Friends of the angels read. Cassidy Honor Guards

We have real power only when we are willing to be heard voluntarily. When we force someone through force, it is no longer power, but violence. Why is the path to power almost always paved with victims? Because considering themselves the only right, those in power almost always try to exterminate all dissidents.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa

This leader thirsted not only for power, but also human meat. President Jean-Bedel, who in 1976 coined the title "Emperor" for himself Central Africa, by the will of the Central African people, united in the national political party MESAN,” dealt with its opponents immediately. Often he did this with his cane, thrusting the tip into the opponent's eye. He could order a fed-up close associate to be served for dinner.

In general, human dishes were common for the emperor; he called them “sugar pork.” Later he began to collect impressions of eating people of different professions. He also personally killed more than a hundred striking children. Others were forced to lie on the ground so that a truck could run over them.

Bokassa ate people, calling their meat sugar pork

He was sentenced to death for genocide and cannibalism, but commuted to life imprisonment.

Saddam Hussein

He became the first head of state to be executed in the 21st century. Saddam Hussein was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Under his rule, in 1988, gas was used against the Kurdish population in Halabja, where about five thousand Kurds, mostly women and children, died in one day. That same year, eighty Kurdish villages were destroyed.

Hussein became the first head of state to be executed in the 21st century

In 1980, he started a war with Iran that lasted eight years, and in 1990, he ordered an attack on Kuwait. He was also accused of killing Shiite clerics and Iraqi opposition political leaders. At least a million people were killed under his rule.

Pol Pot

As leader of the Khmer Rouge, a movement largely made up of angry teenagers, he turned Cambodia into a death factory. This politician had an obsession with building a state out of workers and peasants. To accomplish this, first of all, cities “breeding grounds for evil and exploitation” were robbed and destroyed. It was decided to devastate them and send the population to become peasants. The lack of skills and the sickness of the people did not matter. The beginning was made in the capital of Cambodia, where within three days two and a half million people were mercilessly evicted.

Pol Pot was tried by his own Khmer Rouge

Pol Pot was accused of genocide and sentenced in absentia death penalty. However, the Khmer Rouge themselves sentenced their leader to life imprisonment, calling him a traitor. They could not forgive that, on the orders of Pol Pot, their comrade in arms was killed along with all family members.

During the four years of his reign, there are more than 3 million victims.

Joseph Stalin

Question Stalin's repressions is still being researched by historians. The pros and cons of his reign are often the subject of disagreement and dispute. But it’s hard to argue with the fact that the country suffered colossal losses from his sometimes inadequate decisions.

During the reign of Joseph Stalin, a harsh totalitarian regime was formed. In the 1920s and 1930s, Stalin destroyed real and perceived rivals and initiated mass terror. Thousands of poets, artists, writers, actors, scientists ended up in correctional camps. Party leaders and intellectuals died in the camps due to terrible conditions and exhaustion. Others were shot or forcibly expelled from the country. Later, at the Twentieth Congress, the cult of personality and deviation from the Leninist course of the “father of nations” were condemned.

Mao Zedong

This Chinese politician, copying Stalin, propagated his own cult. Anyone who criticized Mao Zedong was persecuted and repressed. There are about 520 thousand people.

Between 10 and 30 million people became victims of Zedong's reforms

His most disastrous political decision was the Great Leap Forward. In order to boost China's economy, "communes" were organized in the country in the late 1950s. According to the plan, they were called upon to provide themselves and the city with food and industrial goods. They even wanted to smelt steel in furnaces installed in the yards of commune members. But this whole idea failed. A few years later, famine began in the country. The victims were from 10 to 30 million people.

Adolf Gitler

The desire for world domination forced him to give truly inhuman orders. Residents of Germany still hang their heads in shame for that time.

About 80 million people were killed and tortured under Hitler

At the beginning of his reign, all parties except nationalists were banned. The persecution of the Jewish population began, even to the point of killings without any explanation or investigation. Security detachments were created that exterminated people for a number of reasons, and concentration camps. Politic system The country became based on terror, nationalism and fear. Everything was unquestioningly subordinated to the leader. Hitler wanted to create an ideal state where one race would prevail over the other. With the idea of ​​conquering the world, he unleashed the Second world war, which turned out to be a defeat for him. Under his rule, about 80 million people were killed and tortured.

