrong. In Korea, winter is very, very cold. Even the Astana cold cannot compare with them. Even though it’s -5 during the day, because of the humidity it’s as cold as if it’s -25, -30 outside. And one fact is that Koreans take cold injections, because of this they do not feel the cold. And when spring/summer arrives, the season of jackets and down jackets begins. It's hot in Korea now, and every day I notice that they are wearing jackets and boots. Why are you soooo???
Koreans, I note, are not gentlemen. For the life of me, they will not give up their seat for you on the subway or on the bus. But there are special places for older people.
Koreans have their phones in their hands 24/7. They even carry spare batteries with them. I note that they are not careful with their phones. Every second Korean's phone screens are broken, dented, or even worse, as if a car had run over them.
There are many stores that are open 24 hours a day. You can usually buy everything there.
The guys are very strange. They can even stand and paw their FRIEND in a public place. This is considered normal by them.
Who can explain to me why there are so many couples in Korea? And why do guys so fucking expose their girls? Even if the guy is very cute and the girl is not so-so, the guy will never look at the super model. We have a theory that Korean women bewitch them!!!

Let me add that Korean guys are more well-groomed than Korean women. Guys can stand and apply lip balm in public places or fix their hair. And by the way, for them, BB cream is SUNSCREEN. You think why guys have such gorgeous snow-white skin, thank SUNSCREEN/BB CREAM. They have a fetish to take off their shoes in public places. Everywhere, even in cafes, they sit with their shoes off. Now many will say, oh, this is so that your feet don’t stink or it will air out your feet. No, this is crazy to me. For Koreans, there are no more countries on Earth except China, Japan, America and Australia. For them, Asians are Chinese or Japanese, Europeans or Americans or Australians. But no, some I even know Russia, and I’ll give it to Uzbekistan. Stop the earth, I saw everything!!! Let me tell you about the elderly. They are evil, very evil. I understand that they have seen a lot of difficulties before, but why take out all the anger on the younger generation. And a note for everyone who says that Koreans eat dogs, dog soup is prepared only from special breeds of dogs. And only the older generation, or rather only men, drink this soup for their health. And if you have nowhere to spend the extra $300-400, then for your health, you can try it. All grandmothers after 60 do hair chemistry. And it is after this age that they age very sharply. That’s why they try to maintain their health through sports. You can see grandmothers playing all sorts of sports near the houses in the park. It is no secret to many that Koreans love social networks. For them, Facebook is the same as Instagram, VK and Twitter combined. Probably, many fans have noticed that their favorite idols post very strange photos on Instagram. Photos of their feet, tables, some kind of receipt, or in general some people post photos of an empty packet of chips or an ice cream wrapper. Maybe someone sees some kind of art, but I only see a meaningless photo. That's all for now. I wrote what I remembered. Of course, this is not all, this list will be expanded.

Ours is still longer than the Americans'

Both scientists and ordinary citizens have always been interested in the size of male genital organs. Only the average person approaches this question selfishly: “Is my hair longer than others?”, but science considers this problem globally - on the scale of countries and peoples. Scientists are trying to understand what causes inequality in penis size in different parts of the world.

Medical statistics can penetrate even the most intimate areas of human existence. The compilers of the World Penis Average Size Studies Database managed to collect data on the length of the male genital organ in almost all countries of the world. It is clear that we are talking about average indicators, because in the same population there can be both dwarfs and giants.

The leadership in this ranking belongs to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There, the average length of a man's penis is almost 18 centimeters. At the other end of the list is South Korea - the men there don’t even reach 10 centimeters. The difference is almost double. Russia is slightly below the middle on this list - 13.21 centimeters. It’s a bit of a shame, but US residents have even less – 12.90 centimeters.

The map of average penises shows clear regional features. Sub-Saharan Africans have the longest and thickest hair. Latin Americans have a little less, but are also quite convincing. Europeans are not the same in this regard, but in no country does it reach extreme values. East Asians have the smallest organs: Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, etc.