The myth of Russia as a gas station country and its raw material curse is intended to destroy the powerful instruments of its geopolitical influence and power

Alexander Khaldei

In Russia Lately It has become a symbol of advancement and awareness to argue that we are a large gas station and a country of one gas pipe. That is, Russia is a raw materials colony of the United States sitting on a dollar drug needle, supplying its vassals with cheap fuel and being satisfied for this service with cheap cut paper Green colour, which, moreover, has to be stored in the United States itself, which is ready to take away this paper at the first desire. And it won’t even come down to paper - we’re just talking about numbers on a computer, which it costs the United States nothing to cross out.

A very beautiful theory. Just dynamite. People in Russia immediately go berserk from it, fall into a sacred rage and are ready to go even to Tverskaya Square, even to Red Square, even to Lubyanka, but they will certainly tear with their hands and gnaw with their teeth all those adversaries who have brought the country to such a state.

The raw materials economy is the reason for the collapse of the USSR, we were told. The resource-based economy is the cause of technological backwardness. The commodity economy is the economic basis for the political domination of the fifth column. The commodity economy is our curse. Because of her, all our troubles and all our misfortunes. Because of raw materials we are so poor, because of raw materials all our enemies come to us with war, because of raw materials we have only thieves and scoundrels in our government. And if you add a couple of drops of gasoline to the fire of this passion in the form of stuff about the salaries of Russian top managers and ministers, then you have a portrait of a reptile, which to crush means to free Russia from the plague. No more and no less.

What’s interesting is that if there were no oil and gas, we would hear the same things about grain, hemp, wax and other export items. They would tell us: grain exports are a problem for Russia. Not all sow farmers in our villages have the opportunity to supplement their diet with wheat - but we export it. We are malnourished and are being torn away from our peasants. Or hemp export is a problem for Russia. All the hemp was taken away - there wasn’t even anything to hang myself with. We made it. The export of honey is a plague for the development of Russia. They flooded Europe with Russian honey, but they themselves don’t even have enough for the bees for the winter. Because of this, the entire Russian industry is not developed. Exporting wax is a wax needle for our economy. We ourselves sit without candles and take away the wax. That’s why the dark ones are so uncultured - we can’t even read a book in the dark. And there, in the Kremlin, the adversaries surrounded the throne, lining their pockets, robbing the people, and selling Mother Russia whole.

And there is only one conclusion, but a stake driven into our heads - revolution is the only way out, revolution is our salvation, down with the bloodsuckers, you give the revolution "guidance", hostile whirlwinds are blowing over us, dark forces we are being viciously oppressed. But here are just two examples that completely destroy this pattern of perception of the myth about Russia’s raw materials curse.

Example 1. Gas. Ukraine warned the whole world that it was ready to commit suicide because of Russia.

Everyone knows that the United States, where the dollar dominates, captured Ukraine and completely subordinated it to its goals. And Russia, weak due to the export of raw materials, allowed this to happen. The fact that the United States exports oil and the dollar for some reason did not lead to a commodity curse, but let’s say that’s not what we’re talking about now. The USA has traditionally been a symbol of progress, in contrast to Russia, which is supposedly a symbol of backwardness. This backwardness, as has already been explained to us, is caused by the wealth of raw materials, and that is why Russia lost Ukraine, where the United States now dominates. There are no such lace panties in Russia as in Europe, but only oil, gas and Armata Uralvagonzavod tanks. We have nothing to offer the civilized world.

This is the version to which everyone is accustomed and every schoolchild will tell you that Russia is a raw materials colony of the West, and therefore it lost Ukraine.

But Russia extended a gas pipeline past US-occupied Ukraine to Germany. That's all. The need for Ukrainian gas transit immediately disappeared. The United States (the world hegemon) cannot force Germany (the hegemon of Europe) to abandon the Russian gas pipeline. Although why force them to refuse - on the contrary, they should force Germany to lay out the pipe, because the more such pipes from Russia to Europe, the logically, Russia is weaker and less developed! But okay, let's not get caught up. What follows are absolutely wonderful things: Ukraine declares to the whole world: if there is no gas transit, then there will be a war between Russia and Ukraine. You understand?

“If there is no transit through the territory of Ukraine, then the likelihood of a full-scale conflict between Russia and Ukraine also increases,” commercial director of Naftogaz of Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko said on the 112 Ukraine TV channel. Kyiv conveys this idea to European politicians, who “must understand not only economic consequences for Ukraine, as well as geopolitical consequences for the whole world,” Vitrenko said.

The representative of the gas industry was supported by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine deputy Anton Gerashchenko: “The worst thing is that when Russia will no longer need the territory of Ukraine as a place for the transit of its gas, the chances of a direct armed attack on Ukraine increase tenfold.” The politician added that without income from gas transit, the Ukrainian gas transportation system “will turn into scrap metal.”

Tell me, did you understand anything? That is, as long as the GTS is in the hands of Ukraine, and it can blackmail Russia, Russia will not attack. And when the pipe becomes scrap metal and blackmail becomes impossible, Russia will attack Ukraine. Why does Russia need Ukraine if there is no gas pipeline there? To pick up a pipe for scrap metal? At $45 a ton? What is the logic for the attack?

It is clear that in this case Russia has no logic at all to attack Ukraine. But there is a logic for Ukraine to attack Russia! After all, Ukraine has nothing more to lose and there will no longer be a chance to fulfill the US order to incite a war with Russia! Therefore, before suffocating in a debt loop of lack of money, Ukraine will attack Russia out of grief, and when the Armed Forces of Ukraine are hit in the neck in response, Kiev will raise a squeal throughout Europe that the arrogant aggressor deprived it of gas, pipes and then sent in troops altogether. And now let Europe get out of its own way. This is such easy blackmail in the independent way. Ukraine decided that if it dies, it must die with music.

That is, Russia, with one gas pipe, destroys the Nazi state in Ukraine and at the same time defeats the world hegemon that occupied it. Is this a weak gas station country where the export of raw materials is a national curse?

2. Example 2. Oil. How the USA flogged itself.

Trump, as you know, loves to speak out on social networks, for which many in the United States are demanding that his cellular telephone and keep away from the computer. And there is every reason for this. Look what happens.

Russia, as you know, is a raw material colony and a backward gas station country. True, with money from oil and gas, she was able to somehow improve things in the economy so much that she doesn’t even really feel the sanctions, developed and put into service new types of weapons, which are now breaking America’s entire geopolitics in Syria, but this does not negate the thesis about general backwardness, right? Can a raw materials colony defeat the United States? Yes, the United States will only raise an eyebrow - and Russia will get tired of tumbling. This is the Creed of our liberals.

OPEC has lowered oil prices. Rejoice and rejoice, USA, you now have a chance to increase your competitiveness, because fuel has become cheaper! Show what a technology leader can do! But the USA is in mourning - low price oil is bankrupting Texas oil companies that voted for Trump. There, shale, which has accumulated a bunch of loans, is going bankrupt before our eyes, dragging banks to the bottom, which threatens a general American financial catastrophe.

And so OPEC and Russia enter into a cartel agreement. They limit production. Oil prices are going up. The war in the Middle East only adds strength to their growth. Rejoice and be merry, America! Russia saved the whole of Texas for you! Saved the slate! Saved the dollar in the end!

But Trump is miserable again on Twitter. After all, now in the USA general prices have gone up due to rising fuel prices, and this is a blow to the economy! And, besides, Russia and Iran, ardent enemies of the United States, are getting richer! Iran in Syria puts pressure on the United States through Israel, reaching Mediterranean Sea. And Russia, growing rich in oil, is strengthening its army so that in Syria and Ukraine the United States is now very much involved in action!

“Everything looks as if OPEC is back to its old ways. Despite record amounts of oil everywhere, including fully loaded tankers at sea, oil prices are now artificially high! This is bad and unacceptable!” - Trump writes plaintively on Twitter. And after his “tweet,” oil prices rise another 7 cents compared to the price on the closing date of trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange! At least Rosneft pays Trump an agency fee for promotion.