Measuring other people's penises is, of course, exciting. But for scientists it is much more interesting to understand what causes such variations in size, what it influences and what influences it. An article by Richard Lynn from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland was recently published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. He tries to derive differences in penises from the laws of evolutionary biology, for which he turns to the theory of r-K selection. The “r” strategy implies that the animal strives to have as many offspring as possible without spending a lot of resources on survival and safety. “K,” on the contrary, suggests that the animal does not give birth to very many children, but invests in their maintenance. From this point of view, a large p-enis is needed by adherents of the “r” strategy, and a small one is needed by “K”.

In general, Richard Lynn is famous for his work comparing the intelligence quotient (IQ) of different nations. In fact, his p-position smacks of racism. True, from his calculations it follows that the most intelligent race is the Mongoloids (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans). The IQ level of Caucasians is 5-15 points lower. Blacks, accordingly, are even less intelligent. There is clearly a noticeable inverse correlation between penis size and IQ scores. Lynn attributes this pattern to geography. The northern peoples needed to cooperate more, they needed more intelligence to organize life. The small penis was compensated by a more developed mind.

There are also more sophisticated theories. For example, Tattoo Westling from the Helsinki Center for Economic Research tried to link the length of penises to economic development. His calculations showed that male parameters explain up to 15-20% of GDP growth (the Finnish scientist does not dare say why this happens). The dependence is this: in countries with the most successful economies, penis sizes are average. If they are very large or small, then the country is quite poor. This pattern works well when comparing European countries with African and some Asian countries (Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and others). It also corresponds to the realities of Latin America: there GDP is moderately lower than in the USA and Europe, and penises are moderately longer. Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Korea stand out from this rule: they have very small members and a very high GDP.

Alas, modern science is not yet able to give a comprehensive answer to the question about the role of penises in geopolitics, national psychology and economics. But research continues.

A letter to a learned neighbor about what he read.