All logic is now pushing Trump to hit all Russian oil companies with sanctions. Kill the entire oil pruning shears of the gas station country - let him suffer! Trump will be able to present himself very nicely after this step. But the problem is that oil prices will rise even more after this. That is, the United States will lose even more, and Russia and Iran will gain even more. The situation is absolutely hopeless.

The United States is in a loop of choice: how to fight Iran and at the same time not allow Russia to make money? How to hit Russia and not hit yourself? Any attacks against Iran will raise the price of oil even higher. Russia is already actively replenishing budget reserves - already over two hundred thirty billion dollars per recent months We've replenished our cupboard.

The Saudis do not intend to lower prices - the US-provoked putsch in Riyadh, which could have brought supporters of withdrawal from the agreement with Russia to power, failed. Shale companies claim that they cannot lower the price further due to the geography of their production sites and “infrastructural limitations,” although many suspect that they simply agreed on the price with the Russians and Arabs and are fooling official Washington.

Russia, relying precisely on the export of hydrocarbons, is actually destroying the global power of the United States, while having neither the ruble as an international currency, nor an army that exceeds the capabilities of the United States, nor technological leadership that is in any way comparable to American capabilities. Russia really doesn’t have all this yet.

But there is oil and gas. And in fact, Russia, using precisely the export of energy resources, is really crushing all the intentions of the most powerful enemy in the world. Namely, this helps to get away from dependence on raw materials and achieve self-sufficiency. This means that the issue is not the curse of raw materials, but the intentions of the ruling class to achieve real sovereignty. And for this, it would be stupid not to use the energy and raw materials opportunities that are given to Russia due to its geographical location. So maybe it’s enough to repeat the myth about the curse of raw materials and the gas station country?

"Angels' friends" (English “Angel's Friends”) - a fantasy animated series tells about the events at the school of Angels and Demons.

A special school for angels is full of secrets! What happens if both angels and demons are at the same table? Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki are a company of angels. But to become a real team, they need one person. Friends leave their homes and descend to Earth to the Golden School. They need to get the last “missing percent”, which will make them 100% guardian angels. Their mission is to accompany selected earthlings in their daily adventures...

Director: Orlando Corradi. The roles were duplicated: Maria Ovchinnikova, Larisa Nikipelova, Olga Shorokhova, Mikhail Tikhonov, Alexander Novikov, Ekaterina Florova.

Main characters:

  • Raf is the leader of the angel team. She has long blonde hair with a red strand and Blue eyes. Style - sporty. Wears clothes in all shades of blue, white and sometimes pink. Her talisman is ladybug Cox, which when inactive turns into a buckle on Raph's belt. Raf is a very curious, caring and kind angel girl. In most cases, she behaves rationally and very practically, although she can rarely seem to be an idealist. Quickly knows how to get out of difficult situations thanks to his persistence and willpower.
    • Strengths:
      • Fast Wings: Allows you to fly at very high speeds.
      • Stone Wings: The wings create strong protection around Raf from external influences.
      • Mental Wings: a type of telepathy - allow Raf to conduct mental dialogue with other persons without the possibility of being noticed. She most likely inherited this ability from her mother Angeli.
      • Bell Wings: Allows Raph to accurately strike an opponent with a small energy wave.
      • Flame: The ability to create blue fireballs. It was adopted from Sulfus during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is bright blue.
  • Uri - best friend Raf. She has chestnut hair curly hair, gathered into two lush braids on the sides of the head. Her eyes are purple and her skin is a nice dark color. Her clothes are mostly yellow and orange, with occasional green. Uri's talisman is the firefly Lightning, which when inactive becomes a flower on the skirt. Very cheerful, sociable, sometimes even naive. Uri is always ready to support Hard time. She also has a strong sense of justice, which is why she really doesn't like to lose.
    • Strengths:
      • Flower Wings: Help Uri grow any plant anywhere.
      • Weather Wings: control weather events, be it a thunderstorm or a hurricane.
      • Hydro-Wings: Allows you to fly (or rather swim) quickly underwater.
      • Beast Wings: With these wings, Uri is able to transform into any animal on earth.
      • Green Wings: Shoots green arrows that, when they hit an enemy, coat their legs with green slime. Received during the 2nd Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • Jump-Wings: Helps you make very high and long jumps.
      • Hurricane Wings: Allows you to create tornadoes.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is yellow.
  • Sweet - elegant and very beautiful angel girl. Her style is based on all shades of pink and purple, which is the same color as her hair. Her eyes are gray-blue. Her mascot is the butterfly Butterfly. Sweet fully lives up to her name, naive, cheerful and funny, she manages to bring a smile to the faces of her friends at any time, even when they are sad. Sweet loves to laugh and, being a dreamer, does not take things seriously, even if it turns out to be something important, which can make her look a little silly.
    • Strengths:
      • Sonic Wings: create powerful sound waves, stunning anyone affected by them.
      • Video Wings: allow you to create any hologram.
      • Stop-Wings: strong energy protection that can stop anything and anyone.
      • Hairy Wings: Sweet's hair lengthens and turns into a sort of stiff whip that Sweet can use to hit her enemies.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is pink.
  • Miki is the most experienced of the entire angelic team. Miki wears bell-bottom pants, wide-leg sweatshirts and T-shirts. Her blue hair is cut short, but on the right side there is long strand, braided in a braid decorated with several colored hairpins, one of which is shaped like a star. Mika has big blue eyes and her favorite colors are blue, yellow and green. The mascot is the dragonfly Lula, which becomes a bow on a pigtail when inactive. Kind and generous to everyone, except demons, who, according to Mika, should never be trusted.
    • Strengths:
      • Sticky Wings: The ability to throw sticky blobs in the shape of smiley faces that immobilize the enemy.
      • Wing-Wall: build a strong wall anywhere.
      • Rubber Wings: Forms an elastic rubber ball around Miki, from which blows bounce off.
      • Ice Wings: The power to create ice from thin air, as well as emit powerful beams of cold. Was obtained during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is green.
  • Gabe is a Guardian Angel called by the Arcana to watch over Raf. Dresses seriously and reservedly, does not like bright colors. Typically wears white shirt and dark trousers.
    • Strengths:
      • Star Flight: Gabe's main power. Star power.
      • Wednesday Wings: With these wings, Gabe can trap opponents with a magical net.
      • Maximum Wings: Strong wings that emit thousands of rays of light! These rays take power from the stars!
      • Wing Strike: With this power, Gabe can hit his opponent with powerful targeted strikes.


  • Arkan is a professor of the angel class. Looks like a tall old man with long beard and white hair. Possessing a calm character, he approaches any problem carefully and with great prudence, thanks to which he is very experienced in working with wards. He is quite strict with his students, but at the same time, he constantly stands up for them and protects them in every possible way.
    • Strengths:
      • Wings-Radar: allows you to track carriers of such grave sins as lies, violence or theft.
      • Blade Wings: Professor Arcana's halo transforms into a sharp round blade.
  • Terence is a stylish, handsome angel. First appears in Summer School as a teacher of angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Water Wings: He can sweep away anyone like a grain of sand.
      • Shock Wings: Can move in very quickly and strike the opponent.
  • Olympia (Omnia) - according to her, she used to work in kindergarten in the city of Angels. I told the angels about VETO and traveled with them around the countries.
    • Strengths:
      • Sleep Wings: Her wings put those they point at to sleep. Olympia itself is arming itself with a magic wand, which makes interesting sounds, fireworks, which allows her to master sleep more.
  • Taiko - Experienced Angel of the Times ancient civilization Aztecs.
    • Strengths:
      • Radius Wings: Wings that fire beams that hit the enemy.
      • Wings of Protection: Wings that create a shield for protection.
      • Kuspis Wings: Wings that shoot arrows of light.
      • Multiplier: Wings that create clones of Taiko.
      • Rubes Wings: Wings that create lightning that burn when they fall.
      • Agilis Wings: Wings that allow you to avoid enemy attacks. Used in the film.
  • General Cassidy is a relatively elderly female angel. General of the city of Angie. Cassidy, along with Kubral, tried to destroy the VETO scales because she wanted war. She, along with Kubral, successfully manipulated Sulfus, and later Raf, to destroy the scales of VETO and unleash a new Thousand-Year War between demons and angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Binding Wings: Allows Cassidy to tightly chain any opponent.
      • Atvitum: allows Cassidy to revive a dead person or return time back.
      • Mirror Shield: Allows Cassidy to reflect an attack against his enemy.