Dear Neighbor,
the topic raised in the article to which you gave me a link is quite interesting, but I would say, only in individual details, and not in general. In general, the reasons for the statistics being discussed, over which economists and other humanists are scratching their heads, are quite simple. Attempts to connect the level of economic development of a people with the statistical length of the penis are equivalent to studying the effect of urine on the sun's rays from the famous joke about British scientists. There can be no direct or reverse influence here. The attempts of other humanitarian workers to turn to biological data in this situation are commendable, but they are similar to a blind man going to an art gallery. The concept of K- and r-selection is wonderful, but, alas, this fashionable theory does not always work. I don’t know what was in R. Lynn’s head when he tried to explain “genital statistics” within the framework of this concept, but the author of the article I read clearly retold the ideas of this researcher without any understanding of them (I hope I don’t offend any of them with this judgment respected authors). In general, I will refuse to comment further on what is written in this article and will write in a nutshell in which direction we need to look for an answer to this burning question.
Since the time of Darwin, biologists have known about the existence of so-called sexual selection, the essence of which is that representatives of the same sex choose partners for mating based on some specific, attractive characteristics. So, for example, bright, often very elaborate plumage arose in the males of many birds, so in men, a thick beard and mustache were preserved from the abundant hair, and in women, the mammary glands became very large, remaining so even outside the period of breastfeeding. For the same reasons, the penis in humans as a whole has greatly enlarged: it is known that in Homo sapiens it is incomparably larger than in other primates, even apes. Simply, in ancient times, when the morphological evolution of man was still actively continuing, women (or better yet, females) preferred men (males) with larger penises, who (males) left large offspring, and those with smaller copulatory organs left much fewer offspring or did not leave them at all. In this scheme, it is also necessary to take into account the sociality of ancient man, the hierarchy of packs or tribes characteristic of anthropoids: the stronger and more aggressive, that is, one might say, more masculine in a certain primitive sense, the male occupied a higher place in the hierarchy. It is quite logical to assume that the size of the penis in those ancient times could be perceived as one of the signs of the “masculinity” of a male (the interest in this subject among men today is undoubtedly an echo of those ancient times), who thanks to this rose higher on the “social ladder”, as a result had a larger number of females and left more numerous offspring. For example, in Norman Mailer's novel Ancient Evenings, which I recently read, there is a scene in which Pharaoh Ramses II, in front of a large gathering of people, demonstrates his erect penis as a symbol of his power (the novel is, of course, also a source of information but, as far as I know, its author, in describing the customs of the ancient Egyptians, relies on reliable information).
This applies to the person as a whole. Now let's move on to interesting statistics: why some nations have more, while others have less. Another question will help us answer it: when, how and why did the morpho-physiological evolution of man stop (in fact, it needs to be clarified: it almost stopped, but this is not directly related to the matter - this can almost be neglected): it stopped growing and improving brain, body proportions change, organs are modified, etc. Obviously, this evolution stopped when the pressure of natural selection disappeared: when people learned to defend themselves from wild animals and other enemies, stopped killing weak or defective children, when they began to treat the wounded, they began to go out marry or marry ugly but influential people, etc. - that is, when a rather complex culture arose. In our case, the development of culture influenced the evolutionary change in penis size through the emergence of a number of strict prohibitions and taboos in the field of behavior and sexual life. In particular, I mean the rejection of promiscuity and the ban on public display of nudity (the reasons for this are believed to be to sublimate the sexual energy of members of society). As soon as such a ban appeared, as soon as women lost the opportunity to see naked men, sexual selection on the basis of penis length generally ceased. The scheme, of course, is simplified: different cultures and different peoples had their own deviations of this scheme, but for now let’s accept it as I have outlined it.
It is quite obvious that the various tribes and peoples who inhabited the Oikumene developed culturally at different speeds. The reasons for this, so to speak, are ecological: speaking very roughly and approximately, in more unfavorable conditions, where it was necessary to make a lot of effort to survive, social and cultural development accelerated, but where conditions were almost like in Eden, there was no special development didn't happen. This is, in essence, the whole answer to the question posed: peoples whose cultural development began earlier are generally characterized by smaller penis sizes than peoples who are lagging behind (or rather, lagging behind at some ancient stages) or not developing at all (like some African or New Guinea tribes Everything else is in the details, one way or another complicating the scheme, for example, in the possible drift of genes, the “infusion” of genes of a foreign nation into one or another gene pool during mass migrations, in some cultural features of the sexual life of peoples, etc.
It may be objected to me that, for example, in Greece in ancient times, with a highly developed culture, there was no taboo on male nudity, and the average morphometric indicators for this country are quite intermediate, 14.73 cm. However, although there was no taboo on male nudity in Hellas was, but the demonstration of an erect penis was considered extremely indecent and was not allowed. Even during all kinds of competitions, athletes had to be naked, but with an indispensable piece of clothing, if you can call it that - a kinodesma (literally, a dog leash), a cord that was tied around the foreskin, preventing accidental erection of the penis. So, the ancient Greek women could not fully appreciate the true size of the penises of their compatriots. In addition, sculptures of men from those times have very small penises. The reason for this will be clear if we remember, for example, Plato’s “Symposium”: due to, so to speak, the prevailing sexual preferences among men in Ancient Greece, a youthful, almost teenage ideal of male beauty developed, which, obviously, could not but influence on women's preferences. And on top of this, modern Greeks, genetically speaking, are far from completely descendants of their ancient predecessors. Next, we can return to the already mentioned episode from Mailer’s novel about the morals of the ancient Egyptians. This episode, if true, suggests that in this people during the New Kingdom sexual selection on the basis of penis length had not yet completely ceased. Although men in ancient Egypt wore loincloths and skirts and married women, the permissibility of public display of an erect penis at least allowed women to compare the known characteristics of different men and prefer some over others. However, the modern indicators of the Egyptians are also not so great, although they are higher than those of the Greeks. The point here, quite obviously, is that modern Egyptians, unlike the Greeks, genetically no longer have any relation to their ancient and great predecessors; they are Arabs who have come to a new territory. And here we need to ask ourselves what is the ancient history of the Arabs or Japanese or Malays or the ancestral peoples from whom they descended, when and how the development of their culture could have influenced the inhibition of the biological evolution of these peoples. Only at this stage should various humanities specialists - historians, cultural scientists, etc. - be involved in the consideration of this issue, instead of discussing how anatomy affects the economy or the penis on the intellect.
Your DH