Cassidy Honor Guards

  • Able and Mabel are two sisters who are bodyguards for Mayor Cassidy.
    • Strengths:
      • Ball Wings: Creates a ball.
      • Double Ball Wings (Double Strike): Creates a lot of balls.
      • Clothes wings: allow you to quickly change clothes.
      • Fire: Allows you to create fire.
  • Archangel is Mayor Cassidy's secretary.
    • Strengths:
      • Cutting Wings: Allows you to cut an object or creature.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to merge into one being with other angels.
  • Tyrone is Mayor Cassidy's secretary.
    • Strengths:
      • Throwing Wings: Allows you to throw a barbell like a boomerang.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to merge into one being with other angels.


Ambassadors of the Higher Spheres. They came in the first season to take Raf to the City of Angels, but they were stopped by Arkan, who visited Limbo and learned that it was not Raf who was to blame for the blasphemy, but Reyna. Submit To the higher spheres and Directors of the Golden School.

  • Sulfus is the leader of a group of demons. He dresses in a biker style, wearing jackets and leather pants, preferring clothes in red, black and gray colors. The hair is dark blue, almost black and always very disheveled. Sulfus's eyes are yellow and he has a red star around his left eye. His mascot is the Basilisk, a coral snake which, when inactive, becomes a pattern on the right forearm of its owner. Sulfus is a typical embodiment of the devilish character: cold, merciless towards his enemies, arrogant, vain, afraid of nothing. Often he even looks cruel and domineering. His demonic essence can only be changed by one thing - his opponent, the angel Raf, for whom he feels strong feelings, and mutually.
    • Strengths:
      • Fire Wings: Allows you to create fireballs.
      • Wings of Power: Gives Sulfus incredible physical strength.
      • Large Wings: With these wings, Sulfus grows to enormous size.
      • Iron Wings: Allows you to throw sharp steel spikes at your opponent. At the same time, the wings become iron, which allows them to be used as a shield.
      • Impact Wings: a skill similar in effect to Wings of Force, but allows you to deliver concentrated targeted strikes.
      • Wings of Healing - allow Sulfus to heal any wounds.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is red.
      • Sulfus also has the ability, unusual for a demon, to heal the seriously wounded, received from Raf during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
  • Kabale is elegant and sophisticated. She dresses in a punk style, and her clothes often look very revealing. Her clothes are mostly pink, purple and black. She has short dark purple hair with a red streak and yellow eyes. Talisman - Nosferatu, bat, in an inactive state, becoming a bracelet on the hand of Kabala. Kabale is a friend and right hand Sulfusa. Extremely selfish, she can only think about others when it interests her. He often treats everything with irony and sarcasm. Kabale loves to take risks, and tries in every possible way to show this.
    • Strengths:
      • Invisible Wings: These wings grant invisibility.
      • Twin Wings: Creates many Kabale doppelgängers.
      • Wings of Transformation: allow you to transform into any real or mythical animal.
      • Psycho Wings: Incapacitates an enemy using psychic influence.
      • Wings of Hocus Pocus: Drowned the gladiators in quicksand.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is purple.
  • Cabiria is Kabale's best friend and a member of the demonic group. Her long dirty black hair is decorated with two strands of lilac. This demon has red eyes. Cabiria's favorite color of clothing is purple, and her tight-fitting vest and trousers are of this color. Cabiria's mascot, the spider Arachno, turns into one of her earrings when not active. A stubborn and determined demon girl, she never gives up too easily, preferring to fight to the last. She is the coldest, most calculating and intelligent of the group. She spends a lot of time thinking about her plans of action, loves to deceive others and create intrigue, which is most often manifested in her fights.
    • Strengths:
      • Night Wings: Create darkness anywhere and anytime.
      • Wild Wings: With these wings, Cabiria can make any animal helpers for herself.
      • Wings of the Web: make it possible to throw a strong web at the enemy.
      • Dry Wings: Creates a hot desert wind that dries out everything in its path.
      • Wings of Wind: A special magical wind that can stop the movement of anything. Rarely used.
      • Hot Wings: Allows Cabiria to melt any object.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is blue.
      • Cabiria also has the ability to hypnosis, acquired during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
  • Gus is a funny, fat demon with short red hair and dark blue eyes, always hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. For clothes, Gus prefers mostly T-shirts and baggy pants in black and blue colors, sometimes purple. He is the only one of the entire group of demons who has blue wings. His mascot is Croc the frog, which becomes his spiked bracelet when inactive. More than anything else, he loves to relax and eat well, especially pizza, hamburgers and ice cream. Gus cannot be called devilishly smart, and it is he who creates the majority comic situations in the series.
    • Strengths:
      • Burger Wings: Allows you to throw heavy stone projectiles that look like patties.
      • Earthquake Wings: Creates a small local earthquake. Creates a funnel when used in water.
      • Thick Wings: Makes the enemy fat and, as a result, very clumsy.
      • Magnetic Wings: The power allows Gus to control metal objects from a distance.
      • Toxic Wings: Creates a cloud of poisonous gas.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is orange.
  • Michelle is a real Demon Tempter, called upon, like Gabe, to keep an eye on Raf and Sulfus. She is very provocative and witty.
    • Strengths:
      • Scented Wings: Her wings release a scent that Michelle controls to seduce and attack any enemy.

Demon Teachers

  • Temptel is a demon class professor. Slender woman with lilac long hair. Her specialty is glasses and a characteristic Blue colour lipstick. She is sarcastic and does not hesitate to show it even when working with students. But she, just like Arkan, actively protects her students, protecting them in every possible way.
    • Strengths:
      • Wings of Guilt: This ability helps to find sinners.
      • Wing Strike: Delivers an energy strike to an enemy or object.
  • Scarlett is a beautiful demon. Scarlett has quite unusual appearance for a demon: blond hair and blue eyes. Just like Terence, he appears at the Summer School, then, in the second season, he teaches demons personification and projection, and manages their sports training. According to her, she knows all the secrets of beauty.
  • Gnosis - teacher of demons. Small and plump. Gnosis has such poor eyesight that Gus takes a pillow to his lesson, saying that he "can't see anything anyway." Gnosis tells the story of VETO, together with Olympia he travels with angels and demons across countries.
    • Strengths:
      • Stop Wings: Wings that stop time.
  • Sai is a demon of the Aztec civilization, very similar to Sulfus.
    • Strengths:
      • Agelis Wings: Wings that allow you to jump high.
      • Ignis Wings: Wings that can shoot fire.
  • Count Kubral is a relatively elderly male demon. Count of the district, as well as general of the demon army. Kubral, along with Cassidy, tried to destroy the VETO scales, since she wanted war. He, along with Cassidy, successfully manipulated Sulfus, and later Raf, to destroy the VETO scales and start a new Thousand-Year War between demons and angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Tornado: Allows Kubral to deflect any enemy attack and turn it against him.
      • Electric Shock: Allows Kubral to fire electrical charges at his opponent, thereby paralyzing his opponent.

Kubral workers

  • Deimos and Phobos are two brothers, guards of Count Kubral. Fought with Sweet and Cabiria during the second tournament of light and darkness and won.
    • Strengths:
      • Gravity Power: Allows you to change gravity.
      • Fireballs: Allows you to throw fireballs.
  • Miguel is Count Cubral's honor guard. He fought with Uri during the second tournament of Light and Darkness, but lost.
    • Strengths:
      • Earth wings: do not allow the victim to move, sticking him to the ground.
      • Bull Wings: Creates a larger bull.
      • Horse Wings: Creates a purple horse that can be ridden and moves very quickly.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to combine into one creature with other demons.
  • Kubsida is Count Kubral's honorary guard.
    • Strengths:
      • Poison Wings: Allows you to shoot snake venom, which melts the area where it hits, and works when there is a snake present.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to combine into one creature with other demons.

Devil's Minions:

Ambassadors of the Lower Spheres. They came in the first season to take Sulfus to the City of Devils, but they were stopped by Temptel, who visited Limbo and found out that Sulfus was not to blame for the blasphemy, but Reyna was to blame. They submit to the Lower Spheres and the Directors of the Golden School.

  • Blue is an immortal girl who appears at the beginning of the second season. She has sea-colored hair and red eyes. Wears clothes in dark and pale purple shades. She also has a semblance of a tattoo under her right eye. Exact Origin Blue's affiliation with any group of immortals is unknown. Proud and principled. He acts on the orders of Kubral and Cassidy, but does not consider himself their servant, since he works for a certain reward - a key.
    • Strengths:
      • Panther Bite: Gives you huge bright blue claws that can cut even wood or metal. Blue herself dresses in black with blue stripes tight suit.
      • Shadow Bite: imparts intangibility to strikes (transparency); however, Blue can still attack the opponent.
      • Hypnotic Bite: The power of completely and completely subjugating hypnosis.
      • Hypnotic Gaze: hypnosis using gaze. "Eyes to eyes".
      • X-Ray Bite: Vision that allows you to see through objects like an X-ray.
  • Reina is a Neutral (neither Angel nor Demon), ruthless, cruel and arrogant. She wants to take revenge on the Angels and Demons for being imprisoned in Limbo for many years.
    • Strengths:
      • Electric Wings: Wings that are capable of attacking an opponent with an electrical charge (available when Reyna was an angel).
      • Black Sphere: has a lot different forces, and can also cause perox.


  • Slogan: “There’s a magic” world around you."
  • The new plot was based on the comics "Friends of Angels", published from March 2007 to June 2008 by Play Press and based on the original storyline of Simone Ferri.
  • On October 12, 2009, the first season of the animated series premiered on Italia 1.
  • A total of 104 episodes were released.
  • During book fair in Bologna in 2007, Simone Ferri begins to collaborate with child psychologist and sociologist Eddie Jamus. Together they decided to raise the ages of the characters to make them childish role models.
  • The plot of the cartoon received positive assessments from European child psychology experts, who noted that through the example of the main characters, children can learn independence from the opinions of the team and develop leadership qualities.
  • "Friends of Angels" quickly gained popularity around the world. The cartoon is currently broadcast in many European countries, such as France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, countries Latin America(Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, etc.), as well as in the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Tunisia, Moldova and South Africa.
  • Licenses to display the animated series have been sold to more than 56 countries.

Differences between the animated series and the comics:

  • During the adaptation of the comic book to television, some changes were made, aimed, in particular, at increasing age level target audience of the animated series. Both the plot and some of the characters of the original comic have undergone changes.
  • In the animated series, all the main characters are much older than in the comics. In addition, if in the cartoon they have approximately the same age (15 “stars” for angels and 15 “flares” for demons), then in the comic the ages are different: Raph - 12, Uri - 11, Miki - 9, Sulfus - 13, Cabiria - 11, Kabala - 10, Gasu - 10.
  • Initially absent story line relationship between Raf and Sulfus.
  • The design of the characters from the cartoon differs significantly from the comics; during the redrawing, they were given more rounded shapes.
  • When reworking the plot, characters such as Sweet, Michelle, Reina and many others were added to it. Played a role in original story The angel Ang-Li, the demon Mephisto and the mortal Raoul (with whom Raf was in love), on the contrary, were excluded from the animated series, and some of their character traits and abilities were transferred to other characters.
  • If in the comics Malachi played the role of the main antagonist and was a former demon, then in the animated series, after adding the character of Reina, he became her mortal assistant.
  • Unlike the animated series, Professor Arcana in the comic has no more than thirty stars. Also, his hair is not gray, but black, and his beard is much shorter.
  • In the comic, angels and demons created their own music bands, where they competed in creativity outside of schoolwork. In the animated series, there are no musical groups of angels and demons, but their motive is repeatedly raised in the cartoon.
  • In the comic, Miki repeats academic year, because she tried to heal her ward in violation of the VETO. In the animated series, she remained for the second year due to failure in the first.
  • The film "Friends of Angels: Between Dreams and Reality" and the second season of the animated series are almost entirely based on original ideas developers and writers from Mondo TV.
  • Many online flash games have been created based on the series.